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Pagasa ng Pinoy Mutual Benefit Association, Inc.

"K*pag rxay* ensurarrce* sig*rad* xng baka,s,

Date : May 17,2019

To : DM, ADM, RM, BM, DO

From : Genaro L. Kong

Re : Reminders on Election Process and AGM

ln line with the upcoming Annual General Meeting of PPMBAI, we are providing you the
following reminders:

1. Schedule, Venue and Time of Event

Division Date Venue/Place Time

NCR, North Luzon,

Central Luzon & June L7,2019 Quezon City L:00-4:00pm
South Luzon

Visayas June 18, 2019 Bacolod 1:00-4:00pm

South Mindanao June 19, 2019 Davao L:00-4:00pm
North Mindanao & a

Western Mindanao June 21.,2019 Cagayan De Oro L:00-4:00pm

2. Election Process

a. Group Level to Branch Level

-each group will elect one (1) representative to send to the Branch Level
(use Annex A)
b. Branch Level to Regional Level
-each branch will elect one (1) representative to send to the Regional Level
(use Annex B)
-cost of Transportation is P50.00
-cost of snacks is P100.00
Regional Level
-each Region will elect one (1) represehtative from the representatives of the
Branch Level (use Annex C and Annex D)
-cost of Transportation is P200.00
-cost of snacks is P100.00

3. AGM

All representatives from the Regional Level will then be required to attend AGM
based on the above schedules. Transportation, Food And Representation
Allowances are to be given based on the matrix'attached.

Unit 8-G, llth Floor. Jenkinsen Tower #80 Timog Ave. Brgy,. Sacred Heart, Quezon Ciir., philippines
Tel. No. 374.38.80 1709.17.61
Ema il Add : ins urance(dnagasa-nrba.corn. ph
Pagasa ng Pinoy Mutual Benefit Association, Inc.
"Kapag may insurance, sigurado ang bukasrn


All signed forms (Annex A, B, C, D) are to be sent to Head Office of PpMBA Based on the
following schedules:
Division Date

NCR, North Luzon,

Central Luzon & South May 2L,2OL9

Visayas Mav 22,20L9

North Mindanao & May 23,2019

Western Mindanao
South Mindanao May 24,2OL9

All disbursement are to be recorded/entered through AMBS under Other Receivables-MBA

with description .AGM'to different'iate the transactions. Pls. send individual branches'
Transaction Statement together with the signed forms to

Unit 8-G, 8th Floor. Jenkinsen Tower #80 Timog Ave. Brgy. Sacred Hear.t, fnitippi*,
Quezon City
Tel. No. 374.38.80 I 7A9J7.61
Email Add :

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