Chem Chapter 5

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Chemistry I

NAME OF YOUR ACADEMY Time: 1:20 hours

Chapter 5 ADDRESS OF YOUR ACADEMY Total Marks: 30
Objective Part
Q.1. Choose the correct option. (10)

Statements A B C D
The nature of The nature of The nature of
1 The nature of positive rays depends on All of these
electrode discharge tube residual gas
Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are Photoelectric Compton
2 Zeeman effect Stark effect
subjected to strong electric field is called effect effect
3 Anode rays were discovered by J. Stoney Rutherford J.J. Thomson Goldstein

4 The atomic radius is of the order of 10-8cm 108cm 10-12cm 10-10cm

Valence Degenerate
5 Orbitals having same energy are called Hybird orbitals D-orbitals
orbitals orbitals
Quantum number value for 2p sub shell
6 n = 2, I = 1 n = 1, l =1 n = 1, l = 0 n = 2, l = 0
The particles which on losing an electron
7 Nitrogen atom O+ion P-1ion S+1ion
has its outermost p-orbital half filled
8 The charge on electron is 6.023 x 10-23C 1.602 x 10-23C 1.602 x 10-19C 6.625 x 10-34C
The wave number of the light is 2 x 106 m.
9 200 nm 500 m 5 x 107m 500 nm
the wavelength of this light is
The velocity of photon is Equal to
Independent of Depends on its Depends on
10 square of its
its wavelength wavelength its source

Subjective Part
2. Write short answers to any SIX (6) questions. 2×6=(12)
1. State Moseley’s Law.
2. Give two defects in Rutherford’s atomic model.
3. Describe Stark ad Zeeman affect.
4. Cathode rays can cause a chemical change. Justify.
5. Give two properties of neutrons.
6. The radius of the first orbit of the hydrogen atom is 0.529 Ao. Calculate the radius of the third orbit.
7. e/m value of cathode rays is just equal to that of electrons. Justify.
8. The positive rays are also called canal rays. Explain.
9. State Hund’s rule.

3. Write answers to any TWO of the following questions in details. (8)

1. Give defects of Bohr’s atomic model.
2. Describe Millikan’s oil drop method for determination of charge of electron.
3. Discuss properties of Cathode rays.

Answer key (Chemistry I Chapter 5)

Answer key (Chemistry I Chapter 5)

1-C 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-C 6-A 7-B 8-C 9-D 10-A

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