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FORM TP 2007254 4 arr sean ners} ‘Yuma hgebslow and rtrn dis boktet Seis tance Sbeves Fears aera Tehtt ir dlgoalinention = = testcope 02238010 MAYISUNE2007 Signature CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PHYSICS Unit 2 - Paper 01 90 minutes 05 JUNE 2007 (j READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY Inadditionto this test booklet, you should have an answersheet. Each item in this testhas four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item youare aboutto answer and decide which choiceisbest. On youranswersheet, find thenumber which correspondsto your item and shade the space having the same letteras the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below. Sample tem Which ofthe following lists one scalar quality and one vector quantity? (A) mass: temperature Sample Answer (B) momentum : pressure @oo (© force: velocity ‘The best answer to this item is “momentum : pressure”, so answer space (B)hasbesn blackened. (D) potential energy : volt Ifyou wantto change your answer, be sure to erase your old answercompletely and fillin yournew choice. ‘When youaretoldto begin, tumthe pageand workasquickly andas carefully as youcan. Ifyoucannot answer an item, omititand goontothenextone. Youcan comeback to the harderitem later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers, Youmay doany rough work in this booklet. Figures are notnecessarily drawnto scale. The use ofnon-programmablecaiculatorsisallowed. Thistestconsists of 45 items. You willhave 90 minutes toanswer them, Donot be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for moreanswers than thereare items in thistest. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO so. auaWTVasxHay ‘ LIST OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS ‘Speed of light in free space © . 3.00 x 10° ms Permeability of free space Bo = 4nx 107Hm Permittivity of free space & = 8.85 x 107? Fo! Elementary charge e = 160x100 ‘The Planck constant h = 663 x10 Is Unified atomic mass constant u = 1.66 x 1077 kg Rest mass of electron me I 9.11 x 107! kg ‘Rest mass of proton my = 1.67 x 1077 kg Acceleration due to gravity g = 981ms? 1 Atmosphere Atm = 1,00 x 10° N nr? Avogadro's number Na = 6.02 x 10”* per mole Aa electric field exists between charged parallel plates. Which graph shows how the electric field strength varies along the line OP? E w o P E ® : Pe Fe © oP E © or A.unitequivalentto | voltis (A) Lice (B) twee ©) Jat () LWA A circuitis set up as shown in the diagram. ‘What happens to the readings on the ammeter and volmeter if the resistance of the variable resistor is increased? Ammeter | _Volmeter (A) Increase Increase (B)| Decrease Decrease (©)| Increase | No change (D)| No change | No change A wire of diameter 1.0 mm is carrying a current of 1.5 A. ‘The charge carriers are electrons and the net drift velocity of the electrons is 0.5 mm s'. The number of conduction electrons per unit volume in the conductor is| (A) 9.6.x 10% m? (B) 24 x 10% me (CC) 60x 10m? (D) 95x 10m?

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