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What is reflex???

 A reflex is an involuntary, or automatic, action that

your body does in response to something, without

even having to think about it.

 Reflexes are natural physical responses a baby has

that helps him or her to survive outside of the

womb. Baby is born with a group of automatic
movements called reflexes.

 These are responses to specific stimuli.

Types of reflex

 Reflex of eye
 Reflex of nose
 Reflex of mouth

 Reflex of extremities
 General/mass reflex
Reflex of eye

Blinking reflex
Infants blinks at sudden appearance of bright
light or approach of any object towards eye.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance-
Does not disappear
Pupillary reflex

 Pupil constricts when bright light falls on it.

Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Does not disappear
Doll’s eye
As head is moved to right or left, eyes lag behind &
do not immediately adjust to new position.

Age of appearance- Birth

Age of disappearance- 3-4 months
Reflex of nose

Sneeze/ sneezing reflex

Spontaneous response of nasal passage to any
irritant or foreign particles.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Does not disappear
Glabellar reflex
Glabellar reflex (also known as the "glabellar tap sign"
) is a reflex elicited by repetitive tapping on the
forehead. Subjects blink in response to the first
several taps.
Tapping briskly on bridge of nose (glabella) causes
eyes to close tightly.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Does not disappear
Reflex of mouth
Rooting Reflex
The infants turns his head towards any object that
touches his cheek & actively seeks the nipple or
bottle & begins to suck.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- 3-4 months
Sucking Reflex
The sucking reflex is initiated when something
touches the roof of an infants mouth, the baby will
begin to suck.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Around 12 months
Gag Reflex
Stimulation of posterior pharynx by food or suction
causes infants to gag.
 It's a lifelong automatic response that helps prevent
choking. Until your baby's about 4 to 6 months old,
he also has a reflex that causes him to thrust his
tongue forward whenever the back of his throat is
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Persists throughout life.
Extrusion Reflex
When tongue is touched or depressed, infant
responds by forcing it outward.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- 4 months.
Cough/coughing Reflex
Irritation of mucous membrane of larynx causes
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Persists life long
Swallowing Reflex
As liquid moves into the mouth, the tongue
immediately moves it to the back of the mouth
for swallowing.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Does not disappear
Reflex of extremities

Grasp Reflex
Touching palms of hands or soles of feet near base
of digits causes flexion of hands (palmar grasp) &
soles (plantar grasp).
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- Palmar grasp at 3 months &
planter grasp at 8 months.
Babinski Reflex
Stroking outer sole of foot upward from heel across
ball of foot causes toes to hyper extend.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- 1year
General/mass reflex

Moro’s Reflex
When loud voice is made or there is sudden change
in equilibrium, it causes sudden extension &
abduction of extremities & fanning fingers.
Age of appearance- Birth
Age of disappearance- 3-4 months
Tonic Neck Reflex
When infant’s head is turned to one side, arm & leg
extend on that side & opposite arm & leg flex.
Age of appearance- 2 months
Age of disappearance- 3-4 months

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