Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News - November 5, 2010 Online Edition

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Health Care

10 years for
Asante Centre . p3 Putting berries on local shelves. p20

Saving Time
Turn your clocks
back, and drive
safe. p16 Friday, November 5, 2010 · Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows · est. 1978 · 604-467-1122 · 50¢

Fired over
LRB upholds decision of
Pitt Meadows employer
by Phi l M elnyc h u k
staff reporter

The firing of two employees who

lost their jobs because of their rants
on Facebook has been upheld by the
B.C. Labour Relations Board.
Board vice-chair Allison Ma-
tacheskie upheld the firings of two
workers from West Coast Detail and
Accessory Centre in Pitt Meadows,
saying their postings had the same ef-
fect as saying them in the workplace.
The United Food and Commercial
Workers International Union chal-
lenged the dismissals, saying they
were partly motivated by anti-union
sentiment because of a union certifi-
cation drive underway at the shop at
the time.
Two employees, identified as J. T. Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
and A. P., were friends on Facebook,
along with F.Y., their manager in the New intersection
auto prep shop. Mike McConnell, an electrician, removes the secondary light backboards at the intersection of 224th Street and Abernethy Way on Thursday. Improve-
See Facebook, p4 ments to the intersection are now complete and it is to be fully operational today.

Premier’s farewell ‘no surprise’

NDP MLA wants HST came the person everybody loved
to hate.”
Co l u m b i a n s
to move for-
uncertainty of being between HST
and the old provincial sales tax and
referendum moved up Sather said he wasn’t surprised, ward and fully federal GST. He was confident the
nor should anyone be, that Camp- consider the referendum would defeat the HST.
by P hi l M e l nych uk bell would quit. HST and the “It’s going to go down, for sure.”
staff reporter “A fairly educated guess by any- alternative on No matter who leads the B.C.
one is that he’d be gone. A nine- their merits Liberals, he or she will be a target
per-cent approval rating – you can’t between now of public anger over the tax, said
B.C. premier Gordon Campbell’s survive on that.” and Septem- Maple Ridge Coun. Craig Speirs,
sudden announcement Wednesday The Liberal premier of nine years ber 2011.” also president of the NDP Maple
that he won’t be here to kick around asked his party to call a leadership Sather said Ridge-Pitt Meadows constituency
any more didn’t catch his local NDP review, in a brief morning state- he’d like the Campbell association.
foes by surprise. ment announcing he was stepping referendum on “It literally doesn’t matter, that

S ky’s the limit for Pitt

Meadows soccer star.
See story p44
“It will change the dynamic,
there’s no doubt about that,” said
NDP MLA Michael Sather.
“Because Gordon Campbell be-
Campbell specifically mentioned
the HST vote, saying he hoped
his resignation “will allow British
the HST moved
up to January or some time early
in the new year, rather than next
September, to spare businesses the
anger is running very deep. It
doesn’t matter who it is, the bag-
gage remains.”
See Premier, p3

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2 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

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ÓäșäÊ"1 Ê79 - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 3

Asante Centre marks 10 years Dalton

doubts HST
But number of children
with FAD remains steady
by R o b e r t M a n g e l s d o r f
staff reporter
will survive
Premier from front
He mentioned Rich Coleman or

n a perfect world, Dr. Kwadwo
Asante would be unemployed. Surrey Mayor Diane Watts as two
As founder of the Asante contenders for the Liberal leader-
Centre for Fetal Alcohol Syn- ship.
drome in downtown Maple Ridge, “I think they deserve some time
Asante, a pediatrician, has diag- in opposition. They’ve earned every
nosed hundreds, if not thousands inch of it.
of cases of fetal alcohol syndrome, “His inability to address child pov-
or FAS. erty in this province is absolutely
The condition is as devastating horrible,” and having the lowest
as it is preventable, and perhaps minimum wage ($8 an hour) in the
one day there will be no use for his country “is nothing to brag about.”
services. He said Campbell followed the
But that day has not yet come. same approach as Prime Minister
The Asante Centre turned 10 Stephen Harper in having all deci-
years old in September, and de- sion making come from his office.
spite the best efforts of Asante and That shows he doesn’t trust those
countless others in his field to raise around him, Speirs said.
awareness about the dangers of He said he wasn’t surprised by the
drinking alcohol while pregnant, he resignation, especially after Camp-
has seen no decrease in the number bell’s appearance on TV a week ago
of children affected by FAS. announcing an income tax cut.
“There is still so little understand- “Everybody is fed up with this
ing out there,” he said. “We are still group and I think they should just
being asked the most basic ques- THE NEWS/files be shuffled off to Buffalo, as the old
tions.” The centre founded by Dr. Kwadwo Asante helped spawn about a half dozen others in B.C. saying goes.”
What is understood is that alco- Speirs, who lives in Maple Ridge-
hol, when consumed while preg- learning disabilities, and behaviour tre together in 2000, after her ad- “[The Asante Centre] fulfills a Mission, said if the HST had been on
nant, causes brain injury to the issues. opted son was diagnosed with FAS specific need in our overall health the table during the May 2009 elec-
fetus. It is not known how much a “All the children we looked at had seven years earlier at the age of 13. services,” he says. “Their contribu- tion, longtime local NDP candidate
pregnant woman can drink before a failure to thrive,” he says. “It was the first time in 13 years tions are very needed.” Mike Bocking would have won the
damage is done to an unborn child, Of the children who were recog- we understood why he was strug- Rempel founded the Canadian- election, rather than Liberal Marc
but the only safe amount is zero, nized as having developmental dif- gling,” she says of learning his di- C.I.S. Friendship Exchange Society, Dalton, who won by 68 votes.
says Asante. ficulties, alcohol was involved in 59 agnosis. which places Russian and Kazakh The riding is on one of those tar-
“Drinking during pregnancy is per cent of the pregnancies, and 30 However, Salahub soon realized orphans with Canadian families, geted by the Fight HST group for
like playing Russian roulette with per cent of the children were diag- that there were no services avail- and says FAS is a major concern. a recall campaign. At last count,
your child’s health,” he says. nosed with FAS. able for her son. “Dr. Asante has been involved, Maple Ridge had the eighth largest
And the effects can be just as dev- In the past 10 years, the term Fetal Salahub and Asante began work- and helped [the children] get the number of volunteers signed up in
astating. Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) ing together to help fill in the gaps services they need,” Rempel says. the province, at 111.
FAS causes physical deformities has emerged as an umbrella term by providing assessments and The Asante Centre was the first The top three ridings with the
to the face and stunts growth, and to describe not only FAS, but other support services for children and clinic specializing in FAS in B.C. most volunteer canvassers on Nov.
results in low birth weight. It can developmental problems associated adults with FAS. when it opened 10 years ago, and 15 will be the first to launch the MLA
significantly lower a child’s IQ, with pregnant drinking. Initially funded by the Ministry of has since helped to spawn around a recall process.
and cause poor memory, as well as Children and Family Development, half dozen more centres across the Dalton said Campbell quit because
behavioural problems like impul- as well as the Maple Ridge Commu- province. The Maple Ridge centre he realized he was a drag on the par-
sivity, short attention span, oppo- nity Foundation and School District recently launched an online store ty and said even the announcement
sitional or defiant behaviour, and But because FAS is a brain No. 42, the Asante Centre conducts called Minga Marketplace, which of a 15-per-cent personal income tax
poor social skills. 100 to 110 assessments every year, provides a one-stop source for FAS cut last week had no effect on the
“They learn slowly, things need to
injury, it cannot be fixed. and helped pioneer a multidisci- resources, available to parents and public mood.
be respected and explained in very plinary approach to FAS, incorpo- professionals worldwide. “Still – the focus was on him. I
literal terms,” Asante says. “They rating pediatricians, psychologists However, funding has been hard think it was a necessary decision.”
have difficulty understanding ab- Recent studies have found that and speech pathologists. to come by for those attempting to He said a new leader will be cho-
stract concepts.” close to 25 per cent of pretrial pris- One of the major functions of the study FAS. sen in the new year and have a cou-
Asante first encountered FAS oners had fetal alcohol exposure. centre is to bring together all the “Because we are talking about ple of years as premier before the
in early 1970s while working in Reducing pregnant drinking could important people in an FAS suffer- alcohol, which is so accepted in 2013 election. That could be healthy
Northern B.C. and the Yukon Ter- have dramatic effects on future ers life – be it teachers, social work- society, it is difficult for us to get for the party and the province, he
ritory. He noticed a large number crime rates, Asante said. ers, or probation officers – and help funding,” says Asante. “The alco- added.
of the children he was treating had “This is what trips them in life,” them learn to communicate with hol industry doesn’t look favour- Dalton said he didn’t know if Camp-
developmental difficulties, but did he added. “They get in to drugs, that person. ably on [FAS research] because it bell’s leaving will make it easier for
not realize the cause of the problem fighting, trouble with the law, but Asante says the centre strives makes their product look danger- the HST to survive next September’s
until 1973, when researchers at the they are not bad people, they have to create a non-judgemental at- ous.” referendum. But with a poll showing
University of Washington in Seattle a brain injury.” mosphere for mothers of children He believes problems with FAS a 75-per-cent disapproval rating for
published the first study identifying But because FAS is a brain injury, with FAS. and FASD are far more prevalent the HST, “My look at it is, that’s not
alcohol as being capable of causing it cannot be fixed. “We cannot change what hap- than people realize. Children who likely to pass or it’s going to be dif-
birth defects. “The disability never gets better,” pened,” he says. “We try to support are written off as being lazy or ficult for this to be implemented.”
In the 1980s, Asante himself con- says Audrey Salahub, the execu- all women and families. It’s in the slow, may in fact have a brain in- The B.C. Liberal Party conven-
ducted a study that looked at the tive director for the Asante Centre. best interest of the children.” jury. tion that was scheduled to begin
causes behind children who were “You can’t change it, all you can do School board trustee Dave Rem- “What we see is the tip of the Nov. 19 in Penticton, will be re-
experiencing developmental prob- is work with it.” pel says the work the centre does is iceberg,” says Asante. “There are scheduled to accommodate the
lems, such as growth problems, She and Asante founded the cen- critical for the community. many more who aren’t diagnosed.” leadership process.

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4 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Car Care Company now working on social meeting policy

Cyril Barry Facebook from front Instead, the board says the where he saw posted the top He apologized the day after to
In late August, J.T., who had file was started because the em- five kills from the TV show Dex- the employer, but in the investi-
almost 100 Facebook friends,
CRITICAL PARTS posted a comment, saying
ployer was unsure what to do
and “it had never encountered a
ter, which portrays a vigilante
killer. In an Oct. 1 posting, J.T.
gation denied making them.
Both employees received dis-
All the vehicles we drive are composed of some days you have good days situation which involved an em- said he was feeling “tactical, missal letters Oct. 7 for making
at work “… and sometimes ac- ployee’s use of Facebook. and vengeful and retaliatory.” the comments.
thousands upon thousands of individual parts, all
cidents DO happen, it’s unfortu- “It continued to monitor until The employee later, though, West Coast Detail manager
of which are assembled into bigger parts which are nate, but that’s why there called it became intolerable and then said those comments had noth- John Clysdale said company
then attached to yet more parts until we end up accidents right?” it consulted the owner and legal ing to do with the shop. lawyers are working on a policy
with the final product. It’s the final product that we The union, which filed the counsel on the appropriate ac- In the ruling, the board says to ensure employees are aware
drive each day, dutifully doing its job, delivering us complaint, claimed the com- tion to take.” that F.Y., the manager, showed that anything said on Facebook
pany was trying to fire J.T. be- In her Oct. 22 ruling, Ma- the posting to another manager, is the same as being said in the
to and from our work and play. cause he was the key organizer tacheskie says that during the and “he was not sure what to workplace, even if they’re made
When the time comes that you require replacement of the unionization drive. investigation, the workers were do. The atmosphere or mood from home.
of those parts which have worn out, you need In the ruling, the board notes allowed to meet with the union around the shop was getting “There’s going to be a lot of
the company started a file on and were shown copies of the darker now and the postings companies that are going to
to keep in mind some of the parts you select for J.T. on Aug. 27, the same day the postings before being asked about stabbing and anger con- have to start looking at that,
replacement are more important than others. I’m union was certified in the shop. about them. cerned him.” there’s no doubt about that.”
referring to what I’ve come to call Critical Parts, any But it dismisses the union claim However, both workers denied Towards the end of Septem- Employees aren’t supposed to
or all parts that have a direct impact on anything to that West Coast was trying to making the postings. ber, a posting on A.P.’s Face- access their Facebook accounts
build a file against him and fire One posting from J.T. from book page told people not to during work, but that’s hard to
do with the safety of the occupants of any moving
him because of his union activi- Sept. 17 said, “if somebody men- spend their money at the shop. police, said Clysdale.
vehicle. Parts that immediately come to mind are ties. tally attacks you and you stab In a related conversation, The furore coincided with a
brakes, steering components and tires. These If that was the case, the board him in the face 14 or 16 times A.P., who had 377 Facebook certification drive involving the
components should be of the best quality you can says he would have been fired … that constitutes self defence, friends, says, “I don’t think United Food and Commercial
find, as they’re life and death items. Yes, I am trying after a Sept. 24 posting, when, doesn’t it?” there’s enough room on Face- Workers Union. That was suc-
after a written warning, J.T. said That posting showed up as a book to type all the bull[****] cessful Sept. 8, with workers
to alarm you with this kind of talk, because I want to “all I gotta say is they pissed off news feed on F.Y.’s phone, so out … gloves are off … it’s game and employees currently in bar-
get your attention. the wrong guy … big time.” he entered J.T.’s Facebook site, time.” gaining.
When you drive down the road normally while
trying to manage your busy schedule, it’s not very Maple Ridge Coun. Al Hogarth sponsibly. to give a safe alternative to cyclists
often you find yourself in an emergency stopping Coun. Hogarth isn’t comfortable with a year-old “I would say in the majority of who may not have “the skills or
situation. What would happen if a small child runs bylaw that allows peddlers on dis- cases that I’ve seen it’s total disre- confidence to join the normal flow
out in front of you? If you’re the type of driver doesn’t like trict sidewalks.
So he wants council and staff
spect, total disregard for the safety
of pedestrians,” Hogarth said. “It’s
of traffic,” says a district informa-
tion sheet. The district also wanted
who thinks you can drive faster than the rest of
the crowd, (for reasons only known to you), this bikes on next year to take a look at the High-
way and Traffic Bylaw passed last
quite off track. It just doesn’t seem
to work.”
to help the school district encour-
age kids to walk or bike to school.
changes things dramatically and you find yourself
having to make hard emergency stops daily. Right
sidewalks January that allows cyclists on
sidewalks, providing they ride re-
The bylaw was passed last Janu-
ary and the change was intended
No other Metro municipality al-
lows cyclists on sidewalks.
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where you’ll get that extra performance from good
quality ‘critical parts,’ exactly when you need it.
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#2 - 20736 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 5

More WCE service way down track

Evergreen line in Co- so it has to ensure
But MLA Dalton wants to keep chipping quitlam, he pointed it’s recognized just as
away to get commuter rail expanded out. “The conversa-
tion has to be brought
much, she added.
Ashlie said having
by Phi l M elnyc h u k cost of operating the up more now because a midday train would
staff reporter service, 90 per right now it’s help people going
cent, is recov- not really on into Vancouver, but
ered through the radar. not wanting to stick
It’s likely going to be fares. Last Febru- around all day.
years before commut- “I think ary, extra West Average daily WCE
ers riding the rails into there’s a Coast Express ridership has grown
Vancouver can expect strong case for trains carry- from about 5,000 to
to see more than the doing some- ing people into more than 10,500 per
five weekday rush hour thing and that the Games in day in the 15 years.
trains that now carry is something the middle of Seven new cars,
them to the big smoke. that I will con- the day were made by Bombardier
However, the Maple tinue to pur- jammed to ca- in Thunder Bay, Ont.
Ridge-Mission MLA sue. There’s Dalton pacity. will be added to the
is trying to make that a lot of play- Ashlie says five trains over the
case with TransLink ers involved. It’s not the issue can’t be next few months at
vice-president Doug an easy one-two deci- forgotten given the a cost of $28 million.
Kelsey. sion.” amount of time it ac- That boosts capacity
Marc Dalton said he Maple Ridge and Mis- tually takes to make a by 2,000 people daily.
raised the issue with sion mayors have been decision.
Kelsey on Monday in consulted and Dalton “It’s always a good
Vancouver as West said he wants to get idea to keep that on 30 millionth
Coast Express celebrat- some information to- the front burner,” Ash-
ed its 30 millionth rider gether so he can keep lie said. On Monday, West Coast
since it first left Mis- making his case. “It’s probably a good Express celebrated its
sion station 15 years “It’s kind of like put- idea not to let this con- 15th anniversary and 30
ago, Nov. 3, 1995. ting in a bus route, versation go because millionth rider, who turned
“I want to bring this then you build the rid- then it’s forgotten out to be Maple Ridge resi-
on the radar,” said Dal- ership.” about.” dent Ravinder Rakhra. She
ton. “I want to work to- Recently, there’s Maple Ridge needs got a year-long TransLink
wards this.” been more focus on transportation just as pass for all transit services.
Maple Ridge and projects such as the much as Vancouver,
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Link, Dalton said. Results may
“I know nothing’s fi- vary from patient
nal at this point. I’m to patient.
trying to get the dis-
cussion going. I would
like to see something
happen sooner rather
than later.” UP COMING EVENTS
Dalton said he had Posture 101 WEDNESDAY
WEDNESDAY, NOV 10 • 7 - 8
00 PM
an “extended conver-
sation” with Kelsey, Exercise and stretches to reduce pain, improve your posture
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would just like to see it
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Dalton said with ser-
vice and trains already
in place, there would #200 - 20395 Lougheed Hwy., New and Emergency Patients Welcome.
Suite 620-22470 Dewdney Trunk Rd., Maple Ridge
be no increase in capi- Maple Ridge Top floor of the Maple Ridge Business Center
tal costs. Most of the
6 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

THE NEWS/opinion Published and printed by Black Press at 22328 – 119th Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 2Z3

News Views Ingrid Rice

Gordo’s time was up
Gordon Campbell surprised many on Wednesday
by resigning as premier.
The announcement came just a week after his
televised mea culpa on the HST and introduction
of a 15 per cent personal income tax cut. That fol-
lowed a minor cabinet shuffle, so there were signs
that not all was right within the Liberal party.
However, while public opinion polls put Camp-
bell’s popularity at nine per cent, support for him
within the party, according to a recent Liberal
endorsement ballot, was 84 per cent.
But even Campbell admitted, public debate had
become too focused on him. He lost the people’s
Most of that had to do with the introduction of the
HST just after the last provincial election. Adding
the carbon tax, on Canada Day, no less, didn’t help
either, no matter how much ecological or economic
sense both taxes make.
Both will form a large part of his legacy, as will
the 2010 Winter Olympics, aboriginal treaties
and the Canada Line, removing the toll from the
Coquihalla Highway, improvements to the Sea Sky
Highway, construction of the Golden Ears Bridge.
He helped navigate B.C. through one of the worst
economic recessions in memory, not to mention
how he stickhandled around the B.C. rail scandal,
and a drunk driving charge.
He was elected premier three times.
Yet, in the end, no one believed that he never
considered bringing in the HST until after being
re-elected last time.
So Campbell followed the lead of other great lead-
ers, and sacrificed himself for the good of the party,
at a time when the opposition is also questioning
its leadership.
There’s nothing like a leadership race to rekindle
interest and support for a party that’s down in the
Cut services and hope for the best
polls. he Québec medical profession. larger emergency department is a case
Campbell was right: it’s time for someone new to government The OECD also recommended a form in point. In many ways the new facilities
lead the province. floated the of cost sharing for consumers. It should are a great improvement in comparison
– The News idea of user fees for include co-payments and or deductibles. to the grossly inadequate facilities it has
doctor visits when it It also noted that this would require replaced, but the wait times have not

presented its budget changes to the Canada Health Act. Cur- materially changed. There are a number
last March. rently, the act inhibits provincial innova- of logical reasons for this, but that would
Predictably, that tion and reform. take a lot of print space to explain all
idea was wildly un- Some of the OECD’s suggestions are that.
Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows since 1978 popular and has now worthy of consideration and should mo- If we had kept the old emergency room
been shelved. tivate all stakeholders, patients, health and cut some of the staffing, the wait
Jim Coulter, publisher The plan was that care professionals and the provincial times could easily have been in excess
Michael Hall, editor Québec residents Health Care and federal governments to consider all of 12 hours. Once people would be aware would have had to Marco Terwiel payment systems. of this, they would start to seek care
Carly Ferguson, advertising, creative services manager declare all their doc- Currently, the B.C. government is elsewhere, reducing the workload and,
Kathy Blore, circulation manager tor visits on their an- piloting the pay-for-performance (PFP) thereby, the wait times to a much more nual provincial income tax returns and, model in the emergency departments of acceptable level. There is only so much
thereby, pay a fee of $25 per visit. several hospitals to combat the excessive time people are prepared to wait and
Editorial Had the plan gone forward then, it wait times. The government will pay a waste.
Reporters: Phil Melnychuk, Monisha Martins,
Robert Mangelsdorf more likely than not would have violated premium if patients are processed more All governments are faced with this
Photographer: Colleen Flanagan the Canada Health Act and caused major quickly. particular dilemma: on the one hand,
political and legal turmoil. The preliminary results are encourag- improving infrastructure and staffing
Advertising The idea was floated because of in- ing in reducing the time it takes to see, to meet people’s expectations; and on
Sales representatives: Karen Derosia, Glenda Dressler,
Rina Varley, Michelle Baniulis creasing concerns about how to finance diagnose and treat or admit patients the other, hand coping with the ever-
Ad control: Mel Onodi health care for the province. The Québec more quickly. increasing demand for services and how
Creative services: Kristine Pierlot, Annette WaterBeek, government is not the only body express- The problem with a health care system to pay for it.
Chris Hussey, Brian Holt ing concerns. where there is unlimited demand and Politicians know all too well that
Classified: Vicki Milne
Canada is one of the 30 members of the limited resources is that as soon as the once something is free, in other words
22328 – 119th Avenue, Organization for Economic Cooperation news gets out that a particular hospital taxpayer-funded, it is political suicide to
Maple Ridge, B.C., and Development (OECD). In its latest emergency department provides much institute the user fee.
V2X 2Z3 economic survey report of our country, it quicker service than others, patients will To increase taxes is not much different
Office: 604-467-1122
Fax: 604-463-4741 devoted nearly a third of its 158 pages to start to flock to that hospital and clog up as we have seen with the implementa-
Delivery: 604-466-6397 proposals for overcoming challenges in the waiting room once more no matter tion of the HST.
Website: health care reform. how quick and efficient the hospital staff The only somewhat palatable solution
Email: One of the recommendations was to would be. Even if we would double the is to cut services where possible and
The News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self- change the way doctors are being paid space and staffing, there would not be a hope for the best.
regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The coun- for their work. One can be sure that noticeable improvement in the time one
cil considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member
newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input this idea will meet with considerable has to wait before being looked after. Dr. Marco Terwiel is a retired family
from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the resistance from various factions of the Our local hospital’s new and much physician who lives in Maple Ridge.
editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or
story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written

concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201
Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or
go to
uestion Are the new drunk driving This week’s question:
CCAB audited circulation: (as of September 2009):
Wednesday - 30,221; Friday – 30,197.
of the laws too strict? Was Gordon Campbell’s resignation the
week: Yes: 58% – No: 42% (105 votes) right decision for the Liberal party?
@ Online poll: cast your vote at, or e-mail your vote and comments to - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 7

THE NEWS/letters
Majority wants Downtown could be Park Royal
shopping in the flats T he downtown
core invari-
ably slides
on the west side of the Pitt River, as
is Langley. What’s happening on our
to Maple Ridge. This should be done
at the same time so as to be opera-
tional as soon as the Evergreen line is
EDITOR, THE NEWS: onto the radar Which brings us to the Pelton completed. The new Pitt River Bridge
Re: Big box ruled out in Albion (The News, Oct. 27). screen whenever lands. The issue of the agricultural is great, but the lines of traffic remain
A majority voted against big box stores in the Albion Albion is discussed. lands is sensitive, but, good grief, if the same. We’ve just moved the bottle
flats? Majority of what? Those who packed one meet- Seven years ago, there were lands ideally suited for a neck down the way.
ing in a process? the director of comprehensive development so close The West Coast Express should also
This reminds me of the distorting TV polls that con- planning threw a to the Golden Ears interchange and be given more opportunities to expand
fidently announce a majority voted for this or that. bucket of cold wa- access to the Trans Canada Highway service, both in number of trains
Such polls only reflect the wishes of those who actu- ter on our Albion and I5, services and housing while still through the day, but also to service
ally phone in and may entirely misrepresent the larger vision because it maintaining some agricultural land, Abbotsford.
general population. would detract from Commentary then there’s the industrial lands in the Metrotown developed with such
How about polling the larger population of east Maple development in the Rod Gruzelier never-never lands in the north-east speed only through the new SkyTrain
Ridge, those directly affected by this ongoing problem downtown core. sector. Such inconsistencies. as opposed to Coquitlam, which was
of insufficient local shopping outlets. These things take Downtowns have had their centre not served by this mass transit system.
How about polling all who are so tired of the long time, but seven years later, we have of gravity change as new neighbour- Transit and job creation are the key
drive to Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam and Langley to a few benches, some paving and new hoods develop and compete. This is to Maple Ridge sustainable growth.
shop and who would rather spend their dollars locally sidewalks. The new bank on 224th what creates different character areas Growth downtown will be very slow
if there were the suitable large retail outlets that we all Street and Lougheed Highway is great and richness of a city. In this regard, until both the above are addressed.
look for (Costco, Walmart, Home Depot, Future Shop, (not my favorite use for an urban cor- we should do the best we can with Maple Ridge needs to send a mes-
and so on). ner, but they did a good job of it). The Albion and seize the opportunity to sage of sustainable growth to the
I am certain, as the past poll of the entire community Zellers mall has not moved an inch develop a waterfront village to anchor development world, be clear on which
showed that a clear majority (I believe it was 70 per and still sits on an unrealized opportu- and support a re-invented industrial ag lands to keep and which are more
cent) wants large retail outlets in the Albion flats. nity in such a strategic location. lands. It will only ultimately reinforce important to creating jobs in the right
WENDELL KROSSA Obviously, we have not been able to the need for downtown development. locations, curbing subdivisions in
MAPLE RIDGE attract the type of development that It seems that the district should do a outlying areas (urban reserve) and
would invigorate the downtown. The lot more to attract development in its infilling with higher density mixed use
moribund economy has something to core by giving incentives to encourage developments.
Show some respect do with it, although most of the Lower land owners to invest in their commu-
EDITOR, THE NEWS: Mainland has shown substantial nity and not sit in the belief that it will
Re: Waste of tax dollars (Letters, Oct. 27). growth over the last few years. be worth a lot more in 20 years.
As a resident of Maple Ridge since 1946 and a real- Not involved in the details of the Dis- From an urban design point of view,
tor within the community since 1972, I was pleased to trict of Maple Ridge planning strategy, the current context of the downtown
“This will give Meadowtown
contribute some of my time to the charette planning I can only express my perception of could not be a better canvas to work a run for its money, with its
process for the Albion flats. what is happening or the lack thereof. on. As an urban designer, I could only
In preparation for the two-day charette process, I Back in the late ’70s and early ’80s, I salivate at the prospect. ’70s style shopping centre.”
downloaded and read the eight recently-prepared was involved with both Metrotown and If images would help in visualizing
background papers that were made available to the Coquitlam town centre as an urban what could happen in the downtown
public on the municipal website and, on another morn- designer and watched the dynam- core, go and visit Park Royal Vil-
ing, walked the entire site to re-familiarize myself with ics of both these municipalities deal lage. It is a very clever blend of big to We should also not just aim at the
specific parts of the flats. with their ambitions according to the medium box retail and sidewalk cafés bottom end of the market. I’m sure
During the charette process we reviewed existing, GVR’s plan of the 7 Town Centres, of and would be perfectly suited to Maple there are a number of people, includ-
real site constraints – the flood plain, the Agricultural which Maple Ridge is one. Burnaby Ridge. This is an example of what ing empty nesters, semi retirees, that
Land Reserve, Spencer Creek (fisheries) – to show that went for high density residential, we should be striving for, at the very would welcome some higher-end, well-
the outcome of a plan that would be acceptable to the then built the mall. Coquitlam did the least. designed townhomes (I for one, but
various levels of government and public authorities opposite. I could very well imagine some high there’s nothing out there).
would be very restrictive. In Metrotown, we had hoped to density residential along with this. I’ll save my bit about a central water-
Representatives for various community groups create a new core with open streets, This will give Meadowtown a run for front and connecting to the river for
were present at the interactive meeting and put forth but could not get the three owners its money, with its ’70s style shopping another day.
thoughtful, logical, and respectful ideas to further the to agree, so they each built their own centre. This is not the example to fol- We need to imagine what this mu-
planning process. parallel malls. It took decades before low – no sense of place, no social stage, nicipality might look like in, say, 75
One member of the charette, however, stated that the the three were consolidated into one whatsoever. years, that is to say making recom-
entire process was a waste of time and proceeded to massive mall, with little soul. I’m sure You have a tremendous opportunity mendations that are completely void
insult the input that was provided by many of the citi- the centre’s owners are happy with here in your own downtown. Let’s en- of self interest and politics, a purely
zens who were present. its performance, but crime is rampant courage it. Developers should be cho- unselfish view of what we would wish
Next time, I hope this individual comes prepared to and it has no resemblance to a town sen carefully and avoid being pushed for our future generations.
add meaningful and thoughtful ideas that will better centre – just a big mall. into doing something you don’t want It is impossible to please everyone
our community rather than spew insults and vindic- Coquitlam will be far more success- for expedience sake. when certain decisions are made when
tive words. ful as an urban environment. Lessons However, I believe the most pressing they concern the community as a
KEN HEMMINGER to be learned. issue that needs continuing efforts is whole.
MAPLE RIDGE High hopes now hinge on the two public transportation. It is imperative
new bridges, but which sides will that a light rail system run from the Rod Gruzelier is an urban designer
benefit? Port Coquitlam is moving fast future Evergreen Line in Coquitlam who lives in Pitt Meadows.

Great job downtown, almost

The district has done a great job beautifying our down-
town streetscape on 224th Street and Lougheed High-
‘We are committed to taking care of veterans’
way. EDITOR, THE NEWS: Under the sweeping im- address the ongoing eco- seriously ill or injured men
Now how about the shopkeepers whose front doors have Re: Vets speaking up for provements contained in nomic impact of an injury or and women and to make
benefitted from this, stepping up and starting to keep the soldiers leaving (The News, the New Veterans Charter, illness. sure ill and injured veterans
sidewalk outside their shops clean and tidy. About five Oct. 29). the Disability Award is only The most common finan- have an adequate monthly
minutes each morning would do it. I am writing to correct the one piece of the ongoing fi- cial assistance is the month- income. With these latest
LYALL HOLMES record regarding your cover- nancial support available to ly Earnings Loss benefit, improvements, our most se-
MAPLE RIDGE age of the upcoming Veter- Canadian Forces personnel, which ensures eligible vet- riously injured veterans will
ans’ National Day of Protest. veterans and their families. erans receive 75 per cent of receive a minimum of $58,000
I am particularly con- In fact, the sole intent of their pre-release salary. a year.
Letters welcome cerned that your readers the lump-sum payment is to Our government recogniz- It is important to me that
may believe that the Dis- recognize and compensate es, however, that there are Canadians know their gov-
Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The News
and address topics of interest to residents of Maple
ability Award, or lump-sum these men and women for still some gaps in the New ernment is committed to
Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Include full name and address, payment, is the only finan- the non-economic impact Veterans Charter. That is making sure our nation’s he-
as well as daytime phone number for verification. Keep cial support we provide to (the pain and loss) of an in- why we recently announced roes have the support they
letters to 500 words or less. Letters may be edited for veterans who are injured in jury or illness. more than $2 billion in new need, when they need it.
length and clarity. the line of duty. This is not There are a variety of investments to relieve the JEAN-PIERRE BLACKBURN
@ E-mail letters to the case. other financial supports to hardships faced by our most MINISTER OF VETERANS AFFAIRS
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Charge in five-vehicle crash

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One of the injured drivers is be-


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insured for the last 6 months to an authorized recycler. If a customer qualifies for Car Heaven or Retire Your Ride, Ford of Canada (“Ford”) will provide an additional Rebate, with the purchase or lease of an eligible new 2010/2011 Ford or Lincoln vehicle, in the amount of $1,000CDN [Focus (excluding 2011 S), Fusion (excluding 2011 S), Mustang (excluding Shelby GT500 and 2011 Value Leader), Transit Connect, Ranger (excluding 2011 XL)], $2,000CDN [Taurus (excluding 2011 SE), Escape (excluding 2011
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offer, see dealer for details or call Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. © 2010 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. †Offer valid from Oct. 1/10, to Nov. 30/10 (the “Offer Period”). Customers who purchase finance or lease most new 2010 or 2011 Ford vehicles and finance through Ford Credit, Canada will receive [$1000]/[$1500] (the “Offer”) on 2010 [Focus/Fusion/Fusion Hybrid/Mustang (excluding GT500)/ Taurus/Ranger/Edge/Flex/Escape/Escape Hybrid/
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around 11 p.m. Wednesday.

purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per customer. This offer is raincheckable. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of either factory order or delivery, but not both. This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, FALS or Daily Rental Allowance incentives. Customer may use the Offer amount as a down payment or choose to receive a rebate cheque from Ford
of Canada, but not both. Taxes payable before Offer amount is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ©2010 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. ®Registered trademark of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license.
without due care and atten-
a violation ticket for driving
Meadows woman, was issued
The driver, a 33-year-old Pitt
which was off the road on the
and contacted the power pole,
The car slid on the roadway,
132 Avenue in Pitt Meadows
were in struck a power pole on - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 9

National symbol on guard at legion

by Phi l M elnyc h u k
staff reporter

The Spirit of Wood that

saw carvings decorate
Pitt Meadows and Maple
Ridge public spaces last
year is continuing on in
the form of a big maple
leaf that will rest per-
manently outside Maple
Ridge Branch 88 of the
Royal Canadian Legion.
The cedar sculpture,
which will stand almost
a metre high, is a result
of the carving efforts of
many – from kids at the
youth centre, seniors Contributed
at the seniors centre to The cedar sculpture depicts a First World War solider, a destroyer and artillery gun.
veterans at the legion, all
under the watchful eye Red Ensign and Maple the same amount by the sculpture falling vic-
of master carver Doug Leaf), under which the fundraising by the foun- tim to vandalism. It will
Morrison. forces have fought in the dation, and a $500 dona- be in a visible spot with
A noon-hour dedica- last century. tion from the Youth Cen- lots of pedestrians.
tion ceremony this Sun- Images of a Churchill tre Society for buying the “Traditionally, art is
day will see the complete tank (from the Second wood. not usually touched.”
carving unveiled and World War) a Canadian The design for the Taggers or graffiti spray-
permanently installed destroyer, an artillery sculpture was a joint ef- ers are usually artists
just outside the legion gun and a Spitfire fighter fort between legion mem- and leave other art alone,
doors on 224th Street. plane are in the middle of bers, artist Eric Muller, she added.
“It’s basically showing carving. carver Morrison, Coun. “We just hope people
a First World War sol- “These are all carved in Cheryl Ashlie and Maple show the proper respect
dier and then there’s a relief,” MacDonald said. Ridge Museum curator for the intent of what it
tribute to the three ser- The idea for the sculp- Val Patenaude. is,” said MacDonald.
vices [army, navy and air ture came from an Public art projects are But he notes memorial
force],” explained legion anonymous donor who one of the ways the foun- wreaths laid at the ceno-
president Jim MacDon- offered $2,000 for the dation, which raises and taph, even days after
ald. project, provided it com- manages scholarships Remembrance Day, are
A flowing ribbon across memorate the Canadian for local youth, raises its never touched. “It’s the
the bottom features the war effort. profile, Ashlie explained. most amazing phenom-
three flags (Union Jack, That was matched by She’s not worried about enon.”

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Flare-up: Cliff Kodai looks at sun flares through a solar telescope, set up at Valley Fair
Mall by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, on Wednesday. Flares occur when the
For breaking news, go to sun is waking up from a solar minimum as it makes its way towards a solar maximum.

GVHBA awards Q Chairman’s Award of

Honour: Simone

its members Sunderland,

Green Sheet

Black Press is honoured to be among the feel such an appreciation for

Construction Tell me, Mr. Burger, Beer
B B & Bus
B Trip
T i = GOOD
Data Ltd., Port
award recipients at a recent Greater Van-
couver Home Builders’ Association event.
having the opportunity to
work with so many reputable
Moody Austin, is VANCOUVER CANUCKS vs
At its annual Association Awards of Excel-
lence, the GVHBA honoured 13 member
individuals and businesses,”
Sunderland adds.
Member of the
companies for their industry-related efforts At ParkLane Homes, a Vancouver- Wednesday, November 24th
throughout the past year. based builder that is celebrating Year: ParkLane
Homes Ltd, Vancouver
story to
“The awards honour association members its 30th anniversary this year, staff were Bus Depart @ 5pm
for their exceptional level of volunteer
commitment and dedication to enhancing
thrilled to win the
Builder Member of the
Q Corporate Member of this play ...Return Trip.
the Year: Dick’s Lumber &
the professionalism of the homebuilding
and renovation industries in the Metro
Year award.
“It is a great honour Building Supplies, Burnaby or is that
Vancouver region,” says GVHBA president for ParkLane to be
too much
est 1948
Q Association Marketing
and CEO Peter Simpson. recognized by its 22222 Lougheed Hwy • Maple Ridge
Award: Black Press and
604.463.3811 •
to hope
Black Press received the Association Mar- peers as the GVHBA
keting Award for its promotion of the GVH- Builder Member of the HomeTRADER.CA, Surrey
BA, including New Local Home, RenoNation Year,” says Ben Taddei,
Q Technical Excellence
and a special edition U40 publication.
“With homes the single largest invest- Ben Taddei
ParkLane’s COO.
“The GVHBA is an
Award: Ron Rapp, Secret Beauty Day Spa
Morningstar Homes Ltd.,
ment most people make, we know there organization that
European Skin Care
is tremendous interest in the real estate ParkLane actively participates in and we are
market. In addition to our custom stories proud to support it.”

Opening Special
Q RenoMark Renovator

on the many new housing developments, ParkLane has built more than 6,000 homes
our readers are interested in home trends in more than 100 communities since 1980
Member of the Year: • Facials
and increasing the livability of their home and has been recognized with more than Jeff Bain, JKB Construction • Waxing % OFF all services
while adding to its value,” notes Black Press
Senior Vice President of Sales and Market-
250 provincial and national awards.
The company’s approach to homebuilding
Ltd., Port Coquitlam
Q Supplier Member of
• Tinting
en ior Disco unt 30 )

ing Candy Hodson notes. goes beyond the house itself, Taddei notes. • Pedicure ca
Gift Certifi le te s
the Year: Monarch Floor Availab Expires
“It feels great to know we’re serving our “For us, it is about creating a better • Manicure
readers and the development community community. That means building qual- and Window Coverings, Nov. 31/10
so well.” ity homes, but also improving the land Burnaby • Brazilian Wax
Receive a also received the market- through thoughtfully planned parks and
Q Community Service
• Body Treatments
ing award, as two Association Marketing amenities, and giving back to the local com- FREE OPI
Awards were given. munity,” he says. Member of the Year: All Pedicure & Manicures
The Chairman’s The RenoMark Renovator of the Year award Scotiabank, Surrey include Paraffin mask and
with $50 gift
Award of Honour went to JKB Construction Ltd. owner Jeff Relexolody Massage.
Q Gary Santini Education certificate
went to Simone Bain.
Sunderland of Green The Port Coquitlam-based residential reno- & Training Award: MAC 604-466-0078 purchase.
Sheet Construction vation company has more than 28 years Marketing Solutions, 11930 223 Street, Maple Ridge, BC
Data Ltd. in Port experience in the Metro Vancouver area. Vancouver
Moody. “It was a great and unexpected surprise to
“It felt absolutely be awarded,” Bain says. Q BuiltGreen Multi-
amazing to be “It was an incredible honour to be recog- Family Builder of the
presented the 2010 nized for my service and contribution to the Year: Adera Development Public Notice
Chairman’s Award of industry and a great organization like the Corporation, Vancouver
Honour,” Sunderland GVHBA.”
says. Monarch Floor and Window Coverings Q BuiltGreen Single-
In accordance with a District of Maple Ridge
“In accepting the owner Matt Robinson says he also felt hon- Family Builder of
Policy under Section 67 of the Community
award, when I looked oured when receiving the Supplier Member the Year: Springbank
Simone Sunderland
around the room, it of the Year Award.
Charter, the District of Maple Ridge intends
Development Corp., to return the following item to the finder if
was very apparent to me that the incredible “It feels great to be recognized for the work Vancouver
support of the other GVHBA members has that you do,” Robinson says. unclaimed by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November
facilitated my desire to be an active member “We have a lot of clients and friends within Q Handshake Award: 15, 2010:
in the association.
association.” the membership and when those people (Conducting business with
The continual dedication of all GVHBA recognize you for what you do, it feels • Digital Camera
most members); Ralph
members and GVHBA staff “make me great.”
Belisle, TQ Construction The rightful owner may claim this item by
Parklane Homes’ Bedford Landing Ltd., Burnaby contacting the Clerk’s Department and correctly
is inspired construction describing the article to our satisfaction.
Greater Vancouver Home
Builders’ Association Amanda Allen
is comprised of 719 Legislative Clerk
companies representing
11995 Haney Place
Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9
developers, builders,
renovators, sub-trades, The ACT Phone: 604-463-5221 local 5279
suppliers, manufacturers 11944 Haney Place Dated the 5th day of November, 2010.
and other professionals. Maple Ridge
Ticket Centre: 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
604-476-2787 Tel: 604-463-5221 • Fax: 604-467-7329 - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 11

New looks for chamber Tops in business LEARN TO DRIVE

The list is out and the top businesses of the year have me r s ’ Cho
The Maple Ridge-Pitt Mead- it all together and offer it as a been declared by the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows su
n Award

ows Chamber of Commerce service from the chamber of


Chamber of Commerce. GOLD
will have a new executive- commerce that's going to be


director early next year to go integrated into the website," The awards were presented at the Business Excellence si
ss Excelle

along with its revamped web- Bekar said. Awards banquet Thursday at Meadow Gardens Golf
site that it's about to launch. "We're putting on all the Course.
Getting the nod for the top Business Person of Full ICBC Approved Courses
The hiring will fill a gap experts so people can call up
left by Dean Barbour, who
resigned last summer. Since
and ask and get ideas when-
ever they need it."
the Year is Greg Andrews, with Meyers Norris Penny
85 OFF 00
with this ad
GLP Course will be held at
Thomas Haney Secondary School
for Choosing
Us 9 Years in
then, accountant Terry Clark Bekar said the new exec- Winning the award for best customer service was a Row for
Starting November 15, Mondays, 4 - 6:30pm
has been running the cham- utive-director should be in Meadows Cleaners, while claiming the innovation BOOK NOW Business
Not valid with any other promotion. Valid at this location only.
ber's office on Lougheed place by early in the new award was Hardbite Potato Chips. The innovation and SAVE! Excellence!
Highway. year.
award is given to businesses that have developed or Check our website at:
That's not the only news He said since the Golden
out of the spokesman for Ears Bridge opened in July implemented processes or practices, or developed
Call and ask about ICBC incentives
business. 2009, Langley businesses a product or service that makes the business or
business environment safer, more efficient, or
and for our upcoming course date. 604-- 444
604 444-- 4468
The Business Excellence have been taking out mem-
Awards held Thursday was bership. environmentally friendly.
a sell out, with 224 tickets is-
"We're doing a lot more
partnerships together, our
Other winners:
Business Excellence, 1 to 20 employees: Save 20%
on exterior renos!
The new website is ready two chambers," Bekar said. Westgate Wellness Centre. The award is given to
and will be launched soon The chamber has also re- businesses that have excellence in overall business Our biggest sale EVER!
and will be updated regularly. viewed its policies and its operations, including customer service, sales growth,
Meanwhile, chamber mem- goals and found that many
employee relations, workplace appearance, com-
bership is projected to climb of its achievements weren't
by 10 per cent next year. It being communicated to its munity relations and innovation.
currently sits at about 650. members. Business Excellence, 20-plus employees: Organic
The chamber wants to use A chamber release said World.
the website to provide a ser- nomination committee chair- Young Entrepreneur of the Year: Turner Vink:
vice to business, Bekar said. man Ken Holland has started Turner’s Place Lemonade.
"We're trying to create a taking suggestions for the Home Based Business: Advance Solar.
cadre of business experts that executive-director for 2011. Community Service: Beneath Your Feet Landscap-
The chamber is currently Book with Ecowest before November 30
new businesses that are new ing. The award is given to businesses that show the
in its centennial year and and save 20% on all exterior upgrades
to the area, or people starting principles and practices of excellence in building including
out, can get information on the year before was named
positive customer relationships. ‡vinyl windows
marketing, get information Chamber of the Year by the
on the marketing side and put B.C. Chamber of Commerce. New Business: Nurse Next Door ‡exterior doors
‡vinyl siding

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12 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

The Royal City Youth Ballet Company presents,

for the 22nd season, the full length ballet THE NUTCRACKER.

The Nutcracker
his traditional ballet
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Artistic Director
Dolores Kirkwood, OBC - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 13

Is heaven is in your future, for sure? Cleaning Water Mains

o you ever tion for all of us? Just die. So I’m just
find yourself don’t screw things up Here’s an- throwing it
thinking about too badly and one day other thought: out there,
heaven? St. Peter will welcome shouldn’t that if you think The District of Maple Ridge Operations Department will be
If so, have you you in through the mean that one heaven is a commencing the annual flushing/cleaning program starting at the
thought about heaven Pearly Gates. of the things real place, west boundary working east to 216th Street between Wharf Street
recently? Not to get all morbid that we do and if you’re and 132nd Avenue, for approximately twenty (20) weeks beginning
Do you believe in or anything, but I re- while we’re planning to October 1, 2010.
heaven? cently read that three living is to go there one
Are you planning to people die every sec- prepare for, day, how did This maintenance work will improve the water quality; however,
go to heaven one day? ond. That’s 180 people plan, investi- you arrive at during this cleaning process some residents could experience water
If you do, how do you every minute, some gate what’s those conclu- pressure drops and milky or dirty water.
know that heaven is ‘in 11,000 every hour of going to hap- Acts of Faith sions?
the cards’ so to speak every day, so that’s pen when it’s Dan Ost Do you You may take the following steps to correct the problem:
for you? more than a quarter of time for us to know for
do our dying? certain that
1. MILKY WATER: Open tap slightly to bleed air from the
The first time I a million people every
ever really thought day, whose earthly We plan for our heaven is in your water lines.
about heaven was as lives come to an end. retirements, a time in future? 2. DIRTY WATER: Turn an outside tap on until the water
a five-year-old when That’s an awful lot of our lives that might becomes clear.
my grandparents, my people. last 20-30 years, but Dan Ost is pastor at
dad’s mom and dad, Another startling how much actual Cornerstone Neigh- This temporary interruption in service will be as brief as possible.
both died just 18 days statistic that I came planning do we do for bourhood Church in Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
apart. across stated that 100 our eternities, a time Maple Ridge (www.
I quite distinctly per cent of all people frame that will last cornerstoneneighbour- If you have any questions or concerns please call the Operations
remember not under- living will eventually considerably longer? Centre at 604-463-9581.
standing death, and so
wanting to know more,
I grilled my mother 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
with such questions Tel: 604-463-5221 • Fax: 604-467-7329
as: where did grand-
ma and grandpa go?
Change your Clocks
Will I ever see them
Change your Batteries
What happens to
somebody when they
die? The Maple Ridge Fire Department wants to remind you:
Tax Exemption Notice
What will happen to
me when I die? When you change your clocks on
We’ve probably all November 7th also change the batteries
thought about those
questions from time to in all of your smoke alarms. Proposed Tax Exemption for 22355 & 22371 River Road
time, but sometimes Legal:
I think it’s only the Only working
five-year-old types smoke alarms PID: 005-703-620
who verbalize such save lives! Lot 112, DL 398, Group 1, NWD, Plan 58284;
questions. The rest of
us just keep them to PID: 005-703-701
ourselves. Lot 113 Except: Part Within Heavy Black Outline on
It seems to me that Highway SRW Plan 63822, DL 398, Group 1, NWD,
22708 Brown Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9A2
even though heaven is
one place that no-
Tel: 604-463-5880 • Fax: 604-467-3069 Plan 58284; and
body’s ever been to, PID: 013-603-001
the majority of us still
seem to believe that it
Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel “A” (Reference Plan 6978),
Secondly: Part Within Heavy Black Outline on Highway
exists, that it’s a real
place, and what I find Maple Ridge Statutory ROW Plan 63822, Block 1, DL 398, Group 1, NWD,
Plan 155
quite fascinating is
that most people I talk Backyard Burning
to, they all think that Proposed Tax Exemption:
they’re going to go
to heaven when their To grant a five (5) year District property tax exemption to the
“Backyard Fire” is an outdoor fire where garden refuse such as leaves
earthly life is over. and small branches indigenous to the property are burned for the registered owner of the Lands described above.
purpose of disposal due to garden clean-up or damage from high
winds. Reasons for Tax Exemption:
“It seems to
The property owner and the District have agreed to a
me that even Before you burn, please consider the Green Waste program. For
Heritage Revitalization Agreement and a Municipal Heritage
though heaven more information call the Ridge Meadows Transfer Station at
604-466-9277. Designation that will protect the heritage character of the
is one place that property in perpetuity. The former Bank of Montreal and
nobody’s ever been If you do choose to burn, the following guidelines apply: Port Haney Post Office, more recently known as the Biller
Miner Pub, have been identified by the municipality as a site
to, the majority • The urban areas of Maple Ridge are completely closed to any
containing significant heritage value to the community.
type of burning.
of us still seem Sections 225 of the Community Charter and Sections 183.1
• The rural areas of Maple Ridge may burn dry garden refuse from
to believe that it October 15 to November 15 with a permit if the fire can be located and 809(3)(b) of the Local Government Act allow a council to
exists ... ” a minimum of 15 metres from structures and property lines. give property owners an exemption of their property taxes for
• Permits may be revoked and fines issued by the Fire Department up to a maximum of 10 years for a protected property that is
at any time for non-compliance. subject to a Heritage Revitalization Agreement or a Municipal
I’ve attended my fair Heritage Designation.
share of funeral ser- • Permits are $25.00 available from the Maple Ridge Fire
vices over the years, Department, Hall #1 – 22708 Brown Avenue or the Municipal Hall, The tax exemption is intended to enable local government
probably you have too, Finance Department. to provide financial support to private property owners to
I officiate at several of • To determine if you live in the rural area and are eligible for a conserve their heritage properties.
them every year, and burning permit, contact the Fire Department at 604-463-5880
I can think of only one
Estimated Tax Assessments for proposed Lot 2:
from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday or
occasion where it was visit our web site at to 2012: $5,610 2013: $5,910 2014: $6,210
believed that the per-
view the rules & regulations of a fire permit. For further information, please contact Lisa Zosiak, Planning
son who died wasn’t
going to go to heaven. Thank you for doing your part to maintain a fire Department at or 604-467-7383
It makes me want to safe community.
ask the question: is
heaven just the auto- 22708 Brown Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9A2 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
matic default destina- Tel: 604-463-5880 • Fax: 604-467-3069 Tel: 604-463-5221 • Fax: 604-467-7329
14 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -
Future Shop – Correction Notice Future Shop – Correction Notice
of the Lougheed Highway around
HP 13.3" Pavilion Laptop (DM3-3010) 10156181. Please note
that the incorrect memory specifications were advertised
for this product found on page 2 of the October 29 flyer. This
Sony On-Ear Headphones (MDR-XD100)10059248. Please
note that these headphones advertised on page 18 of
the October 29 flyer DO NOT have a noise cancelling
Mail theft charge 10:30 p.m. on Oct. 3. Police have yet
to identify the other man.
laptop has 4GB of DDR3 RAM and NOT 6GB, as previously feature, as previously advertised. We sincerely apologize A 46-year-old Maple Ridge man RCMP urge all citizens to moni-
advertised. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued
has been charged with mail theft. tor all bank statements to ensure
this may have caused our valued customers. customers.
RCMP arrested Peter David Airth the validity of all account activi-
on Oct. 19 after obtaining a secu- ties.
or join our rity video that showed two men Airth made his first appearance
Send us your tweets prying open a street letter box and in provincial court Oct. 27 and was
@MapleRidgeNews stealing mail in front of the Can-
ada Post Office in the 20800-block
given a conditional release. He is
to return to court Nov. 24.
group at
The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News



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payment. Example: $40,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 48 months, monthly payment is $833.33, cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $40,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. †††Receive up to $6,000 in delivery allowance on
remaining 2010 MKZ models and up to $8,500 in delivery allowance on remaining 2010 MKS models. ±Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, when it is safe to do so. Certain functions require compatible mobile devices. †Some mobile phones and some digital media
players may not be fully compatible - check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices,
even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. Sync is standard on select new Lincoln vehicles. ˆEstimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2011 MKX AWD 12.2 L/100km City, 8.8 L/100km Hwy. Estimates are based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption may vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading
and driving habits. ‡BLISTM with Cross Traffic Alert is only a warning system. You should always be aware of traffic in front, behind and beside your vehicle. When changing lanes or backing up, always signal and look to make sure the move can be made safely. - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 15

A lot of love can fit in a tiny shoe box PUBLIC NOTICE

by R o b e r t M a n g e l s d o r f
staff reporter
Tool & Industrial
or Beth Reynolds,
her trip to Nicara-
gua last April was
a trip of a lifetime. For
Supply Auction
many of the children she
met during her nine-day Wednesday Nov 10th @ 6:30pm
stay, the experience was
equally memorable.
Preview: Tuesday & Wednesday 9am-6:30pm
The Maple Ridge resi-
dent travelled to the
Central American coun-
OVER $350,000
try as part of Opera-
tion Christmas Child to
of NEW overstocked inventory MUST GO!
distribute donated gift-
filled shoeboxes to the NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED FROM
impoverished children
For many of the chil- Partial list only as not all manifests have been received at publication deadline.
dren, it was their first Contributed
1 & 2 ton Kito chain hoists & misc. lifting gear, Milwaukee & Makita
time receiving a Christ- Beth Reynolds visited to Nicaragua last April with Operation Christmas Child.
mas present, albeit four Cordless sets, safety equipment & harnesses, welding supplies
months late. says Reynolds. “But Ridge and when the op- • Drop-off dates for asst. commercial cleaning supplies, Gray & Proto combo wrench
“These children have they don’t have a fam- portunity came for her shoeboxes are Mon- sets, Klein & Irwin Hand tools, work grade clothing, gloves,
nothing,” she says. “To ily.” to join the group in Ni- day, Nov. 15 through coveralls, jackets, boots, asst. cutting & grinding discs, machinist
see their faces light up, For them, the pres- caragua, she jumped at Saturday, Nov. 20, from
ents let them know that the chance. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the supplies, reamers, bits, calipers, asst. hand & power tools, Gen
it’s just amazing.”
Reynolds’ group dis- someone cares. “Nicaragua kind of Maple Ridge Baptist sets & Compressors, Roller Chain, Heavy Industrial Wrenchs &
tributed more than Last year, close to picked me,” she says. Church on the corner Sockets, Large asst. of Industrial supply and accessories, Plus
3,000 shoeboxes full of 650,000 shoe boxes were For more information of 222nd Street and much, much, more...
toy trucks, dolls, soccer collected across Cana- about Operation Christ- Lougheed Highway. For See our webite for further Details and Pics as they become
balls, school supplies, da. This year Operation mas Child, visit www. more information, call
Christmas Child hopes 604-467-9794. available, check back often! •
and candy.
In a place where the to collect more than 8
average family lives million shoeboxes from
off close to $2 per day, 100 countries world- How to pack a Shoe Box: Lougheed Auction Ltd
and many survive on wide. • find an empty shoe box;
little more than rice and Operation Christmas
• Choose to pack your shoe box for a boy or a girl, ages 2-4, 5-9,
5-22720 Dewdney Trunk Rd. Maple Ridge,
beans, a little goes a Child first started tak-
or 10-14;
long way, she says.
A typical home was
ing donations in Maple
Ridge and Pitt Mead- • fill your shoe box with a well-balanced variety of school supplies, 604.463.4449
nothing more than a ows in 2000, and since toys, and hygiene products, as well as a personal note (please do
room with a dirt floor, then, local residents not include any food items or anything that could break, leak,
with perhaps three or have helped provide a melt, or scare and harm a child);
four people sharing a Christmas for close to • make a donation of $7 for every shoe box you pack to help cover
bed, and an open sewer 24,000 children in that project costs and shipping (donations can be made at samaritans-
running a few feet from time. or enclose a cheque in your shoe box);
of the front door. Reynolds first learned • find the nearest shoe box collection center location at samari-
The children living at of Operation Christmas;
the orphanages had a Child after reading an
slightly better lot in life. article in the newspa- • pack shoe boxes and support the rebuilding work Samaritan’s
“They had clothes and per, she says. She start- Purse is doing in Haiti (please consider packing an additional
food, and relatively de- ed volunteering with shoe box online this year at and it
cent accommodations,” the local group in Maple will be given to a child in need in Haiti.

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16 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Plan ahead
Home is where your Heart is. for DST
As we get ready to
set back our clocks this
Saturday night for the
end of Daylight Saving
Time, ICBC is remind-
ing everyone to take
extra care as the time
change can affect us all
in different ways.
“Studies show that the
Karen McNeilly David Robertson Nora Radac end of Daylight Saving
Time can have an im-
pact on the quality of
our sleep due to more
Helping you nighttime restlessness,”
said Dr. John Vavrik,
psychologist with ICBC.
turn the page The biggest impacts
can be felt on some of
the key skills that affect
the quality of our driv-
RDM’s divorce and family lawyers. ing – poorer concentra-
tion, alertness behind
Here for you. the wheel and reaction
Move in befo
time to potential haz-

Jan 31, 2011 &

Ending a relationship is never easy. Sorting out your Preventative steps for

the DST time change
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options, rights and legal obligations can be daunting.
include planning for
RDM’s family law team is experienced at all levels of
6th month F
extra rest, maintaining
court in British Columbia and also offers family law regular sleep habits, ex-
mediation, collaborative divorce, and related services. ercising and following a
We provide advice and representation on: healthy diet.
I am SO happy with the home… “The overall message
separation and divorce
asset division
Everyone on staff is exceptional! is that whether you’re a
driver, cyclist or pedes-
custody and access
- Mary A. (daughter) trian, you need to keep
child and spousal support your sleep/wake cycle
Ask about our Trial Suite in step with your every
day social rhythm,” said
marriage and separation agreements Call Jane for more info Vavrik.
22141-119th Avenue

604.853.0774 Abbotsford For community A Retirement Concepts Community news first, visit - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 17

Listening to music doesn’t help

recently engaged is enhanced through the faster at the switching too busy to do a proper
some of my staff in a use of popular music part and, thus, appear search, but I suspect
debate on the effects played directly into the to be very effective that’s a smokescreen. If
of having a music device ear. at multi- they could prove
plugged into one’s ears To start the volley, tasking. But me wrong, they
while trying to learn I sent them several the part of would love to
something like math, or articles, found with the brain do so. But they
science or history. just a cursory search that develops just can’t find
It began when I told a on the internet, that complex the science to
student who was sitting showed that when the and logi- back up their
in the library that he human brain is engaged cal thought “feelings” that
could not listen to his in more than one task is being continuous mu-
music while working in at a time, it prioritizes significantly sic stimulation
the library. and then switches back underused is a good thing.
There were “recre- and forth, reducing the and, thus, is After all, many
ational” areas in the ability to retain much not getting of them are as
Parenting plugged in as

Now Open
school where listening of any of the tasks. In the time it
to music was allowed, other words, if a student needs to turn Graham Hookey their students.
but in the classrooms is reading something information For now, the
and library, we wished and listening to popular and knowl- earphones seem
to preserve an environ- music at the same time, edge into wisdom. Be- to have disappeared
ment that was free of they neither have a cause the brain “learns from the classes and
distractions. clear memory of what what it does,” we are, library, but I doubt they NEW OWNERS
He proceeded to tell they read nor of what in fact, undergoing a have been dropped
me that I was not up
on the rules as such
they heard.
Splitting the process-
massive experiment in
evolution as people who
from the homework
routine at night. That
Reserve today for your
practices were allowed ing of information multitask are actually may explain the ongo-
in several classes. between the two parts altering how their brain ing frustration many Christmas Party ~ New Year’s Eve
Once my blood of the brain that deal works. staff feel, including the
pressure returned to with visual and auditory I’ve been waiting for young staff, when their YOU DESERVE ONLY THE BEST!
something bordering on memory means that the some time now to get charges just “don’t
normal, I decided to do bonds that lead to reten- some documented argu- seem to get it.”
a little questioning and, tion are much weaker. ments to the articles More likely, I think Dewdney Trunk Rd.
sure enough, several The task might be I first threw out, and these students may be
staff members (all in the done, but the memory while a few shots about having some difficulty
autism and ADD studies retaining information Japanese Restaurant
youngest generation of of specific information Lougheed Hwy.
teachers, I might add) is weak. have been fired across for more than the time 110-20110 Lougheed Hwy.,
admitted that when Current research is my bow, nothing yet has it takes to play the next Maple Ridge
their lesson was done demonstrating that surfaced to link effective song. (across from Tim Horton’s & Safeway) Japanese Restaurant

and the students were young people, exposed learning with popular
doing homework, they to this kind of brain music blaring directly Graham Hookey is an 604-460-0072 or #110-20110 Lougheed Hwy.,
Maple Ridge
were allowed to listen to toggling much of the into the ear. Some staff educator and writer
music. day, are actually getting have told me they’re ( 604-460-0096 Maple Meadows Way
According to these
teachers, the students
had informed them this
helped the students
concentrate and work
better, and in observa-
Garibaldi Interdisciplinary Arts Academy ENJOY LIFE AGAIN

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18 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -


Resource Centre for job search
Pitt teen lured
One to one assistance to get you back to work
Call 604-466-1375
via internet
22575 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows girl met man in person in
Funded in whole or part through the Canada-British Columbia
Labour Market Development Agreement Richmond, but counsellor alerted RCMP
by Mar tin van den Hemel
Black Press
The advertisement that ran last week announcing the
Fraser Health Public Board Meeting being held at A 22-year-old Burnaby man is facing seven
guitar specialist David Burshtynski the Delta Town & Country Inn should have read criminal charges including sexual assault after
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 and not Thursday, he allegedly befriended a young teenage girl
All Levels ~ All Styles • 15 years experience over the Internet.
November 2, 2010.
Andrew Bielby-Job was charged in Richmond
Flat Five Music We apologize for any inconvenience
this may have caused the local
community or anyone who planned
provincial court on Wednesday morning with
two counts of communicating via computer to

lure a child under 16, sexual interference of a
to attend this meeting. person under 16, invitation to sexual touching
under 16, sexual assault, importing or distribut-
Send us your tweets or join our ing child pornography and possession of child
For breaking news, go to @MapleRidgeNews pornography.
Richmond RCMP Cpl. Sherrdean Turley said group at The Maple Ridge-
Pitt Meadows News
the victim is from Pitt Meadows.
Police investigators were alerted by a coun-
sellor, and launched an investigation in Sep-
tember that culminated in this week’s charges.
Brrrrrrrrrr ... it’s shaping up there are no guaran-
tees, but it also tells
And in the past five
La Niña winters, three
Turley said the victim and the Burnaby man
met in Richmond and that at least some of the

to be a chilly winter in B.C. you that for every

were warmer, one was
normal, and one was
offences are alleged to have been committed
winter, there were a little cooler, Phillips Parents are cautioned that they should re-
The region is heading that is predicted. locally. Of those 18, three colder winters,” says. main vigilant about monitoring their children’s
into a La Niña year He looked at all La 13 winters were colder he says. “It may not necessar- activities on the computer, Turley said.
that could create the Niña winters since than average and five They should try to be aware of what their chil-
Twelve of those 18 ily be the winter from
worst winter weather 1950, and says since winters were warmer dren are doing online, who they are talking to
winters were snowier hell, but likely, we’ll and monitor their activities.
since 1955, according then, there have been than average. than normal, but six have more winter than
to some experts, and 18 La Niña winters “That tells you that The family computer should be in a central lo-
were not. we had last year.” cation in the home, rather than in the bedroom
the Farmers’ Alma-
where activity is harder to monitor.
nac is also calling for
a cooler winter with
above-average snow-
fall. Get your car ready
for winter
Environment Canada
senior climatologist
David Phillips says
it can be difficult to
accurately predict a
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the province.”
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Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2W3 - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 19

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20 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

THE NEWS/business
Section coordinator:
Phil Melnychuk
604-467-1122 ext. 215

Putting berries on local shelves

Listings appear on a
space-permitting basis. To
have your group listed or
to update a listing, send
Pitt Meadows farmer says jobs
details to The News by exported along with berries
fax, 604-463-4741, mail,
22328-119 Ave. Maple by P hi l M e l nych uk
Ridge, V2X 2Z3, or e-mail staff reporter

teve and Stewart Robinson are
doing OK in the competitive
Real estate network food and farming business. But
The economic develop- after growing blueberries and cran-
ment offices in Maple berries for 15 years, the brothers are
Ridge and Pitt Meadows taking the next step and moving up
are hosting Don Campbell, the food chain – into the retail mar-
president of the Real Estate ket.
Soon, instead of shipping dried
Investment Network, Nov. and frozen berries from their Pitt
18 at the Arts Centre The- Meadows fields, the red and blue
atre at 9:30 a.m. Campbell fruit will be coated in chocolate
will explain why the area and yogurt and packed in snack-
has made it to this Top 10 sized bags for sale in local grocery
national list. Campbell will stores.
talk about how to capital- Given increasing competition as
ize on this. Networking a berry supplier, retailing the pro-
starts at 8:30 a.m. Advance duce is another option that will Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS
registration required at: yield more income. Steve Robinson is rolling out The Berry Boys snacks – cranberries and blueberries, covered in chocolate and yogurt – with the aid
“The future is, unless you’re tak- of new farming equipment to ensure a better quality fruit.
http://no5topinvestmentci- ing your product to the consumers’ hands, you’re out of luck,” Steve So far, it’s working well, allowing ers. channel.
says. the farm to produce high-quality Where is the food processing in While most Pitt Meadows fields
Award winning auto But going retail, rather than bulk fruit, which it then freezes or dries, Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge? have already been harvested, Pa-
Meadowridge Collision freezing and drying, requires more some of which will go directly on to “People don’t realize the amount cific Canadian Fruit doesn’t take the
Ltd. was awarded a 2010 attention to detail and quality. supermarket shelves. of jobs. The amount of jobs there is berries until late October to ensure
Autochex Premier Achiever So instead of using a beater-type mind-boggling. Where are the jobs?” they’re as ripe as possible. With
Award for outstanding machine that knocks the cranber- he asks of other farms. B.C.’s shorter, cooler summers and
ries from the bushes, the Robinsons “We need to be processing out warmer falls, it’s more difficult to
customer service. The shop
tried a new technology, just brought here. That’s where all the jobs are.” get cranberries bright red.
achieved customer satisfac- Not only does processing pro- During a tour, Steve’s daughters
up from the U.S.
tion scores in the top four It’s called a Ruby slipper and it’s vide jobs handling the berries, but and their children follow along, ea-
per cent of the 9,000 shops towed behind a tractor, and instead tradesmen and maintenance people ger to look at the new machine and
across North America. of thrashing the cranberries off are employed to keep the machinery check out the harvest. But he’s not
the low-growing bushes, steel rods running, he points out. optimistic about passing the busi-
Partnership noted gently scrape off the berries with- “We look at the forestry in B.C. and ness along.
The recipients of the sec- out bruising or crushing them. The say, that’s what we don’t want to be- It’s not something he’d recom-
ond B.C. Aboriginal Busi- gadget also reduces the amount of come.” mend to the next generation. It’s
ness Awards include a local vines and leaves that get mixed in Instead of exporting the raw prod- already difficult to get workers, for
with the berries. While most Pitt Meadows growers uct, the food processing should be example, who can commit to work-
ventured started by the
“What drove us to this wasn’t to just harvest the berries, then ship done here. ing all weekend while harvest is un-
Katzie First Nation. Katzie them elsewhere for processing, the “It’s a huge amount of added input derway.
speed up the operation, what drove
Coast Marine, a partner- us was lower fruit quality,” with the tonnes grown by the Berry Boys are that gets spent in the community.” That will become even more of a
ship between Katzie First old machinery, Steve said. washed, rinsed, dried, sorted, boxed At the Pacific Canadian Fruit Pack- challenge if anyone decided to con-
Nation and Coast Marine, The price of the device is reason- and frozen at their 25,000-sq.-foot Pa- ers plant, the machinery is state of tinue on the business, he explained.
was named as Outstanding able too, about $9,000. The Robin- cific Canadian Fruit Packers plant in the art. Rather than completely re- The next generation of farmers
Business Achievement. The son’s figure there’s only one other Pitt Meadows. During harvest time, lying on manually sorting the ber- has to emphasize the entrepreneur-
company provided marine of its type in the Lower Mainland. that accounts for 30 jobs, scaled back ries for ripeness and colour, a laser ial aspect of the business, he added.
and ferry services during “It’s way quicker,” he said. to 15 in the winter. sorter shoots a beam of light at each Robinson said governments need
construction of the Golden “Fruit quality is absolutely every- Which raises a major issue for berry, decides whether it belongs in to develop a plan and commitment
thing. Quality drives everything we Steve, who also co-owns Pitt Mead- the discard pile, and if it does, a jet to local food production and food
Ears Bridge.
do.” ows Plumbing with his other broth- of air sends the berry to the right processing.

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22 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Canadian Tire Signs

Five-Year Deal
Becoming Official
Sporting Goods
Retailer of NHL
Canadian Tire, Canada’s largest
hockey retailer, and the National
Hockey League today announced that
Canadian Tire has signed a partner-
ship agreement with the NHL® to
become the League’s Official Sporting
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The agreement includes a hat trick of
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Further develop-
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Tire will launch
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camps will provide Canadian minor
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develop and grow their skills through
on and off ice skill development ses-
sions led by experienced NHL hockey
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To join the Canadian Tire Hockey
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Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS

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toll scammer caught

Black Press

Recently, Langley RCMP Supt. Derek Cooke be-

came aware of an individual who had been billed
for more than 90 crossings over the Golden Ears
Bridge. Truth be told, the registered owner had
never crossed the bridge.
The registered owner of the licence plate, believ-
ing an error had been made, notified Translink LIMITED TIME ONLY
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Golden Ears Bridge to conduct surveillance.
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Within 10 minutes, he observed the suspect ve-
hicle travel across the bridge from Maple Ridge.
Cook stopped the vehicle after it entered Lang-
Cooke said the rear licence plate had been al-
tered “amazingly well.” The altered plate was
seized and the driver, a 50-year-old Maple Ridge
man, was issued violation tickets for failing to dis- For great savings and outstanding service,
play a front plate, altering a plate and speeding. stop by one of your friendly neighbourhood STIHL Dealers today.
The specified penalties totaled $414.


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manager of community development, parks and rec-

Mike Murray was elected as chair of the Ridge

Meadows Hospital Foundation for 2010-2011 at the

Murray is a longtime Maple Ridge resident and

community volunteer who recently retired as general

Peter Edwards will remain on the board as past

Board members elected to executive positions for

2010-2011 are Ron Antalek as vice chair, Bryan Hutton

As newly elected directors, Jim Maroney and Jim

Coulter join other foundation directors: Art Van
Pelt, Katherine Alexander, Lesley Kroening, Dr. Biju
Mathew, Rhonda Quinton and ex-officio directors,
Valerie Spurrell, Cheryl Brabbins and Dr. Greg Har-

The Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation was es-

tablished in 1985 and has raised more than $21 million
to fund such projects as the Greg Moore Emergency/
Betsy Bilodeau Ambulatory Care wing at Ridge Mead-
Mike Murray recently retired as parks general manager.

Amanda L.
receives an A & W
Teen Meal at the
228th & Lougheed,
Haney Place Mall
or the 204th &
Lougheed locations
for continuous great
service to
our News
Carrier of the Week
Murray new chair

group’s annual general meeting late last month.

reation services for the District of Maple Ridge.

as secretary, and Bob Thompson as treasurer.

& at
ows Hospital, as well as equipment purchases.

of RMHF board


for the
#200-11830 223rd St.

Call 604.467.1122 or Fax 604.463.4741

Email either

The Hyundai names, logos, product names, feature names, images and slogans are trademarks owned by Hyundai Auto Canada Corp. ʕPrices for models shown: 2011 Accent 3 Dr GL Sport is $17,844, 2010 Elantra Limited is $22,944. Delivery and Destination charges of $1,495/$1,495 are included. Registration,
News Tips? Send us your news tips:

insurance, license fees and all applicable taxes are excluded. Delivery and destination charge includes freight, P.D.E., dealer admin fees and a full tank of gas. ◊Finance offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on new 2011 Sonata models with an annual finance rate of 0.9% for 60 months.
Maple Ridge, BC

†Finance offers available O.A.C. from Hyundai Financial Services based on new 2011 Accent L 3 Dr 5-speed/2010 Elantra L 5-speed with an annual finance rate of 0%/0% for 84/84 months. Monthly payments are $161/$173. No down payment is required. Dealer participation of $500 for 2010 Elantra L 5-speed is
included. Finance offers include Delivery and Destination of $1,495/$1,495. Registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and all applicable taxes are excluded. Delivery and destination charge includes freight, P.D.E., dealer admin fees and a full tank of gas. Financing example: 2010 Elantra L 5-speed for $14,494 at 0%
per annum equals $172.55 per month for 84 months for a total obligation of $14,494. Cash price is $14,494. Example price includes Delivery and Destination of $1,495. Registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and all applicable taxes are excluded. Ω∏ $4,000 savings on the cash purchase of the 2010 Santa Fe
GL 2.4L 6-speed manual model is composed of $1,000 price adjustment (available on purchase or lease) and $3,000 cash purchase price adjustment (for cash purchases only). Price adjustments are calculated against the lease/finance starting price. Cash purchase price for model shown: 2010 Santa Fe Limited is
$35,559. Delivery and Destination charge of $1,760 is included. Registration, insurance, PPSA, license fees and all applicable taxes are excluded. Certain conditions apply. ‡Purchase or lease any 2011 Accent and receive a price adjustment of $1,600. ◊†ʕΩ∏‡ Offers available for a limited time and subject to change or

cancellation without notice. See dealer for complete details. Dealer may sell for less. Inventory is limited, dealer order may be required. ʈFuel consumption for 2011 Accent 3Dr (HWY 5.7L/100KM; City 7.2L/100KM)/2010 Elantra L 5-speed (HWY 5.6L/100KM; City 7.8L/100KM) are based on EnerGuide fuel consumption
ratings. Actual fuel efficiency may vary based on driving conditions and the addition of certain vehicle accessories. Fuel economy figures are used for comparison purposes only. ^Fuel economy comparison based on combined fuel consumption rating for the 2011 Sonata GL 6-speed manual (7.35/100km) and 2011
Energuide combined fuel consumption ratings for the full size vehicle class. Fuel consumption for the Sonata GL 6-speed manual (HWY 5.7L/100KM; City 8.7L/100KM) based on 2011 Energuide rating. Fuel economy figures are used for comparison purposes only. Actual fuel efficiency may vary based on driving

conditions and the addition of certain vehicle accessories. ʆGovernment 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( The 5-star rating applies to all the trim levels of the 2011 Sonata produced after July 2,
2010. ∞Based on the September 2010 AIAMC report. ∆See your dealer for eligible vehicles and full details of the Graduate Rebate Program. ††Hyundai’s Comprehensive Limited Warranty coverage covers most vehicle components against defects in workmanship under normal use and maintenance conditions.
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Dealer participation of $500 included.


E N EWS 2 01








84 MOS.

5.6L/100 KM – 50 MPGʈ
5.7L/100 KM – 50 MPGʈ

5.7L/100 KM – 50 MPGˆ
84 MOS.



24 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -









5-year/100,000 km Comprehensive Limited Warranty



Delivery and Destination are included in all prices.

5-year/100,000 km Powertrain Warranty


5-year/100,000 km Emission Warranty






GL Sport model shown

Limited model shown

Limited model shown

Limited model shown - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 25

THE NEWS/home&gardening
Getting the jump on winter gardens
sk anyone on
the street,
even a perfect
stranger, what this
winter will bring and I
can assure you that to
a man (or woman) they
will reply: “it’s going
to be one of the coldest
we’ve ever had.”
Where this unsub-
stantiated rumour
began is beyond me, Gardening
although I think that Mike Lascelle
we can safely point our
collective fingers at
this year’s Farmer’s Almanac or the sud-
den plethora of snow tire commercials on
Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy the
occasional snowfall – but I appreciate it
much more when I can drive up to the top
of Seymour Mountain to revel in it, know-
ing full well that by the time I get down
to the bottom again, there will be nothing
for me to shovel but rain.
Still, we have something here that
few gardeners across Canada can boast
about, that being a bona fide winter gar- Mike Lascelle photos
dening season.
Take Winnipeg for example. There the
(From left) Sorbus hupehensis ‘Pink Pagoda’; Purple winter kale; and Camellia sasanqua ‘Kanjiro’.
winter garden is something that sits bur-
ied and forgotten below five feet of snow, beginning of this season’s display. winter, with the lacy foliage of winter have to remember that most of these me-
only to be remembered in April, when it Of these, you can choose from ‘Apple cabbage or kale (which intensifies with diums (topsoil, compost, fine bark mulch,
finally re-emerges. Blossom’, with its fragrant pink-edged- the cold) or the totally unnatural-looking well-rotted manures) are highly moisture
white flowers, the contrasting red blooms berries of Callicarpa bodinieri ‘Profusion’ retentive – especially in our wet winters.
and yellow stamens of ‘Yuletide’, the pure (don’t bother with any other cultivars or So be sure to keep all tree trunks and
“Whereas here in the Lower white elegance of the double flowering species, as they just don’t produce as well) shrub stems free of built-up mulch.
‘White Doves’(also known as ‘Mine-no-yu- or beautyberry, whose dark violet fruits The other 10 per cent of winter fatalities
Mainland, the leaves fall and ki’), or the simplicity of the deep rose-pink usually persist right into the new year. can generally be attributed to the polar
we still have dramatic berry blooms of ‘Kanjiro’. You can pair either of these up in a win- opposite condition of being too dry. This
The kousa dogwoods and flowering ter planter with some bright yellow violas drought damage usually occurs in founda-
displays, winter-flowering shrubs, crabapples also put on a brave face, with or pansies, just to add a little contrast and tion beds and planters located under roof
evergreen foliage and brightly persistent fruit that looks like someone catch the eye as you walk by. overhangs, which can be easy to overlook
decorated them with hundreds of red Now to the practical side of winter in regards to watering, particularly when
coloured stems to carry us through Christmas baubles. gardening, and nothing is more pragmatic it’s already pouring rain outside.
our coldest months.” Although we had some problems with than keeping your garden alive through The other groups of plants susceptible
scab (even on resistant varieties) this this often stressful season. to drought damage are dense conifers (in-
spring, the brilliant scarlet fruits of Malus As a nursery manager, I see my fair cluding hedges) and broadleaf evergreens
Whereas here in the Lower Mainland, ‘Red Sentinel’ and ‘Red Jewel’ are in rela- share of dead plants brought in by garden- that tend to shear the moisture away from
the leaves fall and we still have dramatic tively pristine form right now. ers wanting to know what went wrong. roots inside the dripline. In both these
berry displays, winter-flowering shrubs, If red isn’t your colour, then you should Of these, about 90 per cent of the shrub scenarios it’s important to thoroughly
evergreen foliage and brightly coloured be looking at some of the more unusual (particularly rhododendrons and azaleas) water before the first hard frosts in order
stems to carry us through our coldest mountain ashes, such as ‘Joseph Rock’ and tree fatalities that occur in winter are to avoid the desiccation that often leads to
months. (golden fruit with burgundy autumn foli- a result of being buried too deeply or hav- a plant’s demise.
Even while you’re reading this, winter age), Sorbus cashmiriana (white berries) ing the stem covered in mulch – causing
camellias (Camellia sasanqua) are cheer- or ‘Pink Pagoda’ (Sorbus hupehensis), with the bark to rot. Mike Lascelle is a local nursery
fully coming into bud and bloom despite berries reminiscent of little bubble gums. While mulching to protect plant roots manager and gardening author
the inclement weather – and that’s just the Purple also reigns supreme in early from frost damage is beneficial, you still (

Great selection Mason Bee Workshop

Saturday, November 13th @ 10 AM
of winter plants with Dr. Margriet Dogterom
Do you have fruit trees and small fruits in your garden?

Clearout Sale!
Increase your fruit production by keeping Mason Bees.
• Helleborus (27 varieties)) Margriet will explain how to set up and
maintain your own Mason Bee house.
• Hamamelis (10 varieties)s)s) This workshop offers a great opportunity for you to bring your
30% OFF Outdoor Bulbs • Heucheras Mason Bee nests. Margriet will show you how to open your nests
and clean the cocoons to get them ready for spring.
50% OFF Select Perennials • Beautyberries Kids are welcome to the workshop as they will
Holiday Workshop Schedule
Now in-store and online 50% OFF All Trees • Wintergreen absolutely love to be involved with raising their
own bees. (Mason Bees do not sting.) We will have
50% OFF Roses • Heathers cocoons available for sale on this day, as well as all of the
products necessary to start your own Mason Bee nest.
40% OFF


and much more while quantities last. Call 604-465-6614 or email
19100 Old Dewdney Trk Rd., Pitt Meadows 604-465-6614 Hours: 7 days
d a week
k 9am - 6pm
26 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

The Gals For All Your Real Estate Needs
Ted Hedrick 604-828-8476
OPEN SAT 2-4 • SUN 1-3
“We keep our promise, or you don’t keep us.”

22519 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge SUE GALWAY MELLISSA GALWAY ANNY AN 安玉人
604-828-8476 604-788-8476 604-377-2568
OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 New Listing - Maple Ridge
Priced to
Over Waterfall
Sell! Immediate
Occupancy 2,6 00 sq. ft. Feature #37 - 22280 - 124th Avenue
of Luxury
• 4 bedrooms • Double garage
Estate Must Be Detached
$ $ $ • 3 bathrooms • Roof 2 years
298,500 Sale 548,900 Seen! 509,900 Shop

20675 Westfield Ave. 11822 Meadowlark 21413 - 123rd Avenue

328,500 • Double-sided fireplace
• 1601 sq. ft.
• Hillside Terrace
Located in quiet West M.R. neighbourhood. Lovely 3 bdrm + den home in mint con- Upgraded 4/5 bedroom rancher (over
Upgraded 2 bdrm bungalow with part dition. Striking vaulted ceiling in living rm. 3,100 sq. ft.) with full basement in prime
bsmt. Lovely large lot (60 x 120’). Restored
h/w floors & heritage wood doors. Close to
Dream kitchen, pampering master bdrm,
spacious family rm & dining rm. Bonus of a
West Maple Ridge. Lovely kitchen designed
for the innovative chef. Striking features en-
Room for the Family Hidden Treasure
schools, parks & shopping. huge upper storey games room. hance this blissfully, comfortable home. • Maple Ridge • Maple Ridge
• 3 Bedrooms • 2 bedrooms
ATTENTION BUILDERS - Building Lot $179,900 • 3 Bathrooms • 2 baths
• Gas fireplace • Gas fireplace
• End Unit • Granite counters

Terry Passley $
• Low strata $150
• 1,320 sq. ft. home
• 1,108 sq. ft.
• Pets Welcome!
& Associates Goodbye Landlord! Sparkles Like New
“We keep our promise, or you don’t keep us.”

Kim Fabbro 604-467-9300 LOTS OF STORAGE • Maple Ridge

• 3 bedrooms
• 2 bedrooms + den
• In-suite laundry • 2 baths
• 938 sq. ft. • Gas fireplace
• Fruit trees • 1,325 sq. ft.
• Greenhouse w/ • Pets Welcome!
79,900 timer
• Low pad fee $273
289,900 • Strata fee includes
gas & hot water

625,000 $
844,000 $
299,900 Vacation Home Stunning Views
Brand New Silver Valley! • Norwegian log home on 3.46 acres. OPEN SUNDAY 1-3 • Lake Errock NEW LISTING • North Burnaby
• Huge kitchen, gorgeous sun room w/ 33331 - 3rd Ave., Mission • 3 bedrooms • Huge bedroom
• Quality home built by Renisary Homes ceiling to floor glass Excellent investment or first time home • 5 year roof • 2 decks
• Over 3500 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms & 3 baths • Beautiful private backyard with patio & within walking distance to downtown • 1,185 sq. ft. • Pool, hot tub &
• Huge kitchen with loads of cupboard in-ground pool Mission. Legally zoned with a secondary • City water exercise rm
space, center island • Down features games rm, family rm & suite. Both suites renovated with new • .27 Acre • Tenant wants to stay
• Double garage. No HST. loads of storage flooring, paint, lighting, etc. $
269,000 $
244,800 • Close to shopping,
transit & SFU
23173 Parkside, M.R. 26581 - 96th Ave., M.R. 23173 Parkside, Maple Ridge

Jeff Follow us at Kris

Bright Mugridge

-828--SOLD Jeff & Kris Homes for Sale 604
60 4-612
Foreclosure! OPEN SUN. 2-4 Top Floor!

124,900 $
194,900 $
199,900 SAFERhome Society
#310 12096 222nd St. #23 - 12296 - 224th St. #301 12206 224th St would like to announce that
$6,250 initial investment and $9,745 initial investment and $9,990 initial investment and Al Hogarth - Coldwell Banker Banker
just $740 per month including just $986 per month including just $1,147 per month gets you
taxes, maintenance fees, etc. taxes, maintenance fees, etc gets this 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom top Tri Tel Realty is a “Certified SAFERhome
gets you a 2 bedroom top you a 2 bedroom upper unit in floor condo in central Maple Accredited Professional”. Al is Canada’s
floor condo with lots of recent “Colonial” . Shows like new. Ridge. Gas fireplace, parking for
upgrades! Central Maple Ridge Come have a look on Sunday! 2 cars, walk to everything. Call first Certified SAFERhome realtor and
location. as such can offer real estate investment
Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Maple Ridge and strategies that can directly enhance a
New Listing! BUY YOUR NEXT Greenbelt! home occupants’ life and lifestyle options
HOME FROM by utilizing the SAFERhome design and
JEFF & KRIS building standards. For more details or
additional information contact
459,900 or
22917 - 126th Avenue contact Patrick Simpson -
22968 - 122nd Avenue A FREE iPAD! $23,000 initial investment and Executive Director - 604-733-2224
$18,875 initial investment and Call for details just $1,840 per month gets you
just $1,500 per month gets you a 2,000 sq. ft. split level home on
a house! 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 2 fire- protected greenbelt. Impress your
places, huge lot. Walk to Harry friends and family. Call now!
Hooge Elementary. Call Jeff or
Kris to view.
Maple Ridge Maple Ridge
“We keep our promise, or you don’t keep us.”

Visit us at: - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 27

Brack 604-657-4064 TRI-TEL REALTY
Bonnie U LT I M AT E S E R V I C E
“We keep our promise, or you don’t keep us.” Telep
Remember... your bank works for the bank,
Bonnie Telep works for you!
Paying High Unbeatable
Listing Listing
Prime Pitt Meadows Ground Floor Unit Great Value - Great Layout Rates
Looking for a mortgage helper? 2
bedroom suite, 3 bedrooms up, over
Very quiet adult complex. Unit backs
greenbelt, strata fee is only $100 and
Almost 1100 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, 2
bath condo. Rainscreened build- on Your
2400 sq. ft. 2 fireplaces, vaulted ceil-
ing in living room, 2 year old roof
pets are welcome. 2 bedrooms, in-
suite laundry and storage rm, patio
ing, large patio on the ground floor,
fireplace, 2 secured parking spots.
Credit Card!
and exterior paint, good size lot. front and back, covered parking. Great location, walk to town centre. Check us out at
Walk to all levels of school, and WC
Walk to shopping. Vacant & ready to
move today.
Make an offer! Quick possession.
Call Now, Why Rent?
Call Bonnie Today!
C 604-467-9300
Listed for Listed for Listed for
444,999 $
179,900 $
179,900 Danette Ball Mario Casoria
604-467-9300 604-454-8102
Quality Service Move With Mario!
You Can Trust! U LT I M AT E S E R V I C E
“We keep our promise, or you don’t keep us.”

“We keep our promise, or you don’t keep us.”

#31 - 11502
Investors/Builders Moving to Port Moody? Westside 1/4 Acre Burnett
Over a half acre with a small older Close to Newport Village. 3 bdrm Complete reno done in this 4 bed-
home on a cul-de-sac with great townhouse with new kitchen, gran- room character home. Access to the
NO $
Golden Ears Mtn views. Close to
schools and easy access to GE
ite counters, fresh paint, fenced pri-
vate deck off living rm. In-suite laun-
rear for shop or carriage home. Walk
to Laityview and Westview schools. STAIRS! 268,800
Bridge. Potential for 4 lots with city dry & storage rm. Set up for hot tub, Super location, great private yard for
approval currently zoned for duplex two parking spaces. Very well main- the kids and easy access to the new 13655 Blake Loop, MR #21 - 11757 207th St., Maple Ridge
and 2 lots of approx 6,000 sq. ft. tained complex. Vacant and waiting. GE Bridge. THE CREST AT SILVER RIDGE! This is 3 bedroom townhome in a family oriented complex!
• Stunning view • Maple kitchen Upgrades include carpet and ceramic tile in kitchen. This
Reduced to $
Listed for Listed for • 3 or 4 bedrooms • River rock fireplace unit comes with 2 parking stalls and a private backyard &
749,000 314,900 $
649,900 • 3 baths • Vaulted ceiling
garden. Kids can play in the complex playground! Close to
schools, shopping, transportation



604-467-9300 Homes
Dave Vicki
Ralph Telep TRI-TEL REALTY Telep Cunningham

• Approx 2000 sq ft • Immaculate • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths
• Rancher with basement • 3 bedrooms • Over 1250 sq. ft.
• 4 bedrooms • 3 baths • Fully fenced backyard
• Future potential. • Single garage
• Approx 2150 sq. ft. • New flooring throughout
• Detached workshop/garage
• 2 storey with fin. basement • New appliances
• New roof & hot water tank
• Just 5 years old • Close to transit, schools &
• Lane access recreation
$ $ • Suite potential $
349,800 • Great location! 439,800 279,800 • Well cared for home
22596 - 121ST AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE 24183 - 102B AVENUE, MAPLE RIDGE #44 - 11229 - 232ND STREET, MAPLE RIDGE
• Surrounded by development • Basement entry
• Over 4000 sq. ft. • 4 bedrooms
• Nice flat 5 acres
• 2 storey with full basement • 2314 sq ft
• Main home 3640 sq. ft.
• 6 bedrooms • 720 sq ft
• 2nd home approx 1600
• Deluxe 2 bedrooms suite workshop
down (only needs kitchen) sq. ft.
• Large family rm
• Immaculate inside & out • 2 Out buildings
• Entertainment sized covered
• 6 box stall barn sundeck
$ $
619,800 $
1,198,800 419,800 • Mountain view


5% down - monthly
• Whispering Falls • 3 bedrooms
payments of $730
• 1.13 acres • 1900 sq. ft. home
• 2 bdrms, 2 full baths
• 2 storey with full bsmt • Very private - set back from
• Over 1050 sq. ft.
• Over 4100 sq. ft. street
• In-suite laundry
• Self contained suite • 2.5 acres • Immaculate
• Engineered septic • Separate 1040 sq. ft. • View of Mountains
• 1350 sq.ft. unfin bsmt workshop with 14’ doors $ • New roof on building
799,800 • Too many updates to list $
699,800 • Excellent potential
199,800 • Walk to town centre


ON 2.5
28 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Cell: 604-351-0235 • E-mail:

* Bonson’s Landing * Foxborough Hills

* 3 bdrms ~ 3 baths * Half duplex style
* 8439 s f lot * Double garage $
509,000 $
419,900 $
NEW * Cul-De-Sac location * Over 1200 sqft
* Pitt Meadows * 3 bdrm, 2 baths 12536 190A STREET #4 19270 122A AVE 27150 106TH AVE
* 2storey home * Some updating
* harwood flooring * Near WCE & transit • Bright open floor plan • 2 minutes from West Coast Express • Renovated with many upgrades
* too much to list! * End unit • Tile, Laminate & Slate floors • 3 bedroom, 3 baths • New kitchen and appliances
• Beautiful kitchen - tile back splash • Large kitchen - oak cabinets
OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE • Formal dining room • New furnace, heat pump & windows
19843 Silverthorne Pl SUNDAY 2 - 4 17 - 21960 River Rd • Custom Railings & crown mouldings. • Lots of updates - double garage
Marketed at $624,900 Listed at $261,900 SAT 2 - 4 • Minutes from Golden Ears & Pitt River • Covered patio - large private yard
• New water treatment system
bridges • Laminate floors - freshly painted
* Cul-De-Sac
* Lots of upgrades * 2 bdrm, 2 baths
* 5 bdrms ~ 3 baths * Over 1000 sq ft
* 2 parking stalls
* Hardwood flooring
* Central location
* Minutes to WCE
* Centra lPoco
* Walk to everything!
* Well sized rooms
The Fedorko Group 604.836.1563
* Fully finished bsmnt * Bright,open plan John Fedorko
*On green space
* Rainscreened bldg
Allow me to introduce you to your new home.
22891 Gillis Place #307 - 2109 Rowland OPEN HOUSE
Listed at $469,000 SAT/SUN 2 - 4 Offered at $264,900 SUNDAY 2 - 4 11-12449 191ST ST. PM GREAT STARTER–NEEDS TLC
* “Wallmark Homes” • 3 bedroom plus den • 3 bdrms up,1 bdrm
* Somerset Value!
* 3 bdrms, 4 baths * 4 level split home townhouse down plus 2.5 baths
* Double garage * 4 bdrm, 2.5 baths • Updated: fresh paint, base • Some work needed
* S/S appliances * Deck w/hot tub boards, crown moulding, but great home for
* Large master suite * Large master bdrm new flooring, new counter growing family
* 5 pce ensuite * 3 pce ensuite • Close to schools,
* Huge rec room * West facing yard
tops, extended kitchen, REDUCED
updated laundry & new parks, recreation,
* Low fees * Near new roof
* Pets welcome appliances public transportation
* Walk to amenities $
• Parking for two plus ample & shopping. 359,000
OPEN HOUSE 12213 Chestnut Cres. OPEN HOUSE street parking • Good sized back yard
52 11282 Cottonwood • Lots of parking with room for
or RV or camper.
Priced at $376,900 SAT/SUN 2 - 4 Move-In at $459,900 SAT/SUN 2 - 4 • Steps to shopping, parks, $
339,000 • Shed/workshop with full electrical (220V).
schools , WCE and transit • Close to the Golden Ears Bridge and WCE

Brenda Managing Broker Jason Travis Shannon Dick Mike Scott Danny Don
Exner Harvey Exner Exner Franklin Shideler Huber Huber Meadus Gerbrandt Gerbrandt

Jewel Mitch Joan Victoria Paul Virginia Ike Prakash Jason Scott
Yourchek Yourchek Warn Ward McCallum Kung Okereke Singh Smith Harrison

Claudio Sandie John Brenda Al Dave Roger Lisa Andrew Ron

Sartore Scherer Fedorko Jenkins Jenkins Telep Cummings Telep Etey Mitchell

Maggie Cal Eve Kelly Rob Pamela John Jay Jennifer

Prince Peter Kyle Young Breckwoldt Danz Johnson Fraser Nixon

Maple Ridge Office

22718 Lougheed Highway 604.467.3871 - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 29


$458,000 20454 WESTFIELD AVE.

Your Full Service •

2500 + sq.ft., spacious attach double garage
4 bedrooms, 3 baths
A 5 acre hobby farm that can be sub’d in
half, and the road is already in. This farm has $399,000
• Stainless Steel Appliances (1 year old) a fantastic 2 level 3 bedroom home that has • Great family home • Close to West Coast Express
• Walking distance to shopping & schools been totally reno’d. This property is ideal for
Real Estate •

Quick access to Golden Ears Bridge & WCE
Fully Fenced Yard
horses with a big 4 stall barn with power, water • New kitchen, floors, paint • RV parking
and plenty of storage. Asking $849,900. • Big fenced yard NEW PRICE
Company LOCATION...LOCATION Call today for a personal viewing.

To find out more, visit: SHANNON SHIDELER RON MITCHELL JASON EXNER 604-467-3871 Cell 604-617-9642 Cell 604-818-9851

Prime Pitt Meadows Location!

Original owner, 3 bdrm, 3-level split
on large corner lot. Extensive updating
throughout. Terrific, family-friendly
neighborhood, close to schools,
shopping, recreation and transit.
$474,500 Walk to everything! Full details and Your Full Service Real Estate
photos at
12391 193B Street, Pitt Meadows Company
JOAN WARN 604-828-3369 To find out more, visit:

“Lest We
Forget” “Our service will move you.”
604.250.3977 604.839.8647
Lisa Telep Dave Telep
#22 - 11720 $387,000 13772 Silver $609,900 11310 $388,000
Cottonwood Valley Harrison
NEW LISTING! OPEN Sun. 2-4 pm NEW LISTING! • New construction
Drive MLS# • Still time to choose your
MLS# • Desired Rock Ridge
V845460 V841022
MLS# Neighbourhood • Granite, crown mouldings
• Hardwood throughout throughout
• Huge spa-style ensuite • S/S appliances
13783 $799,000 #505-22230 $209,900 20183 $449,800 sqft lot • Engineered hardwood
Blaney St. North Ave Chigwell • Fully finished bsmt floors
$469,900 • Move in before Christmas! $779,900 INCL. HST • Quiet neighbourhood
MLS# V849660 V843319 13360 McCauley Cres. 23870 106th Ave
• 3 bdrm + finished bsmt • Great family home
• Kitchen island & maple • Close to schools
cabinets • Maple Cabinets
NOTHING BEATS • Vaulted ceilings
• Large lot w/fenced yard

Large Open Kitchen
Full 2 bdrm bsmt suite
BLUEBERRIES • Quiet cul-de-sac
• 2 years left on
• Great central location
13820 - 224th Street $469,900 $449,900
Pristine 10 acre blueberry farm since 1979. 22728 127th Ave 23732 Kanaka Way
ALR designation, not subdividable, no OPEN Sat. & Sun. 1-4 • Shows like new!
services. Perfect for produce only. Asking • Granite counters
• 2 story w/ bsmt
$1,100,000. • 3700 sq ft w/ S.S. appliances
• Granite throughout • Lamiate floors throughout
FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PLEASE • Spa inspired ensuite
• SS appliances
CONTACT BRENDA JENKINS • RV pkg. • 3 bedrooms
MLS # V855206 (604)816-6961 • 4 bdrms up • Private setting
$609,900 INCL. HST • Ready to move in $349,900 • Double garage

Al & Brenda JENKINS 11163 Creekside Street #36 - 11282 Cottonwood

604.467.3871 Dave 604-341-0783 • Lisa 604-970-2209 • Roger 604-828-7643 DAVE TELEP PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION

Maple Ridge Office

22718 Lougheed Highway 604.467.3871
30 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Heather Wood - Broker/Owner

Dominion Lending Centres Interest Advantage

Gregory C. Stewart Ron Antalek - #1 Realtor® -MR/PM Division (16 Years)
- #1 Re/Max Realtor® in B.C. (11 Years)
“I have
h been a good friend of Greg’s for over 30 years and a
Welcomes Greg Stewart to her Firm
colleague in the Real Estate Industry for over 20. I am proud
“I am extremely thrilled to have Greg Join my Company.
He will be a welcomed addition. Greg has an amazing
Joins the Excitingg DDominion
ominion Lending Centre’s to congratulate & endorse Greg in his new career path. I’m
excited to have the opportunity to work with a person of such
personality, high integrity and with his 20+ years of
professional service
nterest A Advantage
dvantage T Team
eam high integrity and ethics. His wealth of knowledge & insight
will make him the Perfect Mortgage Broker to meet all the
in the Real Estate
needs of his clients,
Industry he has the
Realtors® & the public
knowledge to service
alike. Contact Greg
his clients very
when YOU need
mortgage advice from
Good Luck Greg”
a true
t professional who
– Heather Wood makes your interest his
#1 Priority.”
– Ron
R Antalek
Gary Mauris - President & Co-Founder
Chris Kayat - C.O.O. & Co-Founder Dominion Lending Centres
Terry Paranych – Re/Max Elite - #1 Real Estate Team in Canada
“Chris & I were excited to hear Greg was joining our TEAM.
Canada’s #1 Mortgage Brokerage...Dominion Lending Centres. - #4 Real Estate Team in the World
Greg is sure to become one of our Rising Superstars and we “I am excited to welcome Greg to the Dominion Lending Centres family. When
will be watching his progress very closely. He is well positioned we first met I knew Greg would have what it takes to be a successful broker. As
to explode out of the gates
and become a truly great
Don Cherry? Canada’s #1 Re/Max Agent I am acutely
aware that to be the best you have to work
broker... he’s tremendously
Call me to hear the
with the best and Greg is definitely going
dedicated to client
Exciting News!! to be one of the BEST...I therefore consider
satisfaction and providing it my Honour & Privilege to endorse and
the best mortgage advice to
YOU, the customer!!!”
C ll 604
230 7389
230 recommend Greg Stewart to the Mortgage
& Real Estate Industries”
– Gary Mauris – Terry Paranych
Chris Kayat, Gregory Stewart, Gary Mauris Email:
2189 AUSTIN AVENUE, COQUITLAM, BC, V3K-3R9 - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 31

Brookside Realty

Valley Fair Mall

Haney Place Mall

• Professional photo shoot and virtual

tours! (see
• Largest office with 66 representatives.
• Award winning lnternet tools!
Thank You For your Call!
• Longest established successful office in “Helping You Is What We Do”
Maple Ridge.
• Royal LePage has raised over $1,000,000 11933 - 224th St.,
through our ‘Shelter Foundation’
to support women and children. Maple Ridge
32 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Brookside Realty
604.467.5000 11933 224th St.,
Maple Ridge


205,000 $
349,500 REDUCED
499,900 $
499,900 $
515,000 $

Central Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Maple Ridge
• Carefree-lock up and take a holiday • 2 bedroom home with huge bedrooms • This classic 2 storey family home
• Convenient-location close to all sparkles • Over 2800 sq ft 5 bdrm, 4 bthrms • Backing to greenbelt • You of course! Bring family!
and could be a third bedroom • Cherry wood hardwood Àoors, 2 f/p
amenities • New kitchen leads out to full length • 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom open Àoor plan • New home, 2 storey, 4 bedrooms up
• 40 year aluminum roof, thermal windows deck • Large covered sundeck, covered patio • Vaulted ceiling in living room and • All the bells and whistles, un¿nished
• Cost effective-share in the overall
maintenance of the building • RV parking and room to build a shop • Large private lot with beautiful • 10 x 30 detached storage shed kitchen basement
• Large, one bedroom and den, 4th Àoor • Located on quiet side of street inground pool and hot tub. workshop • Raised oak cabinets in kitchen • Great room concept, all appliances
security • Established family neighbourhood included
• Vacant, small pets welcome Adults 55+ Jim Isherwood • Great neighborhood, vacant
Chris Frandsen Jim Isherwood Pat Drummond Randy & Tracy DeLair 604-250-7755 Chris Frandsen
Betty Olsen
604-467-5000 604-250-7755 604-467-5000 604-463-2991 604-240-5401 604-467-5000

HOME & SUN 1 - 5 & SUN 2 - 4 1-4 & SUN 1 - 3 SUN 1 - 4
789,900 $
409,900 $
205,000 $
215,900 $
489,000 $

Mission 22206 124 Ave #211-19236 Ford Rd P.M. #201-19122 122nd Ave 23871 Fern Cresent #38-11282 Cottonwood DR
• Country style in desirable area • Copperstone Ridge - only 2 left! • No expense was spared in making • Awesome location, walk to WCE, shopping
• 0.89 acre estate, 30 x 40 detached shop • 88 steps to the Alouette River • 2 year old upscale town home
• Brand new, totally upgraded this an elegant yet exciting interior recreation • 2000 sq ft, 3 bedroom rancher • 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
• Shop has 220 power and 100 amp service, • New ¿xtures, new paint, laminate
security system • Greenbelt, incredible Golden Ears • Spacious 963 sq ft one bedroom condo • .40 acre private, park like property Produced
• Laminate Àooring, granitebycounters
Views throughout, bright open living room, south • Updated Àoors- slate and warm wood-look • Large detailed workshop - lots of parking • Over 1400 sq ft
• Pets & rentals with restrictions on
professionals and
• Professionally landscaped, large deck facing balcony.
• 16 x 32 inground pool 4 bedroom • Fully ¿nished show home #27 laminate
• Within walking distance of schools and the internet for
• Triple attached garage, covered parking for • HST Included transportation and minutes from the West • Bright & cherry with big windows
at least 7 vehicles Coast Express. Move in ready • In-suite laundry, storage, 2 parking spaces the world to see!
Randy & Tracy DeLair Pat Drummond Amanda vandenBrink Lennie & Rolf Gullmes Rick Medhurst Tyra Sauriol
604-463-2991 604-467-5000 604-619-2164 604-467-5000 604-463-3000 604-463-3000


SUN 1 - 4 SUN 2 - 4 SUN 2 - 4 SUN 1 - 4 & SUN 12 - 5 & SUN 2 - 4
559,900 $
654,900 $
559,500 $
449,900 $
279,900 $

#16-13210 Shoesmith CR 10590 245 St. 6 - 11442 Best St. 23271 Dogwood Ave 12258 224 Street 19568 114B Ave PM
• 3 car garage + RV Parking • Show home condition through out , • Exceptional 2947 sq ft full featured home • Cozy, beautiful remodelled 1,247 sq ft • Starting at $279,900 • 4 bedrooms with den/salon family home
• 10,000 sq ft lot with room for detached including a private fenced and fully • Sought after west side location. From • Open layout, new kitchen w/large island • From 1170 to 1358 sq ft • Unobstructed views to the south
shop/garage landscaped easy care yard River Road • Vaulted ceiling, energy ef¿cient. gas • Granite counters, slate backs plash, • 2 minutes away from the
• Deluxe 2 storey plan, hardwood & • 4 good size bedrooms upstairs, the • Turn south on Best St. and park at ¿replace and lots of windows overlooking stainless steel appliances Golden Ears Bridge
granite ¿nish master ensuite complete with heated bottom a very private , .23 acre lot with a variety • Great location • Your backyard opens onto the Pitt
Àoor, soaker tub and separate shower. • Adult oriented in this exclusive (soon of fruit trees Meadows Athletic Park
• Basement includes a legal one bedroom to be gated) residence. You will not be • 16’ x 10’ workshop, close to parks, • Large rec room downstairs and formal
self-contained suite with its own laundry disappointed schools and all amenities dining room. Move in ready.
Joel Lycan Luke “Mr. Rogers” Ray Pelto Yolanta Siwinski Jim Isherwood Call Angela Dundas
604-466-1440 604-780-2304 604-619-0804 604-462-7619 604-250-7755 604-857-3232

SUN 1 - 4 1-3 & SUN 1 - 4 SUN 1 - 4
1,095,000 $
819,800 $
289,900 $

24265 125 Ave 10586 239th St #58-11588 232 St MR #315 - 22514 116th Ave
PREMIEREStarring your home at
• First time offered. Quality 4 level split • 4375 sq ft custom built • Open Àoor plan, endless • 3 bedrooms plus den + of¿ce area • Very well priced condo,
home in prime bright sunny location.
• Immaculate 5 bedrooms generous
features and massive 850 sq ft insulated garage
• 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, heat pump
• Bright, clean updated - over 1400 sq ft
shows well
age restricted 55+
• Perfect top Àoor unit with w/loft area
• Stunning view of the mountains
kitchen and nook, vaulted ceilings. • Over sized kitchen boasting stainless steel • Backs to playground nice for young • Freshly painted, bonus den Produced by professionals and on
• Fully ¿nished basement with private appliances, granite counter tops, walk-in pantry and family or family room
level entrance. 2 of¿ces. Butler room
• End unit, close to schools + town • Slight view of the Fraser River, great the internet for the world to see!
• Tinted windows, insulated ceilings
• Enormous shop, crowd sized deck • Wet bar off the kitchen and speakers wired • Come see for yourself Fraserview location

Gina Halinda Jeremy McCarthy Karen Bennett Randy & Tracy DeLair
604-467-5000 604-467-5000 604-463-3000 604-463-2991 604-467-5000

For more OPEN HOUSES check out - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 33

604.467.5000 11933 224th St., Maple Ridge Brookside


“Lest We Forget”

Bob’s November
Enjoy Nature at it’s Best Fast Possession-Great Buy
Ambience abounds the $
Super Westside 3

minute you enter the open bedroom and den with
floor plan of the awesome
4 bedroom + den 3 a large 2 bedroom suite
level home. Beautiful for added income or
mortgage helper.

hardwood, tiling, vaulted
ceiling bring this home Double garage
together to enjoy. Nature ,Landscaped lot with
at your back door as the lots of plants.All this
yard has comforting green

604- 817-2920
belt and lush landscaping. and only steps from
All this and a separate shopping,theatres and
West Coast Express.
11309-238th Street suite with large patio
opening to yard. 12058 201 B Street

Hobby Farm with added Potential.

V843065 South Slope Thornhill
Great Buy- Fast Possession
Why rent when you can
Let my expertise
769,900 $

2.42 acres featuring buy this 3 bedroom plus
immaculate split level a den and a 1 bedroom
11578 225th St. Maple Ridge home with out buildings.
New roof and rear deck
mortgage helper for under
over looking this mini park Great location near

Unit #105 - Air Conditioned - $209,900 Enjoy all this knowing
there is future potential for
schools and parks.
Double garage with lane
Spacious 1 bedroom ground floor unit on quiet side your investment. access.
of ‘’Willows ‘’ complex. Gas fireplace (included in
maintenance) open plan. Fast Possession available. 25360 102nd Avenue 12450 232nd Street.
Enjoy all the amenities offered plus only a couple of
minutes to West Coast Express.
Wall Mark Home with a Flair Where Nature Beckons You
This beautiful home
Unit #206 - Air Conditioned - $249,900 V849955 $
575,900 shows better than new.
V814465 $
985,000 Listen to the quiet as you
enjoy the sounds and
Loads of features from sights of nature all around
Enjoy the open feeling this 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom hardwood floors, vaulted you. From the babbling
plus den offers. Main bedroom is located on lower ceilings awesome kitchen
brooks and rivers and
forest while living in this
floor and 2 bedroom plus den in loft area. and top of the line plumb- 4 level contemporary
2 balconies look over the quiet side of the ing fixtures. Come have home on 2acres. New
a look yourselves you’ll appliances 4 bedrooms
‘’Willows” complex. This is a great floor plan with want to move right in. Fast beautiful cedar and slate
vaulted ceilings and open plan. Lots of amenities Possession is available covered deck over looking
kside R
your own park. Hot tub,
and closeness to West Coast Express. 23617 112a Avenue 12680 239th Street Pool and patio areas. Fish
(off 232nd & 128th Ave) from your own backyard. 11933 224th St., Maple Ridge CHAD AUGUST

Service with Integrity OPEN SUNDAY 2-4
23555 112 B AVE.

Six years new, backs on greenbelt
3 large bedrooms up, den on main
Two gas F/Ps, crown moulding
604.318.5254 Brookside Realty
11933 224th St., Maple Ridge

• Full unfinished basement

• Walk to year around school
498,800 MLS #V853116
Debi 11661 238A ST.
• Like new bsmt home with triple garage
Michelle Don • Over 1800 sq ft on the main
• Level walkout to rear yard MLS # V845844 $299,000
• 16 x 16 covered deck
604.466.4549 • A/C, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors
MLS# V856425 $524,900 MLS# V843065 $
769,900 #407 22150 DEWDNEY TRUNK $
Brookside Realty
11933 - 224th St., Maple Ridge
564,900 MLS #V852196 #25 24185 106B AVE 25360 102ND
• Central location
• Golf course
• Security System
• Storage
• Drapes/Window
• 3 bed, 3 bath, • Like new, all the • Immaculate exposure • Recreation coverings
2800sq ft bells and whistles Inside and out • 2 wells, newer nearby • Appliances
• Beautiful • Double garage • 2.42 acres, urban roof • Shopping nearby Included
Greenbelt setting reserve, Southern • Fireplace
23828 113B AVE. #7 - 11528 BURNETT ST.
• Complex has only 8 units, is only 6 yrs old
• Over 3000 Sq. Ft. of living space MONEY HERE
• Lots of updates including a new furnace • All 4 bedrooms are upstairs #10268 MCEACHERN. BEST SECRET
• Large covered deck, hot tub with privacy • Master has a 4 pc. ensuite and one bed- #209 12238 224TH ST #3695 VICTORIA DR
• Over 3700sq ft, 2
fence room has a ‘cheater’ door to main bathroom yrs old
• 1 bedroom
• Just under
• Separate BBQ & dining area • Quality laminate floors in living/dining rm. • Finished Bsmt + den/bdrm,
765sq ft 6 acres
574,900 MLS #V843281 309,900 MLS #V843712
2 bedroom suite
• 4 Bed Up + Den • 2 yrs, old,
Spacious, Bright
• 2 houses,
2 road frontages
on Main • Future
• Private Lot, Cul • Rentals Allowed,
Large Patio Development
De Sac
finished with
• Worry Free
Building • Inground
style • MLS # V845032 swimming pool
#502 - 11605 227TH ST. 12473 KATHRYN ST. • MLS # V845844
• Top floor with12 ft high ceilings • Over 2000 Sq Ft rancher with partial bsmt.
$ MLS V851168 MLS # V845032
• South facing, lots of windows • Kitchen has great room plan with lots of 559,000 $
209,900 $
• 55+ building with 2 bdrms and 2 bthrms cupboards and updated countertops
• Pool, hot tub, workshop, crafts area • Quiet location on city water
• Partial river view • Roof and hot water tank 2 years old ESTATE IN THE CITY LIVE BY THE VILLAGE
229,900 MLS #V845258
588,800 MLS #V848582
#202-12464 191B ST. #11-11757 207TH ST.
• 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, • Spacious 3 bedroom plan
condo in desirable Pitt Meadows • New carpets and vinyl windows MLS # V826206 $
899,900 MLS #V851937 $
339,900 Virtual
• Spectacular views of Golden Ears Mountain. • Crown moulding and new doors
• Lots of amenities and steps from shopping, • Sunny south facing fenced yard 24354 116TH AVE. #33 11067 BARNSTON VIEW RD. Tours and
• 5 bed, • Southern
public transportation and dining. • Family complex, bring the pets 3 bath, exposure • 3 level • 2 bedroom,
$ $ Townhouse 2 bathroom More Photos at
247,900 MLS #V856396 264,900 MLS #V836938
+2500sq ft
• City water, close
• Private Road
and setting • Shows
to town like new - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 37

Cheryl Bennewith 4 Showhomes to View

Notary Public Your 44 Executive Suites • 1,172sq. ft. - 1,358sq. ft.
Notary Public,
a good person Prices Just Reduced
to Sell
to know...
for all your real estate needs including:
Purchases, Sales, Mortgages and
2 Bedrooms
Refinances. Plan + Den
“We seal our service with a smile”
22366 McIntosh Avenue, Maple Ridge • Tel: 604-467-5555 from 279,900 + GST

Phase 2
Open Daily (e
cept Frida
Mon to Thurs. 1-4pm
Sat & Sun 12-5:00pm
9’ Ceilings 12258 224th St. Maple Ridge
For Further Information Call:
rec centre Debra Bell Jim Isherwood Al Carlson
604.290.8544 604.250.7755 604.518.9299
INCLUDED. Brookside Realty
11933 224th St Maple Ridge
Visit our website


Who needs a car when you live this close to the
Westcoast Express?

• Unbeatable Maple Ridge location

• 8 minute walk to Haney Town Centre
• 2 minute walk to the West Coast Express
• Big, spacious homes start from $229,000 –
own from just $800/month!*
222nd St.

Lougheed Hwy.



Sandy Pastorek | 604.868.2466


River Rd.

*Based on 25% down payment on $229,000 purchase price. Conditions apply, please speak to
West Coast
Express a Haneys Landing representative for details. E.&O.E.
Fraser River
38 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -









$9( $9(


&211(&725 $ % (5
<:$ )2572'$<$1')25<($5672&20(

/28*+((' +:<
1( $/%,21
< %
< 3$6
($56 5

6L]HVUDQJLQJIURPWRVTIW Marketing & Sales by: Portrait Homes Realty Ltd.

ZZZEULJKWRQOLYLQJFD In the continuing effort to meet the challenge of product improvement, we reserve the right to modify or change plans, site plans, specifications or prices without
notice. Renderings are an artist’s conception only and are intended as general reference only. All dimensions and sizes are approximate. Prices exclude taxes. E.&O.E.




Move in this Fall ! | 604.460.8998 | Sales centre at 12069 Harris Rd. Pitt Meadows.

Standing at the epicentre of stunning views in all

directions, Solaris is a development of modern
towers in the new, highly walkable community of
Meadows Gate Village. Designed to enhance and
blend beautifully with the local community, Solaris
is situated around a central courtyard, elegantly
landscaped with natural west coast plantings and
within steps from street-level shops, a recreation
centre, a library, an elementary school, and City Hall.
1 Amberley Neufeldt
Sales Associate

3-4:30 PM SUN, NOV 7
32783 HOOD AVE
Quiet, Low Traffic Street
has sold more real estate
than anyone on the entire
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
of 2,944 realtors.

Priced to Sell!! 3 year old 2 storey + fin-

ished bsmt. 5 bdrms, 4 full baths, huge
dining rm, great room w/gas f/p, open
Mandy Dhillon
Licensed Assistant


3-4:30 PM SUN, NOV 7
Cust. 2244 sq. ft. 2 Storey
Bob Mclean
Sales Associate

Open kitch w/work isl., nook/eating

area & 16x16 fam/rm w/gas f/p. 9’ ceil.
thru-out main, 11’ in lv/rm & dng/rm. 4
Property Manager

1-3 PM SUN, NOV 7
River View!
Charming home on .465 Acres. 2 storey
+ bsmt home with 3 bdrms (could be
4) + 2 full baths. Original h/w floors.

OFFICE: 604.826.9000
TOLL FREE: 1.888.826.1177
33070 - 5TH AVE., MISSION, BC

EVALUATION ! - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 39

kitchen with e/bar & tons of cabinets.

Oak h/w thru-out main fl. $439,500
bdrms up, ensuite has jet, soaker & sep.
shower. Lots of parking. $416,500
Energy rated 75! Tankless h/w. Roof 3
years young. $399,500 TOP OFFICE for the past 10 years
To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 in the entire Fraser Valley Board (1-5 Licensees)
#0202 #0234 #0223
RE 3 Bedroom Townhomes from $229,900 Townhomes from $319,900 inc. net HST
DU plus HST
D 25 Unit gated complex 3
Proudly built by Mt. Baker Enterprises. bdrms, 2.5 baths + flex
Fraser Landing offers 2 & 3 bedroom room. Main floor boasts
OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE units ranging from 1205 to 1592 sq. ft.
1 - 3 PM SUN, NOV 7 h/w & tile flooring., 9 ft
2:30-4:30 PM SAT, NOV 6 2:30-4:30 PM SUN, NOV 7 All units have an enclosed garage and ceilings, maple kitchens
are complete with stainless steel appli- w/granite counter tops,
Flat, Fenced Priv B/Yard Absolutely Best of the Best Bright, Airy & Modern ances, maple cabinetry and laminate f/p & designer colours,
Main fl has open plan + features 21x16 Customized with H/W floors, big gran- Open concept with island for family
gr room w/hardwood flrs + gas fp. Huge ite kitchen, tons of parking with private & friends to socialize!! New kitchen, flooring. Walk to shopping, the West 5 appliances, blinds and
kit. w/loads of cabinets, s/s appls &cen- landscaped lot!! Vaulted ceilings, 4 gas stainless appl. gorgeous updated floor- Coast Express and all other amenities parking for 2 cars.
ter isl. Den & formal dng rm 4 bdrms m/ f/p. Central AC, media room, 2 bdrm in- ing, new windows/screens, bathroom & from this central location.
bath has soaker tub. $454,900 law, 2 laundry rooms. $544,900 deck! Functional fam home! $369,900 32792 Lightbody Crt. Mission
FRASER OPEN HOUSE: Sat & Sun 12 - 2
To view call Bob 604.826.9000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000
L A N D I N G 32501 Fraser Crescent, Mission Access to complex off Cedar Street, north of Cherry Avenue. Look for signs.


#0143 #0128 #0229 #0228 #0257 #0152 #0200

32642 Maynard Place 32621 Maynard Place 32615 Egglestone Ave. 32611 Egglestone Ave. 8685 Fennell St 32641 Carter Ave. 32584 Salsbury
Cul-de-sac location!!! 5 bdrms, 4 baths GREENBELT! 4 bdrms up! 2 full baths 5 bdrm + den, 2 storey home. Close to Refreshing! Appealing bsmt entry. 5 Arched entry into open concept great Curb appeal!!! Modern 5 bedroom + WOW!! 8400 sqft lot w/room for rv/
+ den. Basement entry home. Qual- + a powder room on main. Separate schools, public transit. Open concept bdrm + den w/wainscotting. Sep lvg rm room with kitch. Slate tile back splash, den. Vaulted ceilings in kitchen/family trailer/boat! Open concept great room,
ity finishing in area of new homes. living and dining room and a family great room with spacious kitchen, pantry. room. Open concept. Granite kitchen. 6 bdrms, 5 full baths! Spacious mas-
room. Pantry! Open kitchen overlook- w/f/p, stone & wood mantel. Open con- granite island and pantry. Rock surround
$429,900 Nicely finished. 5th bdrm could be games cept granite topped kitchen w/family rm. nat. gas f/p. 4 bdrms up. Sumptuous M Formal living rm/dining rm. Travertine ter, large walk-in! Crowns, granite in
ing greenspace! New Home Warranty. tiled entry lots of light. $449,900 kitchen!! Call for copy of house plan!
$449,900. room/TV room/rec room. $429,500 Rough-in A/C. Blinds incl. $429,500 suite for the overworked. $389,900
To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 $539,900
To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Bob 604.826.9000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0256 #0255 #0103 #0078 #0107 #3349 #0219

Rancher on 5 Acres! Nature At Its Finest! Prime Commercial Building Amazing River View!!! 2 Acres on Cul-de-sac! 18.8 Acres Prime Location “Wow” 5 Acres of Privacy!
5 acre property in secluded privacy. 1.33 acre of peaceful living. Only min. 2 stories with apartments up and cater- Almost 4000 sq. ft. rancher, unbeliev- 7600+ sq. ft. on a private super exclusive 18.8 acres in PRIME LOCATION!!! Prop- 4800 sq. ft. warehouse/workshop! 2
Winding driveway through your treed from town. City water. Updated home ing room for parties / functions. Res- able gourmet kitchen, unbelievable 2 acre lot. Drips of high-end workman- erty is located in ALR. $999,000 storey home w/5 bdrms up. Only min-
property. Rancher with full basement with tasteful touches. Newer flooring, taurant / video store on main. Nice size backyard with in-ground custom pool, ship! Vaulted foyer and great room, teak utes to 2 Golf Courses, Lakes for fishing
giving almost 2550 sq. ft. Loads of park- designer paint, blinds, baseboards. 4 lot, great visible exposure! Great cash outdoor entertaining deluxe kitchen, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen+! & waterskiing. This is a “Rare opportu-
ing!!! $698,000 bdrms. RV parking. $528,500 flow! $1,295,000 fire pit, hot tub+++! $1,089,000 “Premium” all the way! $1,089,000 nity property.” $898,000

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0248 #0145 #0225 #0071 #0164 #0038 #0073

Eagle Mtn - Abbotsford Custom Home on 1.41 Acres Coming Soon!!! Fantastic 5 Acre Hobby Farm Stunning Custom Home! “To Die For” 5.29 Acres!!! Private 1 Acre
Modern w/stunning views. Almost 4300 Great location!!! 2 master suites on 2 storey, 2800 sq. ft., 4 bdrm home, All flat usable fenced land, 2 rd frontag- Well constructed family home! Maple 5.289 acre “To die for” view property is Private, manicured .89 acre! Workshop
sq. ft. on 5800+ sq ft prop. Built-in main (4 bdrms on main) Spice kitchen, master suite fit for a king! 3 car ga- es, 60x40 shop w/high ceiling, bring the cabinets and granite counters in kitchen a rarity! Incredibly private overlooking w/220 amp and water! Parking for the
cabinets! Large windows! 18’ ceil! Tiled triple garage + room for RV, theatre rage. Beautiful executive layout. Close horses! Custom 4 bdrm, 3 bath rancher. and bathrooms. Master suite has jetted The Abbey & Mt. Baker! Truly makes you RV and all the toys, fish pond, putting
deck! Gourmet kitchen made for chef! room + bar ready to entertain. Amazing to golf course. All this on .89 acre lot. Bright kitchen, sep. family rm, lvg rm, full soaker tub, vanity and nook. In-floor feel like you are at the top of another green, covered patio, hot tub! Custom
Too many updates to list. $849,900 finishing - no cost spared. $799,500 $799,000 bsmt/crawl sp 7’. $785,000 H/W heat. $749,900 world looking out! $679,900 solid 2200+ sq. ft. rancher! $639,500

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0050 #0172 #0077 #0127 #0247 #0085 #0136

Spectacular Southern View Bear Creek – Chilliwack! Great River View! 1 Acre! Custom Rancher! Views Off Multiple Decks Huge 4771 Sq Ft Home!! Total Privacy!!!
Overlooking the Valley and Mighty Mt. Customized 4300+ sqft home on a Location plus!! Huge 18,945 sq. ft. lot Almost 2600 sq. ft. on one floor! 4 Custom rock f/places with history!! Oak Bring both sets of in-laws!! Huge house 4.6 acres w/almost new home!!! 2x6
Baker! Executive home has full bsmt 6500+ sqft lot that backs onto nature overlooking the mighty Fraser River! bdrms, 3 bathrooms, big entertaining h/wood flrs. Huge spacious rms. Nanny with 6 beds and 5 baths! 2x6 walls, 9 walls, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, open floor plan,
with legal suite. Main floor has great greenspace. 2 storey plus a full base- Really nice older well-kept home - a kitchen, new oak floors. Great lay-out w/ ensuite, master suite w/priv. deck & soak- ft. ceilings, all windows sound and heat antique pine cabinets, granite counter.
floor plan and great high ceilings! A ment. $619,500 true gem! Immediate possession avail- atrium, city water, in floor h/w heat. Total er tub and sep. shower! Huge closets! 2 proofed. Bring all the family to see!! Huge covered sun deck. 400 amp ser-
must see!! $639,000 able! Priced to sell! $374,900 privacy! Hurry, won’t last! $589,500 bdrms down for in-laws! $569,900 Enough room for everyone! $569,900 vice, jetted tub, fully fenced. $569,500

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

Addresses and photos online at: www.mindymcpherson
# #0089
40 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Perfect Family Home!!!

has sold more real estate than
anyone on the entire Fraser Valley
Real Estate Board of 2,944 realtors.

Beautiful custom 2 storey in immaculate

condition! 5 beds, 5 baths, dream kitch-
en, family rm, rec rm, huge master with
gorgeous ensuite. Too many features to
list! Come see yourself! $569,500

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000


Unique Rancher - 2 Bsmt

Bring the family! Stunning views over-
looking Mission & River Valley. 6 full
baths! 4 gas f/p. 2 person jacuzzi. 9’
ceilings, 3 full laundry rms, 3 decks! 2x6
construction. Custom home! $569,900

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000


Desireable McMillan Area

7200+ sq. ft. family sized yard made
for summer living with an a/g pool on
beautiful deck surround. 5 bdrms +
3 baths. 2 bdrm spacious legal suite.
Large entry, 2 gas f/p. $559,900

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000


OFFICE: 604.826.9000
TOLL FREE: 1.888.826.1177
33070 - 5TH AVE., MISSION, BC

#0209 #0169 #0254

Out of this World View!! Maple Ridge 5+ Acres! 1.01 Acre Min to Town!
Beautiful, private hedged 0.4 acre on Totally private!!! Custom built home 4 bedroom rancher. Very private and
south side of Norrish Ave. Rancher is amongst mature trees!!! Rancher with peaceful with your own pond. Lots of
beautifully decorated! 3 bdrms. Inlaid basement, 400 amp service, 30’x130’ hardwood. Shop. $539,999
h/wood flrs & coffered ceilings. Newer
roof, furn. & more. $549,000
greenhouse, huge covered deck.
$1,599,000 TOP OFFICE for the past 10 years
To view call Bob 604.826.9000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 in the entire Fraser Valley Board (1-5 Licensees)
#0226 #0098 #0240 #0076 #0231 #0250 #0062

Total Privacy & Seclusion Great Family Home!!! Only $449,900 – 4.56 Acres Beautiful Waterfront!!! Westside Park Estates Abb The Yard is a Paradise!!! Unbelievable Home!!!
5.9 acres, has several out buildings, Dining room, living room, 6 bedrooms, House and 4.56 acres. Great value! Ten- Waterfront!!! Beautiful!!! Quiet and Rancher w/bsmt, detached townhome!! 6600+ sq. ft. corner lot. Crisp colours to “The Palace” fit for a king!!! Almost
wheel-chair accessible rancher fea- 4 full bathrooms, granite counters in ant occupied - notice required to show. tranquil!!! Your own dock!! Dead-end Master on main! Adult oriented, gated brighten your day. Almost 3000 sq. ft. of 4000 sq. ft., lots of room for in-laws! 19
tures an open layout. Hardwood floors kitchen, laminate floors, 9 ft. ceilings, What a price!! $499,900 street!! Live year round or have as your complex, RV parking. Custom built 3 f/p. family living. 5 bdrms, 3 bths. Tile splash ft ceilings, formal l/r, gourmet kitchen,
throughout. 2 renovated baths. Close to h/w heat, soaker jetted tub. Large lot. perfect vacation lake home! An abso- Huge master ensuite! Games rm w/wet in kitchen w/center island. 9’ ceilings huge southern exposure backyard +++
elem school, shops & gas. $539,500 $524,900 lute must see! $498,000 bar! Big PATIO w/north view. $494,500 Moldings, 3 car garage. $488,500 the list goes on!!! $488,500

To view call Bob 604.826.9000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#3344 #0167 #0207 #3251 #0064 #0210 #0224

“New” Big & Beautiful!!! Huge 7,700+ SF Lot Waterfront Hatzic Lake! 7300+ Sq. Ft. Lot!! Exclusive Abbots. Home Popular Tunbridge Station 4 Bedrooms on Main!!!
6 bdrms + den, 4 full baths, designer Custom living in a semi cul-de-sac. Overlooking Hatzic Lake!!! Your own Great cul-de-sac location! 3000+ sq. Fantastic location w/walking trails near- 2 storey home w/ 3 bdrms + den! 3 Very rare!!! 5400 sq. ft. lot located on
kitch. w/island & granite counters, huge Huge kitchen w/island and pantry, u/ boat launch - drive right thru to the ft. home with 7 bedrooms, 4 full baths, by and only 5 min. from M.E.I. Gorgeous baths! Open concept home for cozy fam- quiet st. in quiet neighbourhood. Excel-
mast/suite, stone surround gas f/p, mount lighting, crown mouldings. Fully lake. Lots of decks, hot tub, fire pit, sun family room and rec room, gas h/up for home has hardwood throughout, loads ily living. Tiled entry. Kitchen w/ shaker lent buy for multi-function layout. 9’
crowns, 9 ft ceilings, gas h/up for bbq, r/ finished bsmt w/in-law suite - never room, 3 baths, 5-6 bdrms. Enjoy the bbq, rough in for a/c!! Custom finishing of crown mouldings, s/s appliances. Mt. cabinets & eating area. Fenced b/y, de- ceiling on main. Tons of afternoon sun
in for a/c, designer colours! $478,500 rented. 4 baths. $475,500 quiet and peacefulness! $469,500 throughout!! $469,500 Baker view. $479,000 tached garage w/lane access. $373,500 in west facing b/y. 7 bdrms. $439,500

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Bob 604.826.9000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0170 #0117 #0106 #0083 #0246


We have qualified prescreened tenants ready to rent.
Quiet Cul-de-sac!!! Close to University!!! Big Family Home!!! Charming 5 Bdrms + Den Prestigious Cul-de-sac!
2 storey + finished bsmt, inlaw suite! Backs onto greenbelt!!! 2 storey w/ For more info please call our Great location!!! Only 5 years old! 2 Corner lot in cul-de-sac in newer area of Incredible value for this 6 bdrm, 4 bath,
South view deck overlooking amazing basement home in College Heights!! kitchens, 4 full bathrooms, fenced back- homes. Superb 5 bdrm + den. 3 full bath family home, 9’ ceil., crown moulding.
back yard (above grnd. pool, decked,
landscape & fenced). Freshly painted
Close to University and all levels of
school! 4 bedroom, 4 bath. Sunny deck!
Property Management Division yard, 7 bedrooms, 9 ft ceilings, crown
mouldings + lots more! Priced to sell!
home. Bright, big windows, rich colours,
rich tiles, centre island in rich kitchen.
Great kitchen with custom back splash,
lots of storage. Bring the family! Super-
with decor colours. $439,500 Lots of parking!!! $439,500 Hurry on this one! $434,900 Net GST incl!! $429,900 sized for the family! $429,500

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

604-820-9000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0039 #0097 #0220 #0251 #0175 #0111 #0233

Backs Onto Greenbelt Beautiful Family Home!!! Quiet Location of New Homes Fabulous 2 Storey!!! Functional 5 Bdrm + Den! What a Price!!! 1/2 Acre Privacy & Serenity
Huge lot backing onto greenbelt! Tons 5 bedrooms plus den. 4 full bathrooms, 2413 sq. ft. 2 storey! Backs onto pri- Beautiful colours, great lay-out! Liv- Family neighbhourhood. Fully fenced Beautifully finished 4 bdrm, 2 storey Property fully surrounded by nature.
of parking + RV parking! In 2009 all dining room, family room, new lami- vacy, no thru road! 9’ ceilings, crown ing room + family room, formal dining backyard. 2 bdrms down for grandma home with 9 ft ceilings, maple kit, is- Backs onto a creek/conservation area.
new flooring, new roof, new paint, new nate and tile flooring. Private dead end mouldings, open kitchen, big family rm. room plus den. The 5 pce ensuite is & grandpa to relax. Close to schools & land w/ext. eating bar, family rm with The backyard could be a relaxing re-
blinds, new light fixtures + more! In-law street. $424,500 4 bdrms up, lrge master w/ensuite, w/in very nice!!! 2 road frontages. Priced to shopping. Crown mouldings, gas f/p. corner gas f/p, dining area, french doors treat. 3 bdrm home w/newer hot water
suite! Hurry on this one!! $354,900 closet. Great lay-out. $419,500 sell!!! $417,700 Kitchen/family combo. $414,900 that lead to patio, + den. $409,900 heating. Granite in kitchen. $408,900

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Amberley 604.826.9000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0122 #0241 #0215 #0235 #0047 #0208 #0216

Well Built, 9’ Ceilings!! Silverdale - 4.5 Acres Rancher with Full Bsmt! Updates Everywhere!! Great Location! The Mews! Detached T/Home - Abb. $378,500 - Priced to Sell!
3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2x6 construction. Quiet, private location! Beautiful 4.5 Private 7300+ sq. ft. lot in great Slate flrs. Redone baths, newer kitchen Rancher with finished walk-out base- Full basement entry style home w/easy Neighbourhood of family homes! Well
Vaulted ceilings on main floor and mas- acres with mobile. Tenant occupied! neighbourhood. 3 bdrms up! 3 baths! w/eating bar, 2 gas f/p, new crowns & ment! Detached strata! 4 bedrooms maintenance and dble garage. 4 bdrm + known Tunbridge Station! 2 storey w/2
ter. Fully finished basement. Detached Priced to sell. BC Assessment $403,100. Updated flooring, updated baths up w/ base brds, 5 bdrms, workbench in ga- + den, 3 full baths, huge rec room in den, L/rm, D/rm, family rm. 3 full baths. /2 baths, detached dble garage. Great
double garage. Close to schools and $399,900 new tilework & vanities! Roof about 4 rage stays, roof 4 yrs old, 12x10 storage basement, 2 car garage, overlooking the Large laundry. Private backyard. Close open concept. Crown Mouldings! A/C
park for the kids to play! $408,500 yrs old. RV parking. $399,900 shed. This home is a “10”. $399,500 walking track and more! $398,900 to shopping, schools. $379,900 heat pump! Fully Fenced! $378,500

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

Addresses and photos online at: www.mindymcpherson
1 604-826-9000

Fully Fenced Great Lot!!

has sold more real estate
than anyone on the entire
Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
of 2,944 realtors.

Amberley Neufeldt
Sales Associate

Great central location, well maintained

7800 + sq. ft. fully fenced lot with space
for RV parking. Cute split level home
Mandy Dhillon
Licensed Assistant


Perfect 1st Timers - Abb.

Bob Mclean
Sales Associate

Centrally located to all schools in

area!!! 60x120’ large fully fenced yard.
Excellent family home. Priced perfect
Property Manager

Under $350,000 - Abb.

Attention investors!! Attention first
time buyers!! Finished basement, walk
to rec-centre, schools, churches and

OFFICE: 604.826.9000
TOLL FREE: 1.888.826.1177
33070 - 5TH AVE., MISSION, BC

EVALUATION ! - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 41

with room for mom. Newer furnace.

for first-time buyers! Newlyweds!
Come have a look!!! $349,500
transit. Big 70’x100’ lot. Great value
here!!! $349,500 TOP OFFICE for the past 10 years
To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 in the entire Fraser Valley Board (1-5 Licensees)
#3377 #0093 #0157 #0243 #3395 #0213 #0249

Silverdale Location!!! Investors & Buyers Alert! Totally Private!!! Country Cottage Living! Location!!! Location!!! Large, fenced city lot!!! Corner Lot W/Small Creek
Prime 1.1 acres!!! Great location!!! First time buyers, newlyweds, investors Huge flat lot on quiet cul-de-sac!! Tons new wiring, plumbing, fixtures but with Brand New 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo close Excellent buy - 0.22 acre city lot! Good Great little 2 bdrm rancher with base-
Mostly land value with rancher / bunga- alert!! Good central location! 3 bdrms, of parking, RV parking. Room to build a all the charm of the old days!! Comfort- to college and new hospital. Granite condition 1875 sq. ft. home with some ment. Clean. Newer flooring. Spacious
low!! Surrounded by big future Genstar 2 baths, new kitchen cabinets, 2 gas f/p, shop!! Great bones - new roof, furnace, ing and relaxing front verandah. Claw kitchen, stainless steel appliances, fit- updates. Close to schools, rec centre, open concept, great room, kitchen. New
Development. lane access, big patio. Close to every- windows, 2 gas f/p’s in 2008. Home is foot tub in main bath. Master bdrm has ness room, u/g parking. Great Modern shopping. 3 bdrms + 3 baths. 12x20 de- electric baseboards down. New windows
$349,500 thing you’ll need!! $339,500 original but in great shape! $318,500 2 pc. Soothing decor! $317,500 Building, great location!! $314,900 tached workshop w/power. $309,500 down. $299,900

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0104 #0217 #0238 #0059 #0222

First Time Buyers!!!
Family home in McMillan area of Ab-
botsford, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths plus loft.
Beautiful backyard, close to swimming,
Big Huge Corner Lot!!!
Well priced! Roof approx. 5 yrs old!
Home needs TLC, but worth it. Tons of
room to build shop or in-ground swim-
2760 sq.ft. rancher with full basement
townhome in adult oriented complex.
Loads of living space in private location.
from $174,900 Desirable Townhome!!!
Mountain View Village’ 3 bed, 3 bath
end unit with great floor plan & lots of
natural light. Minutes from public trans-
Perfect for the Newlyweds
Cute as a button rancher overlook-
ing the Fraser River. Close to Heritage
Park!! Close to town!! New roof on
skating, curling and track facilities. ming pool. Great exposure for home End unit. RV parking. Centrally located. For Information: port and freeway access. Family, pet & drive-thru detached garage. Lane Ac-

Call Mindy 604-826-1000

$299,900 based business. $299,500 $289,900 rental friendly complex. $284,900 cess a huge bonus. $289,800

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

#0156 #0253 #0245 #0044

Building / #0197 #0001

2 Commercial Lots
Adjoining commercial/industrial
lots. Can be sold separately or
Cedar Brooke Estates!!! 3 Bdrm on 6100 Sq Ft Lot! Brandy Wynd Estates - MR $149,900 ea The Mews - Best in Mission
Mobile + Lot - Abbotsford Lovely Ground Floor Unit!
Spacious townhome - 1962 sq. ft. 3 Cute little home waiting for your ideas! 45+ age restrict!! Self-run strata w/low Impeccable dble-wide on its own fully Amazing Hemlock Valley The nicest complex in Mission! Overlook- Beautiful corner end unit in great loca-
bdrms, 21/2 baths. Extra rec-room down. Walking distance to West Coast Ex, $141.30 mthly strata fees. Spotless up- fenced lot with fruit and berry trees! 2 Great investment - zoned for 6 ing Heritage Park! One bdrm w/granite, tion! Big covered patio overlooking
Fenced yard area. 2 nat. gas fireplaces. town, schools and amenities!! Bring per unit backs onto grn space. 2 bdrm, 2 bdrm, full bath + 5 pce ensuite, newer plex - all services available at computer alcove, eating bar, 9’ ceilings, gardens! Open floor plan, 9’ ceilings,
Bring your ideas and make this your your paint brushes and turn this house baths, dng rm + eating bar, f/p, laundry/ gas furnace. Separate wired workshop! formal dining, f/p, a/c, walk-in closet. Al- granite, crowns, laminate, great master
home!!! $249,900 into your own little home!! $239,900 storage. This shows a 10! $239,900 lot line most new - NO HST! $234,900
Very affordable living!! $239,900 and ensuite, decor colours! $239,500
To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000
Cul-De-Sac Location
2 great lots in great cul-de-sac
#0123 #0206 #0203 #0159 location #3367 #0080
$174,900 and $186,500
3 Lots on Alexandra
Great building lots!
Centrally located!!! Plus HST
payable by buyer.
Starting at $190,000
Gated “Edwards Estates” The Seasons - Abbotsford ‘The Fairlane’-Abbotsford Sommerset Ridge!!! One Acre Building Lot MELROSE PLACE SARDIS! Getaway from the City!
55+ complex!! Vaulted ceiling in liv- Walk to shopping & all amenities! Well N.E. & south view from sundeck. Walk Great location!! Walk to Sevenoaks Great location, only minutes to ev- Beautiful upper unit! Updated kitchen Extremely well-maintained 5th wheel w/
ing room. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, gas kept strata! Spotless, well appointed, to Mill Lk, rest’s. churches & amenit. 2 mall, rest., and all amenities!! Unit has erywhere! - city water, natural gas with eating bar, new appliances. Super roof covering and carport on gorgeous
fireplace. Spacious shower in ensuite. re-done condo has it all! Walk-in pantry, bdrm, 2 baths, redone c/top, isl. & pan- been updated, quiet location, 2 bdrms, $339,500 bathroom with huge tub/rain shower. lot on the water in secured gated com-
Sought after adult complex. huge eating bar, decor colours, walk-in try. Mast/suite has vaulted ceiling. New 2 baths, laundry room, open floor plan, Big living room with corner gas fire- munity. Only 1 hour from Vancouver!
$205,000 closets. 2 parking spots! $199,800 lam. flrs, & dec paint. $189,900 children and pets allowed. $189,500 Acre Lots By Golf Course place. 2 sun decks ++!! $179,500 What a tranquil lifestyle! $139,500
Fabulous Acre parcels - build your
To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 dream home retreat! To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000
#0232 #0239 #0201 #0227 Excellent Location! #0126 #0218
Close to Allen Lake, septic, well &
geotech done! $468,800
Lot in Bear Creek -
6400+ sq. ft. lot backing onto
green space, walking trails. Quiet
street of newer homes! Close to
Abbotsford Condo Cloudcroft Manor - Abbotsford Heritage Park Lane Bouchie Lake - Cariboo Schools! $164,500 Larger than a Condo!!! #4 - 34519 Lougheed
3 bedrooms + 2 baths! 1200 sq.ft. spa- 2 bdrm, 1 bath @ Cloudcroft Manor. Garden level, 2 bdrm. Mostly llaminate 5 tranquil acres located only 1/2 hour Big Beautiful Double Wide! On Mission/ Only $9,500! CSA Sticker on! 2 bdrm,
cious condo living! 45+ central loca- Close to everything. Almost 950 sq.ft. flooring, insuite laundry, sliding doors out of Quesnel. Get away from the hus- Lot 2 - 31533 Israel Ave. Maple Ridge border! Redone with up- older mobile, needs updating but worth
tion. $134,900 of functional living. $129,900 off LR & master bdrm. Pets & rentals tle of the commercial world. 500+ sq ft 0.89 acre. Three car garage could dates galore, kitchen w/granite, d/r with the effort!!! Affordable!!! Don’t miss
perm. w/restrictions. $129,900 with 5x16 front porch. Electric done to fit here!!! Close to Golf Course. built-ins, huge l/r, 3 bedrooms, covered out – Hurry on this!!! Low pad rent!!!
code. Wood shed! Shop! $127,500 Easy access to highway!!! s/d. You will be impressed! $121,900 $9,500

To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 $329,900 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000 To view call Mindy 604.826.1000

Addresses and photos online at: www.mindymcpherson
42 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Call me for a Free Market Evaluation
Anderson & Thompson
604-467-0811 Independently own and operated

OPEN HOUSE • SAT. 1-3 • SUN. 2-4

23193 124A Avenue, Maple Ridge
For ALL your
real estate needs!
$449,000 $234,900 $169,800 Alan C. Thompson David Riddell
Public Public
5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, basement Ground level rancher style townhome Large 1 bedroom lower unit on the

entry home on crawl space. Updated with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. quiet side. Master bedroom has his &
with new carpets on the main floor,
linoleum in the foyer, laundry & all
Kitchen has new cabinets, pantry &
new counter top. Living room has gas
her closets, bathroom with soaker tub
& separate shower. Cozy living room
bathrooms. Open kitchen/eating with gas fireplace. Lovely covered patio
area. Fireplace in the family room fireplace. Huge master bedroom with overlooking the yard. Includes indoor 22311 - 119th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2Z2 Fax: 604-463-7497
& living room. Close to schools and ensuite and walk-in closet. Patio with pool and exercise room. Pets welcome. E-Mail:,
transportation. private backyard. Wheelchair friendly. Adults 55+.

99¢ 99¢
3 bed, 2 bath - Surrey 2 bed, 2 bath - Langley
to Paul Dyck who owns Graphix Unlimited 604-465-3300
-465- Real
Estate at a
price you
Our Halloween Haunted House signs you can afford!
made were just the best!
Check out the shop at
#107-11517 Kingston St. Maple Ridge. He
does logo’s cars and custom artwork
Introducing 99¢ MLS Listing ® 4 bed, 1 bath - Chilliwack 3 bed, 3 bath - Langley

The original “A La Carte Real Estate Services”

from your friends at 604.998.1641
Lynette - Serving Tri-Cities, Ridge Meadows, Mission
Rob - Serving Surrey, Delta, Langley, Abbotsford 5 bed, 3 bath - Delta
Brookside Realty 4 bed, 2 bath - Abbotsford
11933 224th St., Maple Ridge
Sell N Save Realty
This is not intended to solicit properties already listed with other Realtors.

Portrait Homes
proudly introduces
their newest offering:

The Rowhomes
at Silver Ridge

Situated in the award-winning community of Silver Ridge, the rowhomes at

Stoneleigh now allow you to experience the benefits of single-family living with
no monthly strata fees, while offering a unique blend of peaceful parkland
living and nearby urban convenience. Luxurious designs feature over 1,600
sq.ft. of finished floor area, including 3 bdrms and 2.5 baths, with the same
high level of interior finishes found in the single-family homes at Silver Ridge.
Unfinished basements are an additional 380 sq.ft., ideal for a future bedroom,
office or bathroom, while the spacious double garages give way to ample
storage space. Take advantage of the Fall Promotion Event today!
With special Pricing Packages starting from
the $380,000’s, the time to act is now.

Fall Promotion Event Now On! COMMUNITIES FOR TODAY... | 604-466-9278 13851 232nd Street, Maple Ridge


The developer reserves the right to make modifications and changes to the information contained herein. Please contact the Portrait Homes
sales team for details. Renderings are an artist’s conception only and intended as a general reference. Prices exclude taxes. E.&O.E.
Open Every Day: Noon - 5:00pm Marketing & Sales by: Portrait Homes Realty Ltd. - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 43
Doing Real Estate today,
the way Real Estate will
be done tomorrow
604-466-5077 New Listing Million Dollar View
#200 11830 223rd Street, Maple Ridge
Fantastic Opportunity to own
Owner Wants It Sold!! wanted 19.87 Acres Level Land Westside
• No creeks 440’ x 1976’
OPEN Properties with homes on Acreage or
Bare land; $500,000 to $1 Million. fenced for horses, barn
HOUSE Have qualified buyers ready to buy.
Lately, values have been somewhat confusing.
and 40’ x 50’ shop.
• Sanitary sewer on 128 Ave
SUNDAY Please call Me your “Country Specialist” to • Build you Dream Home 2700
help you establish the
right price. 21515 128 AVE MAPLE RIDGE View
430,000 $
425,000 NOV. 7 Free Complimentary analysis on market trends and
• Watch your investment grow.
12124 Cherrywood Dr., off 232nd St. 1-4 mortgage rates without obligation. My promise to you.
• Golden Ears Bridge near by...
going to Surrey Langley,
Don’t miss this splendid opportunity! New kitchen, granite Have a Good Realtor? 1500 sq ft office space 22338 Selkirk No Problem!
counters, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, new flooring, 3 bedrooms, Great! Need One? OFFERED AT $1,500,000
family room. Great quiet neighbourhood near all conveniences. Please Call Me! CALL ED 604-202-7475
Asking $425,000. Bring your offer!

Richard Slobodian 604.351.8700

Ed Gurm I provide ca
y o u
Brookside Realty
604-202-7475 service
co u nt o n

Sonja Jones
Recently renovated to high
standards, this stylish and modern I HAVE
centrally located 2 bedroom &
den, 2 bathroom 1,275 sq.ft.
townhouse boasts laminate floors,
BUYERS FOR: 604.467.0811
updated lighting, modern tile,
new fixtures, and designer paint
• Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge
Condos and Townhouses independently owned and operated
colours. Extra large windows
flood the open concept living
room, dining area and kitchen
• Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 4 OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 4
with natural light. The spacious
kitchen has a large island, lots
Open House! homes with suites

of cabinets, and plenty of room • Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge

to entertain! Tons of storage Sun., Nov. 7,
7, 2-4pm homes with workshop space
throughout, even your own
54-19034 McMyn Rd, Call Jackie at
garage and RV parking available! REDUCED!
MLS: V855059. More photos at
Pitt Meadows 778-549-0696 $
309,000 MLS# V852042
299,999 MLS# V851060
for more details!
, #7 11934 Laity Street, Maple Ridge #10 11934 Laity Street, Maple Ridge

ackie MacDonald
This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome boasts completely Desirable end unit, original owner, 3 bedroom, 3 bath immaculate
renovated floors throughout the entire home, new paint townhouse with a quiet, private backyard in a small, 16 unit, self-
throughout & is meticulously clean. A great self-managed managed complex. This townhome has 2 parking spaces including
complex that is beautifully maintained, this particular unit has a garage, tons of storage off the garage, and inground sprinklers for
Prudential Power Play Realty your mature lawn and gardens. Hot water heat, gas fireplace, 10 yr
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44 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

THE NEWS/sports
Section coordinator:
Robert Mangelsdorf
604-467-1122 ext. 216

Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWS

Pitt Meadows senior Nikki Stanley is headed to New Mexico Highland University next year on a full scholarship.

Sky’s the limit for Pitt Meadows soccer star

dogged determination as much as as possible. The team placed seventh, and vision 2 school features players
Nikki Stanley landed a her talent. In the end, she had six schools Oldridge is hoping to make a re- from all over the world, includ-
full-ride NCAA scholarship “I gave up about six months
of my life,” she says of what she
knocking on her door, each offer-
ing her scholarships.
peat trip this year.
“She was a big part of that,” he
ing national team members from
Brazil and Mexico.
after a lot of hard work went through to land the scholar- “She is driven,” says Pitt Mead- says. “She really leads by exam- “The coach was awesome,” she
ship. “It was a lot of work, but you ows secondary soccer coach Mike ple, and that has a positive impact says. “I trained with the team a
by R o b e r t M a n g e l s d o r f get what you put into it.” Oldridge. “She is a hard worker on everyone around her.” couple times, and just from that, I
staff reporter Stanley put together a video in everything that she does, and In addition to playing for the feel like I learned so much.”
highlight package of her in game it shows on the field.” Pitt Meadows Marauders, Stanley Thanks to a number of gradu-
action, as well as a taped inter- Stanley is tenacious when she is also a member of the Langley ating midfielders, Stanley hopes

ikki Stanley knows a thing view of her talking about her goes after the ball, he says, and FC U-18 Metro soccer team, with to earn a starting position on the
or two about hard work, goals and dreams. She sent hun- does almost anything to win. whom she won the league title, team as a freshman next year.
both on the soccer pitch dreds of emails and whenever she “She’s very competitive, and a Coastal Cup and provincial title Stanley’s scholarship, which is
and off. would play a soccer tournament, huge asset to our team,” Oldridge last season. not normally awarded to interna-
Stanley recently accepted a lu- she would contact all the nearby says. “She’s got the talent to play “I’m on the field pretty much ev- tional students, will cover her tu-
crative scholarship to New Mex- university soccer coaches so they at the next level, that’s for sure.” ery day,” she says. ition, housing, meals, and books.
ico Highlands University, where could scout her. As a centre midfielder, Stanley Stanley visited the NMHU cam- “This has always been my
she will study business next year Stanley even wrote her SAT was an instrumental part of the pus in Las Vegas, New Mexico dream,” she says. “I’ve had peo-
and play for the school’s women’s exams a year early, and made Marauders first trip to the pro- last month and was impressed ple who told me I wasn’t good
soccer team, a testament to her sure to keep her grades as high vincial finals in 10 years. by what she saw. The NCAA Di- enough, but I showed them.”

for the third consectutive year. The girls’ ing student Anthony DiNicolo, of Maple he has played in during 2010.
Sports shorts team, comprised mainly of Grade 8s, fin- Ridge, was twice honoured this week for
ished second. his efforts in the classroom, and on the
SRT, Pitt finish seasons with a loss
21 Ridge swimmers Coach Kier Miner said he was estactic
with the result.
“Our girls relay team was absolutely dom-
soccer field.
DiNicolo was named as an Academic
All-American by the College Sports In-
The junior vasity football teams at both
Pitt Meadows and Samuel Robertson Tech-

to provincial finals inating, defeating teams that had members

three and four years older,” he said.
Rebecca Todd, Arrianne Yeo, Megan
formation Directors of America (CoSI-
DA) as well as being named to the Great
Northwest Athletic Conference Academic
nical Secondary Schools ended their sea-
sons with shut-out losses this week.
The injury-riddled Pitt Meadow Maraud-
Maple Ridge secondary is sending a re- Neale, Tanya Fierro and Bailey Soolsma all Team. ers fell 42-0 to the Rick Hansen Hurricanes
cord 21 swimmers to the B.C. High School have a chance to medal at provincials, he DiNicolo, a junior defender on the Clan Wednesday night to finish the season 1-5 in
Swimming Championships in Nanaimo lat- added, as do Nic Todd, Romo Yeo, Shawn men’s soccer team, registered a 3.49 GPA AA Eastern Conference play.
er this month, where they will compete in Muller, and Matt Halajian. in his engineering program to earn the The SRT Titans finished their inaugu-
individual, relay, and syncro swim events. COSIDA Second Team District 8 Honours ral season on a similar note, falling 36-0 to
The Maple Ridge Ramblers junior boys’ as well as GNAC recognition. A critical the undefeated Mission Roadrunners. The
swim team captured first place at the
DiNicolo twice honoured member of the undefeated 16-0-0 Clan Titans also finish the season at 1-5 in AA
Fraser Valley Championship last week Simon Fraser University engineer- team, DiNicolo has started all 14 games Eastern Conference play. - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 45

THE NEWS/scoreboard
Hockey Football
Pacific International Junior Hockey League B.C. Major Midget Hockey League B.C. High school football standings Valley Community Football League
Regular season standings Regular season standings
Harold Brittain Conference Varsity Mainland AA Conference
Team GP W L OTL PTS GF GA Name GP W L T Pts Team GP W L T Pts PF PA % Atom
Abbotsford Pilots 15 10 4 1 21 51 45 Vancouver Canadians 14 11 3 0 22 Mission 5 5 0 0 10 146 31 1.000 Team W L T % Stk PF PA Pts
Aldergrove Kodiaks 18 8 10 0 16 67 79 Cariboo Cougars 14 10 4 0 20 Windsor 5 5 0 0 10 137 35 1.000 Abbotsford 9 0 0 1.000 Won 9 322 32 18
Port Moody Black Panthers 16 5 7 4 14 51 74 Vancouver NW Giants 12 9 2 1 19 Handsworth 5 3 2 0 6 138 59 .600 Meadow Ridge Blue 8 1 0 .889 Won 2 237 79 16
Ridge Meadows Flames 17 7 10 0 14 57 63 S. Island Thunderbirds 14 6 3 5 17 Pitt 5 2 3 0 4 103 70 .400 Meadow Ridge Gold 5 4 0 .556 Lost 1 248 129 10
Mission Icebreakers 17 5 10 2 12 45 67 Valley West Hawks 14 6 4 4 16 Rick Hansen 5 2 3 0 4 64 136 .400 Mission 3 5 1 .389 Lost 2 122 192 7
Okanagan Rockets 12 6 6 0 12 Langley 6 1 5 0 2 32 205 .167 Chilliwack Blue 3 6 1 .350 Lost 2 102 201 7
Tom Shaw Conference Vancouver NE Chiefs 12 4 5 3 11 Abby C 5 0 5 0 0 34 118 .000 Chilliwack Red 3 6 0 .333 Won 1 134 208 6
Team GP W L OTL PTS GF GA North Island Silvertips 12 4 7 1 9 North Langley 0 9 0 .000 Lost 9 30 354 0
North Delta Devils 19 14 5 0 28 77 57 Fraser Valley Bruins 12 3 7 2 8 Junior Varsity Eastern AA Conference
Delta Ice Hawks 17 12 3 2 26 75 44 Kootenay Ice 12 2 9 1 5 Team GP W L T Pts PF PA % Peewee
Richmond Sockeyes 17 11 3 3 25 70 46 Thompson Blazers 12 0 11 1 1 Mission 6 6 0 0 12 198 26 1.000 Team W L T % Stk PF PA Pts
Grandview Steelers 17 10 6 1 21 56 44 R. Bateman 6 5 1 0 10 207 86 .833 Abbotsford 7 1 1 .833 Won 7 269 47 15
Squamish Wolf Pack 17 3 11 3 9 42 72 BCMML scoring Langley 6 4 2 0 8 80 85 .667 Meadow Ridge 7 1 1 .833 Lost 1 195 33 15
Rick Hansen 6 3 3 0 6 100 115 .500 Chilliwack Blue 6 3 0 .667 Won 2 223 142 12
Ridge Meadows Flames scoring Player Team GP G A Pts Chilliwack Red 4 5 0 .444 Won 1 132 151 8
Kerfoot, Alex Giants 12 16 16 32 Abby C 6 1 5 0 2 48 110 .167
Players GP G A Pts P/G PIM SRT 6 1 5 0 2 66 169 .167 North Langley 2 7 0 .222 Lost 3 44 260 4
Reinhart, Sam Giants 12 9 13 22 Mission 0 9 0 .000 Lost 9 42 272 0
Danny Brandys 17 9 13 22 1.3 4 Ast, Anthony Canadians 14 6 13 19 Pitt Meadows 6 1 5 0 2 59 167 .167
Sean Kavanagh 17 6 11 17 1.0 20 Johnson, Levon Cougars 14 11 7 18
Ryan Stewart 14 6 11 17 1.2 44 Sports Calendar Junior bantam
Gordon, Luke Cougars 14 9 9 18 Team W L T % Stk PF PA Pts
Dustin Cervo 17 6 10 16 0.9 6 Petan, Nicolas Canadians 13 7 11 18
Matthew Genovese 17 2 10 12 0.7 16 • The Ridge Meadows Flames junior B hockey team Chilliwack Blue 8 0 1 .944 Won 8 366 118 17
Connolly, Josh Cougars 14 4 14 18 Abbotsford 6 2 1 .722 Won 2 341 142 13
CJ Legassic 17 4 5 9 0.5 12 hosts the North Delta Devils at home at Planet Ice in
Witala, Tyson Cougars 13 5 12 17 North Langley 5 4 0 .556 Won 4 182 230 10
Shane Harle 17 5 3 8 0.5 6 Maple Ridge tonight (Friday) at 7:30 p.m.
Nielsen, Brodyn Canadians 14 8 8 16 Chilliwack Red 5 4 0 .556 Lost 2 216 198 10
Matthew Keller 12 4 2 6 0.5 35 • The Maple Ridge Skating Club is accepting ongo-
Hannoun, Demico Canadians 14 7 9 16 Mission 1 8 0 .111 Lost 5 206 403 2
Paul Piluso 11 2 3 5 0.5 6 ing registration for CanSkate, Skate Canada’s national
Leung, Jarryd Thunderbirds 14 10 5 15 Meadow Ridge 1 8 0 .111 Lost 6 120 340 2
Matthew Bevilacqua 17 0 4 4 0.2 21 learn-to-skate program designed for beginners. Registra-
Bertolucci, Luke Ice 12 7 8 15
Felix Fiedler 10 2 1 3 0.3 2 tion will continue throughout the Fall/Winter season until
Clark, Jordan Silvertips 12 6 9 15 Bantam
Lucas Douglas 14 2 0 2 0.1 6 sessions are full. For more information about rates and
Grobowski, Taylor Silvertips 12 3 12 15
Bayne Ryshak 17 1 1 2 0.1 12 times, visit Team W L T % Stk PF PA Pts
Gossard, Jeremy Canadians 14 9 5 14 Chilliwack 6 2 0 .750 Won 3 216 157 12
Adam Bartsch 12 1 1 2 0.2 0 • The North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association
Krupa, Connor Thunderbirds 13 8 6 14 Meadow Ridge 5 2 1 .688 Lost 1 165 64 11
Jake Howardson 12 1 1 2 0.2 19 needs volunteers to help with the Fall 2010 Horseback
Ellison, Dayne Thunderbirds 14 7 7 14 Mission-Abby 4 3 1 .563 Won 1 169 126 9
Reece Rivard 16 0 2 2 0.1 6 Riding Program to help groom and tack our horses and
McLellan, Mark Hawks 14 4 10 14 North Langley 0 8 0 .000 Lost 8 36 239 0
Joey Weilmeier 16 0 2 2 0.1 16 to lead or side walk with our riders during their lesson.
Houck, Jackson Giants 12 4 10 14
Alexander Smith 9 1 0 1 0.1 53 Horse experience is great but not required. If you enjoy
Burroughs, Kyle Hawks 14 3 11 14 Midget
Tyler Hobbs 14 0 0 0 0.0 35 the outdoors, working with wonderful people of all
Rockwood, Adam Chiefs 12 3 11 14 Team W L T % Stk PF PA Pts
abilities, and love animals, this is the place for you. A
PIJHL scoring leaders Popoff, Carter Canadians 14 6 7 13 Langley 8 0 0 1.000 Won 8 262 50 16
volunteer orientation session will be held shortly for new
Jarvis, Eli Cougars 14 5 8 13 Coquitlam 7 1 0 .875 Lost 1 176 66 14
volunteers. Please contact our office at 604 462-7786 for
Players Team GP G A Pts Oddy, Travis Bruins 12 5 7 12 North Delta 7 1 0 .875 Won 3 311 74 14
further information or to sign up for our orientation.
Thomas Hardy Kodiaks 18 17 16 33 Carson, Clay Thunderbirds 14 5 7 12 Cloverdale 7 2 0 .778 Won 4 251 98 14
• The Boys and Girls club at Southgate Church is
Michael Nardi Devils 19 16 17 33 Bissett, Matthew Chiefs 10 7 5 12 Nanaimo 7 2 0 .778 Won 2 279 93 14
taking registration for the next year. Cost is $40 Grades
Liam Harding Ice Hawks 16 13 17 30 Santucci, Joey Chiefs 12 6 6 12 White Rock 6 2 0 .750 Won 5 146 116 12
2 to 5. Contact Tamara Hull at 604-532-7769 for more
Marko Gordic Steelers 16 13 11 24 Cooper, Steen Thunderbirds 14 5 7 12
information, or email Mission 6 3 0 .667 Lost 1 265 113 12
Cody Smith Ice Hawks 16 10 14 24 Lloyd, Seb Cougars 8 1 10 11 Victoria 4 4 1 .500 Lost 1 111 84 9
• The Maple Ridge Legion euchre club is looking for
Mike Phillipson Kodiaks 18 9 15 24 Bowen, Connor Bruins 12 2 9 11 Meadow Ridge 4 4 0 .500 Won 1 105 117 8
players. The club meets Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at
Danny Brandys Flames 17 9 13 22 Willans, Carsen Ice 12 4 7 11 Cowichan 4 5 0 .444 Lost 2 124 192 8
the legion, corner of Brown Avenue and 224th Street. Call
Kentaro Tanaka Steelers 17 4 18 22 Toews, Devon Bruins 12 3 8 11 Chilliwack 3 4 1 .438 Won 1 134 151 7
Irene at 604-465-1956 for more information.
Jake Roder Sockeyes 17 12 9 21 Ferguson, Austin Bruins 12 10 1 11 North Surrey 3 5 0 .375 Won 1 181 123 6
• Happy Wanderers singles walking group for people
Colton Precourt Kodiaks 18 7 14 21 Orr, Harlan Rockets 12 5 6 11 Burnaby 2 7 0 .222 Lost 4 60 293 4
aged 45 and up meets every Saturday at 9:15 a.m. at the
Marco Finucci Devils 14 9 10 19 Fjellstrom, Tanner Cougars 13 5 5 10 Richmond Black 1 7 0 .125 Lost 6 38 134 2
Pitt Meadows Heritage Hall, Harris Road and Lougheed
Sebastien Pare Sockeyes 17 5 14 19 Ellis, Josh Rockets 12 5 5 10 Westside 1 7 0 .125 Lost 5 55 289 2
Highway. Walks take place in various areas on both sides
Konrad Sander Wolf Pack 15 3 16 19 Theodore, Shea Bruins 12 2 8 10 Richmond White 1 8 0 .111 Lost 8 59 227 2
of the Fraser River. For more information call 604-463-
Riley Lamb Pilots 14 11 7 18 Zagrodney, Graham Rockets 12 4 6 10 Vancouver 0 9 0 .000 Lost 9 28 365 0
Taylan Kornelsen Devils 19 11 7 18 Egli, Brandon Thunderbirds 14 3 7 10
Julius Ho Devils 16 7 11 18 Crossan, Jared Cougars 12 0 10 10
Cody Fidgett Ice Hawks 16 12 5 17 Polischuk, Justin Thunderbirds 14 2 8 10
Trevor Kang Black Panthers 14 10 7 17 Schipper, Dakota Bruins 9 3 7 10 Get your community news first @
Ryan Stewart Flames 14 6 11 17 Centis, Dominic Chiefs 12 3 7 10


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46 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -


When you are injured in a motor heights
vehicle accident, or a slip and fall, you Chelsea Kern
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need fast, friendly and expert advice. Golden Ears
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Be fit to ski before you ski to be fit

ere in the Lower Mainland we When measured, elite skiers have
have recently been experienc- strong legs during standardized leg
ing temperatures in the mid- extension tests compared with many
teens with some warm sunny days. Not other athletes.
the kind of weather that makes you Leg strength is also a predictor of
think about alpine skiing. success in downhill and giant
But if you are an avid skier, slalom events. Time should
or even a recreational skier, be spent on exercising the
who normally would start quadriceps, hamstrings,
making the long treks into gluteal group, inner and
the mountains in mid to late outer hip muscles and the
December, now is the time to core muscles. Exercises that
start an exercise routine. mimic the squat position in
This will give you a good six skiing should be done. Not
weeks or more for your body too surprisingly, squats are
to adapt and change so that the best for this. Although ex-
you are fit for the slopes. And ercising all the core muscles
if you normally ski the North Kinected is key, the back extensors
Shore mountains, don’t worry Kerry Senchyna are the most important in
about the potential lack of order to keep your head and
snow in December, we can shoulders upright as you
now truck it in from Manning Park. traverse down the slope. Weak low
For downhill skiers, a sport-specific back muscles will force you to ski in
exercise routine is an essential part a slumped position, which puts your
of an overall ski training program. spine at risk for injury, and puts your
It will not only allow you to perform eye-line down at your feet. This is not
at a superior level, it’s an important ideal, since when you are skiing mo-
preventative measure to protect joints guls you should be looking one or two
and connective tissue from injury. moguls ahead in order to plan your
The most susceptible time for skiers route. Doing sit-ups or crunches are
to be injured is when they are fatigued not ideal because, aside from needless-
and loose balance or coordination ly abusing your spine, they reinforce
allowing ski tips to cross. Being fitter a poor, slouched position that is not
and stronger reduces susceptibil- very sport-specific. Instead, it is better
ity to fatigue and improves balance. to do core exercises that keep your
Snowboarding, while not identical to lumbar spine in a neutral position. The
traditional a downhill skiing, does have variations are endless and include us-
very similar physiological demands ing stability balls, BOSU balls, cables,
and risks for injury. tubing and others.
A cross-country and alpine skier’s Rather than “ski-to-be-fit” you should
physiology differs significantly. Alpine try to be “fit-to-ski.” Get in shape
skiing places a greater reliance on before you get to the mountains, that
anaerobic metabolism, strength and way you won’t repeat the annual ritual
power. Even though moderate to high of spending the first few weeks of ski-
values for aerobic power are recorded ing on the couch with aches, pains, and
in elite downhill skiers, this is prob- injuries and you will make the most of
ably due to the high volume of training your time (and money) enjoying the
rather than a direct result of skiing experience.
itself. Therefore you should spend time
working on the essential attributes of Kerry Senchyna holds a bachelor of
skiing, namely strength and balance. science degree in kinesiology and
Downhill skiing, when done well, is owner of West Coast Kinesiology
forces the athlete into a crouched posi- in Maple Ridge
tion placing load on the legs and core. ( - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 47

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Marion Isabelle
Passed away suddenly on
October 30, 2010 at Royal
Columbian Hospital, at age 74.
Predeceased by her husband
Anthony, and brother-in-law
Bill Langerak. Survived by her GRANT,
children, Christine and Cliff; Leona (nee Lactin)
grandchildren Tony (Amber)
and Teresa, as well as great- Leona passed away peacefully
granddaughter Bella and her Wright, David Thomas on October 5th at the age of MORTIMER, Ernest James Stark, William (Bill) Hawkins
5 IN MEMORIAM brother Davin and Marion’s Sept 18, 1959 - Oct 29, 2010 79. Leona “Lee” was prede- July 3, 1921 - Oct. 19, 2010 Apr 22, 1926 - Oct 29, 2010
sister Merle Mills. She was a ceased by her loving husband
It is with great sadness that we of 53 years Allan, brothers Son of William A. and Annie
In Loving Memory of long standing member of the announce the passing of our With his loving family sur-
Royal Canadian Legion and beloved Dave after a very short CAUGHY, Douglas Albert Walter and John, sister Anne Christina Mortimer passed rounding him Bill passed away
Darlene Rosalie and niece Susan. Lee is dear- away peacefully on October
the Woman’s Auxiliary. Memo- battle with cancer. He passed November24, 1951 – October 29th, 2010. Bill is sad-
Kanouse rial service to be held Monday, away peacefully surrounded by ly missed by her four sons, 19, 2010. Ernie is survived by ly missed by his wife Margaret,
his loved ones, in Maple Ridge at October 29, 2010
Jan. 25, 1938 ~ Nov. 7, 2006 November 8th, 2010 at 10am the age of 51. Richard (Gay), Barry (Valerie), his sister Doris (Howard) Hen- of 51 years. His is dearly
Sadly missed along life’s way at Garden Hill Funeral Chapel Survived by his wife, Wanda, Passed away after a lengthy Randy (Jackquie) and Brian, 8 ry and his daughter Sandra missed by his four sons, Ken
sons Fraser, Aaron and Kelly, grandchildren and 5 great Jean, other family members
Quietly remembered every day 11765 224th St, Maple Ridge. daughters Chantel and Mandy, illness leaving his wife, Andrea (Nancy), Gene, Lloyd (Anita),
No longer in our life to share In lieu of flowers donations brother Kevin, sister Linda, and his three sons – Scott grandchildren. Mom was born and friends. He was prede- and Gordon, three daughters,
But in our hearts can be made to the Canadian nieces & nephews, and many (Stephanie), Curtis (Jennifer) in Brilliant, BC on July 29, ceased by his first wife Betty Nancy (Mark), Brenda (Steve),
She’s always there wonderful family, friends and 1931 and married Allan in (mother of Sandie), second
Diabetes Association. Expres- co-workers. Predeceased by his & Jason. Also missing him are and Glenda (Denis), 19 grand-
Loved and missed by sions of sympathy can be parents Bob and Betty Wright. grandchildren Taylor, Tyson, 1953. After living in various lo- wife Mary and eights brothers children and 7 great-grandchil-
her loving family made at: and Dexter; stepdaughter cations around BC, they even- and sisters. Born in South dren.
A Celebration of life will be held tually set down roots in Maple Westminster, Ernie graduated
at Pitt Meadows Golf Club, Alexandra and his many broth-
13615 Harris Road, ers, sister, aunts & uncles. Ridge in the early 1970’s. from T.J. Trapp Technical The Comfort and Sweetness of Peace
Pitt Meadows,
Doug was a “flatlander” from Mom loved working in her School and began working in
on Friday November 12, 2010,
large garden, travelling in their the electrical trade. Ernie was After the clouds, the sunshine,
at 2pm Manitoba who made BC his after the winter, the spring,
home the last 22 years. He en- RV, raising Brittany Spaniels proud to be a member of the
and was an avid crib player. Canadian Armed Forces, sta- after the shower, the rainbow,
joyed boating, fishing, camp- for life is a changeable thing.
ing & playing hockey. He was Thank you to all the caring, tioned in Victoria until his hon-
compassionate staff at Ridge ourable discharge. He was a After the night, the morning,
often spotted rollerblading bidding all darkness cease,
around town. The family would Meadows Hospital, Maple loyal member of the Royal Ca-
Ridge Seniors Village, the for- nadian legion Maple Ridge after life’s cares and sorrows,
like to thank Dr. Sommi and the comfort and sweetness of peace.
the staff from Baillie House, mer staff at Golden Ears Sen- Branch 88; a member of the
Park Place and the Maple iors Village and long-time phy- IBEW Local 213 and served
Ridge Seniors Village. Funeral sician Dr. Tinney. A graveside as president of the E.I.A. from
Service will be at St. George’s service will be held at Maple 1981 - 1982. He was an elec-
Church 23500 Dewdney Trunk Ridge Cemetery on November trical inspector for the District
Road, Maple Ridge on Satur- 12th at 1:00pm located at of Burnaby from July 1973 un-
day, November 6, 2010 at 21404 Dewdney Trunk Road, til his retirement in August
2pm. Condolences may be Maple Ridge. Following the 1986. Ernie enjoyed travelling
sent to: interment, friends are invited and photography and after his to join the family in the Tea retirement became active as a
lounge of the Garden Hill volunteer visitor for the Legion
Funeral Home 11765 - 224th and doing maintenance for the
Street Maple Ridge. District of Maple Ridge. He
“Dad’s been patiently waiting also participated in fundraising
for you Mom” for the MS Society and sup-
Expressions of sympathy can ported numerous charities. Er-
be made at nie’s family would like to ex-
press sincere thanks to the ZIRK, Nicole Camille
staff of Ridge Meadows Hospi- Passed away after a valiant

Be a deer. Volunteer! tal and also to the staff of

George Derby Centre where
Ernie spent his last months,
for their compassionate care.
effort on October 29, 2010 in
Princeton, BC. Nicole will be
sadly missed and lovingly
Drivers, navigators, phone operators & dispatchers needed. It was Ernie’s wish to be cre-
remembered by her husband;
Allen, two children; Lou
mated. The service will take
Antlers optional. place Saturday, November 20
(Melanie) of Maple Ridge,
Alex (Meagan) of Abbotsford,
at 1:30 p.m. at the Salvation three grandchildren; Tyler,
Lote, Corrina Elise Army Cariboo Hill Temple, Stephanie and Garrett. No
Nights of service: Volunteer
Jun 27th, 1974 - Oct 13th, 2010

With deepest sadness, we an-

7195 Cariboo Road, Burnaby.
In lieu of flowers, please con-
service by request. Memorial
tributes may be made to
sider making a donation in Er-
November 26 & 27 on whichever nounce the passing of Corrie.
She will be missed dearly and nie’s name to the charity of
Ducks Unlimited Canada, 954
A Laval Crescent, Kamloops,
December 3, 4, 10, 11, night(s) you loved forever by her family -
Lou and Kim, Brieann (Taylor)
your choice. BC.
Condolences may be sent to
choose! Blaine, Liam, Jas, Jason, Wiebe & Jeske
17, 18 & 31 Barb, Dave, Crystal and Neil,
Laura, Breanna and Hannah.
Funeral Services
the family through providence-
Our family would like to whole-
heartedly thank all our extend-

604-515-NOSE(6673) ed family and friends who wel-

comed Corrie into their homes
and lives. Everyone will al-
ways remember her beautiful smile, sense of humour and
mischievous ways.
Operation Red Nose is a confidential designated driver service. There will be a celebration of
Corrie’s life on Thursday No-
vember 11, at Lou and Kim’s
Help keep our roadways safe this holiday! house from 2 - 4pm.
All things beautiful last forever,
Thanks to our partners: Kept within sweet memories.
Operation Red Nose Ridge-Meadows

Serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows since 1978

is hosted by PacificSport Fraser Valley.

48 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

Mechanics, Equipment Opera- CLASS 1 DRIVER for drywall deliv-
tors- How will you make your
mark? Maple Leaf Loading is a
ery, lower mainland. Crane ticket &
exp an asset. Labour intensive job,
based out of Coquitlam. Benefits.
rapidly growing mining support
company that is focusing its
Send resume and abstract by fax:
604-521-1810 or BOOKS
business on providing special- Mature persons with car or
ized services to the mining
and resource sectors. Maple
CLASS 1 DRIVER truck to deliver Yellow
Needed for lowbed and truck and Pages™ Telephone Direc-
Leaf Loading is a Canadian transfer. Minimum 5 years exp. tories to Maple Ridge,
16 CHRISTMAS CORNER 16 CHRISTMAS CORNER owned and operated compa- required. Year round work.
020 CRAFT FAIRS ny. As our business moves to- Desirable Wage w/ Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam,
Port Moody and surrounding
wards a vision of servicing cli- Overtime Premiums areas.
DOLLS and 12th Annual
ents with a local presence and & Benefits Package.
CHRISTMAS SALES a global perspective, we’re Phone: 604-690-0044 or Call 1-800-733-9675
Archbishop looking to grow our team. To Fax: 604-462-7811
November 6 & 7 Carney Stars facilitate our growth and satis- Mon.- Fri. 8 am - 4 pm
From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. fy our workload, we have
Reproduction porcelain dolls, CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR openings for the following po-
fairies, Santas, antique bug- sitions in our BC & Alberta op-
gies, sledges, chairs, doll ~Saturday Nov 13, 9am-4pm erations. Heavy Duty Truck
clothes, doll houses and ac- Holiday Shopping ~Sunday Nov 14, 10am-3pm Mechanics: The successful
cessories, wild life paintings Showcase candidates will be responsible
and much more. Ramada Inn Pitt Meadows 1335 Dominion Ave, for performing repairs on
Port Coquitlam trucks and trailers and main-
Call 1-604-826-4251 A wonderful opportunity taining fleet maintenance
33231 Myrtle Ave., to Christmas Shop, Over 120 tables of quality records. Requires 3 years of
Mission, BC. Party Shop and Indulge! hand-crafted items. experience in all phases of
Sunday November 7th
*Raffles *Door Prizes *Concession heavy duty truck maintenance 125 FOSTER/SOCIAL CARE
Mission Arts Council and repair. Preference will be
11 am ~ 4 pm given to licensed mechanics.
presents our 29th Annual Ramada Inn - Harris Road
at Lougheed Westminster Company Drivers: The suc-
CHRISTMAS Savings cessful applicants must pos-
sess a valid class one driver’s
CRAFT MARKET Free Admission Credit Union license. Mountain driving FAMILY ORIENTED trucking co.
Seasonal Refreshments
Heritage Park / Clarke Theatre and Door Prizes! experience with multiple trailer specializing in O/D freight. Must be
Ctr, 33700 Prentis Ave. Mission M.R. Community configurations or 2 years on/ able to cross border. Home most
Involvement Team’s off highway logging experi- weekends. Min. 2 years exp. Fax
resume & abstract to 604-852-4112
Saturday Nov 13th, 10am-5pm
Sunday Nov 14th, 10am-4pm TERRY FOX SEC. 18th Annual Craft Fair ence pulling super B or truck
Proceeds to Local Charities and pup combinations would Some great kids aged 12 to 18
CRAFT FAIR Sat. Nov. 6th, 10am~4pm sub contractors with 7 or 8
who need a stable, caring PERSON REQ’D
donation. Pictures with Santa will th home for a few months.
Sat. Nov. 6, 12150 - 224 St. Maple Ridge axle trucks for our Chetwynd,
be held on the lower floor Sat
Nov 13, 11am-1:30pm and again 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Info. or Table Reservations
BC operation. Equipment Op- DGS CANADA Are you looking for the
opportunity to do meaningful,
Knowledge of general trades
required for this permanent po-
on Sun Nov 14, 1pm-3pm. erators: The successful candi- fulfilling work? sition at a co-op complex in
$5 for first print & $2 for addit. 1260 Riverwood Gate contact Lynda Catton 2 DAY
604-517-0100 date must be able to operate Qualified applicants receive Coquitlam. 179 units in 2 build-
RAFFLE * BAKE SALE *50/50 Port Coquitlam road maintenance equipment, FORKLIFT ings. This is a permanent posi-
training, support and
articulated rock trucks, wheel WEEKEND remuneration. tion. Please fax resume to:
loaders and various other COURSE Funding is available for 604-464-4560 or email
heavy equipment. Join the in- modifications to better equip
novative and energetic team at Every Saturday at 8:30am your home. A child at risk is
Maple Leaf Loading and get #215, 19358-96 Ave. Surrey waiting for an open door.
what you want from your ca- NO reservations: 604-888-3008 Make it yours. GET IN THE GAME!!!
reer. In addition to a competi- Ask about our other Courses... Call 604-708-2628 Up to $20/hour. No phones.
tive salary and benefits *Stand up Reach *Fall Protection Work with people. 15 positions
packages, we offer real ad- *Aerial Lift *RoughTerrain Forklift for our Promotional Dept.
vancement potential within a *Bobcat *WHMIS & much more. TRAVEL with People skills an asset. No
team environment where out- “Preferred by Employers 604 575 5555 experience, no problem.
standing performance is re-
warded. Interested candidates HEAVY EQUIPMENT Call Shelley
can forward a current resume OPERATOR SCHOOL 127 HAIRCARE 604-777-2195
quoting MLL Job Reference # Locations in Alberta & BC. PROFESSIONALS
HR10-MISC-001 in the subject Hands on real world training. Full HEAVY DUTY Mechanic re-
line to, or sized equipment. quired for Lemare Lake Log-
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS CHILDREN fax to 250-614-7290. We Job placement
ROOM avail. Dye To Be Different ging Ltd. Must be certified or
thank all applicants for their Funding Available. Hair & Body Spa in Maple Ridge. have extensive mechanical ex-
interest. Please note that only Christmas is our most profitable perience. Union wages and
21 COMING EVENTS 108 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES those applicants selected for 1-866-399-3853 time of the year. Perfect time to rent benefits. Fax resume to 250-
an interview will be contacted. Starts at $500/mo. Start before Dec
12280 - 230th St. Maple Ridge ADD YOUR business on Please, no phone calls about Optician Training & get 1/mo free. Check us out on
our website: LMS Reinforcing Steel Group
Saturday, November 20 directo- this job. Start January 27, 2011 then call Debra (604)375-3219. Hiring REBAR INSTALLERS for
Your one stop, Holiday shop ry for province wide exposure! BC College Of Optics for various full-time jobs throughout
Tables still available for $25 Call 1-877-645-7704 604-581-0101 130 HELP WANTED the Lower Mainland.
Contact Kelly Pieterse at Experience pref’d, not mandatory. Direct reach to BC Sportsmen Competitive Wage & Benefits
FLAGGERS NEEDED Please fill out an on line application
and women...Advertise in Train to be a Cardiology Technolo- If not certified, training available for
Non-Profit the 2011 BC Freshwater Fishing gist in 60 weeks. Recognized by the a fee. Call 604-575-3944 at:
33 INFORMATION Licensed Group Daycare Regulations Synopsis, amazing Canadian Society of Cardiology
circulation 400,000 copies, year Technologists and accredited by
ADD YOUR business on Out of School Care long impact for your business! 115 EDUCATION the Canadian Medical Association. 115 EDUCATION 115 EDUCATION directo- Please call Annemarie at
ry for province wide exposure! 20245 Dewdney Trunk Rd 1-250-480-3244 or email
Maple Ridge
Call 1-877-645-7704
• Christian Daycare
CHILDREN • Full Day Preschool Upgrade from a
Program • A new and exciting one week, 10 module program
• Energetic Out of School Healthcare Assistant to a
free to anyone able to work in Canada
Licensed Family Daycare
• Experienced Early Child-
hood Educators
• Professional Facilitators & Job Coach/Marketer
to support you to find the work you want FULL SCOPE
• Large Adventure Play-
Now accepting new registrations.
Full educational program in a safe •
Ages 2 1/2 through 12
• Learn the “KEYS” to the Job Offer
& fun learning environment.
Call for more info:
• Safe fun-loving home
away from home
Phone or drop in for more information
on the Futures Modules
(604)476-0915 604.465.1290 in less than a year
Little Explorers Preschool
11830 223 Street, TU N
NEW LOCATION! Buxton Maple Ridge, BC revisor
*Call a Ca ore details!
for m
12145 Laity St. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church ~ Funding may be available.
• Educational & Nurturing Environment Consulting 604-463-4312 HURRY CALL TODAY!
• Qualified Early Childhood, Montessori
and Special Needs Educators
• Ages 2-1/2 to 5 years
Funded in whole or part through the Canada - British Columbia
Labour Market Development Agreement 604-463-1174
Limited Space Your Career Starts Here

604-722-2410 Available
Little Explorers Preschool

We Believe in You.
“Where Children Can Learn By Exploring”

Sprott-Shaw Community College has been
traini students in BC for over 107 years.
training Call Our
We want you to be a success story too! Maple Ridge Campus:
Get In. Get Out. Get Working.

FOOD SERVICES LARRY THE HANDY GUY. Repairs, Maintenance, Renovation
CARRIERS NEEDED HERFORT CONCRETE For all your Household needs. Guaranteed work, Free Estimate. # 1 PAY-LESS Painting
The following routes are now CLERK REQUIRED P/T, for local NO JOB TOO SMALL Reno’s, Hauling & Power Washing Cell: 604-618-6401. Marcel. Interior FALL Special
available to deliver the NEWS in liquor store. Days, weekends & Serving Lower Mainland 20 Years! Elec/ Plumb/ Tiling(778)823-0736 RETIRED carpenter wants to keep
Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows evenings. Bring resume in person *Prepare *Form *Place *Finish busy. Looking for small carpentry LOOK for our YARD SIGNS
to Heather at 21525 Dewdney *Retaining*Walls*Stairs*Driveways jobs. Will repair or build new. Will D Free estimates D Insured
Trunk Road, Maple Ridge.
DO you have a problem with Exposed Aggregate & Stamped 287 HOME IMPROVEMENTS also do small painting & plumbing
40047 - Dewdney Trk Rd, 260 St alcohol or drugs? Licensed D References
40052 - Dewdney Trk Rd, Concrete ***ALSO... jobs. Call Ken 604-460-7803. Residential D Pressure Washing
FT JAPANESE COOK, min 3yr exp, Call Alouette Addiction Interlocking Bricks &Sod Placement A-1 CONTRACTING
Sandpiper Ave, $18-20/hr, new menu, supervise Services at (604)467-5179
Nightingale Ave, 234 St,
Renos. Bsmt stes, kitchens, baths, Serving Tri City 30 Yrs.
Check our website -Excellent Ref’s -WCB Insured
Meadowlark Dr
kitchen operation, train staff, Kore-
an asset, WIN restaurant (Maple
custom cabinets, tiling, plumbing, 300 LANDSCAPING Call 24 Hrs/7 Days
LEO: Mobile #657-2375, 462-8620 sundecks. Dhillon 604-782-1936.
40072 - 106B Ave, McClure Dr Ridge). Fax 604-460-0096
40109 - Lougheed Hwy, Harrison AUGUSTINE Scott 604-891-9967
St, Olund Cres, Gillis Pl, GM EAST INDIAN Restaurant is
now hiring: Dishwasher, Kitchen UNIQUE CONCRETE CHOICE Bark Mulch Products
113 Ave
40202 - 224 St between 112 Ave helper & Servers full time & part DESIGN RENOVATIONS A name you can trust
and 124 Ave time. Drop in with resume to 20726 SIMPLY FOR YOUR HEALTH
F All types of concrete work F Composted W Bright W Nuggets
European Swedish Relax Massage Bsmt suites, bathrooms, windows Garden Blend & Lawn Blend
40203 - 124 Ave, Lee Ave, Lougheed Hwy, between 2 & 5pm.
604-230-4444 F Re & Re F Forming F Site prep STARBRUSH PAINTING
123 Ave & Edge St, FDriveways FExposed FStamped siding, H/W tank installation, etc Topsoil
227 St F Bobcat Work F WCB Insured NO JOB TOO SMALL
40219 - 122A Ave, 122 Ave, SANDHURST PROPERTIES
180 EDUCATION/TUTORING Free estimates, Seniors Disc,
Cherrywood Dr, Dewdney
Trk Rd, Eagle Ave, 230 St
o/a Tim Horton’s 778-231-9675, 778-231-9147
FREE ESTIMATES Gary 467-3024 465-5193 high quality, low cost, WCB.
40223 - Eagle Ave, 122 Ave, Food Counter Attendants TOBEI COLLEGE is Now accepting Cellular 604-671-9694 ~ 25% off with this ad ~
121A Ave, Peash Tree Crt, F/T / Shift Work / Nights / applications for: (a) Accounting
Certificate Program (8 months). Chuck’s Reno’s DUTCH TOUCH Call: (604)518-0974
232 St, Blossom St, 231 St Overnights / Early
(b) Business Administration Diplo- 257 DRYWALL Green Services Ltd
40260 - 121 Ave, Dewdney Trk Mornings / Weekends
ma (16 months). TOBEI COLLEGE Painting W Drywalling W Taper
Rd, Acadia St
40261 - 127 Ave, 126 Ave,
$10.31/hour plus benefits is a new career college located at 45 Years in the drywall trade. All Pressure Washing W Floors Landscape Construction BESTWAY PAINTING &
size jobs boarding, taping, spraying.
124 Ave, Grace St, Apply in person or fax to: 230-8291 Alexandra Road,
Richmond, BC, V6X1C3. The Col- Big or small. Wayne 778-242-2060
Commercial ~ Industrial ~ Residential Renovations W Maintenance DECORATING
Blackstock St Tim Horton’s Seniors Discount 10% Off Interior / Exterior
40263 - Mountainview Cres, 24796 Dewdney Trunk Rd. lege is now registered by PCTIA. Boarding, Taping, Recoat textured
121 Ave, Acadia St, or fax to: 604-467-4249 Apply in person or online at ceilings & Respray 30 yrs exp. Call Lic ~ WCB ~ Gst 604-463-3644 Small / Big Jobs For more
(604)319-1993 Comm/Res. Fully insured.
216 St
40266 - Moody St, Davison St,
Phone: 604-463-4240
information call 604-284-5030 or
Del 604-505-3826 / (604)476-1154 604-861-1490 Crown molding installation.Faux
122 St, 124 Ave email COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE, finish, staining & custom painting.
res/com. ref’’s. reno’’s, reasonable Member of MR Chamber of Commerce
40311 - Lougheed Hwy, Laity St,
210 St
142 OFFICE SUPPORT/CLERKS Getting a rates. All work guaranteed. 604- HANKS John 778-881-6737
job 941-8261, cell 778-999-2754.
40316 - River Rd, Golf Lane,
207A St, 207 St LANGLEY company looking for
Reception/Clerical person. Must be
be easier! Drywall & Reno’s Anysize
A - 20779 Lougheed Hwy
40351 - 123 Ave, Stonehouse
able deal with the public. Computer Maple Ridge & & Bulldozing Ltd. BLAKE’S PAINTING
Ave, 122 Ave, 216 St, Frame, Hang tape,
skills a must. Applicant must be Texture & More 101 - 19070 Lougheed Hwy, & DECORATING
Creston St
40352 - 123 Ave, 122B Ave, bondable and able to work on 182 FINANCIAL SERVICES Pitt Meadows D Garden Blend Soil
Your local natural stone Interior Exterior
122 Ave, Campbell Ave, their own. Please contact us at AVOID BANKRUPTCY - SAVE UP
Reliable ~ Superior Quality distributors. Custom made D Lawn Blend Soil Spraytex ceilings/repairs
Laity St, Creston St
40353 - Thornton Ave, Douglas TO 70% Of Your Debt. One af- with decent pricing Granite Countertops. D Custom Blends avail. Drywall repairs
Ave, 126 Ave, Laity St, fordable monthly payment, interest Slate Granite Marble D Composted Mushroom Fall Interior Wall Special Now On
Hardy St, Thornton Pl 157 SALES - INSIDE free. For debt restructuring on 604-462-0016 or 604-970-1285 Tile Tumbled stone.
Large selection of Porcelain & Manure Ref’s W Insured W WCB
40354 - Campbell Ave, 121 Ave, YOUR terms, not your creditors. 604-477-0160
214 St, Glenwood Ave, TELEMARKETING Call 1-866-690-3328 or see web Ceramic Sales & Service
604.463.0718 ~ 604.460.6656
NO Wood byproducts used Paper Hanging Removal
Written Guarantee
216 St site:
FRANKS Drywall *Boarding*Taping When QUALITY Matters Residential/ Commercial
40357 - Thornton Ave, 126 Ave, Do You Live the Healthy Life? DEBT CONSOLIDATION *Spraying no job too sm. Seniors rts HANDYMAN SERVICES. Dryer All soils are tested for
215 St PROGRAM Helping Canadians Free ests. 604-939-7029, 809-1945 604-476-0032
duct cleaning - Pressure washing - Optimum growing
40360 - Glenwood Ave, Dewdney Are you looking for a fast paced, repay debts, reduce or eliminate we do it all. Call Lee today: 604- requirements
Trk Rd, Laity St, 212 St, fun working environment? interest, regardless of your credit. 764-8046. For a full list of services SOIL ANALYSIS UPON
211 St, 210 St Prairie Naturals, a western based Steady Income? You may qualify 260 ELECTRICAL visit: REQUEST
40364 - Douglas Ave, McCallum Vitamin Supplement supplier has for instant help. Considering
Dr, 123 Ave, 212 St, an inside sales level position Bankruptcy? Call 1-877-220-3328 #1167 LIC’D, BONDED. BBB Lge &
Dawson Pl, Laity St available. Must be highly motivat- FREE Consultation Government small jobs. Expert trouble shooter, WHOLESALE PRICES
40365 - 121 Ave, Alpine Ave, ed, have strong organization and Approved, BBB Member WCB. Low rates 24/7 604-617-1774
123 Ave, 209 St, 17607 FORD ROAD,
multi tasking skills. Knowledge of GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad cred- Pitt Meadows, B.C.
Skillens Ave DC ELECTRIC (#37544). Bonded.
40367 - Dewdney Trk Rd, 209 St,
vitamin and herbal supplements,
proven sales ability and solid
it? Bills? Unemployed? Need Mon- 24 hr service. We specialize in jobs D PICK-UP or DELIVERY
208 St ey? We Lend! If you own your own too small for the big guys! 30 yrs
computer skills. $14.00 per hour home - you qualify. Pioneer Accep-
40369- 123 Ave, 122 Ave, 121B plus commission, performance in- exp. Free est. 460-8867. 604-465-3189
Ave, Dewdney Trk Rd tance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-
centives, extended medical and 987-1420. REISINGER Electrical (#102055) Home Renovations and
40378 - Brooks Ave, Powell Ave, dental Benefits. Send resume to: Bonded, Specializing in Renos, New Construction JAGUAR LANDSCAPING
124 Ave, 206 St, 205 St,
New Const, (Comm./Res.)Free Est Lawn & Garden Service. Design,
204 St, 203 St 25 Yrs Exp. 778.885.7074 Trent Kitchens, Bathrooms, Flooring, Pruning, Lawns, Cleanups,
40383 - 122 Ave, Campbell Ave, 188 LEGAL SERVICES Drywall, Garages, Decks & more Comm/Res. (604)462-1369

Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td * 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE*
Rd, Laity St, McIntyre INSURED ~ WCB
Crt, 214 St #1 IN PARDONS Remove your We love small jobs! 604-568-1899

40384 - 125 Ave, Meadow Pl, criminal record. Express Pardons Dean 604-834-3076
124 Ave, 209 St, offers the FASTEST pardons, LT99 PRO PAINTING
Blanshard St PERSONAL SERVICES LOWEST prices, and it’s
263 EXCAVATING & DRAINAGE Landscaping and
40325 - Lorne Ave, Hampton St, HOOT & OWL BE THERE! Landscaping Maintenance
Ditton St, Chigwell St, FREE Consultation Toll-free BUILDING MAINT & Residential, Commercial,
1-866-416-6772 LEE’S BACKHOE SERVICE Site Strata, Commercial, Residential
Kent St, Wharf St, services, Stump removal, Clearing, REPAIRS LTD. Fall clean ups Interior, Exterior, Fence, Deck,
Princess St, Beckley St, 171 ALTERNATIVE HEALTH
Excavations (604)619-3172 Renovations & repairs One offs, weekly or monthly visits Pressure Wash, All Kinds of
Bromley St Concrete, asphalt, vinyl decks, Fully INSURED Floorings, Seniors & Vacancies
40329 - Melville St, Eltham St, HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES Roof & gutter repairs Discount. Professional,
Princess St, Lorne Ave, 269 FENCING Custom bathrooms & tile work. Call (604)763-8795 Reliable, Affordable Services.
Wanstead St, Ospring St Reliable contractor Lowest price in town.
40330 - Beckley St, Kingston St,
ACCOUNTING/TAX/ FENCE-IT-RIGHT Installations -- Email: hoot& SAWDUST Free Estimate.
Hazelwood St, Wharf St
40333 - Eltham St, Charlton St,
203 604.639.6626 Cedar, Chain Link, Gary 604-339-5430 Hemlock, Fir & Cedar
Licensed. Fully Insured.

Princess St, Lorne Ave, BOOKKEEPING Ornamental iron, Vinyl (Insured,

Experienced, Competitive Pricing) Tyler 778-861-6289
Hampton St, Ditton St, Available for Delivery
Chigwell St, Kent St ACCOUNTING DONE ACCURATE- Call for pricing
40334 - Ospring St, Wanstead St, LY small bus. p/u/del. bkkeeping, 275 FLOOR REFINISHING/
Lorne Ave, Princess St payroll, tax returns. HST/PST.
604-465-5193 or 604-465-5197
40340 - Thorne Ave, 207 St, 604-814-0967 or 604-862-1596 INSTALLATIONS
206B St, 206A St, Miller St
ADD YOUR business on 604.723.8434
41051 - Advent Rd, 122 Ave, Ceramic Tiles, Hardwood Laminate
Ford Rd, 191B St, 190 St, directo- Interior & Exterior
Guaranteed work, Free Estimate.
189A St ry for province wide exposure! Cell 604-618-6401 Marcel. • Excellent Rates
Call 1-877-645-7704 317 MISC SERVICES
If you live on or near one of • Top Quality • Insured
these routes and you are 278 FURNITURE REFINISHING • WCB • Written Guarantee
interested in delivering papers ✶Dump Site Now Open✶ • Free Estimates
please call circulation @ D Broken Concrete RocksD
604-466-6397 and quote
the route number. 604-460-8058 LARIC FURNITURE $21.00 Per Metric Ton
#7 - 20306 Bookkeeping & Accounting REFINISHING $21.00 Per Metric Ton
Inbound Sales Dewdney Trunk, M.Ridge Payroll, Year-end, Financial Specialists in: GrassSBranchesSLeavesSWeeds ALLAN CONST. & Asphalt. Brick,
NEW SPECIAL: Statements, Income Taxes - ANTIQUES, HOME & $56.00 Per Ton conc, drainage, found. & membrane
Early Birds $10 off with ad E-FILE Service OFFICE FURNITURE Meadows Landscape Supply repair. (604)618-2304 820-2187.
Ph: 604-465-2123
N O W H I R I N G !!! JASMINES RELAXATION TOUCH Cellular: 604-788-0161 - RESTORATION & REPAIRS (604)465-1311
Pain/ Stress Relief. Country Setting Free Estimates, Pick-up & Delivery 338 PLUMBING
Countrywide Communications *Easy Prkg *7Days. 778-888-3866
Inc. is an authorized Telus deal- 225 CARPET INSTALLATION Ph: 604-469-2331 320 MOVING & STORAGE 10% OFF if you Mention this AD!
ership independently owned & AMAN’S PLUMBING SERVICES
operated by energetic, eager per- 27 Years in bus. A Moving Experi- Lic.gas fitter. Reas $. 778-895-2005
All Carpet & Lino Installations ence. Fast, dependable service.
formance driven entrepreneurs. Repair/Restreching, 28 years exp. 281 GARDENING L & D Enterprises. Seniors Disc. $38/HR!Clogged drains,drips,garbs
We are looking for Inbound Work guaranteed. 10% Seniors. sinks, Reno’s toilets. No job too
Sales Representatives to join Will pack your POD. 604-464-5872.
Discount. Call Cliff 604-462-0669 small! Lic’d/insured. 778-888-9184
our successful sales team. We Prompt Delivery Available AAA ADVANCE MOVING
are looking for applicants who are Seven Days a Week Experts in all kinds of moving/pack- ✔ ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS
energetic and possess strong in- 236 CLEANING SERVICES ✶ Painting: Interior/Exterior ing. Excellent Service. Reas. rates! Call Niko Plumbing Ltd. 24/7.
terpersonal and communications Meadows Landscape ✶ Hardwood/Laminate Flooring
✶ Baseboards/Casing/Crown
Different from the rest. 604-861-8885 Res/Com, unclog drains. h/w tanks.
skills, who are passionate about ★15 yrs exp. 604-837-6640
the wireless communications
“AN EXTRA HAND” Exp. Hardwork-
ing, reliable cleaning lady. Rea-
Supply Ltd. moldings
industry and its growing future. ✶ Landscaping/Yard AFFORDABLE MOVING
sonable rates Louise 604.467.3665 ✶ Bark Mulch maintenance/Fencing Dan’s Your Man! Lic’d & Insured.
✶ Lawn & Garden Soil ✶ Home reno’s/Decks/Sheds Free Est. Dan @ 604.418.6941
Please submit your resume via Local & Long Distance
email to Ryan at: ✶ Drain Grave ✶ Lava Rock For a free estimate call:
✶ River Rock ✶ Pea Gravel
ryan@countrywidecommunica- Cell 778-868-0778 From $45/Hr 341 PRESSURE WASHING
or fax to 604-467-4445 465-1311 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 Ton Trucks
Insured ~ Licenced ~ 1 to 3 Men DAVIDS WINDOW CLEANING WindowsW GuttersW Siding Washing
288 HOME REPAIRS Free estimate/Seniors discount
Residential~Commercial~Pianos Pressure/Hand Washing
Part Time Kitchen Free Estimates
help needed (Regular clean- 283 GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS 604-537-4140 465-1302W786-3466
up Required) Shift work, If I can’t
resumes, No phone calls do it HERCULES MOVING
Same day serv. avail 604-724-6373 Your local bonded moving company
accepted CLEANING SPECIAL It can’t be with experience. Very reas. rates! Conscientious Roofing - 24 Hours
One Way Club Rates as low as $60/mo. Price incl. ★Avoid Water Damage★ done Call Joe 604-318-1390 repairs, re-roof, all types of roof &
22270 North Ave cleaning supp. Free estimates. Call To your home by having the gutters conversions. WCB. 604-340-4126.
A-TECH Services at 604-230-3539 SPARTAN Moving Ltd.
Maple Ridge, BC CLEANED AND SEALED. Call Robert 604-844-4222 OR Fast & Reliable. Insured
DIVIA’S CLEANING. We make it so $200 for 1 story ~ $300 for 2 story (Cell) 604-454-4515 Competitive rates. Wknd Specials. EAST WEST ROOFING & SIDING
you want to come home. Insured & All types of home maintenance Interiors: Baths (renos/repairs) Call Frank: (604) 435-8240 CO. Roofs & re-roofs. BBB &
bonded. Weekly, bi-weekly, move in available. Licensed. Strata Mainte- specializing in drywall, doors, WCB. 10% Discount, Insured.
& move out. 604-217-1857 nance Canada. 604-908-6240 flooring, tiling, plumbing, painting, Call 604-812-9721, 604-783-6437
miscellaneous, etc. 329 PAINTING & DECORATING
HOUSEKEEPING, + I’ll do cook- GL ROOFING. Cedar shakes, As-
The Best Team ing/baking. Fair rates, reliable
/bonded. Shannon 778-847-6411
30 LINES OF WORK! 2 HUNGRY PAINTERS & Power phalt Shingles, Flat roofs BBB,
WCB Ins. Clean Gutters $80. 24 hr.
Professional Installation * Most work completed in 2 days
or less
Washing. Low prices. Int/Ext. Man
& wife 75 years combined exp. emer. serv. 7dys/wk. 604-240-5362
P/T & F/T CASHIERS req’d # 101-1125 Nicola Avenue 5” Gutter, Down Pipe, Soffit 604.467.2532
for Chevron Town Pantry, Janitorial, Office/Window Cleaning * Quality work, prompt service,
Pitt Meadows. We offer flexible Port Coq. (behind COSTCO) ✶10 years exp. ✶Free Estimates 28 YRS EXP. *FULLY INSURED fair prices SEASIDE Painting & Decking 356 RUBBISH REMOVAL
hours. No experience needed. 465-1302 ✶786-3466 * 19 Years. serving Coquitlam Spring Special $595 upto 1000 s.f. 604-468-8889 MAGICAL MAIDS
Cleaning & Repairing Ctr. & area. English Craftsman, Bonded & A-1 RUBBISH REMOVAL. House-
Or apply at: 12214 Harris Rd., Bonded & Insured. $25/hr. For positive results Call Robert Insured. Since 1978, Int/Ext, Spray hold & Yard Waste. Up to 100% re-
Pitt Meadows 604-467-8439 Call Tim 604-612-5388 SERVICE CALLS WELCOME Painting. 604-462-8528, 218-9618 cycle. Reasonable. 604-786-2948
50 – Friday, November 5, 2010 - THE NEWS -

RECYCLE-IT! Inglis Washer & Dryer sets $275
& up; Washers $220 & up; Dryers
Risch, 30 years old. $800. obo.
Tuning & moving your cost. No
MAPLE RIDGE Maple Ridge Central
1 Bedroom Duplex
rent. Furnished. Self contained in
new home, priv bath, utils, W/D incl.
#1 EARTH FRIENDLY $75 & up. *** Also: Electric Ranges. bench. 604-271-8843 lve msg. 1 BEDROOM SUITES NS/NP Immed. $475. 604-467-8385
JUNK REMOVAL REMPELS SERVICE 604-467-2794 Adult Only Complex
Your LOCAL $550/mo + util’s
MAPLE RIDGE, West & Central,
Make us your first call! 578 SPORTING GOODS
✶ Move In
rooms avail. NP/NS, nr bus, incl cbl,
Tree Service,
Reasonable Rates. Fast, For Honest Prices & 509 AUCTIONS credit check, ref’s & damage utils ldry WiFi. $500. 778-893-2750
AT A CLICK of a mouse, deposit required. Avail immed
Friendly & Uniformed Staff. Quality Work
ANTIQUE & is your Allowance (604)466-6348
Beautiful 4 bdrm, 4 bthrm house w/
604.587.5865 Call Scott at COLLECTIBLES
local source to over 300,000
Leave a message
3 fireplaces Avail. immed. Looking
for a harmonious, health con- 604-618-0333 Monday Nov 8th ~ 7 pm
businesses! McIntosh Plaza scious environment? Into holistic
Certified Suit Mature Adults health, spiritual, personal growth?
Arborist Consignments of furniture
REAL ESTATE Available December 1st
736 HOMES FOR RENT Must be mature, reliable, clean, ti-
359 SAND, GRAVEL & TOPSOIL Free Estimates * from England & local Estates. Highrise 1/2 Block to Town
dy, have a good sense of humor,
easy to get along with. No smok-
Fully Insured F/F fridge & easy clean stoves COQUITLAM 462 Byng St 3-4bdrm
Longcase clock; paintings, 2 bath lam flr 4 appls fresh paint ing, blaring T.V., loud music. Your
sterling silver; diecast model NO PETS investment $1,000/month (Util. inc)
$1450. Betty 604-889-1181 CP Rlty
cars; jewelry, jade, fine china, plus $500 deposit. 604-475-0809
large carpets, etc. AT A CLICK of a mouse, 22330 McIntosh Avenue DEWDNEY area, 3 bdrm. home
PETS is your comp. with 5 appl. 2 baths. Nice
VIEW: Sunday 1pm - 5pm local source to over 300,000 (604)463-6841 setting. $1800 mo. Additional land 750 SUITES, LOWER
TOPSOIL 456 FEED & HAY Central Auction
businesses! and barn avail. 250-459-2454
• SCREENED TOPSOIL Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE 2 Bdrm newly re- 2 BDRM. new renovated ground
20560 Langley Bypass no’d house next to Webster Corner level suite. fenced private entrance.
• MUSHROOM MANURE GOOD QUALITY LOCAL 1st cut 604-534-8322 627 HOMES WANTED Central new appliances. own w/d. f/p. near
Certified Crime Free School. $1250/mo. 604-889-3378.
• BARK MULCH hay. Solid bales. $6/bale. Call
Multiple Housing MAPLE RIDGE. 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths
schools/bus/shops. $950+1/3
604-467-3003 604-505-4087.
WE BUY HOUSES 1 Bdrm suites $580/mo incl hot house on 2 acres, $1,600/mo.
utilities. ns/np. available immediate-
ly. 604-468-1424
Older Home? Damaged Home? water, cable ref’s req’d, n/p. Family room, garage. Available
including tools Mon. Nov 15th. Need Repairs? Behind on MAPLE RIDGE. 239A/116. Newer
477 PETS Consignments welcome. Adult only building December 1st. 604-683-9641
Payments? Quick CASH! Mon to Fri 9am ~ 6pm Only lge 2 bdrm. f/bath, g/l, sh w/d, street
SNOWCLEARING Call Us First! 604.657.9422 By appointment only
MAPLE RIDGE, 4200 sqft house, prkg., sep entry. N/s, cat ok. Dec. 1.
BEAGLE PUPS, tri colored, good main+den & 3BR above for $1600, $850 + 1/3 utils. 604-341-1833
looking, healthy, $500. (604)796- 545 FUEL (604)418-1932 and sep. 2 BR base. suite for $800.
BRAAPS 3026. No Sunday calls 636 MORTGAGES N/P, N/S. Now! 604 722 9069. MAPLE RIDGE. 2 BDRM bsmt
Excavating & Bobcat Services BEST FIREWOOD MAPLE RIDGE Central. Lrg 1 bdrm suite, reno’d. Avail now. $900/mo +
BEARDED DRAGON, 1 yr. old, MAPLE RIDGE. 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 2 utils. 604-764-0726.
Snow Removal (604)837-2207 cage, heat lamp, light, food dish, 32nd Season & 37,000 Cust Deliv. BANK ON US! Mortgages for $780/mo. insuite w/d, d/w, patio,
Fully Seas. Maple, Birch, Alder kit’s, 2 liv/rm’s. Near Hammond
compl. package. Worth $500. Ask- purchases, renos, debt con- vaulted ceilings. Nr amens. Sec u/g school, WCX & shops. Avail now. MAPLE RIDGE 2 Bdrm, full bath.
ing $150 obo 778-865-0104 604-582-7095 prkg. NP/NS. Immed. 604-307-2241 Own w/d, priv ent, stor, n/s, n/p
Eddie’s Snow Removal solidation, foreclosure. Bank $1800/mo. 778-888-9175.
Dec 1 $900 incl util’s (604)467-9424
FULLY SEASONED, Alder/Maple, rates. Many alternative lending MAPLE RIDGE clean 1 Bdrm suite
BORDER COLLIE pups. 1st shots Birch, split & delivered. Free kin- MAPLE RIDGE 4 brm, 2 bath, 2600
& worming. Ready to go. Both par- programs.Let Dave Fitzpatrick, Dec 1 $650 incl’s hot water. parking sft. Renovated w/garage on 5.2 Ac. MAPLE RIDGE Balsam Creek, newer
dling. Phone 604-789-1492 anytime 604-477-9791 (604)463-7609 2 bdrm 1 1/2 bath. 5 appl, ns/np, $850
ents to view. $450. 604-534-1006 your Mortgage Warrior, simpli- 243 Street, $2000/mo. Close to
school & bus & city. 604-649-8987 Available Dec 1, Call: 604-467-5737
BOSTON TERRIER, 1 left. Fem., fy the process!1-888-711-8818 MAPLE RIDGE Ctrl adult building.
Reg. micro chipped. Vet chkd. All 548 FURNITURE dave@mountaincitymort- Large 1 Bdrm $750/mo incls heat/ MAPLE Ridge Upper 3BR & 2 Bath, MAPLE RIDGE. Beautiful 1 bdrm
shots. 12 wke. $800. 604-557-3291, hot water, ref’s (604)467-2606 Comp Reno’d, Sep Ent Landry, suite w/insuite ldry. Walk to WCE. Ns/np. Avail now. $775/mo incl full
Are you sick of driving/walking on icy BOXER PUPPIES, great tempera- #1 Cash Buyer MAPLE RIDGE Ctrl lrg 2 bdrm 2 Quiet Area Close to town 1200+2/3
Utils, Dec 1. NS NP Jeff 306-1004 cbl/wireless net/utils. 604-999-2452.
ment, family raised, stunning colors, baths, quiet, $1100 incls 5 appls,
snow? Let Eddie help you.
vet ✓ dewormed, 1st shots $850
660 LANGLEY/ALDERGROVE gas f/p. N/s, n/p. Immed 465-8268 MAPLE RIDGE. Bright 1 bdrm. g/l
suite with wood burning f/p. Shared
Snow Plow & Snow Blower each. Call 604-607-7480 $$CASH$$ for your furniture, HOMES FOR SALE-SUPER BUYS Coquitlam Centre. Nr schl, college.
Maple Ridge 5 bdrms, 2 baths, lrg yd. strg $1600 w/d, sep entry. Mature n/s individu-
available for driveways, parking CATS & KITTENS GALORE, TLC tools, electronics, antiques, al. $650/mo incl utils 604-466-7594
Refs Avail now 604-939-0273
lots and sidewalks has for adoption spayed & neutered appliances, computers
& collectibles.
Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley Glenwood Manor MAPLE RIDGE bright large new 1
Salting & Grit Spreading available adult cats.604-309-5388 / 856-4866 Pitt Meadows - House
4x4 Truck with front plow Apartments 11915 Orchard Lane; Large 3 BR
bdrm suite, pri entry, walk to WCE,
CHIHUAHUA P.B. $495+, 8wks, WWANYTHING OF VALUEWW RENTALS 2650 sf; 2.5 Bath; lndry; storage
nr schl/park/mall, ns/np, $650 incl
Large Snow Blower Vet chkd, 1st shots, absolutely gor- utils, avail now. Call 604-376-6871.
geous, delivery avail. 604-557-3291 1& 2 Bdrms from $670 & $835 Rec room; garage; $2200 NOW
Book early before you are left in the ice
Single items to entire Clean, Spacious Peak Property Mgmt 604-931-8666 MAPLE RIDGE. Clean 1 bdrm, walk
CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, 9 wks, vet households 706 APARTMENT/CONDO WEST Central - 2 BR rancher.
to shops, bus, parking. Ref’s. Ns/np
Eddie: 604-763-8795 ✓ 1st shot, 2M, black/white. $600. Includes cable, heat, $1250 Renovated & well kept.
$700/mo. incl. util. 604-465-9315
604-526-3655. 463-4449 or COQUITLAM D/T. 2 bdrm. condo hot water & parking Available 15th Nov, subject to credit
CHIHUAHUA, tiny, purebred, 2 M. 209-6583 with view, f/p, all appl. N/s, n/p. Seniors discount checks/references. (604) 626 5844. MAPLE RIDGE EAST
$1000/mo. Avail now 604-306-9968
Born July 24. Ready to go. All shots 21387 Dewdney Trunk Rd bright & spacious beautiful
Sofa Italia 604.580.2525

to date. $700. 604-218-6669 W.Rck COQUITLAM Enjoy living on the

30th flr of a new luxury 2 BR condo 741 OFFICE/RETAIL Large 2 Bdrm bsmt suite.
DALMATION pups, 1M, born july 1,
A1-TRI-CRAFT Tree Serv. ckc reg., all shots, deworm, $900.
at Grand Central bldg across from (604)466-5799 Insuite w/d, private parking,
Coq Ctr. 2 f/bths, 2 balcs, inste
MAPLE RIDGE huge kitchen, dining area,
Dangerous tree wash/dry. Beautiful city view! Nr Maple Ridge fully fenced back yard, N/P.
removal, spiral pruning ENGLISH BULLDOG, CKC reg. 10 public transit & schools. U/g prkg, OFFICE Nov 15. $975/mo incls utils
hedge trimming, stump wks old, shots, microchip, vet ✔. storage, 5 ss.appl full.amen Immed.
grinding, topping. Healthy, happy, gorgeous. Health $1600/mo. Ns/np. 604-552-4443 REDUCED 1 & 2 bdrms motel & RETAIL SPACE (604)765-4074
Insured, WCB Free Est gurant’d. $2200. 778-895-8453. COQUITLAM nr L’heed mall/sky- kitchen suites. Clean, non-smok- Various downtown locations.
Arborist Reports MAPLE RIDGE lge. 3 bdrm. suite,
English Mastiff pups, M/F, p/b, pa- train, 533 Cottonwood, reno’d, adult ing, no pets, secure and includes Avail. Now! Updated and well
own lndry. D/W, utils. incl. Refs
Andrew 604-618-8585 pers, microchipped, dewormed, 1st bldg, quiet, n/p, gated prkg, video
coin laundry, free wireless inter- maintained. Various sizes 320sf.
req’d. N/P N/S. $1250 mo. Avail.
shots. $1900. Call (604)316-7615 surveillance, 1 bdrm $780, incl - 2000sf. Starting at $495/month.
$ Best Rates $ heat, h/w, Dec. 1, Crime-Free, Cert. net & maid service. Also full Call: Rick Medhurst,
immed. 604-466-1894 or 996-0024
FREE. Long hair tabby, 4 yrs. to
good home. Bed, litter box, food all
604-937-7812 service RV sites. Royal LePage MAPLE RIDGE, newer 1 bdrm ste, s/s appl, granite, $700 incl util cble,
AARAYA Tree Services shots/tattoo. 778-808-7239. (604)463-9718 604-463-3000 net, avail now NS/NP 604-996-5876
604.463.9980 551 GARAGE SALES Derek Manor
GERMAN Shepherd pups, ckc reg. Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE. Newly reno’d.
Fully insured 24 Hour Service parents German bloodlines with no 2048 Manning Ave.
Topping W Falling W Hedging slope, exc temperament. $1000. Maple Ridge Swan Court Apartments 743 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Clean & bright. 1100 sf. 2 bdrm. g/l
Port Coq ~ 604-941-5452 Large 1 & 2 Bedrooms. $925/mo. incl. util. Shr w/d. 4 appl.
Chipping W Stump W Grinding (604)796-3026. No sun calls GARAGE SALE Ns/np. Avail. now. 604-202-4152
20 Years Local Service or 604-944-7889 Hardwood floors, adult oriented,
Charter of Rights Followed
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS work- Sat. Nov 6, 9am to 1pm FREE PREMIUM CABLE heat, h/w & cable incl’d, f/p, n/pets. Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE, newly reno’d suite,
ing line blck & blck & tan, 7 wks, 11917 - 237th Street $80 Value Criminal Record check may be reqd sep entr., lrg 1 bdrm, own W/D, Util
Satisfaction Guaranteed $650 604-820-4230, 604-302-7602 Resident Manager Onsite Executive 3 Bdrm + den. incl. NS, pets negotiable. 1 year
or Your Chips Back Now with lease. Refs. req. $760/mo Please
Golden Retrievers, male & females. Furniture, Electronics, PVR, “Portrait built” corner lot home
Free Estimates 5 wks, dewormed. $600 Chwk Play Station, Games, Toys, SENIORS DISCOUNT leave msg. Immed. (604)467-1307.
(604)792-9850 Table Hockey & Much Much 604.477.9189 in Silver Ridge $2100/mo MAPLE RIDGE W. 1 bdm lower ste.
JACK RUSSELL PUPS 2 males, tri MORE Parking. Near bus. Own w/d. Ns/np.
Gilker Hill Estates
A.C. colored, tails docked & dew claws.
Vet ✔ , view parents. Ready Nov. 9
Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge
WILLOW PLACE (Cottonwood) top level
Nov. $700 + 1/4 util. 604-818-6275
MAPLE RIDGE, W. 207/Lougheed.
TREE SERVICE (10 weeks). $550. 604-820-4236
GARAGE SALE Certified Crime Free Building 3 Bdrm + den $1500/mo New 2 bdrm grnd lvl. quiet CSD.
np/ns. Refs. Shrd lndry. $900 incls
30 years experience LAB PUPS black & yellow ready to
Sat. & Sun. Nov. 6 & 7 22256 ~ 119th Ave utils. Avail. now. 604-961-0727.
go 12 wks, Moving must sell $300, Silverdale home , 2 level suite
mom & dad on site 778-928-4839 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. S Impeccably clean S Heat Very cleam, quiet 1 Bdrm Apt. MAPLE RIDGE W. Clean, bright
Underground gated parking 3 Bdrm with river views
Bob Fitz-James LABRADOODLE puppies for sale.
Vet checked, 1st shots, de-wormed,
23930 Abernathy Way
(off 238B)
S H/water S Parking S Ldry
1 bdrm. from $775/mo. W No Pets W No Drugs Brand new addition $1600.
2 bdrm. Near all amen. Share ldry.
$850/mo. utils. incl. Ns/np. Avail.
604-467-0333 family-farm raised, great family dog,
low-shedding. $600. 778-888-9132
Household items, bookcases,
Christmas & Halloween deco-
Senior Oriented OR whole house, separate Nov. 15th/Dec. 1st. 604-375-2950
Bucket Truck (604)466-1408 quarters 6 Bdrms, 2 kitchens NEW GROUND level, 2 bed suite.
rations. RV items, tools. Big $1000/mnth all incl. Overlooks pool,
LABS, Chocolate, Parents reg’d, assortment of things. MAPLE INN $3000/mo own laundry. Quiet area, ref pls.
pups not. 1st shots, dewormed, vet PITT MEADOWS
chkd, M/F, $600/ea. (604)850-4945 11695 -224th St Call Maria @
Steve 778-990-8050 avail Dec 1st
Pups & adults. Ador. choc. & col- GARAGE SALE Maple Ridge 1 bdrm - $550/mo The Meadows RemaxRidge Meadows f/p, utils incl; cls to bus & WCE.
includes hot water (604)466-2838 Own W/D, suit sgl or cple. $800/mo.
ours. Reduced,$600. 604-820-9469 Sun, Nov 7th, 10am-2pm Certified Crime Free Building Gated underground parking,
N/S, N/P. Avail immed. (604)460-
MINI SCHNAUZER pups, 1st shots, 19319 117B Ave. Mature adult oriented. heated outdoor pool. Heat, hot Mon ~ Fri 9am ~ 5pm 8385 or 604-785-4154.
water & 3 appliances included. www.ridgemeadows
dewormed, tails docked vet ✓ Asst’d household items, incl furni- Close to uptown PITT Meadows. Lrg newer 1 bdrm.
$750/ea. Call 604-657-2915. ture, 14” TV/DVD combo, Crea- 604-463-4131 for appointment 2 min. walk to Westcoast
tive rubber stamps, maple rock- (9am-5pm) Express. Mature person shr w/d. Ns/np. Lots
NEED A GOOD HOME for a good ing chair, lamps, cameras, Game of storage big closets 604-460-1958
dog or a good dog for a good Boy & Game Boy Advance & MAPLE RIDGE, 11671 Fraser St. 1 Large 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites 746 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT COQUITLAM: new house, 1
home? We adopt dogs! games, books, sporting goods ++ Bdrm, nr Haney Mall, WCE. Avail & 2 bdrm bsmt ste’s. $750/mo & or call: 604- Available
----- RAIN OR SHINE ----- now. $815/mo. 604-880-7137 $900/mo. W/D & cble incl. NS/NP.
856-3647. $75 OFF 1ST MONTH Avail immed. Ph: 604-782-9546.
MAPLE RIDGE Call: 604-460-7539 Rooms from $435/mo. Fully Furn,
Pomeranian pups, reg, adorable, PITT MEADOWS 604-465-0008 or 604-465-5818
orange/party colours, 1st shots, weekly maid service, cable TV,
starting $500. Call (604)794-7345 ✶Open House Garage Sale✶ 1 & 2 Bdrs from $740/mo private bath, on bus route, 5/min 751 SUITES, UPPER
Shihtzu(3/4) Papillon x pups, fem.,
19065 - 117A Ave. Polo Club walk to commuter rail.
tri-colour, declaws, 1shots, deworm,
10am to 3pm
GREAT LOCATION Apartments Haney Motor Hotel on c/d/s with mtn view. Very clean,
view parents. $550 604-795-6552
Furniture, Gardening tools & gar- Queen Anne Apts. 22222 Lougheed Hwy., main flr of house for rent, Nov 15th.
SHIH TZU PUPPIES, $300. dening equip, lots household, 19071 Ford Rd. Maple Ridge Approx 1400 sq.ft., 3 bdrms, garage
Please call: (778)891-0333 $1175/mo. Call George 9am-5pm,
Xmas deocrations, pictures and * Renovated Suites * Pitt Meadows Inquire in person between 604-467-9340.
ST. BERNARD female pup, 4 mos, LOTS MORE. No Early Birds Please! 9am - 3pm or
splash coat, 1st & 2nd shots, Phone (778)772-7848 Clean, very quiet, large, Clean, Quiet Well Managed Bldg. MAPLE RIDGE: 2 BDRM UPPER
$850/ea. Call (604)462-8605
3 Blocks to W.C. Express Call 604-467-3944 ste, reno’d. $800/mo + utils. Avail
Nov 1st. 604-764-0726
Wolf X Shepherd pups, $500. 7 wks 560 MISC. FOR SALE HOT WATER & HYDRO W 1 & 2 Bdrm Suites
blk w/markings, dewormed, view par- MAPLE RIDGE. Large room, quiet, MAPLE RIDGE. 3 bdrm upper. Own
W 3 Appliances priv entry, pet ok $375 incl util. Dec laundry. D/W. Ensuite. N/P. N/S.
ents. (604)869- Near Shopping & Amenities. W Secured Garage Parking
2772 Laidlaw, Hope AT A CLICK of a mouse, 1st. 604-467-0836, 778-235-5170 Avail. immed. $1200/mo. + share is your W Adult Oriented utils. Call 604-728-9239.
604-463-7450 W Ref’s Req’d & Absolutely No Pets
local source to over 300,000 747B SENIOR ASSISTED LIVING
8SSYVZEPYIHVIEHIVW businesses! 604-463-2236
604.465.7221 752 TOWNHOUSES
12186-224 St, Maple Ridge NOW RENTING
&'74'%WYTTSVXVIWTSR price. Best quality. All shapes &
WMFPITIXKYEVHMERWLMT colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Maple Ridge Central
&IJSVIFY]MRKERI[ MAPLE RIDGE: 1 bdrm, clean/quiet
apt, avail immed. Seniors welc. NEW carpets & lino $775/mo RJ Kent Residences. Brand New 3 Bedroom 21/2 bath
PAUL BUNYAN TYTT]IRWYVIXLIWIPPIV 563 MISC. WANTED $550 incl heat/prkg. (604)463-7175 S Incl heat/hot wtr, wndw cvrngs 1 bdrm. suites. Monthly lease Avail immed. $1200/mo
Tree Service S Close to bus stop includes 2 meals, weekly house-
S Walk to shpng/medical/WCE keeping and flat laundry service. Damage deposit ~ Ref’s
WANTED - CHILDREN’S TOYS hospital, ns/np, ref’s. Dec 1st. $850
* ISA Certified Arborist SJ[IPJEVIXSXLIERMQEP Has your child outgrown their toys? incl heat/h.water. 604-465-2905. S Across from park w/Mtn views Credit check ~ No Pets
*Hazard Tree Removal ERHXLIFVIIHMRKTEVIRXW S Secure gated parking 2675 Shaughnessy St.,
* Crown Reduction & Falling
Would like to purchase all types of
toys. Will pick up. (604)460-8412
MAPLE RIDGE 2 bdrm. condo, 2 S Adult oriented building Port Coquitlam 778-285-5554 Call 604-466-6348
* Stump Grinding *SVEGSQTPIXIKYMHIXS full baths, kitchen, full laundry, cor- S References required Leave message
*Prune & Hedge Trim GSRWMHIVEXMSRW[LIR ner unit. $1150 mo. + utils. N/S N/P. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT
* Arborist Reports EGUYMVMRKERI[TIX 566 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Nov. 1. 604-537-8776
604-464-3550 748 SHARED ACCOMMODATION MAPLE RIDGE. Newly reno’d
Insured WCB MAPLE RIDGE. #803-11980-222 3 bdrm. detatched t/h. F/p, a/c, w/d,
Free Estimates ZMWMXWTGEFGGE COLLECTORS SAXOPHONES St. 2 bdrm corner apt, 8th flr, 2 PORT MOODY, Newport Village. 2 MAPLE RIDGE CENTRAL. 1 bdrm. f/s. $1250/mo. + utils. Avail. Nov.
Baritone 1926 Silver, CM Conn Ltd, bath, 1030 s.f., view. $1050/mo. bdrm condo. 5 appls. Gas F/P. Nr available to share in 2 bdrm. apt. 1st. Ref’s. needed & D.D. negot.
604-942-6907 original with Case, good shape, Call Ed for app’t 604-467-1696 or rec ctr, transit & library. Avail now. $350/mo. + utils. Female only. N/s. Call Doug or Patty @ 604-467-
$3500 Call 604-534-2997 email: $1150/mo. N/P. N/S. 604-524-3353. Avail. Dec 1st. N/p. 604-467-8080 5982 or 604-462-0331 - THE NEWS - Friday, November 5, 2010 – 51

townhouse, Roomy, bright, 5 appls
$950/mo. Close Bus/WC Express.
Avail now. Call: 778-808-1742
2010 Classic
Cruiser 19FBS
PITT MEADOWS: 2-3 bdrm co-op • Built in Japan
T/H $1005/mo - $1089/mo. Shares
req’d. No subsidy available. Orien-
tation 2nd Sun. 2 pm & 3rd Tues.
• Intelligent all wheel drive
7 pm ea mo. 19225 119th Ave., Pitt
• Made for

Meadows V3Y 2B2. Send SASE
or leave msg 604-465-1938
Canadian Winter
TRANSPORTATION A great lightweight trailer with
• Engineered
dinette slideout.
$19,995 (stk.28288)
1-800-806-1976 DL #30644
beyond belief
2010 Laredo 265RL

500 FREE
Lg. slideout, Equa-flex
suspension, Corian countertops,
rear living, elec. awning.
$29,995 (stk.28122)
The Scrapper

GAS CARD! With every new or pre-enjoyed vehicle purchased
1-800-806-1976 DL #30644


Starting at $25,995
604.683.2200 851 TRUCKS & VANS
778-865-5454 2002 FORD F150 XLT 4X2 s/c.
Cash for all vehicles - free towing - One owner, extra clean, white. 4.6
FREE Airmiles
quick service - always available. efi, 4 spd. auto O/D, 4 dr. w/flairside
778-865-5454 bed, f.g. bed cover. XLT special ap-
pearance pkg, cast alum. wheels.
$8000. Daytime/Evening 604-746-
with every test drive
The following vehicles will
be sold as per the ware-
AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL house liens act:
Minimum $100 cash for full size
vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673
1996 Ford Windstar
registered owner Leslie Marie
WANTED Brothers, debt amount $1433.49.
1986 Chevrolet Corvette
818 CARS - DOMESTIC VIN# 1G1YYO785G5113441,
registered owner Eleanor Ann SX4 Hatchback JLX shown Most fuel efficient Compact AWD in Canada Grand Vitara JLX shown
1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Laird, debt amount $2241.03
Brougham, 4 dr sedan , low miles,
2002 GMC Savanna Van
loaded. Offers? (604)795-9215
1995 MERC Sable GT. 75km. new VIN#1GTHG35R821106619, 2010 SX4 HATCHBACK JX AWD 2010 GRAND VITARA JX 4WD
tires, new rad, new brakes, Call for registered owner WS Leasing $ $
info. $2900. (604)468-7417
2000 BUICK CENTURY LTD. leath-
er, V6, 119K, spotless cond, priv,
$4800 obo. (604)940-9427.
2003 DODGE SX 2.0. Silver. 4 door
(Lessee), debt amount $2490.46

If you have any claim to any of

131 * Bi-Weekly
plus tax 0.9 * Financing
for 84
168 $ 0.9 * Bi-Weekly
plus tax
* Financing
for 84

these vehicles please respond
164,000 kms. Looks great, runs
well. $3500. obo. 604-534-7588
24 - 48hr. Service
by November 19th, 2010 to Ma- Includes destination, delivery and fees OR CLEARANCE SAVE
604.408.2277 ple Ridge Towing (1981) Ltd,
Includes destination, delivery and fees
23283 McKay Ave, Maple Ridge,
B.C. V2W 1B9.
All pre-enjoyed vehicles get All pre-enjoyed vehicles
All bids to be submitted in writ-
ing by November 19th, 2010 to a 30 DAY EXCHANGE GET A 1 YEAR
Autos • Trucks
• Equipment Removal
All Suzuki vehicles come with a 5-year, 100,000 kilometre powertrain
1988 PORSCHE 911 Coupe. All
original, only 125K, just inspected
serviced. $26,800. 604-987-3876.
FREE TOWING 7 days/wk.
We pay Up To $500 CA$H
Rick Goodchild 604.551.9022
WARRANTY limited warranty and 3-year unlimited kilometre roadside assistance.
1992 JAG SOVEREIGN 4 dr, black,
6 cyl, exc cond in/out, priv, $5500 830 MOTORCYCLES 830 MOTORCYCLES
obo. Call: (604)940-9427 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
1998 HONDA CIVIC, 2 dr, red. Air- 8100 - 2850 Shaughnessy St.
cared til March ‘12. 95K kms. Exc.
cond. Auto. $3850. 604-226-4451 Port Coquitlam
2001 HONDA ACCORD 4/dr 3L,
exc cond, fully loaded, leather, pow- CLEARANCE Located right on the Oxford Connector
er heated front seats, moon roof,
224K - highway. 604-314-8022.
604-464-3330 SUPERCENTRE
2002 Mazda Protege 5 5 spd, a/c,
p/w, p/m, p/l, cruise, 141,000 km’s CONSUMERS SHOULD READ THE FOLLOWING: ALL-IN-ONE PR1CE means there are no surprises; our Purchase Financing and Clearance Cash Price offers include Delivery & Destination, $100 A/C Excise Tax (where applicable), $399 Dealer Administration Fee and Customer
$6,200 (604) 462-8493 Cruiser Cash Incentive (includes Dealer Participation where required). Your only additional costs are the applicable taxes, license, registration and insurance. Vehicles may not be exactly as shown. Limited time offers are subject to change without notice. Selling Price of a new
2010 SX4 Sedan with manual transmission (Model S3LB1J0), 2010 SX4 Hatchback with manual transmission (Model H3NB1H0), 2010 SX4 Hatchback JX AWD with manual transmission (H3NB2J0) and 2010 Grand Vitara JX with automatic transmission (Model L2NB5T0) is
$19,589/$19,589/$23,489/$30,089 includes Delivery & Destination, $100 A/C Excise Tax (where applicable), $399 Dealer Administration Fee and Customer Cash Incentive $2,250/$2,250/$500/$500 (includes Dealer Participation where required). Offers do not include applicable
2003 HONDA Accord EX-L. Black, 1700 Roadstar taxes, license, registration and insurance. Certain conditions apply. Dealers may sell for less. Selling Price of models shown: 2010 SX4 Sedan Sport with manual transmission (Model S3LB1K0), 2010 SX4 Hatchback JLX with CVT transmission (H3NB720) and 2010 Grand Vitara
lthr, fully loaded ex cond. Orig own- $
er. 221K. $8500 obo. 604-556-8778 9,499 JLX with automatic transmission (Model L2MB5V0) is $21,589/$26,589/$31,589 includes Delivery & Destination, $100 A/C Excise Tax (where applicable), $399 Dealer Administration Fee and Customer Cash Incentive $750/$500/$500 (includes Dealer Participation where required).
Offers do not include applicable taxes, license, registration and insurance. *Limited time finance offers available to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Special bi-weekly purchase finance offer is available for a 84/84/84/84 month term or for a total of 182/182/182/182
+ Frt. & PDI = $10,029 bi-weekly payments. The bi-weekly payment at 0.9%/0.9%/0.9%/0.9% purchase financing APR is $99/$99/$131/$168 with $0/$0/$0/$0 down payment. Cost of borrowing is $555/$555/$735/$945 for a total obligation of $17,892/$17,892/$23,722/$30,533 includes Delivery & Destination,
2007 Hyundai Sonata GLS, 3.3L $100 A/C Excise Tax (where applicable), $399 Dealer Administration Fee and Customer Cash Incentive (includes Dealer Participation where required). Offers do not include PPSA up to $72, applicable taxes, license, registration and insurance. Customer Cash Incentive of
auto, V6, leather seats, sunroof, $2,250/$2,250/$500/$500 included when purchase financing a 2010 SX4 Sedan with manual transmission (Model S3LB1J0), 2010 SX4 Hatchback with manual transmission (Model H3NB1H0), 2010 SX4 Hatchback JX AWD with manual transmission (H3NB2J0) and 2010 Grand
39,000k, $12,900. (604)858-4179 Vitara JX with automatic transmission (Model L2NB5T0). Dealer Participation Required. 10.9% purchase finance APR is equivalent to a 4.18% effective finance rate. **CASH CLEARANCE PRICE of a new 2010 Grand Vitara JX with automatic transmission (Model L2NB5T0) is

AT A CLICK of a mouse, 49cc SCOOTERS Off Road Cruiser $24,995 includes Delivery & Destination, $100 A/C Excise Tax (where applicable), $399 Dealer Administration Fee and Customer Cash Incentive $5,094 (includes Dealer Participation where required). Offers do not include applicable taxes, license, registration and insurance.
Certain conditions apply. CASH CLEARANCE PRICE of model shown: 2010 Grand Vitara JLX with automatic transmission (Model L2MB5V0) is $27,089 includes Delivery & Destination, $100 A/C Excise Tax (where applicable), $399 Dealer Administration Fee and Customer Cash
1900 Roadliner Incentive $4,500. Offers do not include applicable taxes, license, registration and insurance. Dealers may sell for less. Customer Cash Incentive on Grand Vitara cannot be combined with special finance offers. †Don’t Pay until 2011 offer: No payments for 120 days applies to is your BWs/Vino/C3 WR250F $6,729 purchase finance offers on new 2010 Grand Vitara and SX-4 models, concluded, respectively between August 1, 2010 and November 5, 2010. The purchaser will repay principal and interest monthly over the term of the contract, commencing 91 days after the contract date.
local source to over 300,000 Midnight
1899 WR450F $6,999 $
Information shown is based on latest available at time of print. See participating dealers for conditions and details. Dealer may sell for less. Choose One Offers end November 30, 2010. Purchase Financing and Cash Clearance offers end November 5, 2010. AWD available as an
businesses! Starting at
+ Frt. & PDI = $7329/$7529
13,399 option on the SX4 Hatchback. Based on Fuel Consumption Guide ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Fuel economy estimates are determined by using Transport Canada approved testing methods.
+ Frt. & PDI = $2209 + Frt. & PDI = $13,929


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