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Translators: Lương Thế Dinh, Trần Thị Khanh, Lê Thị Mộng Kiều, Phạm Trần Mai Phương,

Trần Lê Bảo Trinh, Huỳnh Thị Như, Nguyễn Lê Kim Yến





(Refer to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, Guideline No. 140 / HD-
ĐHNH-DT, dated 28/12/2012, Guidelines for quoting and presenting references of the
American Psychological Association ...)

1. Overview about presenting the graduation thesis

Layout of the graduate thesis is arranged in the following order:
(1) Cover page
(2) Assurance
(3) Thanks
(4) The list of acronyms, table, image.
(5) Catalogue
(6) Brief
(7) Main content: Chapter 1, Chapter 2…
(8) References
(9) Appendix

Cover page isn’t included, pages from “assurance” to “first opening” (from 2 to 6) is marked
in Roman Number (minor).

Only from first main content page of the graduate thesis (from 7) is marked a page number of
a Arabic number (normal mathematical order).

Limit from 60 to 80 page applies for main content section (not included references and

2. Submit graduation thesis

Under the supervision of the instructor, the student is scheduled to submit a graduate thesis
(soft and print).
- Submit of graduate thesis in hard copy: submit three (3) double-sided printed copies,
paperback, submitted to the Office of the Faculty according to the announced calendar.
- Submit graduation theses by soft file (PDF and word):
+ Graduate thesis is save into two files. The file name is set by Vietnamese without accent such
as: Class_Name_Student code_ Title of the topic. Example: 30KQ02_Nguyen Quang
Anh_Phan tich cac nhan to tac dong den FDI.docx, 30KQ02_Nguyen Quang Anh_Phan tich
cac nhan to tac dong den FDI.pdf.
+ Two files will be copied into the CD disk set in the box has paste label Class_Name_Student
code_ Title of the topic submit CD for faculty office according to the announced calendar. Also
email to: with subject Class_Name_Student code_ Title of the topic.
3. Length and content
Graduation thesis could include 60 to 80 pages length for the main content (not included
references and Appendix).
Standards for graduation thesis (not applied to cover page):
Paper Size A4 (double sided)

Font and size Times New Roman 13pt (Unicode)

Letter density Normal, not compressed or stretched between the letters

"1.5 lines" (except for the use of mathematical

Spacing line

Spacing paragraph

Align + Left: 3 cm

+ Right: 2.5 cm

+ Top: 2.5 cm

+ Bottom: 2.5 cm

Header 1.5 cm (blank)

1.5 cm (page number in right corner)


4. How to present the thesis in detail:

- Cover:

+ Color: in white with Banking University of Ho Chi Minh city’s logo in black or other ones

+ Paper size: A4

+ Line spacing: 1.5 lines

+ Margin:

o Left: 3 cm
o Right: 2.5 cm
o Top: 2.5 cm
o Bottom: 2.5 cm

+ The contents in the cover (from top to bottom, from left to right order)

o The first line (font size 12pt)


TRAINING (right alignment)

o The second line (font size 14pt)


o One blank line

o BUH’s logo (center alignment)
o One blank line
o The third line (font size 16pt)

GRADUATE THESIS (center alignment)

o Two blank lines

o The fourth line (font size 16pt, font style italic)

THESIS TOPIC (center alignment)

o The fifth line (font size 20pt)

o Two blank lines
o The sixth, the seventh and the eighth (font size 13pt, left alignment, indentation from
left margin 9 cm)




o Three blank lines

o The ninth and the tenth: font size 13pt, center alignment


+ The cover and green plated with gold spine (only applied to the copies that are stored in the

o Center alignment:
o In case the thesis topic is too long, just print summary topic of graduation thesis and
ellipses (…)

For example: The spine of the thesis cover illustration

Nguyen Quang Anh * Factors affecting FDI: Viet Nam and Malaysia * 2017

- Assurance (page i)

The author pledges responsibility for the authenticity and reliability of his graduation thesis,
ensuring that this is his own work, not copying illegally from any source.

How to make page number: Roman number i (one).

- Thank you (page ii)

The author decides the content and how to write the appreciation, express the author's
appreciation for the contribution and help of the concerned parties to complete the graduation
thesis. (do not abuse the thanks because it will lose its meaning).

How to make page number: Roman number ii (two).

- List of acronyms; List of figures; List of tables; List of appendices

The author fills in list of figures, tables and appendices that he used in content of the thesis
with indication about page number to search quickly.

+ List of acronyms, list of figures, list of tables must be identical to how the content
was presented.

+ Title of figures, title of table should be brief.

+ List of acronyms page, list of figures page and list of tables page are numbered in

Numbering the tables, figures, equation must be associated with the number of chapters (Figure
3.4 means the fourth figure in Chapter 3). All figures and tables taken from other sources must
be fully cited. Cited sources must be listed correctly in the references category. Title of table
is written above the table, title of the figure is written below it. Short tables and images must
accompany the contents of these tables and images at first. Long tables can be placed on
different pages but must follow the content was mentioned at first.

Figures are numbered and full title, size must be the same as the font size used in graduation
thesis. When referring to the pictures must specify the number of the figure and the table, for
example "... mentioned in Table 4.1" or "(Figure 3.2)" without writing "... shown in the table
below" or "in the chart of X and Y following".

Presenting a mathematical equation on a single or double lines is arbitrary, but it must unify
with the graduation thesis. When the symbol appears at the first time, it must be explained and
the unit of measurement must be included in the equation with that symbol. If necessary, the
list of all symbols, abbreviations and their meanings should be listed and presented in the
beginning of the graduation thesis. All equations should be numbered and enclosed in
parentheses in the right margin. If a group of equations holds the same number, these numbers
are enclosed in parentheses, or each equation in equation system (5.1) can be numbered as
(5.1.1), (5.1.2), (5.1.3).

Do not abuse the acronyms, only abbreviate words, phrases or terminology that are used many
times; Do not abbreviate long phrases, less appearance words and phrases in graduation theses.
If there is a need to abbreviate names of agencies or organizations, they will be abbreviated
after the first writing followed by the abbreviations in brackets. If there are more than one
acronym, there must have a list of abbreviations (in alphabetical order) at the beginning of the
graduation thesis.

Table of contents

The chapters and subheadings may only be varied from 2 to 4 levels. Only the name of the
chapters and subheadings level 2 (example 1.1) are allowed to be written in capital letters.
There must be at least 2 subheadings in the same level.

The abstract of the graduation paper should not exceed 300 words because this part will be put
into the database saved on the computer system to access quickly.

Numbering the paper in Roman numerals.

The name of the chapters and subheadings (page 1, 2, 3,…, n-1)

The name of the chapters and subheadings must be consistent with the content in it and help
the reader clearly identify the content.
Graduation paper’s subheadings have to been presented and numbered (from low to high) into
group of digits, maximize 4 digits in which the first digit implying the chapter’s position
(example:, in which 3 is the subheading 3, 2 is the sub-group 2, 1 is the section 1, 4 is
the chapter 4). Each sub-group must have at least 2 sections, that’s mean, subheading 2.1.1
without subheading 2.1.2 follow-up.
Title of subheading (level 2) and subsection (level 3) may be in bold. Title of heading 2, 3 and
4 (in case of having) are capitalized.
Example: How to present the name of the chapter and the heading.
Level 1 Center, Bold, Capitalized Chapter 1:

Align text left, Bold, 1.1 Research foundation

Level 2
Capitalized 1.2 Research problems
1.3 Research purpose

Align text left, Bold, 1.1.1 General purpose

Level 3
Capitalize the first letter of 1.1.2 Detailed purpose
the line
Align text left, Italic, Detail Research
Level 4
Capitalize the first letter of Mode
the line

Citation and references

The content of guiding for citing and indexing of references presented in this document are
compiled in APA style. Under this system, the graduation paper should be noticed the source
of citing such as last name’s author (foreign author), the year of publication of the reference,
in the case of author is Vietnamese, you need notice the his/ her full name, including the year
the reference published. The items of reference must be presented at the end, before annex. It
is important to list and provide full details of each reference and arranged in alphabetical order.
- Citation style
Direct citation is the way in which the writer quoting verbatim and put it in the double citation
marks, as the part of the sentence, a sentence or a paragraph in the article from another author.
How to cite this often applied in the following cases: (i) It’s a special sentence and the impact
of content sentence or accuracy of semantics will be reduced if it is described in the words of
the writer; (ii) The writer wants to emphasize or use such “sentence” to support her/ his opinion.
When using direct citation, the author should provide more information about the number of
pages where the quoted text or paragraph appears and even the number of pages of documents
which contain information cited. Citing one (or several) specific data, image ... from other
authors are also considered citing directly.
Here are some examples of how to quote directly in the article:
Nguyen Van A (2010, page 50) argues that "failure to cite adequate sources of information is
a fairly common practice among Vietnamese students."
Paraphrasing is the writing of a phrase or the idea of another author in his or her own words.
With this quote, you simply note information on the author's name and year of publication of
the document at the place quoted without providing numbers of pages of documents imply
phrase or idea. Here are some examples of indirect quotes in the article:
+ Vietnamese students usually do not cite the information they put into their thesis (Nguyen
Van A, 2010).
+ The graduate theses of Vietnamese students often do not follow the citation guidelines
(Nguyen Van A, 2010).
+ Nguyen Van A (2010) cited the fact that no reference was made in the graduation thesis of
Vietnamese students.
- Some of the principles cited and established reference category to note

+ All opinions, views, concepts, judgements, assessments,... cited in the thesis must clearly
state that who is the author and when is the year of publication of the references. After that, the
reference category needs to give detail, completion about this reference category

+ In the case of reviewer or board member put thesis or an interested reader discovered that
thesis does not comply with the provisions of cites and lead source in the right way and clear, it can
be considered is the phenomenon of plagiarism and will not be approved before the council to
protect or flunk if the condition is said plagiarism

+ Do not cite the general knowledge that everyone can know

+ If it has no condition to access an original document while it has to cite through another
document, it needs to note clearly this cite in the sectional representation of content, and at the same
time this one must not list in the reference category of the thesis

+ When you need to cite a paragraph greater than two sentences or four lines of typing, you
can use citation marks to start and end part references. If you need a longer quote, you have to divide
this section into different paragraphs from the content being presented, with the left margin back to
add 2cm; In this case, the entire quotes (start and end quotes) do not need to use citation marks. For
+ Finally, the researchers must announce the results for other by writing the scientific report,
describing all research problems, how they do work or research project, and what they discovered
(Nguyen Thi Canh, 2004, page 20)

+ When cited, don’t write author’s academic title in writing thesis as well as in the reference
category at the end of the thesis

+ In case the author is an organization, the author’s name is the full name of the organization.
The organization’s initials may be used as the author’s name if it is relatively popular and well-

+ When quoting Vietnamese document of author in Vietnam, please write the full name

+ All documents cited in the thesis have to be listed in reference category with the details of
the materials in accordance with the examples given in Section 8.3.

+ The documents in the reference category are arranged alphabetically by author name. The
references list is divided into two groups of bibliographic references, one is Vietnamese group and
one is English group (or another foreign language)

+ Restrict references to documents that have an unclear origin –for instance, documents
without author’s name, no year of publication, or low-confidence websites

+ Books and articles are usually two types of documents which are used common reference.
When listing reference in the bibliography, the name of the book and the journal should be presented
by italics. The name of the article is placed in citation marks,’...’ . See the specific example in table
2.1 on how to set up the list of references for this document and others

The citation examples in the article and make a list of references

Table 1 presents the illustrative examples of citations and list of references. Table 1 has 3
columns. The first column lists the types of materials that the theses can use as references. The
second column includes the examples of how to cite. The third column shows how to list the
relevant information for each reference in the reference list.

Table 1: The illustrative examples of citations and list of references

The types of The cited examples The examples present a list of references
materials in the article


Book: an author Nguyen Thi Canh Nguyen Thi Canh (1997). Method and
(in Vietnamese) (2004) suggested methodology of economic science research,
that... National University Publishing House, Ho Chi
or (Nguyen Thi Minh City.
Canh, 2004)

Book: an author (Holt, 1997) or Holt Holt, D. H. (1997). Management principles and
(in English) (1997) writed that... practices, Prentice-Hall, Sydney.

Book: two or (Dang Phong and Do Dang Phong and Do Minh Duc (2009). The
three authors (in Minh Duc, 2009) breakthroughs in the pre-reform economy,
Vietnamese) Science and Society Publishing House, Hanoi.

Book: two or (McCarthy, William McCarthy, E. J., William. D. P. and Pascale, G.

three authors (in and Pascale, 1997) Q. (1997). Basic marketing, Irwin, Sydney

Book: more than (Nguyen Tran Phuc Nguyen Tran Phuc, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Le Phan
three authors (in and et al., 2007) Thi Dieu Thao and Le Thi Anh Dao (2007).
Vietnamese) Foreign exchange market and foreign exchange
transactions, Statistics Publishing House, Ho Chi
Minh City.

Book: more than (Eiteman và ctg, Eiteman, D., Daly, K., Rath, S., Stonehill, A. and
three authors (in 2008) Moffett, M. (2008). Multinational business
English) finance, Pearson, Frenchs Forest.

Book: no author (A history of Greece A history of Greece (1994). Irwin, Sydney.


Book: editing (in (HĐ. Le Quoc Ly, Le Quoc Ly (Editer) (2004). Foreign exchange
Vietnamese) 2004) management and exchange rate management in
Vietnam, Statistics Publishing House, Hanoi.

Book: editing (in (Ed Chew, 1991) Chew, D. (Ed.) (1991). New development in
English) commercial banking, Basil Blackwell,
Book: the author (Ministry of Ministry of Finance (2007). Some financial and
is an organization Finance, 2007) economic issues in Vietnam, Finance Publishing
(in Vietnamese) House, Hanoi.

Book: the author (Australian Bureau Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
is an organization of Agricultural and Economics (2001). Aquaculture development in
(in English) Resource Australia: a review of key economic issues,
Economics, 2001) ABARE, Canberra.

Book: a chapter (Le Huy Trong, Le Huy Trong (2004). ‘The situation of foreign
or an article in the 2004) exchange management in Vietnam in the past’ in
editing book (in Foreign Exchange Management and Exchange
Vietnamese) Rate Management in Vietnam, edited by Le Quoc
Ly, Statistics Publishing House, Hanoi, pp. 152-

Book: a chapter “A number of Milkman, R. 1998, 'The new American

or an article in the disturbing facts workplace: high road or low road' in Workplaces
editing book (in intrude” (Milkman of the future, eds P. Thompson & C. Warhurst,
English) 1998, p. 25) Macmillan Press, London, pp. 22-34.

Book: Reprinted (Pham Thanh Nghi, Pham Thanh Nghi (2013). Psychological
(in Vietnamese) 2013) Education, 1st Edition, National University
Publishing House, Hanoi.

Book: Reprinted (Drafke, 2009) Drafke, M (2009). The human side of

(in English) organizations, 10th edn, Pearson/Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, N. J.

Book: books of (Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Van Tuan (2013a). In scientific research,
the same author 2013a) General Publishing House, HCMC
in the same year
(in Vietnamese) (Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Van Tuan (2013b). From Research to
2013b) Publish: Soft skills for scientists, General
Publishing House, HCMC.

Book: books of (Bond, 1991a) Bond, G. (1991a). Business ethics, McGraw-Hill,

the same author Sydney
in the same year (Bond, 1991b)
(in English) Bond, G. (1991b). Corporate governance, Iwin,

The journal article

The journal (Vo Hong Duc and Vo Hong Duc and Nguyen Dinh Thien (2013).
article: monthly Nguyen Dinh Thien, 'Evaluating the effectiveness and stability of
edition (in 2013) Commercial Banks through the lens of financial
Vietnamese) analysis', Banking Technology, No. 90
(September 2011, pp. 27-37).

The journal (Gagnon và Ihrig, Gagnon, J. E. and Ihrig, J. (2004). ‘Monetary

article: monthly 2004) policy and exchange rate passthrough’,
edition (in International Journal of Finance and economics,
English) (9) 4, 315-38

The journal (Chang và Velasco, Chang, R. and Velasco, A. (2000). ‘Exchange rate
article: the 2000) policy for developing countries’, The American
electronic article Economic Review, 90 (2)71-75. Available from:
(in English) Proquest [20 June 2010]

Materials from the internet

Webpage: with (Song Linh, 2008) Song Linh (2008). It’s predicted that Vietnam
author’s name dong was devalued to 40 percent that isn’t
and publication evidential, available from
year (in <
Vietnamese) doanh/2008/06/3BA03103> [date accessed: 06 /

Webpage: with (Janda, 2014) Janda, M. (2014). Quiet tide of underemployed

author’s name wait longer to get more work, Available from, [26
and publication February 2014]
year (in English)

Webpage: having (Jones, n.d.) Jones, M.D., n.d., Commentary on indigenous

author’s name housing initiatives, Available from
but having no <> [10 May
publication year 2009].
(in English)

Materials from (General Statistics General Statistics Office (2014). The notice
website (in Office, 2014) summarizes some preliminary results of the
Vietnamese) survey on the use of statistical information in
2013, available from, [14/02/2014]

Materials from (Australian Australian Securities Exchange 2009, Market

website (in Securities Exchange information, Available from , [10 June 2009].
English) 2009)
Blog (in (Le Hong Giang, Le Hong Giang (2014). 'Big Mac Index',
Vietnamese) 2014) 13/02/2013, Le Giang: Blog, available from. [14
February 2014]

Blog (in English) (Mankiw, 2014) Mankiw, G. (2014). ‘If Obamacare reduced labor
supply, will it raise wages?’, 11 February 2014,
Greg Mankiw: Blog, Available from . [14
February 2014].

Business Information

Company report (Vietcombank, 2006) Vietcombank (2006). Báo cáo

thường niên 2005, access to,
[20 June 2007]

Financial data (Datastream, 2009) Datastream (2009).

S&PASX200 daily index data
2000-2009, Available from:
Datastream, [20 May 2009].


The article on proceeding: (Nguyen Kim Anh and Nguyen Kim Anh and Pham
printed issues (Vietnamese) Pham Thi Hoang Oanh, Thi Hoang (2007)0. “Ung dung
2007) cong cu phai sinh tien te trong
phong ngua rui ro ty gia tai
ngan hang thuong mai Viet
Nam”, The sciential record of
seminar: Cac giai phap phat
trien cac thi truong phai sinh o
Viet Nam would be edited by
The Science council and tech
bank, the Banking development
strategy department and The
State Bank of Vietnam, Ha Noi,
pp. 61-75.

The article on proceeding: (Riley, 1992) Riley, D. (1992). ‘Industrial

printed issues (Vietnamese) relations in Australian
education’, in Contemporary
Australasian industrial
relations: Proceedings of the
sixth AIRAANZ conference, ed.
D. Blackmur, AIRAANZ,
Sydney, pp. 124-140.

The article on proceeding: (Fan and ctg, 2000) Fan, Ư., Gordon, M. D. and
electron Pathak, R. (2000).
‘Personalization of search
engine services for effective
retrieval and knowledge
management’,Proceedings of
the twenty-first international
conference on information
systems, pp. 20-34. Available
from: ACM Digital Library,
[24 June 2004].

The article on the post

The article: newspaper (Hanh Nhung, 2014) Hanh Nhug (2014), ‘I ach tang
(Vietnamese) truong tin dung dau nam’, Sai
Gon Giai Phong 7 March, p.
The article: newspaper (Ionesco, 2001) Ionesco, J. (2001). ‘Federal
(English) election: nw chip in
politics’,The advertiser 23
October, p.10.

The article: electronic (Song Tra, 2014) Song Tra (2014). ‘Nam 2014,
newspaper (Vietnamese) tap trung kiem soat chat che
toc do tang gia’, Nhan dan 17
February, access to, [ access in

The article: electronic (Liondis, 2014) Liondis, G. (2014).

newspaper (English) ‘Australian banks among
world’s safest: S&P’, The
Sydney Morning Herald 17
February, Available from, [17
February 2014].


The lecture (Vietnamese) (Nguyen Van A, 2014) Nguyen Van A (2014). He

thong tien te quoc te,
International finance.
HoChiMinh University of
Banking, 20 February 2014

The lecture (English) (Fosster, 2004) Fosster, T. (2014). Balance

sheets, lecture notes
distributed in Financial
Accounting 101 at the
University of Western
Autralia, Crawley on 2
November 2005.

Essay, thesis

Thesis: unpublished (Tran The Sao, 2010) Tran The Sao (2010).Nghien
(Vietnamese) cuu cac giai phap tai chinh-
tien te kiem soat lam phat
trong dieu kien hoi nhap kinh
te quoc te cua Viet Nam,
doctoral thesis, HoChiMinh
University of Banking.

Thesis: unpublished (Andrewartha, 2001) Andrewrtha, R. (2001).A

(English) comparative analysis of
logging systems in Vanuatu
Rainforests, PhD thesis,
School of Integrative Biology,
The university of Queensland.

Thesis: published (May, 2007) May, B. (2007).A survey of

radial velocities in the
zodiacal dust cloud, Bristol
UK, Canopus Publishing.

There are some other references, such as film, CD, Video, VCD, DVD, television, radio… If
the authors use those references, they should quote exactly about author, year of production,
radio/TV broadcasting time, information about product unit or Radio/TV unit. Media format
putted in brackets and under the name of film, CD, Video, VCD, DVD, television/radio.

Below is an example of the list of references (before the appendix). The writer could divide
references into two groups, list of Vietnamese references group and list of English references
group. These references should be arranged in alphabetical order of authors’ names.

Reference list in Vietnamese

Ministry of Financial (2007). Vietnam’s economic and financial problems, Financial
Publishing House, Ha Noi.
Dang Phong and Do Minh Duc (2009). Breakthrough in pre-economic times, Scientific and
Human Publishing House, Ha Noi.

Le Hong Giang (2014). ‘Big Mac Index’, 02/13/2013, Le Giang: Blog, access at
<>, [14 February 2014].

Le Huy Trong (2004), ‘The situation of foreign exchange management in Vietnam in recent
years’ in Foreign exchange mangement and change exchange rate in Vietnam, revise Le Quoc
Ly, Statistical Publishing House, Ha Noi, page 152-85.

Le Quoc Ly (revise) (2004), Foreign exchange management and change rate in Vietnam,
Statistical Publishing House, Ha Noi.

Nguyen Kim Anh and Pham Thi Hoang Oanh (2007). Application of Currency derivative
instruments to prevent exchange rate risk in commercial banks, Scientific seminars: Solutions
to develop derivaties markets in Vietnam by the bank science and technology board, Strategic
Banking Development, edited by State Bank of Vietnam, Ha Noi, page 61-75.

Nguyen Thi Canh (1997). Process of economic science research, National University
Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City.

Nguyen Tran Phuc, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Le Phan Thi Dieu Thao and Le Thi Anh Dao (2007),
Forex market and forex trading, Statistical Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City.

Nguyen Van A (2014). International Monetary System, International Financial subject,

Banking University, 02/20/2014.

Nguyen Van Tuan (2013a), Go into scientific research, General Publishing House, Ho Chi
Minh City.

Nguyen Van Tuan (2013b). From research to publish: Soft skills for scientists, General
Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City.

Pham Thanh Nghi (2013), Educational Psychology, First Edition, National University
Publishing House, Ha Noi.

Song Linh (2008). It is unrealistic to expect Vietnam Dong (VND) to devalue to 40 percent,
access at <> [access

Song Tra (2014). ‘Year 2014, focus on control price increases’, People January 17th, access at, [access 02/14/2014].

General Statistics Office (2014). Summarized some preliminary results of the survey using
statistical information in 2013, access at, [access 02/14/2014].

Tran The Sao (2010). Research financial – currency solutions to control inflation in the context
of international economic integration of Vietnam, Doctoral Thesis, Banking University.
Vietcombank (2006). Annual Report 2005, access at, [June 20th 2007].

Vo Hong Duc and Nguyen Dinh Thien (2013). ‘Assess the effectiveness and the stability of
commercial banks through a financial analysis lens’, Banking Technology Review, Number 90
(09/2013, page 27-37).

Reference list in English:

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2001). Aquaculture development

in Australia: A review of key economic issues, ABARE, Canberra.
Australian Securities Exchange (2009). Market information, Available from , [10 June 2009].
Bond, G. (1991a). Business ethics, McGraw-Hill, Sydney
Bond, G. (1991b). Corporate Governance, Iwin, London
Chew, D. (Ed.) (1991). New development in commercial banking, Basil Blackwell,
Datastream (2009). S&PASX200 daily index data 2000-2009, Available from: Datastream, [20
May 2009].
Drafke, M. (2009). The human side of organizations, 10th edn, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, N. J.
Eiteman, D., Daly, K., Rath, S., Stonehill, A. and Moffett, M. (2008). Multinational business
finance, Pearson, Frenchs Forest.
Fan, W., Gordon, M. D. and Pathak, R. (2000). ‘Personalization of search engine services for
effective retrieval and knowledge management’, Proceedings of the twenty-first international
conference on information systems, pp. 20-34. Available from: ACM Portal: ACM Digital
Library, [24 June 2004].
Foster, T. (2004). Balance sheets, lecture notes distributed in Financial Accounting 101 at the
University of Western Australia, Crawley on 2 November 2005.
Gagnon, J. E. and Ihrig, J. (2004). ‘Monetary policy and exchange rate
passthrough’, International Journal of Finance and economics, 9 (4), 15-38
Holt, D. H. (1997). Management principles and practices, Prentice-Hall, Sydney.
Ionesco, J. (2001). ‘Federal election: NW Chip in politics’, The Advertiser 23 October, p. 10.
Janda, M. (2014). Quiet tide of underemployed wait longer to get more work, Available from ,
[26 February 2014].
Liondis, G. (2014). Australian banks among world’s safest: S&P, The Sydney Morning
Herald 17 February, Available from , [17 February 2014].

 It includes content for illustrating and spporting as datas, pictures,.. The appendix is not
thinker than the main part of the graduation thesis.
 For example:
Appendix 1: Question
Appendix 2: Control process

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