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A number of changes in our district procedures related to Extended School Year

(ESY) services are being implemented in an effort to align our district practices
with the requirements of IDEA. These changes will allow us to provide specific
individualized services that meet the needs of our students who require an
extended school year program.

Please refer to the “ESY Overview PowerPoint” posted in the Staff Information
section of the Special Education Department’s website for information about ESY
and the students who require it. Please contact your Cluster Support Teacher for
clarification; or address questions directly to or to . All e-mails will be answered in a timely manner.

Extended School Year Procedures:

Parents will no longer be mailed “applications”. Instead, case managers will

need to complete the following steps to ensure placement of their ESY-eligible
students into an Extended School Year placement.

• Rosters of students who are eligible for ESY (per their current IEP) can be
found, by school, at the following SharePoint site:

• Case manager needs to contact the parent(s) of each student eligible for
ESY to ensure that the parent intends to have their child attend the ESY
session. If a student’s IEP requires transportation, please verify physical
addresses for pick-up and drop-off.

• Enrollment is completed by filling in the “green portion” of the SharePoint

after verifying with the parents their intent for attendance. (Please refer to
the bottom of this memo for directions specific to the SharePoint ESY
Enrollment Process.)

After enrollment is completed on the SharePoint site…..

Case managers will need to provide the following materials

• IEP summary form – including BSP and BIP and monitoring plan
• Student picture with name and student ID number (Xerox copy is fine)
• Copy of data collection sheets used in the classroom related to goals to be
addressed during ESY session
• Instructional and support materials for identified goals to be addressed
during ESY
o Learning materials that support the identified goals (such as copies
of actual materials used in the classroom during the regular school
year – hint -simply create a file to collect material during the year)
o Individualized support materials such as picture schedules, token
economy schedules/communication systems
o If equipment need to be transported to the ESY site (due to size of
equipment), submit equipment transport form.

Send to Special Education Department, Ed Center – Annex 6 -“ESY DESK”.

Inside, insert ESY Cover Page with case manager’s name and phone number,
student name, and sending school.

Please note that to address the individual needs of students who require ESY
services, materials must be specific for those students and the case managers
will be responsible for providing them to the ESY Program Desk. Having Case
Managers provide ESY staff with information and materials specific to the child
will allow the ESY staff to maximize the time actually spent with each student.


The ESY teacher is responsible to:

• collect and return data sheets

• Complete a progress report related to each goal worked on during ESY

Data sheets, classroom materials, and progress report to be sent to ESY Desk-
Special Ed Dept; Ed Center, Annex 6

Post-ESY Receiving Teacher is responsible to:

• Review progress report

• Provide parents with a copy of the progress report
• Place a copy of the progress report in the student’s Special Education

Please note: ESY teachers will be paid for an 4 extra hour block both before and
after ESY (8 hours total) to allow for set up/preparation, progress report writing,
and “clean up” time.
SharePoint ESY Enrollment Directions

1. SharePoint website address:

2. To enter the SharePoint site: user name: sdcs\(employee id #)

password: (your e-mail password)

3. Open school site list (will have to re-enter user name and password)

4. White columns contain static information and cannot be changed. Case

managers will input information into the green shaded columns ONLY.

5. Identify names of students on your caseload; school site contains names

of all special education students at the school that have IEPs which
indicate ESY. Case manager is responsible for ONLY those students on
his/her caseload.

6. Contact parent(s) of each student to confirm their intent to have their child
attend ESY session. Indicate (Y)es or (N)o to confirm intent.

7. Confirm with parent, need for transportation. If transportation is required,

confirm and insert physical pick-up/drop-off address.

8. Insert your name (last, first) next to the name of each student on your

9. Indicate case manager’s classification – mild/moderate or

moderate/severe to ensure appropriate staff patterns.

10. Indicate if student requires bus monitor or special equipment as indicated

in the student’s IEP. Indicate yes or no – if yes, identify need.

11. Indicate need (or not) for Special Circumstances Instructional Assistance
support as indicated in the student’s IEP.

12. Indicate any specific instructional supports required: such as, assistive
technology, picture schedules, token economy systems, etc.


• Enrollment information must be submitted by November 12th
• ALL materials for Winter Session sent to Ed Center by Dec 10th

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