Test 3

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2. Research question: To what extent parents influence affect the educational

outcome of children?

3. Hypotheses: high parents’ motivation is the cause of good academic outcomes of


My topic lies around the interaction between parents and children’s that reflect a good
academical outcome. Therefore, in the literature review of the article entitled “Father-Child
and Mother-Child Interactions with Children with Anxiety Disorders: Emotional Expressivity
and Flexibility of Dyads”. One part of the literature review highlight and emphasizes the
importance of parent children relationship which induce socio-emotional function which in
its turn will induce great or bad academical outcome depend on the outcome of this
emotional satisfaction. This part revolves around one main idea that enthusiastic
expressivity of parent-children dyads is believed to be a vital marker of versatile socio-
passionate working. Candidly expressive parent-children associations, portrayed by
progressively positive effect and moderate dimensions of negative effect, that may indicate
that expressing feelings is adequate and esteemed in these dyads. Conversely, blank
(inexpressive) or exceedingly negative enthusiastic communications may mirror a
disheartening emotional atmosphere, possibly reflecting insufficient passionate working of
dyads which in its turn will reflect the positive or negative outcome of the children in
academics due to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of emotional relationship between his
parents and himself (p.332- second paragraph).

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