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SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY – TCH10014 Professional Experience I Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Date: Time: Stage: 2 Class: Junior School: Coolangatta State School
Maths 3D Shapes 29/10/18 Purple
APST Focus:
2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies.
4.2 Manage classroom activities

Curriculum Outcome: (Code and descriptor)

Describe the features of three-dimensional object. (ACMMG043 )

Objective: As a result of this lesson the students will be able to: Identify and describe the face, edge and corner attributes of familiar three-dimensional objects.

Background and / or Prior Knowledge: Students have been working on drawing shapes throughout the week and identifying comers, edges and faces.

Timing Procedure Considerations
Students Teacher
(ORIENTATION) Do not begin lesson until I Are students able to Was I clearly able to explain to
Gain attention have all students’ identify the attributes of a students what an edge, corner and
10 1,2,3 eyes on me. attention. 3D shape? face is?
Minutes Go over Learning Intentions and Success
criteria Encourage students to get
Go though PowerPoint of what an edge, face up in front of the class and
and comer is. identify attributes of a 3d
Have students point out on white board or
familiar objects where the corner, face and Learning Intentions:
edges od an object.  Describe and label
the features of

 Identify and
name some
familiar three-
Success Criteria
 Describe and label
the surfaces, faces,
edges and corners
of three-
 Identify familiar
objects in the

30 (GUIDED DISCOVERY) Will need longer and Are students engaged and Was I successfully able to model
Minutes Making 3 dimensional shapes with skewers and shorter sticks to make paying attention? making the 3D shape?
blue-tack them.
Ensure I cut the point off Are students able to make Was I able to support student
Model to students how to make a cube using the end. their own three participation?
blue tack and skewers. dimensional shape?
Students then at their desks make a cube and For students who are
fill out the sheet provided. (As seen in appendix having trouble with the
1.). activity allow them to
work with another
Repeat with other 3d shapes (I do, You do). student, or supply that
student with extra support
when reading instructions.
15 (EXPLORATION) Ensure all students are Are students able to Am I able to mange students
minutes Choose one person to be in. involved in group activity. participate in the activity? behaviour in a class activity ?
And all of the other students have a card that
tells them:
What the shape is called
How many faces the shape has
How many edges the shape has
How many corners the shape has.
And the students give the person in, one clue at
a time while the person in has to guess what
shape they are talking about.
Whole class activity.
What Shape am I? (As seen in appendix).

10 (REFLECTION) Ensure I choose a range of Am I able to get a accurate reflection

minutes Pick out shapes from the box of wooden students. of what students have learnt?
shapes and pick a student out of the bucket to Are student able to answer
answer the questions: the questions after the
What is the 3D shape called? lesson?
How many edges does the shape have?
How many faces does the shape have?
How many corners does the shape have?


Appendix. 1

Name of the 3
How many faces
does the shape
How many edges
does the shape
How many corners
does the shape
Appendix. 2

What shape am I
I have 8 corners.
What shape am I?

I have 12 edges
What shape am I?
I have 6 square faces
What shape am I?
I am the same shape
as a dice.
What shape am I?
Answer: I am a Cube.
I have 8 Corners
What shape a am I?
I have 12 edges
What shape am I?
I have 2 square faces
and 4 rectangle faces
What shape am I?
I am the same shape
as a tissue box
What shape and I?
Answer: I am a
Rectangle prism

I have 5 corners
What shape am I?
I have 8 edges
What shape am I?
I have 1 square face and I have

Answer square pyramid

This lesson went well and I was astonished by the engagement the students had throughout the lesson. I do, we do you do,
worked well and it allowed all students to complete the task. By engaging students in a hand on activity they were eager to learn
and I feel they work better with no students complaining about boredom or this is to easy or hard. If I did this lesson again I would
also incorporate play dough into the lesson so students were able to make a cylinder sphere ad cone as well. I would also ensure
that all sticks were the same length.

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