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Vision and Scope Document


E-Bus Reservation System

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Team 5

M Umair
Ibrar Sajid
Bushra Sana
Umar Shah
Asif Khan
M Adnan
Sumbal Gul

Department of Computer Software Engineering

UET Peshawar Mardan Campus

15 April 2017
Vision and Scope for E-Bus Reservation System Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ ii
Revision History ................................................................................................................. ii
1. Business Requirements ................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Business Opportunity ............................................................................................ 1
1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria ............................................................. 1
1.4. Customer or Market Needs .................................................................................... 2
1.5. Business Risks ....................................................................................................... 2
2. Vision of the Solution ................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Vision Statement.................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Major Features ....................................................................................................... 2
2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies ............................................................................ 2
3. Scope and Limitations................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Scope of Initial Release ......................................................................................... 3
3.2. Scope of Subsequent Releases ............................................................................... 3
3.3. Limitations and Exclusions ................................................................................... 3
4. Business Context........................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Stakeholder Profiles ............................................................................................... 3
4.2. Project Priorities .................................................................................................... 4
4.3. Operating Environment ......................................................................................... 4

Revision History

Name Date Reason for Changes Version

Vision and Scope for E-Bus Reservation System Page 1

1. Business Requirements
The E-Bus Reservation System project is an implementation of a general Bus reservation and
Ticketing website, which will help the customers to search the availability of seat in their respective
buses and customers can verify the prices as well as timings, along with the different options will
also be available with the reservations. This project also covers various features like online
registration of the users, modifying the details of the website by the management staff or
administrator of the website, by adding, deleting or modifying the Bus and route details along with
destination information. In general, this website would be designed to perform e-reservation and
ticket printing facility to the customers as well as providing an ease to update bus routes,
destination information to the management staff.

1.1. Background
At present management staff of bus service keep record of Bus routes, Ticket purchased,
Destinations, fares and customers record in registers which is hard to maintain by the staff and
impossible to recover when lost. Similarly, customers need to visit office for ticket inquiry, seat
reservation and ticket purchase which in result causes a lot of difficulties for customer as well as
staff to handle long queues on daily basis. This take our attention to develop an E-Bus reservation
system, which will keep all the data in RDBMS and having front end web based application which
can be accessed from URL.

1.2. Business Opportunity

Many customers demanded a system which help them to reserve seats in advance as per their
vacations plan as well as helping them to purchase and print tickets without visiting Bus service
office. In addition to this, Staff members demanded a system to help them to reduce their register
work as well as reduce the number of customer standing in long queue. Bus management
demanded to easily update bus, route and fare information as well as marketing persons in bus
management need to introduce promotional packages and an easy way to target the customers
without face to face interaction.

1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria

BO-1 Reduce 70% of time which is spent by employee in registering customer information
in their register
Scale : Volume of data entered in registered manually in System.
BO-2 Reduce cost of manual file based management system.
BO-3 Reduce 95% of errors which occurs in file system by Staff.

BO-4 Increase the time of accessing specific data up to 98%, destination data and bus
information can be searched with few clicks.
SC-1 60% of Bus Customers will be using this system within year.
SC-2 To achieve good rating from customers it will be reviewed in every 5 months as per
customers reviews and comments
Vision and Scope for E-Bus Reservation System Page 2

1.4. Customer or Market Needs

Customer needs include an easy to access website which will help them to reserve seats in
advance as per their plans, book a ticket, purchase and print ticket without visiting Bus service
office. Furthermore, desired destinations can be searched with as simple as few clicks. Market
needs include introduction of different promotional services e.g loyalty card an easy way to
contact regular customers and floating advertisement regarding new destination and promotional
packages easily.

1.5. Business Risks

RI-1: If the initial release is not complete in required time, it’s difficult to achieve 60% of
market as other Bus service might incorporate E-Reservation system in their
services. (probability=0.2; impact=10)
RI-2 Maybe different employees might operate system in different ways, which will
cause certain technical problems as well in overall operation of Bus service is
concerned. (probability=0.6; impact=4)

2. Vision of the Solution

2.1. Vision Statement
For customer who wishes to get their seats reserved, ticket booked purchased and printed without
visiting office, the e-bus reservation system is a solution which is based on a website further linked
with an RDBMS that will provide more reliable form of entering, storing as well as accessing the
data. Unlike the current manual reservation system our product will provide efficient way to
operate overall service operations more easily and efficiently.

2.2. Major Features

FE-1 Registration of Passengers/ Customers and Employees

FE-2 Registration of buses
FE-3 View, modify, and delete passenger information
FE-4 View, modify, and delete bus details
FE-5 Provide info about buses and routes and destinations
FE-6 Reservation through Website
FE-7 Reservation through SMS
FE-8 Provide info about buses and routes on SMS

2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies

AS-1 Computer network will be available at each bus stations to transfer details to main
As-2 Computer and Printer need to print ticket receipt for customer
DE-1 Network Connectivity and relying Hardware of Server
Vision and Scope for E-Bus Reservation System Page 3

3. Scope and Limitations

Feature Release 1 Release 2
FE-1 Will be fully implemented
FE-2 Will be fully implemented
FE-3 Will be fully implemented
FE-4 Will be fully implemented
FE-5 Will be fully implemented
FE-6 Will be fully implemented
FE-7 Will be implemented
(if time permits)
FE-8 Will be implemented
(if time permits)

3.1. Scope of Initial Release

Scope of first Release is focused from FE-1 to FE-6.

3.2. Scope of Subsequent Releases

In subsequent releases FE-7 and FE-8 will be focused and implemented.

3.3. Limitations and Exclusions

We can add the information about the passengers, buses, routes, destinations and bus fares.
However, bus in-route information using GPS is excluded from scope of this Project.

4. Business Context
4.1. Stakeholder Profiles

Stakeholder Value Attitudes Major Interests Constraints
Manager increased see product as richer feature set than maximum
revenue avenue to 25% competitors; time to budget = $1.4M
increase in market market
Staff fewer errors highly receptive, but automatic error must run on low-
in work expect high usability correction; ease of use; end
high reliability workstations
Customer quick access resistant unless ability to access
to data product is providing reservation system to
ease in Usability quickly and promptly
book their destinations
Vision and Scope for E-Bus Reservation System Page 4

4.2. Project Priorities

Dimension Driver Constraint Degree of Freedom
(state objective) (state limits) (state allowable range)
Schedule release 1.0 to be
available within
specified time
Features 70-80% of high priority
features must be included in
release 1.0
Quality 90-95% of user acceptance
tests must pass for release
1.0, 95-98% for release 2.0
Staff maximum team size is
1 Team Manager +
3 developers +
1 Designer +
1 Tester +
1 Database Designer
Cost Must be completed budget overrun up to 15%
within limited budget acceptable with Overview
from Team manager

4.3. Operating Environment

This project will be used at a specific bus station with Client- Server architecture. Server will be
hosting web-application as well as Database and Staff / Customers will be accessing the web-
applications using specified URL’s. Customers and employees will be having secure login ID’s
and Server will be running the following applications:

i. Windows Server
ii. Apache Server
iii. MySQL
iv. Malware / Antivirus Software to avoid any attack

In addition to this, Client side will must have the following applications:

i. Operating System
ii. Latest Browser (Mozilla, Chrome, IE)
iii. Adobe Flash

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