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Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Question Bank

Branch Computer Science and


Semester VI

Subject Enterprise Resource Planning

Subject Code 322653(22)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
Unit –I
1 What is SCM? Explain the advantage of SCM considering a case study. 8
What is BPR? As a head of organization, what problem you may face at the time of re-
2 engineering of business process and how to resolve them? 8

3 As a head of an organization, if you will implement ERP in your organization, what benefit 8
you may get directly or indirectly?
4 Explain supply chain management system model of ecommerce companies using in india. 8

5 Explain the role of production life cycle management in ERP implementation. 8

6 Explain the architecture of data mining system.

7 What are the different technologies required for ERP? Explain. 8

8 Explain BPR and explain the role of IT in ERP. 8

Write short notes on any two:
i) Data mining

9 ii) Data warehousing 8

iii) OLAP
iv) Product Life Cycle Management(PLCM)

10 What are the benefits of ERP? Explain. 8

11 Explain the conceptual model of ERP. 8

Unit –II
12 Explain the phases of SSAD. 8
13 What is the role of vendor and consultant in ERP implementation? 8
14 What are the characteristics of a good project manager? Briefly explain the role of project 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
15 Briefly explain system development life cycle of ERP. 8
16 Explain object oriented architecture of system development. 8
17 What are the advantages and disadvantages of inhouse ERP implementation by the 8

18 What are the hidden cost of ERP implementation? Explain. 8

19 Write short notes on any three: 8
i) Role of SDLC

ii) Role of SSAD

iii) Project management and monitoring

iv) Contracts with vendors

v) Consultants and employees

20 Explain the implementation methodology of ERP. 8

21 Explain ERP implementation life cycle? 8

Unit –III
22 Explain the major task performed by Finance module in a manufacturing organization. 8

23 Explain the role of Plant maintenance. 8

24 Do you think after sales service is the primary focus of any organization to the customer? 8
Justify your answer considering an example.
25 Explain Plant maintenance module with its subsystem and its functionality. 8

26 What is Quality Management? How ERP supports quality management in maintaining the 8

27 “Human resource and development plays an important role in ERP system”. Explain. 8

28 Explain finance module of ERP in brief. 8

29 What is the function of human resources module of ERP? 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
30 Explain materials management of ERP in brief. 8

31 Explain manufacturing module with its different subsystems. 8

32 What are the critical marketing processes that supports marketing module? Explain. 8

33 What is CAQ & CIQ? Also explain quality management module functions. 8

34 Explain sales and distribution module with its subsystems. 8

35 How does manufacturing module respond to the customer? 8

36 What are the various subsystems under HR module? Explain. 8

Unit –IV
37 Explain the technical growth of ERP market from 1990 to 2015? 8

38 Explain, how ERP is known as integration of different functional modules of an 8


39 How does human resource module plays an important role in smooth functioning of an 8
40 Explain CRM model of ERP used by various companies. 8

41 “ERP is the backbone of ecommerce banking solutions”. Justify the statement. 8

42 Explain the financial systems of ERP with its functionality and relevance. 8

43 How are supply chain and customer relationship application integrated with ERP systems. 8

44 Explain functional modules of ERP software. 8

45 Explain market place dynamics with example. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Unit –V
46 Describe Indian market share of ERP vendor. 8
47 What is future directions of ERP? Explain. 8

48 Explain the critical success and failure factors of implementation of ERP. 8

49 Explain the functions provided by Oracle as ERP vendor and its ERP services to market. 8
50 Do you agree that implementation of ERP in an organization changes the organizational 8
structure and culture? Justify your answer with suitable example.
51 Describe the critical success factors of ERP implementation. 8

52 Describe the market share and product portfolio of People Soft in Indian and Global 8
53 Explain the need of integrating ERP in the organization culture. 8

54 Explain the term ERP and E-Commerce. 8

55 Write Short Notes on any two: 8

ii) People Soft
iii) Baan
iv) JD Edwards
v) Oracle.

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Question Bank

Branch Computer Science and Engineering

Semester VI

Subject Management Information Systems

Subject Code 322675(22)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Unit –I
1 Explain any two dimensions of information system. 8

2 Explain MIS model. 8

3 Explain the two types of MIS software. 8

4 MIS supports a manager in his functional responsibilities. Explain. 8

5 Explain the ways to incorporate management by exception into the reports. 8

6 Write short notes on any two:- 8

a)Report writing software

b)MIS and human factor consideration

c)MIS and problem solving

7 How does MIS supports problem solving? Explain. 8

8 Explain the role and impact of MIS. 8

9 Explain systems approach to MIS. 8

10 Describe major systems in an organizational system. Distinguish between management 8

information system and decision support system.

11 Why reports are very important for any information system? Explain your answer by 8
taking suitable example.

12 What are the human factors involved in MIS ? 8

13 What is the prime underlying cause of resistance to computer projects? 8

14 Define modeling. Also explain various types of models used in management. 8

15 Can you visualize MIS without computers? Justify your answer. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Unit –II
16 What are the resources a manager handles? 8

17 Explain the importance of CBIS in any organization. 8

18 What is Strategic information system? How is it important for company’s future? 8
19 What are the ways to manage the CBIS? 8
20 Explain the life cycle of CBIS. Also explain the importance of information specialists. 8
21 Write illustrative note on evolution of CBIS. Who are the user’s of CBIS? 8
22 Explain the reasons for the evolution of End-User Computing with its benefits and risks. 8
23 Explain the categories of Information Specialists. 8
24 Explain the model of CBIS with diagram. 8
25 What is a System? Explain its elements. 8
26 Write short notes on: 8

a) Open loop & closed loop systems

b) Open & closed systems

27 Write short notes on: 8

a) Super & Sub systems

b) Physical & Conceptual systems

28 Define information management. Why information needs to be managed? 8

29 How decision support system support your decision while making strategies for the 8

30 What is the difference between functional area and management function? 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Unit –III
31 Explain computer based Executive Information System. 8

32 Describe the Manufacturing Information System. 8

33 Explain marketing Information System. 8

34 How Human Resources are managed by using computer systems? Discuss in detail. 8

35 What is Reorder Point? How is it calculated? 8

36 Explain various HR activities. 8

37 What do you mean by MRP and MRP II. 8

38 What are Human Resource functions? 8

39 Explain Accounting Information System. 8

40 Explain DSS and GDSS? 8

41 Write short notes on 8

a) Virtual office

b) Knowledge based system.

42 Write short notes on 8

a) Bill of Material

b) Just-In-Time approach
43 There are different levels of users in any organization; putting MIS as context identify 8
different users with significance of their work in any software enterprise.
44 What is the difference between industrial espionage and marketing intelligence? Explain 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
the input subsystems of Marketing information system.

45 What are the four basic activities performed by HR? Explain the HR research subsystem. 8

46 Define EIS. Draw and explain Computer Based Executive Information System. 8

Unit –IV
47 Explain the concept of Information Resource Management System. 8
What do you mean by a Firm? Explain its environmental elements. Discuss the
48 relationship between the firm and its environment. 8

Explain the levels of end-user computing and also explain the benefits and risks related to
49 end-user computing. 8

50 Explain Porter’s value chain of competitive advantage with diagram. 8

51 What is strategic planning for information resources? 8

What do managers need to know about organization in order to build an information
52 system successfully? 8

53 What is an impact of Internet in an organization and process of management? Discuss. 8

What are the advantages of information resource concept over typical old fashioned
54 system? 8

55 Draw and explain the IRM model. 8

Unit –V
56 Explain the need of coordination in MNCs. 8

57 Discuss the problems in implementing GIS. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
58 Discuss the issues of global business drivers. 8

59 Discuss the importance of business intelligence in e-commerce. 8

60 Critically comment on the various modes of money transfer techniques in e-commerce. 8

Also mention their pitfalls if any.

61 Discuss global business strategy. 8

62 What is computer ethic? Explain it’s importance. 8

63 Explain Inter Organizational System(IOS) and its benefits. 8

64 What is e-commerce? What is your opinion about future of e-commerce in India? 8

65 Describe strategy, methodology, and technology of e-commerce. 8

66 Write short notes on : 8

a) Ethics for computer professional

b) Business intelligence

67 Write short notes on 8

a) Inter organizational system

b) Internet security

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Question Bank

Branch Computer Science and Engineering

Semester VI

Subject Compiler Design

Subject Code 322652(22)

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

1 What is compiler? Explain single pass and multi-pass compiler. 8
2 What is language translator? Explain different type of language translator. 8
3 Explain cousins of compiler.
4 Explain the phases of compiler with example. 8
5 Explain the kind of transformation done in the source code by the individual phase of the 8
compiler where the variable of rate is of float type and initial, position are integer.
position = initial + rate  60
6 What do you mean by compiler writing tools? Explain Bootstrapping and Back Patching. 8
7 Explain function of Lexical analyzer with proper diagram 8
8 Differentiate token, patterns and lexemes with example. 8
9 How token can be specified? Design token recognizer for letter, digit and identifier, 8
relational operator and if,then,else keword.
10 Explain the functioning of Lex tool. 8
11 Write Lex program for delim,ws,letter, digit, identifier and number. 8
Write LEX source program specification for the token
12 Differentiate NFA and DFA. Write an algorithm to convert NFA to DFA. 8
13 Construct minimum state DFA for regular expression (i) (a|b)*abb (ii) ε|aa*|bb* 8
14 Construct minimum state DFA for regular expression: (a)+(a|b)*(a|b). 8
15 Construct a DFA with reduced states equivalent to the regular expression 8
16 What is parser? Explain function of parser in detail. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
17 Differentiate bottom-up and top-down parsing with its limitations. 8
18 Consider the grammar: S(L)|a, LL,S|S (a) What are the terminals, non-terminals and 8
start symbol (b) Find parse tree for the following sentences: (i) (a,a) (ii) (a,(a,a))
(iii)(a,((a,a),(a,a))) (c) Construct leftmost and rightmost derivation of the sentences.
19 What is ambiguity? Remove ambiguity form the following grammar: 8
EE+E, EE*E, E(E), Eid
20 Define ambiguity. Consider the production and check whether the grammar is ambiguous 8
or not.
stmtif condn then stmt else stmt
stmtif condn then stmt
for the desired string
if a then if a then b else b
if the grammar is ambiguous the rewrite it after eliminating the ambiguity.
21 What is left recursion and left factoring? Remove left recursion from the following 8
EE+T|T, TT*F|F, F(E),F id
22 Explain the function of Non-recursive predictive parser with proper diagram. 8
23 What is LL(1) grammar? Check whether following grammar is LL(1) or not? 8
SiEtSS’|a, S’eS| ε, Eb
24 Create predictive parsing table for the following grammar: 8
ETE’, E’+TE’| ε, TFT’, T’*FT’| ε, F(E)| id
25 Explain the function of shift/reduce parser with proper diagram. 8
26 What is operator precedence grammar? Create operator precedence table for to following 8
EEAE|(E)| id, A+|-|*|/|↑ and parse id *( id ↑ id)- id / id
27 Construct SLR parsing table for the following grammar: 8
EE+T|T, TT*F|F, F(E),F id

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
28 Prove that following grammar is not SLR(1) grammar: 8
SL=R, SR, L*R, L id , RL
29 Construct LR parsing table for the following grammar: SCC, CcC|d. 8
30 Construct SLR parsing table for the following ambiguous grammar: 8
EE+E, EE*E, E(E), Eid
31 Explain the function of parser generator Yacc. Write Yacc program for the following 8
EE+T|T, TT*F|F, F(E)| digit
32 Consider the following grammar: EE+T|T, TTF|F, FF*|a|b, Construct SLR and 8
LALR parsing table for the grammar.
33 Show that the following grammar: SAaAb|BbBa, A ε, B ε, is LL(1) but not 8
34 Show that the following grammar: SAa|bAc|dc|bda, Ad, is LALR(1) but not SLR(1). 8
35 Show that the following grammar: SAa|bAc|Bc|bBa, Ad, Bd is LR(1) but not 8
LALR(1) .
36 Compare SLR, CLR and LALR parsing techniques. 8
37 What is syntax directed translation? Differentiate synthesized and inherited attributes with 8
38 Explain S-attributed and L-attributed definition with example. 8
39 Write syntax directed definition with synthesized attribute for a simple desk calculator 8
with addition and multiplication operation. Also create annotated parse tree for 3*5+4 n
40 Write syntax directed definition for declaration statement with only real and int data 8
type using inherited attributes. Create annotated parse tree for the sentence real id , id ,
id and create dependency graph also.
41 Write syntax directed definitions for constructing syntax tree and create syntax tree for 8
the expression a – 4 + c where a, c are identifier and 4 is constant.
42 Write syntax directed translation scheme that maps infix expression with addition and 8
subtraction into corresponding postfix expression.

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
43 Write the Translation scheme for SWITH (or CASE) statement? 8
44 Briefly explain the different types of Intermediate code? 8
45 What is three address code? Translate the arithmetic expression a * - ( b + c ) (i) a syntax 8
tree (ii) postfix notation (iii) three-address code
46 Translate the expression: – (a+b)*(c+d)+(a+b+c) into (i) quadruples (ii) triples (iii) 8
indirect triples
47 Translate the executable statements of the following C program 8
int i;
int a[10];
Into (i) a syntax tree (b) postfix notation (c) three-address code
48 Write three address code (TAC) for 8
} word length is 4 byte.
49 Translate following assignment statement with three address code: 8
A[i,j]:= B[i,j]+ C[A[k,l]]+D[i,j]
50 Write the translation scheme to translate Boolean expression into three address code 8
51 Convert following statement into three address code: 8
(i) a < b or c < d and e < f

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
(ii) while a < b do
if c < d then
S.No. Question 8
52 Define activation tree. Explain the role of control stacks with example. 8
53 Explain run-time memory division with proper diagram. Also explain activation 8
record with example.
54 Explain storage allocation strategies in detail. 8
Differentiate stack, static and heap storage allocation strategies
55 Explain various parameters passing mechanism with proper example. 8
56 What is printed by the following program assuming (i) call-by-value (ii) call-by- 8
reference (iii) copy-restore linkage (iv) call-by-name
program main(input, output);
procedure P(x,y,z);
print a
57 What is symbol table? Explain various data structure used to create symbol table. 8
58 Explain dynamic memory allocation and fragmentation techniques in detail. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
59 Explain various issues in the design of a code generator. 8
60 Explain principal source of optimization in detail. 8
Explain local optimization with example
Explain following optimization techniques with example.
 Function Preserving Transformation
 Common Sub-expressions Elimination
 Code Motion(loop-invariant)
 Loop Optimization
 Induction Variable and Reduction in Strength
 Dead Code Elimination
 Copy Propagation
61 Explain global data flow analysis (Global Optimization) with example. 8
62 What is DAG ? What are the applications of DAG? consider the following fragment of 8
source code
Create DAG for the above code.

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
63 Explain the function of simple code generator. Also write in brief about (i) Register 8
and Address descriptor (ii) Code-Generation Algorithm (iii) Function getreg
Explain register allocation strategies in detail.
64 Generate machine code for the assignment statement d:=(a-b)+(a-c)+(a-c) 8
65 Explain peephole optimization and its characteristic with example. 8
66 Construct the basic block and flow graph for 8
int f=1;
for(int i=2;i<=x;i++)
return f;
67  Generate assembly code for the following C statement 8
 Draw the DAG for x=a+(a+a)+((a+a+a)+(a+a+a+a))
68 Explain different types of error and recovery techniques. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Question Bank

Branch Computer Science and Engineering

Semester VI

Subject Computer Networks

Subject Code 322651(22)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Unit -I
Write answer in one word.
a. What is maximum length allowed for a UTP cable?
b. What is the size of ATM cell?
1 8
c. Which error detection method uses polynomial?
d. What is the efficiency of pure aloha?

2 What is OSI Reference model? Write the different functions of each layer. 8
3 Differentiate between guided and unguided medium. 8
Explain basic network topology and advantage of each. Differentiate between half
4 8
duplex and full duplex transmission.
What is switching? Explain different types of switching.
5 8

6 Differentiate between OSI and TCP/IP reference model. 8

Write short notes on Novell Network and Arpanet.
7 8
What is ISDN? Explain services provided by ISDN.
8 8
Differentiate between N-ISDN and B-ISDN.
9 8
Give a brief description of LAN, HAN, SAN, CAN, MAN, WAN, GAN.
10 8
What are the different design goals of ATM?
11 8
Explain the working of twisted pair with suitable diagram.
12 8
Explain two types of guided media and two types of unguided media transfer in
13 networks. 8

Unit –II
14 How throughput is improved in slotted ALOHA over pure ALOHA? 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
15 What is the advantage of token passing protocol over CSMA/CD protocol? 8

16 What are the different categories of fast Ethernet? 8

17 Differentiate between CRC & Hamming code. Find out CRC remainder for data unit 8
1101011011 if divisor is 10011.
18 Differentiate between Go-Back-n ARQ and Selective Reject. 8

19 What is protocol? Explain the stop-and –wait ARQ protocol for error control in Data 8
Link Layer with different types of error consideration.

20 Calculate the throughput rate using Stop and Wait flow control mechanism if the 8
frame size is 4800 bits, bit rate is 9600 bps and distance between device is
2000km..Speed of transmission is 200000km/s.

21 What are the error detection and correction methods? Explain any one. 8

22 Explain HDLC protocol with frame types. 8

23 Explain CSMA/CD protocol. 8

24 What do you mean by Hamming distance? Give example. Also generate complete 8
Hamming code for a message M=1001101

25 Write short notes on ARP and DHCP. 8

26 Explain Wireless LAN standard. 8

27 Explain ring topology in detail. 8

28 Explain working of IEEE 802.X Standard Ethernet. 8

29 What do you understand Ethernet? Explain frame format of 802.3 8

30 Write short notes on 8

a) Hubs
b) Bridges
c) Switches

Unit –III
31 Which one of the seven OSI layers is specifically related to routing and what is its 8
Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

32 What do you mean by forwarding and routing? Also explain network Service Model. 8

33 Differentiate between virtual circuit and datagram network. 8

34 Write short notes on router. 8

35 Explain IP addressing with classes. 8

36 Differentiate between IPv4 and IPv6. 8

37 Explain Internet Protocol (IP) with its header format. 8

38 As IPV6 contain multiple headers, how does it know where particular header ends and 8
next item begins?

39 Explain ICMP protocol with header format. 8

40 Explain distance vector routing with example. 8

41 Explain link state routing with example. 8

42 Explain hierarchical routing with example. 8

43 Write short notes on crash recovery. 8

44 A given graph of subnet shown in figure each node of graph repesenting a router and 8
each edge represnting a communication line.Find the shortest path between router A to
H using dijkastra algorithm.

45 What is mobile IP?Explain the methods for mobile IP. 8

Unit –IV
46 Why TCP is called end-to-end protocol? Explain. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
47 What are the services provided by Transport layer? 8

48 Explain multiplexing and demultiplexing. 8

49 Explain TCP and UDP protocol with segment structure. 8

50 Explain methods for RTT estimation. 8

51 Explain flow control and connection management in detail. 8

52 What do you mean by congestion control? Explain. 8

53 What do you mean by TCP delay modeling? 8

54 Explain SSL and TLS in detail. 8

55 What are integrated and differentiated services (Intserv-Diffserv)? How would it help 8
to provide QoS?

56 Which layer is responsible for end-point to end-point flow control? Explain the 8
methods adopted for controlling the flow in details.

57 What do you mean by error control? How it is achieved by: 8

a) Stop and wait ARQ

b) Sliding window ARQ

Unit –V
58 What are the principles of network applications? 8

59 What is HTTP? Explain persistent and non persistent connection with suitable 8

60 Explain how web and HTTP protocol are related? 8

61 Write short notes on 8

a) FTP,
b) DNS,
c) Electronic mail
d) Proxy server

62 Explain socket programming with TCP and UDP. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
63 What do you mean by MIME? Specify the detail of different MIME header along their 8

64 What do you mean by Internet Telephony? Also explain the following protocols – 8

65 What do you mean by network security? Write the goals of network security. 8

66 What is cryptography? Describe symmetric key and public key algorithms in detail. 8

67 What do you mean by firewall? Explain types of firewall. 8

68 Explain attacks and countermeasure. 8

69 Explain the RSA algorithm with suitable example. 8

70 Explain the SMTP mail message format with neat sketch. 8

71 What do you mean by internet telephony ?Explain. 8

72 Discuss the RTCP and RTSP in detail. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Question Bank

Branch Computer Science and


Semester VI

Subject Computer Graphics

Subject Code 322655(22)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
1 Define Computer Graphics, Pixel, Resolution and Aspect Ratio. 8

2 What is Computer Graphics? Explain the different application areas of Computer 8


3 Explain Video Display Devices. 8

4 Differentiate between the Raster Scan and Random Scan System. 8

5 Explain the working of CRT and its functions. 8

6 Explain Flat Panel Display Devices with neat diagram. 8

7 What are the different Input Devices? What are working processes of Keyboard with 8
suitable diagram?
8 Draw a neat block diagram and explain the architecture of Computer Graphics Raster 8
Display System.
9 Discuss about Beam Penetration and Shadow Mask Method. 8
10 Derive DDA Algorithm for line drawing. 8

11 Explain Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm. 8

12 Explain Mid-Point Ellipse Algorithm. 8

13 Explain Scan Line Polygon Fill Algorithm. 8

14 Explain Boundary Fill and Flood-Fill Algorithm. 8

15 Explain Inside – Outside Test or Odd-Even Test with example. 8

16 What are the types of Filled Area Primitives? Explain Flood Fill Algorithm. 8
17 Derive decision parameter equations for Mid-Point Circle Generation Algorithm. 8

18 Explain the basic concept of Mid-Point Ellipse Algorithm? Derive the Decision 8
Parameters for the algorithm and write down the algorithm steps?

19 Find all the pixels of a line drawn between two end points A(2,5) and B(10,10) using 8
Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm.

20 Find all the pixels of one quadrant of a circle with radius 10 and center at origin using 8
Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
Mid- Point Circle Algorithm.

21 Find all the pixels of a line drawn between two end points A(0,0) and B(10,15) using 8
DDA Line Drawing Algorithm.

22 What are 4-way and 8-way symmetry. 8

23 Determine the raster position along the ellipse path in the first quadrant using Mid- 8
Point Ellipse Algorithm from Ellipse parameter rx=8 and ry=6.

24 Draw a line between two end points A(8,12) and B(16,18) using Breshenham using 8
drawing algorithm.

Unit –III
25 Write 2D Transformation Matrix for 8
a. Translation
b. Rotation
c. Scaling
d. Reflection
e. Shear

26 Derive transformation matrix for reflection about a give line. 8

27 Write Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-back line clipping algorithm. 8

28 Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm. 8

29 Define viewing transformation and derive transformation matrix for window to view- 8
port mapping.

30 Flip the quadrilateral ABCD , with A(10,8), B(22, 8), C(34,17) and D(10,27) about the 8
point(10,-5)and then zoom it to twice its size.

31 For the triangle ABC with vertices A(0,0), B(2,2) and C(5,3), apply the following 8
a. Translate with tx = -10, ty = 5
b. Y flip
c. Flip about an axis at 30 degree
d. Shear with shx = -0.05
e. Scale sx = 0.75 & sy = 1.5
f. Rotate with an angle 120 degree anticlockwise

32 Find the complete viewing transformation that maps a window in world coordinates 8
with x extent ¼ to ¾ and y extent 0 to ½ in normalized device space and then maps a

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
workstation with x extent ¼ to ½ and y extent ¼ to ½ in the normalized device space
into a workstation viewport with x extent 1 to 10 and y extent 1 to 10 on the physical
display device.

33 Find the normalized transformation that maps a window whose lower left corner is at 8
(1,1) and upper right corner is at (3,5) onto
a. A viewport that is the entire normalized device screen
b. A viewport that has lower right corner(0,1/2) and upper left corner

34 Prove that 8
a. Two successive rotation transformation are additive
b. Two successive scale transformation are multiplicative

35 Rotate a square A(0,0), B(5,0), C(5,5) & D(0,5) in anti clockwise direction by 90 and 8
then scale it Sx=1 and Sy=2 unit, after that flip it about horizontal axis.

36 Magnify the triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2) to twice its size while 8
keeping C(5,2) fixed.

37 If a window has its two corners (2,1) and (-3,6) respectively, use Cohen Sutherland line 8
clipping to find whether the line segment joining the points (-4,2) and (-1,7) is totally
visible. For partially visible, give the co-ordinates at which it is clipped.

Unit –IV
38 Write 3D transformation matrix for 8
i. Translation
ii. Rotation
iii. Scaling
iv. Reflection
v. Shear

39 Explain Polygon surface, Quadric surface, Hermite curve. 8

40 Explain basic illumination models in details. 8

41 What is Bezier Curve? Enlist the general characteristic of Bezier Curve. 8

42 What is Projection? Explain the various types of projections. 8

43 Compare Bezier curve and B- Spline curve. 8

44 What are Polygon Tables? How are they important in generating 3D images? 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
45 Derive expression for blending function for cubic Bezier curve. 8

46 Generate a Bezier Curve to the four control points A(60,20), B(80,100), C(150,90) and 8
47 Determine the blending functions for uniform, periodic B Spline curve for d=3. 8

48 Find the number of knot values and control points for uniform B-Spine curve having 8
n=3 and d=4.
49 Write the properties of Bezier curve. A Bezier curve passes through the points (1,1) 8
and (3,1) and controlled by the points (2,3) and (4,3). Find the equation of Bezier curve
and mid point in it. Also draw rough sketch.

50 See the hexagonal clipping window. The line P1(-2,1) to P2(6,3) is to be clipped to this 8
window. Find the intersection points

Unit –V
51 Explain Back-Face Detection. 8

52 Explain Visible Surface Detection Methods. 8

53 Explain various types of coherence and its application in Visible Surface Detection. 8
Explain Depth Buffer Method.

54 Explain Scan Line and Depth Sorting Methods. 8

55 Write short notes on 8

a. BSP Tree Method
b. Area Sub-Division method
c. Octrees Method

56 Define Animation and Discuss about various steps used in Designing of Animation 8
Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

57 Explain Computer Animation Function and Language. 8

58 Explain 8
a. Key Frame System
b. Motion Control and Specification
c. Morphing
59 Explain the Raster Animation with Key Frame Systems. 8

60 State and explain the different techniques employed in the Animation Control 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions

Question Bank

Branch Computer Science and Engineering

Semester VI

Subject Software Engg. & Project

Subject Code 322654(22)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
Unit -I
1 Discuss Evolving role of Software. 8
2 How Changing nature of software make its management difficult? 8
3 Discuss Layered Technology framework of Software Engineering with the help of 8
4 What is CMMI? Discuss. 8
5 What are process patterns and process assessment? 8
6 Discuss personal and Team process models. Explain the difference. 8
7 Waterfall model is never used but still the first model that is taught. Why? 8
8 What are advantages of using Incremental process models? 8
9 What are Evolutionary process models? Explain. 8
10 What are specialized process models? Discuss when it is required? 8
Unit-II 8
11 What are functional requirements? Discuss with example. 8
12 What are non-functional requirements? Discuss with example. 8
13 What are user requirements? Explain with the help of example. 8
14 What are system requirements? Discuss an example to Explain. 8
15 Explain each and every step of requirement engineering process. 8
16 How can we do requirement validation? Explain. 8
17 Discuss Context models. Why do we need them? 8
18 Discuss behavioral models. Why we need them? 8
19 Discuss Data models. Why they are required? 8
20 Discuss object models and structured models. 8
Unit-III 8
21 What are different types of software designs? 8
22 Explain Architectural design with the help of an example. 8
23 What is low level design? What is its need? 8
24 What are advantages of modularization? 8
25 Discuss pseudo-code with the help of an example. 8

Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions
26 What are flow charts? What is its need? 8
27 Discuss Top-down and Bottom up Design strategy. When they should be used? 8
28 Discuss different software measurement techniques. 8
29 Explain Function point based measures. 8
30 Discuss Cyclomatic complexity Measures. 8
31 What is software Testing? What is its need?
32 Software Testing should start as quickly as possible. Explain Why? 8
33 What is Black Box Testing? When they should be used? 8
34 What is white Box Testing? When They should be used? 8
35 What is advantage of validation Testing? 8
36 What is Debugging? Why it should be used? 8
37 How software Quality is measured? Explain. 8
38 Discuss metric for Analysis Models. 8
39 Discuss Metrics for Design Models. 8
40 How can we measure software Quality? Discuss. 8
41 What is Software project management? Explain steps. 8
42 Discuss role of 4P. (People-Product-Process-Project). 8
43 Discuss How Project Scheduling is done? 8
44 What is CASE? Discuss its need. 8
45 What is reactive strategy of Risk management? Explain with the help of example. 8
46 What is proactive strategy of Risk management? Explain with the help of example. 8
47 What are different types of software risks? Explain. 8
48 Explain Risk identification, Risk projection and Risk refinement. 8
49 What is RMMM? Discuss RMMM plan. 8
50 Explain ISO 9000 quality standards. 8


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