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Proposed BID/MBA Sample Study Plan (2016-2017 Catalog)

Degrees Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 Semester 9 Semester 10
BID DSN S 102 DSN S 131 IND D 201 IND D 202 IND D 301 IND D IND D IND D 543 Hist, Theory, & IND D 499
132.5 credits Design Studio I Design Rep. Ind. Des. Studio I Ind. Des. Studio II Ind. Des. Studio III Options Options Ind D Practice and Crit Course Sr. Project
4 cr 4 cr 6 cr 6 cr 6 cr 6 cr 6 cr 3 cr 3 cr 6 cr
DSN S 183 Gen Ed IND D 231 IND D 232 IND D 332 Concentration Concentration Concentration Gen Ed
Design Cultures Soc. Sciences (2) Intro. to Ind. Des. Creative Thinking Research Methods Track Elective Track Elective Track Elective Course
3 cr 3cr (ECON 101) 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr
Gen Ed ENGL 150 ENGR 260 ENGR 270 IND D 341 Hist, Theory, &
Soc. Sciences (1) Crit. Thinking Thought to Thing How Things Work CAD for Ind. Des. and Crit Course
3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr
DSN S 110 or Gen Ed INDD 251 IND D 334 Communications IND D 388
DSN S 115 Math Course Human Factors Materials & Proc. Elective Ind. Des. History II
0.5-1.0 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr
Gen Ed Gen Ed ENGL 250 IND D 387
Humanities (1) Humanities (2) WOVE Ind. Des. History I
3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr
Gen Ed LIB 160
PHYS 101 Info. Lit.
3 cr 1 cr
48 credits Quant Analy. Finance Bus &Society Elective
3 cr 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr
ACCT 501 MKT 501 MGMT 504 MBA
Accounting Marketing Strategy Elective
3 cr 3 cr (Gen Ed) 3 cr 3 cr
ECON 532 SCM 501 MBA
Economics Supply Chain Elective
3 cr 3 cr 3 cr
MGMT 502 MIS 501 MBA
Org Behavio Info. Systems Elective
3 cr (Gen Ed) 3 cr 3 cr
Prof. Skills I Prof. Skills II
R cr R cr
BID 132.5 cr 16.5/16.5 17/33.5 18/51.5 15/66.5 18/84.5 15/99.5 9/108.5 9/117.5 6/123.5 9/132.5
MBA 48 cr 12/12 12/24 12/36 12/48
Shared 12 cr (3/3) (3/6) (0/6) (6/12)
168.5 Total cr 16.5/16.5 17/33.5 18/51.5 15/66.5 18/84.5 15/99.5 18/117.5 18/135.5 18/153.5 15/168.5
The concurrent BID/MBA degree program includes twelve “shared” credits which can be applied to both degrees: MGMT 502 (Gen Ed), MKT 501 (Gen Ed), and IND D 499.
Econ 101 is recommended as a social sciences elective as a prerequisite to Econ 532. Other Gen Ed courses must fulfill international perspectives and U.S. diversity
IND D Options include two of the following: IND D 397 Internship (6 cr), IND D 495 Study Abroad (6 cr), or IND D 507 Industrial Design Practicum.
Twelve credits of MBA electives in Semester 9 and Semester 10 must be 500 level courses from the College of Business.

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