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This guidance-based ladder is a process to ensure that students, their parents, crew leaders, guidance and the school
administration are notified early when a problem arises with a student. Students should not receive a failing grade in a
course without having the parent, crew leader, guidance counselor and administration notified as early as possible. This
allows all the stakeholders to be on the same page in supporting the student and intervening to guarantee success.

Step 0: Create a Google Doc of anecdotes about student that is shared with Crew, Guidance, and Admin. This
helps you keep your anecdotes in an organized electronic manner so that you can easily share with different
people, print for parents or suspension hearings, and confer with student with evidence.

Guidance-Based Discipline Ladder Note: can be email/call/conversation

Write brief notes about the behaviors discussed and Crew Parent Guid Admin
agreements made in each conference. notified notified notified notified
Step 1 Teacher – Student Conference Yes
Student presents a problem – homework, poor test grades, lack of
Date: participation, disruptive behavior, or just something that is bothering Date:
you. Don’t wait to see if it’s going to get better. Arrange to speak
with the student and discuss what you are noticing.
Step 2 Teacher Phone Call to Parent Yes Yes
The problem persists, call home about what you’re noticing, what
Date: you’ve done to try to support the student, and ask for any Date: Date:
suggestions from the parent. Write note/email to the crew leader
informing him/her of action taken and summary of phone call.
Step 3 Teacher – Student – Advisor Conference Yes Yes Yes
Problem persists and may be getting worse. Email your Google
Date: Doc anecdotes including all the intervention strategies that you Date: Date: Date:
have tried to crew leader and Guidance. Short conference can be
held first without teacher depending on the situation in order for
advisor to prep student for meeting. Then teacher – student –
advisor should have conference – during Crew, lunch, common
prep, Student Support, or after school are potential times. You may
find a contract useful at this time. Parent should be informed that
there was a meeting and what was discussed. Conference should
include a plan for checking in again at a future time.
Step 4 Teacher – Student – Advisor – Guidance – Admin Conference Yes Yes Yes Yes
See above. Guidance or Advisor should prep the student for a
Date: more serious meeting, including warnings of classroom removal or Date: Date: Date: Date:
suspension if the behavior continues.
Step 5 Request Classroom Removal – teacher completes removal letter Yes Yes Yes Yes
Behavior continues. Teacher shows Intervention Log and Google
Date: Doc to Wanda/Scill and discusses option of classroom removal. Date: Date: Date: Date:
Teacher completes removal letter (available on Teacher Portal) and
it is mailed home. A set number of days is decided for the removal
and ample work is provided for student to complete in admim office.
Guidance preps student for and schedules re-entry conference.
Step 6 Teacher – Student – Advisor – Guidance Re-entry Conference Yes Yes Yes Yes
See above. If behavior continues, teacher discusses with admin
Date: about suspension. Teacher continues to update student, Crew Date: Date: Date: Date:
leader, parent, and guidance about behavior.

Brooklyn School for Collaborative Studies

Principal: Alyce Barr MS Director: Wanda Barbot HS Director: Scill Chan
610 Henry Street, Brooklyn, New York 11231 718- 923-4750 x516 Fax: 718-923-4730

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