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Supervised Agricultural Experience

How - To Guide
1st 9 Weeks:

The AET Set-up

1) Log into “”

a) Chapter Code: NC0356
b) Username/Password: _____________________________
2) Click “Profile”
a) Under the “About You” Column, Click “Manage/Edit Personal Profile”
b) Update your personal information:
i) Address
ii) Demographics (Birthday, Graduation Year, Etc.)
iii) Parent Contact Information
c) Please make sure that the percentage at the top of the page shows a GREEN 100%
3) Click “Profile”
a) Under the “About You” Column, Click “Record Your School Ag Class Schedule”
b) Click “Add Class”
c) Choose your classes to add that you are CURRENTLY enrolled in.

SAE Proposal

1) Complete the SAE Proposal Form Attached to this packet.

2) Have your parents SIGN the form acknowledging that they understand the project

Supervised Agricultural Experience Proposal

Your SAE project is worth 20% of your grade in this course. The required hours will be
dependent on the course level in which you are enrolled. Please complete this form with a parent
and return by the due date.

Hour Requirements:
Agriscience Applications: 10 Hours
Animal Science 1/Horticulture I: 15 Hours
Animal Science II/Horticulture II: 20 Hours
Honors Courses: 25 Hours
Veterinary Assisting: 30 Hours (Veterinary Clinicals)

Student Name: _______________________________________________________________



SAE Description:


Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date:_______________

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Teacher Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Supervised Agricultural Experience

How - To Guide
2nd 9 Weeks:

The AET:Create Your SAE

1) Log in to “”
2) Click “Profile”
3) Under the “Your Activities Column” Click “Project/Experience Manager (SAE)”
4) Click “Add New”
5) Complete the required fields
a) “Project Name” should include the semester (fall/spring) and the year.
6) Click “Save”

The AET: Enter Your SAE Information

1) Log in to “”
2) Click “Profile”
3) Under the “Your Activities Column” Click “Project/Experience Manager (SAE)”
4) Under the “Planning” column, Click on the pencil icon.
5) Use the tabs “Description”, “Time Investment”, “Financial Investment”, and “Learning
Objectives” to complete the information about your SAE
a) COPY and PASTE the fill-in-the-blank prompts into the text area, then complete
the blanks.
b) You MUST have THREE goals listed.
c) **Some may not have all tabs listed above depending on the SAE type.**

The AET: Record Your Journals

1) Log in to “”
2) Click “Profile”
3) Under the “Your Activities Column” Click “Project/Experience Manager (SAE)”
4) Under the “Journal Entries” column, Click the underlined number.
5) Click “New Project Activity”
6) Complete the form to log hours and activities
a) Make sure that you are logging your activities under the correct SAE.
b) You should have AT LEAST one entry per week of the semester.


1) Create a poster with the following information:

a) AT LEAST 10 pictures of your SAE (with you included in the pictures)
b) Photo captions or a description of your SAE
c) SAE Type
d) Name
e) Course
f) Semester
g) Graduation Year

**Project Expectations**

1) Your SAE must be turned in ON TIME.

2) You MUST have all components above completed.
3) Your poster should look PROFESSIONAL

SAE Grade Break Down:

1st 9 weeks:
AET Profile Completed: 50 points
SAE Proposal Completed: 50 points
Total: 100 points

2nd 9 weeks:
AET Tabs Completed: 30 points
Journal Entries Completed: 30 points
Poster Completed: 30 points
In-Class Presentation: 10 points
Total: 100 points

*Points will be deducted for hour requirements not met, insufficient number of pictures, and
incomplete components.

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