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“Who Exercise” 

Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 

Who Exercise
The Kidnapping

Character Description
Skylar Brink: ​21 years old, a bright and 
bubbly girl. But the move to the new 
city made her a little snippy and nosey. 
She has red ombre hair and a sweet 
charm. She tries to be as nice as possible 
to everyone. 
Violet Strab: 21 years old, brown hair 
that goes to her shoulders in curls and 
seems sweet but is actually a snake. She 
knows almost everything about Skylar, 
she’s known her since 1st grade. She is 
extremely nosey as well and willing to 
backstab anyone to get what she wants.   

Athena Brink: ​27 years old, she has 

long black hair and bangs. She barely 
has a filter and is brutally honest unlike 
her sister who’s nicer. She’s sneaky and 
conniving but never turns her back on 
family and friends. 

Dylan Cod: 24 years old, black wavy 

hair parted in the middle. He has 
glasses but prefers to wear contacts. 
Has his whole ear lobe pierced and 
shows a lot of emotion but is really 
good at faking things and making up 

Character Development
“Who Exercise” 
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 
1. What happened to the character before
the events of the play?

Skylar : Her parents passed away when she

was 19 and spent a year saving up money,
getting a new job in New York, and got a
loft in an apartment building.

Athena: Her parent passed away when she

was 25. She stayed in their hometown of
California. And met a boy named Leon.

Dylan: Had a past struggle with mental

illness. But not extremely nuts. But only
has minor backlashes as he gets older.

Violet: Was spoiled rotten as a child so

always gets what she wants. Feels like that
attention and motto should follow in her

2. What does the character want, and

what does he/she do to achieve it?

Skylar: Wants to live a new, perfect, good

life. So she moves into a new apartment
and keeps close with 2 good friends.

Athena: To look over her younger sister and

get married. So she travels when her sister
calls her for help and and plans to get
married to her fiance

Dylan: He wanted to frame his girlfriend so

he could get the apartment she was living
in. So he and Violet plan to frame her

Violet: She wants Dylan so she does

whatever she can to please him. So that he
can be hers.

3. Who is the character allied to?

“Who Exercise” 
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 
Opposed to? Explain.

Skylar: She isn’t against anyone until

towards the end of the play. She becomes
extremely spiteful towards Dylan and
Violet. But she cares a lot about everyone
at the very beginning and middle of the

Athena: She is very overprotective of her

sister and loves her with all her heart. She
doesn’t like Dylan but accepted him for
Skylar. She doesn’t necessarily have an
opinion on Violet.

Dylan: He hates Skylar and Violet. He’s

not friends with anyone and pretends to care
with a false facade. He uses everyone to his
advantage and

Violet: She cares a lot about Skylar but until

she meets Dylan. An anger bubbles inside
her and she wants to get rid of Skylar to get
as close as possible to Dylan. She then
hates Skylar for being able to have
something she wants but cannot have.

4. What are the character’s beliefs? List

as many as you think are important.

Skylar: Believes that everything will be

okay and nothing will go wrong.

Athena: Believes that Skylar may be thrown

under the bus and really jailed for a crime
she didn’t do

Dylan: Believes Skylar will never know his

real intentions.

Violet: Thinks she will get to Dylan and he

will be hers

5. How do other characters feel about the

“Who Exercise” 
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 

Skylar: Everyone but 1 person doesn’t like

her but they’re attracted by her charm.

Athena: Nobody but her sister knows her.

But Violet and Dylan do not like her.

Dylan: Violet and Skylar fall for him but

Skylar hates him at the end.

Violet: Skylar loved her but hates her as

well in the end.

6. Describe the character’s change during

the course of the show.

Skylar: She becomes aware that even your

closest friends can be against you.

Athena: People can be ruthless and really

will want to push the limits to get what they

Dylan: Don’t use a dumb girl for your dirty


Violet: Don’t believe everything someone


Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the

Skylar: Beautiful red hair, chubby body,

green eyes, and a short figure.

Athena: Long black hair with bangs, green

eyes, tall and slender, and likes to wear a
classier type of clothes.

Dylan: Has multiple piercings, black hair,

very tall, skinny yet muscular, wears
“Who Exercise” 
Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project 

Violet: Brown hair that goes to her

shoulders, a short figure, blue eyes, wears
things she considers only cute.

2. Describe the internal traits of the


Skylar: Easily upset but tries to remain 

Athena: A very happy outgoing girl 
Dylan: Very snotty despicable man.   
Violet: Easily distracted agitated and 

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