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Frankly, my life has been all over the place and so has my emotions.


priorities aren’t exactly the best but they are what I feel like I need in my life. I am a

person who goes through hardships but still manages to come out with a clear head

of what is needed to be done or to be taken care of. That’s why I am the way I am,

it’s what makes me, me.

Home and family is what I put down first. To me and to everyone I know

family is first, always it’s just something that wouldn’t make us whole without.

Without a family and a home a person is empty, they don’t have the support they

need and that’s depressing, really. Thats why to me a home is important because

without it i wouldn’t be me, but something entirely different.

Secondly I think that relationships are important as well, I say this because

they help us develop as the individuals we are, without relationships either they be

romantic or just a simple friendship they really give us the chance to grow more

mature and better understand the world around us in a way that we may not have

seen it before. Relationships give us perspective. And I think that’s really important.

Not to mention school in its own way is important. It gives us the opportunity

to explore our passions and interests and make us into something successful as

long as we participate and give it our all. School can make many great things out of

us and that’s vital for our future, since we are not going to remain little forever we

might as well make the best out of what we have left of our highschool years and do

what is right.
Music to me is something that keeps me feeling. I just feel as if without music

life is just dull, as if there were nothing exciting to look forward to. It’s just something

that lets a person be in the moment and enjoy, either that be in the company of

oneself or of the company of others its all acceptable. Music is something that is

enjoyed universally and to me it’s a big part of my life since I’ve always been

surrounded by it.

Sports, they teach us about teamwork and hard work. You see to me sports

have done so much in shaping who I am and how much I am willing to go to achieve

a certain goal of mine. This year in particular has been a very fun and its always a

pleasure to work just as hard as those around you, It just seems to fill you up with

pride that you have come so far.

In conclusion even though this year has been a trying one, I strive to become

better and to grow as a person and mature some more. I still have to work hard and

tread ahead to reach my goals. Sports, family and friends are all still very much

going to be a big part of my life in the near future and in all honesty I know I will be a

better person.

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