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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983

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Hydraulic fracturing after water pressure control blasting for

increased fracturing
Bingxiang Huang a,b,n, Changyou Liu a,b, Junhui Fu a,b, Hui Guan a,b
School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, South 3rd Ring Road, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116, China
State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Mine Safety, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Traditional hydraulic fracturing techniques generally form main hydraulic cracks and airfoil branch
Received 8 August 2010 fissures, but main hydraulic cracks are relatively few in number. Hydraulic fracturing after water
Received in revised form pressure control blasting can transform the structure of coal and rock mass. Experiments prove that it is
21 March 2011
an effective method for increasing the number and range of hydraulic cracks, as well as for improving
Accepted 12 June 2011
the permeability of coal seams. The technical principle is as follows. First, a hole is drilled in the coal
Available online 30 June 2011
seam and is injected with a gel explosive (a mining water-proof explosive). Then, water is injected into
Keywords: the hole to seal it, at low enough pressure to prevent cracks from forming. Third, water pressure
Hydraulic fracturing blasting is done by detonating the explosive. The water shock waves and bubble pulsations produced
Water pressure blasting
by the explosion cause a high strain rate in the rock wall surrounding the hole. When the stress
Crack propagation
imposed on the rock wall surrounding the hole exceeds its dynamic critical fracture strength, the
Shock waves
Crack number surrounding rock breaks and numerous circumferential and radial fractures propagate outward. Lastly,
water injection processes, such as general injection, pulse injection, and/or cyclic injection, are carried
out to promote hydraulic fracturing. Depending on the fissure water pressure, detonation fissures
continue to expand and additional hydraulic fractures with a wider range are formed. Under the effect
of detonation pressure, joints and fissures in the coal mass open and propagate, leading to reduced
adhesive forces on structural surfaces and thereby enhancing coal cutting. Therefore, this method
improves the permeability of the coal seam, effectively weakens the strength of the coal and rock mass,
and reduces the surrounding rock stress of the weakened area, effectively solving the problem of having
a small number of big cracks. It is a useful technical approach for improving top coal caving, preventing
rock burst, preventing coal and gas outbursts, and raising the gas extraction efficiency in colliery.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction in number. In the case of homogeneous rock, a single hydraulic

main crack is generally generated and cracks are mainly concen-
Low-permeability coal-seam gas extraction; hard, thick coal- trated in a band around the hydraulic main crack, whose extent is
seam fully mechanized top coal caving; and rock burst control are small. However, to improve hard, thick top coal cavability, handle
technical challenges in colliery at present. Hydraulic fracturing is hard roof, prevent rock burst, increase permeability of gassy coal
an effective technical approach to resolve these challenges [1]. seams, and prevent coal and gas outbursts, full re-formation of
The structure of coal and rock mass is altered through hydraulic the structure of coal and rock mass by hydraulic fracturing is
fracturing, which can increase cracks in coal and rock mass, needed. This requires that hydraulic fracturing produce more
improve permeability, and weaken strength to reduce any rock hydraulic cracks, i.e., increase the number of hydraulic cracks.
bursting liability. After decades of development, more study on Therefore, there is an urgent need to study hydraulic control
hydraulic fracturing has been conducted both in China and else- fracturing technology to increase the number of hydraulic cracks,
where [2–14]. Simulation experiments and field investigations of which has important theoretical and practical significance in
hydraulic fracturing show that the traditional hydraulic fracturing guaranteeing efficient and safe colliery production.
techniques mainly form water pressure main cracks and airfoil Common explosives blasting for gassy coal seams has safety
branch fissures, but water pressure main cracks are relatively few risks, so they are not suitable. Water pressure blasting, developed
in the past century as a kind of controlled blasting method, can
effectively control the generation of blasting flying rocks, air shock
Corresponding author at: School of Mines, China University of Mining and
Technology, South 3rd Ring Road, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116, China.
waves, blasting tremors, and detonation toxic gases [15–18]. Water
Tel.: þ86 516 83885662. pressure blasting is a gun-hole blasting technology that uses water
E-mail address: (B. Huang). as a coupling medium between the cartridge and the charge hole to

1365-1609/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Huang et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983 977

transfer the explosion pressure and energy at the moment of the stress distribution is about 3–5 times the borehole diameter.
explosion to break up rock. The principal characteristics of water Under the effect of subsequent water pressure, cracks are
are exploited as follows. Since water is difficult to compress, initiated in the wall of the hole when the effective tangential
deformation energy losses are low and energy transmission effi- tensile stress of the wall exceeds the rock tensile strength.
ciency becomes high. Water acts to deliver uniform pressure, However, for a given crustal stress field, the position of the
making the pressure on the surrounding medium relatively smooth maximum effective tangential tensile stress of the borehole wall
and evenly distributed, leading to even breaking of the surrounding is a constant. Therefore, to increase the difference of hydraulic
rock and greatly reducing the harmful effects of blasting. However, crack initiation between the follow-up borehole hall and the
the compression ratio of water exceeds that of rock under high blasting cracks and make the blasting cracks craze preferentially,
pressure and water also acts as the buffer layer between the the length of blasting cracks must be greater than 3–5 times the
explosive products and the rock mass. Not only does this buffer borehole diameter.
layer extend the interaction time of the shock wave on the rock, (d) Then, perform water injection processes such as general
but it also can reduce or eliminate the energy loss in the plastic injection, pulse injection, and cycle injection to carry out
deformation zone generated in the rock mass. Water pressure hydraulic fracturing. Depending on the fissure water pressure,
blasting is currently a more mature technology in fields such as blasting cracks continue to expand and more water pressure
tunnel excavation and project demolition. In recent years, the fractures with a wider range are formed.
application of water pressure blasting to colliery has started in
China and elsewhere [19,20]. In the former Soviet Union, coal-seam The surrounding rock loosing zone of colliery roadway or
pre-injection internal explosions were conducted by using an 8-m- grotto for constructing a borehole is generally 1.5–2.0 m. Because
deep hole of 40 mm diameter to prevent coal and gas outbursts in the water pressure induced by water pressure blasting is great,
a gently inclined thin coal seam and a medium thick coal seam. In the sealing length in the complete surrounding rock section of the
China attempts were made to create cracks by water pressure borehole must be greater than 2 m. The borehole length for
blasting to improve the coal-seam gas drainage rate [21]. installing the gel explosive must exceed 1 m. Thus, the under-
In view of the problems of existing technology, a preliminary ground fracturing borehole depth in colliery should not be less
test has been conducted to exploit the advantages of water than 5 m.
pressure blasting and hydraulic fracturing. The test results show The structure of coal and rock mass is re-formed by hydraulic
that hydraulic fracturing after water pressure blasting can blasting control fracturing, leading to an increased number of
increase the number and range of hydraulic cracks efficiently. hydraulic cracks, an increase in the permeability of the coal seam,
Based on preliminary studies and test results, the author has an efficient weakening of the strength of coal and rock mass, and
proposed the use of water pressure control blasting for increasing a reduction in the surrounding rock stress of the weakened area.
permeability and weakening strength as a result of hydraulic This effectively solves the problem of having a small number of
fracturing. big cracks. There are a number of beneficial effects from this
process. The weakening of the hard coal can improve top coal
cavability, reduce the risk of rock burst, increase the range of coal-
2. Using water pressure control blasting to increase seam fracturing cracks, make gas extraction easier, and prevent
permeability through hydraulic fracturing coal and gas outbursts, all of which are important in guaranteeing
efficient and safe colliery production.
Water pressure control blasting induces hydraulic fracturing in
the borehole of a coal-rock seam, which changes the structure of
the coal-rock mass and increases the number and range of 3. Experimental scheme
hydraulic cracks, thereby increasing permeability and weakening
strength. The technique involves the following steps: 3.1. Experimental system

(a) Drill a borehole for hydraulic fracturing weakening with a We developed a 500  500  500 mm3 true triaxial hydraulic
drilling rig, inject an adequate amount of gel explosive (a fracturing experimental system. The system consists of an experi-
water-proof mine explosive), and pull the lead wire out of the ment-bench framework, a loading system, and a monitoring
borehole. system. The main technical indicators are as follows: (1) the true
triaxial stress is loaded on cubic samples to simulate crustal
(b) After sealing up the borehole orifice with hole packer or cement
mortar, inject water into the hole until it fills the hole or reaches stress; the pressure from the loading plate in three directions can
reach 4000 kN. (2) The size of the cubic specimen is 300  300 
a pressure value below that which would generate water
pressure cracks. At this moment, the initial water pressure P0 300 or 500  500  500 mm3. (3) The water pressure for borehole
fracturing can reach 70 MPa.
in the borehole must be less than the orifice rupture water
pressure: During borehole fracturing, parameters such as water (liquid)
pressure and flow are monitored by an Intelligent Vortex Flow-
P0 o 3s3 s1 þ st , ð1Þ meter connected to the computer, using established procedures
where s3 is the minimum principal stress of the crustal stress for data collection and storage. During the fracturing simulation,
field around the borehole, s1 is the maximum one, and st is the the crack propagation process and geometric morphology are
tensile strength of the borehole rock. monitored by a Disp-type 24-channel acoustic emission instru-
(c) Detonate the explosive to carry out water pressure blasting. The ment, an RSM acoustic instrument, and a TDS-6 Micro-seismic
water shock waves and bubble pulsations produced by the acquisition system.
explosion will cause a high strain rate in the rock wall surround-
ing the hole. When the stress imposed on the surrounding rock 3.2. Experimental method
wall exceeds its dynamic critical fracture strength, the rock
ruptures and generates abundant circumferential and radial The simulation experiment adopts a side length of 500 mm for
fractures surrounding the borehole. Meanwhile, because of the the cubic specimen mixed with coal and briquette. (The original
rock’s elasticity, the hole’s influence on the surrounding rock coal size is about 27  40  20 cm3.) A parameter test of the
978 B. Huang et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983

mechanical properties of both coal and briquette of different shown in Fig. 1b was used as blasting equipment for the simula-
ratios has been conducted to ensure that the stiffness, strength, tion experiment. The hydraulic blasting control fracturing is
and other properties of the briquette are as similar to coal’s as far simplified into two stages to simulate (1) blasting in the borehole
as possible. The quality ratio of the simulated sample is deter- and (2) hydraulic fracturing.
mined as coal powder:cement:plaster:water¼0.5:1:1:0.8 and its The simulated stress field condition is s1 ¼3.323376 MPa,
mechanical properties are shown in Table 1. After the specimen s2 ¼1.938636 MPa, and s3 ¼0.553896 MPa and the stress direc-
has naturally dried, a borehole of 30 cm in length is drilled at the tion is shown in Fig. 1c. Red poster dye is added to the water tank
center of the upper surface of the specimen and then SHZ bar glue to make it easier to observe the hydraulic fracture morphology.
is used to bond the device bond to the borehole wall to complete During the experiment, a microseismic instrument is used to
the sealing while the sealing depth reaches 20 cm. monitor microseismic information of the specimen; the trigger
We originally planned to use electric detonators to carry out threshold (STA/LTA ratio) of a microseismic event is 1.2, and the
the simulation experiment of hydraulic blasting control fractur- amplitude range reaches 500 mA with an STA/LTA time window of
ing. The explosive amount (1 g) in each electric detonator is (0.1 s)/(1 s). At the same time, acoustic emission and electromag-
modest and the detonators can be detonated in water to achieve netic radiation are monitored during the experiment. An acoustic
the purpose of blasting after sealing under water pressure. Thus, emission probe (R.45) placed in the experimental framework
an electric detonator is the ideal blasting equipment for the closely sticks to the specimen and an electromagnetic radiation
simulation experiment. However, because the public security probe stays close to the outer steel ring of the experimental
sector strictly controls electric detonators, it is hard to obtain framework. An acoustic emission instrument uses the acoustic
blasting electric detonators. Therefore, the large firecracker emission probe and the electromagnetic radiation probe to take

Table 1
Mechanical properties of coal and sample.

Lithology Compressive Elastic modulus Poisson’s Tensile Cohesion, c Internal

strength, sc E (GPa) ratio, m strength, st (MPa) friction angle,
(MPa) (MPa) j (deg)

Coal 6.3086 0.6170 0.2174 0.3014 0.8043 18.43

Briquette 5.0888 0.5247 0.2326 0.6570 1.0950 27.82

Briquette Coal

Blasting equipment

Microquake instrument
Test block

Microquake probe



Loading frame Microquake probe

Fig. 1. Photographs of the experiment. (a) Pouring of the coal, (b) Blasting in the borehole, (c) Simulation of crustal stress and (d) Microprobe arrangement during hydraulic
B. Huang et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983 979

samples at the same time. The frequency domain f of the electro- injection fracturing reaches 1.1775 MPa, a turning point in the
magnetic radiation probe is 30 kHz. The sampling frequency of hydraulic pressure curve appears (Fig. 3b). At this moment, both
both the pre-amplifier (BP-SYS) and the acoustic emission probe is the pulse number and the amplitude of the electromagnetic
5 MHz; the trigger threshold of the electromagnetic radiation radiation show a small peak (Fig. 3e and f), indicating that the
probe is 20 dB, the trigger threshold of the acoustic emission drillhole wall ruptures (or the original blasting cracks open and
probe is 39 dB, and the pre-amp gain is 60 dB for both. The high- burst), meaning that the hydraulic pressure of rupture is
pass filter of the electromagnetic radiation probe is set to 20 kHz 1.1775 MPa. After the hydraulic pressure reaches 1.4775 MPa, it
and the high-pass filter of the acoustic emission probe is 1 kHz. then decreases, showing that the hydraulic fracture propagates at
The low-pass filters for both are set to 400 kHz. this time. After the hydraulic pressure reaches a maximum of
To compare with the results of common hydraulic fracturing in 1.5375 MPa, it falls to 1.4075 MPa with a relatively high speed,
coal and rock mass, one common hydraulic fracturing simulation meaning that the hydraulic fracture propagates with a large scale.
experiment of fissured coal and rock mass under the same When the hydraulic pressure becomes about 1.40775 MPa, it
simulated crustal stress and quality ratio of sample has been remains constant for 9 s and then sharply declines. Meanwhile,
conducted. both the pulse number and the amplitude of electromagnetic
radiation have significant peaks and the deformation and failure of
coal and rock mass are exacerbated. In the second water injection
4. Analysis of results by manual control, when the hydraulic pressure reaches
1.2575 MPa, the same situation as with the first injection fractur-
4.1. Crack propagation process of hydraulic fracturing after water ing appears. The hydraulic pressure exhibits a turning point, which
pressure control blasting indicates renewed opening of the hydraulic crack. Afterward, the
hydraulic pressure rises to 1.4075 MPa and it declines stably in
4.1.1. Blasting only 3 s. The hydraulic crack perforates through the specimen
After the large firecracker shown in Fig. 1b is lit, it is put at the surface fully; water comes out of the specimen orifice surface
bottom of the drillhole and then the square iron pad of 70.2 kg (upper surface) and the hydraulic pressure decreases sharply.
containing the experiment framework is set to cover the orifice During the subsequent fracturing of multiple injections, the
area of the specimen. The typical microquakes monitored during ratio of water filtration decreases relatively because of high flow.
the experiment are shown in Fig. 2, where the abscissa plots time, So the hydraulic pressure reaches a maximum of 1.6775 MPa,
every small division stands for 0.1 s, and the total time shown is which is greater than the maximum pressure obtained by manual
5 s. In the figure, the first event is the quake caused by the square control. Thus, when the filtration rate of the coal and rock seam is
iron pad after lighting the firecracker; the second event is the large, a high flow of water injection fracturing should be used to
microquake event caused by blasting; the third event marks the ensure higher water pressure on the crack tip to cause the
upward jump of the iron pad caused by the detonation gas after hydraulic fracture to propagate.
the explosion. During the whole process of hydraulic fracturing, seven
After six blasts at the bottom of the drillhole, the specimen microquake events were monitored; a typical example is shown
surface shows no visible cracks and is still integrated. The speci- in Fig. 4. In comparison to blasting quakes, microquakes induced
men is then placed on the test desk for the hydraulic fracturing by hydraulic fracture propagation are much weaker. Under
experiment after sealing. laboratory conditions, because the layout space of the probes is
small (2 m or less), the difference in time at which each probe
4.1.2. Hydraulic fracturing receives the microquake events is very small, leading to difficulty
The water pressure and acoustic–electric effect during hydrau- in locating microquake events.
lic fracturing after blasting are shown in Fig. 4. A total of seven Just as microquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing in a
water injection fracturing experiments were conducted. For the laboratory specimen can be monitored, large-scale microquakes
first two, the pressure was controlled manually; for the last five, a induced by hydraulic fracturing in the field also can be monitored.
high hydraulic pressure was pre-set by a stabilizer and water And because the on-site monitoring region is large, the micro-
injection fracturing with high flow was carried out by pressure quake source (hydraulic fracturing point) can be located at the
output switches. When the hydraulic pressure of the first water same time. Therefore, microquake events induced by hydraulic
fracturing can be monitored by a microseismograph during
hydraulic fracturing in the field, leading to real-time monitoring
and research on hydraulic fracturing.

4.2. Crack propagation shape of hydraulic fracturing after water

pressure blasting

The crack shape on the porthole surface of the test block after
hydraulic fracturing is shown in Fig. 5. Along the direction of
maximum principal stress, sand-scouring occurs and two water
outlets are distributed on both sides of the drillhole. The normal
distances to the center line of maximum principal stress in the
test block are 75 and 85 mm, respectively; the width of the crack
band induced by hydraulic fracturing after water pressure blast-
ing reaches 160 mm. A total of 13 visible cracks along the
direction of maximum principal stress exist in the band of
hydraulic fracturing. Thence, hydraulic fracturing after water
pressure blasting can form more hydraulic cracks theoretically
Fig. 2. Microquake events induced by blasting in the drillhole. and expand the crack band along the main hydraulic fracture
980 B. Huang et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983

1.8 80 1.8

Hydraulic pressure/MPa
Acoustic emission count
Acoustic emission count rate
Hydraulic pressure/MPa

1.6 70 1.6
Hydraulic pressure
1.4 60 1.4

1.2 50
1 1
0.8 0.8
30 0.6
20 0.4
0.2 10 0.2
0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49
Time/s Time/s

30 1.8

Hydraulic pressure/MPa
80 1.8

Acoustic emission energy

Hydraulic pressure/MPa
Acoustic emission count rate Acoustic emission energy rate
Acoustic emission count

70 Hydraulic pressure 1.6 Hydraulic pressure 1.6

1.4 1.4
1.2 20 1.2


1 1
40 15
0.8 0.8
30 10 0.6
20 0.4 0.4
10 0.2 0.2
0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time/s Time/s

300 1.8 4000 1.8

Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic radiation amplitude

Hydraulic pressure/MPa

Electromagnetic radiation pulse number

Hyraulic pressure/MPa
1.6 3500 Hydraulic pressure 1.6
pulse number/times

250 Hydraulic pressure

1.4 3000 1.4

200 1.2 1.2

1 1
150 2000
0.8 0.8
100 0.6 0.6
0.4 1000 0.4
50 500
0.2 0.2
0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time/s Time/s

Fig. 3. Hydraulic pressure and acoustic electricity effect of hydraulic fracture after drill blasting.

intensifies, the sound speed in coal and rock mass also decreases
significantly. The square ratio of the average speed of sound in rock
(Vp-rock) and average speed of sound in coal and rock mass (Vp-mass)
is the integrity coefficient (Ko). Thus, Ko ¼(Vp-mass/Vp-rock)2 is
applied to indicate the integrity of coal and rock mass.
Before the experiment of hydraulic fracturing, the sound speed
of the integrated test block was measured. Then the same speed
test is conducted after fracturing. Measuring points 2 cm apart are
laid out on both sides parallel to the hydraulic crack surface and a
total of 625 measuring points are obtained. Because the corners of
test block get damaged, only 504 measuring points are actually
available. The distance between corresponding measuring points
on the two sides is 50 cm, so a total of 504 data points are
obtained. The sound propagation speed of each point is acquired
by measurement.
Using the upper right corner of the test block as the coordinate
Fig. 4. Microquake events induced by hydraulic fracturing. origin, the vertical downward direction as the positive X-axis, the
horizontal direction as the positive Y-axis, and the integrity rate of
the test block as the Z-axis gives the integrity distribution of coal and
surface under the combined effects of the blasting shock wave rock mass along the main fracturing surface induced by hydraulic
and hydraulic pressure. pressure shown in Fig. 6. In the figure, the failure trend of the test
Structural planes such as joints, fractures, and faults in coal and block from the upper right corner to the lower right corner is
rock mass can refract and reflect acoustic waves. As the develop- relatively integrated. Intermediate coal affected by the blasting
ment degree of the various structural planes in coal and rock mass makes cracks propagate and develop further, leading to the most
B. Huang et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983 981

and splits the entire test block (Fig. 7b). The weakening effects on
the structures around the drillhole induced by blasting are
basically consistent; in other words, blasting cracks propagate
along the radial direction all around and their lengths are about
12.8 cm, but the main cracks induced by the hydraulic pressure

Hydraulic fractures
extend along the direction perpendicular to the minimum princi-
pal stress mainly under the control of the stress field. Below the
3 bottom of the drillhole, the hydraulic fracture propagates along
3 the blasting cracks, leading to formation of two failure surfaces
induced by hydraulic fracturing. However, as the cracks extend,
the distance between the two cracks increases gradually; in other
words, the follow-up hydraulic fracture parallels the direction of
minimum principal stress as the central sector. Thus, the effi-
1 ciency of hydraulic fracturing after water pressure control blast-
ing is limited by the principal stress difference of the crustal
stress field. The smaller the difference is, the greater the effect is.
The propagation starts from the coal mass in the bottom of
drillhole and then forms two macroscopic hydraulic fractures.
Crack band of hydraulic The hydraulic fracture is not deflected at the interface between
fracturing the coal and the analog coal.
Initiation and propagation of multiple cracks lie at the frontier
of international hydraulic fracturing research at present [22]. The
Hydraulic main cracks

development of defects such as joints and fissures around the

drillhole is a favorable condition for forming multiple cracks and a
fracturing crack band in the propagation direction of the main
cracks induced by hydraulic pressure.
The shock effect of the blasting shock wave causes primary
joints and fissures to extend and open further. The fissures of coal
and rock mass around the drillhole develop, breaking up coal and
rock mass (Fig. 7c). Under the effects of hydraulic fracturing,
primary joints and fissures open via hydraulic pressure and there
Fig. 5. Crack shape on the porthole surface of the test block. is an obvious red color on joint surfaces (Fig. 7c). As a result, the
cohesive force of the structural surfaces such as joints and fissures
decreases and the extension of fissures cuts the coal and rock
mass further. The collaborative action of the two weakens the
overall strength of the coal and rock mass, increasing the perme-
ability of the coal and rock mass.

4.3. Contrast between and analysis of hydraulic fracturing after

water pressure control blasting and common hydraulic fracturing

The simulation results of common hydraulic fracturing in coal

show that there is only one overall failure surface induced by
hydraulic pressure in the coal and rock mass (Fig. 8). The contrast
between hydraulic fracturing after water pressure control blast-
ing and common hydraulic fracturing is listed in Table 2. Because
of more blasting cracks, the follow-up hydraulic fracturing gen-
erates multiple main cracks induced by hydraulic pressure, and
the propagation rate of these hydraulic fractures is higher than
that in common hydraulic fracturing. Blasting cracks guide the
expansion direction of subsequent water pressure cracks.
Fig. 6. Integrity coefficient distribution of the test block induced by hydraulic
Although influenced by the crustal stress field, subsequent water
fracturing after water pressure blasting.
pressure cracks veer spatially while expanding. The width of the
band of water pressure cracks in the test is 0.32 times the side
length of the test block and obviously wider than in common
serious failure at the center. Because of the water injection drillhole, hydraulic fracturing. Owing to this size effect and the boundary
the water pressure generates weak planes in the upper part of the effect in the simulation test, the practical width of water pressure
text block and thus it breaks more easily in comparison to the lower. cracks is much greater than 160 mm in the field. Because of the
The test block naturally splits along the main rupture surface effect of blasting cracks on the propagation direction of follow-up
induced by hydraulic pressure under the lighter shock, and the hydraulic fractures, the width of the hydraulic fracture band is
crack propagation shape of hydraulic fracturing after water larger than that found in common hydraulic fracturing. Affected
pressure blasting is shown in Fig. 7. Under the fracturing effect by the blasting shock wave and pulse injection, the hydraulic
of seven water injections, the hydraulic fracture propagates fully. fracturing induced by water pressure control blasting changes the
Cracks appear on both sides, which on the bottom and top of the traditional hydraulic fracturing from a static into a dynamic
test block extend to 1–2 cm away from the surface. The main effect, which helps original joints and fissures open and extend.
rupture surface induced by the hydraulic pressure is oval in shape Through hydraulic control blasting, the stress cage induced by the
982 B. Huang et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983

Fig. 7. Crack shape of hydraulic fracturing after water pressure blasting.

Fig. 8. Crack shape of common hydraulic fracturing.

B. Huang et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 976–983 983

Table 2
The contrast between hydraulic fracturing after water pressure control blasting and common hydraulic fracturing.

Common hydraulic fracturing Hydraulic fracturing after water pressure control


Water pressure of orifice rupture 0.69 MPa 1.1775 MPa

Maximum rupture water pressure 1.43 MPa 1.5375 MPa
Number of main cracks One Two or more
Crack propagation direction Perpendicular to the direction of Radial propagation of blasting cracks; fan-shaped
minimum principal stress propagation of follow-up hydraulic fractures
according to the direction of minimum principal
Width of crack band Single crack width, about 1 mm 160 mm
Opening degree of original joints and fissures Advertising color in joints and fissures; Advertising color in joints and fissures; obvious
opening and propagation opening and propagation
Improving permeability effect Common Better
Weakening strength effect Common Better

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