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Prince of Songkla University

Faculty of Engineering
Midterm Examination : Semester II Academic Year : 2001
Date : 18 December 2002 Time : 13.30-16.30 p.m.
Subject : 235–402 Geotec Mining Engin. Room : A 401
1. There are 7 questions of this open examination, select to do only 5
2. Dictionary, a calculator without programming capability are allowed
3. Answer all questions in this paper
4. Write your name in each page and returned all papers to controllers
5. Total marks are 100 or 30 %

Number Mark Received Mark

1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
6 20
7 20
Total 100

Name …………………………… Surname ……………………………… Code ……….…..

Bonne Chance et bon courage

Danupon Tonnayopas
13 Dec 2001
1. Three samples of rock were subjected to diametral point load tests. The pressure gauge
readings at rupture were 250, 700, and 1800 psi. If the ram (cone) area was 2.07 in 2, and
diameter of the cores tested was 54 mm, calculation point load strength index (I s50) and an
estimate for the unconfined compressive strength of each rock.
Name ……………………………. Surname ………………..…………………… Code …………..……. Geotec. for Mining 2

2. A red sandstone core composed of quartz and feldspar grains with calcite cement is 82 mm in
diameter and 169 mm long. On saturation in water, its wet weight is 21.42 N; after oven
drying its weight is 20.31 N. Calculate its wet unit weight, its dry unit weight, and its
3. A strain rosette with arms at a = 0, b = 60, and c = 120 gives the following reading: a =
10-3, b = 0.510-3 and c = 0. Assuming E = 200 GPa and  = 0.3. Calculate the state of
strain and the principal strains in the plane (xy plane) and their directions.
4. In a series of triaxial compression tests on a dolomite the following represent the stress
Test 3 (MPa) 1 (MPa)
1 1.0 9.2
2 5.0 28.0
Name ……………………………. Surname ………………..…………………… Code …………..……. Geotec. for Mining 3

3 9.5 48.7
4 15.0 74.0

Determine values of cohesion (c) and internal friction angle () that best fit the data by the
Mohr failure criterion. (suggest do in a graph)
5. Calculate the tangentail and radial stress distribution around a circular underground opening.
The tunnel is 300 m deep in granite that its density 2.65 g/cm 3. Indicate in each case where
the maximum stress occurs.
6. Two circular tunnels in competent have W p/Wo = 2.0 under stress field of x = 40 MPa and y
= 60 MPa. Compute
a) Stress concentration of boundary tangential stress
b) Distribution of tangential stress along the horizontal axis between two tunnels
c) Distribution of radial stress along the horizontal axis between two tunnels
Name ……………………………. Surname ………………..…………………… Code …………..……. Geotec. for Mining 4

7. Find the direction of major principal stress analytically if
a) x = 60 , y = 100 , xy = 20
b) Verify a) using Mohr's circle

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