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Abstract and Concrete Noun

Abstract Noun-

Abstract noun is a type of noun. Noun is a name of person, thing, and place.

Abstract nouns are opposite of concrete nouns. You will better understand what this noun is with definition and
examples of abstract noun.

Read about Abstract nouns-

 Abstract nouns refer to objects we cannot experience with our five senses.

 These nouns don’t have any physical existence.

 Abstract nouns can identify ideas, concepts, experiences, qualities, and feelings.

Definition of Abstract Noun

To find out Abstract Noun in the sentence is very easy.

Here is Definition of Abstract Noun –

 An Abstract noun is a noun which shows an idea, event, state, action, quality or concept.

 An abstract noun shows something that we can’t physically touch, feel, hear, taste, smell, or see.

It means the abstract nouns are the nouns which exist only in our mind which we cannot sense through our senses.
It includes ideas, states of being, qualities, relationships, conditions, theories, fields of inquiry.

We cannot touch a quality such as regularity in work directly by our hands; we can only see or hear about the
worker who works regularly and we come to know his regularity in work.

Examples of Abstract Nouns

We can better understand with the examples.

In following sentences, there are some examples of abstract nouns.

Here are some examples of abstract Nouns which are given in bold letters.

 In childhoodwe used to climb on the tree.

 She cracked a joke and laughterbroke out.

 Metal gets hardnessafter a chemical reaction.

In above sentences the words, ‘childhood’, ‘laughter’, and ‘hardness’ show the state, action and quality.

 The names of Sciences and Arts are also Abstract Nouns.

Ex- Physics, Biology

Concrete Nouns-

Concrete Noun is opposite to abstract noun.

It means-

 A concrete noun represents something that we can hear, smell, taste, see as well as touch.

Examples of Concrete Nouns

Here are some examples of concrete nouns and those are in bold letters.
 Bookis on the table.

 Keep that bag

 There is a big tree in front of his house.

 Lionis a forest animal.

 Cloudhas white colour.

In above sentences the words, Book, table, bag, tree, house, lion, forest, animal, and cloud are concrete nouns.

In this way, it is very easy to differentiate between Abstract Nouns and Concrete Nouns.

Proper Noun – a Specific Name

Proper Noun is distinguished from common noun. Proper Noun is a word that is a specific name of person, place,
institution, city, corporation and planet.

We know, the noun means name of anything, that is people, places, things and ideas but according to the
use nouns are differentiated into two kinds-

 Proper

 Common

Keep in Mind about Proper Noun

When we use proper nouns in the sentences, we should keep some ideas in mind.

Let’s see-

 We should always write the beginning letter of Proper names capital, no matter wherever it is in
the sentence.

 We use the term noun for a single word therefore only proper names with single word are proper nouns.

 In English, proper names are not used with articles or other modifiers such as ‘another’ or ‘any’.

Here we shall take some examples to know the use of proper nouns in the sentence.

Examples of Proper Noun

In the following sentences, there is use of common as well as proper nouns. You will get that these names are used
to show specific names and common nouns are used to show general names.

Common are in green colour and Proper Nouns are in blue colour.

 I have to pursue my studies in one of the best subjects.

I have to pursue my studies in Mathematics.

 Prachi resides near the city.

Prachi resides near Mumbai.

 He reached the capital of India in the morning.

He reached Delhi in the morning.

 She wants to be a singer.

Lata Mangeshkar is a great singer.

 She always go for a walk with her friends.

She always go for a walk with Arohi and Sneha.

What is Common Noun?

Common noun is a name of person, thing or place that is common nouns are common names of place, thing
or person.

Read some examples-

By reading these examples you will get better what the common nouns are.

In the sentences, these words are in bold letters.

 That school is for girls.

 Dog is a pet animal.

 Chameleon is a beautiful animal.

 Crow is a bird with black colour.

 Keep the ladle in sink.

 The pen is on the table.

 Ask waiter for finger bowl.

In above sentences the words ‘school’, ‘girls’, ‘dog’, ‘animal’, ‘ladle’, ‘sink’, ‘pen’, ‘table’, ‘waiter’, ‘finger bowl’ are
in general as any school, any girl, dog or any animal. Such words which refer to any common name are
called Common Nouns.

More Examples

Here are some examples. These names are in bold letters.

 Please call the police.

 I have an appointment with doctor.

 Bus driver is standing at the bus stop.

 The waiter works promptly during his working period.

 I heard that your cousin is joining the multinational company.

 The teachers of St Joseph school are very hard working.

Beginning letter of the common nouns are not written in capital but when these are used as starting word of a
sentence then the starting letter of the used common noun is written in capital. Sometimes Proper nouns are used
as Common Nouns.

These are differentiated into two parts. You will get more information about those in the articles itself.

 Collective

 Abstract

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Go over:

 Proper

 Abstract – We cannot see or touch the abstract nouns like happiness, sadness.

 Concrete – We can see or touch the concrete nouns like table, chair.

 Collective – We can use collective nouns to tell about the groups like herd for group of cattle, crowd for
group of people.

So, the common name is a common noun.

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