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Virtual Reality Seems the incredible invent after internet in human evolvement history. This
technology not relating to one sector. It develops business, military operations, education
practices and medical standards. In pilot training, medical applications, watching more realistic
experience movies, playing games and in museums this technology is using unbelievably. For
example, even the person is in another country or another place he can see the museum in
virtual reality world.

What is virtual reality? How it works?

Virtual Reality is an artificial environment makes it possible to experience anything,
anywhere, anytime. Everything we know about the world through our senses and perception
system. Every human being has five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. But the
truth is human being have more senses for example sense of balance. With the help of some
advanced software technology (virtual Reality) we can create 3-D images that explored
interactively at a personal computer. Virtual world, immersion, Sensory Feedback, and
interactivity are the key elements of Virtual Reality experience (Namrata Singh, Sarvpal
Singh, 2017). Basically, three main types of Virtual Reality: Non-Immersive, Semi-
Immersive, and Fully Immersive. Virtual Reality Creates the virtual environment presented to
our senses that makes we experience that if we were really there.

Fig 1: Virtual Reality Headset

Fig 2: Structure of VR head-mounted display.

When we talk about Virtual Reality obviously, we have to talk about Augmented Reality.
These two technologies are two sides of the same coin. AR technology helps to simulates
objects in real world. VR technology create artificial environment to inhabit. In Virtual
Reality the important component is Head-Mounted Display (HMD). Giant companies like
Apple, Google, Samsung and Lenovo surprise the industry with new levels of VR
technology. In VR both hearing and vision are two important things to a person’s sense.
Audio plays a vital role in this technology (Christina Oikonomou ; Alain Lioret ; Manthos
Santorineos ; Stavroula Zoi 2017).

1) Application of Virtual Reality Technology?

Previously VR technology using mainly in gaming industry. But now it is using in
various industries include military, health care, fashion, business, sports, education,
entertainment, engineering, films, construction and media. In education VR
technology helps to learn and acquire to get real time experience of things.

Fig 2: VR Technology in Education for better and faster learning.

Even in medical and health care industry this technology helps to learn how to conduct
delicate surgical operation procedures. Most of the countries adopted and using VR
technology in military including US and UK. VR can put a trainee in difficult situation,
places and battlefield simulation.

(A) (B)
Fig 3:VR in medicine: (a) eye surgery (from [Hunt93]), (b) leg surgery (FhG IGD).

In automotive industry its already started using VR technology for various purposes. From
prototyping to ensure the design and safety of self-driving cars VR creates mind-blowing
results (Courtney Hutton , Evan Suma 2016). Nowadays car makers are competing each other
to develop self-driving cars. Not only in prototype and testing but also in creating virtual

(A) (B)

Fig 4:VR in architecture: (a) Ephesos ruins (TU Vienna), (b) reconstruction of destroyed
Frauenkirche in Dresden (IBM).
Buildings and other construction projects take a lot of time and money. You need to do
everything, make sure as per their plan. Some time with traditional plans, it is impossible to
identify all the potential problem with building designs. With the help of VR technology, you
can reduce the risk of loss by bringing your plan to life before a brick is laid (Alayna Mansell,
2017). There are number of ways you can brilliantly utilise VR technology: for example, you
can set up a virtual conference room this is more effective than only communicating by

Fig 5: VR technology in Construction to save money and time.

2) Impact of Virtual Reality on human lives?

After the advent of internet, Virtual Reality Technology seems to be the big thing in
thiscentury. Virtual Reality is the modern technology of the world you can easily use this
technology to your life to get more effective output. With the help of this technology you can
generate so many different things in virtual reality. Big companies like HTC, Facebook, and
Sony are creating their own hardware technology and it is affordable for normal people. In
the medical field, this technology helps surgeons in training to perfect their techniques on
virtual things rather than real humans(UrvishMacwan, 2017). A lot of cinemas now
distributing VR headsets to audience before watching a movie because they should
experience reality in the movie.

Fig 6: Watching Movies in VR technology

Virtual Reality can also be used to treat people to cure some mental issues. In this they create
a soothing environment. In recent days so many medical VR applications available that helps
to teach student about surgeries in operation theatre. With this a student can only be allowed
to do operation in theatre once he/she succeed in the simulation.
There are some problems also we have to see in virtual reality. After spending a period of
timewith VR technology a person would feel nausea which is due to motion sickness. In VR
illustration are far better than real world. For example, VR video games takes the users into
another beautiful and exiting world. Just like in gaming world VR technology plays vital role
in other fields like automobile industry, entertainment and media. However, user has
incredible experience with this outstanding and advanced technology.
How Virtual Reality Changing Engineering?
Ans: Buildings and other construction projects take a lot of time and money. You need to do
everything, make sure as per their plan. Some time with traditional plans, it is impossible to
identify all the potential problem with building designs. With the help of VR technology, you
can reduce the risk of loss by bringing your plan to life before a brick is laid. There are
number of ways you can brilliantly utilise VR technology: for example, you can set up a
virtual conference room this is more effective than only communicating by email.
Jaguar Land Rover has used VR technology since 2006, employing to design and test. An
immersive virtual environment means all environment surrounded the user is created by
Virtual reality technology (Jeremy N. Bailenson and Jim Blascovich , 2011).
In every industry VR change the factory manufacturing process. One of the key parts in any
manufacturing industry is design of individual work cells to a new product. With the help of
VR technology. This technology enables engineers to view their designs in 3D and it gives
greater understand of the project possibilities and problems. Car manufacturer using this
technology for prototype of their designing process. In recent years Samsung, facebook, and
google has sold high number of VR devices. This is the proof that VR is going to reach high
(Prof. Anthony Steed, 2017).
Half billion of the world population has been spending more than 20 hours a week, on avatar.
That is how virtual reality technology and digital world representation of themselves. Coming
next three years we are going to see an advanced technology and social networks especially
in Virtual Reality Technology. Most interesting thing is the avatar can be realistic
representations of yours. Every movement of yours would be mirror with the motion-capture

Future of Virtual Reality

The future of VR technology is going to change human being life in many ways. For many
people, while shopping in online they are missing the joy of walking up and down the aisles.
VR technology fill the gap (Wallas Henrique Sousa dos Santos ; Reinaldo Mozart Gama e
Silva ; Rodrigo Costa Mesquita Santos 2018). VR glasses helps you be transported to a
virtual shop. These is called virtual shop. In education field, Virtual Reality is a limitless tool
that allows you to enter new environment (Virtual), it can expose students to the things to
learn perfectly. Virtual reality in exercise gives you more immersive exercise experience.
With the help of VR technology, you can cycle through the French country sides or on the
streets of Amsterdam (Kevin Howell, March 2017).

Fig :Mark Zuckerberg at VR conference

Although people have dreamed about this technology half century ago possibilities took more
time. The future of entertainment is on high with VR technology (Nathan Pettijohn, 2018).
This technology brings incredible features to story telling crafts like movies. Some of the
Hollywood directors namely James Cameron, Stephen Spielberg, Christopher Nolan and
others using this technology to create visual wonders. Even people no need to wait for
hardware technology, most of the quality and affordable are in online and market. Just
imagine a pop star wants to give his/her access on road with their fans. Flying with her in her
private jet, sharing his/her personal life with this technology. Most importantly this incredible
advanced technology transforms our world most entertainment and educational (Ben
Kenwright, 2019).

Virtual Reality is the great tool for engineers and designers, at the same time there is a scope
of bigger temptation for escape from reality. It offers more facilities to creators as well as
users the possibilities and modifying of objects and virtual environment. This can be certainly
great help at work and in day today life. On the other hand, some people argue that we lost
emotions and getting in touch with each other because we create our own world and live in
that without any other thought. Even though that is not real world. However, the evolution of
advanced technology (VR technology) no one can stop. Hope we see more advanced and
good things in future (IEEE, 2018).

1. Namrata Singh, Sarvpal Singh (2017). Virtual Reality: A brief Survey. 2017
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2. Ben Kenwright, 2019. Virtual Reality: Ethical Challenges and Dangers. Retrieved
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3. Kevin Howell, March 2017). Remarkable ways Virtual Reality is Improving

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4. IEEE, 2018. Virtual Reality’s Potential impact on Transportation. Retrieved on

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6. Christina Oikonomou ; Alain Lioret ; Manthos Santorineos ; Stavroula Zoi (2017).

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7. Wallas Henrique Sousa dos Santos ; Reinaldo Mozart Gama e Silva ; Rodrigo Costa
Mesquita Santos (2018). A Knowledge Oriented Virtual Reality Tool for
Exploring Seismic Data. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR). Retrieved on: Feb 6th, 2019. Retrieved from:
8. Courtney Hutton , Evan Suma (2016). A realistic walking model for enhancing
redirection in virtual reality. 2016 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR). Retrieved on: Feb 4th,
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9. UrvishMacwan (2017). The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Human

Lives.Retrieved on:Feb 05, 2019. Retrieved from:

10. Alayna Mansell, 2017. 5 Uses for Virtual Reality. Retrieved on: Date mentioned,
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11. Prof. Anthony Steed, 2017. How Virtual Reality Changing the Engineering.
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12. Nathan Pettijohn, 2018. The Future of VR here, Let’s start using it Properly.
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