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Se~t1nth Semester D.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2017/Jan-.tQ18
~C -,
Optical Fiber Communication .; ,:'

Time: 3 hrs. /;:. Max.-Marks: 100

. '>"
' , .> ,,> /} Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting '-'
'-,_ •..•I-

-iF _ at least TWO questions from each part. /' ,":


\- .'/ PART -A .,
1 a. Derive the e~/~~jpn for Numerical Aparture using ray theory. \,~/"\,.. (07 Marks)
b. In brief discuss-{~'6;iiifferent design approaches for single-mode (fi'O-eFs. (07 Marks)

c. A graded indei' ~be( has a core with a parabolic-index p~t~~ which has a diameter of
50 urn. The fiber 'has
a )l~eriCal aperture of 0.2. Estimate,ibe.'total number of guided modes
//\ \_\::vll/
propagating in the fi~~~:,~ it is operating at a wavele(p'~~,£l urn. (06 Marks)

2 a. In brief explain linear s~~~ermg losses. \.' , ) (07 Marks)
b. Derive the expression fot'ri1:rs~Pulse broadening due tt(lntermodal dispersion in a step index
fiber. \,~;" '. > (OSMarks)

C. A multimode graded index fiber.exhibits total puj~~ 'broadening of 0.1 u.s over a distance of
15 km. Estimate the following:' <"/ _ ,) .'.1)
(i) Maximum possible bandwidth pn the JiJlk assuming no 1ST.

3 a.
(ii) Pulse dispersion per km. \..-. "
(iii) BW-length product for the fiber:" "
Explain the GaAIAs double-heterojunction'l.Bl) structure. ib
(05 Marks)

(07 Marks)
b. Explain the structure ofRAPD and its w.or, (08 Marks)
c. A double-heterojunction structure. in O~sP. LED emitting a peak wavelength of 1310 nm
has a radiative and non radiative tt<,'roriibination times of 30 ns and 100 ns respectively. The
drive current is 40 rnA. Estimate;bu'V ....
(i) Bulk recombination life t-iin~. /:>'
(ii) I~ternal power level. -,. ~ /;- .~-;: (05 Marks)
.....1,_ -:>

4 a. Explain lensing schemet~O;t/99upling improvement. '/:) \ . (07 Marks)

b. List out the requiremepts,:ttl'it'a good connector design ha :\ (07 Marks)
c. A GaAs optical sourC'~.<~yjthrefractive index of 3.6 is cOllJ~t~d;to a silica fiber that has a

refractive index ~f) .48. /If the fiber ends face and source~~S! jn close physical contact.
Estimate Fresne~t.{tlection at the interface and power loss in dB. \ (06 Marks)
<..: '

t. .~_~
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5 a. In brief explain baSIC structure of an optical receiver. (08 Marks)


b. Discuss the 'features of Eye-pattem. (07 Marks)

c. Write short' noti on "Burst-mode receiver". (05 Marks)
/: \

6 a. Derivethe expression for rise-time budget analysis. . (OSMarks)


b. In brief explain multi channel AM technique. ';.(,07 Marks)

c. Write a short note on "Microwave photonics". (~ Marks)
• J

7 a. ~plain in brief design and operation of polarization - independent isolator. ::-'(9S)rarks)

b. \~xplain in brief operational principle and implementation of WDM with diagram. «J''i""J;kS)
Z c?-:'W;rite a short note on "MEMS technology". (05 Marks)

~ 8 a. Explain three possible configurations of a EDF A. (OSMarks)

.§ b. Explain the SONET/SDH frame format. (07 Marks)
C. Write a short note on "Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers" (05 Marks)


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