Rheological Characterization of Hair Shampoo in The Presence of Dead Sea Salt

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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2004, 26, 19^29

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo

in the presence of dead sea salt

B. Abu-Jdayil, H. A. Mohameed, M. Sa'id and T. Snobar

Department of Chemical Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology, PO Box 3030, 22110 Irbid, Jordan

Received 25 September 2003, Accepted17 November 2003

Keywords: cosmetics, Dead Sea salt, hair shampoo, rheology, surfactants

Synopsis ReÂsumeÂ

In Jordan, a growing industry has been established to En Jordanie, une industrie croissante a ëtë mise en
produce di¡erent types of Dead Sea (DS) cosmetics place a¢n de produire di¡ërents types de cosmë-
that have DS salt (contains mainly NaCl, KCl, and tiques a© base de sels de la Mer morte (DS) contenant
MgCl2) in their formulas. In this work, the e¡ect of ces sels (pour la plupart,principalement NaCl, KCl,
DS salt on the rheology of hair shampoo containing MgCl 2) dans leurs formules. Dans ce prësent tra-
the sodium lauryl ether sulfate as a main active vail, l'e¡et de ces DS sur la rhëologie d'un shampoo-
matter was studied. The e¡ects of DS salt and active ing a© base de lauryl ether sulfate de sodium
matter concentration, and the temperature and time of comme actif principal, a ëtë ëtudië. Les e¡ets de ce
salt mixing, on the rheological properties of hair sel de DS et de la concentration en matie© re active
shampoo were investigated. The salt-free shampoo ainsi que la tempërature et le temps de mëlange du
showed a Newtonian behavior at `low active matter' sel sur les propriëtës rhëologiques du shampooing
(LAM) and shear thinning at `high active matter' ont ëtë apprëhendës. Le shampooing exempt de sel
(HAM).The presence of DS salt changed the rheologi- montrait un comportement Newtonien a© basse
cal behavior of LAM shampoo from Newtonian (for concentration d'actif (LAM) et une rhëo-£uidi¢ca-
the salt-free shampoo) to shear thinning. On the tion a© haute teneur en actif (HAM). La prësence de
other hand, the behavior of HAM shampoo switched sel de DS a changë le comportement rhëologique
from shear thinning to Newtonian behavior in the du shampooing LAM, du Newtonien (pour le sham-
presence of highconcentrationof DS salt.The addition pooing sans sel) vers la rhe© o-£uidi¢cation. Par ail-
of DS salt increased the apparent viscosity of leurs, le comportement du shampooing HAM est
shampoo to reach a maximum value that corres- passë de la rhe©o-£uidi¢cation au Newtonien en prë-
ponded to a salt concentration of 1.5 wt.%. Further sence de fortes concentrations de sels de DS. L'addi-
addition of DS salt led to a decrease in the shampoo tion de sels de DS a accru la viscositë apparente
viscosity to reach a value less than that of the salt-free jusqu'a© une valeur maximale correspondant a©
sample at high salt concentration. Changing the mix- 1.5% (w/w). Des additions ultërieures de sel ont con-
ing temperature (25^45 8C) and mixing time (15^ duit a© une chute de la viscositë jusqu'a© une valeurs
120 min) of DS salt with shampoo has no signi¢cant infërieure a© celle du shampooing sans sel. Le chan-
in£uence on the rheological behavior. However, the gement de la tempërature de mëlange du sel (25 8C
mixing process increased the apparent viscosity of a© 45 8C) et du temps de mëlange (15 a© 120 min)
salt-free shampoo.The power law model ¢tted well the du sel avec le shampooing n'a aucune in£uence
£owcurves of hair shampoo with and without DS salt. signi¢cative sur le comportement rhëologique.
Cependant, le procëdë de mëlange a augmentë la
viscositë apparente du shampooing sans sel. La
Correspondence: B. Abu-Jdayil, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
modëlization par puissance a correctement ajustë
PO Box 3030, 22110 Irbid, Jordan. Tel: ‡962 2 7201000; fax: les courbes d'ëcoulement du shampooing avec et
‡962 2 7095018; e-mail: Jdayil@just.edu.jo sans sel de DS.

ß 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 19

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

storage and thermal stability. Korhonen et al. [8] have

used the rheological measurements to determine
Cosmetics are products of cosmetic chemistry, a the optimal combination of surfactants in cream pre-
science that combines the skills of specialists in parations. Moreover, the rheological properties have
chemistry, physics, biology, and medicine. Cosmetics been used to test the consistency and stability of
consist mainly of emulsions, which include creams, creams prepared with di¡erent surfactant combina-
lotions, bath products, shampoos, shaving products tions during 28-day storage period at three di¡erent
. . ., etc. [1]. storage conditions [9].
Surfactants are almost as ubiquitous as preserva- In Jordan, a growing industry has been established
tives in cosmetic products. They are the emulsi¢ers, to produce di¡erent types of cosmetics. Dead Sea
solubilizers, wetting and cleaning agents and foam (DS) cosmetics (including shampoos, creams, lotions,
producers, and are found in every product category masks, etc.) that have DS salt and/or mud in their for-
from make-up to skin care as well as being the main mulas are the main products of this industry. DS is
constituents of shower gels, bath foam, and sham- known, worldwide, to be one of the world's richest
poos. Anionic surfactants are generally used as the sources of salts and minerals. These minerals have a
prime surfactant in toiletries that foam, i.e. a sham- unique composition of chloride, bicarbonate, sulfate,
poo, bath and shower product.They have a negatively sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium that
charged carboxylic, sulfate, or sulfonate group at the endorse the DS with considerable curative properties.
end of an alkyl, aryl, or alkyl aryl chain and are com- It has been proved that DS salts have a lot of advan-
monly the sodium, potassium, magnesium, or tages in minimizing some skin problems [10].The pre-
triethanolamine salts of these [2]. sence of DS salts in di¡erent types of cosmetics has
Many cosmetic processes such as new ingredient resulted in many problems during the production
selections, formulation preparations, material packa- and in the stability of the ¢nished product (creaming,
ging, and shelf storage are associated with a complex aggregation, and coalescence). One of these problems
£ow of materials. In addition, the application and is the maximum amount of DS salts that can be added
acceptance of cosmetics are dependent on the £ow to the product without a¡ecting its stability and con-
properties of the ¢nal products. Therefore, rheologi- sistency.
cal measurements are now required in various cos- It is well known that that addition of the sodium
metics industries, including but not limited to the: (i) chloride to the shampoo a¡ects its viscosity. As more
quality control; (ii) storage stability under various salt is added, the shampoo becomes more viscous
weather and transportation conditions; (iii) correla- until a maximum viscosity is obtained. After this
tion with sensory assessment and consumer evalua- stage has been reached, further additions of NaCl
tion; (iv) e¡ects of formulation on consistency; and lower the viscosity [11]. To the best of our knowledge
(v) prediction of £ow behavior under manufacturing the e¡ect of addition of DS salt on the rheology of cos-
or production environment conditions (e.g. pumping, metics product hair shampoo has not received much
mixing, milling, and packaging) [3]. attention in the literature. In this study, the e¡ects of
Numerous rheological studies have been con- the presence of DS salt on the rheological properties
ducted on di¡erent cosmetics products (e.g. [4^6]). of anionic hair shampoo were studied. The e¡ects of
By employing a fatty alcohol ether sulfate (FAES) as di¡erent processing relevant parameters such as salt
the basic model surfactant, Balzer et al. [7] have mea- concentration and mixing conditions (temperature
sured the loss and storage moduli using an oscillation and time of mixing) were investigated.
viscometer. The formation of the liquid thread in the
anionic FAES system was investigated. The e¡ects of
Materials and methods
many additives (such as NaCl, non-ionic surfactants,
and thickeners) on the rheology and the transient
network structure were also studied.
Yao and Patel [3] have demonstrated the applica- The shampoo and DS salt were supplied to us by
tion of rheological measurements in characteriza- Ammon for Dead Sea Salts and Soap Products,
tion of body lotions. The viscoelastic properties of Amman, Jordan. Two shampoo sorts were used in
the tested lotions were successfully related with the this study. The ingredients of the shampoo used are
end-use performance properties such as applicability, reported in Table I. The active matter consists of the
processing behavior, temperature sensitivity, and four components reported in Table I, summing to

20 ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

Table I Ingredients of the shampoos used the bob ¢ts and the outer wall of the bob itself. Two
bobs (MV2 and MV3) with lengths of 60 mm and
Concentration (wt.%) radii of 18.4 and 15.2 mm and a cup with a radius of
21.0 mm were used to form gap widths of 2.6 and
High active Low active 5.8 mm, respectively. The range of shear rate was
Ingredients matter matter 2.2^219.8 s 1. Pumping water to the jacketed vessel
of the viscometer using HAAKE D8 thermostat
Sodium lauryl ether sulfate 11.2 7.0 controlled the temperature of a shampoo sample.
Lauryl glycoside 3.3 2.75
Alkyl amine propyl dimethyl 3.0 2.1
amine betaine Sample preparation
PEG-15 Coco-polyamine 2.0 2.0
A fresh sample was poured into a jacketed vessel.
Then, a speci¢c amount of DS salt (0, 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0,
4, 8, or 10 wt.%) was added to the sample. Pumping
19.5 and13.85%. The term`high active matter' (HAM) water to the jacketed vessel controlled the tempera-
is used to refer to the shampoo with19.5% active mat- ture of the mixture. The mixture was heated up to a
ter, and the term`low active matter' (LAM) to refer to speci¢ed temperature (25, 35, or 45 8C). Otherwise
the shampoo with13.85% active matter. The comple- stated, the mixtures were kept at the speci¢ed tem-
ment (80.5 and 86.15%) contributes to the deionized perature for 30 min. The vessel was equipped with
water present. an impeller mixer of a curved-blade turbine type
Table II shows the chemical analysis of the DS salt (Stuart Scienti¢c Stirrer SS2 Stuart Scienti¢c Co.
used.The DS salt was washed with saturated solution Ltd, Cambridge, UK). The mixing process was per-
to remove the undissolved impurities and then dried formed at 300 r.p.m. Then, the mixture was kept
at 120 8C. The dried salt was added directly to the overnight at room temperature before conducting
shampoo. the rheological test.
In order to investigate the reproducibility of the
results, two replicates were made for the most of the
Rheological measurement
experiments, and the reproducibility was 3% on
The rheological properties of shampoo samples were average.
determined using a concentric cylindrical visco-
meter (Haake VT 500,Thermo Elec. Corp, Karslruhe,
Results and discussion
Germany). This viscometer encountered of a cup
and bob brand in which the sample is sheared in the
Fresh sample analysis
space between the inner wall of the cup into which
The rheology of fresh shampoo (salt-free sample) was
Table II Chemical analysis of the DS salt analyzed for di¡erent experimental conditions used
in this investigation. It should be ¢rstly pointed out
Component Concentration (p.p.m) that no surface slip was observed in the viscometer
system used. Figure 1 shows the £ow curves (shear
K‡ 114500 stress vs. shear rate) of HAM shampoo measured
Na‡ 25600 with two di¡erent systems, which have di¡erent gap
Mg2‡ 81200 widths. It is clear that the £ow curves of shampoo
Ca2‡ 2000 are independent of the measuring system. As the slip
Cl 382100
conditions encountered in a viscometer are a func-
Br 3100
SO42 450 tion of the gap width, the data points presented in
Fe2‡ 16.57 Fig. 1 show that there are no slip conditions in our
Zn2‡ 1.81 system.
Cu2‡ 1.48
Mn2‡ 3.33
Acid insoluble 1300 E¡ect of temperature
Water insoluble 1700
Total H2O 392400 Shampooing the hair is usually not done at a single
temperature, but, depending on personal habits, is

ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29 21

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

6 Fresh shampoo
T = 25 °C
shear stress (Pa)



2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
1 10 100
shear rate (1/s)

Figure 1 Flow curves of fresh shampoo measured with two di¡erent measuring systems.

carried out at a range of temperatures. Therefore, the where t is the shear stress, g² is the shear rate, n is the
£ow curves of salt-free shampoo were measured in £ow behavior index, and m is the consistency coe¤-
the temperature range of 5^45 8C. Figure 2 shows cient. The regressed values of m and n reported in
the £ow curves of shampoo measured at di¡erent Table III show that the shear stress^shear rate rela-
temperatures and ¢tted to the Power law model: tionship is linear at 15 8C, indicating that shampoo
t ˆ mg_ n …1† behaves as a Newtonian £uid at this temperature.


shear stress (Pa)

10 Fresh shampoo
6 Active matter = 19.5 %
T = 5 °C
T = 15 °C
8 T = 25 °C
4 T = 35 °C

2 T = 45 °C

2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4
1 10 100
shear rate (1/s)

Figure 2 E¡ect of temperature on the £ow curves of fresh shampoo. The solid line is the power law ¢t.

22 ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

Table III Power law parameters of fresh shampoo as a E
function of temperature m ˆ A exp …2†
where A is the pre-exponential value, E is the activa-
Temperature (8C) m (Pasn) n R2 tion energy of £ow, R is the universal gas constant,
and T is the temperature in Kelvin. The plot of ln (m)
5.0 41.55 0.80 0.999 versus 1/T, as shown in Fig. 3, reveals A ˆ 1.00 Pasn
15.0 14.92 1.00 0.996 and E ˆ 8.13  10 3 J mol 1. The determined activa-
25.0 4.10 1.03 0.997
tion energy of shampoo is relatively small.
35.0 1.77 1.04 0.998
45.0 0.390 1.08 0.998
The apparent viscosity of shampoo was measured
by increasing (forward measurement) and decreas-
ing (backward measurement) the shear rate in order
R2 is the determination coefficient.
to test the presence of a time-dependent behavior.
Reducing the temperature to 5 8C switches the rheo- The apparent viscosity of shampoo measured at dif-
logical behavior of shampoo from Newtonian (n ˆ 1.0) ferent temperatures did show neither a thixotropic
to shear thinning (n ˆ 0.80). Balzer et al. [7] reported nor a rheopectic behavior. It was clear that the plot
that a typical shampoo showed a pronounced shear of the apparent viscosity versus the shear rate (not
thinning behavior. At high temperature (25^45 8C), shown) did not encounter hysteresis area.
the £ow curves of shampoo show small deviation
from the Newtonian behavior, with n greater than
unity. This deviation increases with temperature Dead Sea salt addition
but is still insigni¢cant (see Table III). The dilatant
or shear-thickening £ow behavior (for the case of E¡ect of mixing time
n > 1), in which viscosity increases with shear rate, Before examining the rheological behavior of hair
is seldom encountered in the cosmetics ¢eld. On the shampoo containing di¡erent amounts of DS salt, it
other hand, Table III shows that m (a measure of was considered necessary to establish the e¡ects of
viscosity) decreases considerably with temperature. experimental variables on the data, notably the
The dependence of m on the temperature can be e¡ects of mixing temperature and time. The e¡ect of
described well byArrhenius equation (see Fig. 3): mixing temperature will be discussed later.


Fresh shampoo
Active matter = 19.5%

ln (m)



-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

1/T (1/K)

Figure 3 Arrhenius plot of fresh shampoo.

ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29 23

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.


apparent viscosity (Pa s)

Active matter = 19.5%

Salt conc. = 10%
Mixing temp. = 25 °C
t = 15 min

t = 30 min

t = 60 min

t = 120 min

2 4 6 8 2 4
10 100
shear rate (1/s)

Figure 4 E¡ect of mixing time on the apparent viscosity of shampoo containing10 wt.% DS salt.

After adding 10 wt.% of DS salt to the shampoo shape, in particular, rods. The average length of these
sample, they were mixed at 25 8C and 300 r.p.m. for polydisperse rods increased with surfactant concen-
di¡erent periods of time, namely 15, 30, 60, and tration, forming a temporary network structure. It
120 min. It is clear in Fig. 4 that the apparent viscos- seems, in our case, that the mixing process enhances
ity of shampoo has a weak dependency on mixing the network structure, which leads to an increase in
time. The mixing time of 30 min showed the maxi- the shampoo viscosity. This temporary network
mum viscosity. Increasing the mixing time over structure rearranges itself as a result of shearing in
30 min reduced the viscosity. This behavior will be the viscometer, and the shear-thinning behavior
explained later. Based on this result, the mixing time appears.
was kept constant at 30 min in the rest of experi- Figure 6 shows that the addition of DS salt
ments. In addition, Fig. 4 shows that the shampoo increases the apparent viscosity of shampoo to reach
samples with10 wt.% DS salt behave mostly as a New- a maximum value. It is clear to see in Fig. 7 that the
tonian £uid. maximum viscosity corresponds to a salt concentra-
tion of 1.5 wt.%, regardless of the shear rate applied.
E¡ect of DS salt concentration Further addition of DS salt leads to a decrease in the
Di¡erent salt concentrations were added to the fresh shampoo viscosity, which reaches a value less than
shampoo samples. They were mixed for 30 min at that of the salt-free sample at 4% salt concentration.
300 r.p.m and at 25, 35, and 45 8C. Then, the rheo- Addition of DS salt to the shampoo causes growth of
logical behavior was measured at 25 8C. The mixing the micelles until they overlap, whereupon the visc-
process changed the rheological behavior of the osity increases considerably [7]. This is because of
fresh shampoo samples. An increase in the apparent the formation of thread-like, £exible micelles, which
viscosity has been observed; in addition, the £ow entangle with one another thus building up network
behavior switched from Newtonian to shear thin- structure. After this stage has been reached, further
ning (see Fig. 5). It is known that the surfactants are addition of DS salt increases the ion strength of
compounds, which above a critical concentration, the solution, which increases the possibility for
form micelles. Balzer et al. [7] found that the micelles the chemical reaction(s) between the DS salt and the
of 15% fatty alcohol ether sulfate (the main com- surfactant (sodium lauryl ether sulfate). Thus, the
ponent of hair shampoo) solution have an isometric decrease of shampoo viscosity results from a drastic

24 ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

Active matter = 19.5
Salt conc. = 0%
before mixing

Newtonian model
shear stress (Pa)
200 after mixing for 30 min at 25 °C

Power law model




5 15 25 35 45
0 10 20 30 40 50
shear rate (1/s)

Figure 5 E¡ect of mixing process for 30 min and at 25 8C on the £ow curves of salt-free shampoo.

1000 8
6 Active matter = 19.5 %
Mixing temp. = 25 °C
4 Mixing time = 30 min
100 8
shear stress (Pa)

6 Salt conc.
2 1.0 %
10 8 1.5 %
6 1.75 %
4 2.0 %
2 4.0 %
8.0 %
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4
1 10 100
shear rate (1/s)
Figure 6 E¡ect of DS salt concentration on the £ow curves of HAM shampoo. The solid line is the power law ¢t.

decrease in the micellar lifetime. We can recall here the available time for the chemical reactions bet-
the e¡ect of mixing time, where the viscosity of sham- ween the DS salt and the surfactant, which leads to
poo containing 10 wt.% DS salt decreases with the a decrease in the micellar lifetime.
mixing time. In the context of the above discussion, It is worth mentioning that the addition of NaCl to
it seems that increasing the mixing time increases shampoo, which is usually used as a thickening

ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29 25

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

Active matter = 19.5%
shear rate = 2.20 1/s
Shear rate = 6.116 1/s
apparent viscosity (Pa s)


0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
salt concentration (%)
Figure 7 E¡ect of DS salt concentration on the apparent viscosity of HAM shampoo at di¡erent shear rates.

agent, gives the maximum viscosity at a concentra- DS salt content (at 8 and 10 wt.%), where it is
tion between 4 and 5 wt.% [7, 11]. In this study, addi- expected that the concentration of micelles is
tion of 1.5 wt.% DS salt leads to the same e¡ect, reduced.
which implies using less amounts of salts. The e¡ect of DS salt concentration has also been
Figure 6 also shows that the power law model ¢ts tested using hair shampoo with LAM equal to 13.85
well the rheological behavior of shampoo in the pre- wt.%. The LAM shampoo follows the behavior of
sence of DS salt. The power law parameters reported HAM shampoo for its response against salt concen-
in Table IV show that the maximum m-value corres- tration. Figure 8 shows that the shampoo sample
ponds to a salt concentration of 1.5 wt%, which con- containing1.5 wt.% DS salt has the maximum viscos-
¢rms the above results. On the other hand, the £ow ity. As shown in Table IV, the 1.5 wt.% sample has the
index values (n) show that the shampoo behaved like greatest m-value. On the other hand, the n-value
a shear-thinning material (with n smaller than decreases from unity at 0 wt.% salt content to 0.902
unity) and switched to a Newtonian material at high at 8 wt.% salt content, which means that the addition

Table IV Power law parameters of shampoo as a function of DS salt

High active matter Low active matter

Salt concentration (wt.%) m (Pasn) n R2 m (Pasn) n R2

0.0 10.34 0.88 0.998 0.71 1.00 0.999

1.0 25.34 0.92 0.998 5.39 0.95 0.999
1.5 25.79 0.95 0.999 10.38 0.93 0.999
1.75 24.96 0.94 0.998 ± ± ±
2.0 24.85 0.88 0.999 8.83 0.92 0.999
4.0 5.22 0.87 0.993 3.21 0.93 1.00
8.0 0.70 0.99 0.998 0.80 0.90 0.996
10.0 0.54 1.00 0.995 ± ± ±

R2 is the determination coefficient.

26 ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

2 Active matter = 13.85 %

Mixing temp. = 25 °C
Mixing time = 30 min
100 8
shear stress (Pa) 4
Salt conc.
2 -------------
10 8 1.0 %
6 1.5 %
4 2.0 %
2 4.0 %
8.0 %
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4
1 10 100
shear rate (1/s)
Figure 8 E¡ect of DS salt concentration on the £ow curves of LAM shampoo.

of DS salt to the LAM hair shampoo changed its beha- viscosity factor means that the salt addition reduces
vior from Newtonian to shear-thinning one. This the shampoo viscosity compared to the viscosity of
behavior was more pronounced at high salt concen- the salt-free sample. It is clear that the factor respon-
tration. Addition of NaCl was found to increase the sible for this di¡erence in the response against the
extent of non-Newtonian behavior of n-tetradecane DS salt is the sodium lauryl ether sulfate (see Table I).
oil-in-water emulsion containing the ionic surfac- In addition, Fig. 9 shows that increasing the shear
tant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) [12]. rate reduces the viscosity factor in the case of the
Comparing Fig. 6 with Fig. 8 reveals that the LAM shampoo, and this is because of the fact that
viscosity of shampoo increases with increase in the the behavior of the salt-free shampoo is Newtonian
active matter concentration. It is expected that (constant viscosity with shear rate), while the beha-
increasing the active matter, which means mainly vior of the shampoo containing DS salt is shear thin-
increasing the surfactant concentration, would ning (viscosity decreases with shear rate). On the
increase the length of the thread-like micelles, thus other hand, the e¡ect of shear rate on the viscosity
increasing the density of the network structure [7]. factor in the case of HAM shampoo is insigni¢cant.
In order to gain an impression about the e¡ect of It should be stated that the forward and backward
DS salt on the viscosity of hair shampoo with measurements of shampoo viscosity in the presence
di¡erent contents of active matter, the following of DS salt show that the salt has no e¡ect on the
viscosity factor was calculated at a constant shear time-dependent rheological behavior of shampoo.
rate: And, the shampoo still behaves like a time-indepen-

Z Z0 dent material.
Viscosity factor ˆ salt …3†
Z 0 g_

E¡ect of mixing temperature

where h0 is the apparent viscosity of salt-free sham-
poo and hsalt is the apparent viscosity of shampoo The mixture of DS salt and HAM shampoo was pre-
containing di¡erent amounts of DS salt. Examination pared at di¡erent temperatures; 25, 35, and 45 8C. As
of the viscosity factor presented in Fig. 9 indicates shown in Fig. 10, increasing the mixing tempera-
that great enhancement in the viscosity of LAM ture increased not only the viscosity of shampoo
shampoo could be obtained by adding DS salt, com- containing the DS salt but also the viscosity of the
pared to the HAM shampoo. Negative value of the salt-free sample. The result was no e¡ect of mixing

ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29 27

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

LAM, shear rate = 2.20 1/s
LAM, shear rate = 6.116 1/s
HAM, shear rate = 2.20 1/s
HAM, shear arte = 6.116 1/s
viscosity factor


0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
salt concentration (%)
Figure 9 E¡ect of DS salt concentration on the viscosity factor HAM and LAM shampoos.

temperature on the viscosity factor. The increase of

viscosity of shampoo with mixing temperature
seems to be a result of the enhancement in the forma- The fresh hair shampoo containing the sodium
tion of thread-like, £exible micelles, which entangle lauryl ether sulfate as the main active matter behaves
with one another, separate, and hook together again, like a shear-thinning material at 5 8C, as a Newto-
thereby building up networks that are temporary. nian at 15 8C, and as a shear-thickening material at



salt conc.= 0%
shear stress (Pa)


salt conc. = 1.5%


Active matter = 19.5%

Mixing time = 30 min
Mixing temp. = 25 °C

Mixing Temp. = 35 °C

Mixing Temp. = 45 °C

5 15 25
0 10 20 30
shear rate (1/s)

Figure 10 E¡ect of mixing temperature on the £ow curves of HAM shampoo.

28 ß 2004 International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 26, 19^29

Rheological characterization of hair shampoo B. Abu-Jdayil et al.

higher temperatures. The dependence of viscosity

of hair shampoo on the temperature follows the
Arrhenius pattern. Agitating this shampoo with an 1. Isaco¡, H. Cosmetics. In. Encyclopedia of Chemical Pro-
impeller mixer of a curved-blade turbine type at cessing and Design, Vol. 12 (J. J. Mcketta and W. A. Cun-
300 r.p.m. for 30 min increases its viscosity and ningham, eds). Marcel Dekker, Inc., NewYork and Basel
changes its rheological behavior to shear thinning. (1981).
2. Bouillon, C. Shampoos. Clinics Dermatol. 14, 113^121
The viscosity also increases with increase in the tem-
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