International Justice

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South Africa Criminal

Justice System
Is The South African Criminal Justice system
South Africa's system of criminal justice is in a crisis. Unfortunately, the system cannot be
easily fixed; it is not characterised by a single problem that can be resolved speedily, but is
characterised by blockages, many of which cause delays in other parts of the criminal justice
pipeline. Even though the number of serious crimes has decreased in the last few years,
South Africa still has a high level of violence. According to wordlist’s Top 10 countries with
the worst police brutality south africa is number 2. During the period between 1975 and
1982, reported crimes remained at a constant level (around 4,400 per 100,000 people).
From 1982 to 1993, this number increased dramatically, reaching 5,747.
Murder Statistics
There were 827 children murdered in South Africa in 2012/13. That is more than two a day.
21,575 children who were assaulted.In the same year, 2,266 women were murdered, and
141,130 women were victims of attempted murder, assault GBH and common assault.
NO Easy Solution!
South African attitudes towards the law are demonstrated in small things such as the high
number of people who drive without seat belts and who drive under the influence of drugs
or alcohol; the many teachers who still beat children at school; police officers who break
traffic rules even when it is not necessary; drivers who ignore red traffic lights and so on.For
as long as those holding political office appear to act with impunity, or cynically use the
criminal justice system to dodge very serious allegations of the abuse of power and state
resources, we cannot reasonably expect South African citizens to respect the law.
Bizzare Laws

No PDA under 16

In South Africa, it is illegal for children and teens under the age of 16 to show public displays
of affection.

Unmarried fathers aren’t held responsible

So meanig if you had a baby with the girl but you are not married you are not responsible or
have the option of not taking care of the child.
Bizzare Laws Pt2

You need a license to buy a TV

In South Africa, any person who owns a TV that receives a broadcast signal must pay for a
TV license.

Personal space in bathing suits

In South Africa it’s illegal for young people in bathing suits to sit less than 12 inches apart,

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