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Process Paper

Me and my partners topic is the Battle of Port Royal. We came upon this topic because

we love to study battles and how they have an impact on history. At the time when we picked

our topic we were getting more interested in Civil War battles because of the reason our project

had to connect back to South Carolina. Another reason we picked this topic was because it was a

naval battle that had new models of war ships and new weaponry that we wanted to learn about.

Once we started to research this topic it began to inform me of the reasons behind the

battle and long-term and short-term effects. When we began to research, we went to CCU

learning commons to gather any newspapers, articles, or pictures they had on my topic. When we

were researching at CCU I came by 3 secondary sources and 4 primary sources which included 2

pictures, 3 newspapers, an article, and a letter which was written during the period of the war.

We also searched through my local library and my school library; we found more interesting

facts about the Battle of Port Royal in the South Carolina Encyclopedia.

After researching our topic, we have learned more viewpoints upon the Battle of Port

Royal. When researching our topic, multiple sources have helped see the battle from the point of

view of the Confederacy and the point of view of the Union soldiers. After conducting nonstop

research on this topic we have learned more reasons of why the Battle of Port Royal was such an

important battle to win for the Confederacy and the Union soldiers.

After researching me and my partner’s we decided to do an exhibit. When me and my

partner were coming up with ideas for our project we wanted to make it look old timey since it

was a 1800s Civil War battle.​ ​When making my project me and my partner also took the
initiative to make it stand out and to make it look neat and nice. When making my project we

learned how to make our exhibit relate to our topic and to make our project give the feeling that

if someone was actually there during that event.

The Battle of Port Royal relates to the theme of “Triumph and Tragedy” because it was a

major tragedy for the Confederacy because it was a lossed battle and they lost a major shipping

port. The Battle of Port Royal was also a triumph for the Union because it began the siege of the

South for the Union and it allowed the Union to block any more supplies from coming into the

South. This was a very important topic because it began the the siege of the South in the Civil

War and was a very important battle to win for both the Union and the Confederate because it

would determine if the Confederate would keep on getting supplies for the war effort from

European countries.

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