Infertility and Gynecological Laparoscopic Star Fertility Center

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Infertility and Gynecological Laparoscopic Star Fertility Center

Everyone wishes a perfect family, father mother and kids, but many couples encounter the difficulty of
having a baby. Although infertility is not an illness it is the troublesome problem of many couples. The
Infertility Star Center of Seriruk hospital was founded to find out the answer to this issue. We have the
specialist of infertility to correct and solve the botheration. Our Star center consists of hi-tech
equipments which are hi-class to provide you the best treatment. Let us take care of you.
When should you go to meet us?
Couples who have not been using birth control method at least for one year but have regular sexual
activities are considered as in the infertility condition if they cannot get pregnant.
When you come to the Star Center, the doctor will find out the cause. In general, there are 3
1. No ovulation
2. The occlusion of Vas deferens or there is fascia in the pelvic cavity.
3. Low sperm count
The physician will determine the appropriated treatment after finding out the origin of the cause.
Ovulation induction drugs will be prescribed to the females who have ovulation problem. Laparoscopic
surgery or intrauterine insemination can be applied. If the patient can’t get pregnant even use every
method. We offer you the most modern technology to get the achievement.
 IUI (intrauterine insemination): The doctor collects sperm on the same day of the ovulation day,
and injects the healthy sperm into the uterus; this technique gives the patient more opportunity of
 GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer): The doctor gets the egg and sperm to fertilize then puts the
fertilized egg back into the uterus
 IVF (In-VitroFertilization): After stimulation of ovulation, the doctor collects the eggs and let them
fertilize with sperms. When the cell division phase reaches 4-8 cells, the blastocyst are transferred
into the uterus.
 ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection): This technique is useful for the male who has low sperm
count that incapable of egg fertilizing or there is no sperm even the testis still produces the
sperm, the doctor picks up a single sperm with a fine glass needle and inject directly into the egg
before transferring back into the uterus.
 LAS (Laser Assisted Hatching): This method which helps the embryo to hatch and to implant more
easily. The pregnancy rate is higher especially for the IVF which has this kind of problem.
LAS is appropriated for the patient aged older than 37 or the IVF-failure patient. The Laser technology
is applied to penetrate the zona pellucid of the blastocysyt.

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