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1. A stone weighs 105 lb in air. When submerge in water, it weighs 67.0 lb. Find the volume and
specific gravity of the stone.

Ans. Volume= 0.609 ft3

SG= 2.76

2. A cube of timber 1.25 ft on each side floats in water. The specific gravity of the timber is 0.6. Find
the submerged depth of the cube.

Ans. 0.75 ft.

3. a concrete cube 10 inches on each side is to be held in equilibrium under water by attaching a
lightweight foam buoy to it. (in theory, the attached foam buoy and concrete cube, when placed
under water, will neither rise nor sink.) If the specific weight of concrete and foam are 150 lb/ft3 and
5 lb/ft3, respectively, what minimum volume of foam is required?
Ans. V= 0.883 ft3

4. a 2 in by 2 in by 10 ft. spar has 7 lb of steel weight attached (fig. 1); the buoy has lodge against a
rock 7 ft. deep, as depicted on fig 2. Compute the angle at which the buoy will lean, assuming the
rock exerts no moment on the body.

figure 1 figure 2

Angle= 19.5 degree

5. A block of steel (SG=7.85) will float at a mercury water interface. What will be the ratio of
distances a and b for this condition?

Ratio= 0.839

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