Isla Kirton - 1 Copy of R J Characters and Theme

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How do characters’ dialogue and actions help

develop the theme?

With your shoulder partner, choose 2 characters you have read so far. Complete the chart, choosing one character
each to focus on. Think about how the characters act or react. What theme did Shakespeare want readers to learn?
Be ready to defend your reasons!

Act Character Dialogue/Actions What was his/her motivation or What theme could possibly
and emotional state? be developing?

Romeo “O, speak again Romeo is experiencing love at first Love at first sight is
Act 2, bright angel! For sight with Juliet. developing theme because
scene thou art As glorious Romeo is talking to Juliet on
2 to this night, being the balcony and is scared he is
o’er my head...” going to caught.

Act 2, Juliet “My true love’s Juliet is experiencing love at first Love at first sight is a
scene 2 passion. Therefore sight with Romeo. developing theme because
pardon me , And not Juliet is talking to Romeo on
impute this yielding the balcony.
to light love, Which
the dark night hath
so discovered”.

Act 2, “With Rosaline my Romeo has fallen in love with Juliet A developing theme is falling
scene 3 ghostly father? No. I no Rosaline in love very fast.
Romeo have not forgot that
Page name and that
214 name’s is woe”
“Holy Saint Francis” Lawrence is shocked by what Confusion because Friar
Romeo says. Lawrence is confused by what
Friar Romeo is saying.

Act 2, “For I am proverb’d Romeo is very determined to make Effects of love on people
Scene 4 Romeo with a grandsire sure people know that he will
phrase: I'll be a always love Juliet.
candleholder and
look on”

Nurse “Marry farewell! I The nurse is worried if Juliet is Worry

will pray for you, sir, making the right decision to marry
what saucy merchant Romeo.
was this that was so
full of his roperty”

Act 2 Romeo “Amen. Amen! But Marriage Love will prevail

scene 6 come what sorrow
can, It cannot
countervail the
exchange of joy that
one short minute
gives me in her sight”

Friar “Till holy church Friar is trying to get Romeo and Love will prevail
incorporate two in Juliet married

Act 3, Your choice “O sweet Juliet, Thy Juliet has drank the potion now Love at first sight
scene 1 beauty hath made me Romeo is upset.
effeminate And in my
Romeo temper softened
valor’s steel!”

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