B.E. Electronic Engineering Project Deve

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School of Technology and

“Online Ticket Booking System”

-:- Submitted to -:-

Dr. Richard Dybowski

Submitted By -:-
Reaz Ahmed
Student ID: 0438RORO1109
UEL ID: 1061589

Submission Date: 14 November 2011

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109


Literally it was an incredible task to complete the whole project. So much efforts and helping
hands finally make the whole work worthy. I would like to thank first to my Project
supervisor and honourable teacher Dr. Mr. Richard Dybowski for his continuous support,
critical evaluation and assist to make my final project.

I also, would like to thank all of my BSc course lecturers and teachers who gave me the best
idea about computer science. Sincerely thanks to Dr. Florence Agboma and Dr. Mr Anand
Walser for helping me to choose my project topics as well as helping me in my proposal.

Finally lots of thanks to the University of East London for giving us ultimate opportunity to
use their library and resources as regular student as well as helping us to demonstrate our
educational life. It is incredible that I am finally submitting this project. Above all my
heartiest gratitude to Almighty God for giving me the passion, and my family to their
continuous emotional support.

Reaz Ahmed
Novemner 2011

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109


This is the era of science and technology. Web applications are used massively used in each and every
step of modern businesses. But unfortunately the developing countries like Bangladesh are far behind
of using the internet or web based applications. This project is about to develop an “Online air Ticket
Management System” for Bangladeshi people to book their air travel ticket in a convenient way. The
whole system is typical but a new step for the Bangladesh perspectives. Users can register their details
for logging or access to the information page, view flight timetables, information and finally purchase
or cancel a flight ticket through the automated system. Several software applications have been used
to demonstrate the whole system. The implementation of the system required to use PHP, HTML,
JavaScript, CSS and MySQL. The entire system will work together to develop a website for the online
ticket booking processing. Further the future improvement of this entire project included efficient
more airlines included in the systems, developing the servers, payment protection and many features.
The website also critically considered accessibility of the website when the layout and
structure of the site was being designed. The research will include payment solutions
available for such a system could use to accept customer payments. The project will take the
best feature of existing ticket sales website and improve them and will implement new feature
that it is felt will improve customers experience with the site. Finally users will be highly
benefitted with the advantages of the website and it is definitely added advantage for the travel &
tourism business in Bangladesh.

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

Table of Content

Topics Page Number

Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02

Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03


1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06
1.1 Significance of Research --------------------------------------------------------------- 08
1.2 Problem Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 09
1.3 Aim ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
1.4 Objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
1.5 Research Questions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2. Literature Review --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.1 Previous Works -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.2 Future Improvements ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17
Research Methodologies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18


3. Project Design -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

3.1 Functional Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------- 21
3.2 System Implementations --------------------------------------------------------------- 21
3.3 Entities and their attributes ----------------------------------------------------------- 22
3.4 Class Diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.5 Use case Diagram ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.6 Screen Layouts and navigations between screens -------------------------------- 25
4. Implementations and Testing ------------------------------------------------------------- 29
5. Evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45

Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Gantt Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48

Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
Appendix --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109



In recent years, the web has greatly improved and has become a very big factor in our modern
society. It has become a platform for highly sophisticated, distributed, enterprise-level
applications (Casal, 2004). We are just a click away from the rest of the world and this is all
possible because of the presence of the internet applications that we have on our computer
systems. Internet or Web-based applications help by organizing and making these activities
on the internet possible. Opportunities to take advantage of information technologies in
educational contexts are reported by several authors: Harasim (Harasim et al., 1995), Puttnam
(Puttnam, 1996), and Papert (Papert, 1993).

However, internet and web applications are now being used in every steps of modern
technology where the modern society largely depends on computer technologies, by using the
technology and some of its sophisticated applications. As a student of Business Information

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

Systems, I have been assigned to do a project proposal report for my final semester at the
School of Technology and management. Where I have choose a very exciting and important
but huge project on online ticket management where anyone can booking ticket through
internet and he need not to go to the airport and face hassle for booking ticket. This system is
already used in almost all of the countries in the world including Asia, Europe, Middle east.
But online air ticket booking is not so popular in Bangladesh. People are not used to with this
culture yet. So the main aim of my project it to make the online ticket booking system quite
easier for people like Bangladesh, India, means people of the developing country. It also
helps them to be familiar with the technology. Though the system is seems to be implemented
in last few years but have not been succeeded for some of its drawbacks and user
unfriendliness and need to be implemented through a new systems up gradation.

The whole process of the proposal will discuss and focus through the whole Idea of this new
upgrade project work and its benefits as well as technical sides. Here I have planned for easy
applications to use, along with secured database and modern identification systems.

1.1 Significance of Research:

The significance of the project is to create non sophisticated software and data integrated
systems to implement for an easy ticket booking process. This means, the whole ticket
booking process can be easily done with some easy stepped secured process. This system will
allow people who are registered, booking tickets without wasting time in the queue. Other
significance and importance of the report is:

● Online ticket booking system

● It reduces harassments for ticket booking.

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

● Secured technology to confirm security.

● Make mass people familiar with the technology.

● save time and money.

Above all, it is clear that this system will be a great advantage for the busiest airlines, to
expand their business and divide workload. The main and foremost task is to allow
passengers to book their ticket online easily. This whole system will be highly secured and
convenient for the users. This new proposed system will allow and divide the passengers
along with their criteria.

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

1.2 Problem Statement:

In Bangladesh there are many airlines that have flights all over the world. Their services are
too good, their service to customer are friendly and cordially. But still most of them follow
the backward system for ticket booking. Usually to book a ticket, clients has to go to the
airline’s office, wait in a queue, have to fill up form, give cash or check or credit card.
Confirm the date and so other things by going to that office again. This is a boring, lengthy
and time consuming process. It also keeps the Bangladesh ticket management system back
from the rest world. So online ticket booking will be a great step for Bangladesh to avoid all
these problems and make a great use of the technology.

To do the improvement work of this wide project I have been identified some problems
which can lead to disrupt the improvement of the whole project. Some problem of this project
can be:

 Lack of software knowledge

 Information source

 Server security and maintenance

 Sort and create database systems with millions of information as well as eligibility
according to the ticket booking criteria.

 Lack of outsource knowledge can be a problem for the project.

 Backup the system and database.

 Bank account verification process constraint

Card transaction process constraint

The main and basic problem I have found is to develop an easy booking system to allow the
massive user of the country, as most of the people are not aware of the online process and try
to avoid data fraud and sophisticated process. Though I have gone through all the problems
that might arise and process the system applications with the basic criteria and skills of
Bangladeshi online user.
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
1.3 Aim:

The actual aim of developing this online ticket booking system is to make people familiar with
technology in an easier and comfortable way that any general people who has no idea of using
internet can learn to use this system in a very short time. They can use and booking for ticket in a
easy way. And people will be included and registered to the database securely. The whole process
will starting from registering details online for a user account with secure database system, then
the registered user will be able to book or view his/her particular booking information’s. Users
will be able to amend, cancel or view the ticket information anytime through logging to the
system and will also be able to use the system in future to buy new ticket through online secure
transactions. Though people in Bangladesh are not very familiar and comfortable with the online
applications, so the system had been designed to keep the ticket booking system as simple as
possible, secured and useful.

1.4 Objectives:

The objectives of the study are:

 To develop an online ticket booking system.
 Make the online ticket booking system user friendly.
 To investigate the advantages, limitations and challenges of developing a fully online
ticket booking system for airlines.
 To investigate the implementation of a fully bank database connected online ticket
booking system with most sophisticated programming platform and database servers that
is mature, economical and high standard.
 To provide the passengers with most new technology and fastest service, this is secure,
convenient and easy.
 Make the mass people familiar with the technology.
 Create database for the system.
 Using technology for fastest banking process

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1.5 Research questions

Research questions are the particular series of questions that allows the creator or designer of
any project to answer some specific questions related to the topic. Through finding the
research questions, it is easier to point out about the system capability, implementations,
users, usability and limitations. In this particular project about “Air ticket Management”
system, there are few research questions which analyse the project and find out sophisticated
or basic questions related to the topics.

The research questions of this study are:

 What types of information need to develop an online ticket booking system?
 What are the key facilities of the system?
 Who will use the system?
 What are the challenges, advantages or developing and implementing the online ticket
booking system?
 How would the system users perceive the system?
 How the database will work?
 What types of backups the system has in case of database/server crash?
 Who are the limitations of the system?
 What are the future improvements or plans?
 How the balance of security and usability done?
Is the transaction through this system is secure and safe for anyone?

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An online ticket booking system is a most common used technology by the general people of
the developed country and now the developing country are starting to use this technology.
Day by day this process becomes easier than before and people of all class will one day
become familiar with this technology.

The basic concept of airline ticket management systems is to create a web application and
systems that allow users to finds travel information, flight timetables, fares, availability etc.
In the past air ticket management systems or online booking systems were not that much
popular and people used to book the ticket manually through the airline ticket office. In 1946
American Airlines were the very first to come out with an automated booking system. This
was called the Electromechanical Reserves which generally comprised a short-term storage
of magnetic drums. The airline’s operators had to do the actual lookups as travel agents could
not directly query this system. 1953 marked the birth of complex airline reservation systems
when American Airlines launched the SABRE (Semi-Automatic Business Research
Environment) reservation system. Next arrival was DATAS by Delta, Apollo by United
Airlines and PARS by Trans World Airlines. Eventually these were replaced by complex
Computer reservations systems (CRSs). Initially operated by airlines, CRSs were later
extended for the use of travel agents who could query the systems and make reservations
themselves. Yet passengers themselves needed a travel agent’s assistance when making a
booking. If any passenger wanted to book a seat or to go through a schedule they would have
to contact the travel agents. So the airlines needed a web-based booking system which will
allow the passengers to directly retrieve information about the air schedules, make booking
etc. That was the first introduction of Internet Booking Engines (IBE). Internet booking
engines are used by nearly every airline at present to cut off extra expenses and to support
instant booking and payment.

An online ticket management system is consisting of so many part and major tasks. To
develop an air ticket management system, there will be need to develop and use passenger
service system (PSS) and airline reservation systems (ARS) to perform the reservation tasks.

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The main purpose of this online ticket booking systems is to allow and attract passengers to
book a ticket online in third world countries like Bangladesh. In Bangladesh people are not
surely aware of these types of ticket management systems and are not widely used there.
Though the ticket management and online booking systems are no more a wonder for the first
class countries like United Kingdom or USA, where online booking is a massive used factor.
By developing the system it will be little step to attract and allow people in Bangladesh to use
online platform for quickest, safest and comfortable service.

The overall overview of this ticket booking system is, it will works for any users by just
visiting the webpage online. Then anyone wish to book a ticket online can register for online
account with a email address and password as log in criteria. The users will be able to view
the specific and desired ticket availability and proceed with the confirmation further. There
will be an online account directly linked to the database server which will allow users to
amend their personal details as well as view, cancel or change ticket via providing specific
fine or surcharge. The most important features is online payment, which will allow people to
pay through online via bank card and secure transaction.

As, its been described before earlier that, online ticket booking systems is no more any
wonder for the developed countries and the system implementations been started many years
ago late 1050s. There has been numerous previous works has been done to improve the
online reservation systems and there are many more going on. This entire project work is not
a new system or idea rather than it’s just a shadow of previous works but in new ways and is
one step development for the developing regions like Bangladesh. Users of this online air
ticket management system will definitely can get the most of its advantages.

Furthermore, there are several limitations remain in this project where lack of software
knowledge; server development; online security; payment protection could be improved and
done properly. An error free system and more secured data integrated system could be an

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However, the whole research methods were from my best knowledge and programming
skills. Future works needed to develop the online air ticket management system. Though, the
system implementations are related to the past works but, still this method is needs more time
to be familiar and also to implement in wide range of process. Lots of future works needs to
do for user comfort ability and online protection. Future improvements can be done gradually
in the coming years.

Online Ticket Booking System at a glance:

 Viewers can view or visit the web page

 In this system first of all the system match the user who want to log into the system
with the registered user.
 Next it matches the user bank account with the bank account whether the account
number is valid and has enough money to buy the ticket.
 Then it match user desired seat with the database and shows whether user’s desired
seat is available or not.
 And again a user can cancel his ticket using the system.

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2.1 Previous Related Works:

Through emerge of modern science and technology online ticket booking system is no more a
wonder for the fast world countries. The first use of airline reservation systems begin in late
1950 when American Airlines felt the necessity of convenient customer service and efficient
ticket management. Gradually, ticket booking systems has got much more platforms and
security systems management to keep pace with the modern computerization race. Today,
there are more than 100s of air ticket system vendors exists worldwide. But, unfortunately the
use of online and web based services are not popular in Asia or Africa. For this, I choose my
home country to implement the air ticket management system and online booking system.
Previous so many applications, designs and researches are taken into consideration when
developing the air ticket system for Bangladesh. The use of old traditional process but I try to
make the total process of ticket booking process easier and user friendly. In recent years,
almost all countries airlines have been adopted the similar systems for ticket booking.
However the work and process in not widely used in Bangladesh because of public
awareness, internet using trends, financial capacity and ignorance.

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2.2 Future Improvements:

Through emerge of computer science and technological improvement an online ticket

booking system is becoming more and more promising, where there is still a lot more work to
do and the following improvements are expected:

 Connection with bank database will be more secure and all banks will allow the airline
systems to share their secure database.

 The total process of booking ticket will become more users friendly and easy that any
person can use the system at his first attempt.

 To develop an efficient online ticket booking system will be more quick, fast and errorless.

 Te develop backups for data and integrated security systems.

 Extended data storage capacity, SSL data security and customer feedback and online help

 Error free and efficient server.

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Research is a structured enquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve

problems and create new knowledge that is generally applicable. Scientific methods consist
of systematic observation, classification and interpretation of data. Basically, research is a
process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions. Simply, a
research methodology is the process of gaining information to gain and gather information
about any specific project or topic which should be controller, rigorous, valid & verifiable,
empirical and finally critically evaluated.

In this specific project about online air ticket management system, several researches have
been done on the topics and tasks. The methods of research were:

1. Primary research:
 Action Research
 Quantitative Research
2. Secondary Research:
 Case Studies
 Survey
 Qualitative Research
 Experiment

In the first phase of the research methods, there was Action research and quantitative research
methods were been followed. Action research helped to find out the needs of the final project,
system requirements and analytical approach. There also been list of resources and guidelines
are followed in the action research to help with the project. On the other hand, the objective
of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or
hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The method of measurement is central to quantitative
research because it provides the deep-seated correlation between empirical observation and
mathematical expression of quantitative interaction.

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Secondary research will included, case studies to find out the current in-depth situation of the
project plan. A case study can helps to find out the fundamental concept of the project and
helps to critically evaluate the concept. The other secondary research methodology is survey,
qualitative research and experiment on the whole project. Survey helps to find the right
solution and overall view of mass people and their opinions. On the other hand, qualitative
research and experiments are the overall view of the research methods. The above all are the
research method of my project and will help to find out the best comprehensively theory as
well as system idea.

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3.1 Functional Requirements:
 Easiest way to user registration and login
 Show personal information
 Easiest way for booking a ticket
 Easiest way to cancel ticket booking
 Bank Verification

3.2 System Implementation:

Implementation of the system required to use –
 PHP,
 Javascript,
 CSS,
 MySQL.

PHP is a general-purpose server side scripting language originally designed for web
development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into
the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module,
which generates the web page document. PHP has been used to develop the script code and
the structure of the project web page.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the fundamental mark-up language for web
pages like air travel ticket booking website. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of
WebPages. The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them
into visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the
tags to interpret the content of the page.


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JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has
first-class functions. It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented,[6]
imperative, and functional[1][7] programming styles.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used here to describe the
presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of the document written in a mark-up
language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML,
but the language can also be applied to any kind of XML document, including plain XML,
SVG and XUL. As CSS used to support the webpage, that specially written in HTML.

MySQL is basically a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a
server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The SQL phrase stands for
Structured Query Language. MySQL has been used to connect the whole database systems of
the air ticket management and make a worthwhile web page.

3.3 Entities and their attributes:

payment pid, tid, cname, cno, cissuecountry, bankname

fare tid, farepseat, totalfare, tid
flight fno, fname, route
pid, pname, email, password, profession, bloodgroup,
passenger contactno, address, country, passportno, gender
seat n
ticket Tid, fno, tfrom, tto, jdate, jtime, bdate, class, fareepseat,
status, noofticket
bank Cname, cno, cissuecountry, bankname, amount

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3.4 Class Diagram:

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3.5 Use case diagram:

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3.6 Screen Layouts and Navigation between screens:

The complete design of the system and web page screen layouts are as followed:

Home page:

A new user can visit the home page without registration.

In the home page user or any visitor can see several options like
 Sign in
 Sign up
 Flight time
 Travel requirement
 Airline news
 Airline facility
 Ticket information finding option
 Ticket booking option
 Customer facility detail
He can also get an idea about “Air System”, its routes, all about our Company.

User form:
A new user has to fill up a registration form before going for ticket booking. Without
registration none can go for ticket booking.

In the Registration form any user has to give the following information:

 Name
 Email
 Password
 Profession
 Blood Group
 Contact number

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 Address
 Country
 Passport number
 Gender
 After giving these values, this information will be recorded in the “passenger” table of
the database.
Once a user registered, he does not need to re-register again.

Sign in:
Here, a registered user, have to give his username and password in a form. Then this
information will be verify with his database information. If they matched he can go for
further options, like ticket booking, cancel ticket, view personal information and so on.
The information will be matched with the database table “passenger”, which is fills up as the
registration form.
If the given information mismatch with the database then user will see a message saying
“Sorry! Wrong Username or Password”.
For a successful verification user will see another message saying-
“Click here for booking ticket” and
“Click here for cancel your ticket”
And if any user does not put any value in these fields he will get another message saying-
“Username or Password field is empty!!”

Travel Requirement:
In this page user can get some tips about the precautious that he need to check before his fly.
And what he should do in the time on board.

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Flight time/ Schedule:
In this page, users have to put his/her-
 starting country name
 starting airport name
 departure country name
 departure airport name
Then after pressing the “Show available flights” button he can get the chart of available
flights of his desire route.
His desire flight list will come in another page showing the times of the flights.
If he wants to cancel his searching he may go for the “cancel” option.

Bank Verification:
If any user wants to give booking for ticket, first he/she to go for the bank verification option.
Here he has to put his-
 Credit card number
 Card issue country name
 Alliance bank name
 His current amount of the account
If all these given data matched with the bank’s database, then he will go to the ticket booking
If information mismatch, then the individuals will be unable to go for further ticket booking

Ticket booking:
If a user wants to give booking for tickets he/she has to fill up a form. Where he have to give-
 Starting country name
 Desired flight no
 Select fare per seat
 Departure country name
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 Current date or booking date
 Current time or booking time
 Select date from available journey date
 Select time from available time
And submit them.

Ticket cancelation:
If any user want to cancel his ticket booking, after login he simply go for the ticket cancel
Any purchased tickets have to cancel 5 days prior to the flying date.

Find User Information:

If any user wants to know or view his personal information, he has to go for the “Find user
information” option.
Here He has to give his password and then he can view his personal information in the next

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Implementations are all about implementing the codes and design of the system.

 Please note: All implemented codes are attached in the Appendices chapter to keep
the project work clean and clear.

After the entire designing and required functionality job, the system works perfectly. In
this chapter, I tried to demonstrate the screen shots and preview of all the web pages.

Home Page:

It is the home page of my system. This describes about the online travel reservation system.
Anyone can view the webpage and basic information through the page.

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User Registration form:

This is the registration form when a user tries to register through the online registration form.
Users have to input their name, address, email address, passport number and gender
information as basic user information. Users have to give a desired password along with the
email address for data entry.

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Sign in Page:

Registered users will have to enter their email address and password to login to the web
servers. After login to the system users will be able to view or amend personal informations
and cancel purchase travel ticket tickets.

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After the successful sign-in process, the user will view this page:

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Ticket booking (availableSeat.php)

Flight schedules are given only to the registered users for the suitable use of the web sites.

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After selecting the flight route, users will be able to view the flight timetables and flight
schedules. This helps users to select the best available flights to the destination country.

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If users click on any of the route, route details will be displayed promptly.

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After selecting a flight schedule, the page will redirect to a page where the customer has to
give desire seat number to verify its booking.

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It will redirect to another page where the user will get a message from the server stating the
seat is available to book or already booked by previous customer.

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Payment page:

Though online address verifications are not available in Bangladesh but the other details
needs to enter for bank card payment within the country. Card issuers country is defaulted as

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If user press submit then there will be a page containing the user’s payment details.

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Viewing ticket information:

Users need to enter ticket ID number to view the ticket informations.

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Ticket Cancellation:

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Travel Information:

Travel information page states the clear rules of air travel. In this page, viewers will be able
to find the necessary information such as baggage carrier or any important terms of
conditions related to the travel.

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Generally evaluating a project is the systematic determination of merit, worth and
significance of the project work. Below here is the detailed evaluation of the entire project
work, which included the overview of the project; advantages; limitations and lacking in
comparison to other existing websites.

Overview Project:

This project work is about to develop a website for Bangladesh to allow people book their air
travel ticket online. This entire system is designed to allow the users to register online, view
tickets, flight information and booked tickets online soon after finishing the payment phase.
Users can able to revisit the website again and book other destination flights.


The website and system is been specially developed for Bangladesh perspective and the
people will be greatly benefitted from the application. The main advantage or functionality of
the systems are:

● Make the online ticket booking system user friendly.

● To investigate the implementation of a fully bank database connected online ticket
booking system with most sophisticated programming platform and database servers that
is mature, economical and high standard.
● To provide the passengers with most new technology and fastest service, this is secure,
convenient and easy.
● Make the mass people familiar with the technology.
● Using technology for fastest banking process

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

45 | P a g e

The system has been designed only for Bangladesh prospective where certain criteria is still
backdated and the system has some drawbacks. The main and foremost limitations of the
systems are:

●Information source

● Registered user restrictions

● Has design drawbacks in comparison to many other commercial websites.

●Server security and maintenance

●System back up and server configuration could be better.

● Bank account verification process constraint

●Card transaction process constraint

Comparison to other similar air travel websites:

Focus This Project Existing Websites

Worldwide travel facilities  

Registered user service  

Payment protection  

Online fraud Prevention  

Server backup  

Usability  

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
46 | P a g e
Above all it is clear that the modern technology is taking place of everything where possible.
It is saving our time and giving us the best benefit of the new era. The above project work is
something that can bring up a revolutionary change in online ticket booking systems in my
home country Bangladesh.

The project is containing in-depth concept and system build up for online air ticket
management. This system will allow mass users in Bangladesh to book their air ticket online,
which is easy, secure and convenient. Whether there are numerous added benefits of this
system will helps people in Bangladesh to travel comfortably. Though lacking of software
knowledge and information resources might be a problem for this website but future
improvement woks. Finally, I honestly hope this project work is just one step for Bangladesh
and will bring something new to the online users.

Gantt chart:

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

47 | P a g e
Generally, a Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts
illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a
project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of
the project. Here is the typical proposed Gantt chart for my project work:

Proposed Project Gantt chart

Here, through the Gantt chart, I will be able to schedule and maintain my project work more
efficiently and correctly, which will lead to finish the project on time and allow more time to
keep a close eye on it. Gantt chart really helps to maintain project management tasks.


REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

48 | P a g e
1. Airlines reservation systems:

Book: “Computerized reservations systems in the air transport industry; how to optimize
passenger’s benefits / P Nikilai Ehlers”

2. Internet booking engines:



346-349 -- Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. – 2010
4. Kothari, C.R.,1985, Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi,
Wiley Eastern Limited.

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

49 | P a g e

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50 | P a g e
The codes for the entire systems are given below:
It is the home page of my system. Which describes about the air line system.

Code of Home page:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">

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var image5=new Image()
var image6=new Image()
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<div class="content-pagetitle">The Best Air</div>

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<div class="contentbox-full">

<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Satisfying
Travel For Today</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Air System</b> The only world wide travel service, provided in
Bangladesh. Air System offers 16 Domestic and 102 International flights, consisting 13 local
and 28 world wide branch offices.

For flight services, This Airlines uses the following four types of aircrafts:

McDonnel Douglas DC-10-30

Airbus Industries A310-300 Series
Fokker F-28
British Aerospace ATP
Combining these types of aircrafts, Air System has two catagories of services :


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<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
54 | P a g e
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">

<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"

name="slide" width="420" height="220" class="img-left-border" alt="" />
//variable that will increment through the images
var step=1
function slideit(){
//if browser does not support the image object, exit.
if (!document.images)

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if (step<6)
//call function "slideit()" every 2.5 seconds

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<p><form action="inr.php" method="post">

<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="pname"></td></tr>

<tr><td>Email:<font color=red>*</font></td><td><input type="text"
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<tr><td>Enter Password:<font color=red>*</font></td><td><input type="password"
<tr><td>Profession:</td><td><input type="text" name="profession"></td></tr>
<tr><td>BLOOD-Group:</td><td><input type="text" name="bloodgroup"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Contact Number:<font color=red>*</font></td><td><input type="text"
<tr><td>Address:<font color=red>*</font></td><td><input type="text"

<td><select id ="country" name="country" >
<option value="" selected>Select a Country</option>
<option value="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</option>
<option value="India">India</option>
<option value="Malaysia">Malaysia</option>
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<option value="Australia">Australia</option>
<option value="France">France</option>
<option value="SaudiArabia">Saudi Arabia</option>
<option value="Dubai">Dubai</option>

<tr><td>Passport Number:<font color=red>*</font></td><td><input type="text"


<td><select id ="gender" name="gender" >
<option value="" selected>Select Gender</option>
<option value="Male">Male</option>
<option value="Female">Female</option>

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<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe

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hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

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<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/1.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/2.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/7.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/6.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
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/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
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This will work in “inr.php”-
The code of inr.php:
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$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("airlineticket", $con);

$sql="INSERT INTO passenger values


if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
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print "<center>";
print "<h3><b>Your Details Information Below</b></h3>";

print "WELCOME! MR<b><h4><font color=red>$_POST[pname]</font></h4></b><br/>";

print "Your ID is:<b><font color=red>$a</font></b><br/>";
print "Your Email address is: is:<b><font color=red>$_POST[email]</font></b><br/>";
print "Keep This Password:<b><font color=red>$_POST[password]</font></b><br/>";
print "Profession is:<b><font color=red>$_POST[profession]</font></b>";
print "Your Blood Group is:<b><font color=red>$_POST[bloodgroup]</font></b><br/>";
print "Your Contact Number is:<b><font color=red>$_POST[contactno]</font></b><br/>";
print "Your Address is:<b><font color=red>$_POST[address]</font></b><br/>";
print "Your Country is:<b><font color=red>$_POST[country]</font></b><br/>";
print "Your Are:<b><font color=red>$_POST[gender]</font></b><br/>";

print "<br/><a href=userform.php>Back</a>";

print "<br/><a href=availableSeat.php><font color=maroon><h4>Now You Can Book The

print "</center>";



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<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
70 | P a g e
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

<!-- Text container -->

<div class="contentbox-container">
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<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<ul class="linklist-indent">
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

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71 | P a g e
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/1.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/2.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/7.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/6.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>

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<a href="#"><img src="./plane/5.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-yellow07">Free For Add</div>
<p>This is for ADD</p>

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/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""
/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link B</a></p>

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-blue05">Free For Add</div>
<p>Free For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree
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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-green05">It's free!</div>
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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-red05">Give Your Add Here</div>
<p>Give Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive
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3. Signin page:

Codes of Signing page:

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setTimeout("disableBackButton()", 0);

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<div class="site-name">
Online Air Ticket Reservation System
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By-Creative Group, PGD
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<li class="group"><a href="ticketbookinginfo.php">Ticket Booking Info</a></li>

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<li class="group"><a href="#">Customer Facility</a></li>


<div class="container-content-sidebar">

<!-- CONTENT -->

<div class="content content-font">

<!-- Page title -->

<div class="content-pagetitle">Ticket</div>

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<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="contentbox-full">

<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Fill the

Form for LOGIN & Collect Ticket</font></div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">


if (isset($_POST['submit']))
if(!empty($_POST['pname']) && !empty($_POST['password']))
$link=mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("airlineticket",$link) or die(mysql_error());
$qry="select pname,password from passenger where pname='".$un."' and password='".
$r=mysql_query($qry,$link) or die(mysql_error());
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
77 | P a g e
print('Sorry!Wrong Username/Password');
print('<font color=red>Congratulations!!!</font> <a href=availableSeat.php><font
color=green><h5> Click Here for Booking Ticket</font></h5></a><a
href="searchticket.php"><h5><b><font color=red>Find Ticket Info</font></b></h5></a>');

print('<a href=doingticketcancel.php><font color=maroon><h5> Click Here for Cancel Your


print('<a href=finduserbypass.php><font color=blue><h5> Find user

print('Username/Password is empty');

<title>Member Login</title>
<form method="post" name="login" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
<table border="0">
<td >Username:&nbsp;</td>
<td ><input type="text" size="25" name="pname" maxlength="128" value="<?php
if (isset ($_POST['pname'])) print ($_POST['pname']);
?>" /></td>
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
78 | P a g e
<td >Password:&nbsp;</td>
<td ><input type="password" size="25" name="password"
<input type="submit" value="Login" name="submit">
<a href="userform.php"><font color="blue">Are You New User!Create a new


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<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

79 | P a g e

<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<ul class="linklist-indent">
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

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80 | P a g e
<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/1.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/2.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/7.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/6.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/5.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-yellow07">Free For Add</div>

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81 | P a g e
<p>This is for ADD</p>

<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""

/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""
/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link B</a></p>

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-blue05">Free For Add</div>
<p>Free For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree
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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-green05">It's free!</div>
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<p><b>CREATIVE Group; 2011 | All Rights Reserved</b></p>
If Signing is confirm, then user will see the below page-

4. Ticket booking (availableSeat.php)-

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83 | P a g e
Code for availableSeat.php:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">

<script type="text/javascript">
var image1=new Image()
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var image4=new Image()
var image5=new Image()
var image6=new Image()
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Online Air Ticket Reservation System
<div class="site-slogan">
By-Creative Group, PGD </div>
<div><img class="img-header" src="img/header/header.jpg" alt=""
width="608" height="100"/></div>

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<li class="group"><a href="#">Airline News</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Airline Facility</a></li>
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<li class="group"><a href="#">Find Your Ticket Info</a></li>
<li class="group"><a href="ticketbook.php">Ticket Booking</a></li>
<li class="group"><a href="#">Customer Facility</a></li>

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<div class="content-pagetitle">The Best Air</div>

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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small"<b><h5><font color=blue><marquee>Choose Your Roote For Seat Availability
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<ul> <li class="bg-blue02"><strong><span class="style7"><span class="style8"><span

class="style10"><span class=""><span class="style14"><span class="style7"><font
color="#990033"><a href="australia2dhaka.php" class="selected">Australia To
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="dhaka2australia.php">Dhaka To Australia</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="delhi2dhaka.php">Delhi To Dhaka</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7" ><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="dhaka2dehli.php">Dhaka To Delhi</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="dhaka2dubai.php">Dhaka To Dubai</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="dubai2dhaka.php">Dubai To Dhaka</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7" ><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="dhaka2malay.php">Dhaka To Malay</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="malay2dhaka.php">Malay To Dhaka</a></strong></li>
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
87 | P a g e
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="newyork2dhaka.php">Newyork To Dhaka</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="dhaka2newyork.php">Dhaka To Newyork</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="pakistan2dhaka.php">Islamabad To Dhaka</a></strong></li>
<li class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><font color="#990033"><strong><a
href="dhaka2pakistan.php">Dhaka To Islamabad</a></strong></span></li>


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<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

88 | P a g e
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

<!-- Text container -->

<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="contentbox-third-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<ul class="linklist-indent">
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

89 | P a g e
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">

<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"

name="slide" width="420" height="220" class="img-left-border" alt="" />
//variable that will increment through the images
var step=1
function slideit(){
//if browser does not support the image object, exit.
if (!document.images)
if (step<6)
//call function "slideit()" every 2.5 seconds
</script></a> </div>

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90 | P a g e
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<div class="sidebarbox-border bg-yellow03">
<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-yellow07">Free For Add</div>
<p>This is for ADD</p>

<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""

/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""
/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link B</a></p>

<div class="sidebarbox-border bg-blue02">

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<p><b>CREATIVE Group; 2011 | All Rights Reserved</b></p>

Then the user will select a roote. Then it will redirect to a page where he has to give his
desire seat no to verify its booking-

Code for seatvarification (australia2dhaka.php)

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<p><b><h5><font color=blue><marquee>We are here to make your
journey comfortable.</marquee></font></h5></b></p>
<p><strong><font color="#FF0000"> Select your desire seat...

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<div class="contentbox-container">
<div align="center"><strong>Flight: Australia To Dhaka
<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">
<div align="center">A</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<ul class="noindent"><li><table width="100" height="219" align="left"
bordercolordark="#333399" border="1">
<td width="22">1a</td>
<td width="22">1b</td>
<td height="22">4a</td>
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<td height="22">9a</td>
<td height="22">10</td>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">
<div align="center">B</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<table width="200" height="203"
align="right" bordercolordark="#333399" border="1">
<td height="22">1c</td>
<td height="22">2c</td>

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109

97 | P a g e
<td height="17">5c</td>
<td height="16">7c</td>
<td height="22">8c</td>
<td height="16">9c</td>
<td height="16">10c</td>
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<!-- Text container -->

<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small
style1">Ticket Booking </div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<form action="australia2dhaka2.php"

<tr><td>Seat No:</td><td><input type="text" name="s"></td></tr>

<tr><td>user ID :<font color=red>*</font></td><td><input type="text"

<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Seat Varify"></td></tr>


<div> <p>


<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">

<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"

name="slide" width="420" height="220" class="img-left-border" alt="" />
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//variable that will increment through the images
var step=1
function slideit(){
//if browser does not support the image object, exit.
if (!document.images)
if (step<6)
//call function "slideit()" every 2.5 seconds

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-yellow07">Free For Add</div>
<p>This is for ADD</p>

<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""

/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""
/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link B</a></p>

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-blue05">Free For Add</div>

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It will redirect to another page where he can get message whether the seat is already
booked or assign against him.
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$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con)
print('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
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mysql_select_db("airlineticket", $con);

$sql="INSERT INTO book values


if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
print('This seat is already Booked!!Please choose another seat...' . mysql_error());

print"You Are allowed to booking the desire seat!";

</p><form id="form1" method="post" action="delhi2dhaka.php">

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Go Back" />

</form><form id="form1" method="post" action="payment.php">

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Go For Payment" />

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<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/1.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>

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<a href="#"><img src="./plane/2.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/7.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/6.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
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/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
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/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link B</a></p>

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-green05">It's free!</div>
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5.Payment page:

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Code for Payment.php
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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Fill The

Form For Registration <font color=red>(*Red sign must fill)</font></div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><form action="inpayment.php" method="post">

<tr><td>Enter Your User ID:</td><td><input type="text" name="pid"></td></tr>

<tr><td>Enter Your Ticket ID:</td><td><input type="text" name="tid"></td></tr>
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
112 | P a g e
<tr><td>Card Name:</td>
<td><select id ="cname" name="cname" >
<option value="" selected>Select Your Card Name</option>
<option value="Credit">Credit</option>
<option value="VISA">VISA</option>
<option value="CASH">CASH</option>
<option value="ATM">ATM</option>

<tr><td>Enter Card No:<font color=red>*</font></td><td><input type="text"


<tr><td>Card Issue Country:</td>

<td><select id ="cissuecountry" name="cissuecountry" >
<option value="" selected>Select Card Issue Country</option>
<option value="Bangladesh">Bangladesh</option>
<option value="India">India</option>
<option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option>
<option value="Malaysia">Malaysia</option>
<option value="USA">USA</option>
<option value="Australia">Australia</option>
<option value="Canada">Canada</option>
<option value="SaudiArabia">SaudiArabia</option>
<option value="Japan">Japan</option>
<option value="China">China</option>
<option value="Dubai">Dubai</option>
<option value="Iran">Iran</option>
<option value="Singapore">Singapore</option>
<option value="Thailand">hailand</option>
<option value="England">England</option>
<option value="Srilanka">Srilanka</option>

<tr><td>Alliance Bank Name:</td>

REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
113 | P a g e
<td><select id ="bankname" name="bankname" >
<option value="" selected>Select Bank Name</option>
<option value="Standard Chartered">Standard Chartered</option>
<option value="Dutch Bangla Bank Limited">Dutch Bangla Bank Limited</option>
<option value="Markentile">Markentile</option>
<option value="Brac Bank">BracBank</option>
<option value="Bank Asia">Bank Asia</option>
<option value="HSBC">HSBC</option>
<option value="Prime Bank Limited">Prime Bank Limited</option>
<option value="Premire Bank">Premire Bank</option>
<option value="Arab Bangladesh Bank">Arab Bangladesh Bank</option>
<option value="Islamic Bank">Islamic Bank</option>

<tr><td><input type="submit" value="submit"></td></tr>



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<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>
REAZ AHMED >>>> ID: 0438RORO1109
114 | P a g e

<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<ul class="linklist-indent">
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

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<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

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If user press submit then it will show him a page containing the user’s payment detail.

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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Satisfying
Travel For Today</div>
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$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("airlineticket", $con);
$sql="INSERT INTO payment

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
print "<center>";
print "<h3><b>Your Details Payment Information Below</b></h3>";

print "Your User id is:<b><h4>$_POST[pid]</h4></b><br/>";

print "Your Ticket id is:<b><h4>$_POST[tid]</h4></b><br/>";
print "Your Card Name is:<b>$_POST[cname]</b><br/>";
print "Your Card No is: is:<b>$_POST[cno]</b><br/>";
print "Card Issue Country is:<b>$_POST[cissuecountry]</b><br/>";
print "Alliance Bank Name is:<b>$_POST[bankname]</b><br/>";

//print "<br/><a href=userform.html>Back</a>";

print "<b><h4><font color=red>THANK YOU FOR PAYMENT</font><h4></b>";

print "<b><h5><font color=blue><marquee>You Will Get The Ticket of Your Address After
The Completion of This Payment Process.Please Wait till These Time of Payment Process

print "</center>";

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6. Find ticket info:

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Code of Find ticket info (finduserbypass.php)

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<div class="content-pagetitle">Ticket</div>

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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Fill The

Form For Booking Ticket</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><form action="finduserinfo.php" method="POST">
Enter Password:<input type="password" name="password"><br/>
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<input type="submit" value="submit">


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<div class="contentbox-container">
<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe

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126 | P a g e
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

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<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<a href="#"><img
src="./img/image_blue.jpg" width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>

<a href="#"><img
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src="./img/image_blue.jpg" width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
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/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
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<p>Free For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree
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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-green05">It's free!</div>
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7.Ticket cancel:
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Code for Ticket cancle (doingticketcancel.php)

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<div class="content-pagetitle">Ticket</div>

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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Fill The

Form For cancel Ticket by Tid</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><form action="cancelbytid.php" method="POST">
Enter Ticket id to Cancel Ticket:<input type="text" name="tid"><br/>

<input type="submit" value="submit">

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<center><a href="index.php">Back</a></center>


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<div class="contentbox-half-left">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airlines Route</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>

<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>


<div class="contentbox-half-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe

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133 | P a g e
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><img src="./img/arrow1.gif"
width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Link</a></li>

<div class="contentbox-third-middle">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Air
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

<p class="readmore"><img
src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

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<div class="contentbox-third-right">
<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
small">Airline Pictures</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/1.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/2.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/7.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
<a href="#"><img src="./plane/6.jpg"
width="35" height="35" class="img-left-border" alt="" /></a>
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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-yellow07">Free For Add</div>
<p>This is for ADD</p>

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/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link A</a></p>
<p><img src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt=""
/>&nbsp;<a href="#">Link B</a></p>

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<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-blue05">Free For Add</div>

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<p>Free For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree
For Add</p>

<div class="sidebarbox-border bg-green02">

<div class="sidebarbox-title-shading bg-green05">It's free!</div>
<p>Free For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree For AddFree
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<p> Give Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive
Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add

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<p>Give Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive Your Add HereGive
Your Add Here</p>



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After giving ticket number and submit it this will give user a confirmation that his ticket is
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Code for this page is-

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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Satisfying
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// connect to database.

// we'll select all the information in the database for five dogs.
$query = "DELETE FROM ticket WHERE tid ='$_POST[tid]'";
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// actually "do" the query.
$result = mysql_query($query);

print "<center>";
print "<h2><b><font color=green>Your Cancellation Completed</font></b></h2><br/>";
// display information for each dog.

print "<a href=doingticketcancel.php>Back</a>";

print "</center>";


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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
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<p><b></b> has been verified for:</p>
<ul class="noindent">
<li>Dhaka to chittagong</li>
<li>Dhaka to Bangkok</li>
<li>Dhaka to India</li>

<li>Dhaka to Dubai</li>
<li>Dhaka to Malaysia</li>
<li>Dhaka to SoudiArabia</li>
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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small">Our
Airbus Capacity</div>
<div class="contentbox-noshading">
<p><b>Standard Capacity</b> has a
clean and stable code, giving you a firm foundation not only for all current journey, but also
for future browsers since no special tricks or hacks have been used. Only one minor and safe
hack was needed to adjust for IE6 missing min-height properties. To make it even easier for
you to make adaptions, the code is well structured and richly commented.</p>

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<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
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style1">Flight Schedule </div>

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<table width="560" border="1">

<td><div align="center" class="style3">Roote</div></td>
<td> <div align="center" class="style3">Flight Date </div></td>
<td colspan="3"><div align="center" class="style3">Flight Time </div></td>
<td><strong><a href="1.php">Australia To Dhaka</a></strong> </td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><span class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><strong><a href="2.php">Dhaka
To Australia</a></strong></span></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="3.php">Delhi To Dhaka</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
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<td><strong><a href="4.php">Dhaka To Delhi</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="5.php">Dhaka To Dubai</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="6.php">Dubai To Dhaka</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="#">Dhaka To Malay</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="#">Malay To Dhaka</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="#">Newyork To Dhaka</a></strong></td>
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<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="#">Dhaka To Newyork</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><strong><a href="#">Islamabad To Dhaka</a></strong></td>
<td>Every day </td>
<td><span class="bg-blue02 style12 style7"><strong><a href="#">Dhaka To
<td>Every day </td>
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<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

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//variable that will increment through the images
var step=1
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if (!document.images)
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If user click on any of the route, he will redirect to that route detail page.

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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-small
style1">Flight Schedule (Australia To Dhaka) </div>

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<table width="560" border="1">

<td><div align="center"
<td> <div align="center"
<td><div align="center" class="style3"><u>Kilometers</u></div></td>
<td><div align="center" class="style3"><strong><u>Nautical
<td><div align="center" class="style3"><strong><u>Flight
<td>Canberra, Australia To Dhaka, Bangladesh </a></td>
<td>11 hrs, 36 mins</td>
<p> Please note: this
page displays the approximate flight duration times from Australia. The actual flight times
may differ depending on the type and speed of aircraft.</p>
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<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

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<div class="contentbox-title-shading-
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<a href="#"><img src="./plane/8.jpg"

name="slide" width="420" height="220" class="img-left-border" alt="" />
//variable that will increment through the images
var step=1
function slideit(){
//if browser does not support the image object, exit.
if (!document.images)
if (step<6)
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9.Travel Information

Code of travelInfo.php
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<h1>Baggage Information</h1>
<div style="padding: 5px;"><br />
Free Baggage Allowance<br />
* Monitoring the size of hand baggage or all check
in baggage are security checked i.e.the baggage<br />
should have security sticker on it which proves that
the baggage has been checked by the security agent.<br />
* The free baggage allowance, including checked
and unchecked baggage of each passenger paying the Economy class fare will be 20 kilos.<br

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* Children between two to twelve years of age for
whom, 50%of the applicable adult fare is allowed free baggage allowance on the same basis
as an adult fare-paying passenger.<br />
* No free baggage allowance will be allowed to
accompany infants less than two year of age and paying 10% of the fare.<br />
* Remove any old baggage tags and put new
baggage tags. Issue a limited release tag(s) if baggage is damaged. Highlight to the customer
the damaged area on the bag.<br />
* Staple baggage identification tag on to
customer&rsquo;s ticket.<br />
* Issue excess baggage coupon if amount of
baggage exceeds the free baggage allowance. Weight concept is more applicable for REGENT
AIRWAYS.<br />
* Extract flight coupons and attach excess baggage
coupon, if any.<br />
* Baggage belonging to the VIP &amp; CIP must be
tagged properly along with VIP TAG.<br />
Hand Baggage In addition to the free baggage
allowance provided herein, each passenger may carry, without additional charges, the
following personal effect for use in emplaning, deplaning, or in-flight only when retained in
the passenger&rsquo;s custody-<br />
* Passenger should be encouraged to carry no more
than one piece of cabin baggage.<br />
* Monitoring the size of hand baggage or all check
in baggage are security checked i.e. the baggage should have security sticker on it which
proves that the baggage has been checked by the security agent.<br />
* Checking the weight of the hand baggage which
should not exceed more than 7 kilos.<br />
* Lady&rsquo;s hand bag, lady&rsquo;s pocket
book or lady&rsquo;s purse appropriate to normal traveling dress and not used<br />
as a container for the transportation of articles
which would otherwise be regarded as baggage;<br />
* An overcoat, wrap or blanket<br />
* An umbrella or walking stick<br />
* A small camera and/or a pair of
binoculars/transistor without cells<br />
* A reasonable amount of reading matter for the
flight<br />
* An infant carrying basket or bassinet<br />

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* Cabin baggage should not more than CM
22x18x10 size.</div>
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<p>Air System dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.</p>

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src="./img/arrow1.gif" width="4" height="8" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="#">Read more</a>

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