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Pre-poroduction meeting by merchant with R.&.D master ,cutting in-charge,pattern master,floor 15 min: no production file should be
1 incharge,sewing and finishing QA. accepted after 3 pm
2 File handover to R.N.D dept.
3 File handover to cutting dept for R&D cutting. same day
4 Shrinkage & width of fabric recived from fabric store by cutting master for concern style. same day
5 Sending file to CAD for marker. same day
6 Fabric reciving from fabric store by sample fabric request slip. same day
7 R&D cutting & issued to R&D dept. next day first half
4 days in case of size set and 3 days in
8 R&D report making, pattern correction and signature by R&D incharge and floor incharge and sewing Q.A case of R&D
Internal PP meeting including floor incharge,line supervisor,production QC,finishing incharge,finishing QC
9 and R&D master. before starting the pilot run
10 File handover to cutting dept for bulk cutting. same day
to be planned as per the cutting
11 Fabric width checking from store. requirement
to be planned as per the cutting
12 Sending file to CAD for cut plan making. requirement
to be planned as per the cutting
13 Request for layer average to merchant after reciving of cut plan. requirement

to be planned as per the cutting

14 Order process component making by fabric store. requirement/ same day when advised
to be planned as per the cutting
15 Lot cut making by cutting for fabric issuing. requirement
to be planned as per the cutting
requirement/ same day when lot cut
16 Reciving fabric from fabric store for bulk cutting. made
Cutting. Only pcs to 5% to be cut before cutting bulk. Minimum 100 pcs and maximum 500 pcs(including to be planned as per the cutting
17 TOP/base size) requirement
18 Cut part inspection by cutting Q.C. same day
19 Ticketing. same day
20 Emb,printing etc.(as per requirment) to be planned
21 Issuing cutting in sewing. when required

Inspection of ist 10 good pcs by production QC(before washing/after washing). Wash approval to be taken as soon as the pcs come out. In normal
22 by merchant. circumstances, to be done by next day
23 Pcs should be checked in front of R&D master so that he can advise if something is missing.
24 Report making by production QC,signature by floor incharge,line supervisor. same day
Finishing inspection by finishing QC and report making,signature by finishing incharge,floor incharge and
merchant,production manager. One finished and packed pc to be shown to merchant and packing approval
25 to be taken
26 proceed with bulk cutting
27 TOP,GPT(as per requirment).
Bulk production reciving from production line by kaaj button/ ewmbridery section by internal challan. First
28 5 pcs to be checked for thread color and to be shown to merchant as well
29 Kaaj/button,bartuk,layer sticker removal.
30 Issuing unfinished pcs. in washing by kaaj button section.
31 Washing
32 Issuing washed pcs from washing by kaaj button section.
33 Issuing washed pcs in finishing by internal challan.
Internal initial ,midline inspection by finishing Q.C. All the reports to be made daily and signed by stitching/
34 finishing and floor incharge.
35 Finishing & packing.
36 Packing list by finishing in-charge.
37 Shipment handover to packing department.
38 Final inspection by buying house QA.



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