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Section Title

1. Short title


2. Amendment of the long title.

3. Amendment of section 2.
4. Amendment of section 4.
5. Amendment of section 5.
6. Amendment of sktion 7.
7. Amendment of section 8.
8. Amendment of section 9.
9. Amendment of section 10.
10. Addition of section lOA.
II. Amendment of section II.
12. Amendment of section 12.
13. Addition of section 12A.
14. Amendment of section 13.
15. Amendment of section 14.
16. Amendment of section 15.
17. Amendment of section 16.
18. Amendment of section 19.
19. Amendment of section 21.
20. Amendment of section 22.
21. Amendment of section 23.
22. Amendment of section 26.
23. Amendment of section 27.
24. Amendment of section 32.
25. Amendment of section 33.
26. Amendment of section 34.
27. Amendment of section 35. •
28. Addition of section 35A.
29. Amendment of the Schedule.

No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) ZOO8 3


No. 15 OF 2008

.......... r--:-·-·-:·r~::A~~' .
.. President

An Aet to amend the Contracton Registration Act, witb a view to

provicliDl provisions for efl'ectlve replation of activities and
maiDtenanee of professional conduet aad integrity of contraeton
and for related matten.

ENACTED by Parliament ofthe United Republic of Tanzania.


1. This Act may be cited as the Contractors Registration Short

(Amendment) Act, 2008 and shall be read as one with the
Contractors Registration Act, hereinafter referred to as the
"principal Act."


2. The principal Act is amended in the long title, by Amendment

of the long
inserting a "comma" and the words "development and title
promotion" between the words "registration" and "of."
4 No. 15 Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008

3. The principal Act is amended in section 2 by- Amendment

ofsedion 2
(a) deleting the definitions ofthe tenns "contractor,"
"certificate of compliance" and substiMing for them
the following:
"contractor" means-
(a) any person who for a reward or, other valuable
consideration undertakes to carry out and
complete any construction works for another
person, of any structure situated below, on or
above tqe- gro\lnd or water bodies or other work
connected therewith, where such person
undertakes to do any such works-

(i) him~lf supplies the material necessary

'for the work or is authorized to exercise
control over the type, quality or the use
of material supplied by any other person;
(ii) himself supplies the labour necessary for
the work or is authorized on behalf of
the person for whom the work is
undertaken or any other person, to
employ or select for employment
workmen to assist him in the execution
of the work; or

(b) any person who for himself as a developer or

investor, undertakes to carry and complete
construction works of any structore for public or
private use or other works connected therewith,
where such person undertakes to do any such

(i) himself supplies the labour necessary for

the works or is authorized to exercise
control over the type, quality or the use
of material supplied by any other person;
(ii) himself authorized on behalf of the
person for whom the work is undertaken
or any other person, to employ or select
for employment workmen to assist him
in the execution of the work;
No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 21lO8 5

Provided that a person shall not be deemed to be

contractor or otherwise carrying out works that need to be
undertaken by contractor for the purpose of this Act if such a
person undertakes or hold himself out as willing to undertake or
undertakes construction of which its value does not exceed such a
sum as shall be determined by the Board from time to time for
different discipline of the construction industry; or undertakes or
holds himself out as wiling to undertake construction of a
residential house (not for public use), which does not require an
input of structural design.
"certificate of compliance" means a certificate of compliance
issued by the Business Registration and Licensing Agency;

(b) inserting the following new definitions in their respective

appropriate alphabetical order as follows:

"Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Civil works" means

construction works related to Building, Electrical,
Mechanical and Civil Engineering disciplines;
"construction works" means construction, extension, installation,
repair, maintenance, renewal, removal, renovation, alteration,
dismantling or demolition of- •
(a) any building, edifice, structure, wall, fence, or chimney
whether constructed wholly or partly above or below
ground level;
(b) any road, harbour works, railway, cableway, canal., or
aerodrome, bridge, viaduct, dam, reservoir,
earthworks, pipeline, sewer, aqueduct, culvert, drive
shaft, tunnel, or reclamation works, any drainage,
irrigation or river control works;
(c) any electrical, mechanical, water, gas, petrochemical
or telecommunication, machine or any works which
form an integral part of, or are preparatory to or
temporary for the works described in paragraphs (a) to
(b) above, including site clearance, soil improvement,
earthmoving, site restoration and landscaping;
"period of contracted works" means the duration of execution of
work including the defect liability period;
"technical qualifications, experience, skills, or conduct" means
the technical qualifications, experience, skills, or conduct
prescribed by the Board.

4. The principalAct is amended by repealing section 4 Amendment

ofsection 4
and substituting for it the following:

"Functions of 4.-(1) Subject to the provisions ofthis Act

Board and regulations made under it, the functions
of the Board shall be to-
6 No.l5 Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008

(a) consider and decide upon application for registration

and to effect registration of contractors;
(b) prescribe fees for registration and annual
(c) maintain a register of contractors;
(d) regulate the activities, promote and maintain
professional conduct and integrity of contractors;
(e) inspect any site for construction works, for the
purpose of verifYing and ensuring that the works are
being undertaken by registered contractors; and that
the works comply with all governing regulations and
laws of the country including requirements for
safety, erection of a signboard which shows the
names and address of the project, client consultant
and contractors of the project, project registration
sticker; and to take legal action against defaulters
(f) take legal action against a firm, company,
organization, partnership or individual person who
undertakes construction works while without being
registered under this Act;
(g) promote, provide and coordinate training of
contractors in areas related to construction works;
(h) grant certificates and other awards ofthe Board;
(i) sponsor, arrange and provide facilities for courses,
workshops, conferences, seminars, discussion, •
symposia and consultation on matters relating to the
subject referred to in paragraph (f);
(j) arrange for the publication and general dissemination
of materials produced in connection with the works
and activities of the Board;
(k) furnish managerial, technical and administrative
advisory services to contractors;
(I) liaise and interact with both local and international
professional boards and association involved in and
with the construction industry;
(m) ensure that all construction sites are hoarded; and
labour laws, occupational health and safety
regulations in the construction industry are adhered
(n) set criteria for registration and classification of
contractors into different types, categories and
classes and to set class limits of projects to be
executed by the contractors;
(0) review the registration criteria of contractors;
No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008 7

(p) review registered contractors with a view to ensuring

that they meet the registration criteria applicable to
the types, categories and classes concerned;
(q) consider applications for dispensation for specific
contracts by clients or their consultants on behalf of
registered contractors;
(r) issue stop orders against any person or firm which the Act;
(s) register construction project for the purpose of
(t) asses the competence and capability of any
contractor in the course of executing any project
within Mainland Tanzania;
(u) settle disputes or complaints amongst contractors
themselves and their employees, consultants,
suppliers, manufacturers or clients presented to the
Board for that purpose; and
(v) carry out any other functions which are in the public
interest and which the Minister may in writing direct.

(2) The Board may, with consent ofthe Director of Public

Prosecutions, have the power to prosecute offences committed
under this Act."

S. The principal Act is amended by repealing section 5 Amendment

of section 5
and substituting for it the following:

"Limitation S. A member or employee of the Board shall

liabilities not be personally liable for any act or default •
of the Board done or omitted in good faith in
the course of carrying out the responsibilities
and function of, or exercising the powers
conferred upon him by the board or

6. The principal Act is amended in section 7- Amendment

ofsection 7
(a) in subsection (I), by deleting the phrase
"showing against his name" appearing in the last
line and substituting for it the phrase "containing
particulars of contractors."
(b) In subsection 2 by-

(i) inserting the word ''works'' between the

words "building" and "contractors"
appearing in paragraph (a);
8 No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008

(ii) deleting paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) and

substituting for them the following:

"(c) electrical works contractors;

(d) mechanical works contractors;
(e) specialist contractors in works party
or wholly as specified in paragraphs
(a), (b), (c) and (d)."

7. The principal Act is amended in section 8 by- Amendment

ofseetion 8
(a) deleting subsection (1) and substituting for it the

_. "(I) The Registrar shall, by notice in the

Gazette as soon as practicable after Registration,
publish the names, postal and physical addresses,
registration number, type, category and class
registered in and names and qualifications of
partners or directors of the contractor."
(b) deleting subsection (3) and substituting for it the

"(3) The Registrar shall, by notice in the

Gazette as soon as practicable after the first day
of January in each year publish a list containing
the names, postal and physical address, premise,
registration number, type, category and class of
all registered contractors remaining on the
registers after the thirty first day of December of
the previous year."

8, The principal Act is amended in section 9 by deleting Amendment

ofsection 9
subsection (I) and substituting for it the following:

"(I) A publication under the provisions of

section 8, shall be prima facie evidence that any
person's name in the register is registered under
this Act, and the deletion from the register of the
name of any person notified by that publication,
shall be primafacie evidence that such a person
is not so registered."

9. The principal Act is amended in section 10- Amendment

of section 10
(a) in subsection (I)
(i) by deleting paragraph (b) and substituting
for it the following:-
No.lS Contractors Registration (Amemtment) ZUUS 9

"(b) that he has the necessary experience in

construction works as prescribed by the

(ii) by adding immediately after paragraph (d)

the following new paragraph-

"(e) that he is registered with or holds a

certificate of compliance issued by the
Business Registration and Licensing

(b) in subsection (3) by inserting the words "in the

case oftemporary registration" between the
word "and" and the words "duration" appearing
in the last line;

(c) by deleting subsection (4) and substituting for it

the following new provision:
"(4) The certificate issued under subsection
(3), shall remain the property of the Board
and non transferable and shall, upon
suspension or cancellation of registration, be
withdrawn and returned to the Board."

1O. The principal Act is amended by adding immediately Addition

after section 10 the following new section- lOA

"Restriction lOA. No person, or firm shall undertake

to carry out or cause to carry out and complete any
construction construction works unless such person or
firm is registered by the Board, and holds
a valid certificate of registration."

Amendment •
11. The principal Act is amended in section 11-
of section 11
(a) in subsection (3), by adding immediately after
the word "Board" appearing at the end of that
subsection the phrase ''within twenty-one days
of the expiration of the period ofthe
contracted works."

(b) by adding immediately after subsection (4) the

following new subsection:
10 No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008

"(5) Where the project is executed in phases,

the Board may extend the duration ofthe
project, on conditions to be prescribed by the

(c) by re-designating subsections (5) and (6) as sub-

sections (6) and (7).

12. The principal Act is amended in section 12- Amendment

section 12
(a) in sub-section (I) by inserting the words "of
authorized capital" between the words "shares"
and "are" appearing in the last line.
(b) by deleting subsection (2) and substituting for it
the following:

"(2) Any person, firm or company which hires

the services or employs a contractor by virtue
of section 46(2) and (3) ofthe Public
Cap. 410 Procurement Act, shall be required to ensure
that all fees payable under the provisions of this
Act are paid.

(3) An application for registration under this

section shall be submitted to the Board by a
client, firm or company in the prescribed form
and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fees.

(4) Subject to the provisions of sub-section

(2) and (3), the Board may require an employer
of a firm or company to appear before it for the
purpose of ascertaining-

(a) documentary evidence to the effect that a

firm or company is competent to execute
construction works in respect of which it has
or is about to enter into contract in Tanzania;

(b) provisions in the proposed contract for

construction works, addressing temporary
registration requirements as specified in
section 11;"

(c) by re-designating subsection (3) as

subsection (5).
No. 15 Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008 II

13. The principal Act is amended by adding immediately after Addition of

section 12 ofthe following new section: section 12A
"Notification 12A. The contractor shall notify any
change of the directors, partners or other
shareholders ofthe firm to the Board within
twenty-one days."

14. Section I~ ofthe principal Act is amended- Amendment

section 13
(a) in subsection (I), by deleting paragraphs (e) and (f)
and substituting for them the following:

"(e) abandoned any construction works

(f) been found guilty by the Board by being
negligent in connection with any
construction works undertaken;
(g) contravened, or failed to perform, or assisted
in the contravention of any terms, conditions
or restrictions imposed by the Board;
(h) been adjudicated bankrupt;
(i) a winding-up petition against him; or
G) contravened or failed to comply with any
provisions of this Act or regulations made
under this Act."

(h) by inserting immediately after subsection (I) the

following new subsection-

"(2) Where a contractor has failed to pay the •

annual subscription fees for two consecutive years,
before the Board decides to suspend or revoke
registration of a contractor, it shall-
(a) send to such contractor by post or
registered letter, a notice in writing
containing statement of a complain reveled
against that contract or;
(b) afford such contractor an opportunity of
being heard."

(c) by renumbering subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) as

subsections (3), (4), (5) and (6) respectively.

15. Section 14 of the principal Act is amended in Amendment

subsection (3), by deleting the phrase "an application for" appearing section 14
in the last line.
12 No. 15 Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008

16. Section IS ofthe principal Act is amended in AIIlClIdment

subsection (I) by deleting paragraph (d) and substituting for it the section 15
"(d) has a business licence which has not been issued by
the Business Registration and Licensing Agency."

17. Section 16 of the principal Act is amended-

(a) deleting subsection (3) and substituting for it
Amendment of
section 16 l~
the following new subsections:
"(3) All summons or notices issued by the
Registrar shall be deemed to be issued by the Board.
(4) All orders under the hand of the chairman or
Vice Chairman ofthe Board shall be deemed to be
issued by the Board."

(b) by re-designating subsections (4), (5) and (6)

as subsections (5), (6), and (7) respectively.

(c) In subsection (6) as re-designated by deleting

the words "have power to" appearing on the
second line.

18. The principal Act is amended in section 19 by- Amendment

section 19
(a) deleting paragraph (c);
(b) re-designating paragraph (d) as (c);

19. Section 21 ofthe principal Act is amended by Amendment

deleting the word "contraction" which appears between the words section 21
"such" and "thereof' and substituting for it the word "title."

20. The principal Act is amended in section 22 by Amendment

adding immediately after subsection (2) the following new section 22

"(3) Any person or firm being registered contractor

allows another person who is or firm which is not registered
as a contractor to use his name, style or title for the purpose
of carrying on business as a contractor commits an offence
and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine not less than ten
percent of the contract sum or project value or five million
shillings whichever amount is greater or to imprisonment for
a term of not less than one year or to both.
No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008 13

(4) An employer or developer who engages an

unregistered firms or persons comm its an offence and on
conviction is liable to a fine of not exceeding ten percent of
the contract sum or project value but not less than one
percent of such contract sum or project value or five million
shillings whichever amount is greater or to imprisonment for
a term of not less than three years or to both.

(5) The provisions ofthis Act shall have effect

notwithstanding anything inconsistent with this Act
contained in any particular law other than this Act or in any
instrument having effect by virtue of any written law other
than this Act."

21. The principal Act is amended in section 23- Amendment

section 23
(a) in subsection (I), by adding the words "under this Act"
immediately after the word "registered" appearing at the
last line;
(b) by deleting subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) and
substituting for them the following new subsections;

"(2) Where a director who is also a shareholder or

partner referred to in subsection (I) resigns, becomes
incapacitated or dies, such firm or company may,
notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (I), be
allowed to complete the ongoing project or contract as
if the legal representatives of the firm or company
were registered contractors and where such firm or
company shall fail to secure a technical director within
a year after the occurrence of the event specified
herein it shall be deregistered by the Board.

(3) No person or firm shall continue carrying on

business as a contractor without first reporting to the
Board within twenty-one days after the occurrence of
any of the events specified under subsection (2).

(4) A firm or company after fulfilling the

conditions for registration, may be registered as a
contractor and where so registered, may lawfully carry
on business as a registered contractor.
14 No.1S Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008

(5) The Board may refuse to register a firm or

company as contractors or direct the deletion from the
register of the name of a firm or company registered as
such if it is satisfied that none ofthe directors or
partners has technical qualifications as prescribed by
the Board."

(c) by adding immediately after subsection (5) the following

new subsection

"(6) References in this Act to the required

technical qualifications, experiences, skills or conduct
as prescribed by the Board shall be construed as
reference to the required technical qualifications,
experiences, skill or conduct of persons who are
directors or partners, as the case may be, or are
employed by, such firm or company and who are
participating or, in the case of an application, shall
participate, in the activities ofthe flITO or company in
carrying out its business as registered contractors."

(d) by re-designating subsection (6) as subsection (7).

(a) by deleting subsection (2) and substituting for it the


"(2) The auditors shall submit the audited

accounts to the Board not later than three months
after the end of the financial year to which they

(3) The Board Chairman shall submit to the

Minister the report referred to under subsection

22. The principal Act is amended in section 26- Amendment

section 26
(a) in subsection (I), by adding immediately after
paragraph (b) the following new paragraph-
"(c) cash flow statement ofthat financial year;"

(b) by deleting subsection (2) and substituting for it the


"(2) The auditors shall submit the audited

accounts to the Board not later than three months
after the end of the financial year to which they
No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008 15

(3) The Board Chainnan shall submit to the

Ministertbe report referred to under subsection (2)."

23. The principal Act is amended in section 27 by Amendment

deleting the title "Registrar" appearing in the marginal notes and in section 27
that section and substituting for it the word "Board."
24. The principal Act is amended in section 32 by adding Amendment
immediately after paragraph (c) the following new paragraph- section 32

"(d) knowingly or willfully disobeys any lawful order,

direction, notice or summons issued by the Board or

25. The principal Act is amended by repealing section 33 and Amendment

substituting for it the following: section 33
"Annual 33-.-Every registered contractor shall be required
returns to prepare in the manner prescribed and submit
annual returns to the Board."

26. The principal Act is amended in section 34 by- Amendment

section 34
(c) adding immediately after paragraph (e) the following
new paragraph-
"(t) procedures and processes for making stop-
orders against defaulting contractors";

(d) re-designating paragraph (t) as paragraph (g).

27. The principal Act is amended by adding immediately after Addition

section 32 the following new section- section
"Power to 32A.-( I) The Registrar may, subject to
offences subsection (2) compound an offence committed
under this Act by requiring a person to pay such
an amount as the Board may direct.

(2) The power conferred under this

section shall be exercised where the person
admits in writing that he has committed an
offence and that he agrees to the offence being
compounded under this section
16 No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008

(3) The Registrar shall-

(a) give a receipt to the person from

whom he receives the amount of
(b) submit to the Board in every three
months a list of compounded
offense that have been
compounded within that period."

28. The principal Act is amended in section 35 by- Amendment

section 35
(a) deleting paragraph (f) and substituting for it the
following new paragraphs-

'. "(f) prescribing the manner in which annual

returns shall be submitted to the Board;

(g) prescribing procedures for registration of

foreign contractors;

(b) by renaming paragraphs "(g) to "(m)" as paragraphs

"(h)" to "(0Y' respectively;"

29. The principal Act is amended by adding immediately after Addition

section 35 the following new section section 35A
''Notice of 3SA.-{ 1) Where the Board finds that
closure of
construction construction works are being undertaken or
carried out by a firm or individual who is not
registered with the Board or there is an omission
or commission which contravenes the provisions
of this Act, the Board shall by notice in the
prescribed form require such person to stop
construction works or otherwise rectify the
omissions or commission, as the case may be.

(2) A person who fails to comply with the

requirements of the notice issued under
subsection (I) commits an offence and upon
conviction, shall be liable to a fine not less than
three million shillings but not more than five
million shillings or to imprisonment for term of
three years and, in the case of continuing offence,
to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand
shillings for every day or part of a day during
which commission of the offence continues."
-No. IS Contractors Registration (Amendment) 2008 17.

30. The Schedule to the principal Act is amended in Amendment

of Ihc
subparagraph I of paragraph 1- Schedule

(a) by deleting the word "eight" appearing in the second

line and substituting for it the word "nine";
(b) by deleting item (b) and substituting for it the
"(b) two members from the contractors
association being contractors registered in

Passed in the National Assembly on the 28th October, 2008.

......... m'~
Acting Clerk ofthe National Assembly

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