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Master’s degree

International cooperation, finance and development

Thesis Title:

"The role of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh on the establishment of

Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-1920)

Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Vagnini

Student: Mikayil Bayramov

Enrolment number: 1704181

Academic Year: 2018

Table of contents

Chapter I
1.1. The origin of Azerbaijan name....................................................6
1.2. Political history and ethnic geography of

1.3. The Progress and Economic Reforms of the Russian

Administration and the fragmentation of the
1.4. Russian Administration and Enlightenment Process..............18

1.5. Azerbaijan Socialism: Himmet Party........................................20

Chapter II

2.1. The 1905 Revolution......................................................................25

2.2. The Impact of Revolution to Azerbaijan.....................................26

2.3. Ethnic conflicts in Azerbaijan......................................................28

2.4. Azerbaijani nationalism and Difai


2.5. Beginning of thought life in Azerbaijan.......................................32

2.6. Organisation of Musavat party and its abroad


2.7. New Musavat party........................................................................41

Chapter III

3.1. February 1917 Revolution: New Openings for Azerbaijanis....45

3.2. The Establishment Phase of the Democratic Republic of

Azerbaijan and Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh.....................................49
3.3. Azerbaijani-Ottoman Relations (Summer 1918)........................62
3.4. Cleaning of the Capital Baku from Enemies and
Implementation of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan
3.5. The End of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, the rise of
Soviet Government and its results..................67
3.6. Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh's Exile Period, life in Moscow and
Post-Republican Development in Azerbaijan...............................74
Literature list........................................................................................88

The most appropriate ways of learning with various dimensions of a society and the
situation of the country is through examining the activities of those intellectuals who are leading
the society . Intellectuals play the locomotive role in that kind of society and they have a central
place in the movements and events that take place on the other side of many characteristics of the
groups they belong to . Thus, their direction of the general movement of the society can be
drawn from their qualities, thoughts and activities. Intellectuals also take on the task of
expressing their willingness to demand education and expression, and in other ways . As a result,
learning about the activities of the intellectuals will enlighten the general accumulation of that
community . In this thesis, the life and activities of the first Azerbaijani Democratic Republic
President Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh will be told in the light of the important political events in
Azerbaijan. Moreover, at the beginning of the last century, many processes such as the struggle
for nationalization and independence experienced by the Azerbaijanis will be elaborated in

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh (1884-1955) was one of the leading figures of the Azerbaijani
society in the beginning of the century. Rasulzadeh defended the rights of the 22 nations against
the Russian government for many years and as a statesman, he protected the interests of the
Azerbaijan National State between 1918 and 1920.

During the First Russian Revolution of 1905-1907, M.A.Rasulzadeh formulated the

national demands of Azerbaijanis and expressed them in various ways. After 1917
M.A.Rasulzadeh played an important role in the Republic of Azerbaijan and tried to mobilize
social forces in Azerbaijan along with other intellectuals.

In this work, Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh's life and activities, as well as the political, social
and diplomatic movements of Azerbaijan in the post-Republican period and aftermath, were
tried to be traced. In this environment,on the one hand the study was aimed to bring a new
perspective and information to the history of modern Azerbaijani while approaching the quality
of biographical political history on the other hand.

If we look at the history of Azerbaijan in chronological order , we will see that: After the
Arabs, firstly , Seljuks then the Ottomans were in the administration of unity and nationalization.
Passing through various circuits, with the most majestic expression "Odlar Yurdu" is located in
Azerbaijan. In the period of the Khanates unfortunately, due to the struggles against Russia, no

unity has been brought to the festival. The fall of the Khanates was followed by Imperialism of
Tsarist Russia. And after that as the tsarist Russia was destroyed and the Bolshevik system took
its place, as in Russia every time, there was an internal turmoil in Azerbaijan. In 1917 the
collapse of the empire, the end of the Romanov dynasty, the establishment of the temporary
Kerenski government, has become a hope for the nations. However, human rights could not be
mentioned in the new system. Nevertheless, the February 1917 revolution accelerated the
independence movement in Azerbaijan and triggered an impasse in the establishment of the
Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan on 28 May 1918. However, this flag was once again raised
in 1991, declaring second independence in Azerbaijan, as Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh said, "The
flag once raised will never fall ". The theme of the work is the changes in Azerbaijan as well as
the life and political activities of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh (1884-1955), an important
Azerbaijani intellectual and statesman. The first part will attempt to explain the origin of
Azerbaijan's name, political history and ethnic geography, the emergence and disintegration of
the khanates, the economic and cultural reforms that the Russian administration has dominated
the region, the process of enlightenment and political movements under the heading "Political
Life Before the Republic in Azerbaijan ". Azerbaijan's independence was not long, on April 27,
1920, it was ended by the Red Army.

In the second part, the positive and negative effects of the Russian Revolution of 1905 on
the political and social life of Azerbaijan were discussed.

In the third chapter, which is the most important part of my work, the 1917 February
Revolution - the prominence for Azerbaijanis, the life and activities of Mammad Amin
Rasulzadeh, the declaration of the independence of Azerbaijan and its consequences, the recent
developments are explained.

Chapter 1

Political Situation in Azerbaijan before the Republic

1.1 The origin of Azerbaijan name.

The ethical clarification of the Azerbaijani language has been a topic for many years for
historians, literati, and language learners. Azerbaijan, which has a very old age, has become a
parish for many tribes.

This name originates from Iranian language. Atropatena comes from the words "atar" and
"pata". "Atrina" is in the book of Bistun from the time of Ahamen, "Atars" is in Bhutto
language, "Altun" is in Pehlevice and "Alus", "Adar" is in Persian, "Ataen" is in Armenian and
"Arth" is in Ossetian.1

It is claimed that the name of the region comes from the Hazar (Kasar) Turkish people,
who have been ruling here since ancient times.

It is also necessary to say that there are no accepted conclusions about the true origin of
the time and meaning Azerbaijani language. It is a known fact that the origin of this name is
close to other languages rather than Turkish.

According to Yakut Al Hamavi, these places called an Azerbaikan in ancient times.

”Azer”- means fire in Persian, Baikan- means “place”. However, after the invasion of the Arabs,
this name was changed to Azerbaijan.2

In the article which M. Azeri, T. Musevi, Z. İ. Yampolsky wrote together, they gave the
meaning of "Azerbaijan" as "the source of God's Garden" or "the place of the God of Fire".
According to one claim, Azerbaijan's origin of the name is based on the rhetoric that means fire
in the Persian language. Azerbaijan, the "Fire Country", has taken its name from countless
Zoroastrian temples, which feed the fires of local oil resources. 3 Azerbaijan became an Iranian
territory in the 7th century and kept it even after the Arab conquest and the acceptance of the
Islamic religion, but after 400 years, the Seljuk dynasty came to the region with a large number

Mirzalı A. Records about the name of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, year. 32 points. 243, January-
February-March 193, p. 13-15
BAYKARA, Hüseyin:Azerbaycan Istiklal Mübarezesi Tarihi, Baki, 1992 , s. 176
Kemal Aliyev, Antichnica istoçniki Po istorii Azerbajjana, Baku: Elm, 1986, p. 13.
of Turkish population and with the influx of the Oghuz Turkish people. Over time, the
indigenous people fused with the newly arrived immigrant populace and the Persian language
was later spoken by the Turkish scholar in an "Azerbaijani" or an evolutionary process that
would create Azerbaijani language.4

According to Dr. Cevat Heyet, historians have various thoughts about the origin of
Azerbaijan's name.5

Some historians explain this idea, saying that this name has come to fruition about the old
fire in the country. In the Pahlavi language, 'Od' and Pat (Pad-Bad) mean guards. “Kan” or “jan”
are also the place or the proportion. So, Azerbaijan is the place that protects the Firecrackers.
Great Islamic historian, Taberi, and Yakut al-Hemevi have defended this idea.6

According to Hamidullah Gazvini and other authors, the roots of the name of Azerbaijan
came into being when one of the prophets of Azerbaz / Azerbad (the son of the prophet Noah,
according to the claim) constructed a fire god. Some historical sources indicate that the word
emerged from the Turkish roots. Rashideddin's "Mosque et-Tawarih" (1305) and "Burhan-i Kati"
(1652) written by Tabriz Muhammad Hussein bin Halefin are among these sources in India.
According to these authors, “Azer” means Turkish "supreme place" and Baygan is "big ones".

It is also possible that the word "Azerbaijan" is related to the people of "Az" (one of the
ancient cults), which is one of the old Turkish tribes; in this case, the part of "Azer" in the root
can mean "little, people, people or warriors". According to the knowledge given by the Iranian
sources, there were three fires that were interpreted like the three monuments of Ahura Mazda:
Azergeseb-Azerbaijani territory; Azerbarzinmehr - Near Sebzear; Azeristahr is in the Persian
region. These three fires are Ahura Mazda. In Iranian mythology, we encounter widespread
versions of the Azerbaijani version.7

It is not possible to explain the etymology of the Azerbaijani word from all this
information. In this regard, scientists have not put forward serious evidence. Accordingly, the
correct approach is to acknowledge that there will be no serious consequences on this word and
not create an idea crisis. Because what this name means does not affect the Azerbaijani Turkish

ELÇIBEY, Ebulfez: Bütov Azerbaycan Yolunda Ecdad Yayınları, Yayına Hazırlayanlar:
Adalet Tahirzade Çingiz Göktürk. , Ankara., p. 14.
Cevat Heyet, "Names and Boundaries of Azerbaijan" Eurasian Studies, vol.1, no: 2, Summer
1994, p. 94-100
Şamil Cemşidov About Azerbaijan's Origin and Mana, çev. Metin Karaörs,
Ankara: Turkish Culture, year XXXII, issue: 370, 1994, p. 114
GEYBULLAYEV, Giyaseddin : K Etnogenez Azerbaydjantsev, Baku, 1990
people who live here today. It is possible not only to find roots in Azerbaijani geography and
Turkish element but also to have stronger views on the cultural structures of different tribes
living in this region, not in their understanding of proving their geographical continuity.

According to information in the field of science called Toponomicy, a part of the

geographical name is derived from the names of the individual ethnic groups that play a role in
the formation of the people, but another part is the language which is considered as the essential
element of being a nation. That is why some researchers have considered toponomics as a
linguistic category, part of their language.8

The names of places (toponyms) and persons (anthropomorphic) in various period

inscriptions take up the primary source where there is limited written sources of ethnic history in
a community, or where there is no written evidence. Moreover, the stature of the period was also
a big issue.9

According to Alisohbet Sumbatzade, an Azerbaijani scholar who deals with ethnogenesis

problems in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijanis are members of the Mannalites, Atropatists, and Albans
who are the former inhabitants of these lands in terms of ethnicity, but of course they were,
Turkish language-speaking people. When did the Atropathic, Albanian people became Turkish-
speaking? The scientist who responded to the question poses that the Seljuks are connected to
Asia and they have removed the largely aboriginal language.10 Geybullayev found a more
interesting proposition: Azerbaijanian territories were divided into two parts at the beginning of
the 21st century only, until this time they always had a common ethnic land.11

Some of them wrote about the Seljuks that this place was the residence of the Turkish
tiled people long before the Seljuks came to Azerbaijan and that these traces were based to the
BC. According to this conclusion, Azerbaijani language was not shaped by the Seljuks.

In another interpretation, today's Azerbaijani people are said to be descendants of this

Saka who drove northward after the defeat of the Sakals and continued their presence in
Azerbaijan in the name of Sakasen. This community was later reinforced with Dede Korkut
Oguzs, Hun and Hazar Turkish people. Based on these facts, Hüseyin Cevizoğlu gives a definite
provision: Azerbaijan, which means Persian attachment, cannot make a nation from the name of
Atropaten, the Persian Azerbaijani governor, as some historians claim.

Tofik Ahmedov, Fundamentals of the Azerbaijani Toponomics, Baku: 1995, p. 9
Giyaseddin Geybullayev, History of the Establishment of Azerbaijani Turks, Baku: 1994, p. 5
Ali S. Sumbatze, Azerbaijani-ethnogenesis I formirovia naroda, Baku: 1990, p. 7.
Giyaseddin Geybullayev, Ketnogenezu Azerbaydjantsev, Baku: 1991, p. 8
As you can see, when we try to think about the geography of Azerbaijan, the difference
between history and ethnic opinions make important problems.

1.2 Political History and Ethnic Geography of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is the name of a political geographical area. In today's Azerbaijanian lands,

many civilizations existed. In the middle of the 7th century, Azerbaijan was briefly handed over
to the Arabs, but this domination did not last long. Azerbaijan situated on the southern slopes of
the Caucasus Mountains from the north, the Caspian Sea in the east, and the Armenian
mountains in the west. The natural border in the southern part of the region is vaguely
ambiguous. Northern Azerbaijan starts from the Caspian Sea coasts. Dagestan in the skirts of the
Caucasus Mountains in the north; the southern part of Isfahan and Tehran; and in the west, it is a
neighbor with Georgia and Armenia. Aras River in the south divides Northern and Southern
Azerbaijan. According to Russian statistics about 10 million people live here.

From the time of the Ancient Persians, Azerbaijan is the attraction area of Iran. After the
Mongol invasion in the 13th century, Azerbaijan became a part of the Hulagi Empire, followed
by the hegemony of the Ilkhans, its successors, and then the Turkmen who established the rival
Akkoyunlu and Karakoyunlu states. At the same time, in the 15th century, Shirvanshahs state, a
local Azerbaijani state, emerged in the region. The Arab historian, Curumi, says that "Azerbaijan
was once the country of the Turkish people, they used to be inhabited here long ago."

According to the Azerbaijani scientist Z. I.Yampolski, there were Turkish communities in

agriculture in Azerbaijan in the 5th century B.C.. In addition Oghuz Turkish people, flocked to
Azerbaijan in the 11th century too. However, even in the century when this influx was taking
place, the Turkish people prevailed only in Atropatena (Southern Azerbaijan), Albania (not
Northern Azerbaijan, but in all Caucasus).12

According to Lev Nikolayev Gumiliev, a Christianized Turk (Tatar); "The Turkishness is a

new creation, but the Turkish languages have surrounded the old Bulgarians and the heavens that
the Huns are living in (Caucasian). One of the former Azerbaijani states belonged to the Albans.
The Albans, who first made the city of Kabala a capital, have made various struggles against the
Roman invaders, finally establishing an Albanian State in Azerbaijan, including the capital

Ketnogenezu Azerbaydjantsev,1991, p 35
Berda. Then the Sassanid attacked Azerbaijan and succeeded in getting into Albania by
occupying Atropatena.13

The existence of Turkish people in Azerbaijan, or in the Caucasus in general, proves the
name of Azkh cave in Karabagh. The human jaw belonging to the half million years ago here
confirms it. The opinion of the famous German scientist Mordmann about Turkish origins in
some Armenian sources confirms the existence of Turkish communities in this region.At the
beginning of the next century, Azerbaijan became the power center of another local dynasty, the
Safavids. The administration of this new dynasty, based on an effective centrality and based on
the Shia arm of Islam, lasted more than two centuries until 1722.

In 1813 and 1828, after the Gulistan and Turkmenchay treaties were signed between
Russia and Iran, many South Azerbaijanis continued to maintain Iranian identity in northern
Azerbaijan. But many of them had to leave their countries between the years 1916-1920.
Between 1929 and 1931, the European press wrote that 15, 000 Azerbaijanis immigrated to Iran.
In 1937 it was said that South Azerbaijanians with Iranian identity had to change it or go to their
own land. In only 3-4 months of 1938, about 100,000 South Azerbaijanians left Azerbaijan.

It is true that there are dozens of state examples established by Turkish people throughout
Azerbaijani history. Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu, Safevids, and the khans of the last period are the
first to come to mind among them. However, the borders of these states do not cover the entire
territory of Azerbaijan, or they include many lands which do not belong to Azerbaijan, such as
the Safevi state which cross the borders of Azerbaijan geography. Today, the notion defined as
Azerbaijani geography, refers to the ethnic geography determined with the picture laid out until
the 20th century. Of course, today the political borders of Azerbaijan and the independent state
structure in the north do not reflect their ethnic boundaries, whether in land or in Iran. This is
true for many tribes.

In the face of the Russians' efforts to seize the Caucasus in the 19th century, the khanates
decided to act jointly against the Russians. Many important regions with geopolitical importance
have been conquered by the Russians, and Iran has tried to prevail in the region of Azerbaijan.
There was a conflict between Iran and Russia in the Azerbaijani territory, which ended with the
Turkmenchay agreement between Russia and Iran on 10 February 1828. According to
Turkmenchay agreement; South Azerbaijan, located in the southern part of the Aras River and

Hussein Cevizoglu, Geography to History, Turkish History In Anatolia, Istanbul: Turkey
Strategic Research and Education Center Publications, 1991, p. 14
forming 2/3 of the Azerbaijani territory, was left to Iran, and northern Azerbaijan to the north of
the Aras River was left to Russia.

In 1736, the powerful ruler Nadir Shah, who succeeded in Iran, became the leader of the
empire of confusion and anarchy by annihilation of a palace impulse in 1739. Under these
circumstances, the local powers became independent princes with the end of Iran's domination
over Azerbaijan. Indeed, with independence, some were in connection with the weak Zand
dynasty that ruled in Iran. 14Despite deep political divisions and civil war among them, this was
the beginning of Azerbaijan's independence for half a century. Most of the principals were
shaped into khanates, a small copy of the Persian monarchy. These are Karabagh, Sheki, Gence,
Baku, Derbent, Kuba, Nakhichevan, Talis and Yerevan in the north and Tabriz, Urmi, Erdebil,
Hoy, Maka and Meracin in the south. Most of the khanates are also divided into zones called
'mahal' within themselves. This situation reflects the fact that it still carries the genealogy and the
tribal criticism, since people in the same territories sit in these regions. In the region, a large part
of the land was in the possession of the state as an extension of the old system of enrichment.
According to this system, the parts of the land are divided between the heads, donating to the
khan as a service provision, by the state without granting the right to inherit. Alongside these
khans, smaller principals existed in the form of sultans, but their dominance generally ended by
attaching them to the khanates. Some of the khanates are either coming to neighboring khanates
or making them dependent on them. Sheki, Karabakh, and Kuba in northern Azerbaijan have
become the strongest khanates.

In Azerbaijan, there was no tradition of unity within the framework of indigenous,

independent state. In the second half of the 18th century, this kind of development only took
place with the effective expansion of one of the khanates. Kuba Khan Fethali Khan wanted to
take over Azerbaijan's entirety. As a result, the plans of Fethali Khan had been abandoned by the
action of Russia in the Caucasus Mountains in 1784.15

The series of endless wars continued for a while among khans themselves, sometimes
among khannates and neighbors who have entered into an alliance with Russia and Turkey.
Russia's shadow over the Caucasus grew steadily at the end of the 18th century.

Hüseyin Baykara, Renovation Movements in Azerbaijan IX. Century, Ankara: Turkish
Cultural Research Institute, 1966, p. 13
ABBASLI, Nazile: Azerbaycan Özgürlük Mücadelesi, Beyaz Balina Yayınları, Istanbul,
2001, p 78
1.3 The Progress and Economic Reforms of the Russian Administration
and the fragmentation of the Khanates.

In Azerbaijan, with the Russian administration, colonialism has begun to be observed.

Azerbaijan came to be a military police station on the strategic corridor to Iran in the framework
of Russia's policy of penetrating Iran, which started immediately after the 1828 Turkmenchay
Treaty. Azerbaijan has been viewed as a potential source of raw materials and a settlement area
for peoples in other parts of the Russian Empire. Indeed, the use of the term colony for
Transcaucasia has become widespread among the Tsarist administrators who exemplify French
administration in Algeria. Mr. T. E. Kankrin, Minister of Finance of Turkey, in a letter to Nikola,
stated this semantic and political meaning as follows: “We assume that when we define
Transcaucasia16 as a colony, the government will cease to be inadequate in bringing this region
into Russia.Transcaucasia is not expected to be a part of Russia or the Russian nation.When this
way of life is considered, it will be seen that these lands must remain as Asian states, but we
hope that the region will be managed more effectively than in the past”.

As can be understood from Kankri's letter, Russia has not considered adding this region
to its territory due to its Asian-centered lifestyle. However, the administration of the khanates
caused Russia to lose control over it, and Russia has decided not to remain indifferent in this
situation. In this context, it has invaded these regions.

It is seen that there are few and limited changes in the management of Azerbaijan in the
region beyond the Russian invasion. Gence and the abolition of the Baku khanates were quite
exceptional. Tsarism went first to protect local administrative structures. Russia, which does not
touch many of the powers of the Khan and the Sultan, either expect political loyalty to Russia or
thinks of benefiting from the influence on the local people in favor of the Russian administration.
Moreover, the problem of civil servant shortage was resolved on condition that the
administration of the khanates would not be disrupted, and this gave Russia the possibility of
financial savings. Later, without a slow but consistent route, the military ruling regimes were
completely abolished. In 1816, General A. P. Yermolov, commander of the Caucasus, looked at
the khanate with suspicion and regarded them as destructive and potential pro-Iranian factors.
Along with the so-called faithful stay, the agreements have been made in order to purge the two
khans. Khan of Sheki denied the rights of the heir and declared the land of the khanate Russian

Transcaucasia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia together with the Mavera-y Caucasian
oblast (province). Next year Mustafa Khan the Khan of Shirvan had to flee to Iran in order to get
rid of the arrests of a number of conspirators. Yermolov applied the same tactic also to Mehdi
Kulu and the result was the same as the previous one. As a result of the Iranian invasion, the
refugees were protected by the military government until 1844. The Dagestan khanate, the last
Muslim principality in the region, collapsed in 1860. 17

With the abolition of the Khanates, traditional forms of government have not been
abandoned. As a result, 7 Russian provinces were established in Azerbaijan; Baku, Derbend,
Sheki, Karabagh, Shirvan, and Talis. Each of them was led by military commanders called
"nachalnik". These new management units were not different from the old ones except that they
were not khans at the beginning. The old princes, whose borders are the same as the old borders,
were ruled by the Russian commanders at the beginning according to local laws and customs.
This administration, officially known as the military popular (voenno - narodniy), has not
changed the law of the local administrators at the middle and lower levels, provided that it is not
against the Russians. The local internal divisions in the form of townships and Shari'i courts have
been preserved, local government and legal language have remained in Persian.

Similarly, the position of the commander, who is the local representative of the higher
authority, is very similar to that of khan, but is deprived of the right to give death penalties and to
give orders for ear nose cutting. Senator E. I. Mechnikov writes on an inspection tour in
Transcaucasia: "The rights, honor, and property of hundreds of thousands depend on the desire
of the commander." In the same report, it was stated that the administrators abused their powers
and that they were "examples of violations instead of watching laws".

The uncertainty of the situation of the Caucasus and the Russian lands beyond has led to
clashes over long-term management politics among the sharper bureaucrats. Two views have
emerged on how to manage these lands: the first, pragmatically favoring semi-independent
regionalism in accordance with local traditions and interests. Secondly, he argued that a more
rigorous centralization and rationalization is necessary. For the Muslim sections of
Transcaucasia, the first view suggests the gradual reclamation of the administration of the
khanate, while the latter suggests that the region should be rapidly incorporated into Russia. It
was possible to observe the echoes of this debate in the fluctuations of Russia's Transcaucasian
politics over the past decade.

SWIETOCHOWSKI, Todeusz: Müslüman Cemaatten Ulusal Kimliğe Rus Azerbaycan’ı
(1905-1920), (çev. ) Nuray Mert, Birinci Basım, Bağlam Yayınları, Ağustos 1988, p33
The removed administrative system was replaced by a uniform civil administration
system. According to this, accidents arose in seven provinces, which borders are determined
without regard to previous boundaries. The reform, at the same time, brings places with built-in
tribal units instead of smaller lands. Thus, the forms of historical division of Azerbaijan were put
to an end, and at the same time, local administrators were mass-produced. Furthermore, changes
have been made to the socio-economic structure of the region to ensure full integration. Within a
short period of six months, the reforms began to reverse and a new arrangement was needed to
form the general governor of the Caucasus. Later, the entire authority was taken from the
government offices and transferred directly to the general governor, who was attached to the
Tsar. Mikhail S. Vorontsov, who has extensive political and administrative experience, became
the first Governor of the Caucasus. 18

Vorontsov's main task was to defeat the region. Political preference, however, is not to
join the region and Russia, but to cooperate with local elites. Thus, in the great majority of the
century-old Azerbaijani institutions, the legal status of the state has come to an end, and the
lands have been privatized in a massive manner. Transcaucasia was divided into four gubernia
(Tbilisi, Kutais, Shemeka, Derbent) so that many vacancies appeared in the field of civil service.
For those who want to study for civil service from members of "privileged class", the General
Governorship provided facilities under the name of Caucasian Education Scholarships.19

In 1865, with the retirement of Vorontsov, his moderate policy gradually began to
reverse. In Russia, the years of Great Reform in the 1860s and 1870s are often referred to as
liberalism. For Transcaucasia, this means a transition to an organic union in Russia as a semi-
colony. In 1859, the result of the devastation of Semahi, the center of gubernia, was moved to the
center of Baku, and the name of the province was changed in accordance with this arrangement.
In 1867, the Elizavetpol gubernia was formed with the parts of Baku, Yerevan and Tbilisi
gubernias. With the construction of this province, a large part of the territory of Azerbaijan was
taken into two gubernias. Baku and Elizavetpol became a region called Eastern Transcaucasia.
The familiar union between the politics of centralization and the politicization of Russification is
typically striking here too. The result of this movement was that the local staff were pushed to
the lowest levels of the bureaucracy and the important posts in the local administration were
captured by the Russians.

Swıetochowskı, Todeusz: Müslüman Cemaatten Ulusal Kimliğe Rus Azerbaycan’ı
(1905-1920), (çev. ) Nuray Mert, Birinci Basım, Bağlam Yayınları, Ağustos 1988, p.89
M. K. Rozhkova, Economicheskaya Politika Tsarskogo Pravitelstva na Srednom Vostoke vo
vtoroy çetverti XIX veka i Russkaya burzhuaziia Moskvı, Moskva:1979, p. 94.
Elizavetpol (former Ganja nation) was never accepted among Azerbaijanis.
The economic invasion of Azerbaijan by Russia was as vague as it was in the
administrative structure, and there was a return to some issues. On the line that the Russian
Finance Minister Kankrin will follow on the economic interests of the Russians in
Transcaucasia, this region "should have been a colony producing the raw materials of the
southern climate".

A long period that lasted until the mid-19th century, Azerbaijan did not use much of
Russian investments. Diplomat and author AS Griboedov21 pointed out the economic weakness
brought by the invader, saying that a single factory was not built here, and it continues. "While
markets are full of every kind of imported goods, homemade products are not crowded for
shopping by a visitor." In the 1830s, even if they made several attempts to utilize the natural
potential of Azerbaijan for the production of silk, they were not successful. Although entry into
the broad Russian market was open, agricultural production remains at stake as a result of the
absence of the government, which was foreign to this "southern climate" region. This vital task
has been neglected by the Russian military administration, as in Azerbaijan, where the
government must undertake irrigation, as it is in every region with similar natural and
geographical characteristics. In another traditional branch of the Azerbaijani economy, the
situation was not different. Oil production was around 250,000 puds per year (about 1 pud per 16
kg). According to an estimate, this figure was less than the production of the region in the 10th
century. The end of Russian occupation and the ending of constant war and conflict have
produced mixed economic results in the cities of Azerbaijan. Cities such as Baku, Gence,
Shemeka, and Nuha have developed and become more than ten thousand inhabitants, while the
population of Shusa, Kuba, Derbent and others has decreased after 1830.22

On the other side, however, this infiltration was the result of some significant
developments in the long-term or at least accelerating. The demand for cash rents, not the same
as the old khan's territories or the lands of the Russian state treasury, as they used to be for the
villagers, caused the money economy to develop. The removal of the Khanate as a prelude to the
development of the economic union, the adoption of ruble as currency instead of local currencies
has been a factor accelerating this process. Similarly, the adoption of officially Russian weight
and length measures has been unified in this regard. Since the tsarist government is still

Alexander Griboyedov -was a Russian diplomat, playwright ,poet, and composer
Ali Sohbat Sumbatzade, Razvitie Capitalism v Rossii i ego vlianie na ekonomiki
Azerbaidzhana vo voyoy polovinki XIX veka, Baku: înstitut istorii i Filosofii, îzdatelsto A. N.
generating income from the transitional taxes among the khanates that have been lifted from the
practice, the customs walls in Azerbaijan have taken much longer and lasted for many years.

Soviet historians have taken great care to determine the structural changes and
modernized forms of production even before the oil boom in the 1870s. Nuha became an
international trade center, with the increase of the demand for cotton as a result of the American
civil war, the increase of the cultivation area of hundreds of workers, the specialization and
differentiation of the worker, the profitability in the production of grapes for tobacco and wine
and the growth of silk economy. The copper mines in Azerbaijan gradually became the largest
copper source in the Russian market, and the ancient carpet weaving has been reorganized into
small manufacturing establishments, allowing export to begin and Sirvan, Kuba, Gence,
Karabakh, and Kazah as the world's greatest admiration. 23

Looking at Azerbaijan as a whole, it has been seen that economic and social change has
made a rather modest and slow progress. However, within this framework, a rather striking and
exceptional development is the manifest itself. The oil exported and processed in the 1870s
increased unexpectedly. Along with staying in a geographically limited area, the effects of the
increase in waves are caused by very radical transformations. In addition to providing tens of
thousands of jobs for non-agricultural labor, the development of economic modernization
indicators such as labor migration, the use of train and steam vessel transportation, and Baku
becoming a metropolis has been the result of this development.

After a long pause, oil production was accelerated by the establishment of oil refineries in
and around Baku. But the main motive came after the most important decision of the Russian
bureaucracy for Azerbaijan. In 1872 a long-term lease procedure was introduced with the tender
of oil deposits in the royal lands. Thus, large-scale, mechanized production has been opened for
investors. The oil well, which opened in a modern way by taking advantage of the old digging
methods, has begun to rise that will make Baku the world's most important oil production center.
The price of land in private hands has risen to an incredible extent. Economic infiltration began
with Nobel brothers, Swedish industrialists. The oil company which built in Baku quickly
became the world's largest oil company in 1879, followed by the Rothschild family of Paris, who
founded the Caspian Black Sea Trade and Industry Group. From 1890 onwards, 6 British, 3
French, 2 German, 2 Belgian, and 1 Greek company have been active. This increase in oil

SWIETOCHOWSKI, Todeusz: Müslüman Cemaatten Ulusal Kimliğe Rus Azerbaycan’ı
(1905-1920), (çev. ) Nuray Mert, Birinci Basım, Bağlam Yayınları, Ağustos 1988
British brothers who found the first oil in Azerbaijan, "Oil, blood and politics are mixed in the
Caucasus" Alfred Nobel A. g. to. , p. 55.
production, which can be explained by the degree of high condensation, surpassed the United
States in 1898.

Baku, a quiet port on the peninsula in the middle of the 19th century, has become the
capital city of the Russian Empire with the highest population growth in the 1870s. While the
population in 1863 was 14 000, it reached 206 000 in 1903 and became the biggest city of
Transcaucasia. It was difficult to say that this hasty industrial city is a melting pot. As ethnic
communities have lived different lives in different regions, the economic differences between
them have been continuously diminished by emphasizing the cultural, religious and language
barriers. There was a dense population in Baku. rich merchants, businessmen, and specialists
were living In the center where oil extraction and processing are prohibited. Industrial margins
were arranged around this area.

Baku has become a big city attracting entrepreneurial, ambitious people from all over the
country. The important center of the city of Azerbaijan was also the pioneer of the rising
industrial bourgeoisie. Oil exploding has already led to the rapid enrichment of oil wells,
refineries or landowners around Baku. In general, the local bourgeoisie was particularly
concentrated in Baku, the numbers were small and their development was inhibited by foreign
competition. They were not very politically active. Only one-fourth of the voters participated in
the election of the Baku duma. Assembly meetings were often canceled because there were not
enough numbers. On the other hand, the influence of the Muslim entrepreneur class was felt in
many areas of the local people's life. Haji Zeynalabdin,25 was one of the local oil magnats, whose
role was symbolic in oil business.

Tagiyev was rooted in oil, which was evidenced by a quake in a small area of fortune,
believed to be the greatest of Azerbaijan. Later, the oil refinery investment rapidly increased its
wealth through extensive land and stock market speculation. Over time, the oil industry slipped
outside and established Azerbaijan's first cotton manufacturing industry, investing in tobacco and
cotton growing areas. Although not educated outside of reading and writing, Tagiyev has
provided extensive financial support to the field of education and charitable works.

TAĞIYEV Hacı Zeynalabidin : Azerbaycan Nesriyatı, Bakı, 1993, p 22
1.4 Russian Administration and Enlightenment Process

The coexistence of the traditional Islamic civilizations represented by Russia with

Europe has also brought not only cultural but also social consequences. Intellectuals who share a
range of beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts, first became the bearers of the values of European
thought, and eventually became the basic elements of the exchange of Azerbaijani society.

Initially, the members of this section were composed of a small number of Azerbaijanis
who often worked in the military and civilian services of tsarism, often in a Russian atmosphere,
according to their profession. During the Vorontsov period, the number of administrative posts
increased when they were opened to the public. They mostly went to either Russian military
schools or "Russian-Tatar schools" that existed until 1830. In the second half of the century, the
inhabitants of the intellectuals were removed from the administrative positions, and mostly the
Russian universities and the Transcaucasian teacher sAminars in Tiflis and Gori began to
emerge. In fact, some of the teachers engaged in journalism constituted the widest part of this
class at the end of the century.

The class of the intellectuals of Azerbaijan, in their early periods, educated very successful
people in bright and thoughtful platters, and it was possible to catch up with them what would
constitute the future basic subjects of this section. Mirza Fethali Ahundzade (Ahundov, 1812-
1878), an interpreter in the general governorship of the Caucasus, has gained a reputation
primarily for its plays written in the first European style in Azerbaijani language. Ahundzade
wrote a series of comedies about the sick and disfigured aspects of the Azerbaijani society
between 1850 and 1855, and all the disruptions in his work were somehow based on ignorance or
superstition. Ahundzade,(called "Tatar26") who was the pioneer in the theater field of the whole
Turkish-speaking world as Iran was, has worked for years to simplify the Arabic alphabet. In his
subsequent articles, in his essays, and especially in his philosophical "Three Letters",
Ahmadzade introduced a painful social critique of rationalism and an enlightened look in a
manner rAminiscent of 18th-century French philosophers.

Literary awakening expresses itself in two ways: modern theater and journalism.
According to Ahundzade, the theater was a convenient tool to reach out to the vast masses who
could not read or write, but this innovation seemed too radical for the people it wanted to
achieve. However, towards the end of his life, his work was staged locally with the efforts of a

Russians used the term "Tatar" for who speak turkish- language peoples of Russia.
group of intellectual generals under the leadership of Hasan Bey Zerdabi (1842-1907), a teacher
in Baku gymnasium. In the long run, the result of these efforts lead the theater to become an
important cultural institution with all its surroundings (with actors, managers, playwrights, and

Among the playwrights that followed Ahundzade, the most accomplished were
NecefBeyVezirov (1854 -1926) and AbdurrahimBeyHakverdiyev (Akverdov, 18801933). Both
are cynical comedies. Vezirov also wrote first tragedies Azerbaijani language, and young
Hakverdiyev became his follower. According to some researchers, these new species are a
reflection of historical conditions. The contradiction between change and tradition has reached
the intensity to create tragic individual situations. The protagonists of the tragedies of Vezirov
and Hakverdiyev have been the intellectuals suppressed in their attempts to change old,
antagonistic and ignorant environments. Reflecting the feeling of exclusion that a small group of
innovators has experienced, these two writers have not seen ignorance anymore but just a
ridiculous weakness.

The beginning of the printing in Azerbaijani language came almost at the same time with
the theater, and the efforts of Zerdabi again were the result. He founded the first newspaper
which called “Ekinchi” (1875-1877). This newspaper, the first publication in the Turkish
language in Russia, aimed primarily to address the peasants in accordance with Zerdabi's popular
tendencies dating from the student years of Moscow University. The attitude of Zardabin's
Ottoman sympathizers aroused suspicion. As a result, in 1877, the newspaper was closed in the
middle of the Ottoman - Russian war. The closure of Ekinci has been a great tremor for the
Azerbaijani press. Zerdabi then tried to keep up with some other newspapers Ziya (1879-1881),
ZiyaakiKafkassiya (1881-1884) and Kekkul (1884-1891).

According to Islamic tradition, in principle, all education was religious and educational
activity had to be dependent on theology. There were two types of Muslim schools in
Transcaucasia, ranging in number from five to seven hundred: schools and madrasas. Schools
were the first level in the mosque where religious education, such as reading, writing, and
arithmetic, is often given in a memorized basis, as well as religious education for boys. The
madrasas were high-level educational institutions providing preparatory training to the
scholarship status. The quality of education at the school level, while changing from school to
school, was generally poor at low standards, in comparison to a modern standard. The overall
literacy rate was surprisingly low at 4 to 5%. 27

Eyub Tagiyev, History of Mekteb in Azerbaijan, Bakı: Maarif Publications, 1993, p. 71
Local intellectuals and tsarist management have agreed to reform the education system.
In this way, the government aims not only to control the education of Muslims in a broader
sense, but also to promote the spread of Russian. These latter aims were also supported by local
intellectuals, from Ahundzade to Zerdabi, all of whom stated that they had to learn Russian.
Russian thinking was important not only in terms of acquiring modern professions, but also in
breaking the circle that kept people completely imprisoned. Non-Muslim world was accused of
serving the Russification process because of these views. Ahundzade wrote that "Muslims
should cease to stay away from the Russians who keep their lives, honor, and ownership".
Since any non-Islamic style of education will face the reaction of the people, the only
way to get rid of this impasse is to modernize the mosques. The new method of teaching the
Qur'an has not been touched, but the attitude towards memorization has been taken, and the
lesson has been about science, geography and modern languages. In addition, classical literature
education has taken its place in contemporary Turkish.29
Prior to the first Russian revolution, Azerbaijani intellectuals formed a politically viable
corpus of seeds of ideas that would shape the politics of the countries in the future. The
development of these ideas were accelerated within the political atmosphere of the turn of the
1905 revolution which suddenly turned into a turning point in the history of Azerbaijan.

1.5 Azerbaijan Socialism: Himmet Party

Azerbaijani nationalism developed in close relation with the socialist ideologies of the
time. In particular, it should be noted that in 1903, more than 30% of the population was of
Russian origin, in terms of the demographic structure of Baku. 30

Azerbaijanis who lived under Russian sovereignty and who shared the city life more or
less the same with the Russians constituted one of the target groups of various socialist (or social
democratic) activities pioneered by the Russians. The Russian population of the city consisted of
local managers, some industrialists, merchants, and most qualified workers. The other Christian
group, Armenians, were the leading elements of the city's retail trade. Despite the presence of
several industrialists including Z. A. Tagiyev among them, Azerbaijanis were generally known
as heavy arm workers with the lowest salaries in oil facilities.
Swietochowski, mentioned book. , p. 45
Cengiz Çağla, Nationalism and Politics in Azerbaijan, 1. b. , Ankara: Bağlam Publishing,
2002, p. 37
Mirza Bala Mammadzade, National Azerbaijan Movement, Ankara: Azerbaijan Cultural
Association, 1991, p. 52
The workers' movement in Baku came out later than other industrial centers of the
Russian Empire but quickly reached the dimensions of a mass movement. A small socialist
working group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party in Baku in 1898 started
underground activities. During this initial period, the Azerbaijani people have not become a
target group, which is strongly emphasized on the social democratic propaganda because of the
obstacles of language and religion.

Another reason for this indifference is that the local leaders of Russian Social
Democracy have neglected to engage in political agitation among Muslim people because of the
absence of natives in the country. However, some Azerbaijani intellectuals were close to social
democratic ideology have shown individual efforts to promote revolutionary ideas among
Azerbaijani workers. This group established the first debate circles in 1903 and then initiated the
socialist propaganda.

M.E.Rasulzadeh, one of the leading intellectuals of the first socialist formation among
Muslims, made several calls for the unification of the Azerbaijani working class against
capitalist exploitation and said that mass action must be taken in order to improve their situation.

The Himmet Party, which represents socialists in the region closely related to the Russian
Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), was founded in 1904. Before the Revolution of 1905,
the rise of Himmet was directly developed by the RSDIP, in which no indigenous members
were found, by the Baku Committee's emphasis on propaganda among Muslims.
M.E.Rasulzadeh, the chief editor of "Himmet" and the most important writer, has made calls for
national unity in this short-lived magazine. In many posts, he opposed the division of the
Azerbaijani youth into nationalist, democratic, socialist, moral, or criminal, and argued that the
basic propositions of socialism and democracy were not contrary to Islam. Rasulzadeh and his
friends made propaganda in a less theoretical framework than the similar publications in
languages that oppose Muslim ignorance and the oppressive administration of the Tsar. The
propaganda of Himmet was not considered more revolutionary than the programs the
intellectuals have always proposed. There has been little mention of the social revolution, while
education is being promoted as the surest way to achieve progress and refinance education on
the local level, and promotion of women's position.31

Before the Revolution of 1905, socialist activities were more common among Russian
and Armenian workers in Baku. Socialists have successfully used poor working conditions to

strike and mobilize mass demonstrations. Brochures and newspapers emphasized social
inequalities such as unlimited work days, the lack of collective bargaining agreements,
inadequate wages and poor housing conditions. Thanks to the celebrations of imay, contacts
were established with the working class in Europe and a really working-class culture began to
be formed in Baku.32

In 1903 and 1904 a number of strikes and demonstrations sprang up spontaneously. The
dimensions of events have sometimes reached a level beyond the expectation and control of
RSDLP. In July 1903, fifty thousand workers participated from baku and other cities and the
first general strike was achieved with the support and encouragement of the proletarians. At this
point, while Lenin attempted to impose an authoritarian political structure under the control of a
handful of conspirators, others have argued against this idea and warned that semi-autonomous
rural units with a certain degree of independence from the center should be established. This
separation of opinion was also felt in the Party's Baku Committee.

Swietochowski notes that, while revealing the distinctive features of the Himmet Party,
"The propaganda of Himmet was only slightly more revolutionary than the respectable programs
of the former generation of intellectuals who were trying to modernize Azerbaijan. The
expansion of education as a sure way of progress, prosperity, education and the situation of the
women. The socialist revolution was not often mentioned.

Moreover, not only Azerbaijani socialists were close to nationalism. The Azerbaijani
capitalists sympathized with the revolutionary movement. The prominent Azerbaijani liberals
supported the demands of socialists to give their holidays, to institutionalize workers'
representatives as factory committees, and to standardize the principle of "equal pay for equal
work" among workers from different nations.

While researching the relations of Azerbaijani nationalists with socialism and socialists,
it draws attention to the similarities between organizational practices. It is possible to see the
traces of the socialist past of party leaders in the entrance rules of the Musavat Party; each
member had to first accept the program in alphabetical order, and have actively participated in a
party group in advance. The nationalist intellectuals were also the elites of Azerbaijan. Initially,
as the members of the upper class, they had to have no close relation to the lower classes before
engaging in political activities. The public meetings organized by the Socialists, the

"Social Democracy Versus Communism" writings that Kautsky published in German during
the eventful years 1932-37
demonstrations and strikes they organized were the ways of communicating with them,
expressing their wishes and providing public support.

At the ideological level, socialism was promising equality for the oppressed masses. The
ideology of the day has been extremely envious of socialism, emphasizing brotherhood and
equality between the poor and the backward nations. The Azerbaijanis were so small in numbers
that they cannot stand up to Russia alone.

Rasulzadeh has argued that Islam can be compatible with socialism. The Himmet Party is
the best example of this unity. First publications of the party and announcements were signed as
Himmet Muslim Socialist Group. In fact, the religious label was used here to refer to
Azerbaijanis as a non-Christian community. Religion can also be used to express national

Himmet was a political party organized according to the ethnic background, not the land.
The Marxist segment within the Azerbaijani elite has never fully separated its ways with
nationalists and has not rejected Islam. According to Walker Connor, Lenin tried to solve the
problem called "the national question" from an instrumental point of view: fighting nationalism
when necessary and using it in every possible way in the interests of the internationalist

Connor suggests such an idea:

The strategy of taking advantage of Lenin's nationalism for the interests of

internationalism can be reduced to three primitives:

1. Accept national equality for those who want to remain in the state, while promising the
right to self-determination of all national groups before seizing power.

2. Following the seizure of power, start the long assimilation process by terminating this
right in practice, while maintaining the illusion of the right of secession of nations, and by
following a dialectical path of regional autonomy for all compact national groups.

3. Maintain the party as a party that is centralized and free from all nationalist tendencies.

Following the 1917 revolution, Musavat became the party with some of the oldest
Himmet leaders and the broadest support among Muslims. Musavat has managed to become the

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, Republic of Azerbaijan, (Organization of Righteousness and
Present Situation)
main political force in the region by choosing to combine social progressive slogans with
nationalist calls. The Musavat has put forward the federalist principle at the Congress of All
Muslims in Russia, and has collaborated with the Himmetists and Social Revolutionaries to form
the Muslim National Council.

Muslim leaders interpreted Lenin's "the right of nations to self-determination" as a vast

territorial autonomy for Azerbaijan. Muslims have been forced to lean against the Ottoman
support as they lose the legitimacy they have gained from democracy. The Azerbaijani nation-
state, which lived for about two years, carried the stamp of Musavat, who shared power with
other political parties, including Himmet. The occupation of Azerbaijan by the Red Army has
resulted in both independence and unlucky nationalist / socialist alliance.

Chapter II
The factors of the first Russian release on Azerbaijan political life

2.1. The 1905 Revolution.

Historical events and processes can gain different meanings within the new conditions of
the coming time. In terms of the people world began to develop along with the imperialism, hard
waves formed under the surface of the stagnant water. In the early days of imperialism, behind
the apparent developments and progress of the countries, the heavier burden of the people has
begun to create the conditions of great tension.

In Russia - an agricultural country, the peasants became land slaves till the 1865. For the
first time, in 1865 Tsar Alexander II opened the doors of liberty to the peasants, but then the
press became much more intense. The tradition of rebellion on Russian soil has become very old
and strong. Despite deep resentment of the village, the Russian intellectuals who learned about
liberation from the bourgeois revolutions in Europe were in rebellion. The Russian
revolutionary, till the mid-19th century was unable to reach intellectual initiatives, began to turn
the face into the working class, under the influence of developments in Europe.

The years of 1903-1905 are full of crucial developments of Russia. The RSDLP was
established in these years and was divided into two sides the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.
This division, launched events of 1905. Pastor Gapon, a police agent, has leaned on the gates of
the palace with a petition to the Tsar, dragging after thousands of workers and explaining hunger
and misery. Tsar's soldiers kept thousands of people under the rain and did not allow to tell
"tsar's dad" their troubles and hunger. This incident is referred to in the literature as "Bloody
Sunday" events.

This massacre was the booming point of the anger that accumulated in Russia, and all
Russia was shaken by strikes and protests. The workers actually dealt with management by
establishing "soviet" in big cities. The 1905 uprising was not described as a Socialist revolution,
but this process opened the way to the socialist revolution in a special way.

2.2. The Impact of Revolution to Azerbaijan.

The contradictions of many nations and social unrest have given a sad appearance to the
years of 1905-1907 revolution in Azerbaijan. After 1900, social democrats managed to penetrate
the Baku oilfields, and in December 1904 they became strong enough to make a general strike34

February 18, 1905 with the effect of massive strikes and confusion Tsar II. Nikolay
signed an order and gave the sign of transformation of the constitutional monarchy as the
absolute monarchy. According to this new law the representatives of these people have gained
the right to participate in the preparation of the laws and the negotiation process. In other words,
legislative work is left to elected representatives. For this purpose a special assembly was
convened in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The influence of the Ferman was particularly large
among the Muslim minorities. The Azerbaijanis, Kazan and Crimean Tatars began to form
delegations to discuss the needs with the Interior Minister A. G. Bulgin, on the one hand, and on
the other hand, to prepare petitions expressing their needs.35

The Kaspı36 newspaper described it as the most important event in recent years 37 On 8
March, the Baku City Duma gathered and decided to send a delegation of three people, including
Ali Erdinç Topçubashı38, to St.Petersburg. A week later, on 15 March, Azerbaijani businessmen
and intellectuals gathered Z. A. Tagiyev's house (today's Azerbaijani History Museum) and
negotiated the latest developments. 39 At this meeting was decided that the demands and requests
should be reported with a petition considering the reforms in the Caucasus. This document
consists of 15 items. The petition contains the main political, cultural and economic problems
of the Caucasian Muslims. First, equal rights should be given to the Muslim population and all

Serge A. Zenkovsky, Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia, translation: İzzetKantemir, Istanbul:
Üçdal Neşriyat, 1983, p. 85
Hakan Crimean, Nationalism and National Movements in Crimean Tatars 1905-1916, Ankara:
Turkish Historical Society Printing House, 1996, p. 65-74
Daily newspaper, which was provided with social, political and literary news, as well as a
special section on petroleum. With the support of Millionaire Z. A. Tagiyev 1891-1919
DilareSeyidzade, Azerbaijan Early in the 20th Century: Roads To The Independence
Ali MerdanTopçubaşı (1865-1934) XX. It was one of the leading figures of the Azerbaijani society
at the beginning of the century. He represented the most educated and prosperous part of the Azerbaijani
society as a bourgeoisie from a noble family. St. He made a European understanding of the state of law at
the University of Law in St. Petersburg. After 1905, the State Duma of the Tsarist Russia (in some cases
the parliament) was elected by the Azerbaijanis. He was the editor of the Caspian and Life newspapers
and chaired the group, organizing the Muslim group in Duma.
YAKUBLU, Neriman: Müsavat Partiyasının Sorgu Kitabı, Bakı, 1998, p. 60

SIMSIR, Sebahattin: Azerbaycan’ın Istiklal Mücadelesi, 1. basım, IQ Kültür Sanat


Yayıncılık, Istanbul, Ekim 2002. , p. 32

restrictions are demanded. Second, Muslims should have the equal rights to participate in
election to the legislative assemblies.

The third, foundation land had to be returned to Muslims; the mass migration of Russian
villagers to the Caucasus had to be stopped altogether and the land had to be sold to the local
villagers. Fourth, general, compulsory and free primary education / training must be provided. It
is expected that any restrictions on training and pressure will be lifted. National schools should
be opened and national language, literature and history should be taught in schools. Fifth,
improvements had to be made in the living conditions of workers. Finally, all the laws in the
Empire must have been applied to the Muslims as well.

This petition has become a sign of national conscience in Azerbaijanis as well as a

reaction against Russian oppression. The Nadir State, who has been researching on Muslims of
Russia, stated that this petition was the "most profound society" among other Muslim
communities in Russia41. On June 10, a 9-member Muslim delegation from the Caucasus visited
the General Governor of the Caucasus, I. Z. Vorontsov-Dashkov, and delivered a petition,
including the opening of schools on the national level. In response to this call, the Governor
made some verbal promises. Finally, the strike, the greatest demonstration of the workers in
Baku, resulted in their victory and the first workers' contract in Russia was signed.

Shortly thereafter, the Baku working class was in action again, this time the news of the
slaughter of the workers of St. Petersburg, called "Bloody Sunday", on January 9, 1905 escalated
it. This history is the beginning of the Russian Revolution, which will shake the tsarist regime in
principle42. Protest demonstrations and strikes have spread throughout Baku to Transcaucasia to
the extent that the government found itself in a difficult situation. At the beginning of February,
martial law was declared in Baku, followed by Tsar II, who had a large-scale eye on the
administration of the region. Nikolay, Declaring that the general governor of the Caucasus was
put into effect again, l. Vorontsov brought Dashkov. Like sixty years ago, Vorontsov Dashkov
was brought to work on an urgent task, such as "ensuring peace and order in the Caucasus
without time".43

ROZHOVA, M. K. : Ekonomiçeskaya Politika Tsarskogo Pravitelstva na Srednem
Vostoke vo Vtoroy Çetverti XIX Veka I Russkaya Burjzhuaziia Moskva, Moskva, 1979, p. 32
SIWETOCHOWSKI, Todeusz: Müslüman Cemaatten Ulusal Kimliğe Rus Azerbaycan’ı
(1905-1920), (çev. ) Nuray Mert, Birinci Basım, Bağlam Yayınları, Ağustos 1988
ORUCLU, Meryem: Azerbaycan’da ve Mühaciretde Müsavat Partiyası’nın Faaliyetleri
(1911-1992), Azernesr Baskı, 2001, p. 66
2.3. Ethnic conflicts in Azerbaijan.

At the beginning, the Azerbaijanis remained irrelevant in the face of this turmoil, while
the Revolutionary flare all over the Caucasus. The movement of this least revolutionary part of
the population has been caused by the outbreak of conflict between congregations. For the
Azerbaijanis, the 1905 revolution began with an event known as the "Tatar-Armenian War".
During this period, the peace between the Azerbaijanis and the Armenians was tried to contribute
to the process. As it is known, the Russian authorities provoked between these two nations and
since 1905 there have been conflicts. These conflicts later turned into a war against the two
communities. In February 1906, Azerbaijani and Armenian representatives came together at the
peace conference organized by the general governor in Tbilisi to find a solution to the conflict.

During the negotiations, both sides reported their solution proposals. The representatives
noted that conflicts originate from lack of education within the public. Therefore, it was
emphasized that the first education should be applied compulsorily and free of charge. In
addition, Azerbaijani delegates hoped that the rights of Muslims would be equalized with other
peoples and that some reforms would be made in the court system. Although good intentions
have been expressed, there has never been an agreement between these two nations that will

In February 1905, the Armenian-Azerbaijani competition was transformed into violence.

Baku has become the open battleground of two communities. Violence continued throughout the
year and in the following year it spread to Yerevan, Nakhijivan, Susa, Tbilisi and Gence.
Hundreds of villages were demolished and plundered. The conflict between the two ethnic
groups has long been overtaken, it has now exceeded the dimensions of religious difference and
xenophobia. A Western observer working on the issue of nationalism in the region writes: "Both
the Armenians and the Jews have two common characteristics: they are overly dispersed, and
their general superiority over the society they live in, such as education, industry and trade,
making them both weak and strong.44 A large part of the local Armenians migrated to Russia's
Muslim populated provinces after the Russian-Iranian and Ottoman wars.

For a long time they have been in good relationship with the tsarist government which
they saw as the power to save them from Muslim feudal lords in the Caucasus. Under the
protection of Russia, the Armenians, who entered the process of modernization much faster than
the Muslims, were more profitable than the development of the Azerbaijani economy. Some

Swietochowski, mentioned book, p. 66
industries, such as wine making, fish farming and tobacco cultivation, were in the hands of
Armenians who left Azerbaijanis entirely out of competition. The similar Armenian-Azerbaijani
conflict has become a multifaced problem, as well as a cultural-religious dimension, many of
which are related to the conflicting interests of the Armenian employers and traders with the
uncompetitive, unfounded "Tatar" workers and some unfavorable Azerbaijani bourgeoisie as

One visitor said: "Tatars are more hostile to the Armenians than Russians”.

The Armenians were a built-in element of the Russian soldiers, officers and temporary
servants. Besides, the difference between the social structures of both communities, the degree of
political organization also varies. The first explosions of the Muslim - Armenian conflict were in
Baku. The reason was that a Muslim was killed by Dashnaks. On February 6, 1905, thousands of
Azerbaijanis from many nearby villages attacked the Armenian towns of the city. This was
followed by three days of killing and looting, during which the police and soldiers had no

These terrible events in Baku have been repeated in Shusha, in small measure, in
February 20-21 in Yerevan, in May in Nahcivan and elsewhere in Yerevan gubernia, in June. 45.
In fact, all the available evidence shows that Muslims lost more souls than Armenians. The
events are similar to those of the Armenians in the world press and they were given as a
continuation of events in the Ottoman lands in the 1890s. The "Tatar-Armenian War" first
created a solidarity among Muslims that transcended local and sectarian contradictions.

From now on, such separations have become obstacles in terms of political activity. Here,
there was a kind of explosion in which the Russians spontaneously claimed that they are rising
nationalism. The pro-Muslim attitude at the beginning of the tsarist administration's clash did not
last long, and in May the Russian soldiers were ordered to fire "Tatars".

The attitude of the Russians has been changed with the appointment of Vorontsov -
Dashkov as governor. This experienced politician has tried to give a fair protective image to all
the nations in the Caucasus. As a result he is implementing the principle of "divide and rule".
The governor-general chooses Armenians, who own property, family and religion as the natural
advocates of law and stability. His first job was to revive the old tradition of establishing
friendship with the Armenians, as the backbone of the Russian administration beyond the

RESULZADE, Mehmet Emin: Esirimizin Sıyavusu, Çağdas Azerbaycan Tarihi 1991., p. 69
Caucasus. Vorontsov - to end the revolutionary turmoil to become Dashkov he thought it was a
long-term and broad-based political attitude. 46

2.4 Azerbaijani nationalism and Difai Party

Armenian nationalism has been the main factor affecting and accelerating the nationalist
movement of Azerbaijan. The Armenians were living in Transcaucasia in terms of population
size and the third nation after Russians.

The two widespread Armenian revolutionary organizations, the Hinchak (Chiang) and the
Dashnaksuttyun (Federation) Parties, were basically run by the Transcaucasian intellectuals,
acting under the "driving force" of the Armenian clergy. It is observed that both organizations
have a mix of national, religious and socialist considerations. The ongoing conflict with the
Armenians has created an undeniable stimulating effect in the shaping of Azerbaijani national
identity of constant violence and war and heavy losses. The Azerbaijanian people felt obliged to
respond within an organized structure against the Armenian threat. 47

In opposition to the good organization of Dashnaksuttyun, various Muslim groups, which

fought randomly began to organize their activities. While the participation of the Armenians took
place under the leadership of the dynamic nationalist parties Dashnaksuttyun, Azerbaijanis
entered into the struggle to organize the aim of defending themselves with the compulsion of the
physical confrontation with the Armenian activists. Swietochowski explains the Azerbaijani
people's political awakening. 48

" The Armenian war led to the first gathering of Azerbaijanians with the same target. The
various Azerbaijani groups, which had previously collided, scattered their forces against the
superior Dashnak organization and began to engage intellectuals. "

In this context, in the autumn of 1905, Azerbaijanis established Difai (Defense), the first
secret national / political organizations under the leadership of Ahmet Agaoglu (Agayev)49 in
Gence. With the establishment of Difai, Gence was and remains the center of the Azerbaijani

Swietochowski, mentioned book, p 120
YALÇINKAYA, Alaeddin: Sovyetler Birliği Döneminde Moskova ile Türk Toplulukları
Iliskileri( Kronolojik Çalısma), Sakarya Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1997
KERIMOV, Nureddin :Kırk Yıl Seyahettde, Bakı 1993
AhmetAgaoglu (1869-1939) is the pioneer of Azerbaijan national opinion. He wrote articles in
"Caucasus", "Caspi", "Life", "Irshad", "Progress" and Ali Nerdan participated in national
awakening with Topçubaşı, Hüseyinzade Ali Bey and others. In his writings he criticized the
Tsar administration,
national movement. The leaders of Difai tried to appease the congregational conflicts.
Ağaoğlu, who speaks to the public in the Gence mosque, said that even animals do not destroy
their genius. Agaoglu rAminded Azerbaijan and Armenians that they had lived in peace for
centuries before the Russians arrived.

According to Audrey L. Alistadt: "Difai was founded by local intellectuals as a counter-

terrorist organization to respond to the support of the Russians to Armenian Dashnaksütyun, a
well-organized organisation , a group of community leaders who took the lead in ending
conflicts between their societies. Armenian Parties have argued that the Dashnaks would not be
able to act such blatantly without Russian support and the Russian administration actually
provoked intercultural conflicts.51

As the name of the party implies, Azerbaijanis organized themselves to defend against
the Armenian-Russian alliance. Without considering the socialist-oriented Himmet party, this
country has become the first truly nationalist organization of the country. Unlike the
Azerbaijanis, the Armenians was producing a dynamic nationalism movement that has pioneered
the Dashnaksuttyun. The party's purpose was to establish an independent Armenian state that
included the Ottoman provinces in Eastern Anatolia. 52

Difai accuses Russia of bloody incidents in secret statements, and the Armenians are also
warned that any violence will be answered as well. In fact, Difai frequently refers to individual
acts of violence against the tsarist officials, who are known to support the movement of
Armenians against Muslims. When Dashnaksuttyun, the strongest party in the region in 1907,
included in its program plans the future status of Transcaucasia, the Difai leaders generally
decided that they were not intolerant of their own goals. According to these plans, Transcaucasia
remained part of the Russian Federal Republic but was ruled by a democratically elected
regional parliament, free of domestic affairs. Transcaucasia is divided into cantons, which
borders are determined by ethnic origin. 53

Swietochowski, mentioned book. , p. 72
ÇAĞLA, Cengiz: Azerbaycan’da Milliyetçilik ve Politika, 1. Basım, Bağlam Yayıncılık,
Istanbul, Aralık 2002. p. 103
Swietochowski, mentioned book , p. 66
CEVAT, Heyet: Azerbaycan’ın Adı ve Sınırları Avrasya etütleri, cilt 1, sayı:2, Yaz 1994. to. ,
p. 74
2.5. Beginning of Thought Life in Azerbaijan

"... the first Turkish drama writer, the first Turkish (opera) composer, the first one
published among the Russian Turkish people, the one who removed the madness of the Mezhep
from the beginning,(old) alphabet, who first thought of Islah for the first time and finally
proclaimed the Republic for the first time in the Islamic world ".

Government controls after the 1905 Revolution weakened, a result of which was the
inauguration of long-term enlightened intellectuals. Charitable institutions, education, theater,
arts associations have been multiplying, establishing new schools, giving scholarships, and
organizing theater studies. The symbol of this cultural revival, in 1908, was the first Azerbaijani
opera "Leyla and Majnun", where Uzeyir Hajibeyli wrote the music, based on the work of
16th century poet-Fuzuli.55

Initiatives in the field of education have achieved great success. In 1914, literacy rate
doubled. Following the increase in the number of books published on the local level, the
relaxation of the censorship system was the pioneer of the Golden Age of the Azerbaijani press.
Between 1905 and 1917, 63 newspapers and magazines circulated, and it is seen that a
considerable number of Azerbaijani populations are thought to be illiterate at present. If keeping
out of the picture one or two of them , all these publications will pass Kazan to Muslim
journalism in Russia has been published in Baku, which has become a center. Many of them
have found readers in a very wide circle, some of them with a high level of thought and
journalism, many of them were short-lived and local.

Literary magazines Fuyuzat56 and daily Hayat57 and Irshad58 newspapers were among
them. The humorous magazine Mola Nasreddin59, an extraordinarily popular one, had
subscribers even in places far away from Azerbaijan, in India and Afghanistan. Even non-readers
were buying magazines. In addition to the developing political events, the press in Azerbaijan
also benefited from the financial support of Azerbaijanians. The economic support combined
with the increase of freedom of the press has enabled many talents to emerge in the field of

ÜzeyirHacibeyli (Hacibeyov), (1885-1948), famous Azerbaijani composer, journalist, writer.
He laid the foundations of modern Azerbaijani music
Abbasli, mentioned book, p. 140-141
Füyuzat, 386 in 1906 and 32 in 1907 were published
Life, Ahmet Ağaoğlu and Hüseyinzade Ali Bey in 1905-1906
Irshad went out between 1905 and 1907. Latest numbers by M. E. Rasulzadeh
MollaNasreddin was published by journalist and writer CelilMammadguluzade (1866-1932)
between 1906 and 1931. The first issue, which appeared in Tbilisi, is on the one hand to the
frozen eastern life and on the other hand against the Russian imperialism
journalism. Baku has also attracted many writers from the Ottoman, Persian and Crimean
communities and vast majority of them were new in the field.

Few Azerbaijani newspapers follow a definite political line, and even Himmetist
publications are flexible, whereas socialists are often found in bourgeois newspapers. In general,
it is seen that these people reflect the current trends of thought on the agenda, and the more
important intellectuals have experienced the basic dilemmas they face. The second, can be
summarized by two mutually exclusive points; the conflict between the revolutionary air of the
period and the search for national identity. Against the use of nationalist vocabulary in
newspapers, nationalism has emerged as a clearer term, and journalists are no longer just talking
to Muslims as readers, but have begun to speak of Caucasian Turkish people or only Turkish
people. 60

The group of Aydın elite has been divided into two parts, those who see the social and
political direction of the revolution as the forefront and those who regard it as a national
movement. Agayev, one of the most prominent of those involved in the first group, has identified
himself in the left wing of the liberals during this period of his life. Shortly after he had done the
editorial of Hayat with Artillery, he started to take this newspaper out of his hands in February
1906, finding it very conservative for him. Agayev himself has not stopped back from attacking
the local capitalist class, even if the newspaper received help from one of them.

There was someone who believed that the time of the 1905 Revolution and the
identification of the national identities of the Azerbaijanis came, and there was no doubt about
what identity that would be: From 1905 onwards, Huseyinzade became an increasing influence
on a large part of the intellectuals. After his return from Turkey, he started writing in Hayat.
Huseynzade began to propagate the idea of Turkish slowly. In his article titled "What kind of
information do we need," firstly he spoke of "Turkification, Islamization, and Europeanization",
which later became a famous slogan.

Later, this slogan, adopted by Ziya Gökalp with minor changes, and became the main
slogan of Turkism in the Ottoman Empire. In Azerbaijan these three words are then symbolized
by three colors of the independent Republic. In its essence, this slogan, which represents
modernization without secularization, is described by Hüseyinzade on the Fuyuzat pages. This
literary art magazine, founded in 1906, is different from the others with its high level and wide
frame. "We are interested in our publication." Hüseyinzade Ali Bey emphasizes that "Turkism,

Swietochowski, mentioned book, p. 86
Abbaslı, mentioned book , p. 132
Islam and European Civilization" means that our thought system will be a Turkic life guide and
Islam will be based on respect and at the same time will benefit from contemporary European
civilization. The culture has entered into a major struggle for the rescue of two kinds of aliens
(traditional Iran and lately Russian) 62

The history of the debate on language is based on modern Azerbaijani literature and the
roots of the press. Just before 1905, this issue was portrayed in the first issue by the Saragossian
Russian newspaper, in which the statement "We have no literary language" is included. The
owner of this statement, SHahtahtinski,63 wants the local people to be written on the floor. In this
period, the language debate inevitably gained a political meaning. After 1913, when these
debates took place, national consciousness was nourished by not only the debates of the
intellectuals in the region, but also the influence of the political events that were happening at the
same time.

2.6. Organization of Musavat Party

While the leading Azerbaijanians constituted a forum to determine their activities in the
post-revolutionary Ottoman Empire, some less-knowns retained in Baku did also effort to form a
nationalist institution, which would then become the largest political organization of Azerbaijan.
A group of former Himmetists, also influenced by the nationalist awakening among the Muslim
people all over the world, established a secret association under the name Musavat (Equality) in
1912. According to the founders, this name symbolizes the willingness of Muslims to grant equal
rights to the Russians and at the same time to gain freedom in the whole of the Islamic world.64

The program of the Musavat Party, which is very general feature, has been aimed at a
wide range of voices. Another clue to the political orientations of Musavat in these early periods
was that it emphasized "the progress of Muslims and thus excluded conservative circles."
Another hint was that the "commercial, industrial and economic" development could be
supposed to be spoken by the indigenous middle classes. Musavat was mostly supported by
intellectuals, students, merchants and businessmen, and was naturally based in Baku. For safety
reasons, they were organized as three-celled that spread to all of Transcaucasia and even to some
centers in Iran's Azerbaijan. Musavat, who started to define himself as Party in a short time, was

Swietochowski, a. g. e. , p. 88
Mammad AğaŞahtaxtinski (1846-1931) Azerbaijani writer, was elected deputy to the Duma in
1907. Defended Latin alphabet idea
Hüseyin Baykara, History of Azerbaijan Istiglal Mübarizesi, Bakı: 1992

not considered to be very active. The mistake, in fear of retaliation, the Baku center, and the
government made the warning to criticism. Ensuring tight secrecy and increasing the number of
elected members is defined as the movement line. The main points of Musavat's program talked
about the unity of all Muslims. The program was composed of the following items: 65

● The unification of all Muslim people regardless of nationality and religion.

● Trying to rebuilt independence of Muslim countries
● The war to protect or acquire the independence of the Muslims by providing spiritual and
financial assistance to the Muslims,
● To help the Muslim people to develop their defense and aggression power,
● To remove obstacles that prevent the spread of these ideas
● Linking to the Muslim League and to the parties that can help to progress
● To contact and exchange ideas with foreign parties who are working for the welfare and
progress of mankind, when deemed necessary,
● To use any means to strengthen the commercial, industrial economic life that is necessary
for the survival of the Muslims.
The scarcity of documents relating to the activities of Musavat's early periods has even
caused some of the Soviet historians to doubt whether the Party actually existed before 1917, but
this doubt has certainly been refuted. 66

Musavat, in 1913, has attained a politically experienced and intellectually competent front in
the personality of the Resulazade. Among the Rasulzadeh Azerbaijani exiles, instead of
continuing to live in the Ottoman lands, he preferred to return to his country on the behalf of the
thirty-third anniversary of his dynasty Romanov. Shortly after entering the Musavat Party, he
came to the leadership of the party and established an unbeatable supervision. Later on
Rasulzadeh protected this position. 67

Throughout the exile life in Istanbul, the Turkish Yurdu group has been influenced by
writings on the relationship of Islam and nationality, especially with being close to its
surroundings. After coming back to Baku, M. E. Rasulzadeh returned to journalism and started
to write about political theory. "Language as a social factor" and "New language group and
Turkism "on the pages of the waterfall, two articles participated in the language discussion.

ÇAĞLA, Cengiz: Azerbaycan’da Milliyetçilik ve Politika, 1. Basım, Bağlam Yayıncılık,
Istanbul, Aralık 2002. p.39
Swietochowski, mentioned book , p. 108
Zenkovsky, mentioned book , p. 108
Another article published in Dirilik argues that a definite distinction must be made between
the umma68and the nation by discussing the relation between them. Ummet said that they have a
special religious meaning and that a Muslim world-wide conscience expressed common sense,
whereas the nations meant a collective society that shared a common language, culture, history
and religion, and religion was only one and the last thing that made a nation. Thus, in the true
sense of the word, the nation could not be used for a religious community, it has a secular
connotation. The secular definition of nationalism later became the ideology of Musavatism,
defining M.E.Rasulzadeh nationalitycontented. For more, it is necessary to wait for a general war
and new conditions created by the revolution.69

Müsavat's political activity has been favored by the peace in the program. From 1910 to
1914, there was no propaganda for the creation of an independent Azerbaijani or for establishing
a less historical and economic base, or rather a state. Musavat supporters were more among
bourgeois and intellectuals whereas the peasants did not totally believe in the leftist intellectuals,
but still were positively supporting the conservative ideas of Pan-Islam. 70 There were thousands
like Azerbaijan intellectuals who wanted to come to power, uneasy artisans from Armenian
competition, Han, Bey and Agha (owner of Aristocratic land) who wanted more respect, and
those who were looking for support from Musavat behind his unclear ideas. The increase in
hopes of the Jön Turkish people in Istanbul in the seizure of power has also been a factor for the
strengthening of sympathy against the Turkishness of 1908-1914. It seemed that a new force
would emerge, with Muslims revering to the religion of the Asian peoples and the culturally,
ensuring that the Earth would triumph over the world and dominate Europe.71

At the same time Musavat was a party that went first in Azerbaijan. However, there were a
number of opposition groups in the country, especially the Azerbaijani aristocracy. For centuries
Shiite teacher who established relations with Iran, has prevented the growth of sympathy for
Sunni Turkey

The western fashion in the Musavat has opposed the traditional views of the Muslim family
and society who have been accustomed to harem and veil, seeing popular women's rights and
hatred of women having equal rights. Interested in the new fashion, western literature, fine arts

Ummah (Arabic: ‫ )أمة‬is an Arabic word meaning "community". It is distinguished
from Sha'b (Arabic: ‫ )شعب‬which means a nation with common ancestry or geography. Thus, it
can be said to be a supra-national community with a common history.
CEVAT, Heyet: Azerbaycan’ın Adı ve Sınırları Avrasya etütleri, cilt 1, sayı:2, Yaz 1994, p.
Zenkovsky, mentioned book. , p. 88
GEYBULLAYEV, Giyaseddin : K Etnogenez Azerbaydjantsev, Baku, 1990, p. 89
and theater, instead of worship, French and modern Turkish literature and language were used
instead of worship, and learning instead of the Persian classics.All this helped to disrupt the old
culture of the Muslim social order.

Hats instead of turbans were used, new furniture and pictures changed the look of Muslim
houses. Religious opinions disappeared under the influence of the Russian, French, and Turkish

The opening of Musavat out of the borders of Azerbaijan took place before 1920 when
Party leader M. E. Rasulzadeh left Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis in Russia and Ukraine and
Azerbaijanis living in Iran, Turkestan, Georgia, North Caucasus and Armenia have begun to
gather around Musavat since 1917. The branches of Musavat Party were opened in these places.
After 1920, many societies were established after the occupation, but it was not possible to
collect a ll these organizations M.E.Rasulzadeh first established Müsavat's overseas branch
office and in 1923 he began to publish the New Caucasus magazine. Thus, by means of
broadcasting, it aimed at unifying the cause around the national case. National Center was
established and all nationalist forces were gathered around this center. 73

Through the Center, the Caucasus Independence Committee and the Caucasus
Confederation Committee, which have allied themselves with Musavat, Georgia and the North
Caucasus national organizations, have been established. Close links have been established with
the people under the Russian invasion and a front has been established. These intensive activities
have attracted international attention to the post-Azerbaijani conflict. The New Caucasus
magazine convinced the Turkish publistheh interests of Azerbaijan, the Caucasus and the
Turkish people under Russian domination were in the direction of independent of Caucasus
countries. In addition, national education, nationalization of administrations, etc. have been
emphasized. Most importantly, the magazine has become a spiritual unity center for patriotic
Azerbaijani youth. In 1928 the New Caucasus was left to Azeri Turkish people. This was
followed by Odlu Yurt magazine and weekly Bildirish newspaper. As a result of the obstacles of
the Soviet government, broadcasting activities have moved from Istanbul to Europe. In 1932,
with the participation of the journalists of these journals and newspapers in Berlin, the Istiklal
newspaper was started to be published in the same line. National newspaper of the Soviets

BEHAR, Büsra E. : Türkçülük, Türkiye’de ve Azerbaycan da (1990’lı yıllar) Avrasya
Etütleri, Ekim 1996, p. 90
NesimanYakublu, The Questionnaire of Musavat Party, Baku: 1998, p. , 21
Mammadzade, mentioned book , p. 246-249
prohibited to enter Turkey on intense response due to the importance of the support provided by
Turkey Istiklal stopped after this event, rather than the removal of the Liberation magazine was
started in 1934. The magazine "Azerbaijani Dormitory" started to be published in Istanbul. On
August , 1936, the Conference of Musavat Party in Europe (Warsaw) was convened. The
Musavat Party's program was adopted in 1919, but there have been significant changes in the
past 17 years. In line with these developments, the conference Mavavat has not accepted a new
program, but has accepted the New Principles, which can be considered as the main ideas of a
new program. 76

It is not possible for all the Turkish people, together with the Musavat Party, to put their
independence together in a single state. Separate Turkish states were established. It is also very
unlikely that these states will be able to unite under a federation in the future. Thus, the political-
statist Turkish national movement, with the protection of the common cultural unity, has been
transformed into a separate form of Turkish nationalism, due to the enforcement of geopolitical
causes. 77

The Musavat Party also acted according to these facts and reflected them on its own
program bases. Adhering to the Turkish cultural unity, Turkism and Azerbaijanism were united.
According to these principles, Musavatism; "Azerbaijani patriotism, committed to great Turkish
culture, embracing national, civil and human values, faithful to the ideal of freedom, republic
and independence.78

Musavat's previous program claimed the nation to be made of classes. In the new basics,
national unity is taken as basis, and all class dominance was rejected. This shows that Musavat is
a national party, a nation party. In the previous program, the working people, who constitute the
majority of the nation, were taken as the essence of the nation, and thus the idea of "nation
means people". The people are used in public / all sense. On the basis of the new program,
Musavat adopted a testimony, arriving at a synthesis between liberalism, individualist and
collectivist community. Thus, while the rights of the individual are protected, public interests

CEMSIDOV, Samil: Azerbaycan Sözünün Mensei ve Manası Hakkında, (çav. ) Metin
Kara örs Ankara Türk Kültürü Yıl XXXII, sayı, 370, 1994, p.78
BEHAR, Büsra E. : Azerbaycan’da Siyasal Bağımsızlık (1918-1920, 1991-) ve Türkçülük,
Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, Tarih Arastırma Merkezi Yayınları, Edebiyat Fakültesi
Basımevi, Istanbul 1996, p.56
ALIYEV, Kemal: Antiçnıe Đstoçniki po Đstorii Azebaydjana, Baku, 1986, p.90
BALAYEV. Aydın : Azerbaydjanskoe Natsionalnoe Dvijenie n1917-1918. Elm, Baku, 1998,
will also be observed. In land reform and worker-related regulations, the new program principles
adopted the basic principles of the previous program. 79

Musavat adopted education and reform procedures in justice institutions and criminal
laws. Men and women were given equal rights in education. The policy followed by Soviet
Russia has been to create a Soviet nation with a language and culture around Russian. For this it
is necessary for the non-Russian nations to be dismantled, and to be ruthless.

Müsavat also created an "external tactical thesis" to support the Azerbaijani independence
issue on the external front. Accordingly, Russia had to spread internationally, where it was the
enemy of peace, prepared for war, and provoked disputes among nations. Azerbaijan should be
introduced on a wider issue in the international arena, particularly Iran and Turkey should be
targeted for propaganda. In all the international contacts and propaganda to be done, the
importance of the political Caucasus Union and the Caucasus Confederation should be
emphasized in terms of independence. The organization and activities of the Musavat Party from
1939 to 1992 generally continued in countries outside of Azerbaijan. 80

Between 1939 and 1942, Musavat II. During World War II, he had to carry his work with
five chief executive branches, including Poland, France, Switzerland, London and Bucharest.81
The entry of Germany into the war with the Soviet Union brought about a possible cooperation
with Musavat, Germany, who was fighting against the same enemy. M.E.Rasulzadeh
participated in negotiations with the Germans on the future of Azerbaijan. However, he saw that
the Germans did not intend to recognize the rights of Azerbaijan and ensure its independence,
and cut negotiations. 82

However, Musavat continued to be influenced behind the scenes. At the Azerbaijan

Congress in Berlin on 6-9 November 1943, there is the influence of Musavat behind the critics of
the Germans who do not recognize the independence of Azerbaijan. The political views of
Musavat dominated in newspapers and publications in Azerbaijani language in Berlin. 83

With the defeat of the Germans in May 1945, an alternative group representing
Azerbaijan was gathered around Musavat. As it was not possible for the Allied occupied

ABBASLI, mentioned book , p. 289
ALIYEV, Kemal: Antiçnıe Istoçniki po Istorii Azebaydjana, Baku, 1986, p. 232
RasimMirze, ed. Musavat Party Query Book
Rasulzadeh, mentioned book , p. 99
BALAYEV. Aydın : Azerbaydjanskoe Natsionalnoe Dvijenie 1917-1918. Elm, Baku,
1998, p. 28
Germany to maintain its activities openly in 1945-1947 years, the Musavat Munich subsidiary
continued to work through the Democratic Union of Azerbaijan. M.E.Rasulzadeh third time
returned to the Turkey in 1947 continued to propagate ideas of Musavat Party in Turkey.
Müsavat's Ankara and Istanbul committees, together with the new arrived immigrants, have
started to organize their activity. Representatives from abroad have also cooperated with the
representatives of the countries in which they were at that ime.84 Azerbaijan Cultural Association
was established in 1949 with the decision of the Musavat Party Presidency Council, Azerbaijan
Journal (Ankara)and in 1953 the Azerbaijan National Center was reorganized and enlarged.
These institutions were influential in the dissAmination and defense of Musavat Party political
thought. The Musavat Party has also undertaken the mission of raising a young cadre by
educating them in the way of independence of Azerbaijan with activities such as conferences,
sAminars, panellas organized and organized around young people especially through Ankara and
Istanbul Committees. 85

In September 1954, a meeting of the Caucasus Nation, in which Armenia did not
participate, was held in Munich, the Azerbaijan Musavat Party represented the meeting, and the
Chairman of the Council was M. E. Rasulzadeh On March 6, 1955, Musavat Party leader M.
Mirza Bala Mammadzade replaced General M. E. Rasulzadeh, who was immediately gathered
after the death of M. E. Rasulzadeh in Ankara, as general leader. In 1959, Mammadzade was
elected as deputy and Kerim Öder was elected as the President. In 1976, this task was given to
Kerim Oder with the death of President Abdülvahap Yurtsever of Azerbaijan National Center. In
1981, after the death of Kerim Oder Mammad Azer Aran also passed away..

Musavat Party members, during the Immigrant period abroad (especially in Germany and
Turkey) continued its publication activities and merged Immigrants around the national cause
and have been successful in their aim of keeping alive the idea of independence. In the direction
of the Caucasus Union, other Caucasian countries cooperated with the national organizations, the
other Russian.

AZERI, Ali: Azadistan Devleti ve Seyh Muhammed Hiyabani (1918-1920) (Çev.
Eloğlu), Elektronik Đletisim Ajansı, Ankara,p. 29
Jay Shaw, Stanford; Kural Shaw, Ezel (1977). History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern
Turkey. Cambridge University Press
2.7. New Musavat Party

The new Musavat Party was reestablished in Gence on 24 October 1989 by a group in the
popular movement. The New Program Guidelines, proclaimed by the Party in 1936, have been
adopted with minor changes. In 1991, the name was changed to Azerbaijan National Musavat
Party in the First Congress of the Party. 86

A newspaper called New Musavat has begun to be published secretly in order to spread
the idea of Musavat. This party was active in a limited way, conducted some conferences, and
published a magazine called The Union.87 As a result of Azerbaijan's independence in 1992 and
Azerbaijan People's Front leader Ebulfez Elçibey elected as President of the Republic, the
Central Committee of the Musavat Party and the Presidium decided to move the party to
Azerbaijan. In this direction, Secretary General Ahmet Karaca went to Baku and discussed with
the Chairman of the New Musavat Party and members of the Board of Directors. It was decided
to establish a Berpa (restoration) Center in the negotiations.88

Following approval of the list for the Berpa Center by the Musavat Party Presidency
Council, President of Azerbaijan President İsa Kamber and General Secretary Nesip Nesipzade
were appointed to Berpa Center. Musavat Party has started to reorganize, and on 7 November
1992 Musavat Party 3rd Berpa Congress was held. Isa Kamber was elected as General Secretary
of Musavat and members of Musavat Party Parliament were appointed. 3. Following the Berpas
Convention, the Central Committee, Presidency Council and other organs of the Musavat Party
ended spontaneously, and the Musavat Party completely settled in Azerbaijan. 3. At the Berpa
Convention, the Party's new regulation and program has been accepted. 89

The new Musavaters have remained largely faithful to the Musavat tradition. Freedom of
the people, the independence of the nations' discourse was taken mainly by the new Musavats.
The discourse of 'Turkism, Islamism, Coincidence' has also been adopted by the new Musavats
with a more secular definition. Musavatism is likewise defined as Azerbaijani patriotism that is
committed to the Turkish civilization, embraces national civilization and human values, and is
faithful to the idea of liberty, republic and independence. However, with the changing

Smith, Michael G. (April 2001). "Anatomy of a Rumour: Murder Scandal, the Musavat Party
and Narratives of the Russian Revolution in Baku, 1917-1920". Journal of Contemporary
circumstances in mind, the party has adopted new discourses, and pragmatism has been accepted
as the main principle.

Although the relationship with Musavat's People's Front was not at the official level, both
parties relied on common ideals and principles such as the establishment of an independent state
based on democratic principles and rule of law, market economy and the integrity of Azerbaijan.
The adoption of the Azerbaijani language as the official language and the transition to the Latin
alphabet for the purpose of establishing a nation-state were realized during the period of the
People's Front, in which Musavat also took place. 90

In terms of foreign policy, it has been taken as basis to move in three main directions;
West, Turkish World and Islamic World. Relations with Russia and Iran have also become
important issues. The Republic of Azerbaijan has underlined an active and balanced foreign
policy. In order to conduct the independent Azerbaijan state policy in the region through his
policies towards Iran, Turkey, Russia policy is mandated to balance with the West through. The
program, as a general anti-Russian and pro-Western attitude of Turkey and exhibits. On 25
October 1997 the Musavat Party's last program was accepted in the Musavat Party's Fifth
General Assembly. The program consisted of the main principles of Musavat, Musavatçılıg,
Azerbaijan, Transitional Problems and Müsavat's Activity Principles and Methods which made
Azerbaijan's independence desirable.91 This program is largely in continuity with the previous
program. Musavat Party members included professors, doctors, teachers, lawyers, engineers,
other professional owners, writers and poets. Most of the members of the Musavat Party received
high posts in the state during the period of Ebolfez Elchibey92I n 1992-1993. 93

National awakening in Azerbaijan, XIX. YY. In the second half of the twentieth century,
the intellectuals began their activities and educational reforms. 94Musavat Party carried cultural
nationalism existing in Azerbaijan to political nationalism and Musavatism was adopted as a
national ideology in Azerbaijan. Thus, the struggle for independence in Azerbaijan is reconciled

Nihal İncioğlu, Social Divisions, Political Forces and New Political Structures in the New
Turkish Republics, First Years of Independence ed. BüşraErsanli, Ankara: Ankara. Ministry of
Culture Publications, 1994, p. 105-142
Yakublu, mentioned book , p. 36
EbulfezElchibey, Leader of the Azerbaijani People's Front, with the decision of independence
on August 30, 1991, p. 44
CEMSIDOV, Samil: Azerbaycan Sözünün Mensei ve Manası Hakkında, (çav. ) Metin Kara örs
Ankara Türk Kültürü Yıl XXXII, sayı, 370, 1994, p. 62

Büşra E. Behar, "Political Independence in Azerbaijan (1918-1920, 1991-) and Turkism", The

SAminar of the Turkish World from the Balkans to the Caucasus Through History, p.29-31
with Musavat Party and Musavatists.The Azerbaijani language and Azerbaijani culture, both in
the period of independence, constituted the basis of their understanding of independence.95

The head of the Musavat Party, M. E. Rasulzadeh, defended a clean and simple language
in the language debate in 1914. He believed that nationality could be built on a unity of language
and culture, not on a unity of religion. Language, customs and literature have been shown as
common elements constituting nationality, and here, all Turkish people form a nation. During the
second independence period, the independence indicator mostly discussed by the Musavat Party
and the People's Front leaders. 96

In 1917, after the Revolution, Musavat believed that a federative People's Republic based
on the essence of national-local autonomy should be the administrative form of Russia. In other
words, instead of direct independence in the first period, a government with a presidential
authority was advocated in the Soviet Union. This attitude was followed by the Azerbaijani
People Cephes during the second independence period of Azerbaijan, and it was determined as
the aim of securing the implementation of Perestroika (Restructuring) in Azerbaijan and
developing political and cultural sovereignty to adhere to the Soviet Union for the first time.
Nationalist-Turkish prosperity emerged later. In fact, the Musavat Party and the Azerbaijani
People's Front also existed in terms of theoretical perspectives.

From the earliest periods of Musavat (1919), the distinction between religion and state is
striking. During the period of the second independence, in the era of the Azerbaijan People's
Front administration, a more secular interpretation was adopted, while adhering to the principles
of "Turkism, Islamism, Musavat's secular position has also been revealed during the opposition.

One of the ever-presenting and ever-repeated themes in the program of the Musavat Party
is that the Caucasus is a geographical, economic and strategic union, and according to the
circumstances of the time, the independence of the Caucasian countries is achieved or preserved.
This is also a policy that Azerbaijan is watching for its security concerns. Also in 1994,
described Musavat Foreign Policy Doctrine, Western, Turkish world and the Islamic world,
taken as a basic reference points, as well as the active and pragmatic foreign policy necessity,
have been discussed with Iran and Turkey on the importance of monitoring balancing policy
between Russia and the West, and co-operation between the Caucasus states came to the

Behar, mentioned book , p. 176
Ryan E. Behr, "Turkism. Turkey, and also Azerbaijan (1990 's,), Eurasian studies, III , October
1996, p. 2-20
forefront again in terms of security. The integrity of Azerbaijan and the two Azerbaijani, ideally
viewed as a unity, are among the themes repeated.

As a result, the Musavat Party, when it was founded in 1911, played a very important role
in the development of the national movement of Azerbaijan and consequently the formation of
the state structure, as a party adopting principles such as nationalism, independence, populism
and republicanism. In 1920, the Party was operating again in the aftermath of the loss of
Azerbaijan's independence. Finally, during the period of the second independence, he took part
in power with the People's Front of Azerbaijan for a while, but became the opposition party with
the power of Aliyev. During all these periods Musavat has managed to maintain its decisive
position in the national movement of Azerbaijan.

Chapter III

“The organization of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the role of

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh”

3.1. February 1917 Revolution: New Openings for Azerbaijanis.

The conditions of war brought the tsarist regime to the stage of demolition. On February
23, 1917, starvation riots broke out in Petrograd. The rebels also received support from the strike
workers. The garrison of the capital was uprooted, and the Petrograd Workers 'and Soldiers'
Soviet deputies began a meeting there. The State Duma rejected the power of the Tsar monarch,
and the Provisional Committee demanded that Car descend from the throne. After a short
hesitation II. Nikolay accepted the request. Thus the Romanov dynasty of three hundred years
and Russian monarchy ended with it. The Proclamation was convened by the Provisional
Government of Kerensky until the Constituent Assembly was convened with democratic

The first task of the new regime was to remove restrictions based on religious and
national bases over all Russian citizens. Thus, the monarchy regime will be abolished altogether
and the republican system will be brought. The bourgeois-democratic revolution has succeeded.
On the other hand, the population is composed of non-Russian ethnic groups a new
administrative understanding has been introduced to the representatives of the local people in the
regions, which gives more authority to the local government. 98

The committee, which will act as a collective governor, will transfer the powers to the
Special Committee, Ozakiyo (Osobyi Zakavkazskiy Komitet), in the South Caucasus, groups
that represent the group. However, Ozakom, who played the role of the interim government of
the South Caucasus, did not feel much influence until October, and then it was canceled. Within
a few days following the collapse of the monarchy, the Turkish Party of Adminticism (or
Federalist) led by Nesib Bey Yusufbeyli was established in Gence.Federalists have proposed a
new form for Russia. Accordingly, autonomous republics should be established and Russia

Kurat Akdes Nimet ,Russia From the Beginning of History until 1917,3.b. Ankara: Turkish
historical society ,p.433
Swietochowski, mentioned book , p. 123
should have a federal structure. On 2 April Federalists organized the meeting and read the Party
program to the crowded public.99

The federalists were supported by peasants and townspeople in Généans, but some large
landowners were among the leaders. This could not be said to have had a bad effect on the wider
party supporting the party, because the main ideological basis is Turkism. Yusufbeyli, the
founder of the party, was the leading figure of Gasprinski's son-in-law and Turkism. After 1908
he moved to the Ottoman Empire and lived there for a while.

Immediately after the February revolution, the leaders of Azerbaijani society thought that
they would coordinate the reorganization of all Muslim groups and their activities from a center.
For this purpose, on 27 March, representatives of the economic and social circles of all Muslims
were invited to a meeting. At this meeting, the Muslims in Baku the Provisional Executive
Committee of community organizations was established. People from different parts of the
society (engineers, oil workers, journalists, etc.) were selected for this committee. A. M.
Topçubashov and Fatali Khan Khoyski were elected to the presidency of the Executive
Committee. Later, the Committee clarified its intentions and intentions to the public with a
declaration. According to this declaration, the aim of the committee, which understood the
historical value of the present period, was to enlighten the Muslim people and unify all the
Muslim forces around a limbo. The first task of the Provisional Executive Committee would be
to organize the Caucasus Muslim Congress. 101

Between 15th and 20th April, the Congress of Caucasian Muslims was held in Baku.
Despite its name, the Congress was a forum for all political and social groups of Azerbaijanis.
There were various groups representing the right canvas, the center of Pan-Islamists, the
Federalists from Musavatists, the Socialists from left and the Bolshevik Himmet Party.
determined ways to implement them. During the sessions, various problems were expressed and
debated. The first of these was about the possible future state structure of Russia. First, the
Musavat Party President M. E. Rasulzadeh made a speech that the most appropriate political
structure for the peoples of Russia and Muslims was a federal republic based on the principle of

HÜSEYIN, Cevizoğlu: Coğrafyadan Tarihe, Türk Tarihi Içinde Anadolu, Türkiye
Stratejik Arastırmalar ve Eğitim Merkezi, Istanbul, 1991, p. 63
Fatali Khan Khoyski(1876-1920) Lawyer, a member of the Second State Duma of the
Russian Empire, Minister of International Affairs, Minister of Defense and later the first Prime
Minister of the independent Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
IMANOV, Vügar: Ali Merdan Topçubası (1865-1934) Lider Bir aydın ve Bağımsız
Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti’nin Temsili, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2003., p. 64
land-territoriality. In addition, Rasulzadeh demanded that the nations of Russia be given the right
to self-determination. Later, these nations would form a union of the state.

The two groups came together at the Congress of All Muslim in Moscow on 1 May 1917.
This ambiguity led to the formation of unusual tactical alliances between Muslim political
groupings. Socialists affiliated to the Russian revolution with attitudes towards geographical
autonomy, the same attitude as the bourgeoisie 102

It showed. M. E. Rasulzadeh, the chief spokesman of the group of supporters of

geographical autonomy, takes the search for solutions not from a religious point of view but
from a national perspective and pan - Islamic people have rAminded that some people now see
themselves as "first Turkish people, then Muslims". To limit the autonomy program to the
unified organization of all Russian Muslims, their national consciousness will be unjust in terms
of the developing Turkish people and their goals: “Russia's request for the transformation of a
"democratic republic based on a national-geographical-federal basis". On the other hand, the
minority has set two conditions on the ground:

1 - Cultural autonomy should be granted to Muslims who are seated in undefined regions,

2 - All Muslims of Russia must establish a centralized Muslim administration, which is

responsible for religious and cultural life.103

At the congress, some delegates were abandoned after the speech of M. E. Rasulzadeh,
but voting on autonomy ended with a triumphant thesis of autonomy. The majority of
Azerbaijanis shared these considerations of the national bourgeoisie M. E. Rasulzadeh.
Naturally, the nation will find a far more developmental opportunity in an autonomous structure
than it is directly under the control of the Russian authorities. Controversy arises within the
framework of the future structure of the state in the Congress and they have resisted the Islamists
and the Socialists M. E. Rasulzadeh's argument. According to Islamists, autonomy will organise
the Muslim people of Russia as a set, and according to Socialists, this will cause division in the
revolutionary movement. The Turkish Adem-I Central Party, the Federalists, gave full support to
the leader of the Musavat Party. The delegates Nesib Bey Yusufbeyli said in the Congress, "Who
can claim that we are not a nation that can manage ourselves?" After a long time, found the

Swietochowski, mentioned book,p.101
KERIMOV, Nureddin :Kırk Yıl Seyahettde, Bakı 1993, p. 132
federation structure more appropriate for the interests of the South Caucasus, and also of the
Muslims of Russia.104

Another issue discussed at the Congress was the national issue. A. M. Topçubashov
addressed this issue and addressed Russia's traditional "divide and rule" policy and said that it
should now be an alliance between the Caucasian nations. The delegates declared that
cooperation with the Caucasus nations was inevitable to achieve general democratic ideals based
on the principle of mutual respect. At the same time, Congress has decided to support the
realization of the national desires and intentions based on the democratic basis of all peoples in
Russia. As regards the ongoing war, the delegates demanded that the Provisional Government
should stop the war and make peace. 105

Apart from these, educational issues have also been discussed in the congressional
studies. Primary education has been decided to be mandatory, free and nationally. The congress
also held requests for state support for local schools, the establishment of a university for local
schooling, and the appointment of new members to Ozakom for a more just representation of the
Muslim population. As a result, the delegates established a national fund to finance public,
cultural and especially education-related services that were decided to be done by Congress.

The Musavatists, who found courage in the results of the Moscow meeting, accelerated
the process of unification with Adem centrality. The name of the party reflected the new hybrid
character. In its new declaration, the Party is defined as "democratic based on laboring masses"
whose purpose is to "defend the national-cultural demands of Turkish people and other Russian
Muslims, and at the same time to defend the economic and class interests of masses." The
declaration also outlines the administrative reorganization of Turkish- but it was left with a very
problematic subject, such as land reform, that there should be a maximum limit on territorial
properties, and that too much territory should be distributed to the peasants in accordance with
the rules regulated by their respective conditions. In June, a joint center committee was formed.

The new party, called "Turkish Democratic Federalist Party Musavat", has become one of
the biggest political forces in Azerbaijan, both in Baku and Muslims in the other provinces, and
both groups of the party are based on common points and decided to ignore the second
differences The basis of their integration was federalism and, more importantly, secular
nationalism. Nevertheless, if differences were to preserve their assets, the end of the merger

Natalizia G. Pommier Vincelli D. , Azerbaigian. Una lunga storia edito da Passigli, 2012, p66
Imanov, mentioned book, p67
became two wings of the party: left or Baku and right or Gence. The existence of this distinction
constituted the main reason for the political instability that Müsavat constantly exhibited.
To summarize, it can be said that this Congress has tried to declare the national ideals of
Azerbaijan and to formulate them on the basis of democratic principles. It should be noted that
the statements on this Congress are a demonstration of intellectual accumulation as well as all
social, political and cultural aspirations and wishes of the beginning of the century. At the same
time, it clearly demonstrated the progressive and democratic character of the Azerbaijani
national movement in the period just before independence.

3.2. The Establishment Phase of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan and

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh.

"The flag once raised will never fall"

M. E. Rasulzadeh

The summer and autumn seasons of 1917 have been the period of reorganization in the
political life of Azerbaijan. In this context, the Provisional Committee has replaced the members
of the Baku Muslim Community Organizations Committee in the direction of the Caucasus
Muslim Congress. In addition to representatives of political parties, culture and educational
institutions, trade unions, clergy, students and intellectuals were included in this Committee. The
elections were held with secret voting.

At the end of August, when the Azerbaijanis prepared themselves for new developments,
General Kornilov rebelled. With the help of some army groups, including the Muslim union,
General Kornilov advanced to the capital, Petrograd, to overthrow the Provisional Government.
The Muslim Committee of Social Organizations in Kaku distributed an urgent declaration
condemning the uprising.In the declaration, it is noted that the rebellion is prevalent in
revolutionary democracy because of lack of unity and compromise. In addition, Muslims invited
to be calm it was emphasized that they were present for the defense of the achievements of the
February Revolution and they supported the revolutionary authority in the country.

Swietochowski, mentioned book, p.167
The Bolsheviks reported that they had seized power in Petrograd When they arrived in
Baku, the Baku Soviet did not want to accept it, but the native Bolsheviks captured the majority
in the Soviet and changed its decision. The Azerbaijani people who think of the Bolsheviks'
promises of autonomy or self-determination. It can be said that at first they approached favorably
of the overthrow of the Provisional Government. It is also known that the Provisional
Government is also engaged in discrimination politics against them (such as the failure to
establish national army units) and in many cases remained indifferent. However, following the
previous governments, the Bolsheviks showed distrust of the Azerbaijanians in addition to a
centralized political practice.The overthrow of the Provisional Government led to new
developments in the South Caucasus. On November 11, 1917, a meeting was held in Tbilisi with
representatives from all political parties and groups. Instead of Ozakom, the representative of the
Provisional Government, a new local government, the South Caucasus Commissariat
(Zakavkom), was established in the region.Despite all this, on January 5, 1918, the Russian
Constituent Assembly was closed at the first session under the order of the President of the
Bolshevik government Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin). In this case, South Caucasian
representatives have no choice o rether than return. After the negotiations, it was decided to
convene a regional council, SeyAmin, by tripling the number of representatives. As a result, the
South Kagkasya Seymi was opened on February 23, 1918. There were 44 representatives from

The road from the February 1917 Revolution in the Russian Empire to the declaration of
the independence of Azerbaijan was full of troubles. Despite the democratic gains that took place
in this era, it could also be considered military democracy, which contains periodic extremes and
massacres. The nations that survived the "People's Prison" tried to organize to benefit from the
blessings of such democracy. Azerbaijanis, like other nations, first expressed their willingness to
autonomy and, as a result of the development of subsequent events, preferred to establish their
own governments and to live independently. In this sense, the period can also be seen as an
important step in the nationalization process of Azerbaijan. This chapter will cover the events
during the formation of the modern Azerbaijani state. The place of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh,
who has his own role and contributions in this process, can not be denied. Here, together with
M.E.Rasulzadeh, important events outside Baku and beyond will be mentioned. However, it
should be stated that every event and detail in this period can not be given due to lack of
resources. The oscillations will be summarized in the available data and position light available.

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh. In 1884 he was born as the son of a religious man in
Novhani near Baku. His father is Hacı Molla Ali Akber, his mother is Zalkiz Ziynet. Starting
from his early ages, he studied Arabic and Persian, taking a full Turkish-Islamic education in the
family environment - especially his father. He knew the language and literature of Persia so well,
especially when it started to journalism in Tahrasa that everybody fell into astonishment.107

In 1903, when he was only 19 years old, he wrote a letter to the Russian newspaper the
Orient-I and was taken to the press. At that time, the only Turkish newspaper in the entire
Caucasus, the young person who prefers to talk to the newspaper with a letter. Not long ago, the
letter was published under the title "Letter from Baku".108

In 1903 and 1904, Rasulzadeh served as the chairman of the Young Azerbaijani
Revolutionaries Union, and he served as the president of the Union of the Young Azerbaijani
Revolutionaries, Himmet (illegal, 1904-1905), Evolution (1906-1907), Irshad (1905-1908),
Davet-Koç -1907) and Terakki (1908-1909) in the newspapers and magazines.

The political and intellectual activities of M. E. Rasulzadeh began with the sympathy of
the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and continued with the participation of an illegal
autonomous magazine called Himmet. Himmet 's chief editor and the most important writer, M.
E. Rasulzadeh, made a call for national unity in this short - lived magazine. In many posts he
opposed the division of Azerbaijan youth into nationalist, democratic, socialist, moralist, or
criminal, and argued that the basic propositions of socialism and democracy are not contrary to
Islam. Himmet magazine soon became a Muslim Socialist party. M. E. Rasulzadeh and his
colleagues have tried to develop an ideology in their party against the Muslim ignorance and the
oppressive administration of the Tsar. According to Swietochowski: "The suppression of the
masses stemmed mainly from the rule of the strangers, and the target of the attack was more of a
Muslim cleric who tackled the Tsar bureaucracy and the Russian despotism than the capitalist
system, and the Europeanized bourgeoisie and intellectuals were heavily quoted, but only for
abandoning local languages and traditions.

On the positive side, Himmet's propaganda appears to be a bit more revolutionary than
the previous programs of Azerbaijani intellectuals, which have become more important over
time. Above all, the slogans of social revolution have not been included in the basic demands,

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, Republic of Azerbaijan (formation and present state of
freedom), 1.

b. , Istanbul: 1990, p. IX
Azerbaijan history book(class 11)
there is a demand for more education and education in the mother tongue, and improvement of
the woman's status. "109

The Himmetists also published the bilingual Azerbaijani-Armenian magazine Invitation /

Koç (organ of the Armenian-Muslim Union) and the editorial of the weekly publication by M. E.
Rasulzadeh. In the first issue of Evolution, M.E.Rasulzadeh examined the question of
nationality. While the constitutionalists advocated equality between nations, social democrats
brought the relations of sovereignty between the nations to the agenda. As a result,
M.E.Rasulzadeh said that social democracy is not in conflict with the progress that a nation has
made in itself. Many other articles defended "nationalism based on citizenship principle",
pointed to the formation of teachers and demanded "the nationalization of elementary schools."

After the Russian Revolution of 1905, many newspapers and magazines were published,
and many magazines were administered. Ahmed Agaoglu, who had undertaken important duties
at that time, took an important place among the Azerbaijani intellectuals with well-known names
such as Huseyinzade Ali (Turanlı) and Jalil Mammadguluzade.

The Evolution and Comrade personally managed it, and since 1906, he has also made the
editorship of Terakki for a while. In these periodicals, efforts to define concepts such as freedom,
nation, nationality, human rights, civilization and to adopt public are remarkable in the articles
about social and political issues. As a result, these thoughts have been transcended very soon, in
the form of "liberty for the people, independence for the nations". It is known that
M.E.Rasulzadeh wrote interesting poems, writing poems, Lights in the Dark (1908), and
Nagehan Bela (1908). In the dark, the lights were first staged on December 5, 1908 in Baku. 110

In March 1907, the Russian government shut down the Evolution, arrested a large
number of prominent Himmen and sent a group of Himmetchians, including M. E. Rasulzadeh
and a few friends, to exile in Iran. Swietochowski writes that M. E. Rasulzadeh was regarded as
a leading intellectual at national level in Iran during this period. After discussing with Settar
Khan and his colleagues who were the leaders of the movement in Tabriz, he went to Tehran and
directed Persian Iran-i Nev (New Iran) (1908-1911).

In Brovvne's words, this was "the largest, most important and most recognizable of all
Iranian newspapers, and it was also the first large-scale newspaper in Europe. He has introduced

MEHMETZADE, Mirza Bala: Milli Azerbaycan Hareketi, Azerbaycan Kültür
Derneği,Ankara, 1991, p.80
Natalizia G. Pommier Vincelli D. , Azerbaigian. Una lunga storia edito da Passigli, 201 , p.99

Iranian journalistic methods to Europe and has become an example. " Iran-i Nev is famous for its
radical attitude and its articles emphasizing the failure of the new government of Sipahidar
Governor Khan, especially when M. E. Rasulzadeh signed with Nux172 nickname. In October
1911, Iran-i Nev was the publication of the Democratic Party of Iran. As a result of Baku's
rapid industrialization due to petroleum, a considerable part of the labor force needed was met
from Tabriz. At a time when thousands of Iranian Azerbaijanis are working as workers in Baku,
an Azerbaijanis has achieved such an important position in Iran, achieving a highly respected

The Russian government, which did not want to carry out revolutionary activities in the
"Pan-Azeri" nature on the southern borders, officially requested the deportation of
M.E.Rasulzadehh from Iran in May 1912. Thus, M. E. Rasulzadeh who came to Istanbul
participated in Turkish Circle. When M.A.Rasulzadeh returned to Baku in 1913, when all
political exiles were forgiven, he joined the Musavat party, established by his close friends,
Abbas Kasımzade and Korbelay Mihailzade in 1912, from the former Himmet Party. The
equality between the Russian and Muslim peoples of the Musavat Empire, which stands for
equality, symbolized the claim. Kasımzade and Mihailzade are asking for independence,
economic development and prosperity for all Muslim countries by basing their illegal parties on
the unity of all Muslims.

The Party published various reports supporting the Ottoman Empire in the 1912 Balkan
War and became even more powerful under the leadership of M.A.Rasulzadeh. M. A.
Rasulzadeh meets with Ahmet Ağaoğlu and Hüseyizade Ali, who still have to leave Azerbaijan
as a result of Russian press like Istanbul. In this period, besides the political activity of
M.E.Rasulzadeh, he returned to journalism and concentrated on the theory of politics.

He often referred to nationality and national language. In a published article in Diriliyi,

two words that are still confusing to the Azerbaijani people are the words umma and nation. He
insisted that there is a clear difference between the two concepts. The Ummah has a special
religious meaning and expresses collective consciousness of all those who believe in Islam,
whereas the nation means a community sharing a common language, culture, history and
religion, and religion is only one and the last in these elements.

Thus, for the first time in the political scene of Azerbaijan, the concept of a nation
defined as secular has come to the agenda. This secular approach has also shaped the ideology of

Swietochawski, mentioned book , s. 10
Swietochowski, mentioned book , s. 10
Musavat, later called Musavatism. M. A.Rasulzadeh also participated in the ongoing national
language debate among the defenders of the Ottoman version of the Turkish language and those
advocating Azerbaijani language. He rejects both tendencies and defends a simple language that
can be understood by the widest possible audience. 113

M. Rasulzadeh began publishing the Open Letter in 1915, using the Turkish word instead
of the Tatar or Muslim words. This "Turkish Newspaper" has begun to defend national
independence within the conditions set by the First World War. In the first issue of the Open
Note, M. E. Rasulzadeh said that after the war the world map would change. The new shape the
mart will take will be determined by such factors as state organizations, the power of the armed
forces, the people's self-sacrifice, and national ideals. The solutions that ignored the existence of
national units could only be short-lived. The Open Word soon became the word of the Musavat
party between the intelligents and the Azerbaijani youth in particular. University students
gathered around the newspaper, also read in the Turkish communities in other parts of Russia,
have begun to establish their own organizations.114

The conditions of the World War began to threaten the existence of the Russian Tsarist and
the Russian Empire began to shake. In February 1917, the Duma of the State and the revolt of
the Soviet of Workers and Soldiers were tsar II. He wants Nikolay's resignation. The end of the
reign of the Romanov dynasty ended with the Russian monarchy. The provisional government,
which was first established, issued a Declaration of Peoples to remove almost all the restrictions
imposed by the old regime on religious and national issues for citizens. In this context, all
political and social organizations to strengthen their position, and to defend their interests at the
highest level.

As Ronald Grigor Suny stated, "The Azerbaijani leaders discussed the formation of a
Muslim Council by convening various meetings in March to unite the Muslim community and
create a credible voice to represent all Baku Muslims. he chose a temporary committee from
within. " M. A. Rasulzadeh perceived the Council as the center of important political power for
the future, and proposed territorial autonomy for the regions where the majority of Muslims in
Russia, including Azerbaijan, are located. The local Social-Democratic Party Himmet tried to
limit the role of the national political organization (Council) only to cultural issues. Finally, the
Council adopted a resolution demanding a Russian Republic to be organized on the basis of

Çağla, mentioned book , p. 61
KURAT, Akdes, Nimet: Rusya Tarihi Baslangıçtan 1917’ye kadar, Türk Tarih Kurumu
basımevi, Ankara, 1993.,p. 61
geographical federation and called for the establishment of a new organization to which all
Russian Muslims would be involved.

In the same way that Musavat accepted this thesis, M.E.Rasulzadeh and his colleagues
became the leaders of Azerbaijan's greatest political power. This time the conditions were quite
different from the first All-Russian Muslim congresses held between 1905 and 1907. 178 At that
time, as long as the Tatar intellectuals pioneered the movement to remain in Russia, new
conditions imposed by the World War were now in question. The interests of the local
bourgeoisie have now reached such different dimensions that they can demand local autonomy.

It is made a new All-Russian Muslim Congress in Moscow in May 1917 Delegates from
Turkestan, Kyrgyzstan, Bashkiristan and Crimea while advocating Musavat's principles of
territorial autonomy and sovereignty, the Volga Tatars who lived scattered in different regions
defended the thesis of cultural autonomy, arguing that their interests should be represented at a
higher and central level. The socialists connected with the Russian Revolution also shared the
approach of the Volga Tatars in order to prevent local landowners and capitalists from
strengthening their positions.

The main advocate of territorial autonomy is M.A. Rasulzadeh now said that they lived in
a world evolving as a nation of nations and that the Azerbaijani people saw themselves first as
Turkish people and then as Muslims. Restricting the autonomy program to the activity of
Congress, the united organization of all Russian Muslims, would be a serious injustice to various
Turkish communities that are developing their national consciousness. M. A. Rasulzadeh also
defended that "big Muslims must be separate divisions for the Turkish people, Iranians and
Arabs in their home". The congress was concluded by proclaiming the victory of
M.E.Rasulzadeh and Musavat. As Alan Fischer says: "In the final case, the territorial autonomy
against purely cultural autonomy was accepted by two-thirds majority, and the proposed
proposal contained the following statements: including the national / cultural autonomy to be
recognized by nationalities without governmental, borderline territorial units most suitable for
protecting the interests of Muslim populations, It is a democratic republic based on national,
territorial and federal principles. "In 1917, the decision of unification of the Turkish Adem-i
Centralization Party, led by Musavat and Nesib Yusufbeyli, 115

Among the other actors influencing the political process in Azerbaijan in this period were
the Party of Islamic Union, the Azerbaijani socialist party Himmet close to the Bolsheviks, the

Mehmetzade, mentioned book, p. 63
local Bolsheviks formed by Russian and Armenian socialists and the Armenian Dashnaksuttyun
Party. Russian Bolsheviks in October When they surrendered the Temporary Government in St.
Petersburg, Musavats met the revolution with great joy, thinking that Lenin's slogan "the right of
nations to self-determination" could be interpreted as a broad territorial autonomy for

It supported the establishment of a high authority in the form of a regional Seym on the
Russian and Armenian-dominated Baku Soviet, as well as Transcaucasia. For Musavats, the
Seym has come to mean a departure from Russia's legitimate path and is seen as the immediate
fulfillment of the ideals of federalism. The Baku Soviet, however, refused to leave the
revolutionary Russia directly under the command of Lenin, disregarding the national claims of
the Azerbaijanis. On the other hand, although the Musavats were represented in the Muslim
group of the Transcaucasian Seymy, the Federation did not have the authority to control all
Azerbaijani territories. As the Baku Soviet became a Bolshevik / Dashnak dictatorship, the
tension became uncompromising and the tension turned into openness. Swietochowski argued
that violence broke out like an uprising led by Musavatists:116

"The conflict was both ideological and national in nature and began as a coup attempt by
the Azerbaijani nationalists supported by the anti-revolutionary Russian officers against the
Soviet regime, and the military of the Armenian Dashnak Party allied with the Soviets turned
into intercultural massacres within three days after the action, at least three thousand Muslims.
As a result, on May 28, 1918 the National Council of Azerbaijan declared its independence and
opened its own republic.117The words "Once again a rising flag will never fall down", which
M.E. Rasulzadeh spoke at the opening speech of the Azerbaijani parliament in Baku on
December 7, 1918, became a national passion in Azerbaijani political history.

After the Bolsheviks took over the administration in Azrbaycan on April 27, 1920, they
were caught by the Bolsheviks after living with the fugitives for a while. It was then removed
from prison by direct intervention of Stalin from Baku. Stalin even visited M. E. Rasulzadeh in
prison before taking him to Moscow with him. M. A. Rasulzadeh was released from prison
shortly before the day of leaving Baku on the same train with Stalin and was allowed to speak
with his family for a few hours.

Pommier Vincelli, La repubblica democratica dell'Azerbaigian. I documenti militari italiani
(1919-1920), edito da Nuova Cultura, 2012, p. 64
Rasulzadeh, mentioned book , p. XV
M.A.Rasulzadeh married his uncle's daughter. She left her two sons and a daughter in
Baku with her as she traveled to Moscow. M. A. Rasulzadeh came out of prison and his young
son Azeris; a two-month baby and his father saw him for the first time and was leaving to see his
family for a long time. The granddaughter of M. A. Rasulzadeh Firuze Mammadova's "Provinces
and tales; According to the information given by F. Mammedova, the older son of M.E
Rasulzadehh, who was 19 years old, did not enter the line, and his 17 years old son was sent to
exile in Kazakhstan The daughter, Latife, married Damascene Muslimzade in 1930, but the
family was imposed to Stalin terror. During this period of exile in Moscow, M.A.Rasulzadeh,
with many politicians, has the opportunity to exchange ideas and to get to know Soviet Russia
more closely.

In the summer of 1922 he has arrived in Turkey. However, as a result of political

pressures he has been forced to leave Turkey. His subsequent exile took place in various
European countries. Turkey sent out him then in 1930s allowed the Turkish people to return to
the country again. This permission is over in 1947 by M. Rasulzadeh after he returned to
Turkey.118 One of the personalities who played an important role in the recent history of
Azerbaijani is undoubtedly Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh. His life story represented Azerbaijan's
fortune and misfortune. The struggle of the Rasulzadeh in the triangle of Baku -Tahran-Istanbul
(it is possible to complete this with the addition of Moscow and Warsaw), with the ideals of
Ahmet Caferoğlu, The fate of Azerbaijan 2nd March Massacre.

Since the beginning of 1918, relations between the Baku Soviet and especially the
Bolsheviks and the Azerbaijanis have been strained from day to day. It should be noted that the
purpose of the Bolsheviks was to remove all the forces of the Azerbaijani society from the
beginning, because Azerbaijanis did not want to stay connected to Russia while pursuing more
liberty. The Bolsheviks were using every opportunity to annihilate and provoke the Azerbaijanis
in order to seize all power in Baku, accusing them of being counter-revolutionaries. For example,
they have exaggerated the Shamkir (Shamhor) incident, in which some Russian soldiers died to
reinforce hostile sentiments against indigenous Muslims.119

In the historical literature, some details are important about SHemkir Öyay, which is
generally presented as biased. Western historians have recorded this as a "massacre" by giving
biased information about the events, as they generally use Bolshevik resources, and as a result,
no massacres are involved, and related news has become the manipulation of the Bolshevik

Abbasli, mentioned book , p.101
Imanov , mentioned book, p. 35
press. In addition, General Tousinski, commander of the Azerbaijani Cavalry Regiment, was
imprisoned by the Baku Soviet when he arrived in Baku in early February. Azerbaijanis have
reacted to this development. However, the Soviet did not have enough the power to oppose the
well-armed Red Army and its guards as well as the Caspian navy. Some soldiers and officers
from the Azerbaijani alliance, when they entered the ship of "Evelina" to leave Baku, the Soviet
forces detained their weapons and this initiative caused events called "March Massacre" in
history. 120

The next day, the Azerbaijani people organized a mass rally and demanded the return of
detained weapons. Baku Soviet president Stepan Shaumyan has promised M. E. Rasulzadeh that
Himmat Party leader Neriman Nerimanov will return weapons to his house. However, he has not
kept his word. The intention of the Bolsheviks was to press their social organizations in
Azerbaijan and remove them from the political scene, to establish their own power in the city.
Bolsheviks opened fire by unknown people against a cavalry regiment of the Indigenous Red
Army, using the Baku Soviet forces and even launching artillery fire at the neighborhoods where
Muslims lived. The Bolsheviks waited for a spark to engage in intimidation. What is important
here is that the Dashnaks also have thousands of Armenian troops waiting to enter the front line
in the city by giving full support to Bolsheviks. It played a decisive role in the assassination of
Azerbaijanis. In the end, this movement has lead to the massacre of more than 10 Azerbaijani
civilian including women, children and the elderly.

In this massacre which continued for four days (18-22 March), thousands of people were tried to
destroy the material cultural assets of Azerbaijanis. Tağıyev theater and many architectural
abstractions such as İsmailiye were burned and the printing and publishing buildings of the
newspapers such as Kaspi and Açık Söz were distributed and the Pez mosque was damaged.
thousands of Muslim homes have been tresspassed. Leaders of Azerbaijan have been taken into

After the incident, no Azerbaijani bureaucrat left, the Musavat Party organizations and
the Committee of Muslim Community Organizations were destroyed. In the end, the Bolsheviks
took power and formed a dictatorship. After the March massacre, the Azerbaijani people had no
choice but to put forward their full independence thesis. This event has turned into a breaking
point in Azerbaijanians' minds.

Natalizia G. Pommier Vincelli D. , Azerbaigian. Una lunga storia edito da Passigli, 2012, p.67

The March massacre was a complete shock for Azerbaijani deputies on Seym. However,
the South Caucasus government has done nothing serious and has not even opened a proper war
against the Baku Soviet. This government was actually dealing with stopping operations of the
Ottoman Army in the Caucasus front. Despite all the efforts, the results of the talks with the
Ottoman representatives made in Trabzon. By the other side, the Ottoman Army was taking a
fortune every day. They, who did not recognize the agreement of Brest-Litovsk 121(March 1918),
who saw it as part of Russia, wanted the abandonment of related places. After long negotiations,
despite the opposition of Azerbaijani deputies, Seym declared war on the Ottoman Empire.
However, this war lasted for a week and a ceasefire was made with the initiative of the
Ottomans. Meanwhile, on 22 April, the Seym, who had previously perceived himself within
Russia, decided to declare the South Caucasus an independent federal republic and went to meet
with the Ottoman State on new terms.

As Swietochovski notes: " Armenian and Georgians in Seym, and proclaimed the
Transcaucasian Federation in 22 April, which after a short period will be the unity of
Azerbaijanis . This federation internal strife was extinguished after four weeks as a result of
Turkey's pressure from Germany." The Ottoman representatives said that they were in demand of
new soil and the situation changed because of the war declared by the Seym. 122

As a result, this issue reinforced the disagreement between Azerbaijani, Georgian, and
Armenians in Seym and the new federated state could only last a month. At the end of May, the
Germans separated from the federal government with the assurance of the Germans, declared
their independence in 1918, and followed by Azerbaijanis and Armenians.

The situation in the country has been reevaluated. After the necessary political
infrastructure was prepared, the National Council of Azerbaijan, under the chairmanship of
Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, leader of the Musavat Party of Azerbaijani deputies of Seym,
declared the independence of Azerbaijan on 28 May 1918. Azerbaijan became the first
Muslim state founded on secular principles in the world. After this date, the multiparty
Parliament of Azerbaijan gathered in Gence and the new Azerbaijani administration started to

The Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaties, the Treaties of the Peace signed by the Tripartite Alliance
States during the First World War with the Soviet Union and Ukraine. After the Bolshevik
Revolution, the Soviet Union wanted to withdraw from the war, and after the Soviet
Government's request for peace in November 1917, peace negotiations began at the end of
December, and at the end of March 3, 1918 the Brest-Litovsk Settlement Treaties were signed.
Cagla, mentioned book, p.65
Sebahattin Şimşir, Azerbaijan's Independence Struggle, 1. b. , Istanbul: IQ Culture and Art
Publishing, 2003, p. 14
restructure the regional organizations. In a few months ; For the first time in history, a Turkish-
Muslim State, a Republican state and a fully legal state were established. In the Azerbaijani
Parliament there were representatives of "Social Democratic" and "Communist Party" including
the most right-wing conservative party, as well as representatives of the Party of Revolutionary
Socialists (Social Revolutions).

This independence province has announced the birth of a new nation-state to the world,
and this council has been transformed into the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is the temporary
capital Gence. The following statements are included in the declaration issued by the relevant
national shrub: "Just as Azerbaijani people have the right of domination since this day,
Azerbaijan, which consists of the South and East Mavera-Caucasus (Transcaucasia), is a state
possessing civil law. The state of the independent Azerbaijani state declares it as the People's
Republic ... "124 The declaration of independence consisted of six items125

1. Azerbaijan, as an entirely independent state, covers the southern and eastern regions of

2. The independent Azerbaijani state is a democratic republic, which is a governmental

state of law;

3. The Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan is determined to establish friendly relations

with all nations and states, especially its neighbors;

4. The Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan safeguards all civil and political rights of all
citizens within their borders regardless of ethnic origin, religion, class, profession or gender;

5. The Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan supports the free development of all nations
living within their borders.The highest authority in Azerbaijan is the National Council elected by
general vote until the founding assembly of Azerbaijan is convened. The provisional government
is in charge of the National Council.

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh saw Azerbaijan's declaration of independence as a

fundamental step on the way from nationalism to the nation. In his view, Azerbaijani nationalism
consciously prefers to be independent, and this independence is a nation - as the state wants to
rivet with. 126

www. geocites. com/hazar dergisi
Çağla, mentioned book , p. 65
According to Rasulzadeh, the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan was founded on three
basic principles: national sovereignty, freedom and equality. These three principles summarize
the legacy of western democracy in the way of Rasulzadeh's thinking. Rasulzadeh, as the founder
of independent Azerbaijan, also tried to create the synthesis of these three principles in
Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani nationalists were mainly western minded. It was also the reason
why the structure of the nation - states was clearly inspired by western democracies. The rise of
the national consciousness of the people has facilitated attempts to establish a modern state. The
Azerbaijani independence declaration and the demands of Azerbaijani representatives at the
Paris Peace Conference have a critical prescription in this respect. The declaration of
independence marks the beginning of the period of independence. Demands in Paris expressed
the efforts made by the international community for recognition at a later stage of independence.
However, both documents aimed to place Azerbaijan within the contemporary world, which was
politically independent and dominated by nation-states. 127

The Problems of Azerbaijan's Independence, Deprived of the support of its preferred Western
allies, Azerbaijan suddenly finds itself in the "twilight of independence", as Swietochowski calls
it. He has sought international recognition to sustain his independence. Immediately following
the declaration of independence, the National Council gave Fethali Han Hoyskiye, one of the
leaders of the national movement, to set up the first government. The main task of this
government was to complete the process of statehood. In other words, the new state organs, the
army, the security forces, urgently needed to organize. But most importantly, it saved the Soviet
hand in which were active the Bolsheviks and Dashnaks128, the capital of the country,. In order to
put an end to their power, the young republic needed emergency military aid, except for a regular
national army and some generals. There were a large number of officers who would soon form
this army. According to Tsarist politics, Azerbaijanis have not been soldiers for many years: they
have lost their military talents and traditions that have once been famous in the region. For this
reason, the Azerbaijani government would provide foreign support by signing a friendship
agreement with the Ottoman State.

In this period, it can be said that the situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan is very
critical both in terms of external and internal life. There was not a good start, especially with
neighbors. First, from nearby neighbors, Iran protested Azerbaijan's independence and name. As
a result, Caucasus Azerbaijan has begun to be used as the official national name in the

Dashnak-is an Armenian nationalist and socialist political party, founded in 1890 in Tbilisi
international arena. The second event demanded the removal of Azerbaijani soldiers, arguing
that on July 21, 1918, the Germans were provoked and the Georgian, the small town on the
border, belonged to them. As a result of the reconciliation, border conflict could be prevented.129
Finally, the western neighbor, the Armenians, attacked the borders of the country under the
command of General Andranik and acted very ruthlessly against Azerbaijanis. Parallel to the
political work, neighbors relations did not go well in the area of economic cooperation at the
beginning. Azerbaijan, for example, was left without money, while Georgians agreed with the
Armenians on the issue of coinage and pressed the former South Caucasus bills to overcome
financial difficulties temporarily. For this reason, the Government was thinking of getting a loan
from the Ottoman State. In addition, the economic situation in the country in the summer of 1918
was getting worse. The state budget and tax collection system has not yet been formulated
efficiently. On the other hand, the new banknotes could not be brought out by reason of the
absence of cash machines. As a result, serious difficulties arise in the balance of payments.

3.3. Azerbaijani-Ottoman Relations (Summer 1918).

The Ottoman Empire supported this new Republic with special conditions. In this
process, the President of the Council, Rasulzadeh, tried to play an intermediary role between the
Islamists and the Ottoman anti-socialists, which the Ottoman State actually supported. It can be
argued that the Ottoman intervention had already cooled some Azerbaijani intellectuals who had
favored the Ottoman Empire and a Pan-Turkist union and led them towards independence. In
addition, the fact that the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan was not officially recognized by
the Ottoman State, that the Rasulzadeh, which is in the position of head of state, was forced to
represent the state in Istanbul, and the Ottoman general Nuri Pasha130, who came with his troops
for military support, actually carried out Ottoman guardianship. it has created a frustration.

Among other political developments of this period should be the establishment of a

government under the chairmanship of independent Fethalin Khan Hoyski and the withdrawal of
Baku by the "Islamic Army" formed of seven thousand Azerbaijani forces with eight thousand
Ottoman soldiers.

On June 3, 1918, the newly conquered Ottoman city was headed by the Azerbaijani
delegation in Batumi, and at the same time, Foreign Minister Mammad Hasan Hacınski and

Imanov ,mentioned book ,p.110
Chairman of the National Council M.E. Rasulzadeh signed a friendship treaty with the Ottoman
State authorities. This treaty contained the main points of connection between the two
states.According to Article 4 of the Azerbaijan-Ottoman Treaty, the Ottoman State could help
with the military forces in the direction of Azerbaijan's state regime and the reestablishment of
internal security (three and four in total). In order to help the Bolsheviks from Baku, The state
has applied. Then M. E. Rasulzadeh said, "The wish of the Council of Nations, representing the
Azerbaijani ajalis-I as a general interpreter, military-yi Osmaniye celbine ", which is located in
Batum. He sent Halil Menteshe, the chairman of the Ottoman delegation.

Enver Pasha of the Ottoman Empire, especially Harbiye Nazrir, immediately responded
to this application and sent the 5th Caucasus division to Azerbaijan, which had gained
experience in the Ottoman Army's well equipped Canakkale War. This military force was
reorganized under the command of Nuri Pasha, stepbrother of Enver Pasha, in the name of the
Caucasian Islamic Army. From May 1918 onwards, Nuri Pasha had established the Gilead
mansion. The Azerbaijani-Ottoman relations, which started with good intentions, became critical
with Nuri Pasha's involvement in the internal affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, leading to a
government crisis. When Nuri Pasha moved to the temporary capital Gence after 19 days of
temporary residence in Tbilisi, Nuri Pasha first knew this Surname and his government, the true
representative of Azerbaijan. This behavior is disrespectful to the elected and legitimate
institution calling for help from the Ottoman Army. As a result, representatives were sent to Nuri
Pashan's political affairs adviser Ahmed Agaoglu.

The insecurity of Nuri Pasha's National Council and Government led to the government
crisis. This event is known in history literature as the "June Crisis." Almost all writers openly
explain this crisis through internal struggle between the national powers. M.A. Rasulzadeh
regarded the crisis as a struggle for a democratic and aristocratic mind in the country's
administration. Historical historians of Turkish people have also pointed out that this is the case
with the supporters of independence (independents) as an internal encounter between the
supporters of the union (the annexes).131

The common view is that the supporters of the union gathered from every side Gence and
they wanted to unite with the Ottoman State by rejecting the independence of Azerbaijan. They
have influenced Nuri Pasha with their views and provocations. It seems that there were other
dimensions in the case. The June Crisis, the Ottoman State can be seen as the result of dental
policy makers' approach towards Azerbaijan. It can be argued that the main point of this policy is

İmanov, mentioned book , p. 9
not to completely control Azerbaijan and tolerate a strong authority. How did the June Crisis
resolved? ? It seems that after long negotiations, the parties have reached consensus. On June 17,
1918, he held a meeting with the National Council and discussed this issue. The Muslim
Socialist Block and the Himmet Party resigned from the meeting. The National Council, which
established a new government under the presidency of F. H. Hoyski,accepted the decision to
annul it. All the authorities were transferring this new ruler. After the National Chamber was
closed, the state of emergency across Azerbaijan was declared. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
did not allow anyone to enter the country without the opinion of the Caucasus Islamic Army
Command. All political activities were banned. As Rasulzadeh noted, Party life was stopped in
the course of Turkish existence.

In June 1918, the government adopted the red flag, a star and crescent, resembling the
flag of the Ottoman State as a national symbol. Here, only the star's corner was drawn as five,
not eight.133 It seems that this flag did not represent the basic characteristics of the Azerbaijani
nation and society. As a result, 10 days after the Mondros Armistice, on November 9, 1918, the
Government would replace it with a flag consisting of three colors - blue, red and green - and a
crescent and eight-pointed star, the symbol of today's Azerbaijani Republic.134 Apart from these,
the eight-day internal day, the production control of workers and the collective bargaining of
workers, was abolished and the closure of land reform stopped. . . the socialists' activities were

After signing the Treaty of Batum with the Ottoman State, the newly established
Caucasian states, including the North Caucasus Republic,were invited to a general meeting in
Istanbul to negotiate their issues and generally their statutes with the Alliance states.Meanwhile,
the most important development in Azerbaijan was the invasion of the Caucasian Islamic Army
in support of Azerbaijan forces against the Bolsheviks and Dashnaks, who were organized under
the Baku Soviet umbrella.135

Meanwhile, the defeat of the Bolsheviks has shaken their base in the city. The
Bolsheviks, who were unable to defend the city, were reduced from two, and the Baku Soviet

İmanov, mentioned book , p. 99-100
www. e-coğ
Mondros Armistice Agreement was signed between the Ottoman State and the Entente States on
3 November 1918. According to the 11th and 15th articles of this ceasefire, the occupation of the
Ottoman Empire Baku would not bring any obstacles to the British occupation. At the same time,
control over the South Caucasus railways would be left to British forces.
www. geocites. com/ Türk dünya
Abbaslı, mentioned book. ,p. 8
decided to invite British troops led by Enzeliden (Iran) General W. M. Thomson to defend the
city. 136

3.4. Cleaning of the Capital Baku from Enemies and implementation of The
Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan.

It was obvious that no problem could be solved without Baku, the economic and cultural
center of Azerbaijan. Moreover, the Government's international credibility was also linked to this
issue. For this reason, Rousseau repeatedly emphasized the importance of taking the city in every

Azerbaijan - As far as the Ottoman relations are concerned, it is observed that this
recognition is not legal but actual, even though the Ottoman State defines the Republic of
Azerbaijan. In fact, no formal representatives were appointed to Azerbaijan while official
Ottoman representatives were found in Tbilisi and Yerevan. The uncertainty of the status of the
Azerbaijani government emerged here even though the time-lag factor contributed to the
account. All these factors worried the Azerbaijani government. Azerbaijan

- The Ottoman common forces did not advance in front of Baku. Along with being small, an
Englishman had made a mockery. Lack of communication systems the Government could not
obtain the necessary information from the delegation of the Resulazade in Istanbul.

After long negotiations, on August 27, Germany and Bolshevik Russia reached an
agreement on the Caucasus. Germany promised that any third state beyond Georgia would be
helped and allowed to enter military operations. As the third country, the Ottoman State was
meant. In return, Russia would give a fourth of the oil produced in Baku to Germany. This treaty
was a blow to the independence of Azerbaijan. Both states did not regard Azerbaijan as an
element of international law.

In addition to the Brest - Litovsk Peace Treaty, the document which was betted on has
caused great repercussions in Istanbul press. The reaction of the chairman of the Azerbaijani
delegation, M. E. Rasulzadeh, immediately reflected in the newspapers. In an interview
published on 2 September in Istanbul's population newspaper İkdam, M. E. Rasulzadeh stated
that Azerbaijan would never return to the Russian captivity. The country aiming to be
independent could not think of its own future and its ownership in Baku. Rasulzadeh, after

Swietochowski, mentioned book, p.147
consulting with the Ottoman diplomats and consulting, gave a protest note about Baku.
Diplomatic summarizing the historical background of the subject, the social, cultural and
economic aspects of Azerbaijan's Baku he would not exist. On 12 September 1918, the protest
note was sent to other foreign embassies as well as Germany on behalf of the Azerbaijani

On the 15th of September, Azerbaijan-Ottoman joint forces entered Baku and cleared the
city from Russian-Dashnak gangs. The British troops abandoned the city one day before. After
Baku, the capital of the Republic and the national government moved here. One of the biggest
obstacles in front of the government is Azerbaijan independence was not officially recognized by
other states. The Brest signed between Russia and Germany on August 27, 1918, and
disregarding the existence of Azerbaijan -The Treaty of Litovsk137 made it hard to get things
done. According to this treaty, Baku should be given to Russia. In December 1918, a delegation
was established under the leadership of A. M. Topçubashı to send a decision of the Azerbaijani
Government and the Versailles Peace Conference, which will be in operation in 1919.

Delegates finally reached their conclusions in France for their convincing alliance states
under difficult conditions for 1 year, and officially recognized the existence of Republic of
Azerbaijan in 23 states of the world other than Russia on 12 January 1920. Embassies of the
Republic of Azerbaijan have been opened in many European capitals. This was a great victory
for Azerbaijan on the diplomatic scene. After the release of Baku, according to T.
Swierichowski, Nuri Pasha was no longer involved in internal administrative affairs except
military affairs. According to him, the change in Pasha's behavior stemmed from the important
efforts of the Azerbaijani Government to establish an independent state administration. However,
even if democratic gains are limited, it is necessary to recognize that Ottoman aid is very useful
in the long run. Azerbaijanis could not clear Baku and other regions without the help of Ottoman
military power. As for the intervention of the Ottoman authorities, such interventions and
restrictions have provoked the free sentiments of intellectuals, which has led to the rise of
Azerbaijani nationalism.

Since the establishment of the National Azerbaijani Government, in his short life he has
been able to do serious and concrete things on behalf of statism. There are many reforms the
Democratic Republic has undertaken in 23 months: - Government borders have been set shortly.
At that time the land area of the Republic was 113,960 km square. After the Russian invasion, a

large part of the territory of Azerbaijan was given to Armenians and today the area of Azerbaijan
is 86,600 km.

With the decision of August 1919, "the law on the citizenship of the Republic of
Azerbaijan was accepted. According to this law, regardless of nationality, religion, gender, and
political opinion, citizenship law was introduced to anyone born in Azerbaijani territory.

- The founding of the National Army has been accelerated. In restructuring the
Azerbaijan Army, the Ministry of Defense has accomplished great things despite its limited
opportunities. 25 thousand soldiers in 1919

-Azerbaijan National Army was established.138

-With the government's decision of 27 June 1918, the Azerbaijani language was
proclaimed as the State language, and the Russian language was allowed to be used in
Azerbaijani language as well as in official government offices. Serious progress has been made
in the field of education, and the number of schools providing education in Azerbaijan language
has been increased. Baku State University was established.

- The Baku clock has begun to be implemented on all sides of the country.139

3.5. The End of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, the rise of Soviet
Government and its results.

From the very first day of the Paris Peace Conference, Azerbaijani delegates watched a
large number of Russians who had found refuge in Paris. According to Topchubasi's reports,
there were about 60,000 Russian population, consisting of former ruling elite and anti-Bolshevik
groups. Distinguished politicians and diplomats, with the support of the military governments of
General Denikin and Admiral Kolchak, who fought against the Bolsheviks, put an effective
pressure on the Peace Conference and the Entente States. The slogan of "re-establishing Russia
with its old borders" was very good for them. So they did not even want to think about emerging

When the Azerbaijanis came to Parliament, they did not only encounter the Russian
bureaucrats who had tried their old form of the Russian empire, but were also forced to struggle

with the Entente States policy, which could be formulated as "indivisible Russia". After the
Bolsheviks came to power, Russia was in deep anarchy. There was a civil war between the
Bolsheviks controlling the central regions and the Whites in the surrounding areas (principally
the armies of Kolchak and Denikin). Entente States wanted a Russia where the Bolsheviks were
not in power. The reason was that the Bolsheviks refused to pay Russian sovereign debt. That is
why the Entente States are encouraging the White people and they do not even want to discuss
the issues with the newly formed states at the beginning.At the same time, Azerbaijanis were
saying that they did not see themselves as part of Russia, although they knew that the fate of
their own state depends on the settlement of the Russian civil war.The reason for this was very
simple: Azerbaijanis differed from the Russians in political, economic, social and cultural fields,
so they could not live together with them. Moreover, Azerbaijan's own parliament and
government it was already there. At the same time, there was as much human wealth and
educated human power as an independent to live independently.

During the Paris Peace Conference in November and December 1919, AM Topchubas
began to talk about the changes that took place in the European public against the "Russian
problem." Especially the London press had written about possible peace negotiations with the
Bolsheviks, and the day seems to have changed positively .What could be the reason for this
change? The main reason was the shift of the imbalance between the sides of the conflict in the
Russian civil war. From October onwards, admiral Kolchak and General Denikin were worried
about the state of the provinces because of the news of the defeat of the White powers to Avrıp.
It was understood that these commanders could not come from the top of the Bolsheviks. At the
same time, the entente states' great play in Russia had come to light. However, at least they
intended to stop the Red Army140 from moving towards the periphery.

After long negotiations, on 10 January 1920 the Supreme Council of Peace Conference
decided to de facto recognize the republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Outside the United States,
Britain, France, Italy, Japan and other states have ratified this recognition.

Meanwhile, the 11th Red Army troops approached the northern borders of
Azerbaijan.The leaders of the Azerbaijani Communists decided on April 27 that the conditions
for the coup d'état set as history had matured. Three days ago, on April 24, a group of very
unarmed communist clashes that signaled a move on April 25, all party committees received an
order to enter under the command of combat, and those convicted of order execution were

reportedly to be punished with death. On April 27, the date, shortly after midnight, Baku, news

He was given. The Communist Party leaders of the Azerbaijani Communist Party
declared the Musavat Party government to have been demolished, and now it was reported that
the only legal authority was the Azerbaijani Provisional Military-Revolutionary Committee
(Azrevkom) consisting of Nerimanov, Husayinov, Musabekov, Bunyadzade, Alimov and
Garayev. Azrevkom paid attention to the legal form of seizure of power, even if it was apparent.
Parliament convened urgently and Sultanov gave an ultimatum demanding that all powers of this
organ be transferred within 24 hours.

As the parliament's answer showed, the ultimatum assured many issues, some of them
aimed at securing the ruling party of the demolished regime while others were in the nature of
rescue. While the deputies were in negotiations, the communist crew of the little Caspian flotilla
directed their weapons to the parliament building. The position of the Parliamentary Guard
Regiment, composed of Turkish people, was equally threatening. At the beginning of the
emergency session, Minister of War Mehmendarov announced that he could not think of armed
resistance. While some pro-government constituting a small minority propose that the
government should move to Gence to carry out a defensive war, the socialists welcomed Soviet
power. On April 27, 1920, at 11 pm, the Parliament approved one of the opposition to be
submitted to the communist parties.

1- Azerbaijan's full independence will be covered right under Soviet administration.

2 - The government established by the Azerbaijani Communist Party will have authority,

3 -The ultimate administrative system of Azerbaijan, without any external pressure, will be
determined by the Azerbaijani workers' Village and the Soviet Soviet, the highest legal organ of

4 - All administrative offices will continue, only the persons in charge of responsible positions
will be replaced,

5 - The newly created temporary communist government will ensure the life and property
security of the existing government and parliamentary members,

6 - The new government has decided that the Red Army will lee,

Mammad Amin Rasulzadehh, Caucasus Turks, Istanbul: Turkish World Research Foundation,
1993, p. 6
7 - The new government, Azerbaijan to suppress the independence of against all external forces,
with full strength, by resorting to tough measures?

With this waiver of power, the independent state experience of Azerbaijan was officially
ended 1 hour before the time of the Bolshevik ultimatum. The takeover of power was almost
bloodless, and very few outside the Parliament were aware of the drama being played inside.
People think only. The Red Army troops were approaching Baku. A correspondent from a
communist newspaper wrote, "On the evening of April 27, there was a strange atmosphere of
tension on the city."

"The streets were full of people. They gathered in small groups, whispering. The news
that the Red Army was on the way and already captured the Haçmaz station spread rapidly in the
city. The tired people kept saying that we could prevent armed conflict. They were attracted to
their beds in excitement. . . The city, which did not know what the new regime was like and how
it would behave, fell asleep. The next day, the evening news, which was published on April 28,
kept silent about the coming ones. These were the last editions ". Azrevko same day he sent a
telegram to Lenin, officially It is reported that the "Musavatist" government has been
demolished, since the new Soviet power in Azerbaijan "can not cope with its own internal and
external pressures of the counter-revolution", Soviet Russia wanted to be fraternally assisted.

Meanwhile, the streets of Baku were boiling with Red Army uniformed soldiers,
Levandowski, who was at the head of his party, had already set up headquarters in the city. In
addition, Azerbaijan Sovnarkom was formed on April 28th, consisting of all indigenous
members, mostly former Himmen. Nerimanov was the president and the foreign minister. As a
strange fascination of history, Neriman Nerimanov, the origin of the Himmet, such as
Rasulzadeh, was at the head of his communist intelligence. Nerimanov will try to balance the
interests of the Azerbaijani people in the region of Soviet Russia with the longing for national

Other commissioners were H.N. Sultanov (Interior Affairs), J. Ildirim (Army and Navy),
A.H. Garayev (Labor and Justice), HM Musabekov (Agriculture, Trade and Industry), M.D.
Hüseyinov (Finance), J. Vezirov ), A. Elimov (Health). Although the ultimate power was in the
hands of Ordhzonikidze's cabinet, it was about time that the most radical part of this Azerbaijani
intellectual class was victorious.

Many leading Musavats were killed, some of them started underground fighting.
Rasulzadeh was subjected to compulsory residence in Moscow this time. Many Musavat leaders,

including Fethali Han Hoyski and General Mehmandarov, former Defense Minister, and
aristocrats from the right wing of the government were arrested. Rasulzadeh personally refused
Stalin's invitation to join the communist party, and In 1921, years of exile began life. While
Lenin informed the regime change in Baku, he considered the event primarily within the
framework of the economic needs of Russia, seeing the Bolsheviks as a comfort to the
contradictions they had everywhere, and wrote: "The news we received from Baku shows that
our industry is going well. We all know that our industry is constantly suffering from oil
shortages, but according to reports it is now receiving, the proletariat in Baku has taken over the
government by dropping the government of Azerbaijan. This is now an economic foundation that
will bring life to our industry. "142

Two more weeks ago, Lenin had tasked someone to deal with the Baku oil, and A. P.
Serebrovski, in line with this duty, began to refer to Russia immediately after the Red Army
entered the city. Two years after independence of Azerbaijan, the legal existence of Azerbaijan
came to an end. The Transcaucasian Federation of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia, which was
abolished on March 12, 1922, entered Soviet control again. On 30 December this federation
formed the Soviet Union with RSFSR, Belorussia and Ukraine, and since then has officially
belonged to the family of Azerbaijan Soviet Republics.143

According to the government structure of Soviet Azerbaijan, Azrevkom was the highest
executive and legislative body. "Azerbajjanskiy Revolyutsionniy Komitet" (The Revolutionary
Committee of Azerbaijan) Interestingly, the definitions did not appear after the soviet movement
of the Soviets, the executive organ, Baku was elected. In other places, the "Revolyutsionniy
Komitet" Revkoml'ların (revolutionary committee) passed the hand.144

They were appointed by the Internal Affairs commission at the level of uezd, and by the
organ at the uezd level of the commissariat, at the town and village level. Since there were not
enough communists in many parts of the country, a president was sent from Baku to form
Revkorn, and members could even be among the indigenous people, even those who were not
close to communists in the past. All political parties outside the Azkp (B) had been dissolved,
but not all Azrevkom's orders. The leading Mensheviks entered the service of the Ceka. Many of
the leaders of the Socialist Bloc, who supported the Bolsheviks' seizure of power, were rewarded
with a majority in the Baku Soviet. Musavat's left wing attempted to prevent the disintegration

Mehmetzade, mentioned book p. 241-243
Zenkovskiy, mentioned book, p.33
Swietochowski, mentioned book , p. 244
by reorganizing. At the April 28 congress, they approved the cooperation with Azrevkom,
provided that the Bolsheviks accepted their conditions.

The situation of some members of the old regime was not so good. The following day on
April 27, arrests and executions began, and two weeks later, bloody repatriation had arrived with
the spread of resistance to communist rule. Yusufbekov, General Sulkievvicz, Ziyathanov,
Raiibekov, Fethali Han Hoyski and Agazade were among the dead, the last two of whom were
slaughtered in their exile in Tbilisi.145

The other direction where the Bolsheviks stared their eyes was in the south, towards Iran.
The revolutionary movements spreading in Iranian Azerbaijan and the GILO seemed promising.
After months of preparatory work, Hiyabani's * Democratic Party launched a rebellion against
the Tehran government on 15 April 1920 in Tabriz. The rebels proclaimed an independent
republic under the name Azadistan (Liberty Country). English the attitude of the Tebriz rebels
who took hostile attitude towards imperialism was friendly to Soviet Russia. The Bolsheviks
favorably welcomed the Baku Darbes, who regarded this movement as a victory for the former
Himmen. However, a short time later, the last word of Baku is in Russia. Moreover, when they
started to see an expanding politics, they changed their minds. Azadistan soon became a ruling
force for those who opposed Soviet power in the north of the Aras river.146

The purpose of the Bolsheviks was to take their initiative to bring them to Azerbaijan.
The main aim was to head west to capture the rest of Transcaucasia. Ordzhonikidze believed that
Georgia and Armenia could be occupied within a few weeks. As a matter of fact, at the
beginning of May, the main forces of the 11th Army were spreading along the western borders of
Azerbaijan. The drama played in Baku in both neighboring republics, the repetition of the classic
scenario of seizing power, ie. It was expected that a communist uprising would occur at the same
time as the Red Army entered the country. Communist underground activities in Georgia and
Armenia, however, were found to be weaker than in Baku, and local regimes were stronger. On
May 2, the minor uprising in Tbilisi was suppressed by the government. In some parts of
Armenia, the May Day demonstration against the Dashnak rule, which was a struggle in turmoil,
resulted in almost complete destruction of local communist organizations.

Hugh, Pope "Sons of the conquerors: the rise of the Turkic world", New York: The Overlook
Press, 2006 p. 245
* Sheikh Muhammad Hiyabani, the leader of the South Azerbaijani independence movement,
founded the Azerbaijani Democratic Party in Tabriz.
Azeri Ali, Azadistan State and Sheikh Muhammad Hiyabani, trans. Eloğlu, Ankara: Elektonic
Communications Agency, p. 99
During the first month of Baku's occupation, the goals of the Soviets beyond Azerbaijan
remained on the agenda, one of the reasons being the stubborn attitudes of the Azerbaijani
people who emerged from the moral shock of occupation. The opposition was neither united nor
massively organized, but two centers of political activity against the Soviet were formed: the
secret society of the Azerbaijani Salvation Committee and the Young Musavats established by
the refugees in Tbilisi.

The main stance of the opposition against communist rule was the sudden reaction of the
people who complained of heavy subsistence demands, arbitrary administration of the Soviet
government, and militant secularism of the administration. Dissatisfaction also spread among the
Azerbaijani military units, which were not so much connected with the old regime. The reason
for the complaints within the army was the attempt to adapt the Azerbaijani Army to the Red
Army model, in this direction some of the officers were dismissed and the troops were divided.

Ganja garrison commander and staff officers to take the place of the Red Army officers
first and most of the Azerbaijani uprisings. causing the emergence of violence. Thus, even if
delayed, the real resistance of Azerbaijan began. The mayor of Ganja, 18 May, 18 May, revolted
and captured the city of Muslims. With the rapid arrival of the Red Army forces by train, Gence
was besieged and disconnected from the countryside.

In response to the expected spread of the Red Army rebellion, a special command was
issued regarding the road to be followed, which was alarming. The Red Forces, large non-small
units of the brigade would be gathered and would occupy the appropriate sites for long-term
defense. For now, the commanders in the region have been ordered to make an attempt to disarm
the people: those who conceal their weapons and attempt to resist, they will be executed and they
will be given an extra reward for spontaneously delivering their weapons.147148

The rebellion spread to some parts of the country, but the conflicts never exceeded the
intensity in Gence. However, after the situation was resolved in this most important strategic
center and the Russian forces spread to other regions, there was a great uprising in Karabakh.

The uprising took over Shusha, where the Azerbaijani Infantry Division joined them, but
the rebels soon came to the hundreds with the Red Army cavalry supported by an air flotilla.

Altstadt, Audrey L(1992). The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity under Russian Rule, p.
Stanford, California : Hoover Institution Press.p.108
Cornell, Svante E. (2011) Azerbaijan Since Independence.
United States of America: M.E.Sharpe , inc,p.31
Despite the fact that there was no danger of another uprising in Zakatala, the Red Army easily
took Shusha back on June 15th. The uprisings were suppressed by harsh measures, but beyond
that, the reason for their ineffectiveness was internal weaknesses specific to suddenly rising rural
uprisings. The anti-Russian riots of Azerbaijan were very similar to the rebellious movements
seen in the traditional societies in the first half of the 19th century, with limited scopes, lack of
communication and short durations. These rebellions, widespread as a century ago, were
suppressed separately and in rapid succession. From time to time the Russians, unable to use the
Sunni - Shi conflict, sent native workers' groups against the rebel, so they used a civil war
against the city. Nevertheless, even if hesitant, the uprisings continued. A second surge occurred
in September 1920, when the representatives of the 38 countries were gathered for the First
Eastern Peoples Congress in Baku.

This meeting, which was aimed at celebrating the communist revolution in Azerbaijan
and also as a herald for others in Asia, followed a series of Muslim uprisings against the Soviet
government. The most widespread of these was the Dagestan rebellion, in which the 11th Army
was threatened to cut off its connection with Russia.

In this strong state of Muslim resistance, the struggle for the protection of Sharia149
continued until the spring of 1921. This struggle had many effects in Azerbaijan, such as being
the most important, being a model and giving courage. The Armenian resistance of the
Azerbaijanis continued until 1924, when the Soviets invaded Armenia on December 2, 1920, on
18 March 1921, while Georgia invaded Georgia. With the fall of these two independent
republics, the dominance of the communists over Azerbaijan was strengthened. Thus the fate of
the people of the Transcaucasian people was confirmed against their giant neighbors.

3.6. Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh's Exile Period, life in Moscow and Post-
Republican development in Azerbaijan.

The period of Azerbaijan becoming an independent state lasted for 23 months. The
Russians have been waiting for the Baku oil to find help in the ongoing Turkish national struggle
in Anatolia. Before being occupied by Russian armed forces, Azerbaijan President Mammad
Amin Rasulzadeh, especially the President of Azerbaijan, asked Halil Pasha and other Turkish
political refugees not to comply with the Russians and not to break the spirituality of the people

Sharia, Sharia law or Islamic Law is the religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition.
by informing them that the Russian communists would try to invade Azerbaijan by pretending to
help Anatolia. However, Halil Pasha did not mention these issues in his published memories.

However, these formalities, which are formal and non-formal, have not been fully
understood, and the Russians, on April 27, 1920, occupied Azerbaijan and put an end to the
Republic of Azerbaijan. During this occupation, from time to time the Russians practiced some
of the most brutal methods of resentment, plunder and brutality in some places. 'Rasulzadeh, who
was hiding for a while during the days when he was occupied, was captured and taken to
Moscow. It was kept under surveillance until the end of 1922.150

Then, a chance finding, also with the advent of Rasulzadeh immigration from Turkey
through Europe, fighting flag was opened. In order for the Republic of Azerbaijan to regain
independence, the debate about what can be done in the muhacer has begun.

Rasulzadeh published the work of the Republic of Azerbaijan as the first national work,
entitled "The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Present Situation" (Istanbul
1922), upon the defense of Azerbaijani independence. The work has convinced everybody that
Azerbaijan is justified as well as welcomed by public opinion. Therefore, despite the legal
political and economic troubles of the Azerbaijani colonial in the first years of immigration,
activism has been promoted in the field of press, especially in the transfer of the independence
case to the younger generations, to raise excitement and to inform them. In the first years of
Muhaceret, the New Caucasus, Azerbaijani and Odurian Dormitory memorabilia became very

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, however, remained the same in Turkey after a while. There
is no doubt that the role of Rasulzadeh's writings against Soviet Russia is great. Soviet intrigues
and diplomatic initiatives, the Government of the Republic of Turkey has been forced to go
deport Rasulzadeh. After a while, the activities spread to Europe.151

Activities in Europe have also taken place primarily in the field of press. In this period,
especially İstiklal Newspaper and Kurtulush Magazine filled an important gap. However, in the
same period, some of the Turkish people who fought on behalf of the Russian army in the
Second World War became captive to the German armies, as the outbreak of the Second World
Michael G. Smith. Anatomy of a Rumour: Murder Scandal, the Musavat Party and Narratives
of the Russian Revolution in Baku, 1917-20. Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 36, No. 2
(Apr., 2001) , p. 214
POMMİER Vincelli, La repubblica democratica dell'Azerbaigian. I documenti militari italiani
(1919-1920), edito da Nuova Cultura, 2012, p.15

War in Europe caused new troubles for the Azerbaijani refugees, the situation of these Turkish
people, which we can recognize as refugees, has begun to be debated.Culture has provided the
Association's establishment. As a matter of fact, this institution has continued its existence today
and has made a great effort to gain the independence of Azerbaijan again.

Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh has been hiding for some time over the invasion of
Azerbaijan, but was later apprehended. Here are the days of Rasulzadeh: "Under these
circumstances, after a while, our former struggle friends have left Baku with the late Kazımzade
Abbaskulu Bey, and we have been hidden in a place called Shamakhi, the center of the former
Shirvan province, on the edge of the Caucasus mountain range, called Lahic. a part of them were
detained and the village was under the threat of public surveillance.At the moment we had to
leave Lahic.The place we were in was discovered as a product of a suites, caught and brought
back to Baku, and then the political party called ÇEKA (Çerezvçayniy Komitet) we have been
handed over to Osobiy Otdel (Special Chamber), the extraordinary branch of the police
establishment, where they have closed us in the room of the old, large building that has become a
prison. "

In the meantime, Rasulzadeh, was visited by Stalin during his time in prison, accepted
Stalin's offer to Moscow. The Rasulzadeh was taken away from Baku this way, not to save it, as
it has been said many times. It was to kill him, more or less alive. Indeed, as the communists like
Ali Haydar Karayev thought, if Amin Bey had been killed, he would represent an invaluable
service to the Azerbaijani civilization.

After Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh settled in Moscow, he continued to live his life facing
thousands of hardships. Rasulzadeh describes the troubles and activities of these days as follows;
The old cultural institution of Moscow called "Rumyontsev Museum" was in the neighborhood
where we live and there was a tremendous library here which was full of worldwide literature. I
decided to go over there and did research on history of Azerbaijan and various subjects. I was
really hungry for going over books related to different areas spending hours in library, I was
feeling that lost everything from my mind and I was immersed in books. "152

Rasulzadeh also taught at the Oriental Language Institute in Moscow. In his

remembrance of the appointment of Rousseau teacher; "I was appointed to the Persian and
Turkish cadre of the Institute of Oriental Languages (formerly Lazarev Institute), which provided

MEMMEDOVA, Feride: Azerbaycan’ın Siyasi Tarihi ve Tarihi Coğrafyası, Bakı 1993 , p.22
me with the İsmeti recognized by the Tatar ascetic, who was appointed to the directorate of the
mentioned institute."

During his stay in Moscow, various proposals were made to him. The most interesting
among these proposals was that the Communists decided to establish an academic society under
the name of learning the East. They also thought of bringing Rasulzadeh to the presidency of this
society. Rasulzadeh responded to his proposal, "I can not show the impatience of being a
cemetery chieftain with the famous and honorable masters of authority, but if I so desire, I can
work modestly and in this society."

Upon acceptance of the chairman of the Society, it is proposed that the Rasulzadeh must
be dropped. This proposal also intended to overturn the idea of the congregation being envisaged
once. After a few days his name was sent to the community. Rasulzadeh, who investigated this,
found that 51% of the material belongs to the Communist Party when it is written that it is
indispensable to be a member of the society with the possession of scholarly knowledge, but a
political society. 153

Another attractive proposal he received during this period in Moscow is that the Oriental
Communist University of Moscow, which is newly established, has been annoyed by the
revolutionary movements in the Oriental illusions. A group of students offered M.A. Rasulzadeh
to become their teacher here. However, Rasulzadeh rejects this proposal, and students can not
even insist, there must be a sincerity before everything between the teacher and the student. My
sayings will always accept you with the objection of the record, is this permissive witch-worker
illuminates the truth? you will think. Do I always listen to these communists with all my heart
and soul? I will not think of you as a good teacher, nor can you be a good student to me! . . he

Rasulzadeh notes that he made the escape from Moscow on the days he wrote that he was
acting to shed the sea from the enemy Izmir, the Turkish armed forces, in the "Revelations with
Stalin". However, the summary information of "The Stalin I Knovv Synopsis", which was sent to
the American publishing company Life International Edition, which Rasulzadeh's date of
departure from Moscow was applied for printing the memorials mentioned about Stalin, is stated
as 25 August 1922. The only thing in this part, was the consent of Moscow to go to Leningrad, is
in his remarks: "The Tatars of Leningrad had experience of this subject before me, Prof. Sadri
Maksudi Arsal, Muharrir Abdullah Battal Taymas borrowed the bears and escaped the Soviet

MIRZE, Rasim: ed. Müsavat Partiyası Sorgu Kitabı, Bakı, 1994 , p.23
hell by ascending to the Helsinki-Yorsa.After 12 o'clock in the morning, We are approaching the
Finns while we are fishing, and our kayaks are invisible to the shores, and the armed Fin
watchers have detained us. "

The Rasulzadeh went to Helsinki after a while in the Farioki quarantine, and then to
Helsinki in the sea before Helsinki on 16th and 1922, then to Berlin by rail, after being a guest of
the Tatar colony in Helsinki. Then he came to Istanbul via Paris and started publishing on the
Azerbaijani case.

For the Turkish people living in various regions of the Turkish World, Anatolia has
always been regarded as the motherland. With a wave of migration towards Turkey has been
encountered frequently. While increased interest in the last period of the Ottoman Empire
together ‘Turancılıg’-Turkism,154 Turkey is a highly weakened in the power of the current
period. Despite this official policy, some of the nationalist publications and organizations that
have emerged from time to time, the relatively influential groups constituted by Jon Turkish
people' Turanian countries and the former generations and the refugees from the Turkish-
speaking regions of Soviet Russia, kept the disturbance of the Turkish people living outside.

However, after a while this interest, located in the once Ottoman Empire's borders, has
been migrated to the Balkan country, but Turkish people living there supported the return to the
homeland, they were considered different from the Anatolian Turkish people in terms of culture.
The Turkish people living in the Soviet Republics did not show the same sensitivity as they
arrived in Turkey. But those who seeking asylum from persons belonging to these groups were
also generally accepted without great force. Turkey has not yet begun only recently to get rid of
war, military, political and administrative terms in these uncertain days when the air is located,
has arrived in Turkey in late 1922 Rasulzadeh.

Azerbaijanis gathered in Istanbul, especially Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, needed a

ceremony to establish a political union among themselves. In order to meet this need, they have
formed Azerbaijan National Center. The Azerbaijani National Center Political Platform and its
establishment adopted the Provisional Resolution at the extended meeting of the Representative
Assembly on June 4, 1953, and made the following statement in the text: "The Azerbaijan
National Center was established in Istanbul on 27th of April in 1924 with the aim of unifying the
independence and nationalist elements of Azerbaijan, representing the National Independence,
and leader of the Musavat Party and Azerbaijan National Council Reis Mammad Amin

Edward A. Allworth , Central Asia : A Historical Overview , Duke University Press,1994,
Rasulzadeh. The National Center is the continuation of the National Government between 28
May 1918 and 27 April 1920. It is the political representative of Azerbaijan's "Exile." 155

Rasulzadeh has taken on the case of Azerbaijan's independence, which has been subjected
to the whole world, from the first day, without considering the fatigue of a two-year Moscow
captivity and a long and difficult journey. For this purpose, as the first national work, he
published the famous Azerbaijan Republic Organization of Expression and Present Situation, the
National Azerbaijan Circle: Issue l, Shehzadebashi: Evkaf-i Islamiya Press, 1339-1341 to give
account to the friend's enemy. This work is a manifestation of the Azerbaijanian who struggled
abroad. The work, in a very precise and right place, keeps the recognition of Azerbaijan abroad,
as well as the self-defense of its own sons. The work, well received by the world press, has
convinced everybody that Azerbaijan is the rightful claim.

Another work published by Rasulzadeh in the same year is "Siyavushi" of our century.
"Rasulzadeh expresses on what conditions and for what purpose he has received this purpose:"
We will use Siyavush for a certain purpose, our country, my nationality is not a previously
conceived work with the intention of enthroning a sense of admiration for the enemies of our tic.
The first of our newsletter The Republic of Turkey and Azerbaijan, which constitutes the field of
a number of deficiencies that we saw in periodicals, within our strength is with intent to
removing. However, the Siyavush of our century is not written with such a certain standard and
plan. " Rasulzadeh was inspired by a few Turkish books and magazines on the invasion of
Azerbaijan by the Red Army on April 27, 1920, in the library in a house where they stayed in
Lahij156, on the edge of the Caucasus mountains near Shamakhi. The inspiration Rasulzadeh
received from this work, was - "Friend, listen to Siyavush of your history, now I will write you
Siyavush of our century"

They both have to escape and got into the difficult situation, so the copy of the work was
duplicated and given to the host where they were staying and the host was told not to give the
copy to anyone without reaching the password they agreed on. That person conveyed this
password to Rasulzadeh, after he came to Turkey and the work was sent to istanbul. However,
Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh, was forced to leave Turkey after some time.

POMMİER Vincelli, La repubblica democratica dell'Azerbaigian. I documenti militari italiani
(1919-1920), edito da Nuova Cultura, 2012 p.89
Lahic is a village and municipality on the southern slopes of Greater Caucasus within the
Ismayilli Rayon of Azerbaijan . Population is approximately 860 people who speak the Tat
There is no doubt that the role of Rasulzadeh's writings against Soviet Russia is great.
Soviet intrigues and diplomatic initiatives, the Government of the Republic of Turkey has been
forced to put pressure on Rasulzadeh in order to deport him. After a while, the activities spread
to Europe. Activities in Europe have also taken place primarily in the field of press. In this
period, especially İstiklal Newspaper and Kurtulush Magazine filled an important gap in press.

However, in the same period, some of the Turkish people who fought on behalf of the
Russian army in the Second World War became captive to the German armies, the outbreak of
the Second World War in Europe caused new troubles for the Azerbaijani refugees and the
situation of these Turkish people began to be debated.

In Turkey During these years, multiparty by the impact of tensions passed between the
life and the Soviet Union allowed the Turkish people to return back to the country who sent out
from Turkey in the 1930s. Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh took an advantage of this permit and
returned back to Turkey In 1947.In Turkey Rasulzadeh not only used tht way of press because
many in Turkey aimed to benefit from the blessings of the party-democratic life, by establishing
the Azerbaijan Cultural Association in 1949 going to the way of institutionalization. As a matter
of fact, this institution has continued its existence today and has made a great effort to gain the
independence of Azerbaijan again.

M. A. Rasulzadeh died on March 6, 1955 at the Ankara University Medical School

Hospital where he was treated without getting rid of the acquired diabetes and was buried in the
Asri Cemetery in this city.

After the death of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh of the Azerbaijani Cultural Association, he
had a very troubled days. Losing their leader is interpreted as being a solitary presence. Because,
after years of Rasulzadeh's leadership, the solutions that are in line with the interests of the
people who see the future and with the period of stable policy , this chaos period that has
emerged has been tried to be overcome in the best way.

Between the years of 1955-1991, which seems to be a long period, almost the first twenty
years, it is impossible to say that it is an effective activity apart from magazine and night events.
However, due to changes in the 1970s, there was some movement in Turkey's domestic
politics.The Azerbaijani crisis started in the 1920s, attracted daily troubles in various countries of
the world and the independence lost on April 28, 1920, was kept alive as an ideal for 70 years
and was realized today.

Azerbaijan's independence, which was in constant instability, lasted for 23 months. By
the night of 1920, Azerbaijan was occupied by the Soviet Red Army and the independent
Azerbaijani state come to the end.

It has been one of the 15 republics affiliated to the Soviet Union as the "Azerbaijan
Soviet Socialist Republic" for a period of 70 years starting after this date. After the occupation of
the Soviet Red Army, Azerbaijan joined the Socialist Soviet Republic in the Caucasus in 1922,
and after 1936 he took the name "Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic".

Considered as one of the richest countries in the world, Azerbaijan lost all its economic
success and Soviet policy economy. However, Azerbaijan showed a natural development, not
only to manage itself, but to help other countries.

At the end of the 1980s, in the early 1990s, Gorbachev's application of the Glasnost
policy and the desire of the Armenians to give them the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region
became close external factors that added speed to the Azerbaijani national awakening.

This period, symbolized by the words of restructuring (Perestroika) and openness

(Glasnost), emerged as the ultimate rationale for the 70 years totalitarian regime. Compared to
other republics of the former Soviet Union, the development of popular movements in
Azerbaijan has been slow. The first groups emerged were more about environmental and cultural
issues, as they were in other parts of the former Soviet Union. The rapid formation of these
groups has been a positive influence of Moscow's openness policy.

Theories of historical natural development and dialogue have undermined the system of
socialism. , Marxist-Leninist teaching as a system that is not associated with validity in life.

This has also started to feel itself in the Soviet Union. It was understood that the problem
was based on the economics of the roots, that all the efforts of the Communist Party, despite its
ideological mobilization, conquered the country's economy quickly, the country became
superpower, and the social and ethnic problems.

The founder of the Communist Party, who brought the society to the brink of disaster,
resorted to the method of loading crimes by stamping their leaders outside Lenin. The
Communist Party, which described Stalin as a dictator, Khrushchev voluntarism, thought for
Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev this time and found: Recession.157

Abbasli, mentioned book, p. 67
The Perestroika movement, which correctly determined the name of the period; this
internal stagnation has emerged as a concept conceived to rebuild society. The Perestroika, with
its strategic character, will transmit the situation to the masses through the tactical openness, the
facts will be released and the Communist Party, which is the only effective force, will take
necessary measures. Perestroika and Glasnost are on the agenda; The situation of Azerbaijan was
not open to the public. The Azerbaijani people with rich natural resources were struggling in
poverty. Unemployment, low level of living, half of the population of seven million under the
official poverty line, economic and spiritual collapse, unfair distribution of income, left the
people in a difficult situation. Azerbaijan kept only 7% of its national income under its own
control and transferred 93% to the central Soviet budget. 158

Mikhail Gorbachev actively intervened in ending the dominance of dictators in Eastern

Europe, which changed Communism, which oppressed in socialist countries in Russia and
Europe , Destroyed the Warsaw Pact, peace and openness.

Independence and desire for departure have even begun to be heard in the Soyetler
Association. Baltic countries, which have been under Russian domination since the forties, have
begun to announce their desire to leave the Russian government with a revolt. Russian officials,
Baltic countries such as Lithuania and Estonia, in the future to leave the Soviet Union to become
an independent country, a certain line of progress towards the brewers.

The social boom Perestroika brought the Baltic republics to made the most of the reforms
and changes which Moscow made gradually. On the other hand, Muslim republics have been
hampered by their economic status, their political level, and their indigenous state structures.

The first emerging demands were in the direction of the re-emergence of the Azerbaijani
culture, the preservation of original historical names in the names of cities and places, and the
change of the alphabet.

The Karabakh issue has helped Azerbaijani intellectuals to move from the cultural-
intellectual dimension to the political dimension. Following the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, some
nationalist-oriented groups emerged Azerbaijan People's Front was established in July 1989. .
This front was not in the form of a coalition of political parties, but rather a combination of
academic people. The first President was Ebulfez Elçibey, a nationalist tendency. In the first
program of Cephen, the liberalism devotion of its founders was foregrounded. The aim was to

RESULZADE, Mehmet Emin. : Kafkasya Türkleri, Hazırlayanlar: Yavuz Akpınar, Irfan


Murat Yıldırım, Sabahattin Çağın, Türk Dünyası Arastırmaları Vakfı, Istanbul, 1993. p.96
enable Perestroika to be implemented in Azerbaijan in general and to develop the political and
cultural sovereignty of Azerbaijan in the framework of the Soviet Union.

When the ethnic conflict in Baku was aggravated on January 20, 1990, the Soviet army
entered Baku. Public Front Offices were closed and a state of emergency was declared.
Communist Party Secretary General Vezirov was removed from office and replaced by Ayaz
Mutalibov. Thus, leaving Azerbaijan in the true sense of the Communist era was only possible
after the fall of Mutalibov in 1992.

Between 25-27 January 1992, the new program of the People's Front of Azerbaijan was
approved. With this program, the Azerbaijani democrats adopted the Modernization,
Turkization. As a result of the presidential elections of June 8, 1992 Elchibey was elected
president with approximately 60% of the votes. In May 1993, Russian forces separated from
Azerbaijan. The Elchibey government explained that its aim was to create a secular and
democratic state in which the rights and freedoms of all Azerbaijanis are protected.

Unfortunately, however, the "People's Front" government has disappointed the

Azerbaijani people who are expecting much from their own within a year, and has exhausted its
reputation very shortly. Fast and radical reforms that people have been waiting for have not been

However, the events that began with the blow of Surah Husayinov on June 4, resulted in
the withdrawal of Elchibey from the Presidency. Haydar Aliyev, who came first, was brought to
the Presidency of Azerbaijan National Assembly, and in the Presidential elections held on
October 3, 1993, he was elected President of Republic of Azerbaijan for 5 years.

Although a large part of the Nagorno Karabakh was occupied by Armenians during this
period, a ceasefire was made and peace was ensured. Unlawful movements and turmoil in the
country have been brought to an end and full stability has been achieved.

Azerbaijan became a member of CIS YE (Independent States Community). Important

projects were carried out during this period and very important laws, which are vital for the
country, have been enacted in the legal structure. Haydar Aliyev was elected the President of
Azerbaijan Republic for the second time in the presidential elections, which was renewed on 11
October 1998.

During the parliamentary elections held in Aliyev in 1995 there were some unusualities,
and some parties such as the New Musavat Party were not registered. As a result of the elections,

Aliyev's New Azerbaijani Party 19, the People's Front and the National Independence Party got
three seats. At the same time, the new constitution was voted and adopted by the people.

The 1995 Constitution gave the Prime Minister broadened powers. Azerbaijan is defined
as a democratic and modern unitary state, and its territorial integrity has been confirmed. Thus,
Karabagh was covered in front of the granting of autonomy, and in the opposite direction it
contained points such as the preservation of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. When
Aliyev came to power, a one-man administration was actually established. Nevertheless, there
are more than 60 political groups and parties in Azerbaijan. The multiplicity of this number is
largely due to the personalities of the party leaders rather than the program differences.

Haydar Aliyev was elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the second time in
the presidential elections, which was renewed on 11 October 1998 .Finally, the Presidential seat,
which was vacated by the devotion of Haydar Aliyev.

The opposition and criticism can not be said to be welcomed with much tolerance. Large
parties can be classified as dissidents and government supporters. The most important opposition
parties are Azerbaijan People's Front Party, New Musavat Party, Bozkurt, Azerbaijan National
Independence Party and Azerbaijan Communist Party,New Azerbaijan (party of Aliyev),
Azerbaijani Democratic Party and Motherland Party.

Since 1991, there have been three basic philosophical tendencies among the parties in
Azerbaijan. Representatives of the first of these are nationalist and Azerbaijani People's Front,
Musavat Party and National Independence Party, which have a Turkist philosophy in varying
degrees. These parties are parties to secularism, pluralism and democracy. Anti-Russian foreign
policy lines, and defined Turkey as a Western-pro.

The second group is the old and semi-moderate Communists. This group is also less
Turk-centered and pan-Turkist with philosophical nationalism. Foreign policy orientations are
also a more balanced direction, and are related to the establishment of close links with Russia
and the CIS. These parties include Aliyev's New Azerbaijani Party, Democratic Change
Movement in Azerbaijan, Independent Azerbaijani Party, and Social Democrats.

The other group is those that represent ethnic minorities or religious philosophies, but
they do not have a wide range of field support. Another point of view for the divergence between
the parties is possible on the basis of interpretations of nationalism and independence. From this
point of view, democratic nationalism, conservative nationalism, moderate nationalism and anti-
nationalism can be considered, but only in the context of independence. According to this;
Democratic nationalism of the Azerbaijan People's Front, conservative nationalism of the
National Independence Party, Social Democratic Party of moderate nationalism and
independenceism, Sodrujestvo and the Greens are seen as independent but anti-nationalist. The
Musavat Party, on the other hand, is sometimes seen as the Azerbaijani People's Front,
sometimes like the National Independence Party.


First of all I would like to emphasize that at the end of XIX century and at the beginning
of XX century the Azerbaijani society has undergone a transformation by entering the process of
nationalization, and this process has resulted in the establishment of a national state. If two
important historical factors are not taken into consideration, 15 years may seem surprisingly
short for such a large transformation.

First, this transformation has been prepared in many ways throughout the previous
century, when the Azerbaijani society was under Russian rule. The most important result of the
Russian administration was to end Azerbaijan and the economy of the country by ending the
khanates. If the social and cultural side product of the connection with Russia was the
development of the class of intellectuals, who would later assume the leadership of the country.
They have contributed locally to ensure the integrity of the country by means of ending the limits
of the intellectuals, ending the Sunni-Shia opposition, supporting new literary education and
modern means of communication. Secondly, after 1905, a series of successive revolts and crises,
which Azerbaijan faced, played a pivotal role in the political development of Azerbaijan.

In this period, the society in question, led by population intellectuals, could organize
itself and create state institutions. Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh was the leader of the leading
leaders in the process of nationalization and nationalization of Azerbaijanis. This study aimed to
reveal the political life of Azerbaijan, the political events that took place on the way to
independence, the political developments after independence and the results of Mammad Amin
Rasulzadeh's lives and activities. As a conscious intellectual, Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh
actively participated in the social life and tried to organize national bourgeoisie and intellectuals
starting from 1900s and tried to announce the voice of the Azerbaijani society by expressing
national demands in various ways. He has not limited his activities to Azerbaijan alone, but has
also started to work among Russian Muslims. Here the most frequently mentioned and
highlighted period is 1918-1920. Because the Azerbaijani national state - Azerbaijan Republic -
had constructed in this period, the role of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh can not be denied here.
Azerbaijan has an exceptional place in the formation of the national identity.If somebody learns
of Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh's life will also have knowledge about the emergence of modern
Azerbaijan, the stages of nationalization and nationalization. He has been a unique leader who
has played a major role in the establishment of democratic ideas in Azerbaijan's national spiritual
awakening with his activities for many years. Rasulzadeh was an exemplary Azerbaijani

intellectual. Rasulzadeh has made this struggle mostly through the press abroad. Germany,
Turkey ,Poland, Romania he wrote articles about history of Azerbaijan in various newspapers
and magazines.Rasulzadeh has published a variety of books. The motions, behaviors, the spirit of
endless struggle, the dynamics, in short, the rhythm of his life were always the characteristics of
his intellectuals. In this context, with his help, we also learn about the activities of the Azerbaijan
As a result, it is not possible to describe the historical processes in Azerbaijan by referring to a
person. Both the intellectuals and the newly formed businessmen became the founders of these
events. Therefore, when social and national processes are explained by the role of a single man,
this explanation will of course be absent and will prevent us from seeing and learning things
from a broad perspective. Although the Azerbaijani elites belonged to different groups before
and after independence, they worked in a unified and team spirit.

In the end, I would like to mentioned that, this year, I mean, 2018 is the year of 100
Anniversary of the establishment of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. According to the
satatement of the current president of Azerbaijan, Mr. Iham Aliyev, 2018 is the year of ADR.
That is why, in the different part of the world, the 100 Anniversary of the establishment of
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, is celebrating as a national holiday of Azerbaijan by
Azerbaijani diaspora as well.

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