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Trend Analysis Report


Author: Catherine Haslam, Senior Analyst
Editor: Dawn Bushaus, Managing Editor
November 2018


03 04 07
Section 1
e respondents speak
Where are CSPs on their journeys?

The big picture Section 1: When two Section 2: Technology

17 19
worlds collide trends that demand CTIO

Section 3: Skills are the Section 4: Make it happen– TM Forum toolkit for

greatest challenge Strategies for merging IT digital transformation
and networks

TM Forum Frameworx Research & Media Team 2
e big picture
Most communications service providers (CSPs) have infrastructure-based businesses that have
been built on a foundation of technical capabilities. Developing, operating, enhancing and
upgrading these capabilities is the responsibility of the CTO and increasingly the CIO.

The network and services, primarily clear. Furthermore, what is right for n Significant cultural issues that
voice, were once one and the same, one CSP may not be right for another, provide the biggest barrier to
with services engineered into the even if goals are similar. integration
network. But as operators separate
services and transport and as flexible n Technologies that are driving
personalization of services replaces change and emerging as priorities
Facing the challenges
Attendees of the 2018 TM Forum
ubiquity, the roles of leading
CTIO Summit at Digital The changing relationship with
technology teams change and so do
Transformation World identified vendors and how CTIOs are
the people leading.
culture, complexity (of product juggling the demands of so many
CTO and CIO functions are becoming portfolios, processes, etc.) and lack of technology changes at once
inextricably linked as CSPs transform skills as the top barriers to digital
transformation progress (see graphic How ‘softwarization’ is changing the
digitally. While there has long been an

below). demand for skill sets and how CSPs

interface between them, the
are attempting to address the
relationship between the roles is
In this report we leverage information shortage of skills
changing significantly in breadth and
from the CTIO Summit and in-depth
depth. The challenge of legacy systems,
interviews with executives leading the n

convergence of CTO and CIO including they ways in which

TM Forum’s first Digital Transformation
functions to explore the challenges, services can be maintained as
Tracker recommended the integration
specifically: customers are moved to new
of CIO and CTO functions because
systems, and the different
the agility CSPs require is only
The motivations and different ways approaches to the financial
possible with the right IT systems to
CSPs are changing their implications of replacing legacy
deliver automation and real-time
organizational structures to systems
customer experience. For example, IT
integrate CIO and CTO functions,
is becoming a central feature of
and how they are merging teams
network planning, operation and
management, and conversely,
information from networks is required Top 5 barriers to digital transformaon
to inform business support systems
and customer-facing IT systems.

The logic is obvious, but behind this

simple recommendation lies complex
convergence of two remits. Getting
the evolution right is integral to CSPs’
long-term success. However, what
right looks like, what justifies change,
when to initiate change and how to
1. Culture 2. Complexity 3. Availability 4. Lack of clear, 5. Aversion
(product por olio, of skills aligned vision to risk

implement convergence are far from

processes, etc.) and goals

TM Forum, 2018 3
Section 1
When two worlds collide

A decade ago, the demarcation between the CTO and CIO roles was clear and obvious: The
CTO was responsible for the technical delivery and operation of the network including all the
support systems, while the CIO’s domain was to provide the IT systems used by staff and
customer-facing systems, such as call centers and retail support systems. The CTO oversaw
communications-specific hardware and highly bespoke software integration. The CIO toolkit
more often comprised off-the-shelf hardware and ubiquitous IT skills. For most communications
service providers (CSPs), this is changing.

The overriding reality for the network environment, and software the key mobile only or triple-/quad-play)
side of CSPs’ businesses is that enabler. All this means that CSPs are
demand for capacity and data usage building and operating the traditional n Requirements of the local market
are growing far more quickly than domains of the CTO using the
n Skills and background of the CIO
revenue is rising. Therefore, costs skillsets of the CIO office.
and CTO
must decrease. Yet efficiency gains
alone, even if dramatic, are not Both Souche and Telefônica Brasil
enough, so networks must also
How to merge roles?
The benefits of bringing CTO and CIO CIO André Kriger agree that there is a

support new services and capabilities. difference between the approaches
teams together are no longer in
Agility, flexibility and dynamism are necessary, and indeed possible, at
question, but when and how they
the key attributes of future network group and operating company levels.
should converge and who should lead
design and management, and these Says Kriger:
are. Thierry Souche, CIO, Orange
capabilities are best enabled by IT.
Group, states that there is no single
More flexible hardware, even answer to these questions as the
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) decisions depend on:
hardware, and platforms are
n Stage of IT integration
becoming the operational building
blocks of choice. Cloud is the favored n Size and type of CSP (for example,

How can IT help?

Deploying [an overall]
Network virtualiza on
Network challenges

strategy at country level

Moderniza on of radio network
is more complex. e
Poten al IT solu ons

Moderniza on of core network Moving to cloud

complexity of the
Agile OSS/BSS Open source architecture
soware platforms and
DevOps prac ces the specific position of
Agile opera ons the business can create a
two-to-three-year delay.”
TM Forum, 2018 4
Section 1 - When two worlds collide

Despite this, it’s important not to get How do CSP leaders see themselves?
hung up on the specifics, Souche
argues, but instead focus on the

benefits of bringing IT and network

89% 89%

skills together. All the technology 80% 74% 74% 74%

leaders we interviewed agree on the

need for a unified strategy that
encompasses all elements of
60% 53%

technology and that this is best


delivered through a single leader. 40%

CSPs must consider technology

26% 26% 26%

holistically and as something that is

20% 16%

essential to avoid the creation of

11% 11%

‘fiedoms’. Also vital is a plan for how 0%

to go about integrating teams.

Resilient Strong Decisive Humble Adaptable Visionary Engaged

Although few executives are ready to I am reasonably confident of my own abili es This is an a!ribute I need to develop

acknowledge it, there is resentment

on both sides. Network staff feel that
TM Forum, 2018

their value is being threatened or replaced, but they must be

undermined, while IT staff are fed up Demands of the job augmented. The CTIO’s challenge is
with being depicted as inferior when It is the job of the CTIO to bring dealing with, responding to and
their work is equally important. This networks and IT together, and the inspiring the people around them
division does not exist everywhere, profile of that leader also must through a period of unprecedented
but where it does, it can be tied to change over time. Leading technology change while staying on top of
risk aversion, which differs between teams was once about technical technological developments.
engineering and IT teams based on acumen, structure and organization.
potential repercussions from taking Those characteristics have not been At the CTIO Summit held at Digital
risks. Transformation World, 19 CXOs, most
of them from CSPs, were asked about
Weighing the risks their leadership skills. The skills they
rated as their strongest – being
adaptable and decisive – reflect how
demanding the role has become (see

High aversion to risk Low aversion to risk

graphic above). Leaders realize they

• Failure of systems brings core • Failure of systems takes down retail

must be able to quickly understand,

services to a halt and call centers

• Developing and introducing new • Willingness to develop and introduce

access and react to changing or new
technology and systems that are new technology and systems and to
o en reliant on standards and require test and refine in short !meframes
long lead !mes for tes!ng
• Willingness to decommission legacy
• Difficulty in decommissioning and systems
re!ring legacy systems

TM Forum, 2018 5
Section 1 - When two worlds collide

With previous technology Becoming a business leader is a pre-

transformations, such as the requisite. Furthermore, business
What it takes to lead
Modern CSP technology leaders, introduction of fiber, 3G or even 4G, capabilities must be embedded
especially CTIOs, are a rare breed. a leader’s success was not judged by throughout technology divisions.
They must continue to be Net Promoter Scores (NPS) or Building business cases is becoming
conscientious, but to overcome the customer value, but in terms of as important as building networks. For

challenges of digital transformation throughput speeds, capacity gains example, Canadian CSP Telus
they must also embrace and coverage. Now the links to provides business case training to
characteristics more traditionally business objectives are cemented in technology teams.
associated with their counterparts in technology strategy, with CTIOs often
marketing or strategy. rewarded based on business-focused Telefônica Brasil’s Kriger highlights
key performance indicators (KPIs), not the importance of changing the
Not only must technology leaders perception of IT among other
embrace new personal skills, they also technical ones. One leader we
interviewed stated that at his departments. He says:
require a far greater level of business
acumen. company 100% of the CTO’s bonus is
based on improvements in customer

CTIO challenges and aributes

Success is when
Thinking counterparts in other
the box departments recognize
that IT is working better
Retraining and not seen as causing

With all the changes in structure and

CTIO Becoming Challenge
decisively Managing

personal and professional

challenges business conven!onal
towards ‘so#wariza!on’
and a ributes leaders wisdom

characteristics required for successful


digital transformation, it would be

easy to lose sight of the technological
changes that must remain at the heart
at speed

of transformation. We’ll discuss these

in the next section.

TM Forum, 2018 6
Section 2
Technology trends that demand
CTIO convergence

Digital transformation demands significant changes in the processes, skills and working
practices of technology departments within communications service providers (CSPs), and
therefore of CTOs and CIOs. The changes are so numerous that perhaps it would be easier to
list what doesn’t need to change.

Four major technology trends are Market saturation and constant

defining the speed and direction of pressure on price means that this will
convergence within roles and teams: not be the case forever. Fixed
services orientated towards
Network evolution and businesses provide some indications
virtualization of the necessity and value of
Networks were viewed in
integrating networks and IT. For
Moving operational and
traditional OSI layers,
mobile, that inflection point begins
business support systems
but now Layers 1 to 3 are
with IoT, but 5G will initiate the kind
(OSS/BSS) to the cloud
of developments seen in the fixed
transport and we have to
Demand for service world.
treat them as a single
innovation (for example, in the entity – OSS needs to do
internet of things – IoT) that too.” Soware is king
Creation, collection and It is obvious that as network
utilization of massive amounts This requires fundamentally different functions virtualization (NFV) and

of data engineering. At the same time, the software-defined networking (SDN)
ways in which customers use newer become more prevalent, the
Prioritization of the trends and their networks has changed and continues importance of software increases and
importance in the overall strategic to do so. Customers’ interaction with the requirement to integrate
direction of specific CSPs varies. operators and the way they consume networks and IT grows. However, the
However, their impact on the services demand that OSS/BSS and development of the base
operational structure and model is networks be far more flexible and technologies, and therefore the
undeniable. operate in real time. This must integration that will necessarily follow,
happen through software. is slower than desired. Says Gedeon:

CSPs will reach inflection points at

Network evolution
The evolution to fiber in fixed different times, and the role of mobile
networks and generational in their businesses is perhaps the
improvements in mobile equipment single greatest influencer on when
are driving transformation from this will happen. The mobile industry
bottom up and top down. From in general has been able to continue
NFV is nowhere near
bottom up, a complete change in using legacy networks and elements
where we want it to be.”
thinking and architecture is required. as the imperative to change has been
Says Ibrahim Gedeon, CTO, Telus: slower than in fixed networks. New
customers and data growth have
been able to sustain the investment in
network evolution. 7
Section 2: Technology trends that demand CTIO convergence

Virtualization is complicated and the migration will happen with or “Vendors are brilliant when they are
involves not only changes in behavior without them, and being part of the not the incumbent.”
from CSPs but also the vendor change is better than resisting from
community. Suppliers must change the sidelines. Others suggest that sales teams have
the way they develop, deliver and not been incentivized to sell longer-

charge for products and services. Just term solutions and that traditional
as CSPs are conscious of cannibalizing product sales are more likely to put
Vendors could do more
In our interviews CTIOs said they bonuses in the pockets of vendors’
the service-based revenue streams
understand the challenges vendors sales staff. Network maintenance is
that have previously served them
are facing and they were unwilling to an area of concern. Says KPN CIO
well, so too are vendors aware that
be too critical of them. However, they Bouke Hoving:
virtualization represents a challenge
did express some frustration. Says
to their traditional revenue streams.
However, just as CSPs have found,

Measuring digital maturity

It’s difficult to take a

DevOps approach
without change, and
vendors are not yet
delivering what we need.”

Telefônica Brasil CIO André Kriger

believes that the partnership model
needs to be upended. Ideally, he says,
CSPs would reward technology
partners with bonuses based on
successful and timely delivery of an
entire project, rather than just the
‘Digital transformation’ may be the can be used to identify possible specific element they supply. This
most often-used phrase in business investment priorities and manage would increase their commitment and
today, but it is vague – there are the journey itself, step by step. The responsiveness.
many possible definitions and DMM works across five dimensions,
interpretations. It covers various each of which is sub-divided and Overall the inability of vendors to
functional areas which will measured via unique objective keep up with CSPs’ demands is
transform in different ways and at descriptions to specific questions, leading operators to take a ‘do-it-
different rates. This makes it rather than non-specific Likert yourself’ approach, particularly
difficult for CSPs to implement scales. around deploying DevOps in core
benchmarking. Any measurement networks and in limiting the number
model needs to be all-inclusive, Watch this video to learn more of vendor partners. Hoving explains
transparent, objective, specific and about the Digital Maturity Model: that KPN wanted to take a multi-
meaningful. It also needs to be vendor or vendor-agnostic approach
available to all CSPs. to its network transformation strategy
but was forced to backtrack
TM Forum has developed a Digital somewhat due to the level of
Maturity Model that meets all these complexity and limitations of vendor
requirements. CSPs, technology modularity. “It’s been a necessity but
companies and global advisory firms is not our preference,” he says.
have pooled their knowledge and
experience to create a model that 8
Section 2: Technology trends that demand CTIO convergence

Operating in the clouds Ranking the challenges of network transformaon

Perhaps the single biggest challenge
for technology leaders is not the
The need to implement a 62%

network itself but the systems that

new genera on of agile 65%

support it. As Hoving notes:


Concerns about security 59%

“The OSS domain is particularly

vulnerabili es

difficult to transform – it takes years


and involves migrating elements on a

Need for sophis cated 57%

weekly basis.”
orchestra on capabili es 67%

Other CSPs are facing similar Immaturity of current 56%

challenges with OSS transformation


as is evidenced by the three Digital

Transformation Trackers TM Forum has
Time it will take for

published during the past 18 months

standards to mature

(see graphic opposite).

Concerns about how we will do 48%
end-to-end provisioning and 59%

Other recent TM Forum research

management across hybrid networks 46%

shows that up to 72% of revenue is

that may involve partners’ networks

dependent on 5G’s new capabilities DTT 3 DTT 2 DTT 1

and requires IT transformation,
demonstrating how vital it is. Central
TM Forum, 2018

to this is making OSS more flexible

and efficient, which inevitably
includes not just implementing
software solutions but also moving
some OSS systems to the cloud.

What is the Digital Transformation Tracker?

As its name implies, the DTT tracks of the questions remaining established the status of digital
the status of digital transformation unchanged from one survey to the transformation in the telecoms
in the telecommunications industry next. This allows us to monitor market. DTT 2, which was published
and CSPs’ perceptions about progress and changes in perception in May 2018 surveying 178 CSP and
progress. TM Forum launched the around key drivers and success 91 supplier respondents, focused on
tracker in May 2017 to provide a factors. We also add new questions the cultural divide within CSPs. DTT
more complete and accurate picture to each survey so that we can focus 3 published in September 2018 with
of the state of global CSP on a specific aspect of 160 CSP and 76 supplier
transformation. transformation. respondents, focused on network
transformation. You can access the
Since then, we have conducted the DTT 1, which surveyed 185 CSP and trackers by clicking on the images
survey every six months, with many 175 supplier respondents, above. 9
Section 2: Technology trends that demand CTIO convergence

Why cloud? Benefits of migrang OSS to the cloud

When participants in the Forum’s
2018 CTIO Summit were asked to
rate the biggest benefits of OSS
migration to the cloud they cited the
ability to scale dynamically on
Elascity to scale Flexibility in CapEx/OpEx allocaon Agility for faster

demand as No. 1.
dynamically on (including new cloud/SaaS launch of new services
demand subscripon models), parcularly
for risky/uncertain new services

Half of the executives attending the

summit reported that 5% or less of
TM Forum, 2018

their company’s OSS is currently in

the cloud, but they expect open to on-premise clouds from financial savings – a virtual machine in
deployment to increase to 50% in public providers. As an executive from a public cloud is cheaper than one in a
three years (see graphic below). This is a North American CSP explains, “The private cloud – but the case for public
a major turnaround that can only be internal clouds can be theirs as well, cloud is made by the agility,
achieved if heavily prioritized, and just hosted on your premises.” Some innovation, availability of application
prioritization requires that operators are even considering ‘public-first’ program interfaces (APIs), and
overcome concerns about cloud policies. software development capabilities
security and reliability, particularly offered. The best software developers
around public clouds. It is important to understand that this want to work on public clouds, and
attitude is not simply driven by that makes them attractive to CTIOs
Public or private? economics or dictated by balance who want to innovate and develop
Generally, there are three approaches sheets. Yes, there are potential capabilities quickly.
to cloud: public, private and hybrid. In
public clouds, services and
infrastructure are provided off-site
over the internet, making them the
Percentage of OSS in the cloud
most cost-effective solution because
they share resources. But public
clouds are more vulnerable to security
risks, which leads some companies to
22% 16.5%
choose clouds hosted on a private
network. The hybrid approach offers a
mixture of the two. 5.5%
Now In 3 years
The expectation is that CSPs’ real-time
operations, particularly those areas
most closely related to the network,
will remain on premise. However, that 6% 22%
does not exclude the use of public 50%
cloud providers. The CTIOs we

interviewed accept that cloud models

make sense and that public clouds are
0-5% 5-10% 10-20% 20-50% more than 50%

valuable tools – and some are indeed TM Forum, 2018 10
Section 2: Technology trends that demand CTIO convergence

Similarly, Telefônica Brasil’s Kriger, However, creating a structure that
identified the implementation of a full- enables AI experiences, technologies
Service innovation
Another driver of transformation is stack platform as an important tool in and developers to be shared across an
the demand for and proliferation of meeting requirements from the rest of organization top to bottom is not
innovative services. Despite the the organization to develop services simple. As Gedeon notes, it’s not a
massive range of end-user activities, and solutions more quickly. one-person job but one that requires
the services that CSPs offer have an architectural solution. He says:
been limited. Particularly in the mobile
environment, voice, messaging and Data, data everywhere
data have been the sum of service One of the most significant
innovation. However, in a triple- or differences between network and IT
quad-play environment with IoT environments lies in how data is
added, managing multiple services on created, collected and utilized. Data is
top of network transport, is a major the core resource of the CIO but not
We don’t want IT to be a
undertaking, one that puts IT of the CTO. As networks evolve, the
bottleneck for AI. Anyone
(platforms and software), not the amount of data generated is should be able to use AI; it
network, front and center. increasing substantially and includes
usage and performance data,
can’t be siloed.”
Orange Group CIO Thierry Souche instructions to the network,
describes how his challenge is to monitoring and fault alarms, new Data infrastructure must enable data
create a full-stack delivery platform at service settings, customer provisioning to flow or be accessed end to end. It
scale for all countries which includes data and so on. also must be able to identify ‘good’
IoT, TV, device management, and ‘bad’ data, and eliminate the latter
payments, smart home, etc. The aim is Data will be everywhere and that is

without bringing down the systems
to provide tools and structures good – but only if it can be utilized
that rely on the data, whether they be
centrally, and the flexibility to adapt effectively. As Souche explains, “Big
BSS, OSS or the network itself. An
service propositions to the local data analytics are not yet used
architecture that underpins effective
market. It is not about dictating enough but the capabilities are there.”
creation, delivery and management of
service portfolios across the group. services is as important to CSP’s
Souche notes: AI’s potential
future businesses as the network
An important use of ‘good’ analyzed
data is to automate processes and
implement decision-making artificial This is the element of technology
intelligence (AI). KPN's Hoving notes evolution that equalizes the imbalance
that AI’s role is currently more relevant between networks and IT. Once a
to IT than networks. He rates the credible data architecture is in place,
technology as priority No. 3 behind failures will have similar impact on
virtualization and DevOps. This makes core services as any that occur in the
absolute sense because implementing
We are accompanying
network. Therefore, in creating the
AI for network operations requires the data architecture, a networks-like
country operations in
their soware journeys, agility of software and the continuous culture of thinking through every
development and improvement that possibility and of being risk aware if
results from implementing DevOps.
creating toolsets,
platforms. Some countries not risk averse will be essential.
are pushing on and others
need to follow.” 11
Section 2: Technology trends that demand CTIO convergence

customization that is very hard to

replicate.” They won’t disappear
overnight. Furthermore, each and
Building the Open Digital Architecture
CSP technology leaders are The key is that ODA is an

every migration needs to be achieved
collaborating to address OSS/BSS evolution, not a revolution. It is while ‘keeping the lights on’.
challenges in standards- founded on TM Forum Frameworx
development organizations and and offers a simplified view of As noted in Section 1, cultural
open source communities. At TM Frameworx to facilitate differences between networks and IT
Forum they are working on the implementation of components. have prevailed because of the
Open Digital Architecture (ODA), ODA draws on a suite of more than different levels of risk associated with
which is envisioned as a 50 Open APIs and includes key failures in each domain. Kriger is clear
replacement for traditional concepts from the Forum’s work on that this is no longer the case:
OSS/BSS. ODA offers a platform architectures and
standardized blueprint enabling OSS/BSS of the future. It also
vendors to participate in a incorporates concepts such as
marketplace for reusable solutions model-driven orchestration and
to common business challenges. automated onboarding from TM
ODA is a collection of several Forum’s Zero-touch Orchestration, If our systems fail, the
artifacts or assets (architecture Operations and Management
processes, best practices, standards (ZOOM) project.
business stops.”
and tools) designed to help CSPs
and their suppliers reimagine and Check out this
evolve OSS/BSS. white paper to The most optimistic technology
learn more: leaders we interviewed believe they
can replace legacy IT within five years,
while others believe it will take a
Key ODA principles decade or more. However, it’s
becoming clear that decommissioning
systems or services that no longer fit
with the technology or business
transformation is strategic. Therefore,
case-by-case justification for de-
Exploit the Lower Support Support Improve me Support
flexibility of operaonal flexible mulple to market with digital

commissioning or replacing systems is

cloud costs through business suppliers new services ecosystems

happening less frequently. While

automaon models

previous investments cannot be

ignored entirely, operators are putting
TM Forum, 2018

them into context based on future

into context, Telefônica Brasil’s Kriger requirements, not past expenditure.
explains that he must manage more
e legacy challenge
Most of our discussions with than 600 systems as part of the Technology trends are driving the
technology leaders have focused on central IT function plus 500 more requirements for network and IT
the new elements of transformation. sitting within other departments. convergence, but the changes cannot
However, we cannot ignore the take place without people to
elephant in the room: CSPs have Like many other CIOs, Kriger is tasked implement them. We’ll look at the
invested billions of dollars over the with developing a common impact on human skills and resources
years on the technologies and architecture, but as he explains legacy in the next section.
systems they have in place. To put this systems include “a lot of 12
Section 3
Skills are the greatest challenge

Digital transformation demands new skills of technology leaders and employees within
technology divisions. Many communications service providers (CSPs) are ‘insourcing’ talent,
meaning they are hiring or retraining employees to develop the necessary skill sets. This reflects
the macro-trend that has developed across the entire IT sphere. Cloud development
environments encourage this as they significantly reduce costs.

Most of the CSP respondents who CSP are hiring soware developers
took part in TM Forum’s Digital
Transformation Tracker 3 (DTT 3) survey
said they expect significant growth in
2015 2018 2021

the number of software developers

employed by their organizations in
the next three years. Seven
respondents representing seven
different CSPs noted that their
companies already employ more than
48% 54% 34%
5,000 developers, and six, who
reported having fewer than 250
of respondents said their said their company expect their company

software developers in 2015,

company employed fewer employs at least 100 to employ 500
than 50 developers developers developers or more
indicated they expect the number to
increase to 1,000 or 2,000 by 2021. TM Forum, 2018

Can CSPs attract the

necessary skills?
However, ensuring that CSPs can
Which skills are needed most?

identify and attract the relevant IT

skillsets is one of the biggest
challenges facing technology leaders
and their human resources
departments. Not surprisingly, skills in
data analytics rank highest on the list
for the CXOs who attended TM
1. Big data/ 2. Programming/ 3. Agile roles (scrum 4. IT 5. Security/ 6. Cloud/SaaS

Forum’s 2018 CTIO Summit, whereas

analy cs/business applica on managers, business architecture compliance/

they said they have no plans to recruit

intelligence development analysts, etc.) governance

more traditional IT skills such as TM Forum, 2018

database administration and web

development. 13
Section 3: Skills are the greatest challenge

Technology leaders face two primary demand among many of the world’s making attempts to embrace the
challenges in acquiring skills leading companies, as webscale cultural style of digital native
giants, Silicon Valley startups and companies like Amazon and Google.
n A relatively small pool of suitably major enterprises in other verticals However, such initiatives can easily
qualified talent – for example, are going through their own digital descend into trite examples. There is
Telus CTO Ibrahim Gedeon transformations. far more to creating a culture that
expresses frustration with the attracts the best IT talent than
relevance of skills coming from The graphic below shows where changing dress codes, installing a pool
universities, as most are only CXOs feel operators are making table and getting pizza delivered to
applicable to research and cannot progress when it comes to adopting offices.
be applied easily to the CSP new technologies and skills.
environment; experience is key but The most important factors identified
it comes at a price. in our ongoing research are autonomy
and the challenge of working with the
A question of culture
n Steep competition from other Most CSP leaders believe they need
best and latest technologies. Or, in
CSPs and digital natives – the to change the culture of their
other words, the best IT talent want
kinds of skills CSPs need are also in companies to compete, and they are
to be challenged and allowed
freedom to think and innovate.

CSPs increasingly are adopting

Technologies and skills CSPs are adopng
cutting-edge technology like
virtualization, artificial intelligence,
Microservices 22%

virtual reality and big data analytics,

39% so that can be attractive to software
developers. A far more difficult
Agile so ware 22%
development 28%

challenge, however, lies in CSPs’


ability to demonstrate autonomy.

AI and machine
Many operators have histories that
learning 22%

include government ownership or are


long-standing market leaders – both

Analy!cs 33%

of which tend to promote the


adoption and continuation of


hierarchical, operations-driven
Cloud 28%

cultures. Changing such cultures is a

long and challenging process but
Devops 22%

there is evidence that working


practices are changing alongside the

adoption of technologies that will
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

help to attract IT talent (see panel on

page 15).
We have implemented and are benefi"ng We are rolling out but have yet to acheive results
We are just star!ng It is something we are planning to do

TM Forum, 2018 14
Section 3: Skills are the greatest challenge

Doing away with rules at Bharti Airtel

Engineering), half the staff focus on on the core telco side.”
developing digital products and
platforms, while half focus on the She adds: “This was a very
core telecom business. conscious decision we made –
that’s the kind of culture we
In the platform group, “almost wanted to build. In the digital part
everybody comes from an internet of our organization, there are no
background,” Mehta says. “For the rules; it’s completely non-
other half, telecom is their core hierarchical. People associate
strength and they are focused themselves with the platforms they
much more on BSS, OSS and core are building, and we literally have
Many CSPs are starting to acquire telco products, supporting our no rules: They do what they want,
the skills they need by hiring fixed-line business, our digital TV wear what they want, come and go
developers into digital divisions to businesses, and, of course, the when they want. Sometimes they
create platform-based services mobility business. They are ‘binge-code’ and then disappear for
aimed at enterprise customers. completely distinct skillsets. 48 hours. It’s a very, very open
Management at India’s Bharti Airtel Interestingly, there are very environment and you have to allow
has taken deliberate steps to different age dynamics as well. The for that. You can’t attract the level
encourage digital culture, according number of millennials on the digital of talent and build the right open-
to Group CIO Harmeen Mehta. side is almost 80 percent, whereas minded products for your
Within her organization (IT & they number less than 20 percent consumers without it.”

The DTT 3 survey shows that CSPs

are adopting DevOps within IT
Preserving network
knowledge departments more than they are
While some operators are succeeding within network departments, but still
at hiring developers for platform- nearly half are already adopting it
based services, finding coding talent network divisions.
for areas such as network
engineering, where deep knowledge
of networking technology is also
required, is more difficult. As a
technology leader of an international CSPs begin to adopt DevOps for networks
carrier explains, it is important to be
able to transfer network knowledge
into an IT environment – operators
IT Networks

cannot afford to lose that expertise. 19% 18%

CSPs are combining network 46%
knowledge and IT skills in many ways.
For some, it’s all about creating mixed
teams. One European CSP executive
explains that every network team has 35% 51% 31%
an IT member who can advise about
software approaches. For others it’s
about introducing IT working
practices such as DevOps and Agile
methodology into network
We have successfully deployed We are in the early stages of We have not introduced DevOps

DevOps across many teams adopting DevOps

TM Forum, 2018 15

Section 3: Skills are the greatest challenge

There is no quick and easy answer to

combining traditional engineering and
Should everyone code?
In line with the desire to integrate emerging IT skill sets. However, there
skills, there is a drive towards is no doubt that the future is software
teaching everyone within a CSP – that it will no longer be possible to
organization to code on some level.
It won’t be possible to
run a CSP business without being
Some CFOs and CMOs are learning enable everyone to code,
software-driven. Examples of IT
to code, and many operators host but we need everyone to working practices and skills will
hackathons and offer training for become more and more prevalent in
employees who want to acquire
be code aware. We want
network engineering, and it will be
coding skills. In addition, people everyone to have
incumbent on CTIOs to provide the
working in all CSP domains should ownership of their own vision and leadership necessary to
view AI as an opportunity, rather than adopt these skills.
something scary.
capabilities, for them to be
able to automate what can
However, operators also should be
striving to empower employees with
help them with
intuitive tools that can provide the
productivity and automate
control and creativity coding delivers the repetitive to make
without requiring specific coding their jobs more
skills. Says Thierry Souche, CIO,
Orange Group:
interesting.” 16
Section Title

Section 4
Make it happen
Strategies for merging IT and networks

Nowhere is digital transformation more significant than in the technology departments of

communications service providers (CSPs) and in the way in which IT and network engineering
functions are converging through software. For most companies, the division between networks
and IT eventually will disappear, although the amount of time it takes for this to happen will vary.
Here are some key requirements and steps CSPs should take as they work toward convergence:

Create a single Recognize and address Focus on a few

technology strategy cultural differences technology priorities
Transformation success starts at the Culture can make or break Rapid technological change could
top and a by creating a single strategy transformation. There are clear easily overwhelm CTIOs, CTOs and
for IT and engineering. This helps differences between the cultures of CIOs, which means prioritization is
create common goals and avoids network engineering and IT, and CSPs essential and should be done in line
pitting the two divisions against each must work to preserve the best of with an overall strategy and
other. A single CTIO position is ideal. both while bringing the two divisions understanding of technical and
However, it is not always feasible or together. This cannot be an business dependencies. For example,
even desirable from the outset due to afterthought. Steps toward AI in operations is likely to become a
the shear amount of work and convergence should be transparent priority only after CSPs virtualize and
diversity of challenges, particularly in and include formal measures, such as operations to increase agility.
dealing with legacy systems. the restructuring of roles. Cultural
considerations also need to be
applied to recruitment and ensuring
that working conditions promote both
autonomy and excellence. 17
Section Title

Include legacy in Increase soware Collaborate on

transformation planning accessibility for all convergence
Transformation is about embracing Software is the future of CSP CSPs should collaborate with their
new technology, but legacy systems businesses; it will permeate virtually peers and partners in standards-
will not disappear. Managing the every job function. However, to avoid development organizations and open
migration of systems and customers IT departments becoming operational source groups to create common,
from old to new is just as important and strategic bottlenecks, software agreed upon architectures for
as the quality of new systems. Getting skills must be distributed across the convergence and to benchmark
migration wrong has the potential to organization. CSPs can achieve this by progress made on digital
scupper transformation, and the case offering training in coding and by transformation. The TM Forum Open
for migration and decommissioning including IT personnel in all cross- Digital Architecture (ODA) is a
should be viewed in that context, not functional teams. However, long-term collection of assets (architecture
case by case. success depends on creating processes, best practices, standards
architectures, such as serverless and tools) designed to help CSPs and
systems that abstract technology and their suppliers reimagine and evolve
drive natural-language tools deep into OSS/BSS. It offers a standardized
the organization. blueprint enabling suppliers to
participate in a marketplace for
reusable solutions to common
business challenges. Operators also
can use the TM Forum Digital
Maturity Model to benchmark their
progress on digital transformation
with other CSPs. 18
TM Forum toolkit for
digital transformation

Agile & Virtualized

TM Forum Digital Agile OSS/BSS Toolkit Open Digital Architecture
Maturity Model This toolkit includes a complete Developed collaboratively by the
The DMM is a ‘living’ maturity model blueprint for a platform for managing world’s largest telecom operators and
and set of metrics to help companies a multi-vendor hybrid/NFV their partners, the ODA provides a
measure their true digital maturity. infrastructure, which includes open common operations and IT
Members can access a guidebook as APIs, information models, best management ‘blueprint’. It combines
well as an Excel spreadsheet practices and deployment guides. proven cloud-computing best
containing the actual model. It is also practices with TM Forum’s work on
available as iOS app. zero-touch orchestration operations
and management; digital ecosystem
management; data analytics; AI and
Open APIs.

Open & Partner Effectively

Open APIs Digital Trust Challenges and Monetizing the Internet of
TM Forum offers more than 50 APIs Opportunities Standard Everything Guide
to manage services end to end and This technical report outlines the key This information guide describes a
throughout their lifecycle in a multi- concepts of digital trust and identifies standardized approach and a
partner environment. the top seven digital trust challenges. monetization template for new,
innovative services.

Customer Centricity
Customer Experience Big Data Analytics Solution 360 Degree View of a
Implementation Suite Suite Customer
This set of tools consists of a This set of tools includes a big data This guidebook offers a 360-degree
guidebook, hundreds of metrics, a reference model, a guidebook view of a customer and explains how
maturity model, lifecycle model, ROI containing more than 65 use cases to put customers at the center of
model and more than 54 and 1700+ pre-defined metrics. considerations and actions.
implementation use cases. 19

Research & Media

Digital Transformation Digital Transformation

Tracker 3 Tracker 2
Why is network How to fix the
transformation so cultural divide

Trend Analysis Report Digital Transformation

AI: e time is Tracker 1
now e race is on

Trend Analysis Report Trend Analysis Report

Vision 2020: 5G monetization:
Future CSP Operational
Business models imperatives

White Paper Quick Insights

AI & customer Want to drive
experience: business benefits?
Emerging best Improve customer
practices centricity

Quick Insights
Quick Insights
Smart analytics pay Building a data
dividends across lake to drive digital
the customer transformation

Quick Insights Quick Insights

Microservices: Data analytics &
Piecing together a AI: Key to end-to-
strategy end management

ebook TM Forum Open
Platforms: How to APIs: Enabling a
join the revolution zero-integration
API economy 20
TM Forum Frameworx

TM Forum Frameworx is a suite of best practices and

standards that, when adopted, enable a service-oriented,
highly automated and efficient approach to business
operations. Frameworx provides hundreds of standardized
Business Metrics that allow for benchmarking, as well as a
suite of interfaces and APIs that enable integration across
systems and platforms. Frameworx also includes adoption
of best practices to help companies implement and use the
standards and management best practices to ensure
ongoing conformance.

Frameworx has been widely adopted and proven to

significantly improve agility in IT and operations, resulting
in increased margins, lower costs and optimal customer
experience. Frameworx is created and evolved by TM
Forum members who participate in the Forum's
Collaboration Community.

8 things Frameworx can do for you:

1. Reduce transformation risk by delivering a proven

blueprint for agile, efficient business operations 6. Reduce integration costs and risk through standardized
interfaces and a common information model
2. Innovate and reduce time-to-market with streamlined
end-to-end service management 7. Gain independence and confidence in your procurement
choices through conformance certification and
3. Create, deliver and manage enterprise-grade services
procurement guides
across a multi-partner ecosystem
8. Gain clarity by providing a common, industry-standard
4. Improve customer experience and retention using
proven processes, metrics and maturity models

5. Optimize business processes to deliver highly efficient,

automated operations Download latest files Get training 21

3. Apply disciplined and consistent business process

development enterprise-wide, allowing for cross-
Business Process Framework (eTOM)
The Business Process Framework (eTOM) is a organizational re-use
comprehensive, industry-agreed, multi-layered view of the
key business processes required to run an efficient, 4. Understand, design, develop and manage IT applications
effective and agile digital enterprise. in terms of business process requirements so
applications will better meet business needs
6 things you can do with the Business Process
Framework: 5. Create consistent and high-quality end-to-end process
flows, eliminating gaps and duplications
1. Create a common language for use across departments,
systems, external partners and suppliers, reducing cost 6. Identify opportunities for cost and performance
and risk of system implementation, integration and improvement through re-use of existing processes and
procurement systems
2. Adopt a standard structure, terminology and
classification scheme for business processes to simplify
internal operations and maximize opportunities to
Download latest files Get training
partner within and across industries

3. Speed time to market by using well-understood

integration interfaces based on the Information
Information Framework (SID)
The Information Framework (SID) provides standard Framework, eliminating the need for data translation
definitions for all the information that flows through the between systems
enterprise and between service providers and their
business partners. 4. Avoid wasting precious development time on debates
with your team, partners, or vendors by adopting a
5 things you can do with Information Framework: widely proven, industry accepted, rich and extensible
1. Reduce integration costs by adopting standards-based information model
information models and using them in applications and 5. Mandate conformance to the Information Framework
interfaces and save time and money during vendor evaluation and
2. Save hundreds of design hours by starting with a mature procurement
framework and 1500 entities developed and vetted by
subject matter experts
Download latest files Get training 22

3. Integrate faster and with lower costs by defining and

clearly communicating the functions provided within
Application Framework (TAM)
The Application Framework (TAM) provides a common each application
language and means of identification for buyers and
suppliers across all software application areas. 4. Reduce custom development costs with modular,
standard application requirements
5 things you can do with the Application Framework:
5. Increase automation and efficiency with standard,
1. Streamline procurement by using common definitions deployable components
and language to specify and evaluate solutions

2. Document and then rationalize your application

inventory during transformation projects or mergers and Download latest files Get training
acquisitions 23

Open APIs
TM Forum's 50+ REST-based Open APIs have been developed collaboratively by communications service providers (CSPs),
government organizations and their partners. When used internally, the Open APIs help companies transform their IT,
increase operational agility and improve customer centricity. Externally they enable end-to-end seamless connectivity,
interoperability and portability across complex digital ecosystems.

To date, 42 of the world’s leading CSPs and technology suppliers have signed the Open API Manifesto publicly
demonstrating their endorsement of TM Forum’s Open APIs. CSPs that adopt the Open APIs can position them as a
preferred requirement in their IT requests for proposal, and technology partners can commit to using the Open APIs in
relevant product applications. Together they can unlock many growth opportunities, including dramatically improving
business and IT agility, reducing the cost and complexity of operations, and reducing integration cost, risk and time for the
entire supply chain.

The Open APIs are often tested, improved and extended through TM Forum’s Catalyst Program. Catalysts are proof-of-
concept projects that bring together companies large and small to create innovate solutions to common challenges,
demonstrating how solutions can be achieved by leveraging key TM Forum best practices and standards. Catalyst teams
work on the projects for four to six months before demonstrating them at TM Forum’s flagship events.

Access the Open APIs Learn more

Best Practices
TM Forum members have collaborated to produce an extensive library of standards, best practices, guidebooks, technical
reports and much more covering the most important topics for companies operating in the digital economy.

We have arranged these resources into toolkits by topic. Click on the link below to access the full toolkits and download*
all the available resources.

*Downloads are available to employees of TM Forum member companies only. Interested in joining as a member? Click

Access the Toolkits 24
Research & Media Team

Report Author: Report Editor: Andy Tiller, Executive Vice
Catherine Haslam, Dawn Bushaus, President, Collaboration &
Senior Analyst Managing Editor Innovation
Report Design:
Intuitive Design UK Ltd
Head of Research & Media
Chief Analyst: Product Delivery:
Mark Newman Paul Davis Published by: TM Forum
4 Century Drive,
NJ 07054
Editor, Digital Global Account Director: USA
Content: Carine Vandevelde
Arti Mehta Phone: +1 973-944-5100 Fax: +1 973-944-5110
ISBN: 978-1-945220-36-4

Head of Research & Director, Solutions

Media Sales: Marketing:
Denise Tack Charlotte Lewis

Publications Marketing
Jan Lowdon

© 2018. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The Forum would like to thank the sponsors and advertisers who have enabled
the publication of this fully independently researched report. The views and opinions expressed by individual authors and contributors in this publication are provided in the
writers’ personal capacities and are their sole responsibility. Their publication does not imply that they represent the views or opinions of TM Forum and must neither be
regarded as constituting advice on any matter whatsoever, nor be interpreted as such. The reproduction of advertisements and sponsored features in this publication does not
in any way imply endorsement by TM Forum of products or services referred to therein. 25
For more about TM Forum’s Collaboration Community, please
contact Andy Tiller, Executive Vice President, Collaboration &
Innovation, via

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