Michael Guerrero Plata

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Conservatism: America’s right path

We now live in a world where having a different opinion can get you beaten up. Also do

not get me started on having a conservative point of view in college; it will insight riots. Right

now, I believe that people who have conservative point of view and a conservative mind-set will

be more prepared to withstand the challenges of life. Rather than those who have a liberal point

of view. According to ABC reporter Dan Harris, When conservative speaker, Ben Shapiro came

to speak at the University of Utah, Almost 1,000 protesters came to shut down his speech. When

Dan Harris spoke with the leader of the protest movement, His words shocked him. (Leader) “I

don't think he should speak” (Dan) “ But that really doesn't comport with the 1 st amendment”

(Leader) “ I don't care, I don't think it's a relative document.” These kinds of people (Leftist) do

not want conservatives, Who have different opinions from them, To have certain rights like

freedom of speech. Conservatism is good because it focuses on what we can fix and accepts

on what we can't, We're not racist for having different opinions, and we shouldn't have

some of our right silenced because the left feels offends of what we have to say.

Conservatives focus on what we can fix. According to Greg Gutfeld in his novel “How to

be right” He states that conservatives tend to more risk-averse and concerned about outside

threats and cling to the constitution and tradition. “Its conservatism that creates civilizations by

building families, business and nations,” (Gutfeld 1). This supports the fact that conservatives

focus on one problem at a time to not cause any other problems. Which can support that

conservatives are cautious about things so they don't get another problems when trying to fix

Acceptance of problems we can't fix now. According to Greg Gutfeld in his book, “How

to be right: The art of being persuasively correct.” He states that conservatives aren't as focus on

climate changer because with islamic terrorism, They know what the danger is. “Radical islamics

is more of a threat than a few missing polar bears, I know that sounds mean, Sorry polar bears”

(Gutfeld 2). This supports the fact that conservatives focus more on the problems that they can

fix and the ones that affect us now. Which supports that conservatives know that they can deal

with islamic terrorism better than climate change.

Problems of which we can fix. According to student daily news in “Conservatives vs.

Liberals beliefs” Which states that conservatives believes in a small government and for people

to have more personal responsible. “Blue represents the democrats(left-wing) and Red represents

republicans(Right-wing).” (student news daily) This shows that more people want right-wing

leaders due to the fact that it's the majority of people in office. Which supports the idea that

conservatives don't want people to be fully depends in the government and for the people to have

more responsibilities so it doesn't become a problem later.

Conservatives aren't racist for having different opinions. According to Student news

daily, The left(Liberal) want to harm the name of conservatism due to the fact that they believe

that America is still a racist society to people of color and minorities in the job markets. “We all

want the same things in life, The argument is how to achieve them”(Student news daily). This

supports the fact conservatives look for ability to do jobs and not race, Because if they look for

race, Things would never get done.

Conservatives are happier and not discriminatory. According to the New York Times

article, “Why Conservatives are happier than Liberals”, Written by Arthur C.Brooks, Shows that

Conservatives aren't as ignorant as liberals when it comes to how the real is is. Of how minorities
are really treated, Because Liberals want to blame their problems on white conservatives.

“Liberals condemn the happiness of Conservatives”(Brooks 1). This shows that Liberals are tired

of Conservatives being happy. Which supports the fact that conservatives are more ready in the

real world because Conservatives don't blame a certain group for their problems or failures.

Rather they taken it upon themselves to fix the problem.

Conservatives have a right to have different opinions. According to Difference.com, On

the topic of “Conservatives vs. Liberals” States that Conservatives want the government to be

small and to lower taxes so people can have more liberty and more responsibility for themselves.

That our rights what they are and it's somethings in which regulations should not be placed on.

“Conservatism and Liberalism is used to describe political and economic view and

affiliations”(Difference.com). This shows that Conservatives and liberals will have different

opinions on things. But the way Conservatives want to run the country would be beneficial to

people on their everyday lives because they won't have to rely on the government on many

things, Only things that are needed.

The Left makes its follows to condemn the rights of those whose opinions they disagree

with. According to Dave Rubin from “The Rubin report” he states that the left has change and

not for the better. For example, When colleges ban public speaker on opinions of whom they

disagree with. Or that the fact is that liberals want to compare minority groups to the White male

populations since to them “They have it off better”. The left says that “A member of any

minority group is being compared to the most evil of all things-A conservative white christian

male”(Rubin 1). This shows that not only that the left judges minority group members not as

individual but as a group. But also that the left believes that conservatives don't have an equal

say in things because we don't share equal opinions.

The Left finds things too painful to acknowledge. According to Dennis Prager from his

report on “How do you deal with painful truths?Left vs. Right #4” He states that the left choses

values that can change or help others like in war, Or that they want “Trigger Warnings” on

anything that may seem offences to anybody. “Conservatives on the other hand, are all too aware

of the painful realities of life, and base many of their political on them”(Prager 1). This shows

that conservatives would more ready to face the challenges of life when it hits them hard rather

than liberals. Which also shows that the left doesn't want people to think that life is messy but

conservatives say it is and that we should prepare for it in anyway we can.

I was being brainwashed at my liberal school to think like everyone else. According to

Stephen Jay from Prager U, On the topic of “college made me a conservative”, Shows that her

liberal school tried and failed to convince her that liberalism is better than conservatism. She

ended up switching schools due to that process. “I guess I did get something out of value out of

my expensive liberal arts education after all: Common sense”(Stephen1). This shows that the left

wants people to think that the left is right and to condemn those whom they disagree with.
Commented [1]: If you like this graph, you can use it.
You just need to write an explanation about it.

I couldn't really find anything related to your reasons,

so I just found one take talks about the rates of people
being conservative and liberal over the last 8 years.

This graph shows that in the past eight years that people viewed things on conservatives

point of views. But with some changes on how some conservatives act like the election of 2016

has caused the decline of conservatism and given itself a bad reputation, Which has caused the

rise of liberalism with the population.

In life you hear the phrase that “If you don't have anything nice to say, Don't say it at

all.” Like saying that illegal immigration a problem or that conservatives only talk about the bad

things in life like “This country isn't racist, Just the people” or “They only fix problems that will

help us now and not the future.” This position seems convincing at first that we should focus on

the problems that future generations might faces or that talking of our problems won't get us far.

But sometimes that's what we need to hear. Like if you only hear the good things you do, you're

not going to worry about your problems. But that's what we need sometimes to know on what to

work on to better ourselves.

In conclusion, Conservatism is good because it focus on what we can fix, We’re not

racists for having different opinions and we shouldn't have some of our rights silenced for what

we have to say. To summarize, Conservatives should be able to speak their minds as much as the

left because their sharing their opinion. Also for racism, Because it is still a relevant thing that

happens everyday. But to single out a certain group just because of their pass isn't right. Which is

what minorities are doing to white-christian males, They blame them for all their problems and

when they say they did nothing wrong and somehow that's racism. This subject is important to

society because it will give more insight to people so they won't judge everything they see

quicky. This topic matter is talking about a problem that is just starting to have an impact on

what we do everyday, And if we resolve the problem which is about how conservatives should

be able to speak their mind about how the country should be runned. And if you think about, It’s

a problem that can solved easily if people can understand each other. Which I know is hard but if

we can try then our problem is solved.

Works Cited

Brooks, Arthur C. "Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals." The New York

Times. The New York Times, 07 July 2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2017.

"Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs." Student News Daily. Student News Daily, 2005. Web.

14 Nov. 2017.

"Conservative vs Liberal." Conservative vs Liberal - Difference and Comparison | Diffen.

Difference.com, 7 Oct. 2001. Web. 24 Oct. 2017.

Gutfeld, Greg. "Video: Greg Gutfeld on Why the Right Is Right." Liberty Unyielding.

N.p., 21 Sept. 2015. Web. 14 Nov. 2017.

"Left Wing vs Right Wing." Left Wing vs Right Wing - Difference and Comparison |

Diffen. Difference.com, 23 Oct. 2001. Web. 14 Nov. 2017.

Prager, Dennis. "How Do You Deal With Painful Truths? Left vs. Right #4." PragerU.

N.p., 23 Oct. 2017. Web.

Rubin, Dave. "The Left Is No Longer Liberal." YouTube. YouTube, 25 Jan. 2017. Web.

14 Nov. 2017.

Stephens, Jay. "College Made Me a Conservative." PragerU. N.p., 23 Oct. 2017. Web.

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