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The summary of the Documentary

Pakistan which is also known as the land of martyrs,

the only Islamic country in the world which got
independence on the basis of religion. From the
beginning of the independence of the country, Pakistan
has been suffering from political instability. Most of the
governments could not complete their tenure and
there was no national action plan, the economy kept
on deteriorating.
After the death of Quaid e Azam, Liaqat Ali Khan was
murdered and the start of political unrest broke.
Later on in the tenure of Ayub Khan things Started
getting better Pakistan was becoming economically
strong, there were many new factories set up and
economic growth rate started increasing, but due to
international interference and 1965 war the political
and economical condition got worse.
General Yahya came after Ayub Khan who led the
country to huge decline. Before Bhutto could take
command of the country East Pakistan Separated from
West Pakistan, which lead to more economic decline of
the country. Bhutto After coming into power took
many serious economically favorable actions, in order
to improve economic condition such as nationalization
and agricultural reforms, he also made the 1973
constitution but this economic growth was stopped
due to political problems and martial was imposed.
The Era of Zia ul Haq began who hanged Bhutto and
remained Chief Marshall Law Administrator for a
decade and brought legal reform, Islamilization was
the major part of his political regime though still the
economy suffered as the policies were unsuccessful.
His Era ended when he died in a plane crash near
Bahawalpur and later the daughter of Bhutto, Benazir
Bhutto came to power. There was improvement
economically as the government that she formed was
not stable due to opposition and riots.
Then came Nawaz for two years who was toppled over
by Benazir and later in 1997 Nawaz again became
Prime Minister. In this era of Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan
became the atomic power which led us to face
international pressure, sanctions and foreign investors
refused to invest in Pakistan. The foreign Aid to
Pakistan was stopped because of the atomic test and
ultimately Pakistan’s economy suffered a great loss.
Then in the year 1999, General Musharraf who was the
Army Chief took over the country and Pakistan faced
the martial law for the third time due to which
international sanctions were imposed and the
economy was damped again. Then by the struggles of
Musharraf and his international polices Pakistan yet
again started to strengthen its economic roots but due
to terrorism, international pressures of him being a
dictator and internal hatred among public the rule had
to end by 2008.
Asif Ali Zardari with the sympathy votes of Benazir’s
Assassination formed a government but did not deliver
to the country rather took international loans which
mostly were drained in corruption.
After this, Nawaz for the first time through a
democratic exchange of government became the
Prime Minster for the third time in 2013. Nawaz was
accused of rigging the elections by the opposition led
by Imran Khan and faced a lot of problems. Imran khan
in 2014, held 126 day protest against the government
for rigging the elections. This protest jammed the
country ongoing process of progress and in the 126
days Pakistan faced an economic loss of more than 6
billion dollar. More over schools and offices were
closed due to the threat of aggression by the
protestors. 30,000 policemen were housed for the
protection of the Protestants which also caused a dent
to the economic reserve.
Recently after the Panama gate leaked Nawaz Sharif
and his daughter Maryam Nawaz were convicted of
corruption and having assets beyond means. They
were imprisoned just twelve days before the election.
This caused unrest in the country and protest all
around the nation are being held till date.

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