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Leading more Effectively

We are pleased to confirm your nomination for

Personal Leadership Programme
Date: Venue:

Time: Contact Details:

Competency: Personal Leadership

Grade: M&O band employees
Number of Days: 2
Batch Size: 18 – 20

Func ons: Manufacturing, Opera ons, Quality, Plant Engineering, SCM &
Maintenance Departments.

By the end of this programme par cipants will be able to:

Recognize the importance of self‐awareness and personal leadership

Iden fy elements of developing a personal vision
Demonstrate the skills of ques oning, listening and asser veness to build cordial
workplace rela onships
Leverage personal strength and team diversity to work collabora vely

Programme Structure:

Pre Read:
Post Program:
Video, Dips ck (Self‐Assessment), Teaser
Infographics, Podcasts, Videos, Book Summary
Programme Outline:
Module 1: Understand the need and importance of Personal Leadership in order to lead more effec vely.
Module 2: Crea ng your own personal vision through reflec on.
Module 3: Managing stakeholders in order to building deep and meaningful rela onships.
Module 4: Climbing the ladder of accountability to achieve success.

Training material will be provided at the Venue. Please note this is a non‐residen al programme.

We look forward to an exciting journey ahead.

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