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Prophet Muhammad grew up in a pluralistic society, including pluralism from a religious

point of view, when Prophet Muhammad was 11 years old, Abu Talib the uncle took him to
Sham in Sham, then Prophet Muhammad met a priest, known as Pastor Bakhiroh or
Bukhairoh Pastor, Bukahiroh pastor is one of the Jewish priests who first testified that the
prophet Muhammad would later become a prophet means that the prophetic confession of
Prophet Muhammad was first given by a priest who was called a Jewish priest even when the
Prophet Muhammad had just received revelation I went home from Cave Hira Muhammad
had confused what had happened to him then the wife Siti Khadijah came to see grilled ash
then burn ash came to a Christian priest who was known as warokah bin Naufal then warokah
bin Naufal said that what came to Prophet Muhammad in Cave Hira i tu is annamusul akbar
allazi za'a ila musa namely angels djibril who came to the prophet musa and warokah bin
naufal said that muhammad is la nabiyuha dzihil ummah that is the prophet of this
community again who testifies to the prophethood muhammad saw is a Christian priest thus,
it should be important for history like this to be known by the Islamic public that in the
beginning Jews and Christians did not see the threat to the presence of Prophet Muhammad
as a prophet from the Quraysh community Muhammad's prophet was a prophet who came
from Arab society but was justified, in legitimacy by Jews and Christians. What is also
important to know by the public Islam is the existence of a woman around the prophet
namely maria al qibtiya, maria al qibtiya is a slave girl owned by the prophet from maria this
is the prophet muhammad has a child named ibrahim supposedly the prophet muhammad had
said if the prophetic door was still it was opened so it was undoubtedly the one who would
become the prophet but unfortunately the father of the Prophet died when he was a small age.
Another important thing to know about by the public was Sophia bin Tuhuyay, one of the
prophet's wife, Sophia, whose father was a great Jewish priest and pastor Large Jews have
influence in the Jewish environment but then Sophia entered in the beginning remained in the
Jewish religion until later entered into Islam from this explanation all I want to say that the
Jewish religion Christianity is not a foreign religion for Prophet Muhammad, Prophet
Muhammad grew in a pluralistic community environment exists bukhaira, there is warokah
bin naufal, there is maria al qibtiyah, there is huyay, this is the closest people close to the
family of the prophet and even the prophet associating with them history like this is not
known by the Islamic public which as if the prophet Muhammad only mingled with people -
Muslims, even though the historical facts show that Prophet Muhammad also socialized in a
community other than Islam, thus.

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