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- Added %kapeDirectory% variable that is replaced with the full path to where
kape.exe was executed from. Useful for having a reference point for config files to
pass to modules, etc.
- Added SFTP support. Server name, port, and username are required. See help screen
for more details and switches. SFTP password, when present, will be redacted from
the ConsoleLog
- Added zip to container options. Works like VHD(x) containers, except things just
get zipped up
- When targeting $J, only copy the non-sparse part of the file. This makes for a
much smaller (and faster!) collection
- Added _kape.cli support. _kape.cli should contain one or more KAPE command lines
(one per line). When KAPE sees this file on start up, it executes one copy of KAPE
per line in the file, then renames _kape.cli by adding a timestamp to the front of
the file. See for
more details and example usage
- Remove --toe option
- In modules, for ExportFile property, %fileName% will get replaced using the name
of the file being processed. Example: ExportFile: TeraCopy-history_%fileName%.csv

v0.8.2.0 2019-03-05
- Change ConsoleLog from being file based to memory based. ConsoleLog is saved to
--tdest and/or --mdest as necessary
- Remove --dcl option since ConsoleLog is in memory now
- Added --sync switch to automatically update Targets and Modules from the
KapeFiles GitHub repository
- Add --overwrite along with --sync to overwrite any local targets and modules
- In the ConsoleLog, remove extra line feeds and only show first letter of log
- gkape updated to allow for editing and creating new targets and modules,
including validation
- Added ability to specify multiple targets and modules on the command line (--
target filesystem,eventlogs for example)
- Add Progress information to Title bar of Console or PowerShell window
- Gkape interface overhauled
- Added PowerShell script for automatic updates of the main KAPE package
- Add --mvars switch which allows passing in key:value pairs to modules
- Polish and tweaks

v0.8.1.0 2016-02-16
- Add support for UNC paths for --tsource and --tdest
- Better detection when out of storage space on destination
- Add check when --mdest and --tdest are the same and disallow it
- Warn when --msource != --tdest
- Clarify EULA section 1.3 as it relates to usage

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