The Sovereign Family Newsletter November 2010

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CCO ministry at Arcadia University

To Support This Ministry: Greg, Ashley, Caedmon, Abigail, and Cole Sovereign
Make checks payable to CCO, with
my name on the memo line, and mail
Life...Need I Say More?
to CCO, 5912 Penn Avenue, Pitts- June-
June-July About ten students
burgh, PA 15206. were living and working at Arcadia
over the summer or already lived in
Or give online:
the area. I co-led with a student a
Your contribution is tax deductible. study on the book of Esther.

To contact me:
August We left for our family va-
310 S. Easton Rd Apt B123 cation/support raising trip to Flor-
Glenside, PA 19038 ida. It was great to visit with so many relatives along the way. Our
610-888-1792 trip backed up to the wedding of two of our students (Dave and
Niquelle, mentioned in our previous newsletter) in Long Island. NY.
The wedding was beautiful and we were blessed to attend. Upon re-
turning it was crunch time! The student-leaders arrived back to cam-
pus and the bulk of the planning was underway.
September All students were back to campus, classes started, and
the ACF leadership was ready to serve the 50-55 students we thought
would check out the ministry. When over 70 students showed up to
our Thursday night gatherings each of the few 2 weeks, we were over-
whelmed! It was truly exciting to see so many students crammed into
the room, but the leadership needed to scramble to keep up. We
added a 6th Small Group and expanded our leadership team to better
represent the unexpected growth. Sept 17-19 we took over 30 stu-
dents on our annual fall retreat to the Poconos. Our speaker, Gibson
Largent, spoke three times throughout the weekend, with hiking,
sleeping, and game breaks in between. In response to Gibson’s chal-
lenging messages, three girls accepted Christ!
October The participation on Thursday nights was down to a more
manageable number, but the small group participation throughout the
week continued to grow. Students began registering for the Jubilee
Conference in Pittsburgh in February and applying to go on a mission
trip I am leading in March to Nicaragua. Just last week two students
decided to follow Jesus! We’re excited to help get them plugged into
some discipleship relationships. Their stories are on our blog.
Family Notes
We hosted my brother, YOU
Eric, and his family over
July 4th weekend. The
You are friend or family.
brief visit included day .
trips to Lancaster, PA You attend a church or lead one
or hun dre ds down it.
and NYC. I always enjoy You live a few miles up the road
going there and hosting You have moved away or we hav
on or in pictures.
family and friends us You know our students in pers
gives us an excuse to You give or pray or both.
read about our students’.
head up there for a day You read about our lives; you
(hint hint!)… Just a cou- We love college students. ever.
tha n tell ing them abo ut Jesus and how He changes lives for
ple weeks later Caed- We know no greater joy
mon headed off to You are part of this work.
“sleep away” camp Thank you for taking part.
about an hour north of Thank YOU.
home. Ashley scheduled
his camp to coincide
with my being in Pitts-
burgh for a week of CCO
training… Caedmon began 4th grade and Abigail started Kindergarten in
September… This has been the most mentally and physically exhausting
start to a semester yet but I’ve been taking day off here, a day off there, and
have been sick a couple times. These voluntary (and mandatory) breaks
have forced me to rest… We celebrated our 11th anniversary (10/23) with a
day trip to scenic New Hope, PA. The following night we hosted my parents
and second cousins for a few hours as they made their back to NC… Hallow-
een weekend my brother, Mark, and his family visited for the weekend. Our
kids really enjoy having their cousins in-country again, after several years in
Japan then Germany.

Praise Prayer
• Our 5 new sisters in Christ in the past 6 weeks! • For growth and protection of our 5 new sisters.
• Our students are serving, getting involved in • For us to continue protecting time with our chil-
local churches, and living out and sharing their dren.
faith. • Provision of more support.

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