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Detailed lesson plan in science 9

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
A. Explain the transmission and distribution of electrical energy
B. Trace the path of electricity from the generating station, transmission station and
residential areas.
C. Relate the concept of transmission and distribution of electricity in real life situation.


A. Topic: Transmission and Distribution of Electricity
B. Materials: chalk and board, laptop, television, pictures, envelopes, miniature, activity
sheets, paint.
C. References: Grade 9 science learner’s module 9 page 328 and internet
D. Valuing: Together we stand divided we fall
Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

Good morning class!

Good morning ma’am!
 Checking of classroom setting

Everybody please pick up the scattered papers

and pieces of plastics under your chairs and
arrange your chairs.
Students pick up the scattered papers and
May I ask a volunteer to lead the prayer?
(Students pray)
You may now take your seat. Ms. Secretary
please note down the names of those who are
absent today and give it to me afterwards.
(Secretary checks the attendance)
Everybody please settle down and watch the
video I’ve prepared.
Okay ma’am.
(presents the video)
(students watch the video)

(Students react)
( reactions may vary)
Ma’am brown out!
-OMG! That’s the most exciting part!
Now how well do you value electricity?
- Ma’am we cannot live without
- Ma’am life is boring without electricity!

Well, you’re right because we are now

experiencing modernization

Okay First of all, let’s review our last topic. Who

can recall? Last meeting ma’am we discussed about how
electricity is produced.

What are the various sources of electricity again

Ma’am water, coal, earth’s interior, fossil fuels,
nuclear fuel, ma’am.
These sources are used to classify the types of
power plants. What are the power plants that
supply electricity in our country?
Hydro-electric power plants, coal fired power
plants, geothermal power plants and nuclear
power plants ma’am.
Very good! It looks like you are reviewing your
lessons! Keep doing! Great job!

When plugging in your cellphones or turning on

the lights have you ever wondered where all
power come from.
We are curious ma’am.

And how does it come to me?

( I will paste a picture of cellphone and bulb)
Ma’am through transformer.

Great! You got the point!

Ma’am through electric post.

This time let’s find out how electricity is

transmitted and distributed from power plants
to end users.
But before that let us first unlock the words that
are needed for you to be able to understand our
lesson for today, and this is through an activity
which is entitled” fix me, I’m a mess.”
Awww. Okay ma’am.
All you have to do is to arrange the jumbled
letters based on the given definition, those
words will later help you understand our lesson
for today. This group will be TEAM A and this
group will be TEAM B, TEAM C and TEAM D.
Write your answer on the strip of bond papers I
will be giving. This will be a competition, so I will
only accept the answer of the first team to paste
their answer on the blackboard, every correct
answer is 5 points. Did you understand class?
Now form a circle in your group.
Yes ma’am.
Okay number one.

1. A device that increases or decreases the

voltage of an electric current.
For number one, the answer is?
Ma’am transformer!
Very good! (reveals the correct answer)

Who wants to read the definition of

transformer? Ma’am transformer is a device that increases or
decreases the voltage of an electric current.
2. Any system that is used to generate
mechanical or electrical power that can be
utilized to perform work.
How about number two?
Ma’am power plant!
Excellent! Who wants to read the definition of
power plant? Power plant is any system that is used to
generate mechanical or electrical power that can
utilized to perform work.
3. Unit for electrical potential
How about number three?
Voltage ma’am!
Awesome! Who wants to read the definition of
voltage? Ma’am voltage is the unit for electrical power.

4 A conductor/s designed to carry electricity or

an electrical signal over a large distances with
minimum losses and distortion.

Number four?
. Transmission line ma’am
Who wants to read the definition?
Ma’am a conductor/s designed to carry
electricity or an electrical signal over a large
distances with minimum losses and distortion.

5. A line or system for distributing power from

transmission system to a consumer.
Number five? Ma’am distribution line.

Who wants to read the definition of distribution

line? A line or system for distributing power from
transmission system to a consumer.

Very good!

Okay so team A got 10 points while team B got 5

points, team C GOT 5 and team D got 5 points.

Now let us find out how electricity is transmitted

and distributed from power plants to end users.
Here is a short video that explains us how.

Watch carefully and note down the important

details. Okay ma’am.

(after the video)
Class I want you to meet your idols today, can
you please take a look under your armchairs and
get the pictures. All those who have the same
picture will stay together at one part. The
picture of BTS will be group 1, black pink will be
group 2, Momoland will be group 3, and EXO will
be group 4 and Twice will be group 5.
Okay ma’am!
Write your names on this index card that I will
be giving. Within your group, you must choose
your leader and presenter. While doing your
activity, class unproductive and unnecessary
noise is not allowed because you will be given
minus points if your group is too noisy.
I will give you an envelope containing pictures of
how energy is transmitted and distributed.
The mechanics of the game which is entitled
“where do I belong” is inside the envelope.
To determine the first group to finish the task,
you must have a cheer that will indicate you’ve
finished it already. The first group to finish the
task will be given an additional five points.

1. Arrange the pictures
according to their
sequence. Paste the
pictures in the cartolina.
2. Do it for 3 minutes.
3. After 3 minutes the
presenter shall present
your output.

The criteria will be as follow:

Area 5 4 3
Correct All pictures Only three Only two
sequencing are to four to one
correctly pictures picture/s
sequenced. are is/are in
correctly correct
sequenced. position.
Timeliness Posted Posted Posted
ahead of just in time after the
time time

Discipline Noise is Noise is Noise is

purely mostly not
academic academic academic

Presentation Presenter Presenter Presenter

is clear, is clear but lacks
confident not so confidence,
and has a confident ambiguous
and has and has no
modulated not so modulated
voice. modulated voice.

After doing your activity post your answers on

the wall at your side. Then the presenter of the
group will present your output.
Class you may now begin.

(Supervising the class)…..

(After 3 minutes) (students do the activity)

Time is up class, group 1 start.

Good morning classmates the sequence of the

pictures in our activity is the electrical energy is
transmitted and distributed from the power
plants going to the transmission lines then to the
distribution lines then finally to our homes.
Very good! Let’s clap for group 1!

Let’s hear the presentation of group 2.

The sequence of the pictures in our activity is the

electrical energy travelled from the power plants
to the transmission lines then to the distribution
lines then to the residential areas.
Excellent! Let’s clap for group 2!

Group 3……
Group 4……
Group 5……….
Okay class I’ve already given you points in terms
of correct sequencing, timeliness, discipline and
Okay ma’am.
Now to further understand our topic, arrange
your chairs facing in front and listen.

Okay ma’am.

Class, electrical energy is one of the most

important things that we need especially
nowadays that our technology is constantly
improving and most of the improvements need

I have miniature of the pictures that I have given

you for you to have a realistic view.

Most of your answers on the first picture are

correct which is power plant.

What do you think is happening on the power

Electrical energy is generated In the power plant
Awesome! From the power plant, what do you ma’am.
think will happen next?
The electrical energy passes to the transmission
substation that steps up its voltage by using step
up transformer ma’am.
Very good! The voltage is raised at a range of
138,000 – 765, 000 volts. Then?
Electrical energy is carried or made to travel on
the transmission lines ma’am.

Excellent! This transmission lines operate at high

voltage, send out large amounts of electrical
power and extend other considerable distances.
Where can we see these transmission lines
class? Along highways and fields ma’am.

Great! We can also see them on the mountains.

Who among you have already seen transmission
Me Ma’am.

Then after that class, what do you think happens

It will then pass another substation in which the
voltage will be reduced through the use of step
down transformer ma’am to 34, 500- 138, 000
Precisely, very good!
A distribution substation further step down the
voltage to 2,400- 19, 920 volts.
Then what happens next?
The electrical energy is ready to be carried along
the distribution lines that can be found in our
local communities for distribution ma’am.
Awesome! Here in Cagayan valley, what is in
charge with electrical distribution throughout CAGELCO ma’am.
our community?
Cagayan Electric Cooperative ma’am.
Excellent! CAGELCO means?

Very good! Before it finally enters our home a

step down transformer that are located at the 220 -250 volts ma’am.
poles reduces the electricity into what range?

Very good! That is the standard alternating

current voltage in Philippines. This voltage
powers most of the electrical appliances we
have at homes.

In some other countries their standard voltage is
110-120 voltage that’s why if we buy appliances
abroad we also need to?
Buy transformer for it to operate here in the
Philippines ma’am.
And what is that transformer?
Step up transformer ma’am.

That’s right!

In the whole process class there are two types of

transformer used. What are they?
Step up transformer and step down transformer
ma’am. Step up transformer used to increase the
voltage of electrical energy while step down
transformer used to reduce the voltage the
electrical energy ma’am.

Excellent! All in all path of electricity from the

power plant up to the residential areas is called
national grid.
Let us have another activity which is entitled
‘’know me well’’
All you have to do is to apply what you have
learned about transmission and distribution of
Group1 and group 2 shall apply the concept of
the topic through a poem.
Group 3 and group 4 and 5: must apply the
concept of the topic through a poster.
You have only 5 minutes to do the task and 3
minutes to present your output.
Okay ma’am.
Here is the rubric:
For the poster:

Cleanliness – 50 %
Cooperation- 30 %
Discipline – 20 %
Total- 100 %

For the poem:

Content- 50 %
Discipline- 30 %
Cooperation- 20 %
Total- 100

Group 1 present now your output

Group 1…
Transmission of electricity

Where do all power come from?

How will it come to our home?
And we could answer now by our own
Through power plant, transformer,
Transmission line and distribution lines.
A national grid is all in all.
Group 2……Group 3….4….5……

How electricity is transmitted and distributed
Power plant generates electricity then step up
transformer step up voltage for transmission
then transmission lines carry electricity over long
distance the step down transformers step down
voltage for distribution then distribution lines
carry electricity to neighborhood then
transformer on the poles steps down the voltage
before it enters our homes ma’am.


Class let’s have a game,’’ complete me ’’

All you have to do is to complete the puzzle by
connecting one another. Once you finished connecting
them you shall clap and say HOORAY!
Did I make myself clear class?
Yes ma’am
Okay the same group with the previous activity.

Okay you may now start.

(supervising the activity)

Ma’am there is a missing part. We cannot
complete it.

Oh, there is really a missing part, well now how

important is being together and what can you say about
how important is the part of something you needed to
attain what you aim for?
Ma’am if one part is missing and it is needed to
complete something definitely the result will fail.
Very good!

Who can relate it to the transmission and distribution of


Ma’am for example if there is no transformer or

the power plant ma’am, the electricity cannot
travel and it is impossible to have electrical
energy in our homes. If some roles in
transmission and distribution of electricity ma’am
are undone the electricity will not be transmitted
and distributed.

Okay class excellent!

Just like transmission and distribution of electricity class

everything has a beginning and everything may come to
an end, that’s why we need to value things we have now
so that we may not regret if we lose them. As a human
being our life is just like transmission and distribution of
electricity, we cannot live just by ourselves, we need a
strong and intimate connection and relationship with the
people around us. All of us have a part in this world let
us appreciate others and provoke love to one another.
Okay ma’am. Everybody deserves to be loved
and appreciated.
In a one half sheet of paper.
A .If you buy a television set which voltage is 350 voltage what do you
need to reduce the voltage, ready for use?
B. If electricity is needed to be generated where does generation of
electricity happen?
C. The voltage should be increased ready for transmission what
transformer is in charged? Step up transformer
D. It is in charge with electrical energy distribution here in Cagayan
valley. And what do we mean by that? Give the complete answer.
E. After the voltage is being reduced, it is ready for distribution what is
needed in distributing electricity to every home?

1. Draw the process of transmission and distribution of electricity in a
creative way.
2. Read Science 9 Learners’ Module page 332-334
a. How is the cost of electrical energy consumption computed?
b. What is the unit of measurement for energy usage?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Jenny Mae P. Arellano Merlene L. Cuaresma

Practice teacher Resource Teacher
Prepared by:


Practice Teacher

Checked by:
Resource Teacher

Science coordinator, JHS Department

Approved by:
Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Checked by:
Resource Teacher

Science coordinator, JHS Department

Approved by:

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