Hotel Room Booking Management System

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Hotel room booking management system

Introduction: This data model is designed to hold information relating to a hotel room booking system.
The facts define the requirements which the database must meet and should be agreed between the
database users and the database designer prior to physical creation.

Basic operations: A hotel needs a system that keeps track of its booking (future, current and achieved)
rooms and guests. A room can be a particular type and a particular price band. Room prices vary from a
room to room (depending on its type, available facilities, band etc.) and from a season to season
(depending on the time of the year)

Information required: A room booking can include more than one room and more than one customer.
The draft facts have been defined as: The entities required should be Family: Family head ssn, family
head name, address, ph. no, no of adults, no of children. Guests: Guest id, Fname, Lname, ph. no, email
id, address.

Customer: customer id, customer name, customer type, address, ph. no, email, room no.
Reservation: reservation id, customer id, room no, employee id, rate, check in date, check out date,
total charges, discount, amount paid.

Room: room no, room type, reservation id, no of beds, facilities.

Employee: employee id, employee name, ph. No.

Relational databases
customer Customer Customer Customer address Ph. no email Room no
id name type

reservation Reservation Customer Room Employee rate Check Check Total discount Amount
id id no id in out charges paid
date date

room Room no Room type Reservation id No of beds facilities

employee Employee id Employee name ph. no

Mata data

Size/length Data type Primary / Attribute type null able

Customer id 10 Short text p Single valued no
Customer 30 Short text Single valued no
Customer type 10 Short text multi valued no
address 50 Short text composite no
Ph. No 9 Short text Multi valued yes
email 20 Short text multi valued yes
Room no 4 Short text f Single valued no
Room no 4 Short text p Single valued no
Room type 8 Short text Multi valued no
Reservation id 7 Short text f Single valued no
No of beds 1 Short text multi valued no
facilities 50 Short text Multi valued yes
Reservation id 7 Short text p Single valued no
Customer id 10 Short text c Single valued no
Room no 4 Short text c Single valued no
Employee id 4 Short text c Single valued no
rate 6 Short text Multi valued no
Check in date --------- Date/time Single valued no
Check out ---------- Date/time Single valued no
Total charges 6 Short text Single valued no
discount 3 Short text Single valued yes
Amount paid 6 Short text Single valued no
Employee id 4 Short text p Single valued no
Employee 30 Short text Single valued no
name 9 Short text multi valued yes

Customer id example:


Room no example:


Reservation id example:


Employee id example:


Title ___________ description ___________

Customer information:

Customer id Room no

First name last name

Customer type

Customer address

Ph. No email

Add update delete save cancel exit

Title ___________________ description ___________

Reservation Information:
Res. id room no

Customer id employee id

Customer type


From To

Total charges discount

Amount paid

Add Edit delete save print Change room

Title ___________________ description _____________

Room Information:
Room no R. type

Reservation id

No of beds


Add exit delete save cancel

Title ________________ description________________

Employee Information:

Employee id

Employee name

Ph. no

Add Edit delete save update exit


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