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Core Analysis

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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 11
2 SCAL Data Import ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Creating a Template to Import Laboratory Reports .............................................................. 16
2.2 Importing Laboratory Reports .............................................................................................. 23
2.3 Creating a Template to Import Summary Data Organised into a Grid ................................. 25
2.4 Importing Summary Data Organised into a Grid .................................................................. 30
2.5 Creating a Template to Import Data Organised into Columns.............................................. 30
2.6 Importing Data Organised into Columns .............................................................................. 36
2.7 Features for Importing Data from ASCII Files ..................................................................... 36
2.7.1 Loading an ASCII File Directly into the Grid .............................................................. 37
2.7.2 Creating a Template to Import the ASCII Data ............................................................ 39
2.8 Miscellaneous Topics............................................................................................................ 39
2.8.1 Grid References............................................................................................................. 39
2.8.2 Well References ............................................................................................................ 40
2.8.3 How the Import Process Works with the Geolog Database .......................................... 40
3 Corrections .................................................................................................................................... 41
3.1 The corecorrect View ............................................................................................................ 41
3.1.1 Options Tab ................................................................................................................... 42
3.1.2 Input Cap. Curves Tab .................................................................................................. 42
3.1.3 Selecting Samples ......................................................................................................... 43
3.1.4 Accepting and Rejecting Samples................................................................................. 45
3.1.5 Changing Cross-plot Axis Limits and Scale Types ...................................................... 47
3.2 Closure Correction ................................................................................................................ 50
3.2.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 50
3.2.2 Correcting the Capillary Pressure Curves ..................................................................... 51
3.3 Clay-Bound Water Correction .............................................................................................. 56
3.3.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 56
3.3.2 Correcting the Capillary Pressure Curves ..................................................................... 57
3.4 Stress Correction ................................................................................................................... 58
3.4.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 58
3.4.2 Correcting the Capillary Pressure Curves ..................................................................... 59
3.5 Review and QC of Results .................................................................................................... 60
3.6 Writing the Corrected Logs to the Database ......................................................................... 61
4 Building Saturation-Height Models .............................................................................................. 62

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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management

4.1 Creating a New corebuild View ............................................................................................ 62

4.2 Defining the Curve Fit Sw Equations ................................................................................... 63
4.2.1 Deleting a Curve Fit Sw Equation ................................................................................ 64
4.2.2 Inserting a New Curve Fit Sw Equation ....................................................................... 65
4.2.3 Reordering the Equation List ........................................................................................ 74
4.3 The Options Tab ................................................................................................................... 75
4.3.1 Processing Cut-offs ....................................................................................................... 75
4.3.2 Units .............................................................................................................................. 75
4.3.3 Sample Logs.................................................................................................................. 76
4.3.4 Z Axis............................................................................................................................ 76
4.3.5 Color ............................................................................................................................. 76
4.3.6 Appearance ................................................................................................................... 76
4.4 The Fluids Tab ...................................................................................................................... 77
4.4.1 Fluid System ................................................................................................................. 77
4.4.2 Reservoir Fluid Densities .............................................................................................. 86
4.4.3 Define Fluid Systems .................................................................................................... 87
4.4.4 Treating Interfacial Tension and Contact Angle as a Combined Quantity ................... 88
4.5 The 3D Cap. Curves Tab....................................................................................................... 89
4.5.1 Checking that Data has Loaded..................................................................................... 90
4.5.2 Choice of Z Axis ........................................................................................................... 90
4.5.3 Tuning Fluid System Interfacial Tensions and Contact Angles .................................... 91
4.6 The Fit Cap. Curves Tab ....................................................................................................... 92
4.6.1 Equation Table .............................................................................................................. 92
4.6.2 Sample Table ................................................................................................................ 93
4.7 Model Parameters Tab .......................................................................................................... 99
4.7.1 Creating a Basic Lambda Model ................................................................................... 99
4.7.2 Accepting and Rejecting Samples............................................................................... 102
4.7.3 Setting Axis Scale Types ............................................................................................ 104
4.7.4 Setting Regression Models for Each Parameter .......................................................... 105
4.7.5 Automatically Determining the Best Regression Models for all Parameters.............. 108
4.7.6 Creating a Lambda Model with Best Regressions ...................................................... 109
4.7.7 Globally Optimizing the Model .................................................................................. 112
4.7.8 Creating a Globally Optimised Lambda Model .......................................................... 113
4.7.9 Optimising all Models................................................................................................. 114
4.7.10 Equation Table ............................................................................................................ 114
4.7.11 Building an EQR Model ............................................................................................. 115
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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management

4.8 Comparing Models.............................................................................................................. 117

5 Working with Saturation-Height Models .................................................................................... 119
5.1 Importing GR Data into the WIRE Set ............................................................................... 119
5.2 Building a Saturation-Height Model with GR as Z Axis .................................................... 123
5.3 Reviewing the Lambda Model with GR Z Axis ................................................................. 127
5.3.1 The coremodel Sw Equation Tab ................................................................................ 127
5.3.2 The coremodel Options Tab ........................................................................................ 127
5.3.3 The coremodel Fluids Tab .......................................................................................... 128
5.3.4 The coremodel Fitted Cap. Curves Tab ...................................................................... 128
5.3.5 The coremodel Modeled Cap. Curves Tab ................................................................. 129
5.3.6 The coremodel Modeled Parameters Tab ................................................................... 130
5.3.7 The coremodel 3D Model Tab .................................................................................... 131
5.3.8 The coremodel Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab ........................................................... 132
5.4 Setting Free Water Levels ................................................................................................... 132
5.4.1 Opening the Wells for Model Application .................................................................. 132
5.4.2 The coremodel Predict Sw Tab ................................................................................... 135
5.4.3 Selecting the Intervals for Model Application ............................................................ 135
5.4.4 Setting Free Water Levels Directly............................................................................. 138
5.4.5 Setting Free Water Levels Interactively...................................................................... 140
5.4.6 Merging Free Water Levels ........................................................................................ 143
5.4.7 Splitting Free Water Levels ........................................................................................ 145
5.4.8 Inspecting the Free Water Levels in the Database ...................................................... 148
5.4.9 Changing Free Water Levels in the Database ............................................................. 150
5.5 Predicting Water Saturations .............................................................................................. 154
5.6 Adding Noise to Create Synthetic Water Saturation Data .................................................. 155
5.7 Deleting Free Water Levels ................................................................................................ 157
5.8 Solving for Free Water Levels ............................................................................................ 160
5.8.1 Solving for a Single Free Water Level........................................................................ 160
5.8.2 Solving All Free Water Levels.................................................................................... 162
5.9 Working with Intervals Individually ................................................................................... 165
6 Leverett J Models ........................................................................................................................ 166
7 References ................................................................................................................................... 168

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With Epos 4.1 Data Management

Figure 1: Example of raw laboratory report with one sheet per sample. .............................................. 13
Figure 2: Example of summary laboratory report with results organised into a grid. .......................... 14
Figure 3: Example of data organised into columns in a spreadsheet. ................................................... 15
Figure 4: Default coreimport view in Geolog Well. ............................................................................. 16
Figure 5: Coreimport view with data from sample S8B pasted into the spreadsheet-style grid. .......... 17
Figure 6: Coreimport view with grid reference of well name specified. .............................................. 18
Figure 7: Selecting DEPTH grid reference interactively. ..................................................................... 18
Figure 8: Coreimport after interactive selection of DEPTH grid reference. ......................................... 19
Figure 9: Selecting DEPTH units in the coreimport view. ................................................................... 20
Figure 10: Coreimport view after setting grid references for all available single values. .................... 20
Figure 11: Coreimport view after setting grid reference of Pressure data. ........................................... 21
Figure 12: Coreimport view after setting grid reference of Saturation data. ........................................ 22
Figure 13: Creating a new well for the SCAL data............................................................................... 23
Figure 14: Text view showing first sample imported. .......................................................................... 23
Figure 15: Data from sample S31A pasted into coreimport view. ........................................................ 24
Figure 16: Text view showing all samples from lab_report.xlsx imported. ......................................... 25
Figure 17: Coreimport view with summary data in a grid pasted in. .................................................... 26
Figure 18: Coreimport view with grid reference for well name specified. ........................................... 27
Figure 19: Selecting DEPTH grid reference range interactively. ......................................................... 27
Figure 20: Setting DEPTH units to FEET. ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 21: Coreimport view after setting grid references for all available scalar logs. ........................ 28
Figure 22: Coreimport view after setting grid reference of Pressure data. ........................................... 29
Figure 23: Coreimport view after setting grid reference for Saturation data. ....................................... 30
Figure 24: Coreimport view with data organised into columns pasted in............................................. 32
Figure 25: Coreimport view with 4 header rows set. ............................................................................ 33
Figure 26: Coreimport view with well name column grid reference set............................................... 33
Figure 27: Coreimport view after selecting DEPTH column interactively........................................... 34
Figure 28: Coreimport view after setting grid references for all data. .................................................. 35
Figure 29: Complete coreimport template for data organised into columns. ........................................ 35
Figure 30: Text views showing all samples imported........................................................................... 36
Figure 31: Example comma separated ASCII data in a text editor. ...................................................... 37
Figure 32: Opening the cap_curves.txt data file. .................................................................................. 38
Figure 33: Comma separated ASCII file loaded into coreimport view................................................. 38
Figure 34: Completed coreimport template for the comma separated ASCII file. ............................... 39
Figure 35: Default corecorrect view in Geolog Well. ........................................................................... 42
Figure 36: Input Cap. Curves tab in corecorrect view. ......................................................................... 43
Figure 37: Selecting the S8B sample from the sample table. ............................................................... 44
Figure 38: Extending the selection to include samples S31A and 3. .................................................... 44
Figure 39: Extending the selection directly from the cross-plot. .......................................................... 45
Figure 40: Rejecting sample S122A. .................................................................................................... 46
Figure 41: Accept sample S122A again. ............................................................................................... 46
Figure 42: Top limit of pressure axis changed to 25 PSI. ..................................................................... 47
Figure 43: Top limit of pressure axis changed back to 250 PSI. .......................................................... 48
Figure 44: Changing the pressure axis scale with the Scale combobox................................................ 48
Figure 45: Axis scale hot-track buttons. ............................................................................................... 49

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Figure 46: Returning the pressure axis to linear scale with the hot-track button. ................................. 50
Figure 47: Closure Correction tab in corecorrect view. ........................................................................ 52
Figure 48: Sample S8B selected for closure correction. ....................................................................... 52
Figure 49: Zooming in on the low pressure, high saturation region for sample S8B. .......................... 53
Figure 50: Graphically identifying the closure correction for sample S8B. ......................................... 54
Figure 51: Closure correction set for sample S8B. ............................................................................... 55
Figure 52: Closure picked for all samples. ........................................................................................... 56
Figure 53: Clay-Bound Water Correction tab in corecorrect view. ...................................................... 57
Figure 54: Stress Correction tab in corecorrect view. ........................................................................... 59
Figure 55: Output Cap. Curves tab in the corecorrect view. ................................................................. 60
Figure 56: Output Cap. Curves tab with only sample S8B selected. .................................................... 61
Figure 57: Default corebuild view in Geolog Well............................................................................... 63
Figure 58: Curve Fit Sw Equations tab after deleting Lambda function. ............................................. 64
Figure 59: Curve Fit Sw Equations tab after pressing Insert button. .................................................... 65
Figure 60: Giving the new equation a name. ........................................................................................ 66
Figure 61: Starting to enter the Lambda equation................................................................................. 67
Figure 62: Continuing to enter the Lambda equation. .......................................................................... 67
Figure 63: Completing the entry of the Lambda equation. ................................................................... 68
Figure 64: Expression Builder showing special Sw equation symbols on the Logs tab. ...................... 69
Figure 65: Double-clicking on the SWI Initial Value in the parameter table. ...................................... 70
Figure 66: Expression Builder showing special Initial Value expression symbols on the Logs tab..... 71
Figure 67: Parameters table after specifying Initial Value for SWI...................................................... 72
Figure 68: Parameters table after all initial values specified. ............................................................... 72
Figure 69: Parameters table with Lower Bound values specified. ........................................................ 73
Figure 70: Reordering the equation list so the lambda function comes first......................................... 74
Figure 71: Options tab of the corebuild view. ...................................................................................... 75
Figure 72: Fluids tab of the corebuild view. ......................................................................................... 77
Figure 73: 3D Cap. Curves tab of the corebuild view........................................................................... 89
Figure 74: Setting the Z Axis to POROSITY. ...................................................................................... 90
Figure 75: 3D Cap. Curves tab with Z Axis set to POROSITY. .......................................................... 91
Figure 76: Fit Cap. Curves tab of the corebuild view. .......................................................................... 92
Figure 77: Results of the EQR equation fits. ........................................................................................ 93
Figure 78: Setting the default Initial Value for the A parameter of the Lamba equation to 3. ............. 94
Figure 79: Default initial value of A parameter of the Lambda equation set to 3. ............................... 95
Figure 80: Overriding the initial value of N for sample S8B................................................................ 96
Figure 81: Initial parameter value overrides are shown in yellow. ....................................................... 97
Figure 82: Initial value override for N parameter cleared..................................................................... 97
Figure 83: Model Parameters tab of the corebuild view. ...................................................................... 99
Figure 84: Sw Equation tab of coremodel view showing Lambda model with linear regression for all
parameters. .......................................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 85: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing Lambda model with linear regression for all
parameters. .......................................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 86: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of the coremodel view showing Lambda model with linear
regression for all parameters. .............................................................................................................. 102
Figure 87: Selecting sample 8 from the cross-plots. ........................................................................... 103
Figure 88: Rejecting sample 8. ........................................................................................................... 103
Figure 89: Changing the SWI curve fit parameter axis scale to logarithmic. ..................................... 104
Figure 90: Changing the SWI parameter axis scale back to linear with hot-track buttons. ................ 105

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With Epos 4.1 Data Management

Figure 91: Changing regression model for A parameter to a power function..................................... 107
Figure 92: Hot track buttons on a parameter cross-plot. ..................................................................... 108
Figure 93: Best regressions for the Lamda function. .......................................................................... 109
Figure 94: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing Lambda model with best-fit parameter
regressions........................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 95: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of the coremodel view showing Lambda model with best-fit
parameter regressions.......................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 96: Saving the best regression Lambda model. ....................................................................... 111
Figure 97: Global optimisation of the Lambda function..................................................................... 112
Figure 98: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing globally optimised Lambda model................ 113
Figure 99: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of the coremodel view showing globally optimised Lambda
model. ................................................................................................................................................. 114
Figure 100: Model Parameters tab of corebuild view showing optimised EQR model...................... 115
Figure 101: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing optimised EQR model. ................................ 116
Figure 102: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of coremodel view showing optimised EQR model....... 116
Figure 103: Splitting the display vertically into two tab groups. ........................................................ 117
Figure 104: Comparing optimised Lambda and EQR models side by side. ....................................... 118
Figure 105: Default textimport view in Geolog Well. ........................................................................ 120
Figure 106: Loading the file alnath_gr.txt into the textimport view. .................................................. 120
Figure 107: Textimport view with alnath_gr.txt file loaded. .............................................................. 121
Figure 108: Setting the Import Set to WIRE in the textimport view. ................................................. 121
Figure 109: Setting the number of Header Rows to 2 in the textimport view. ................................... 122
Figure 110: Logs to import automatically determined from header in textimport view. .................... 122
Figure 111: Text view showing GR data imported from alnath_gr.txt. .............................................. 123
Figure 112: Setting the Z axis to GR in the corebuild view................................................................ 124
Figure 113: Reviewing the spatial relationship of data points against GR Z axis in corebuild. ......... 124
Figure 114: Selecting the Model Parameters tab for GR Z axis model in corebuild. ......................... 125
Figure 115: Corebuild view after optimising all models against GR Z axis. ...................................... 125
Figure 116: New coremodel view containing lambda model with GR Z axis. ................................... 126
Figure 117: Saving the model with the name alnath_lambda_gr. ....................................................... 126
Figure 118: Coremodel view Options tab. .......................................................................................... 127
Figure 119: Coremodel view Fluids tab.............................................................................................. 128
Figure 120: Coremodel view Fitted Cap. Curves tab.......................................................................... 129
Figure 121: Coremodel view Modeled Cap. Curves tab. .................................................................... 130
Figure 122: Coremodel view Modeled Parameters tab. ...................................................................... 131
Figure 123: Coremodel view 3D Model tab. ...................................................................................... 131
Figure 124: Coremodel view Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab. ............................................................ 132
Figure 125: Well Multiple Select dialog box. ..................................................................................... 133
Figure 126: Well Multiple Select dialog box after selecting wells. .................................................... 133
Figure 127: Coremodel view with new wells open in the well list. .................................................... 134
Figure 128: Coremodel view with well ALNATH deselected............................................................ 134
Figure 129: Coremodel view interactive water saturation prediction feature. .................................... 135
Figure 130: Selecting the Ranges tab in order to select intervals. ...................................................... 136
Figure 131: Clearing the Synchronise checkbox on the Ranges panel. .............................................. 136
Figure 132: Selecting the TOPS.TOPS interval log on the Ranges panel. ......................................... 137
Figure 133: Coremodel view with two intervals and five wells selected............................................ 137
Figure 134: Setting Elevation Scale to 240 in the coremodel view. ................................................... 138
Figure 135: Directly setting FWL of ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in ATLAS well.................... 139

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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management

Figure 136: Directly setting FWL of MUREE SANDSTONE in ATLAS well. ................................ 140
Figure 137: Setting FWL for CAPELLA well interactively. .............................................................. 141
Figure 138: Setting FWL for ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in CAPELLA well interactively. ..... 142
Figure 139: Dragging ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE FWL below the interval in CAPELLA well.
............................................................................................................................................................ 143
Figure 140: Merging FWLs with context menu.................................................................................. 144
Figure 141: FWLs merged for ALTAS well. ...................................................................................... 145
Figure 142: Splitting FWLs with the context menu. ........................................................................... 146
Figure 143: FWLs split for the ATLAS well. ..................................................................................... 147
Figure 144: Arbitrary FWLs defined for all wells. ............................................................................. 148
Figure 145: Setting text view to display the logs for well ALTAS, set TOPS. .................................. 149
Figure 146: Checking check boxes for TOPS and FWL logs in text view. ........................................ 149
Figure 147: Viewing FWL log values for ALTAS well in text view. ................................................ 150
Figure 148: Viewing the coremodel and text views simultaneously. ................................................. 151
Figure 149: Changing FWL for ARCHERFIELD SANDTONE in ATLAS well using text view. ... 152
Figure 150: Changing FWL for MUREE SANDSTONE in ATLAS well using text view................ 153
Figure 151: Coremodel view returned to full screen after closing right panel. .................................. 154
Figure 152: Verifying that the WIRE.SW_CORE log has been created in the ATLAS well. ............ 155
Figure 153: Evaluate module in module launcher. ............................................................................. 155
Figure 154: Module launcher showing Evaluate module with options set. ........................................ 156
Figure 155: Coremodel view showing synthetic water saturation logs. ............................................. 157
Figure 156: Selecting all FWLs for ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE. .............................................. 158
Figure 157: FWLs for ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE deleted........................................................ 159
Figure 158: FWLs for MUREE SANDSTONE deleted. .................................................................... 160
Figure 159: Solving a single FWL with the context menu. ................................................................ 161
Figure 160: Single FWL solved for the ATLAS well. ........................................................................ 162
Figure 161: Solve All FWLs dialog box. ............................................................................................ 163
Figure 162: Single FWL solved for each well. ................................................................................... 163
Figure 163: Solve All FWLs dialog box set to solve each interval independently. ............................ 164
Figure 164: FWLs solved independently for each interval. ................................................................ 164

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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management

Table 1: Illustrative SCAL data organised into columns. ..................................................................... 31
Table 2: Special symbols for Curve Fit Sw Equations. ........................................................................ 63
Table 3: Special symbols allowed in an Initial Value expression. ........................................................ 70
Table 4: Available regression models for curve fit parameter values. ................................................ 106
Table 5: Meaning of regression mode hot-track button labels. ........................................................... 108

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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management

Equation 1: Closure correction. ............................................................................................................ 51
Equation 2: Clay-bound water correction. ............................................................................................ 56
Equation 3: Stress correction. ............................................................................................................... 58
Equation 4: Lamba function.................................................................................................................. 64
Equation 5: Pressure transformation for NORMALIZED fluid system. .............................................. 78
Equation 6: Pressure transformation for HAFWL OIL-BRINE fluid system. ...................................... 79
Equation 7: Pressure transformation for HAFWL GAS-BRINE fluid system. .................................... 80
Equation 8: Pressure transformation for HAFOL GAS-OIL fluid system............................................ 81
Equation 9: Pressure transformation for RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE fluid system. .............................. 82
Equation 10: Pressure transformation for RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE fluid system. .......................... 83
Equation 11: Pressure transformation for RESERVOIR GAS-OIL fluid system. ................................ 84
Equation 12: Pressure transformation for DEFAULT fluid system...................................................... 85
Equation 13: Pressure transformation for user defined fluid system. ................................................... 86
Equation 14: Interfacial tension and contact angle are always used together. ...................................... 88
Equation 15: Lambda model with linear interpolation of all curve fit parameters. ............................ 100
Equation 16: Lambda model with linear interpolation of SWI and N parameters and exponential
interpolation of A parameter. .............................................................................................................. 112
Equation 17: Leverett J-function......................................................................................................... 166

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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management
Introduction 11

1 Introduction

Geolog Core Analysis is a system for producing saturation-height models from capillary pressure
measurements on core plugs (SCAL data).

Geolog Core Analysis allows:

• Easy import of data from a wide variety of sources including spreadsheet data.
• Interactive, graphical display of capillary pressure data.
• Interactive, graphical correction of capillary pressure curves for closure, clay-bound water
and stress.
• Fitting of user definable saturation-height functions to capillary pressure data.
• Simultaneous, real-time fitting of multiple saturation-height functions allowing immediate
comparison of models built from different functions.
• Prediction of water saturations from saturation-height models when the free water level is
• Prediction of free water level from saturation-height models when the water saturation is

The emphasis is on automation, visualisation and interactivity. The system has the flexibility to work
with user defined saturation-height functions through its incorporation of a non-linear curve fitting
algorithm. This algorithm is like the Excel Solver but better tuned to the problem of fitting functions
to measured data points.

Spreadsheets are widely used for building saturation-height models from SCAL data. Geolog Core
Analysis removes much of the tedium of spreadsheets allowing the user to focus on the model
building process rather than the operational mechanics of spreadsheet software. The approach allows
a variety of models to be built and compared quickly (often instantaneously).

Core Analysis saturation-height models are built using the technique of interpolating curve-fit
parameters (obtained from fitting a function to individual capillary pressure curves) against an
arbitrary Z axis (usually permeability or porosity). Visualisation is used extensively to facilitate
understanding of each step of the process. At each step, the user is presented with interactive graphics
that allows direct visualisation of the results for that step. This transparency of operation achieved
through interactive graphics improves confidence in the results.

The high degree of automation employed not only allows immediate comparison of several models
but reduces the scope for error compared with performing complex steps manually in a spreadsheet.

This book acts as both a reference and a tutorial. When working as a tutorial, all of the data required is
in the file cap_curves.txt that accompanies this tutorial. The procedure to load this data is fully

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SCAL Data Import 12

2 SCAL Data Import

Geolog Core Analysis provides a specialised view (coreimport) to import the SCAL data required for
saturation-height modelling of capillary pressure curves. The coreimport view makes it easy to import
data from spreadsheets or text files.

The coreimport view is much like the textimport with the following differences:

1. There are fewer options as appropriate to loading SCAL data.

2. The logs to load are pre-defined with the names required to work immediately with Core
Analysis in its default configuration.

As the coreimport view has the log names expected by Core Analysis pre-defined, you can
immediately start working with the imported data without having to configure log names in the Core
Analysis views.

A variety of modes of operation are supported including:

1. Scraping data in an ad-hoc fashion from raw laboratory reports with one sheet per sample (see
Figure 1). In this mode, data from each sample is imported individually.
2. Scraping data in an ad-hoc fashion from laboratory summary reports with saturation data for
all the samples from a single well organised into a grid (see Figure 2).
3. Processing data that has been organised into columns (see Figure 3). In this mode, data that is
the same for an entire sample (like the depth) is repeated on each row while the capillary
pressures and measured saturations are different on each row. This format allows data from
multiple wells and samples to be imported in a single pass.

You can also use the textimport view to load SCAL data. This can be useful if the data being loaded
contains header information that can be automatically interpreted by the textimport view. In this case
log names may need to be changed in the Core Analysis views in order to work with the imported

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SCAL Data Import 13

Figure 1: Example of raw laboratory report with one sheet per sample.

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SCAL Data Import 14

Figure 2: Example of summary laboratory report with results organised into a grid.

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SCAL Data Import 15

Figure 3: Example of data organised into columns in a spreadsheet.

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SCAL Data Import 16

2.1 Creating a Template to Import Laboratory Reports

An example of data in a laboratory report format is shown in Figure 1. The data is typically formatted
such that the capillary pressure measurement results for each core plug are shown on a separate sheet
of the spreadsheet. It is easy to import data in this format as long as the cell locations of the values on
each sheet are the same. The procedure is to create a coreimport template and to use this template to
load the data from all samples and from all laboratory reports that are in the same format.

To create the template, start with a new coreimport view by selecting from the menu:

File > New > New Core Data Import

A default coreimport view is displayed as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Default coreimport view in Geolog Well.

Next, the sheet containing the results of the tests on the first core plug S8B is copied from the
spreadsheet to the clipboard (using the selection and clipboard features in the spreadsheet
application). To do this, use Excel to open the lab_report.xlsx spreadsheet provided, select the sheet
for the S8B sample and copy the entire sheet contents to the clipboard.

The data for sample S8B can now be pasted into the coreimport view by pressing the Paste button.
The result is shown in Figure 5.

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SCAL Data Import 17

Figure 5: Coreimport view with data from sample S8B pasted into the spreadsheet-style grid.

The positions of the values to import are now identified by spreadsheet-style grid references. In the
Import Logs group the Grid Reference for the Reference log is shown in yellow as this is the only
value that must be specified. All the other values are optional.

The Grid Reference for each of the values can be specified by either manually entering a grid
reference with the keyboard or interactively selecting the cells to reference with the mouse.

We can see that the name of the well ALNATH is in grid cell C4. To set this, type C4 into the Grid
Reference column of the first row of the Import Logs table. The result is shown in Figure 6.

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SCAL Data Import 18

Figure 6: Coreimport view with grid reference of well name specified.

The cell C4 is now shown in light red as this is the colour for the well name (as shown in the first
column of the Import Logs table).

The depth of the sample is shown in cell C6. To set this interactively, select the Grid Reference for the
Reference log (DEPTH) in the Import Logs table as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Selecting DEPTH grid reference interactively.

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SCAL Data Import 19

Now select the cell C6 directly in the spreadsheet-style grid. The Grid Reference is automatically
entered as C6. The result is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Coreimport after interactive selection of DEPTH grid reference.

Notice that the depth in the spreadsheet data is specified in feet. The Log Units column is used to
specify the correct units for the data identified in the spreadsheet-style grid.

Double click on the Log Units cell for the Depth row and click on the combo-box down arrow to
display the list of allowable depth units as shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9: Selecting DEPTH units in the coreimport view.

FEET can now be selected from the list.

After selecting the Grid Reference for Sample Number, Ambient Porosity and Ambient Permeability
the coreimport view will look like Figure 10.

Figure 10: Coreimport view after setting grid references for all available single values.

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All data selected so far has a unique value for the core plug sample. These values will be imported
into the Geolog database as scalar logs with a repeat count of 1. Unlike these, the saturation
measurements in this example were performed at 56 distinct pressures in order to produce the
capillary pressure curve for the core plug sample. These data are imported into the Geolog database as
array logs.

The grid cell references are specified in the same way as before (either interactively or by direct
entry). When specifying multiple valued grid references interactively, the mouse cursor is dragged
over a range of cells. For direct entry, the range of cells is specified as the start grid reference
followed by a colon followed by the end grid reference. So B15:B71 would be the grid reference for
the injection pressures in this example as the injection pressures start in cell B15 and end in cell B71.

It is possible to allow more room for the pressures as empty cells at the end of the range will be
ignored. This allows a coreimport template to be created that will work for other samples with more
than 56 pressure values. A grid reference of B15:B999 would allow more than enough room in
practice. It is also possible to specify a grid reference that starts at cell B15 and goes all the way to the
end of the column. Such a grid reference has the form B15:B. Enter the B15:B as the Grid Reference
for the Pressure as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Coreimport view after setting grid reference of Pressure data.

It is important to select the same number of cells in the Grid Reference for the Saturation as each
pressure value must correspond to a saturation value. The Grid Reference D15:D will be used as the
wetting phase (in this case air) saturation is required for Core Analysis. The result is shown in Figure

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Figure 12: Coreimport view after setting grid reference of Saturation data.

When selecting values over multiple cells, it is important that the range of values is in a single column
or a single row (not a rectangular region of cells). It is also important that the same number of cells is
contained in the range for all multiple values.

Not all of the logs listed in the Import Logs table are available in this example spreadsheet data. Just
leave those blank. If they are required, the values can be provided using the text view or by
calculating them in Geolog Well later. They can also be manually added (in a consistent manner) to a
copy of the laboratory report spreadsheet and imported in the same way. Values can also be typed
directly into the cells of the spreadsheet-style grid but the grid is just a temporary staging area for the
data and its contents will not be saved. Consequently the approach of manually augmenting a copy of
the original laboratory report spreadsheet is preferable.

Likewise, the saturation of the wetting phase may not be available on the report. Perhaps the only
information available is the volume of Mercury injected. Again, the easiest way to handle this is to
augment a copy of the laboratory report spreadsheet with simple formulas that make this information
available in a column.

The Color, Log Name, Log Type, Log Units and Log Comment for each of the logs to import can also
be specified in the Import Logs table.

The template is now complete so save it with the name lab_report.coreimport. This will allow the
template to be recalled each time data in this format needs to be imported. In a similar fashion,
coreimport templates can be created to handle laboratory reports from different laboratories or for
different experiment types.

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2.2 Importing Laboratory Reports

Now that a coreimport template has been created for the laboratory report, the data can be imported
one sample at a time. The Import button is used to import the current sample. The Paste button is used
to paste the data for the next sample into the spreadsheet-style grid.

Continuing with the example the data for sample S8B will be imported.

First create a new well ALNATH by selecting from the menu:

File > New > New Well ...

Name the new well ALNATH as shown in Figure 13 and click OK.

Figure 13: Creating a new well for the SCAL data.

Click Import while the coreimport view looks as shown in Figure 12 to import into the SCAL set. We
can now see the first sample imported with the text view as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Text view showing first sample imported.

The data from the next sample S31A can now be copied from the spreadsheet and pasted into the
coreimport view with the Paste button as shown in Figure 15.

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Figure 15: Data from sample S31A pasted into coreimport view.

Notice that the template already defines the positions of the data for sample S31A. Consequently this
sample can be imported by just clicking the Import button.

The process is repeated for as many samples as are required. Coreimport will automatically expand
array log repeat counts if more repeats are required to store the sample data. The samples do not have
to be loaded in depth order, but if a sample is loaded at the same depth as an existing sample, the
existing sample will be overwritten with the new one.

Figure 16 shows the text view after importing all samples in the lab_report.xlsx spreadsheet.

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Figure 16: Text view showing all samples from lab_report.xlsx imported.

2.3 Creating a Template to Import Summary Data Organised into a


An example of data in a summary laboratory report format is shown in Figure 2. The data is typically
formatted such that the saturations for all core plugs from a single well are organised into a grid with
each column representing a distinct pressure and each row representing a sample.

The pressures are often not precise in this type of report so a column can show the saturations for each
sample at that pressure. In practice, the pressures achieved for each sample can be slightly different.
For example, if the target pressure is 100 PSI, the first sample might actually be measured at 98 PSI
while the second is measured as 101 PSI. This type of summary format would lump these together in
the same column with a pressure of 100 PSI.

Consequently, it is better to import data from raw reports where possible. The raw reports are
typically more accurate and often contain additional information such as descriptions of sample
failures which are usually not available in the summary reports.

The advantage of the summary report is that all data for a well can be imported in a single step.
Again, the procedure is to create a coreimport template and use this template to import the data from
the summary report.

Close all views from the previous step and create a new coreimport view by selecting from the menu:

File > New > New Core Data Import

A default coreimport view is displayed as shown in Figure 4.

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Next the data is copied from the spreadsheet (like Figure 2) as pasted into the coreimport view in the
same manner as described in Chapter 2.1. The Excel spreadsheet lab_report_summary.xlsx has been
provided with the data used here. The result is shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17: Coreimport view with summary data in a grid pasted in.

The positions of the values are again identified by spreadsheet-style grid references. This time the
name of the well ALNATH is in grid cell B3. To set this, select the Grid Reference cell of the first
column of the Import Logs table and then select cell B3 in the spreadsheet-style grid. The result is
shown in Figure 18.

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Figure 18: Coreimport view with grid reference for well name specified.

Each sample is represented on rows 12 to 19. The depth information for each sample is in column B.
To set this interactively, select the Grid Reference cell of the second row in the Import Logs table then
drag the mouse cursor over cells B12 to B19 in the spreadsheet-style grid as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: Selecting DEPTH grid reference range interactively.

Again, the depths are supplied in units of feet so this must be changed in the Log Units cell for the
Reference row as shown in Figure 20.

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Figure 20: Setting DEPTH units to FEET.

In the same way, select the Grid Reference for Sample Number, Ambient Porosity and Ambient
Permeability as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Coreimport view after setting grid references for all available scalar logs.

All data selected so far has a single value for each core plug sample. Again, these values will be
imported into the Geolog database as scalar logs with a repeat count of 1. As before, the pressure and
saturation measurements will be imported into the Geolog database as array logs.

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In this example, the pressure data is on row 7 in columns F to P so the Grid Reference will be F7:P7.
Enter F7:P7 as the Grid Reference for the Pressure (or select the cells interactively) as shown in
Figure 22.

Figure 22: Coreimport view after setting grid reference of Pressure data.

It is important that the pressure data is contained on a single row and occupies cells in the same
columns as the corresponding saturation data when working in this mode.

This time the saturation data is contained in a rectangular range of cells from F12 to P19. Set the Grid
Reference for the Saturation log to F12:P19 as shown in Figure 23.

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Figure 23: Coreimport view after setting grid reference for Saturation data.

The template is now complete so save it with the name lab_report_summary.coreimport. This allows
the template to be recalled each time data in this format needs to be imported.

2.4 Importing Summary Data Organised into a Grid

Now that a coreimport template has been created for the summary report, the data can be imported in
a single step.

Click the Import button to import all of the data. As the samples are at the same depths as those in the
laboratory reports already loaded, the new data will replace the existing data in the SCAL set.

2.5 Creating a Template to Import Data Organised into Columns

An example of data organised into columns is shown in Figure 3. Data is often manually organised in
this way from the laboratory reports to:

• Simplify analysis of the data in spreadsheet software.

• Combine information from multiple experiments and laboratories in one consistent format.

As spreadsheets are commonly used for saturation-height modelling, there is a considerable amount of
data in existence that has already been prepared in this format. It is very easy to import data in this
format into the Geolog database with the coreimport view.

In this format the single valued data is repeated on each row while the multi-valued data (arrays) are
represented with each array element on each row. A very simple illustration of this format is given in
Table 1. A horizontal line has been placed between the data for each core plug sample to aid

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Well Depth Sample Porosity Permeability Pressure Saturation

CANOPUS 1000 X64 0.2 20 1 1.0
CANOPUS 1000 X64 0.2 20 2 0.5
CANOPUS 1000 X64 0.2 20 3 0.3
CANOPUS 2000 Y78 0.1 1 1 0.9
CANOPUS 2000 Y78 0.1 1 2 0.6
CANOPUS 2000 Y78 0.1 1 3 0.4
CANOPUS 2000 Y78 0.1 1 4 0.3
CANOPUS 2000 Y78 0.1 1 7 0.2
PEACOCK 1500 X12 0.3 300 2 1.0
PEACOCK 1500 X12 0.3 300 4 0.6
PEACOCK 1500 X12 0.3 300 7 0.2
Table 1: Illustrative SCAL data organised into columns.

Table 1 shows three core plug samples taken from two wells. The first five columns contain data
which is identical for each row of each sample. This is the single-valued data. The last two columns
contain data which takes different values on each row. This is the multi-valued array data.

Any column can be single or multi-valued. Any column which contains the same value for each
sample is considered single valued. If there is any difference in a value for a particular well/depth
combination, the data in that column is taken to be multi-valued (array data). It is the values of the
Well and Reference import logs alone that determine where one sample ends and the next begins.

It is particularly easy to import data in this format as:

• The data is highly organised.

• Data from several core plug samples can be imported in a single step.
• Data from several wells can be imported in a single step.
• Results from different experiments can be imported in a single step.
• Results from different laboratories can be imported in a single step.

As with importing laboratory reports, the procedure is to create a coreimport template and to use this
template to load the data.

Close all views from the previous step and create a new coreimport view by selecting from the menu:

File > New > New Core Data Import

A default coreimport view is displayed as shown in Figure 4.

Next the data is copied from the spreadsheet (like Figure 3) and pasted into the coreimport view in the
same manner as described in Chapter 2.1. The Excel spreadsheet cap_curves.xlsx has been provided
with the data used here. The result is shown in Figure 24.

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Figure 24: Coreimport view with data organised into columns pasted in.

The positions of the values are again identified by spreadsheet-style grid references. As column
headings have been pasted in, the grid references will have to skip these. One way to do this would be
to start the grid references at row 5. Another way is to use the Header Rows feature to automatically
skip data in the header. In this case the data starts after four rows of header information that needs to
be skipped (including the blank row between the header and the data). To achieve this, set Header
Rows to 4 as shown in Figure 25.

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Figure 25: Coreimport view with 4 header rows set.

The header rows are shown with a black background. Notice that the row numbers of the grid cells
have been changed such that row 1 is now at the start of the data. We can now use entire column grid
references to specify the position of the data for each log.

The well names are in column A. To set this, type A into the Grid Reference cell of the first row of the
Import Logs table. The result is shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Coreimport view with well name column grid reference set.
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Entire column grid references can also be set interactively. The depths of the samples are in column
B. To set this interactively, first select the Grid Reference cell of the Reference row (the second row)
of the Import Logs table. Next, select the B column heading in the spreadsheet-style grid as shown in
Figure 27.

Figure 27: Coreimport view after selecting DEPTH column interactively.

Now continue to specify the grid references of the remaining logs. The coreimport view with all Grid
References set is shown in Figure 28.

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Figure 28: Coreimport view after setting grid references for all data.

Notice that the depth data is in feet while the Log Units for Depth are still METRES. In a similar
manner to that shown in Figure 9, set the Log Units for Depth to FEET.

The coreimport template is now complete so save it with the name cap_curve_columns.coreimport.
This will allow the template to be recalled each time data in this format needs to be imported. The
completed template is shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Complete coreimport template for data organised into columns.
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2.6 Importing Data Organised into Columns

Now that a coreimport template has been created for the data organised into columns, the data can be
imported in a single step.

It is important that wells with the same names as those in the Well column are open before importing.
In this case, all the data is from the ALNATH well.

Click the Import button to import all of the data into the SCAL set. The data from all samples can now
be seen in the text view as shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30: Text views showing all samples imported.

Notice that the PC_LAB pressure data has a unit of KPA in the text view whereas it was imported in
PSI. The data has been correctly converted from PSI to KPA in the text view. This is an artefact of
unit conversion in the text view when using metric unit system. If the unit system is set to imperial,
the text view will show the data in PSI. The Core Analysis views are able to work with pressure data
stored in KPA or PSI and correctly display it in KPA or PSI.

2.7 Features for Importing Data from ASCII Files

The coreimport view also has features to assist with importing data from ASCII files. ASCII data can
be pasted into the coreimport view in the same way as spreadsheet data can. There is also a Load File
button to directly load an ASCII file into the spreadsheet-style grid without going via the clipboard.

Figure 31 shows the same data as Figure 3 but in a comma separated ASCII (CSV) format. The data
used here has been provided in the file named cap_curves.txt.

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Figure 31: Example comma separated ASCII data in a text editor.

The data can be copied to the clipboard from a text editor and then pasted into the coreimport view.
The file can also be loaded directly into the coreimport view with the Load File button which is the
method described here.

2.7.1 Loading an ASCII File Directly into the Grid

As the order of the fields in this file is the same as the order of the columns in cap_curves.xlsx we can
start with the same cap_curve_columns.coreimport template developed in Chapter 2.5.

Start with the coreimport view open with the cap_curve_columns.coreimport template as shown in
Figure 29.

Now the file data can be loaded directly by clicking the Load File button and selecting the file
cap_curves.txt as shown in Figure 32.

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Figure 32: Opening the cap_curves.txt data file.

The contents of the file are loaded into the spreadsheet-style grid as shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33: Comma separated ASCII file loaded into coreimport view.

Geolog has determined that this is a comma separated text file automatically. If Geolog does not parse
the data into columns correctly it will be necessary to change the options manually on the Text to
Columns tab. The Text to Columns tab of the coreimport view is identical to the Text to Columns tab
of the textimport view.

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2.7.2 Creating a Template to Import the ASCII Data

The template for loading the comma separated ASCII data will be created with a simple modification
to the template used for loading the spreadsheet data in columns.

Unlike the spreadsheet data, this ASCII file has no header rows. Set the Header Rows to zero. The
template to load ASCII data in this format is now complete as shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34: Completed coreimport template for the comma separated ASCII file.

Save this completed template under the new name cap_curves_csv.coreimport by selecting from the

File > Save > Save File As ...

The data can now be imported into the Geolog database with the Import button. Again it is important
that wells with the same names as those in column A are open.

2.8 Miscellaneous Topics

A few notes on miscellaneous aspects of the coreimport view are given here.

2.8.1 Grid References

Grid references in the coreimport view can be formed in a number of ways. The format of the
references should be familiar to spreadsheet users though there are some extensions to the format used
in Excel.

To reference a single cell, the column letter(s) comes first followed by the row number. So to
reference cell E3, the grid reference is E3.

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To reference a range of cells, the cell at the top-left cell reference comes first, immediately followed
by a colon, immediately followed by the bottom-right cell reference. So to reference the cells E3, E4,
E5 and E6, the grid reference is E3:E6. Likewise, to reference cells C3, D3, E3 and F3, the grid
reference is C3:F3. Rectangular regions of cells can also be referenced. To reference cells B3, B4, C3
and C4 the grid reference is B3:C4.

There are also grid reference formats to specify all cells in an entire column or row. To reference all
cells in column C, the grid reference can be either C:C or just C. Likewise, to reference all cells in
row 3, the grid reference can be either 3:3 or just 3.

Grid references can also refer to a range of columns or rows. To reference all cells in columns A, B
and C, the grid reference is A:C. Likewise, to reference all cells in rows 3, 4 and 5, the grid reference
is 3:5.

All cells from a start cell to the end of a column or row can also be referenced. To reference all cells
in column C from row 3 to the last row in column C (i.e. all cells in column C except C1 and C2), the
grid reference is C3:C. Likewise, to reference all cells in row 3 from column C to the last column in
row 3 (i.e. all cells in row 3 except A3 and B3), the grid reference is C3:3.

Rectangular ranges can also be defined to the end of columns rows. For example, the grid reference
D7:F refers to all cells in columns D, E and F except those in the first 6 rows. Likewise, the grid
reference D7:9 refers to all cells in rows 7, 8 and 9 except those in the first 3 columns.

2.8.2 Well References

The Well import log isn’t really a log but defines which wells to import data into. Setting a Grid
Reference for the Well import log is optional. If it is specified wells with names matching those in the
grid must be open before the Import button is clicked.

If no Grid Reference for the Well import log is specified, the data will be imported to whichever well
is selected in the Datum Wells list. If no well is selected, an error message is displayed and no import

2.8.3 How the Import Process Works with the Geolog Database
SCAL data is imported into a set with point interpolation. The import process will create the target set
as a point set if it doesn’t already exist.

Frames are automatically created in the target set for depths that don’t already exist. Any logs already
in the target set that are not being imported will be filled with missing values at the depth of any
frames created.

Where a frame already exists at the depth being imported, any existing data in the imported logs at
that depth is replaced with the newly imported data.

When importing array logs the repeat count for the array logs is automatically determined. The repeat
count of any existing array logs will be automatically expanded as required to accommodate the
imported data.

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3 Corrections

Geolog Core Analysis includes an interactive system to apply corrections to SCAL data. Applying
corrections to SCAL data is optional if the laboratory has provided corrected data. Reasons why
corrections may need to be applied include:

• Corrected data is not made available by the laboratory.

• The experiments performed by the laboratory require corrections.
• The corrections applied by the laboratory are not satisfactory.
• The analyst finds it desirable to correct the raw data themselves in order to verify the
corrections applied by the laboratory.

Corrections are applied with the corecorrect view. The corecorrect view can perform the following
types of corrections to SCAL data:

• Closure corrections for mercury injection experiments.

• Clay-bound water corrections for mercury injection experiments.
• Stress corrections to adjust measurements from laboratory to reservoir stress regimes.

The corrections are applied in the order listed. The corrected output of each correction becomes the
input for the following correction until the fully corrected capillary pressure curves are produced.

3.1 The corecorrect View

The corecorrect view consists of a number of tabs. Each tab allows a different part of the correction
process to be performed.

To create a new corecorrect view in Geolog Well, select from the menu:

File > New > New Core Corrections

A default corecorrect view is displayed as shown in Figure 35.

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Figure 35: Default corecorrect view in Geolog Well.

3.1.1 Options Tab

The Options tab is shown in Figure 35. This tab is used to set the names of the logs that provide the
input to the corrections process as well as display attributes used for graphics.

By default the log names are compatible with the default log names specified in the coreimport view.
If data has been imported as per the examples in Chapter 2, no further configuration of the corecorrect
Options is required.

3.1.2 Input Cap. Curves Tab

The purpose of the Input Cap. Curves tab is to check that the correct log names were specified on the
Options tab and that the data has been loaded.

To see the capillary pressure curves select the Input Cap. Curves tab as shown in Figure 36.

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Figure 36: Input Cap. Curves tab in corecorrect view.

The Input Cap. Curves tab consists of:

• A sample table at the top of the view listing the available core plug samples.
• A cross-plot showing the capillary pressure curves associated with the samples.
• Controls allowing the scales of the cross-plot axes to be changed.

If there is a problem with the log names, datum or loading of the data, the sample table will be empty
and there will be no capillary pressure curves shown on the cross-plot.

3.1.3 Selecting Samples

Each core plug sample has a capillary pressure curve associated with it. Samples can be selected in
two ways:

• From the sample table.

• Directly from the plot.

The methods of selecting samples apply to all of the tabs in the corecorrect view.

To select the S8B sample from the table click anywhere in the first row of the sample table. The
capillary pressure curve for the S8B sample is now displayed with solid points on the cross-plot while
all other samples are displayed with transparent points as shown in Figure 37.

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Figure 37: Selecting the S8B sample from the sample table.

To add the samples S31A and 3 to the selection, hold down the Shift key while clicking anywhere in
the third row of the sample table. This will extend the selection from the first row to the third as
shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38: Extending the selection to include samples S31A and 3.

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Samples can also be selected by clicking on the capillary pressure curves shown on the cross-plot. To
extend the selection to include sample S112A, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on any of the
points on the right-most capillary pressure curve displayed on the cross-plot as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Extending the selection directly from the cross-plot.

The selection can also be changed to a single sample by clicking on the sample in either the table or
the cross-plot without holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys.

To select all samples, click anywhere in the sample table headings.

The sample selection is global to the corecorrect view. Samples can be selected on any tab allowing
sample selection and these will remain the selected samples when moving to other tabs.

3.1.4 Accepting and Rejecting Samples

By default, all samples are accepted. If a sample is obviously bad and needs to be rejected, clear the
checkbox for the sample in the Use column of the sample table.

To reject sample S122A, clear the checkbox in the Use column for sample S122A as shown in Figure

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Figure 40: Rejecting sample S122A.

A rejected sample will no longer be displayed on any plot or included in any processing. The
accept/reject flag is stored in the Geolog database and will apply to all Core Analysis views.

The accept sample S122A again, check the checkbox in the Use column as shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41: Accept sample S122A again.

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3.1.5 Changing Cross-plot Axis Limits and Scale Types

The cross-plot axis limits and scale types can be changed with the controls to the left of the cross-plot.

Change the Top limit of the Pressure Axis from 250 to 25 PSI by deleting the last zero from the
number 250. The cross-plot will update immediately as shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42: Top limit of pressure axis changed to 25 PSI.

Change the limit back to 250 PSI by typing the zero back on as shown in Figure 43.

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Figure 43: Top limit of pressure axis changed back to 250 PSI.

The axis scale types can be changed in much the same way. Change the Scale of the Pressure Axis
from Linear to Logarithmic using the controls to the left of the cross-plot as shown in Figure 44.

Figure 44: Changing the pressure axis scale with the Scale combo box.

The cross-plot will update immediately to reflect the logarithmic pressure scale.

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Another method for changing the axis scale types is to use the hot-track buttons on the cross-plot.
When the mouse cursor is moved over the cross-plot, the axis scale hot-track buttons appear in the
bottom-left corner of the cross-plot as shown in Figure 45.

Figure 45: Axis scale hot-track buttons.

Click on the LINEAR hot track button drawn along the pressure axis to return the pressure scale to
linear as shown in Figure 46.

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Figure 46: Returning the pressure axis to linear scale with the hot-track button.

The axis limits and scale types are common to the cross-plots displayed on all tabs of the corecorrect
view. When moving between tabs, the axis limits and scale types remain the same.

3.2 Closure Correction

Closure corrections are only required for capillary pressure curves obtained from mercury injection
experiments. As the mercury pressure is increased, the mercury first conforms to the surface of the
core plug until the pressure becomes great enough that it begins to enter the largest pore throats in the
sample. This is the entry pressure. The wetting phase saturation at the entry pressure is 1 as this is the
point at which mercury begins to displace air (the wetting phase) in the sample. Closure corrections
are applied to correct the wetting phase saturation to 1 at the entry pressure. Not every sample will
require closure correction.

3.2.1 Methodology
Closure correction applies only to the saturations. The pressures remain unchanged. A saturation cut-
off must be picked for each sample that defines the amount of correction to apply. The correction is
applied by dividing the saturation of each point on the capillary pressure curve by the value of the
picked saturation cut-off. The saturation of points above the cut-off is set to 1.

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The closure correction logic used by the corecorrect view is given formally in Equation 1.

𝑃𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟 = 𝑃𝑐
, 𝑆𝑤 < 𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑢𝑡
𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑟 = �𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑢𝑡
1, 𝑆𝑤 ≥ 𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑢𝑡

Equation 1: Closure correction.


𝑃𝑐 is the uncorrected capillary pressure

𝑆𝑤 is the uncorrected wetting phase saturation

𝑃𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟 is the corrected capillary pressure

𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟 is the corrected wetting phase saturation

𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑢𝑡 is the picked closure saturation cut-off

So in order to correct the capillary pressure curves for closure, the closure saturation cut-off must be
picked for each sample. No other information is required.

3.2.2 Correcting the Capillary Pressure Curves

The corecorrect view contains an interactive closure correction feature that allows the closure to be
identified graphically while displaying the results of the correction in real-time as the position of the
closure is interactively adjusted with the mouse. This allows the closure saturation cut-offs for each
sample to be specified rapidly.

In order to apply closure corrections select the Closure Correction tab as shown in Figure 47.

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Figure 47: Closure Correction tab in corecorrect view.

To apply closure corrections, the samples must be selected one at a time. First select the S8B sample
on the first row of the sample table as shown in Figure 48.

Figure 48: Sample S8B selected for closure correction.

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In order to identify any closure effects, the low pressure, high saturation end of the capillary pressure
curve must be examined in detail. To do this for sample S8B, change the Left limit of the Saturation
Axis to 0.5 and the Top limit of the Pressure axis to 10 as shown in Figure 49.

Figure 49: Zooming in on the low pressure, high saturation region for sample S8B.

To graphically identify the closure correction, hold down the left mouse button and drag with the
mouse in the cross-plot. The closure saturation is shown with a vertical line and a shaded region to the
right of the line. Lines are also automatically drawn that extrapolate from the two points to the left and
the two points to the right of the closure pick as shown in Figure 50.

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Figure 50: Graphically identifying the closure correction for sample S8B.

Some analysts use these extrapolated lines as a guide – others employ different techniques. If the lines
are not useful, they can be turned off by setting the Line appearance of the Guide Lines attribute to
none on the Options tab.

While the mouse cursor is being dragged, the original points are shown with solid markers while the
correction is computed in real-time and displayed with cross markers. The marker used for closure
correction can be changed with the Closure Correction attribute on the Options tab. Release the
mouse button to set the closure correction for sample S8B as shown in Figure 51.

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Figure 51: Closure correction set for sample S8B.

The original points are now shown as transparent points while the closure corrected points are shown
solid. The picked closure (0.919 in this case) is displayed in the Closure column of the sample table.

The closure correction can also be typed directly into the Closure column of the sample table. The
cross-plot will update instantly to reflect any closure directly entered. If the value in the Closure
column is cleared, no closure correction will be applied for that sample. The Fluid column can act as a
guide as to which samples require closure correction if information on the fluid systems used in the
experiments is available. Only mercury injection experiments require closure correction.

Now continue to select each sample in turn from the sample table and define an appropriate closure.
The limits of the plot may have to be adjusted for each sample to provide a clear view of the closure
region of the capillary pressure curve.

When finished, return the Left limit of the Saturation Axis to 0, the Top limit of the Pressure Axis to
250 PSI and select all samples as shown in Figure 52.

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Figure 52: Closure picked for all samples.

The uncorrected points are shown as transparent while the corrected points are shown solid. The
closure correction is now complete. The capillary pressure curves corrected for closure form the input
to the clay-bound water correction step.

3.3 Clay-Bound Water Correction

Clay-bound water corrections are usually only required for capillary pressure curves obtained from
mercury injection experiments. As the plugs are cleaned prior to these experiments and there is no
interaction between the wetting phase (air) and the clay, the influence of clay on the results is lost. For
the capillary pressure curves to give a meaningful description of the reservoir, the results must be
corrected to account for the clay present in the formation.

3.3.1 Methodology
The method used for clay-bound water correction in the corecorrect view is that described by Hill,
Klein and Shirley(1) as shown in Equation 2.

𝑃𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟 =

𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑟 = 1 − (1 − 𝑆𝑤 )
𝜙𝑒 0.6425
=1−� + 0.22� ∙ 𝑄𝑣
𝜙𝑡 √𝑆𝑎𝑙

Equation 2: Clay-bound water correction.

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𝑃𝑐 is the uncorrected capillary pressure

𝑆𝑤 is the uncorrected water saturation

𝑃𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟 is the corrected capillary pressure

𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑟 is the corrected wetting phase saturation

𝜙𝑡 is the total porosity

𝜙𝑒 is the effective porosity

𝑆𝑎𝑙 is the formation water salinity in kppm NaCl equivalent

𝑄𝑣 is the cation exchange capacity per unit volume in meq/ml

So in order to correct the capillary pressure curves for clay-bound water, cation exchange capacity
measurements must be available for each sample and the formation water salinity must be known.

3.3.2 Correcting the Capillary Pressure Curves

The corecorrect view contains an interactive clay-bound water correction feature that computes and
displays the corrected results in real-time as the parameters are changed.

In order to apply clay-bound water corrections select the Clay-Bound Water Correction tab as shown
in Figure 53.

Figure 53: Clay-Bound Water Correction tab in corecorrect view.

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The clay-bound water corrections are applied automatically and displayed in real-time. The
uncorrected points (the result of the closure corrections) are shown as transparent while the corrected
points are shown solid.

The parameters controlling the clay-bound water correction are the Qv values loaded from the
database (Qv values are required to perform clay-bound water corrections) and the formation water
salinity specified in the Salinity control to the left of the plot. If the value of the Salinity control is
changed, the plot is updated in real-time. There is usually little sensitivity of the results to the
formation water salinity. The loaded Qv values are displayed in the Qv column of the sample table.

If no clay-bound water correction is required for a particular sample, clear the appropriate checkbox
in the Apply CBW column of the sample table. The graphics will update in real-time to remove the
correction from the sample.

The Fluid column of the sample table can act as a guide as to which samples require clay-bound water
correction if information on the fluid systems used in the experiments is available. Usually only
mercury injection experiments require clay-bound water correction.

The capillary pressure curves corrected for clay-bound water form the input to the stress correction

3.4 Stress Correction

Stress correction is performed to correct the capillary pressure measurements from laboratory
conditions to the conditions in the reservoir. If the experiments are performed under reservoir stress
conditions, there is no need to apply stress corrections. Often the experiments are performed under
atmospheric pressure and a stress correction is required.

3.4.1 Methodology
The method used for stress correction is similar to the Hill, Klein and Shirley method used for clay-
bound water correction. Equation 3 shows the formulae used for stress corrections by the corecorrect

𝑃𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟 =

𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑟 = 1 − (1 − 𝑆𝑤 )

Equation 3: Stress correction.

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𝑃𝑐 is the uncorrected capillary pressure

𝑆𝑤 is the uncorrected wetting phase saturation

𝑃𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟 is the corrected capillary pressure

𝑆𝑤 𝑐𝑜𝑟 is the corrected wetting phase saturation

𝜙𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the total porosity at measurement conditions

𝜙𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the total porosity as reservoir conditions

So in order to correct the capillary pressure curves for stress, the porosity at laboratory and reservoir
conditions must be available for each sample.

3.4.2 Correcting the Capillary Pressure Curves

The corecorrect view contains an interactive stress correction feature that computes and displays the
corrected results in real-time.

In order to apply stress corrections select the Stress Correction tab as shown in Figure 54.

Figure 54: Stress Correction tab in corecorrect view.

The stress corrections are applied automatically and displayed in real-time. The uncorrected points
(the result of the clay-bound water corrections) are shown as transparent while the corrected points are
shown solid.

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The parameters controlling the stress correction are the laboratory and reservoir porosities loaded
from the database (both of these porosities are required to perform stress corrections). The loaded
porosities are shown in the Laboratory Porosity and Reservoir Porosity columns of the sample list
table. The ratio of these porosities is automatically computed and shown in the phi Res/phi Lab

If no stress correction is required for a particular sample, clear the appropriate checkbox in the Apply
Stress column of the sample table. The graphics will update in real-time to remove the correction from
the sample.

3.5 Review and QC of Results

Now that all the corrections have been performed, the results can be reviewed for quality control
purposes. The capillary pressure curves can be selected individually or in any combination to focus on
particular samples or to compare the corrections applied to samples.

Each correction can be reviewed individually by selecting the Input Cap. Curves, Closure Correction,
Clay-Bound Water Correction and Stress Correction tabs in turn. The capillary pressure curves can be
seen to move up and to the right as each correction is added.

The Output Cap. Curves tab allows all corrections to be visualised simultaneously on a single graph
as shown in Figure 55.

Figure 55: Output Cap. Curves tab in the corecorrect view.

The graph looks very busy with all samples selected. Select sample S8B from the first row of the
sample table. The display should look like Figure 56.

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Figure 56: Output Cap. Curves tab with only sample S8B selected.

As on all corecorrect tabs, additional samples can be selected for comparison by holding down the
Ctrl key while selecting from the sample table.

Each correction is shown with different markers. The markers used can be changed with the
Correction Appearance controls to the left of the plot. The nature of each correction is always to
move the points up and to the right.

It is possible to adjust the closure saturation pick by directly entering a new value in the Closure
column of the sample table. Likewise it is possible to turn on or off clay-bound water and stress
corrections for each sample with the checkboxes in the Apply CBW and Apply Stress columns. As
with the other tabs, the results are calculated automatically and displayed in real-time.

3.6 Writing the Corrected Logs to the Database

The Output Cap. Curves tab is also used to write the corrected logs to the Geolog database. The
Output Corrected Logs controls are used to specify the names of the corrected Saturation and
Pressure logs as shown in Figure 55. When ready to write the results to the Geolog database, click the
Output Corrected Logs button.

Reservoir saturation-height models can now be built from the corrected capillary pressure curves.

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4 Building Saturation-Height Models

Geolog Core Analysis includes an interactive system to create saturation-height models from capillary
pressure curves. These saturation-height models model water saturation as a function of height above
the free water level (HAFWL) and an arbitrary Z-axis (usually permeability or porosity).

Creating a saturation-height model is a two-step process:

1. A saturation-height function is fitted to individual capillary pressure curves. This finds the
optimum fitting parameters for each curve.
2. The fitting parameters of the saturation-height function for each curve are interpolated along a
Z-axis (usually permeability or porosity) to produce a model. The model predicts water
saturation as a function of both the HAFWL and Z-axis values.

The saturation-height functions fitted to the individual capillary pressure curves are definable by the

There is a choice of five interpolation methods to perform the interpolation along the Z-axis:

1. Constant.
2. Linear.
3. Power.
4. Exponential.
5. Logarithmic.

The interpolation method can be selected independently for each of the saturation-height equation
fitting parameters.

4.1 Creating a New corebuild View

Saturation-height models are built with the corebuild view. The corebuild view consists of a number
of tabs. Each tab allows a different part of the model building process to be performed.

To create a new corebuild view in Geolog Well, select from the menu:

File > New > New Core Model Builder

A default corebuild view is displayed as shown in Figure 57.

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Figure 57: Default corebuild view in Geolog Well.

4.2 Defining the Curve Fit Sw Equations

The saturation-height equations that will be fitted to the individual capillary pressure curves are
defined on the Curve Fit Sw Equations tab as shown in Figure 57. Some example equations are
provided by default but they can be deleted, modified or new equations added.

The equations are specified using Geolog expression syntax. All of the equations define the wetting
phase saturation as a function of capillary pressure (PC). The capillary pressure (PC) can be specified
with reference to any available fluid system including height above the free water level (HAFWL).

The special symbols allowed in the Curve Fit Sw Equations are described in Table 2.

Symbol Description
PC Capillary pressure (with reference to any available fluid
system) or HAFWL as defined by the Fluid System.
H Synonym for PC. Makes equation defined in terms of
HAFWL easier to read.
POROSITY Porosity of the sample.
PERMEABILITY Permeability of the sample.
Table 2: Special symbols for Curve Fit Sw Equations.

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Any other symbol used in the equation is taken to be a curve fit parameter.

Consider the first equation shown in Figure 57. This is a lambda function as given by Equation 4.

𝑆𝑤 = 𝑆𝑤𝑖 + 𝑎𝑃𝑐 −𝑛

Equation 4: Lambda function.

The lambda function has been converted to Geolog expression syntax as:


Where PC is the capillary pressure and SWI, A and N are curve fit parameters. A non-linear curve
fitting algorithm will be used to determine the best fit values of the SWI, A and N parameters for each
capillary pressure curve.

In order to demonstrate how to work with the Curve Fit Sw Equations tab, the Lambda function will
be deleted and then re-created from scratch.

4.2.1 Deleting a Curve Fit Sw Equation

To delete a curve fit equation, select the equation in the equation list and click the Delete button to the
right of the list. After deleting the Lambda function, the display should look like Figure 58.

Figure 58: Curve Fit Sw Equations tab after deleting Lambda function.

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4.2.2 Inserting a New Curve Fit Sw Equation

To insert a new equation, click the Insert button to the right of the equation list. After clicking the
Insert button, the display should look like Figure 59.

Figure 59: Curve Fit Sw Equations tab after clicking Insert button.

A new row has been created in the equation list for the new equation. The equation is defined with the
controls in the Sw Equation group below the equation list. Give the new equation the Name of
Lambda as shown in Figure 60.

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Figure 60: Giving the new equation a name.

As shown in Figure 60, the Log Suffix is automatically filled in with the equation name. The Log
Suffix is used when building log names relating to the equation in the Geolog database. Usually the
equation name works well as a Log Suffix. Leave the Fluid System as DEFAULT for now.

As shown in Figure 60, the Sw Equation field has a yellow background. This indicates that the
equation syntax is invalid. As the equation is keyed in, the background will change from yellow to
normal and back to yellow as the syntax of the equation entered so far changes from invalid to valid
and back again. The yellow colour makes it easy to see when the syntax is incorrect.

Start keying in the equation by typing SWI into the Sw Equation field as shown in Figure 61.

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Figure 61: Starting to enter the Lambda equation.

The background of the Sw Equation field has changed to normal as SWI is valid Geolog expression
syntax. Notice that there is automatically an entry for SWI in the parameter table. Now continue to
type the + symbol that follows SWI as shown in Figure 62.

Figure 62: Continuing to enter the Lambda equation.

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The Sw Equation field background has now changed back to yellow as SWI+ is not valid Geolog
expression syntax. Now complete the equation by typing the remaining A*PC**-N as shown in Figure

Figure 63: Completing the entry of the Lambda equation.

Notice that the parameter table has been automatically filled in with entries for the three curve fit
parameters (SWI, A and N). PC does not appear in this table as it is one of the special symbols listed in
Table 2. The list of special symbols can be seen by clicking the expression builder button at the right
of the Sw Equation field. The special symbols are listed in the Logs tab of the expression builder as
shown in Figure 64.

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Figure 64: Expression Builder showing special Sw equation symbols on the Logs tab.

This provides an easy way to see what symbols are available without referring to the documentation.
Any symbols used in the expression that is not a special symbol is assumed to be a curve fitting

The purpose of the parameter table is to supply default initial values and optional upper and lower
bounds for each curve fitting parameter. These are used by the non-linear curve fitting algorithm
which requires initial estimates of the values of each parameter and supports box constraints on each
parameter (the upper and lower bounds).

The Initial Value of each curve fitting parameter is itself an expression with some special symbols
that can be used to provide some automatic variation in the initial value between capillary pressure
curves. The special symbols for Initial Value expressions are described in Table 3.

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Symbol Description
PC_MIN Smallest capillary pressure on the capillary pressure curve
whose saturation is below the saturation cut-off. This is a
good choice as an initial value for a curve fitting parameter
that represents the entry pressure.
PERMEABILITY Permeability of the sample.
POROSITY Porosity of the sample.
SW_MIN Smallest wetting phase saturation on the capillary pressure
curve whose pressure is below the pressure cut-off. This is a
good choice as an initial value for a curve fitting parameter
that represents the irreducible wetting phase saturation.
Table 3: Special symbols allowed in an Initial Value expression.

Double-click on the Initial Value cell for the SWI parameter in the parameter table as shown in Figure

Figure 65: Double-clicking on the SWI Initial Value in the parameter table.

As shown in Figure 65, a button with an ellipsis icon appears at the right of the cell. Click on the
button to display the expression builder. The special symbols for Initial Value expressions will be
shown on the Logs tab as in Figure 66.

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Figure 66: Expression Builder showing special Initial Value expression symbols on the Logs tab.

As SWI is the vertical asymptote of the lambda function as the pressure tends to infinity, SW_MIN
will be a good choice for the Initial Value. In this way, the minimum value of the wetting phase
saturation on each capillary pressure curve will be used as the initial value for the SWI curve fit
parameter. This will tend to give a better initial estimate of the SWI value than picking a single fixed
value for all capillary pressure curves.

To set the Initial Value of SWI to SW_MIN, delete 1 from the Expression field, double-click SW_MIN
on the Logs tab and click OK to close the Expression Builder. The result should look like Figure 67.

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Figure 67: Parameters table after specifying Initial Value for SWI.

Likewise, set the Initial Value for the A parameter to 150. Leave the Initial Value for the N parameter
at 1. The display should now look like Figure 68.

Figure 68: Parameters table after all initial values specified.

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Note that these are just default initial values. The default initial parameter values for the non-linear
curve fitter can be overridden on a curve by curve basis during the curve fitting process. The better the
default initial parameter values are, the less overriding of initial parameter values for each curve will
be required. Ideally, the default initial values will be sufficient to fit all curves without any overriding.

The non-linear curve fitter supports optional box constraints on each curve fitting parameter. The
constraints are specified by entering values in the Lower Bound and Upper Bound columns of the
parameter table. If no constraints are required on the parameter, leave both the Lower Bound and
Upper Bound blank.

For the lambda function, it is desirable to prevent the A and N shape parameters from becoming
negative. It would also be nice to constrain the N parameter from getting too small. To achieve this,
enter 0 as the Lower Bound for A and 0.01 as the Lower Bound for N as shown in Figure 69.

Figure 69: Parameters table with Lower Bound values specified.

By leaving the Upper Bound values blank, the A and N parameters will have no constraint on how
large they can get.

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4.2.3 Reordering the Equation List

The equation list can be reordered with the Move Up and Move Down buttons to the right of the
equation list. Click the Move Up button to move the lambda equation one position up the list. This
will move the lambda equation to the top of the list as shown in Figure 70.

Figure 70: Reordering the equation list so the lambda function comes first.

Ideally, the most commonly used equations should be at the top of the list. Equations that are never
used should be deleted from the list.

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4.3 The Options Tab

The Options tab of the corebuild view allows configuration of:

• Names of the logs containing the capillary pressure curve data.

• Saturation processing cut-off.
• Units for pressures and HAFWLs.
• Z axis expression used to interpolate the curve fit parameters.
• Colour expression.
• Display attributes used for graphics.

The Options tab is shown in Figure 71.

Figure 71: Options tab of the corebuild view.

4.3.1 Processing Cut-offs

A Saturation Cut-off can be specified on the Options tab. All points on the capillary pressure curves
with wetting phase saturations above the Saturation Cut-off will not be processed. These points will
be drawn with open markers on the plots.

Generally, points with a wetting phase saturation of 1 need to be rejected. By setting the Saturation
Cut-off to a value of 0.99, points with a saturation of 1 will be excluded from processing.

4.3.2 Units
The Y-axis of the graphs can be set to display either pressures or heights above the free water level
(HAFWL). The units used in each of these modes can be set in the Units group.

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4.3.3 Sample Logs

The log names used for the sample data are specified in the Sample Logs group. The default names are
compatible with the default log names produced by the coreimport and corecorrect views.

4.3.4 Z Axis
The Z Axis Log Expression specifies the Z axis to use to interpolate the curve fit parameters against.
The most common Z Axis Log Expressions are provided in the combo box:


It is also possible to specify expressions involving any logs available in the Geolog database. For
example, GR is a valid Z Axis Log Expression.

4.3.5 Color
If the Color Log Expression is left blank, colours are automatically assigned to each sample. Other
colours can be used as specified by the controls in the Color group. For example, if colouring by
permeability is required, set the Color Log Expression to LOG10(PERMEABILITY) and the Color Bar
to log_ka.

Some common colour expressions are listed in the Color Log Expression combo box.

4.3.6 Appearance
The controls in the Appearance group are used to modify the display attributes used for drawing
graphics. Most of these attributes can also be picked directly off the plots with the appearance palette.

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4.4 The Fluids Tab

The corebuild view allows the pressure axis of the capillary pressure curves to be displayed with
reference to any fluid system or shown as heights above the free water level (HAFWL). Models can
also be built with reference to any fluid system or HAFWL.

Capillary pressures are transformed into a common fluid system so that capillary pressure curves
derived from different experiments can be plotted on the same pressure scale and combined into a
single model.

Fluid systems are defined on the Fluids tab of the corebuild view. The Fluids tab of the corebuild
view allows:

• Specification of the fluid system to use on the Y axis of the plots.

• Reservoir fluid densities to be specified for conversion of pressures to heights above the free
water level (HAFWL).
• Specification of fluid contact angles and interfacial tensions allowing capillary pressure
curves from experiments with different fluid systems to be combined into a single model.

The Fluids tab is shown in Figure 72.

Figure 72: Fluids tab of the corebuild view.

4.4.1 Fluid System

The View Fluid System combo box in the Fluid System group allows the fluid system used on the Y
axis of the plots to be specified. There are eight built-in fluid systems plus any fluid systems defined
by the fluid system log.

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A detailed description of each of the fluid systems follows. NORMALIZED Fluid System

When the NORMALIZED fluid system is selected, pressures are normalised by dividing by the
product of the interfacial tension and the cosine of the contact angle of the laboratory fluids. This is
shown formally in Equation 5.

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏
𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏

Equation 5: Pressure transformation for NORMALIZED fluid system.


𝑃𝑁𝑂𝑅𝑀𝐴𝐿𝐼𝑍𝐸𝐷 is the pressure displayed on the Y axis of the plots

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table.

The NORMALIZED fluid system allows capillary pressure curves from experiments using different
fluid systems to be combined. The meaning of the values on the pressure axis is not intuitive however.

The pressure is normalized in this way for Leverett-J models.

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Building Saturation-Height Models 79 HAFWL OIL-BRINE Fluid System

When the HAFWL OIL-BRINE fluid system is selected, pressures are converted to heights above the
free water level in an oil-brine system according to Equation 6.

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 cos 𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 𝑔 ∙ (𝜌𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 − 𝜌𝑜𝑖𝑙 )

Equation 6: Pressure transformation for HAFWL OIL-BRINE fluid system.


𝑃𝐻𝐴𝐹𝑊𝐿 𝑂𝐼𝐿−𝐵𝑅𝐼𝑁𝐸 is the HAFWL displayed on the Y axis of the plots

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the interfacial tension of the oil-brine reservoir fluids

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the contact angle of the oil-brine reservoir fluids

𝑔 is the acceleration due to gravity

𝜌𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 is the reservoir brine density

𝜌𝑜𝑖𝑙 is the reservoir oil density

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table. In addition, the following fields are used to specify the parameters for the
HAFWL transformation:

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 Interfacial Tension of RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 Contact Angle of RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

𝜌𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 Brine Density in Reservoir Fluid Densities

𝜌𝑜𝑖𝑙 Oil Density in Reservoir Fluid Densities

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Building Saturation-Height Models 80 HAFWL GAS-BRINE Fluid System

When the HAFWL GAS-BRINE fluid system is selected, pressures are converted to heights above the
free water level in a gas-brine system according to Equation 7.

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 cos 𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 𝑔 ∙ (𝜌𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 − 𝜌𝑔𝑎𝑠 )

Equation 7: Pressure transformation for HAFWL GAS-BRINE fluid system.


𝑃𝐻𝐴𝐹𝑊𝐿 𝐺𝐴𝑆−𝐵𝑅𝐼𝑁𝐸 is the HAFWL displayed on the Y axis of the plots

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the interfacial tension of the gas-brine reservoir fluids

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the contact angle of the gas-brine reservoir fluids

𝑔 is the acceleration due to gravity

𝜌𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 is the reservoir brine density

𝜌𝑔𝑎𝑠 is the reservoir gas density

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table. In addition, the following fields are used to specify the parameters for the
HAFWL transformation:

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 Interfacial Tension of RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 Contact Angle of RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

𝜌𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑒 Brine Density in Reservoir Fluid Densities

𝜌𝑔𝑎𝑠 Gas Density in Reservoir Fluid Densities

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Building Saturation-Height Models 81 HAFOL GAS-OIL Fluid System

When the HAFOL GAS-OIL fluid system is selected, pressures are converted to heights above the free
oil level in a gas-oil system according to Equation 8.

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 cos 𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 𝑔 ∙ (𝜌𝑜𝑖𝑙 − 𝜌𝑔𝑎𝑠 )

Equation 8: Pressure transformation for HAFOL GAS-OIL fluid system.


𝑃𝐻𝐴𝐹𝑂𝐿 𝐺𝐴𝑆−𝑂𝐼𝐿 is the HAFOL displayed on the Y axis of the plots

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the interfacial tension of the gas-oil reservoir fluids

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the contact angle of the gas-oil reservoir fluids

𝑔 is the acceleration due to gravity

𝜌𝑜𝑖𝑙 is the reservoir oil density

𝜌𝑔𝑎𝑠 is the reservoir gas density

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table. In addition, the following fields are used to specify the parameters for the
HAFOL transformation:

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 Interfacial Tension of RESERVOIR GAS-OIL in Define Fluid Systems

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 Contact Angle of RESERVOIR GAS-OIL in Define Fluid Systems

𝜌𝑜𝑖𝑙 Oil Density in Reservoir Fluid Densities

𝜌𝑔𝑎𝑠 Gas Density in Reservoir Fluid Densities

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Building Saturation-Height Models 82 RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE Fluid System

When the RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE fluid system is selected, pressures are converted to equivalent
capillary pressures for an oil-brine system in the reservoir according to Equation 9.

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 cos 𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏

Equation 9: Pressure transformation for RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE fluid system.


𝑃𝑅𝐸𝑆𝐸𝑅𝑉𝑂𝐼𝑅 𝑂𝐼𝐿−𝐵𝑅𝐼𝑁𝐸 is the pressure displayed on the Y axis of the plots

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the interfacial tension of the oil-brine reservoir fluids

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the contact angle of the oil-brine reservoir fluids

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table. In addition, the following fields are used to specify the parameters for the
pressure transformation:

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 Interfacial Tension of RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 Contact Angle of RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

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Building Saturation-Height Models 83 RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE Fluid System

When the RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE fluid system is selected, pressures are converted to equivalent
capillary pressures for a gas-brine system in the reservoir according to Equation 10.

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 cos 𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏

Equation 10: Pressure transformation for RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE fluid system.


𝑃𝑅𝐸𝑆𝐸𝑅𝑉𝑂𝐼𝑅 𝐺𝐴𝑆−𝐵𝑅𝐼𝑁𝐸 is the pressure displayed on the Y axis of the plots

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the interfacial tension of the gas-brine reservoir fluids

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the contact angle of the gas-brine reservoir fluids

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table. In addition, the following fields are used to specify the parameters for the
pressure transformation:

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 Interfacial Tension of RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 Contact Angle of RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE in Define Fluid Systems

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Building Saturation-Height Models 84 RESERVOIR GAS-OIL Fluid System

When the RESERVOIR GAS-OIL fluid system is selected, pressures are converted to equivalent
capillary pressures for a gas-oil system in the reservoir according to Equation 11.

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 cos 𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏

Equation 11: Pressure transformation for RESERVOIR GAS-OIL fluid system.


𝑃𝑅𝐸𝑆𝐸𝑅𝑉𝑂𝐼𝑅 𝐺𝐴𝑆−𝑂𝐼𝐿 is the pressure displayed on the Y axis of the plots

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the interfacial tension of the gas-oil reservoir fluids

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the contact angle of the gas-oil reservoir fluids

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table. In addition, the following fields are used to specify the parameters for the
pressure transformation:

𝜎𝑟𝑒𝑠 Interfacial Tension of RESERVOIR GAS-OIL in Define Fluid Systems

𝜃𝑟𝑒𝑠 Contact Angle of RESERVOIR GAS-OIL in Define Fluid Systems

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Building Saturation-Height Models 85 DEFAULT Fluid System

When the DEFAULT fluid system is selected, pressures are converted to equivalent capillary
pressures for the DEFAULT fluid system whose interfacial tension and contact angle are specified on
the DEFAULT row of the Define Fluid Systems table. The pressure transform is shown in Equation


𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏

Equation 12: Pressure transformation for DEFAULT fluid system.


𝑃𝐷𝐸𝐹𝐴𝑈𝐿𝑇 is the pressure displayed on the Y axis of the plots.

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝐷𝐸𝐹𝐴𝑈𝐿𝑇 is the interfacial tension of the DEFAULT fluids

𝜃𝐷𝐸𝐹𝐴𝑈𝐿𝑇 is the contact angle of the DEFAULT fluids

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table. In addition, the following fields are used to specify the parameters for the
pressure transformation:

𝜎𝐷𝐸𝐹𝐴𝑈𝐿𝑇 Interfacial Tension of DEFAULT in Define Fluid Systems

𝜃𝐷𝐸𝐹𝐴𝑈𝐿𝑇 Contact Angle of DEFAULT in Define Fluid Systems

The interfacial tension and contact angle of the DEFAULT fluid system is used as the laboratory fluid
interfacial tension and contact angle for all samples that have no fluid log value defined. These are
also used as the default interfacial tension and contact angle when new fluid system names are
encountered in the fluid log.

Typically the DEFAULT fluid system interfacial tension and contact angle should be set appropriately
for mercury-air as mercury injection experiments are the most common. Remember, the DEFAULT
fluid system is used whenever no value is available in the fluid log.

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Building Saturation-Height Models 86 User Defined Fluid Systems

In addition to the eight built-in fluid systems it is possible to define other fluid systems. The fluid
systems are defined by the values in the fluid log. For example Figure 72 shows the user defined fluid
system Hg-Air in the Define Fluid Systems table. The Hg-Air fluid system is the only fluid system
contained in the fluid log of the imported data.

New fluid systems are automatically added to the Define Fluid Systems table as they are seen in the
fluid log. Any strings can be used to describe fluid systems in the fluid log. When a new string is seen,
an entry is created in the Define Fluid Systems table with interfacial tension and contact angle copied
from the DEFAULT fluid system. The contact angle and interfacial tension should then be updated
with appropriate values for the actual fluid system used.

When setting the View Fluid System to a user defined fluid system the pressures are transformed
according to Equation 13.


𝑃𝑈𝑆𝐸𝑅 = 𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏
𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏

Equation 13: Pressure transformation for user defined fluid system.


𝑃𝑈𝑆𝐸𝑅 is the pressure displayed on the Y axis of the plots.

𝑃𝑐 𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝜎𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃𝑙𝑎𝑏 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜎𝑈𝑆𝐸𝑅 is the interfacial tension of the user defined fluid system

𝜃𝑈𝑆𝐸𝑅 is the contact angle of the user defined fluid system

The interfacial tensions and contact angles for the various fluid systems in use must be specified in the
Define Fluid Systems table.

4.4.2 Reservoir Fluid Densities

The fields in the Reservoir Fluid Densities group define the reservoir brine and hydrocarbon fluid
densities. These densities are used to transform capillary pressures into heights above the free water
level as shown in Equation 6 and Equation 7 and heights above the free oil level as shown in Equation

These values must be accurately specified for HAFWL and HAFOL viewing and modelling.

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4.4.3 Define Fluid Systems

The Define Fluid Systems table allows the Interfacial Tension and Contact Angle to be specified for
both built-in and user defined fluid systems.

There is also a Pressure Cut-off that defines a cut-off pressure for each fluid system. Points whose
capillary pressure exceeds the pressure cut-off for their fluid system (as defined in the fluid log) are
shown as open markers and are excluded from all processing.

For example, measurements from mercury injection experiments at injection pressures above 2000
PSI are generally considered unreliable. To reject these points, set a Pressure Cut-off of 2000 PSI for
mercury-air fluid systems. Built-in Fluid Systems

The first four rows of the Define Fluid Systems table allow the built-in fluid systems to be defined.

The RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE row defines the interfacial tension and contact angle used by both the
HAFWL OIL-BRINE and RESERVOIR OIL-BRINE fluid systems. There is no Pressure Cut-off for
this fluid system.

The RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE row defines the interfacial tension and contact angle used by both the
HAFWL GAS-BRINE and RESERVOIR GAS-BRINE fluid systems. There is no Pressure Cut-off for
this fluid system.

The RESERVOIR GAS-OIL row defines the interfacial tension and contact angle used by both the
HAFOL GAS-OIL and RESERVOIR GAS-OIL fluid systems. There is no Pressure Cut-off for this
fluid system.

The DEFAULT row defines the interfacial tension, contact angle and pressure cut-off used when no
information is available in the fluid log. If the only data being considered is derived from mercury
injection experiments, the easiest way to work with this single laboratory fluid system is to specify
appropriate parameters for mercury-air fluids on the DEFAULT row and don’t define a fluid log.

The values on the DEFAULT row are also used as the default values for new fluid systems
encountered in the fluid log. Adding User Defined Fluid Systems

To add a user defined fluid system, just add entries to the fluid log for the fluid system (e.g. Hg-Air,
Oil-Brine) against the samples measured in that fluid system. The fluid log is an alphanumeric log.
When the data is loaded into the corebuild view, entries for all fluid system names found in the fluid
log will be automatically added to the Define Fluid Systems table. Deleting User Defined Fluid Systems

A Delete button is provided to the right of the Define Fluid Systems table to delete user defined fluid
systems from the table. To delete a user defined fluid system, select the appropriate row of the table
and click the Delete button. A user defined fluid system cannot be deleted if it appears in the fluid log
of the currently loaded data.

Note that the built-in fluid systems (the top four rows of the table) cannot be deleted.

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Building Saturation-Height Models 88 Reordering User Defined Fluid Systems

Move Up and Move Down buttons are provided to the right of the Define Fluid Systems table. These
buttons can be used to reorder the user defined fluid systems. To do this, select the appropriate row of
the table and click the move up or down button to move the fluid system up or down in the table.

Note that the built-in fluid systems are always shown in the top four rows of the table. It is not
possible to change this order. It is only possible to reorder the user defined fluid systems. At least two
user defined fluid systems must be available in order to change their order.

4.4.4 Treating Interfacial Tension and Contact Angle as a Combined Quantity

In all the calculations relating to fluid systems, the interfacial tension and contact angle are always
used together in the form of Equation 14.

𝜎 cos 𝜃

Equation 14: Interfacial tension and contact angle are always used together.

If these values are not known independently it is possible to work with a single combined value by
setting the Contact Angle to 0 (as cos 0 = 1) and using the Interfacial Tension for the combined
𝜎 cos 𝜃 value.

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4.5 The 3D Cap. Curves Tab

The 3D Cap. Curves tab of the corebuild view is used to:

• Provide a visual check that the input Sample Logs have been set up correctly on the Options
tab and that all the data is loading.
• Assess the quality of the choice of Z axis.
• Tune the fluid system interfacial tensions and contact angles.

The 3D Cap. Curves tab is shown in Figure 73.

Figure 73: 3D Cap. Curves tab of the corebuild view.

The methods of selecting samples; accepting and rejecting samples; and changing axis limits and
scales the same are described for the corecorrect view in Chapter 3.1. These methods are common to
all views in Core Analysis. Remember that the quick way to select all the samples is to click in the
column headings of the sample table.

The 3D plot shows the capillary pressure curves plotted in the space against the Z Axis defined on the
Options tab. The plot can be rotated with the 3D View controls to the left of the plot or by dragging
the mouse cursor within the 3D plot with the left button held down. By rotating the plot a feel for the
spatial relationship of the data points can be obtained.

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4.5.1 Checking that Data has Loaded

If no data is loaded, the sample table and the plot will be blank. In this case either:

• The log names are incorrect on the Options tab.

• The open well and datum selection is incorrect.
• The data does not exist in the selected wells.

Identify and correct the problems until the data is displayed in the sample table and on the 3D plot.

4.5.2 Choice of Z Axis

The plot shown in Figure 73 has a Z Axis of LOG10(PERMEABILITY). This is a good choice for this
example data as a single surface can be “seen” through all the data points. The goal of the model
building process is to define an equation that describes this surface.

Change the Z Axis to POROSITY on the Options tab as shown in Figure 74.

Figure 74: Setting the Z Axis to POROSITY.

When the 3D Cap. Curves tab is selected again the data is immediately plotted against the POROSITY
Z axis as shown in Figure 75.

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Figure 75: 3D Cap. Curves tab with Z Axis set to POROSITY.

As can be seen (particularly while rotating the view in real-time), POROSITY does not make a good
choice of Z axis for this data as the points no longer lie on a single surface. In general, permeability
(LOG10(PERMEABILITY)) will provide the best choice of Z axis. To work with permeability, usually
a permeability model must be applied to the well data in which the model is to be used.

Set the Z Axis back to LOG10(PERMEABILITY) on the Options tab before continuing.

4.5.3 Tuning Fluid System Interfacial Tensions and Contact Angles

When working with multiple fluid systems the interfacial tensions and contact angles of each fluid
system define the pressure scaling of the capillary pressure curves onto the plot. These fluid system
parameters can be tuned until the capillary pressure curves from the different fluid systems lie
together on the surface.

The 3D plot will update immediately as the fluid system parameters are changed on the Fluids tab.

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4.6 The Fit Cap. Curves Tab

The Fit Cap. Curves tab of the corebuild view is where the equations defined on the Curve Fit Sw
Equations tab are fitted to the individual capillary pressure curves. Each curve is treated individually
– the Z axis is not relevant on this tab. The Fit Cap. Curves tab is shown in Figure 76.

Figure 76: Fit Cap. Curves tab of the corebuild view.

All the equations defined on the Curve Fit Sw Equations tab are fitted to all the loaded capillary
pressure curves.

The fitting is performed with a non-linear curve fitting algorithm. The algorithm employed is the
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm(2). The algorithm works by tuning the fitting parameters for each
equation in order to minimize the least squares error between the fitted function and the data points
for each capillary pressure curve.

4.6.1 Equation Table

The equation table is shown to the left of the plot. It lists all the equations defined on the Curve Fit Sw
Equations tab together with the sum of the least-squares errors between the capillary pressure curve
points and the fitted functions (the sum of the Error column in the sample table).

A quick scan of this Error column reveals that the EQR equation has produced the fit with the
minimum error. To see the results of the EQR curve fit, select the EQR row in the equation table. The
sample table and plot will immediately update with the results of the EQR fit as shown in Figure 77.

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Figure 77: Results of the EQR equation fits.

The EQR equation has four curve fitting parameters while the other equations listed have three. This
gives the EQR equation more degrees of freedom to produce a better fit to the curves at the expense of
more complex model equations.

Return to the Lambda equation by selecting the Lambda row of the equation table.

4.6.2 Sample Table

The sample table is shown above the plot. It lists all of the samples loaded from the Geolog database.
The contents of the sample table are automatically updated as the selected equation is changed in the
equation table.

The Fit Result, Error, Initial XXX and Fitted XXX columns at the right of the table are related to the
curve fitting process. The columns to the left of the table (up to Permeability) are to provide relevant
information about the samples. Fit Result Column

The Fit Result column in the sample table shows the result of the curve fitting process. This column
may help provide some insight into the failure modes of the non-linear curve fitter. In general, if this
column does not read Converged(1) for a particular sample, the initial values of the curve fit
parameters for that sample should be modified.

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Building Saturation-Height Models 94 Error Column

The Error column in the sample table shows the least squared error between the fitted function and
the capillary pressure data points for each sample. This error is found by adding together the squares
of the difference between the saturation of each data point and the saturation modelled by the fitted
function at the pressure of that data point.

If the Error column is blank then the fitted function is not defined at all pressure values of the sample
capillary pressure curve. The Error column in the equation table is the sum of the values in the error
column of the sample table. Initial XXX Columns

The Initial XXX columns show the initial values used for each of the curve fit parameters for the
currently selected equation. There is one Initial XXX column for each of the curve fit parameters. For
the Lambda equation, there are three curve fitting parameters: SWI, A and N. Therefore there are three
Initial XXX columns in the sample table: Initial SWI, Initial A and Initial N.

By default, the Initial XXX columns show the default initial values for the curve fit parameters as
defined for each parameter on the Curve Fit Sw Equations tab. For example, the Initial A column for
all the samples shows 150.000 as 150 is the default initial value for the A curve fit parameter of the
Lambda equation as set on the Curve Fit Sw Equations tab.

This default initial value can be changed on the Curve Fit Sw Equations tab. To change the default
initial value for the A parameter of the Lambda equation to 3, change the value in the parameters table
on the Curve Fit Sw Equations tab as shown in Figure 78.

Figure 78: Setting the default Initial Value for the A parameter of the Lamba equation to 3.

When the Fit Cap. Curves tab is selected again, the curve fits are recomputed immediately with an
initial value for the A parameter of 3 as shown in Figure 79.

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Figure 79: Default initial value of A parameter of the Lambda equation set to 3.

Notice that the Initial A column now reads 3.000 for each sample. Notice also that the values of the
Initial SWI column are different for each sample. This is because the default initial value of SWI has
been set to SW_MIN instead of a fixed value. The value of SW_MIN changes from sample to sample
as described in Table 3.

The Initial XXX columns can also be used to override the default initial value for a curve fit parameter
on a sample by sample basis. Change the Initial N value to 100 for sample S8B on the first row of the
sample table as shown in Figure 80.

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Figure 80: Overriding the initial value of N for sample S8B.

The curve fitting is performed immediately and the results displayed in real-time.

This initial value is too far from the solution and the curve has no longer fitted successfully. Initial
value overrides are stored in the Geolog database and displayed in yellow in the sample table. In order
to see the yellow colour, select any other sample in the table (like sample 3) as shown in Figure 81.

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Figure 81: Initial parameter value overrides are shown in yellow.

To clear this initial value override, delete the value from the Initial N column for sample S8B. The
yellow colour disappears, the Initial N column shows the default initial value of 1.000 and the curve
fits appropriately again as shown in Figure 82.

Figure 82: Initial value override for N parameter cleared.

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In this way, initial parameter values can be overridden on a curve by curve basis. Some equations may
require this more than others. It is best to work with equations that can fit a wide variety of data using
default initial values. In this way the process is highly automated. If curve by curve overriding of
initial values is happening frequently, either tune the default initial values on the Curve Fit Sw
Equations tab or work with equations better suited to automatic solving. Fitted XXX Columns

The Fitted XXX columns of the sample table show the fitted values for each of the curve fit
parameters for the currently selected equation. These are the outputs of the Levenberg-Marquardt
non-linear curve fitter.

Often the fitted values for curves that fitted well can be used as a guide to improving the initial
parameter values for curves that didn’t produce a good fit.

The values in the Fitted XXX columns are updated in real-time as the equations and initial parameter
values are changed.

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4.7 Model Parameters Tab

The Model Parameters tab of the corebuild view allows the fitted parameters from the individual
capillary pressure curves to be interpolated against the Z axis, creating the model as a function of two
variables: the capillary pressure (or HAFWL) and the Z axis (usually permeability or porosity). The
Model Parameters tab is shown in Figure 83.

Figure 83: Model Parameters tab of the corebuild view.

There is no need to visit the Fit Cap. Curves tab before selecting the Model Parameters tab. All of the
equations will be automatically fitted to all of the capillary pressure curves when the Model
Parameters tab is selected even if the Fit Cap. Curves step is skipped. The Fit Cap. Curves tab is only
there to assess the quality of the fitted curves and to override the initial parameter values on a curve
by curve basis.

The Model Parameters tab shows a separate cross-plot for each of the curve fit parameters associated
with the currently selected equation. For each plot, the curve fit parameter values for each sample are
plotted against the Z axis values for each sample. Each cross-plot also shows a regression line that
represents a least squares fit to the data points. In Figure 83 there are three cross-plots as there are
three curve fit parameters in the Lambda equation.

4.7.1 Creating a Basic Lambda Model

A model can be created at any time by clicking the Create Model button to the right of the parameter
table. Click the Create Model button to create a basic Lambda model. A new coremodel view will be
displayed containing the model as shown in Figure 84.

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Figure 84: Sw Equation tab of coremodel view showing Lambda model with linear regression
for all parameters.

The complete model equation as a function capillary pressure (PC) and the Z axis
(LOG10(PERMEABILITY)) is shown in the Sw Equation field at the top of the Model Sw Equation
group on the Sw Equation tab of the coremodel view.

As can be seen, the simple Lambda equation that was fitted to the individual capillary pressure curves
(Equation 4) has had its three curve fit parameters linearly interpolated against the Z axis
(LOG10(PERMEABILITY)) to produce a function of two variables of the form shown in Equation 15.

𝑆𝑤 = 𝑆𝑤𝑖 𝑖𝑛𝑡 + 𝑆𝑤𝑖 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑧 + (𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡 + 𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑧)𝑃𝑐 −(𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑡 +𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑧)

Equation 15: Lambda model with linear interpolation of all curve fit parameters.

Each curve fit parameter in Equation 4 has been changed to two curve fit parameters (a gradient and
an intercept) in Equation 15. There are thus six fit parameters in the model equation which is now a
function of two variables (𝑃𝑐 and 𝑧).

Select the 3D Model tab in the coremodel view to directly visualise the model surface as shown in
Figure 85.

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Figure 85: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing Lambda model with linear regression for
all parameters.

If the model is a good fit to the data points, the capillary pressure curve data points will lie on or close
to the surface. As can be seen, this basic model is not a particularly good fit (particularly at high

The quality of the model can also be assessed by selecting the Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab as shown
in Figure 86.

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Figure 86: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of the coremodel view showing Lambda model with
linear regression for all parameters.

If the model is a good fit, the modelled and measured saturations should be the same. The points
should fall on or close to a line at 45° across the plot. Again it is apparent that this model is not a good

Reject this model outright by closing the coremodel view without saving the model. Return to the
corebuild view.

4.7.2 Accepting and Rejecting Samples

On the Model Parameters tab of the corebuild view, the sample table has moved from its usual
position at the top of the tab to the left. This is because it is of less importance than the parameter
table shown at the top for this step. The sample table can be scrolled to the right to reveal more
columns that include the modelled parameter values.

The main purpose of the sample table on the Model Parameters tab is to reject outlying samples by
clearing the relevant checkbox in the Use column. There is a point drawn in pink at the top-left of all
three of the cross-plots. To identify which sample this is, click on the point on any of the cross-plots.
The other points turn transparent and sample 8 is selected in the sample table as shown in Figure 87.

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Figure 87: Selecting sample 8 from the cross-plots.

Now reject this sample by clearing the checkbox in the Use column of the sample table for sample 8
as shown in Figure 88.

Figure 88: Rejecting sample 8.

Notice that as soon as sample 8 is rejected:

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• Sample 8 is cleared from all of the cross-plots.

• The cross-plot axis scales are automatically adjusted to best fit the remaining accepted
• The regression lines on the cross-plots are automatically updated with the best fit to the
remaining accepted samples.
• The regression results in the parameters table are automatically recomputed.
• The Parameter Total Error and Global Error in the equation table are automatically

Now accept sample 8 again by checking the checkbox in the Use column and watch the automatic
updates of the display.

4.7.3 Setting Axis Scale Types

The axis scales of each cross-plot can be independently set to linear or logarithmic. The axis scales
can be changed either from the parameter table or with hot-track buttons on the cross-plots.

The parameter table is shown above the plot at the top of the Model Parameters tab. It has columns
allowing the Z Axis Scale and the Parameter Scale to be set for each of the cross-plots. To change the
scale of the SWI curve fit parameter axis to logarithmic, double click on the Parameter Axis Scale cell
for the SWI row of the parameter table and select Logarithmic from the combo box. The vertical scale
of the SWI vs. LOG10(PERMEABILITY) cross-plot will update immediately as shown in Figure 89.

Figure 89: Changing the SWI curve fit parameter axis scale to logarithmic.

Change the scale back to Linear with the hot-track buttons as shown in Figure 90.

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Figure 90: Changing the SWI parameter axis scale back to linear with hot-track buttons.

The Z axis scale can be independently changed for each of the cross-plots in the same way.

4.7.4 Setting Regression Models for Each Parameter

By default, each parameter value will be modelled by linear interpolation against the Z axis. There is
however a choice of five different regression models that can be independently selected for each
parameter. A description of each of these models together with the equation used to perform the Z
axis interpolation is given in Table 4.

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Regression Model Description

Constant Parameter value is modelled as an average value:
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡
Linear Parameter value is modelled linearly:
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∙ 𝑧 + 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡
= 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 + 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∙ 𝑧
Power Parameter value is modelled as a power function:
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 10 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡∙log10 𝑧+𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡
= 10𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 ∙ 𝑧 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡
Exponential Parameter value is modelled exponentially:
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 10 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡∙𝑧+𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡
= 10𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 ∙ 10 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡∙𝑧
Logarithmic Parameter value is modelled logarithmically:
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∙ log10 𝑧 + 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡
= 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 + 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 ∙ log10 𝑧
Table 4: Available regression models for curve fit parameter values.


𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 is the modelled curve fit parameter value.

𝑧 is the current Z axis value.

𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 is the value shown in the Gradient column of the parameter table.

𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 is the value shown in the Intercept column of the parameter table.

To change the regression model of the A parameter to a power function, double-click the cell in the
Model column of the parameter table for the A parameter and select Power from the combo box. The
regression results in the parameter table and the regression line on the A vs. LOG10(PERMEABILITY)
cross-plot will be automatically updated as shown in Figure 91.

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Figure 91: Changing regression model for A parameter to a power function.

Notice that the Error column in the parameter table has turned blank for the A parameter. This is
because the power function is undefined for zero or negative Z axis values. The point for sample
S112A (shown in brown) has a negative Z axis value so the regression function is undefined at this
point. Consequently, the error is essentially infinite and is left blank.

Another way of changing the regression mode is with hot-track buttons. The hot-track buttons appear
when the mouse cursor is moved over the cross-plots. The hot-track buttons controlling the parameter
regression model are displayed along the top of the cross-plot as shown in Figure 92.

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Figure 92: Hot track buttons on a parameter cross-plot.

As shown in Figure 92, select linear regression by clicking the LIN hot-track button with the mouse.
The abbreviations used on the hot track buttons should be obvious. They are listed in Table 5.

Hot-track Button Label Regression Model

CON Constant
LIN Linear
POW Power
EXP Exponential
LOG Logarithmic
Table 5: Meaning of regression mode hot-track button labels.

4.7.5 Automatically Determining the Best Regression Models for all

The corebuild view includes a feature that allows the best regression model to be automatically
determined for each of the curve fit parameters. All five regression models are tried out for each of the
curve fit parameters and the regression models with the minimum error between the points and the
regression lines are selected.

To do this click the Find Best Regressions button to the right of the parameter table. The display is
updated instantaneously as shown in Figure 93.

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Figure 93: Best regressions for the Lambda function.

Geolog has tried all the available regression models independently for each of the parameters. It has
been determined that the minimum error is obtained with a linear model for the SWI parameter; an
exponential model for the A parameter; and a linear model for the N parameter. This is easiest to read
off from the Model column of the parameter table.

4.7.6 Creating a Lambda Model with Best Regressions

Click the Create Model button to create another Lambda model with exponential interpolation of the
A parameter. A new coremodel view will be displayed containing the model. Select the 3D Model tab
to display the model surface as shown in Figure 94.

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Figure 94: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing Lambda model with best-fit parameter

This model fits the data points much better than the model shown in Figure 85. The improved quality
of the model is confirmed by selecting the Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab as shown in Figure 95.

Figure 95: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of the coremodel view showing Lambda model with
best-fit parameter regressions.

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As can be seen, the points lie much closer to the 45° line than in Figure 86. The model represents the
high permeability samples much better.

Save this model by selecting from the menu:

File > Save > Save File

The File Save As dialog will be displayed. Give the model the name lambda_best_regression as
shown in Figure 96.

Figure 96: Saving the best regression Lambda model.

Now select the corebuild view again leaving the lambda_best_regression coremodel view open.

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4.7.7 Globally Optimizing the Model

The Find Best Regressions button finds the best regressions through each of the cross-plots by treating
each parameter independently. In Equation 15, the Lambda equation had been converted to a model as
a function of two variables with six curve fitting parameters. The current model is much the same, but
the A parameter is being interpolated against the Z axis exponentially as indicated in Equation 16

𝑆𝑤 = 𝑆𝑤𝑖 𝑖𝑛𝑡 + 𝑆𝑤𝑖 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑧 + 10(𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡 +𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑧) 𝑃𝑐 −(𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑡 +𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑧)

Equation 16: Lambda model with linear interpolation of SWI and N parameters and
exponential interpolation of A parameter.

The model is still a function of two variables with six curve fitting parameters (the A parameter is just
being interpolated exponentially instead of linearly).

The purpose of global optimisation is to tune the six curve fitting parameters to minimise the least-
squares error between all of the capillary pressure curve points (at their Z axis positions) and the
model surface.

Click the Globally Optimize button to the right of the parameter table to perform the global
optimisation. The display should look like Figure 97.

Figure 97: Global optimisation of the Lambda function.

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4.7.8 Creating a Globally Optimised Lambda Model

Click the Create Model button to create the globally optimised Lambda model. A new coremodel
view will be displayed containing the model. Select the 3D Model tab to display the model surface as
shown in Figure 98.

Figure 98: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing globally optimised Lambda model.

This model fits the data points even better than the model shown in Figure 94. The further improved
quality of the model is confirmed by selecting the Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab as shown in Figure

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Figure 99: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of the coremodel view showing globally optimised
Lambda model.

The points are now lying quite close to the 45° line. This is even better than the model shown in
Figure 95.

Save this model with the name lambda_optimised. It is easy to keep track of which model is which by
saving models of interest with meaningful names.

Now return to the corebuild view.

4.7.9 Optimising all Models

The Optimize All button has been provided to quickly optimize all the models. Clicking this button
performs the same action as selecting each equation in turn and clicking the Find Best Regressions
button followed by the Globally Optimize button.

Click the Optimize All button. The best regressions are found for each equation and each model is
globally optimised in a single step.

4.7.10 Equation Table

The equation table at the top left of the Model Parameters tab lists the available equations together
with measures of the Parameter Total Error and Global Error.

The Parameter Total Error is the sum of the Error column in the parameters table for all curve fit
parameters. The Error column in the parameters table shows the least-squares error between the
points on each of the cross-plots and the regression lines.

The Global Error column is the least-squares error between all of the capillary pressure curve points
(at their Z axis positions) and the model surface. If the Global Error column contains blank values, it

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indicates that the model surface is undefined at the position of some of the capillary pressure data

4.7.11 Building an EQR Model

A quick scan down the Global Error column of the equation table reveals that the optimised EQR
model has the minimum global error. To create an EQR model, select the EQR row of the equation
table as shown in Figure 100.

Figure 100: Model Parameters tab of corebuild view showing optimised EQR model.

The EQR model shows four cross-plots as the EQR equation has four curve fit parameters. As the
Optimize All button was clicked, the model has already had the best regressions determined and been
globally optimised.

To create the EQR model, click the Create Model button. The 3D Model tab of the coremodel view
containing the EQR model is shown in Figure 101.

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Figure 101: 3D Model tab of coremodel view showing optimised EQR model.

The Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab is shown in Figure 102.

Figure 102: Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab of coremodel view showing optimised EQR model.

While this optimised EQR model is the best model built so far it is also the most complicated. As the
EQR equation has four curve fitting parameters, the EQR model has eight fit parameters (as each

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parameter is interpolated against the Z axis). These extra degrees of freedom allow the model to fit
slightly better than the Lambda model did but do have consequences. As can be seen in Figure 101,
there is an artefact of the model at low permeability that swings to low wetting phase saturations when
the capillary pressure is small. One would have to be careful not to rely on the results of this model at
these low capillary pressures.

The simplicity of the Lambda model may be preferred as it does not contain an artefact like this.

Save this model with the name eqr_optimised.

4.8 Comparing Models

As each model is contained in its own coremodel view, it is possible to view models side by side for
comparison. Split the display vertically into two tab groups as shown in Figure 103.

Figure 103: Splitting the display vertically into two tab groups.

Now drag the eqr_optimised model from the left tab group to the right tab group and select the
lambda_optimised model in the left tab group. The optimised Lambda and EQR models should now
be shown side by side. In Figure 104 the 3D Model tab has been selected for both models allowing a
comparison of the 3D model surface.

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Figure 104: Comparing optimised Lambda and EQR models side by side.

Now that some saturation-height models have been built, they can be applied to determine water
saturations and/or predict free water levels.

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5 Working with Saturation-Height Models

Once a saturation-height model has been built the model can be applied to other wells to:

• Predict water saturations when the free water level is know.

• Predict the free water level when the water saturation is known.

In order to demonstrate these features, the following approach will be used:

1. Import GR data into the WIRE set of the ALNATH well.

2. Use the SCAL data in the ALNATH well to produce a saturation-height model with GR as
the Z axis.
3. Set some arbitrary FWLs in the wells ATLAS, CAPELLA, DENEB, ELECTRA and
4. Use these arbitrary FWLs to predict water saturations in these wells.
5. Add some noise to the predicted water saturation data to create synthetic water saturation
6. Delete the arbitrary FWLs specified.
7. Use the synthetic water saturation data to solve for the deleted FWLs.

5.1 Importing GR Data into the WIRE Set

In order to generate a saturation-height model with GR as the Z axis we will require some GR data in
the ALNATH well. The data is provided in the file alnath_gr.txt. The textimport view will be used to
load this GR data into the WIRE set.

Close any views still open, keep the ALNATH well open then start with a new textimport view by
selecting from the menu:

File > New > New Text Importer

A default textimport view is displayed as shown in Figure 105.

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Figure 105: Default textimport view in Geolog Well.

Next, click the Load File button and select the file alnath_gr.txt as shown in Figure 106.

Figure 106: Loading the file alnath_gr.txt into the textimport view.

The textimport view will automatically detect that the file is comma separated and display the file
contents in the grid as shown in Figure 107.

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Figure 107: Textimport view with alnath_gr.txt file loaded.

The data needs to be imported into the WIRE set so change the Import Set from UNKNOWN to WIRE
as shown in Figure 108.

Figure 108: Setting the Import Set to WIRE in the textimport view.

This data has a header containing the required log names and units. The textimport view is able to
automatically extract this header information. First set the number of Header Rows to 2 as shown in
Figure 109.

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Figure 109: Setting the number of Header Rows to 2 in the textimport view.

Now check the Determine Logs from Header Automatically checkbox in order to extract the log name
and unit information from the header as shown in Figure 110.

Figure 110: Logs to import automatically determined from header in textimport view.

As the ALNATH well is open and selected in the well list, the data will be imported to this well. Click
the Import button to import the data to the WIRE set in the ALNATH well.

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The imported data can now be seen with the text view as shown in Figure 111.

Figure 111: Text view showing GR data imported from alnath_gr.txt.

Gamma ray data has now been imported into the WIRE set of the ALNATH well.

Note that in practice, the layout depth shifting commands are typically needed in order to depth match
the data in the SCAL set to the data in the WIRE set. Here it is assumed that no depth matching is

5.2 Building a Saturation-Height Model with GR as Z Axis

Now that we have some gamma ray data available, a saturation-height model can be built with GR as
the Z axis. Often GR is a good permeability indicator and consequently works well as a Z axis. The
beauty of a model with GR Z axis is that it can be applied to any well with GR information (almost
any well). In practice, the utility of GR as a Z axis depends on how well GR tracks permeability in the
particular wells of interest.

Close any open views and start with a new corebuild view by selecting from the menu:

File > New > New Core Model Builder

A default corebuild view is displayed as shown in Figure 57.

Now select the Options tab and change the Z Axis to GR as shown in Figure 112.

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Figure 112: Setting the Z axis to GR in the corebuild view.

Next, confirm that GR is a good choice of Z axis by selecting the 3D Cap. Curves tab as shown in
Figure 113.

Figure 113: Reviewing the spatial relationship of data points against GR Z axis in corebuild.

As can be seen, a surface could indeed be fitted to these points.

Now move straight to the Model Parameters tab as shown in Figure 114.

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Figure 114: Selecting the Model Parameters tab for GR Z axis model in corebuild.

Now click the Optimize All button to find the best regressions and globally optimise all of the
equations as shown in Figure 115.

Figure 115: Corebuild view after optimising all models against GR Z axis.

A quick glance down the Global Error column of the Equation table in the top-left of the corebuild
view reveals that the Lambda model has the minimum global error. As the Lambda equation is

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selected, create a lambda model by clicking the Create Model button. A coremodel view containing
the lambda model with GR Z axis is displayed as shown in Figure 116.

Figure 116: New coremodel view containing lambda model with GR Z axis.

Save this model with the name alnath_lambda_gr by selecting from the menu:

File > Save > Save File

Then key alnath_lambda_gr into the File Select dialog box as shown in Figure 117.

Figure 117: Saving the model with the name alnath_lambda_gr.

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5.3 Reviewing the Lambda Model with GR Z Axis

Now each of the tabs of the coremodel view will be examined in turn in order to review the lambda
model with GR Z axis.

5.3.1 The coremodel Sw Equation Tab

The first tab in the coremodel view is the Sw Equation tab shown in Figure 116. This tab shows the
complete equation of the model in the Sw Equation field at the top. As can be seen, the model
equation is a function of two variables: the capillary pressure (PC) and the Z axis (GR). The model
equation cannot be changed after the model has been built.

Next, the Parameter table shows the fit equations used to model each of the curve fit parameters
against the Z axis. This information is to document the steps taken in the corebuild view and cannot
be changed after the model has been built.

The information in the Curve Fit Sw Equation group is to document settings on the Curve Fit Sw
Equations tab of the corebuild view. This allows the initial values and bounds on the curve fit
parameters used by the non-linear curve fitter to be reviewed. Again, this information cannot be
changed after the model has been built.

5.3.2 The coremodel Options Tab

Now select the Options tab as shown in Figure 118.

Figure 118: Coremodel view Options tab.

Many of the options on this tab are read-only and are there to provide documentation on the setting of
the options in the corebuild view when the model was built. The only options that can be changed
after a model has been built are:

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• HAFWL Units
• Color Bar
• Appearance controls in the Appearance group

5.3.3 The coremodel Fluids Tab

Now select the Fluids tab as shown in Figure 119.

Figure 119: Coremodel view Fluids tab.

Again, most of the options on this tab are read-only and document the settings on the Fluids tab of the
corebuild view when the model was built. After a model has been built, only the View Fluid System
can be modified.

5.3.4 The coremodel Fitted Cap. Curves Tab

Now select the Fitted Cap. Curves tab as shown in Figure 120.

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Figure 120: Coremodel view Fitted Cap. Curves tab.

The Fitted Cap. Curves tab of the coremodel view documents the identical display as the Fit Cap.
Curves tab in the corebuild view at the time the model was built. Samples can be selected and the axis
limits and scales can be changed to review the curve fits that formed the basis of the model.

5.3.5 The coremodel Modeled Cap. Curves Tab

Now select the Modeled Cap. Curves tab as shown in Figure 121.

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Figure 121: Coremodel view Modeled Cap. Curves tab.

The Modeled Cap. Curves tab is similar to the Fitted Cap. Curves tab but shows the capillary pressure
curves as modelled by the complete model function of two variables. The only parameter used to
determine the shape of each modelled capillary pressure curve is its Z axis value.

As can be seen, the model doesn’t do a very good job of reconstructing the curve for the brown
sample S122A while the dark green sample 9 is modelled very well.

5.3.6 The coremodel Modeled Parameters Tab

Now select the Modeled Parameters tab as shown in Figure 122.

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Figure 122: Coremodel view Modeled Parameters tab.

The Modeled Parameters tab of the coremodel view documents the identical display as the Model
Parameters tab of the corebuild view at the time the model was built.

5.3.7 The coremodel 3D Model Tab

Now select the 3D Model tab as shown in Figure 123.

Figure 123: Coremodel view 3D Model tab.

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The 3D Model tab allows direct visualisation of the model surface in relation to the original capillary
pressure measurements for each sample. This looks like a reasonable model of the experimental data

5.3.8 The coremodel Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab

Now select the Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab as shown in Figure 124.

Figure 124: Coremodel view Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab.

The Modeled vs. Measured Sw tab shows the modelled wetting phase saturations versus the wetting
phase saturations measured by the SCAL experiments. If the model perfectly reconstructs the data all
of the points will lie on the 45° line shown diagonally across the plot in blue. In practice, the model
will never perfectly reconstruct the measured data points but the closer to the line the points fall, the
better the model. This model seems pretty good.

5.4 Setting Free Water Levels

Now the saturation height model developed in Chapter 5.2 can be applied to predict water saturations
and free water levels in some wells.

5.4.1 Opening the Wells for Model Application

The model will be applied to the ATLAS, CAPELLA, DENEB, ELECTRA and LESATH wells in the
STARS project.

First these wells need to be opened by selecting from the menu:

File > Open > Open Wells ...

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If prompted, save the ALNATH well. The Well Multiple Select dialog box should then be displayed as
shown in Figure 125.

Figure 125: Well Multiple Select dialog box.

Select the wells ATLAS, CAPELLA, DENEB, ELECTRA and LESATH by double-clicking on them in
the Wells list on the left. The Well Multiple Select dialog box should now look like Figure 126.

Figure 126: Well Multiple Select dialog box after selecting wells.

Now click OK to open the wells. The Wells list to the top-left of the Geolog Well window should
now list all of the open wells as shown in Figure 127.

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Figure 127: Coremodel view with new wells open in the well list.

We only want to apply the model to the ATLAS, CAPELLA, DENEB, ELECTRA and LESATH
wells so hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the ALNATH well with the left mouse button to deselect
it as shown in Figure 127.

Figure 128: Coremodel view with well ALNATH deselected.

The wells over which the model will be applied have now been selected.

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5.4.2 The coremodel Predict Sw Tab

Now select the Predict Sw tab in order to access the interactive water saturation prediction feature as
shown in Figure 129.

Figure 129: Coremodel view interactive water saturation prediction feature.

If the view is not zoomed to show all the wells as in Figure 129, the zoom to data feature will need to
be used by selecting from the menu:

View > Zoom Data

The wells are shown in true elevation against a TVDSS reference. If a TVDSS log exists in a well,
this log is used directly to show the true elevations. If there is no TVDSS log and a TVD log exists in
a well, the ELEV_MEAS_REF offset is applied to the TVD log values to show the true elevations. If
there is no TVDSS or TVD log available, the DEPTH log with ELEV_MEAS_REF offset applied is

TVDSS values are positive below the mean sea level and negative above it. If the opposite sign for
elevations is preferred, check the Elevation Mode check box. Here the Elevation Mode check box will
be left clear. The vertical scale of the view can be changed with the Scale combo box.

The Z axis log (in this case GR) is shown in Red on the first track of each well. The log names, axis
limits, scales and colours of the displayed logs can be changed in the table at the bottom of the view.

5.4.3 Selecting the Intervals for Model Application

We will apply the model over two sandstone intervals in the ATLAS, CAPELLA, DENEB,
ELECTRA and LESATH wells. In order to select the intervals, select the Ranges tab in the top-left
corner of Geolog Well as shown in Figure 130.

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Figure 130: Selecting the Ranges tab in order to select intervals.

Turn of datum synchronisation with other views by clearing the Synchronise checkbox on the Ranges
panel as shown in Figure 131.

Figure 131: Clearing the Synchronise checkbox on the Ranges panel.

Next, set the Interval Log to TOPS.TOPS on the Ranges panel as shown in Figure 132.

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Figure 132: Selecting the TOPS.TOPS interval log on the Ranges panel.

Now select the intervals ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE and MUREE SANDSTONE (using the mouse
and Ctrl key). These intervals are towards the end of the interval list. The display should look like
Figure 133.

Figure 133: Coremodel view with two intervals and five wells selected.

Change the Elevation Scale to 240 so we can see more data on the display as shown in Figure 134.

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Figure 134: Setting Elevation Scale to 240 in the coremodel view.

Now the two intervals can be seen in true elevation across the five wells.

5.4.4 Setting Free Water Levels Directly

Free water levels (FWLs) are modelled in Geolog Core Analysis by either a well header constant or a
log in the interval set. This allows either a single free water level to be defined for the entire well or
separate free water levels to be defined for each interval. Free water levels are always stored in the
database as TVDSS values.

In this case there are two intervals selected from the TOPS set so a FWL log will be written to the
TOPS set of each of the wells as free water levels are defined.

If it is known that the FWL for the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in the ALTAS well is 1160m in
TVDSS, just enter this value into the grid at the top-left of the coremodel view Predict Sw tab as
shown in Figure 135.

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Figure 135: Directly setting FWL of ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in ATLAS well.

The graphics is updated immediately to indicate the FWL of the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in
the ATLAS well. Note that a dark blue predicted water saturation log has been automatically
computed and plotted in the second track for the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in the ATLAS well.
Note also that the FWL is below the base of the interval - FWLs do not need to be confined to their
associated interval.

Now set the FWL for the MUREE SANDSTONE in the ATLAS well to 1300 as shown in Figure 136.

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Figure 136: Directly setting FWL of MUREE SANDSTONE in ATLAS well.

The graphics has immediately been updated to indicate the separate FWLs in the ARCHERFIELD
SANDSTONE and MUREE SANDSTONE intervals. The dark blue predicted water saturation log is
now available in the MUREE SANDSTONE above the FWL.

Notice that as FWLs are filled into the table, the cells turn from yellow to white. The yellow colour is
to draw attention to the fact that no FWL has been specified for those well/interval combinations.

5.4.5 Setting Free Water Levels Interactively

Free water levels can also be specified interactively by dragging with the mouse. Hold down the left
mouse button anywhere within the MUREE SANDSTONE interval for the CAPELLA well and drag
the mouse cursor up and down as shown in Figure 137.

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Figure 137: Setting FWL for CAPELLA well interactively.

The graphics updates dynamically as the FWL is dragged with the mouse. The dark blue predicted
water saturation log is also recomputed and displayed in real time. This can be used to match the
predicted water saturation to a log-derived water saturation log by eye while the mouse is dragged. It
also gives a direct feel for how the water saturation predicted by the saturation-height model is
affected by changes to the FWL.

Notice that both the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE and MUREE SANDSTONE have been assigned
the same combined FWL. This happens when the first FWL is specified interactively for a well. When
this combined FWL is dragged with the mouse, the dark blue predicted water saturation log changes

To adjust this combined FWL after it has been set, click and drag the FWL to another position. It is
important that this drag starts with the mouse cursor at the FWL position in order to drag the
combined FWL.

If a different FWL is required in the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE, start a drag with the mouse in
the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE interval of the CAPELLA well as shown in Figure 138.

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Figure 138: Setting FWL for ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in CAPELLA well interactively.

intervals in the CAPELLA well.

In order to start setting a FWL interactively for a particular interval, the mouse drag must start in the
track graphics for that interval. After the drag has started, the FWL can be dragged from the interval
to below it as shown in Figure 139.

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Figure 139: Dragging ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE FWL below the interval in CAPELLA

5.4.6 Merging Free Water Levels

Say it is thought that the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE and MUREE SANDSTONE are
hydraulically connected and share the same FWL. The FWLs already defined can be merged into a
single FWL for both intervals to accommodate this.

If the FWL already defined for the MUREE SANDSTONE is where the combined FWL should be in
the ATLAS well, right-click on the FWL for the MUREE SANDSTONE in the ATLAS well. A
context menu will appear as shown in Figure 140.

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Figure 140: Merging FWLs with context menu.

Select the option Merge FWLs. The FWL for the ARCHERFILED SANDSTONE will be merged into
the FWL for the MUREE SANDSTONE as shown in Figure 141.

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Figure 141: FWLs merged for ALTAS well.

It is also possible to merge FWLs by manually typing in the same value for the FWLs in the FWL

Dragging a merged FWL with the mouse changes the FWLs in all the merged intervals

5.4.7 Splitting Free Water Levels

Merged free water levels can be split into independent FWLs. To split the FWLs in the ATLAS well,
right-click on the merged FWL. A context menu will be displayed as shown in Figure 142.

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Figure 142: Splitting FWLs with the context menu.

Select the option Split FWL from the context menu. The FWLs for the ARCHERFIELD
SANDSTONE and MUREE SANDSTONE are now split for the ALTAS well as shown in Figure

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Figure 143: FWLs split for the ATLAS well.

The FWLs have been separated such that they can now be dragged independently with the mouse.
FWLs can also be split by manually entering different values for the FWLs in the FWL table. They
can also be split by starting a mouse drag in a particular interval (not near an existing FWL) as already
demonstrated in Chapter 5.4.5.

Now merge the FWLs in the ALTAS and CAPELLA wells and drag the mouse to define new, merged
FWLs in the DENEB, ELECTRA and LESATH wells as shown in Figure 144.

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Figure 144: Arbitrary FWLs defined for all wells.

In this demonstration, the exact positions of these FWLs are not important. It will help to keep them
all between 1280m and 1300m TVDSS so the screens look similar to this tutorial though.

All free water levels have now been defined. Notice that there are no yellow cells in the FWL table

5.4.8 Inspecting the Free Water Levels in the Database

The FWLs have been automatically written to the database as a log in the TOPS set as we are working
with intervals selected in the TOPS set. The log is named TOPS.FWL. The log can be given a
different name by setting the value of the Log/Constant combo box in the Free Fluid Levels group
before setting the FWLs.

Open a new text view by selecting from the menu:

File > New > New Text

Next select the well ATLAS, the set TOPS and the Logs tab of the text view as shown in Figure 145.

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Figure 145: Setting text view to display the logs for well ALTAS, set TOPS.

The new FWL log can be seen on the last row of the Logs table.

Now check the check boxes for the TOPS and FWL logs as shown in Figure 146.

Figure 146: Checking check boxes for TOPS and FWL logs in text view.

Now select the Log Values tab in the text view to see the FWL values written to the log database
against the interval names as shown in Figure 147.

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Figure 147: Viewing FWL log values for ALTAS well in text view.

As can be seen, the FWL is written to the database as 1300m TVDSS for the ARCHERFIELD
SANDSTONE and MUREE SANDSTONE intervals in the ATLAS well.

5.4.9 Changing Free Water Levels in the Database

FWLs can be changed directly in the database. This could be done by using the text view to key the
values in directly; running a module; importing data; etc... When FWLs are changed directly in the
database, the graphics on the Predict Sw tab of the coremodel view updates immediately to reflect the

To demonstrate this, split the Geolog Well window vertically into two panels and drag the text view
to the right panel as shown in Figure 148.

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Figure 148: Viewing the coremodel and text views simultaneously.

Now change the value of the FWL for the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE to 1290 in the text view as
shown in Figure 149.

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Figure 149: Changing FWL for ARCHERFIELD SANDTONE in ATLAS well using text view.

It can be seen that the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE FWL has now changed to 1290 immediately
in the coremodel view. The value in the FWL table has changed and the graphics has been
automatically updated. It can also be seen that the FWLs are now split for the intervals in the ALTAS

Now move the MUREE SANDSTONE FWL to 1290 as well using the text view as shown in Figure

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Figure 150: Changing FWL for MUREE SANDSTONE in ATLAS well using text view.

Again, the graphics is updated immediately in the coremodel view. The FWLs have been
automatically merged as the FWL has the same value in both the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE and

Now close the right panel containing the text view to return the coremodel view to full screen as
shown in Figure 151.

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Figure 151: Coremodel view returned to full screen after closing right panel.

Now that some FWLs have been defined, predicted water saturation logs can be written to the log

5.5 Predicting Water Saturations

The predicted water saturation logs are automatically calculated and shown as the dark blue logs in
the second track for each well. These water saturations are computed by the saturation-height model
equation. They are a function of both the Z axis value (in this case the GR log shown in red in the first
track) and the height above the FWL. Predicted water saturations below the FWL are always 1

These water saturations are not computed in memory and displayed dynamically as FWLs are
adjusted. They are not automatically written to the database. To write water saturation logs predicted
by the model to the database, click the Output Predicted Sw Logs button. The logs are immediately
written to the set specified by the Output Set control with the log name specified in the Log column of
the Water Saturation row of the log table at the bottom of the coremodel view.

So in this case, a log named SW_CORE will be created in the WIRE set of each of the wells when the
Output Predicted Sw Logs button is clicked.

Click the Output Predicted Sw Logs button. Then use the text view to verify that the log
WIRE.SW_CORE has been written to the ATLAS well as shown in Figure 152.

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Figure 152: Verifying that the WIRE.SW_CORE log has been created in the ATLAS well.

Now close the text view to return to the coremodel view.

5.6 Adding Noise to Create Synthetic Water Saturation Data

In order to demonstrate all the features of the Geolog Core Analysis interactive water saturation
prediction some noise will be added to the predicted water saturation logs to create a synthetic water
saturation log. This synthetic log will be used as a log derived water saturation.

Open an Evaluate module in module launcher as shown in Figure 153.

Figure 153: Evaluate module in module launcher.

Ensure that the wells ATLAS, CAPELLA, DENEB, ELETRA and LESATH are open in the Wells
panel as shown in Figure 153.

Now set:

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COMMENT to Synthetic water saturation


The module launcher should now look like Figure 154.

Figure 154: Module launcher showing Evaluate module with options set.

Now click the Start button to create the synthetic WIRE.SW log in each of the wells and close the
module launcher view.

The synthetic water saturation logs for each well are now displayed in light blue in the coremodel
view as shown in Figure 155.

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Figure 155: Coremodel view showing synthetic water saturation logs.

The only reason the logs are automatically displayed is that we called the output log WIRE.SW which
is the name of the Log Derived Sw log specified in the log table at the bottom of the view.

These synthetic logs are just the predicted water saturation logs with some random noise added. These
will be used to demonstrate solving for FWLs.

5.7 Deleting Free Water Levels

Now the FWLs that have been defined will be deleted. They will then be recovered with automatic
solving from the synthetic water saturation data.

First select all the FWLs for the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE from the FWL table by clicking the
FWL ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE table heading as shown in Figure 156.

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Figure 156: Selecting all FWLs for ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE.

Now click the Delete key to delete these FWL from the database as shown in Figure 157.

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Figure 157: FWLs for ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE deleted.

The colours of the cells for ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE in the FWL table have changed to yellow
to indicate they are not defined. Notice that there are no predicted water saturation logs shown in dark
blue in the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE interval as there is no longer a FWL defined for this

In the same way, delete all FWLs for the MUREE SANDSTONE interval as shown in Figure 158.

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Figure 158: FWLs for MUREE SANDSTONE deleted.

As no FWLs are defined anymore, no predicted water saturation data is displayed. The synthetic water
saturation data loaded from the WIRE.SW logs is still displayed in light blue.

5.8 Solving for Free Water Levels

As well as specifying FWLs by hand, FWLs can be automatically solved for if log derived water
saturation data is available. FWL solving can be performed on a single FWL or all FWLs can be
solved in a single step.

5.8.1 Solving for a Single Free Water Level

Right-click the MUREE SANDSTONE interval of the ATLAS well. A context menu will appear as
shown in Figure 159.

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Figure 159: Solving a single FWL with the context menu.

Select the Solve FWL option. As no FWLs are defined for the ATLAS well, a single combined FWL
is solved for as shown in Figure 160.

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Figure 160: Single FWL solved for the ATLAS well.

The FWL is found by using a Levenberg Marquardt solver to tune the FWL until the least squares
error between the log derived and predicted water saturations is at a minimum. Notice that the FWL
value solved (in this case 1290.021m) is very close to the value used to generate the synthetic water
saturation data (1290m). How well the solving works with real log derived water saturation data
depends on how clean that data is and the quality of the Z axis log data in the wells being solved.

The Levenberg Marquardt solver takes any currently defined FWL as the starting point in its search
for a solution. If no FWL is defined the TVDSS at the base of the interval is used as a starting point
for the search. If the solution is not close to the true FWL, manually adjust the FWL such that it is
close to the expected solution and solve automatically from there.

5.8.2 Solving All Free Water Levels

It is also possible to solve for all of the FWLs in a single operation with the Solve All Free Fluid
Levels button. Click the Solve All Free Fluid Levels button. The Solve All FWLs dialog box will be
displayed as shown in Figure 161.

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Figure 161: Solve All FWLs dialog box.

This dialog box allows either a single, combined FWL to be solved for all intervals of each well
independent FWLs to be solved in each interval of each well. As indicated, it is important to note that
this operation overwrites any FWLs that already exist in the database.

Click the OK button to solve a single, combined FWL for each well. The display should look like
Figure 162.

Figure 162: Single FWL solved for each well.

The original FWLs used to compute the synthetic water saturation data have been recovered. Notice
that there are no yellow cells in the FWL table and that the predicted water saturation logs are shown
again in dark blue as all FWLs are now defined.

Now try solving all FWLs again with the Solve All Free Fluid Levels button, this time with the Solve
FWL independently for each interval option selected as shown in Figure 163.

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Figure 163: Solve All FWLs dialog box set to solve each interval independently.

When the OK button is clicked, the FWLs will be solved independently for each interval as shown in
Figure 164.

Figure 164: FWLs solved independently for each interval.

While the FWLs for the MUREE SANDSTONE are much the same as when a single FWL was
solved for, the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE FWLs have not been solved as precisely. The main
reasons for this are:

• Only a short length of log data is available in the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE for the solver
to use.
• The FWL is a long way below the ARCHERFIELD SANDSTONE.

The solution will usually be better if there is more data available and the FWL is close to the available
data as is the case for the MUREE SANDSTONE.

Now solve for a single, combined FWL for each well again as shown in Figure 162.

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5.9 Working with Intervals Individually

So far we have worked with two intervals selected simultaneously in the Ranges panel. This works
well when the intervals are hydraulically connected and need to be worked with together. If the
intervals have independent FWLs it is far easier to work with them independently by selecting them
one at a time in the Ranges panel.

When writing predicted water saturation logs to the database the predicted water saturation log is only
written in the intervals selected. What happens to existing water saturation data in other intervals is
controlled by the Merge With Existing Data checkbox.

If the checkbox is clear, a predicted water saturation log is written with data only in the selected
interval(s). In this case, pre-existing data in other intervals is lost.

If the checkbox is checked, any pre-existing predicted water saturation data in other intervals is
retained and the data for the selected interval(s) is merged into it. Only data in the selected interval(s)
is overwritten in this case.

The Merge With Existing Data checkbox allows a complete water saturation prediction to be
produced one interval at a time.

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Leverett J Models 166

6 Leverett J Models

Geolog Core Analysis is able to work with Leverett J models. The basic idea of the Leverett J
technique is to model the reservoir as a single capillary pressure curve using a J-function instead of
pressure. The J-function is shown in Equation 17.

𝑃𝑐 �

Equation 17: Leverett J-function.


𝐽 is the dimensionless Leverett J-function

𝑃𝑐 is the corrected capillary pressure recorded in the laboratory

𝑘 is the permeability at reservoir conditions

𝜙 is the porosity at reservoir conditions

𝜎 is the interfacial tension of the fluids used in the experiment

𝜃 is the contact angle of the fluids used in the experiment

The J-function assumes that the pore space in the reservoir rock can be modelled as a bundle of non-
connecting, parallel capillary tubes. This assumption may or may not hold in any particular reservoir.
The single capillary pressure curve is then usually modelled with a Lambda function as shown in
Equation 4.

In order to build Leverett J models, a default Leverett J equation is provided:


This equation is modelled in the NORMALIZED fluid system which means that the PC term is
normalised by dividing the laboratory capillary pressure by the product of the interfacial tension and
the cosine of the contact angle of the laboratory fluids as shown in Equation 5.

This default Leverett J equation combines the J-function with the Lambda function and adds an
irreducible water saturation term SWI. The idea is to find a single value for the SWI, A and N curve fit
parameters that provide a model of the reservoir. If this equation doesn’t suit, it can be modified.

Importantly, the Leverett J equation contains the term:


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Leverett J Models 167

When equations contain PERMEABILITY, POROSITY or some combination of these, this must be the
Z Axis specified on the Options tab for the equation to be solved correctly. So to work with the
Leverett J equation, the Z Axis must be set to SQRT(PERMEABILITY/POROSITY) on the Options tab
of the corebuild view.

In order to obtain the single values of the SWI, A and N fit parameters, each of them must be modelled
as a constant on the Model Parameters tab of the corebuild view. The effect of this is to fit the
Leverett J equation to each of the individual capillary pressure curves and then average the curve fit
parameters to single values.

This is not ideal as the usual procedure is to treat all of the capillary curves together and find a single
fit through all of the data points rather than modelling each curve individually and averaging the fit
parameters. The Globally Optimize button on the Model Parameters tab of the corebuild view does
indeed find a single fit through all of the data points using the averaged fit parameters as initial values
for the optimization and produces a true Leverett J model.

So the procedure for building Leverett J models in the corebuild view is:

1. Set the Z Axis on the Options tab to SQRT(PERMEABILITY/POROSITY).

2. Select the Levertt J equation in the equations table on the Model Parameters tab.
3. Manually set all of the values in the Model column of the parameter table to Constant on the
Model Parameters tab.
4. Click the Globally Optimize button on the Model Parameters tab.
5. Click the Create Model button on the Model Parameters tab.

In order to apply a Leverett J model to the reservoir, both porosity and permeability logs will be
required. Both of these are displayed in the coremodel view.

There are many variations on this technique possible with Geolog Core Analysis. This restrictive
procedure need only be followed if what is usually regarded as a Leverett J model is required.

It is usually possible to obtain better fits to the data by treating the process as a curve/surface fitting
problem and choosing the model that gives the best quality fit rather than assuming that the physical
situation in the reservoir is consistent with a particular theoretical model like Leverett J (the actual
pore space in the reservoir rock is obviously not actually a bundle of non-connecting, parallel
capillary tubes). A simple Lambda model with LOG10(PERMEABILITY) Z axis and linear
modelling of the curve fit parameters against the Z axis usually provides a better model of the
reservoir than strict Leverett J.

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With Epos 4.1 Data Management
<References 168

7 References

1. Bound Water in Shaly Sands - Its Relation To Q and Other Formation Properties. H. J. Hill, G. E.
Klein, O. J. Shirley. 1979, The Log Analyst.

2. [Online]

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Geolog 7 – Paradigm 2011
With Epos 4.1 Data Management

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