Anthropometric Parameters and Leg Power Performance in Fencing. Age, Sex and Discipline Related Differences

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Anthropometric parameters and leg power

performance in fencing. Age, sex and
discipline related differences
Caractéristiques anthropométriques et puissance en escrime :
relation avec l’âge, le sexe et l’arme

A. Ntai , F. Zahou , G. Paradisis , A. Smirniotou , C. Tsolakis ∗

Department of Track & Field, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Athens,
Ethnikis Antistasis 41, Dafni 17237, Greece

Received 2 January 2016; accepted 4 June 2016

Fencers; Objective. — The aim of this study was to compare anthropometric, body composition, and leg
Jumping power performance in male and female, elite, and national fencers of all age competitive
performance; groups and discipline practiced.
Anthropometry Subjects and methods. — A total of 125 fencers (mean ± SD; age 20.6 ± 6.7 years, height
173.2 ± 9.2 cm and body mass 64.7 ± 4.7 kg) participated in this study. Anthropometric measure-
ments were taken before participants performed squat, countermovement, drop, and standing
log jump.
Results. — Significant differences were identified between male and female for height
(177.6 ± 8.9 cm vs. 167.9 ± 6.2 cm, P < 0.001), body mass (70.4 ± 11.9 kg vs. 57.6 ± 7.0 kg,
P < 0.001), arm span (181.8 ± 9.7 cm vs. 168.8 ± 7.2 cm, P < 0.001), leg length (88.9 ± 6.4 cm
vs. 81.7 ± 4.3 cm, P < 0.001) and body mass index (22.2 ± 3.0 vs. 20.5 ± 2.1, P < 0.001) and
for long jump (202.2 ± 34.7 cm vs. 167.4 ± 23.5 cm, P < 0.05), squat jump (26.5 ± 7.13 cm
vs. 19.9 ± 4.00 cm, P < 0.05), counter movement jump (30.1 ± 7.4 cm vs. 21.7 ± 4.5 cm,
P < 0.05), drop jump (28.4 ± 9.5 cm vs. 22.3 ± 6.4 cm, P < 0.05) and reaction strength index
(0.90 ± 0.4 vs. 0.66 ± 0.3, P < 0.05), respectively. Significant differences in jumping per-
formance were observed between the 14—17 years old and the > 20 years old group for
long jump (179.2 ± 30.8 cm vs. 205.2 ± 33.9 cm, P < 0.05), squat jump (21.9 ± 5.3 cm vs.
26.2 ± 7.8 cm, P < 0.05), counter movement jump (25.1 ± 5.9 cm vs. 29.0 ± 8.6 cm, P < 0.05),

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Tsolakis).
0765-1597/© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Ntai A, et al. Anthropometric parameters and leg power performance in fencing. Age,
sex and discipline related differences. Sci sports (2017),
SCISPO-3084; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 A. Ntai et al.

drop jump (19.01 ± 7.0 cm vs. 25.2 ± 6.7 cm, P < 0.05) and reaction strength index (0.69 ± 0.35
vs. 0.96 ± 0.32, P < 0.05) and between the 18—20 years old > and the 20 years old group
for long jump (174.0 ± 30.3 cm vs. 205.2 ± 33.9 cm, P < 0.05), squat jump (22.6 ± 6.1 cm vs.
26.2 ± 7.8 cm. P < 0.05), countermovement jump (24.9 ± 7.1 cm vs. 29.0 ± 8.6 cm, P < 0.05),
drop jump (20.9 ± 6.8 cm vs. 25.2 ± 6.7 cm, P < 0.05) and reaction strength index (0.71 ± 0.4
vs. 0.96 ± 0.32, P < 0.05), respectively. Elite fencers performed better in squat (27.3 ± 7.1 cm
vs. 22.9 ± 6.5 cm, P < 0.05), countermovement jump (30.5 ± 8.00 cm vs. 25.5 ± 7.2 cm, P < 0.05)
and long jump (203.8 ± 38.9 cm vs. 183.2 ± 33.6 cm, P < 0.05) than national level fencers. Sig-
nificant differences were observed for drop jump contact time between foil and epee groups
(0.32 ± 0.01 ms vs. 0.28 ± 0.01 ms, P < 0.05), respectively.
Conclusion. — The observed differences in anthropometric measurements and leg power per-
formance will facilitate the identification of the most suitable athletes and highlighted specific
power abilities that could support the technical drills in competitive fencing.
© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MOTS CLÉS Objectifs. — Cette étude avait comme objectif de comparer les différences au niveau des carac-
Escrimeurs ; téristiques anthropométriques, de la composition corporelle, et de la puissance entre des
Performance ; escrimeurs masculins et féminins de niveau élite et non élite, en relation avec l’âge et la
Anthropométrie nature des armes utilisées.
Méthodes. — Cent vingt-cinq escrimeurs (âge : 20,6 ± 6,7, taille : 173,2 ± 9,2 cm, poids de corps :
64,7 ± 4,7 kg) ont participé à cette étude. Les caractéristiques anthropométriques ont été éval-
uées avant que les athlètes effectuent le squat et les sauts verticaux avec contre-mouvement,
du bas et en longueur sans élan.
Résultats. — Les escrimeurs masculins et féminins différaient au niveau de la taille
(177,6 ± 8,9 cm vs 167,9 ± 6,2 cm, p < 0,001), du poids du corps (70,4 ± 11,9 kg vs 57,6 ± 7,0 kg,
p < 0,001), de la longueur des bras (181,8 ± 9,7 cm vs 168,8 ± 7,2 cm, p < 0,001), de la
longueur des jambes (88,9 ± 6,4 cm vs 81,7 ± 4,3 cm, p < 0,001), de l’indice de masse cor-
porelle (22,2 ± 3,0 vs 20,5 ± 2,1, p < 0,001), du saut en longueur sans élan (202,2 ± 34,7 cm
vs 167,4 ± 23,5 cm, p < 0,05), du squat (26,5 ± 7,13 cm vs 19,9 ± 4,00 cm, p < 0,05), du saut
vertical avec contre-mouvement (30,1 ± 7,4 cm vs 21,7 ± 4,5 cm, p < 0,05), du saut verti-
cal (28,4 ± 9,5 cm vs 22,3 ± 6,4 cm, p < 0,05), et de l’indice de force réactive (0,90 ± 0,4 vs
0,66 ± 0,3, p < 0,05). Les groupes d’âge de 14—17 et de plus de 20 ans différaient en ce qui
concerne la performance du saut en longueur sans élan (179,2 ± 30,8 cm vs 205,2 ± 33,9 cm,
p < 0,05), du squat (21,9 ± 5,3 cm vs 26,2 ± 7,8 cm, p < 0,05), du saut vertical avec contre-
mouvement (25,1 ± 5,9 cm vs 29,0 ± 8,6 cm, p < 0,05), du saut à bas (19,01 ± 7,0 cm vs
25,2 ± 6,7 cm, p < 0,05), et de l’indice de force réactive (0,69 ± 0,35 vs 0,96 ± 0,32, p < 0,05).
Les groupes des athlètes de 18—20 ans et de plus de 20 ans, différaient dans le saut en longueur
sans élan (174,0 ± 30,3 cm vs 205,2 ± 33,9 cm, p < 0,05), le squat (22,6 ± 6,1 cm vs 26,2 ± 7,8 cm,
p < 0,05), le saut vertical avec contre-mouvement (24,9 ± 7,1 cm vs 29,0 ± 8,6 cm, p < 0,05), le
saut à bas (20,9 ± 6,8 cm vs 25,2 ± 6,7 cm, p < 0,05) et l’indice de force réactive (0,71 ± 0,4 vs
0,96 ± 0,32, p < 0,05). Les escrimeurs élite avaient des valeurs de puissance supérieures à
celles de non élite pour le squat (27,3 ± 7,1 cm vs 22,9 ± 6,5 cm, p < 0,05), le saut vertical avec
contre-mouvement (30,5 ± 8,00 cm vs 25,5 ± 7,2 cm, p < 0,05), et le saut en longueur sans élan
(203,8 ± 38,9 cm vs 183,2 ± 33,6 cm, p < 0,05). Les escrimeurs du fleuret et de l’épée différaient
au temps de contact du saut à bas (0,32 ± 0,01 ms vs 0,28 ± 0,01 ms, p < 0,05).
Conclusions. — Les différences observées dans les caractéristiques anthropométriques et la puis-
sance, facilitent l’identification des athlètes les plus appropriés pour l’escrime et mettent en
évidence que le développement de la puissance des membres inférieures peut être retenu
comme objectif d’entraînement des qualités physiques chez les escrimeurs.
© 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

1. Introduction or to distinguish performance parameters between athletes

from different sport, and disciplines within the same sport
Various anthropometric, body composition and and playing position [3].
strength/physical parameters variables are important Anthropometric characteristics related to optimal per-
prerequisites for success in sport. Therefore, researchers formance have been studied in different sports such as
have been investigating different sports to monitor and running [4], swimming [5], gymnastics [6], rowing [7],
evaluate training interventions [1], talent identification [2], triathlon [8], and wrestling [9]. Moreover, elite athletes

Please cite this article in press as: Ntai A, et al. Anthropometric parameters and leg power performance in fencing. Age,
sex and discipline related differences. Sci sports (2017),
SCISPO-3084; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Leg power in fencing 3

from different team sports and/or in relation to differ- females. The non-significant differences between the two
ent playing positions (volley, basket ball, rugby, soccer, and older groups for both gender indicating a relative stability
handball), were reported to have favorable body character- of the anthropometric characteristics after puberty. Train-
istics [10—13]. Body dimensions such as height, arm span, ing adaptations as reflected in leg CSA were evident from
limp length, as well as body mass index (BMI) and body mass, the early years and were increasing with age.
which are not affected by training seem to be essential fac- Recently, scientific evidence determined the physiologi-
tors for high-level performance [14,15]. On the other hand, cal [31] and neuromuscular differences [32] of elite fencers
some studies showed no significant differences in: in comparison to novice fencers associated with functional
fencing performance. However, no study has been found to
• anthropometrics’ female water polo players [12], power compare anthropometric or physiological factors from dif-
lifters [16] cricket players [2] and ice hockey players [17]; ferent fencing disciplines (foil, epee or sabre) although,
• body composition in male ultramarathon cycling [18] there are evident that fencers, empirically chooses their
between athlete’s levels. specialization based on their club offer or coaches’ interest
Gender differences are attributed to the normal growth The purpose of this study was to determine anthropomet-
process between males and females [19] while it is gen- ric and motor performance status of fencers based on age
erally accepted that anthropometric, morphological and group, gender, competition level and discipline. This is the
functional performance increase with age categories [20]. first study that examined to what extend elite and national
However in open sports, athletes compete in a complex and level fencers of different age groups, gender and discipline
rapid changing environment and the activity patterns are may differ in their body size and physiological profile. It
largely depending on a variety of others factors including was hypothesized that differences in anthropometric, body
skill heterogeneity, motivation, motor coordination, deci- composition and leg power would exist between:
sion make, tactics [21], and therefore the determination
of the ideal anthropometric and physiological demands • competitive age groups (14—17, 18—20, > 20 years of age);
remains unclear. • gender (male—female);
The interaction of body size and strength is the most sig- • competitive level (elite—national level);
nificant predictor of functional performance in adolescents • the discipline practiced (foil, epee, sabre) in a large group
[22]. Body mass and BMI are related to muscle size and power of fencers.
and contribute to the within or between sport differences
in many sports that require the development of high forces
2. Methods
and power, in order to achieve explosive movements during
the execution of the specific kinetic patterns [23]. Vertical
jump performance is a critical factor related to the competi- 2.1. Participants
tion outcome in many sports and should be developed from a
younger age [24]. Although jumping performance contribute A total of 125 (69 males and 56 females) fencers were mea-
to success in many individual and team sports [19] a number sured during an International Fencing camp held in Athens
of studies showed no significant differences in physiologi- in July 2014. All participants were members of the Greek,
cal parameters between positions in volleyball [3] Gaelic Tunisian, Algerian, Russian, Turkish, English and Australian
football players [25] and football players [26]. National fencing teams, having considerable experience of
Fencing has been described as a high intensity intermit- international competitions. One of them was Olympic final-
tent sport with specific technical skills, tactical decisions, ist, 5 were World Champions in junior category, 16 having
and physical performance. During competition, dynamic European and international experience while the remaining
accurate offensive or defensive movements performed 103 had adequate experience in National level competitions.
against the opponent depend on concentric explosive The participants were also divided in:
strength and fast stretch-shortening cycles of the lower
limps [27]. Long-term fencing training can influence fencers’ • three age groups according to the International Fenc-
lower limbs strength and power, therefore specifically for ing Federation competitive rules (14—17, 18—20, and > 20
this reason designed programs implemented from an early years old);
stage of training simultaneously with the teaching of the • three discipline groups (epee, foil, sabre) according to
individual basic kinetic patterns [28]. their competitive preference and specificity.
Although success in sport competitions has been
associated with specific anthropometric characteristics, The physical characteristics of the participants are shown
anthropometric data for elite fencers are limited and mainly in Tables 1 and 2. The participants were training 5—6 times
reported for descriptive purposes [29]. It appears that only a week for approximately 15—18 hours and participated in
one study up to now has examined the anthropometric pro- total to 3—5 training camps and 16—20 competitions per
file of elite fencers throughout age groups levels [30]. In year. This study conducted during the last two weeks of a
that study, significant differences were observed between transitional training period, in which fencers engaged with
genders in all age groups > 14 years for most anthropomet- specific conditioning aimed to improve aerobic fitness, mus-
ric variables, while there were no significant differences cle strength and power and contained alternatively, circuit
between male and female fencers of 10—13 years of age. training, sprint, jumping plyometric drills, and recreational
Moreover, arm, leg length, and body composition param- team games (volleyball, football, basketball). Moreover,
eters were not different between the four age groups in typical moderate to high intensity fencing training was

Please cite this article in press as: Ntai A, et al. Anthropometric parameters and leg power performance in fencing. Age,
sex and discipline related differences. Sci sports (2017),
SCISPO-3084; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 A. Ntai et al.

Table 1 Anthropometric characteristics between the different age groups.

14—17 years old 18—20 years old > 20 years old

n = 46 n = 32 n = 47

Height (cm) 170.5 ± 1.3 173.2 ± 1.3 176 ± 1.3a

Weight (kg) 60 ± 1.6 64.5 ± 2.0 69.4 ± 1.6a
Arm span (cm) 173.5 ± 1.6 175.2 ± 1.9 179.0 ± 1.5a
Leg length (cm) 85.5 ± 1.0 84.8 ± 1.2 86.5 ± 1.0
Body mass index 20.5 ± 0.4 21.5 ± 0.5 22.3 ± 0.4a
a 14—17 years old group vs. > 20 years old group (P < 0.05).

Table 2 Anthropometric characteristics between the different disciplines.

Foil Epee Sabre

n = 33 n = 52 n = 40

Height (cm) 171.35 ± 9.80 173.50 ± 9.10 174.40 ± 8.90

Weight (kg) 63.00 ± 13.40 65.00 ± 13.40 64.84 ± 10.00
Arm span (cm) 176.4 ± 10.80 175.90 ± 10.70 175.70 ± 11.00
Leg length (cm) 82.14 ± 16.00 90.90 ± 22.60 84.50 ± 14.90
Body mass index 21.35 ± 2.40 21.60 ± 2.90 21.30 ± 2.70

devoted to specific leg exercises and specific technical and 2.4. Jumping performance
tactical fencing patterns. Prior to data collection, informed
consent was obtained from each participant, after a thor- To evaluate overall jumping performance we selected squat
ough description of the risks being involved. The study was jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), drop jump (DJ)
approved by the local Institutional Review Board and all pro- and standing long jump (SLJ) as dependent variables,
cedures were in accordance with the Helsinki declaration of whereas gender, age competitive categories, competition
1975, as revised in 1996. levels and discipline as independent variables [3].
Subjects were tested on their standing reach height with
their arms down at the side before they performed a SJ,
2.2. Procedures a CMJ, and a DJ from 40 cm. Vertical jumping performance
was determined using a Chronojump device as described by
All measurements and tests were taken place in the fenc- Bosco et al. [35]. Reactive strength index (RSI), derived from
ing hall of the Athens Olympic Complex at the same time the height achieved during the DJ divided by the ground
of the day (16:00—20:00 pm). In the 24-hour period before contact time (cm/s) [36]. For the standing long jump sub-
performing the measurements and the tests, the fencers jects were taken position behind the take-off line, with feet
did not engage in any strenuous activity. Each fencer was together opened slightly apart, and jumped forward as far as
instructed and verbally encouraged during each test to per- possible. The distance is measured from the take-off line to
form maximally at each trial. All measurements were made the heel closest to the take-off line at landing. All tests were
twice on the dominant side. In elite fencers leg domi- performed twice and the best result was recorded for further
nance was defined with regard to the armed hand [34]. The statistical processing. A 30 s rest between trials was used,
fencers were familiar with the jumping tests, since they while the rest between two consecutive tests was approxi-
often performed these exercises as a part of their weekly mately 3 min. The test-retest reliability for the SJ, CMJ, DJ
training as well as for monitoring their relative training and long jump test was estimated to be 0.91, 0.97, 0.89,
adaptations. Each subject underwent all the tests during and 0.92, respectively (P < 0.001).
1 session.
2.5. Statistical analysis

2.3. Anthropometry All data were analyzed using SPSS (version 19). Data
are presented as means and standard deviation. The
All subjects were measured for their height, body mass, arm Kolmogorov—Smirnov test of normality was adopted
span and sitting height. Leg length was estimated as height to assess data distribution. A multivariety analysis
minus sitting height. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated of variance (MANOVA) was used to evaluate differ-
from body mass and height (kg/m2 ). All measurements were ences in gender (male—female), age competitive cate-
taken twice from the dominant side of each subject. Sub- gories (14—17, 18—20, > 20 years old), competition levels
jects’ height and body mass were measured to the nearest (international—national) and discipline (epee—foil—sabre)
0.1 cm and 0.1 kg, respectively. for all anthropometric and body composition parameters

Please cite this article in press as: Ntai A, et al. Anthropometric parameters and leg power performance in fencing. Age,
sex and discipline related differences. Sci sports (2017),
SCISPO-3084; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Leg power in fencing 5

(height, body mass, arm span, leg length, BMI) or jump-

Table 3 Gender differences in leg power.
ing performance (SJ, CMJ, DJ, SLJ). Significant main effects
were followed by Bonferroni adjusted post-hoc tests to Male Female
examine the differences within groups. Effect sizes for main n = 69 n = 56
effects and interaction were estimated by calculating par-
tial eta squared (␩2 ) values. According to Richardson [37], LJ (cm) 202.2 ± 34.7 167.4 ± 23.5a
␩2 is classified as small (0.01 to 0.059), moderate (0.06 SJ (cm) 26.5 ± 7.13 19.9 ± 4.00
to 0.137) and large (≥ 0.138). Test—retest reliability for SJP (Watt) 777.1 ± 187.7 574.4 ± 144.7a
all the dependent variables measured in this investigation CMJ (cm) 30.1 ± 7.4 21.7 ± 4.5a
was determined in separate experiments by calculating the CMJP (Watt) 828.3 ± 190.9 582.6 ± 92.6a
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) using a 2-way mixed DCT (ms) 0.29 ± 0.08 0.30 ± 0.08 NS
model. For each analysis statistical significance was set at DHT (cm) 24.4 ± 7.9 18.6 ± 4.73a
the ␣ = 0.05 probability level. DP (Watt) 28.4 ± 9.5 22.3 ± 6.4a
RSI 0.90 ± 0.4 0.66 ± 0.3a
LJ: long jump; SJ: squat jump; SJP: squat jump power; CMJ:
counter movement jump; CMJP: counter movement jump
3. Results power; DCT: drop jump contact time; DHT: drop jump height;
DP: drop jump power; RSI: reaction strength index; NS:
3.1. Anthropometric measurements a Males vs. females (P < 0.05).

The MANOVA revealed a significant multivariate effect for

gender (Wilks  = 0.527, F = 15.008, P < 0.001, n2 = 0.473).
Significant between subjects effects for gender were also 3.2. Jumping performance
observed (F = 10.122—69.470, P < 0.001, n2 = 0.076—0.300).
Post-hoc comparisons showed significant differences for The MANOVA revealed a significant multivariate effect for
height (177.6 ± 8.9 cm vs. 167.9 ± 6.2 cm, P < 0.001), body gender (Wilks  = 0.555, F = 7.691, P < 0.001, n2 = 0.445).
mass (70.4 ± 11.9 kg vs. 57.6 ± 7.0 kg, P < 0.001) arm span Significant between subjects effects for gender were also
(181.8 ± 9.7 cm vs. 168.8 ± 7.2 cm, P < 0.001), leg length observed (F = 13.936—78.414, P < 0.001, n2 = 0.116—0.384).
(88.9 ± 6.4 cm vs. 81.7 ± 4.3 cm, P < 0.001) and body mass Gender differences in leg power and their significances are
index (22.2 ± 3.0 vs. 20.5 ± 2.1, P < 0.001). presented in Table 3.
Moreover, MANOVA revealed significant multivariate Moreover, MANOVA revealed significant multivariate
effect for age competitive groups (Wilks  = 0.390, F = 9.953, effect for age competitive groups (Wilks  = 0.607, F = 2.654,
P < 0.001, n2 = 0.375). Significant between subjects effects P < 0.001, n2 = 0.217). Significant between subjects effects
for age competitive groups were observed for height, body for age competitive groups were observed for long jump,
mass, arm span, and body mass index (F = 3.203—14.355, squat jump, squat jump power, counter movement jump,
P < 0.05—0.001, n2 = 0.05—0.190). Age competitive group dif- counter movement jump power, drop jump contact time,
ferences and their significance are presented in Table 1. drop jump flight time, drop jump height, drop jump
Significant multivariate effect for disciplines were also power and reaction strength index (F = 4.241—12.003,
revealed (Wilks  = 0.763, F = 2.394, P < 0.005, n2 = 0.126). P < 0.05—0.001, n2 = 0.064—0.161). Age competitive group
However, no significant between subjects’ effects for group differences in leg power and their significances are pre-
disciplines were observed (Table 2). sented in Table 4.

Table 4 Leg power differences between the different age groups.

14—17 years old 18—20 years old > 20 years old

n = 46 n = 32 n = 47

LJ (cm) 179.2 ± 30.8 174.0 ± 30.3b 205.2 ± 33.9a

SJ (cm) 21.9 ± 5.3 22.6 ± 6.1b 26.2 ± 7.8a
SJP (Watt) 605.9 ± 143.6 689.4 ± 211.3 768 ± 205.6a
CMJ (cm) 25.1 ± 5.9 24.9 ± 7.1b 29.0 ± 8.6a
CMJP (Watt) 648.1 ± 159.3 699.4 ± 180.8b 806 ± 215a
DCT (ms) 0.29 ± 0.06 0.32 ± 0.09b 0.27 ± 0.06 NS
DHT (cm) 19.01 ± 7.0 20.9 ± 6.8b 25.2 ± 6.7a
DP (Watt) 22.9 ± 8.5 23.9 ± 9.3b 29.7 ± 7.6a
RSI 0.69 ± 0.35 0.71 ± 0.4b 0.96 ± 0.32a
LJ: long jump; SJ: squat jump; SJP: squat jump power; CMJ: counter movement jump; CMJP: counter movement jump power; DCT:
drop jump contact time; DHT: drop jump height; DP: drop jump power; RSI: reaction strength index; NS: non-significant.
a 14—17 years old group vs. > 20 years old group (P < 0.05).
b 18—20 years old group vs. > 20 years old group (P < 0.05).

Please cite this article in press as: Ntai A, et al. Anthropometric parameters and leg power performance in fencing. Age,
sex and discipline related differences. Sci sports (2017),
SCISPO-3084; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 A. Ntai et al.

attempted to determine anthropometric characteristics in

Table 5 Competition level differences in leg power.
order to monitor athlete’s growth and maturation process
Elite fencers National level fencers to identify performance capacities, to evaluating the effects
n = 22 n = 103 of training, to create talent selection and development pro-
grams, or to distinguish athletes of different competition
LJ (cm) 203.8 ± 38.9 183.2 ± 33.6a levels [2]. In this aspect, anthropometric profile of players
SJ (cm) 27.3 ± 7.1 22.9 ± 6.5a seem to be different in many individual or team sports disci-
SJP (Watt) 781.6 ± 225.1 668.1 ± 186.00a plines such as swimming, running, rowing, cycling, football,
CMJ (cm) 30.5 ± 8.00 25.5 ± 7.2a water polo, and soccer respectively [1].
CMJP (Watt) 824.1 ± 235.3 698.4 ± 182.2a Height, body mass, % body fat, limb length, and seg-
DCT (ms) 0.27 ± 0.06 0.30 ± 0.08 NS ment circumferences have been used as simple descriptors
DHT (cm) 23.4 ± 7.6 21.5 ± 7.2 NS in many fencing studies [29]. However, data examining the
DP (Watt) 28.2 ± 8.4 25.2 ± 8.9 NS anthropometric characteristics of fencers are limited to only
RSI 0.90 ± 0.34 0.77 ± 0.4 NS one study [30]. In that study, anthropometric characteris-
LJ: long jump; SJ: squat jump; SJP: squat jump power; CMJ: tics of 152 fencers of both genders were identified in order
counter movement jump; CMJP: counter movement jump to establish the anthropometric profile in 4-age competi-
power; DCT: drop jump contact time; DHT: drop jump height; tive categories group. Ten to 13 years fencers differed from
DP: drop jump power; RSI: reaction strength index; NS: all other age groups for both genders in most anthropo-
non-significant. metric measurements. Moreover, there were no significant
a Elite level vs. national level fencers (P < 0.05).
differences between the two older age groups (18—20 years
old, > 20 years old) for all anthropometric variables in both
males and females, indicating that growth and development
Although there were not any significant multivari-
in these age groups has ended after the 17 years of age. Sig-
ate effect for competition level (Wilks  = 0.8903,
nificant differences were also observed between genders in
F = 1.179, P = 0.306, n2 = 0.126) significant between sub-
all age groups > 14 years old for most anthropometric varia-
jects effects were observed (F = 6.239—7.926, P < 0.01,
n2 = 0.048—0.059). Competition level differences in leg
Similar results were found in the present study confirming
power and their significances are presented in Table 5.
the expected anthropometric between gender differences,
MANOVA reveal also significant multivariate effect
as well as the anthropometric annual increases between
between group disciplines (Wilks  = 0.677, F = 2.048,
the age competitive groups. It is well known that physical
P < 0.005, n2 = 0.177). Significant between subjects effects
size of elite athletes increased remarkably longitudinally
for group disciplines were observed for drop jump contact
over time, reflecting a non linear improvement in speed,
time (F = 3.910, P < 0.05, n2 = 0.059). Post-hoc differences
strength, local muscular endurance and muscular power
were observed between foil and epee groups (0.32 ± 0.01 ms
as well as a different sensitive trainability windows that
vs. 0.28 ± 0.01 ms, P < 0.05), respectively.
related and following the onset of puberty, creating thus a
long-term development model [39]. However, the compa-
4. Discussion rable results of the two cross-sectional fencing studies
reveal that the selection procedures in Greece identified
This is the first study to describe the anthropometric, similar body types for fencing over the last decade [30].
body composition and leg power characteristics of elite Since anthropometric trends and maturation process seem
and national fencers across different age groups of both to be identically similar, other factors such as muscle power
gender, and discipline. It was expected that different and technique training must be under evaluation in order
anthropological and leg power characteristics would exist to improve fencing performance especially in younger age
between age groups, gender, elite and national fencers, and group of fencers [29].
discipline respectively. In the present study, significant dif- Moreover, international fencers of the present study were
ferences were observed between male and female fencers in significantly taller and heavier than the national fencers,
anthropometry and in leg jumping performance. Moreover, confirming others results in different sports in young [10]
significant differences in jumping performance were also or adults subjects [1]. These results are in contrast with
observed between the older and the younger group. Elite previous of Tsolakis and Vagenas [31] who found that anthro-
fencers performed better in all leg power tests than national pometrics were not different between elite and novice
level fencers, while differences were observed between dis- fencers, although in all measurements a non-significant
ciplines only for drop jump contact time. superiority was reported in favor of elite fencers. Even
More specifically, males were taller and have higher though Tsolakis et al. [30] found that fencing performance
body mass with longer segment lengths compare to female was not predicted by none of the non-trainable parameters
fencers. As it was expected, significant differences were such as height, arm span and leg length respectively, the
observed in anthropometrical and body composition charac- finding of the present study suggest that size and body mass
teristics between 14—17 years old and > 20 years old fencers are important factors associated to success in fencing and
confirming that anthropometric characteristics increase this would be a permanent demand throughout the early
across age categories [20]. years of training.
Anthropometric characteristics and body structure has Interestingly, no study to date has described the
been generally found to significantly contributed to ath- anthropometric differences between fencers from different
letes’ motor performance [38]. Several studies have disciplines. Physical characteristics in sports such as stature

Please cite this article in press as: Ntai A, et al. Anthropometric parameters and leg power performance in fencing. Age,
sex and discipline related differences. Sci sports (2017),
SCISPO-3084; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Leg power in fencing 7

and body mass can differentiate among position demands abilities will facilitate the different technical drills and tac-
and can provide assist to coaches in order to identify ath- tical strategies adaptations in the competitive routine of
letes for a specific discipline [7,12]. However, the findings elite fencers [29].
of the present study reported that fencers from an anthro- Given the major role of leg power in fencing and the
pometric point of view were similar regardless of event unpredictable activity patterns of the different events tak-
specialization. This likely reflects a high consistency in body ing also into consideration the large number of technical
anthropometry between fencing disciplines. Since anthro- skills and tactical behavior of the players, it is difficult to
pometrics and physical measures are not always consistent determine the physiological demands and physical perfor-
parameters more studies needed in order identify other mance prerequisites in fencing. A large number of studies
determinant of excellence beyond the physique of athletes. reported significant between positions differences in many
Explosive power has been extensively studied as a succes- team sports or weight categories within an individual sport
sive factor in many athletic activities and long and vertical [13,38]. On the other hand, other studies found no positional
jumps are commonly used to access lower body explosive differences in CMJ and DJ of football players and throwing
power in young as well as in adults population [40]. Power velocity in water polo players respectively [12,25]. Up to our
measures of jumping performance vary among sports and knowledge, there is a lack of information in power perfor-
distinguish elite from novice athletes although other factors mance of technical sports with different competitive rules
such age, gender, growth and development rates of the par- (e.g. free style and Greco-Roman wrestling, martial arts of
ticipants, level of competition, and discipline in a certain the same weight category, fencing etc). In the present study,
level influence power performance [9,39]. leg power performance was quite similar between the three
Leg power in fencing has been extensively studied different fencing events. However, the drop jump contact
recently. It has been reported that leg power is affected time of epee players was the only parameter that showed
by isometric contractions or long period of stretching pro- significantly different values in comparison to foil fencers,
tocols [41,42], is not affected by dynamic or plyometric revealing special physical performance abilities required for
protocols [41,42], and can differentiate elite from non- successful participation in this event. This event is charac-
elite fencers [31]. Fast stretch-shortening cycles of the leg terized by longer work time and more changes of direction
muscles have been associated to the functional fencing per- in comparison to foil, while during the competition fencers
formance and are important in maximizing leg functional repeat submaximal bounces instead of fencing steps that are
power characteristics in elite fencers [27]. Vertical jump- common in foil [29]. Another possible reason is that epee
ing performance changed significantly over time, however fencers of the present study were taller and heavier and
no differences reported between peripubertal academies have greater but non-significant scores in almost all power
fencers and a control group consisted of untrained pupils performance tests than foilists.
of the same age [30].
In the present study as expected, significant between
gender differences existed in leg power performance char- 5. Conclusions
acteristics, as well as between the older (> 20 years old)
and the younger groups (14—17, 18—20 years old) respec- In summary, this is the first study that evaluated body size,
tively, reflecting a progressive improvement with increasing body composition parameters and leg power performance
age. Gender differences have been earlier reported and ability of male and female fencers, with particular emphasis
attributed to the physiological changes associated to puber- on competitive age groups, competition level, and disci-
tal events that induce hypertrophy and differentiation of pline. We observed significant between gender differences
muscle fibers and in consequence strength and power in boys in all the anthropometric and body composition charac-
compared to girls [24,39]. The interaction of the gender dif- teristics and confirmed that anthropometric characteristics
ferences and the developmental data profile concerning leg increased across age categories. Elite fencers demonstrated
power could be useful information for coaches and scientists specific characteristics compared to national fencers, while
to design appropriate training programs for this age groups fencers from different disciplines were quite similar in body
of fencers, since lunges, bounces and changes of direction size. Vertical and horizontal jumping performance differ-
are various explosive actions that closely influence fencing ences between gender, age groups, competition level and
performance outcome and should be developed from a young partly between disciplines of the present study, revealing
age [29,33]. specific abilities required to characterize the functional pro-
Significant differences were observed in power perfor- file requirements for fencing success.
mance tests between athletes of different levels [9]. As The results of the present cross-sectional study showed
expected elite fencers of the present study were stronger that anthropometric and leg power measures could play a
and produced more leg power than national level fencers. role in talent identification programmes for fencing as well
Similar results were also observed recently [31]. In that as for the monitoring of training. More specific, talent iden-
study authors examined differences in selected strength tification programmes could focus on selecting tall explosive
and functional fencing characteristics comparing elite ath- individuals without excessive body mass, with long limbs
letes having participated in the Olympic Games and/or and strength-power abilities that could support the tech-
World championships and sub-elite national level partici- nical drills and tactical decisions of the fencers. However,
pants. Compared to sub-elite, elite fencers had a higher longitudinal research is needed to better understand the
squat, countermovement jump and reaction strength index, influence of growth and maturation into these parameters
as well as better performance in lunge time and in a specific and to inform sport specialists to design positions based
shuttle step test, suggesting that advanced neuromuscular on the findings described in this study. This will facilitate

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sex and discipline related differences. Sci sports (2017),
SCISPO-3084; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 A. Ntai et al.

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