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Why Storytelling:

You can’t just order people to “be more creative” or to “get motivated” or to “start
loving your job.” The human brain doesn’t work that way. But you can lead them
there with a good story. Ordering people to “follow the rules” doesn’t work
because nobody reads the rulebook. But people will read a good story about
someone who broke the rules and got fired, or a woman who followed the rules
and got a raise. And that is always more effective.


Storytelling is for Leaders” and generally one day training, created with an
objective to support leaders to become influential speakers, to stand up and talk
effectively without relying on PowerPoint, to learn how to communicate
strategically important information and motivate members of their teams.
Storytelling is focused on developing skills of influencing, including and inspiring

The five most commonly used are probably these: inspiring the organization,
setting a vision, teaching important lessons, defining culture and values, and
explaining who you are and what you believe.

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