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Sandstone diagenesis: framework of a forward modelling approach by

integrating wireline and other geological data

M. J. C H E S H I R E & B. W. S E L L W O O D
Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology, The University, P.O. Box 227,
Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AB, UK

Abstract. The integration of wireline log information with other forms of geological data
allows the recognition of certain diagenetic effects in sedimentary rocks. Diagenetic
modification of a sandstone causes changes in the rock properties that will produce subtle
shifts in the wireline log characteristics. Such shifts are often difficult to interpret. However,
by reference to a now extensive diagenetic information base it is possible to construct models
for processes controlling some types of diagenetic change. So it is possible both to model
and predict the spatial distribution of diagenetic effects. To interpret diagenetic effects on
wireline logs it is necessary to integrate existing geological databases with information
derived from wireline logs in a form that can be handled by computer. Interactive modelling
involves the iterative refinement of modelled features. This is done by comparing synthetic
logs with actual logs over intervals from which core-derived information is available
(Rotliegend and Sherwood sandstones provide ideal test-beds for this approach). Predictive
models may then be generated by an interactive process of confirming or denying modelled
features. This approach allows refinement of the interpretations made. Eventually we expect
that a means of directly interpreting certain important diagenetic effects will be possible
from wireline log data.

Diagenesis is an important factor controlling The method discussed here provides the
reservoir rock properties such as porosity and potential to predict more about diagenetic para-
permeability and thus influences the production maters in a given succession than can be
of hydrocarbons. Information about the diage- obtained from individual data sources alone
netic characteristics of reservoir rocks is conven- (Cheshire & Sellwood 1992; King 1990). Due
tionally obtained from core samples. However, to the complexity of this integrated approach,
cores are usually taken over limited depth ranges extensive computing is required. However, the
through reservoir intervals, and non-reservoir approach represents a first step towards the
intervals are generally cored in only special cir- development of a forward modelling program
cumstances. 'Wireline logs', on the other hand, for diagenetic modelling from downhole logs.
are conventionally run throughout boreholes, The models are being both generated and
not merely through reservoir zones, and may tested against well studied sequences of conti-
potentially provide information on rock proper- nental, redbed siliciclastics: the Permian Rotlie-
ties (including diagenetic parmaters) which is not gend sandstone of the southern North Sea and
accessible from other methods of investigation. the Triassic Sherwood sandstone of the English
Despite this potential, little progress has been Channel Basin. Extensive literature exists for
made on the interpretation of diagenetic features these successions (e.g. Burley 1984; Glennie
from wireline data alone, largely because the 1978; Nagtegaal 1978; Woodward & Curtis
subtle variations in log response promoted by 1987) and research programmes are continuing.
diagenesis are difficult to distinguish from those The diagenetic changes suffered by such redbeds
generated by other factors (Serra 1984). are controlled by processes which are, to some
The approach that has been used in this study extent, predictable and are thus amenable to
is to use the results from petrographic and modelling (e.g. in terms of fluid flow and burial
laboratory analysis of core samples, integrating history; Glennie 1978; Purvis 1989; Wood et al.
these results with wireline log data (which have 1985). They would therefore appear to be ideal
been environmentally corrected and depth candidates for the type of approach adopted
matched) over cored intervals, and then extrapo- here. It should be stressed, however, that while
late these data in hypothetical (but realistic) accurate modelling of the responses of some
rock models. wireline logs is possible, others cannot be

From HURST, A., GRIFFITHS,C. M. & WORTHINGTON,P. F. (eds), 1992, 389

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs II. Geological Society Special Publication No. 65, pp. 389-394.
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I Geological I I Core Sample [ Wireline Log
Data Observations Measurements I

\ /
I Diaqenetic
i ana,ysis
Knowledge Base
Section A Section C
Sedimentary constraints Rules and formulas
to create synthetic log
SectionB [ responses
ts I

Sedimentary Parameters Wireline logs

Percentage Diagenetic Depositional ~ll
of ~ I
Components ~ ~ ,~ ~~ GR SONIC DEN RES
oE E
o a~
UlU I ~

q~. Synthetic log

- ( Responses
Bed/electro facies J R°,-I I,',,~
Sedimentary unit ~ Respon~ses

defined overcored intervals( II I I I I I

~ s t fit founa ..
/' ~ ~ - ~.~ between Synthetic
\ ~ e , T1ne ) -- ~ Real logs.
Stop iterations

Fig. 1. The elements of a forward-modellingcomputer program for the interpretation of wireline logging data.
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j(75% Q 25% P1

STAGE 1 Calcitecementation
~ ~ Compaction and
quartz cementation
75% Q 25% C 90% Q 10% P1

~ /~ -x'cementatiOn~
75% Q 25% C
90% Q 5% CL 5% P1 90% Q 10% P1


75% Q 25% C ~ 90% Q 5% C L ~ ~ ' ~

I ~ 5% P1

j 75% Q 10% C 15% D \ 90% Q 10% P1

~J~f~'~ ~ Secondary porosity

7 5 % ~

75% Q 25% P2 75% Q 10% P2 15% D , , , . . ~ ~

STAGE 5 90% Q lo% P1

~ Q - quartz
P1 - primary porosity
C - calcite
C L - clay
D- dolomite
P2 - Secondary porosity

Fig. 2. A hypothetical diagenetic history for a clean quartz dune sand.

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modelled. Models are limited at present by the Process constraints (knowledge base
inaccuracy of many forms of geodata currently Section B)
The spatial distribution of diagenetic features in
a sedimentary sequence can be related to pro-
Framework of the computer program cesses such as fluid flow and palaeoburial. For
Before any modelling can be attempted, a data- example, in the Rotliegend sandstone the influx
base must be established which contains all the of fluids from Zechstein evaporites effects the
necessary information (Fig. 1). The database in- distribution of carbonate minerals such as dolo-
cludes all the wireline log measurements and mite and siderite. By gaining an understanding
observations from available core material. As of these processes formulae may be derived to
has been argued in an earlier work (Cheshire & model the spatial distribution of diagenetic
Sellwood 1992), wherever possible the petro- features.
graphic parameters available from core mat-
erials should be quantified, or at least presented
in a numerical form. The data should include Rules and empirical formulae to create
mineralogical information, diagenetic par- synthetic wireline logs (knowledge base
ameters (e.g. degree of quartz cementation on a Section C)
scale of I to 10 etc.), grain-size, sorting, compac-
tion (again all semi-quantitatively evaluated). For each core sample analysed a synthetic wire-
Observations on core samples may have been line log response can be generated by using the
derived from thin-section, SEM, X R D or other formula: n
methods (Tucker 1988; Welton 1984). The data- L : Z V,L, (1)
base also includes other geological data such as i=l
structural maps, maturation and palaeoburial
where n
After establishing the database the knowledge ~ _ V i = 1.
base can be constructed (Fig. 1). The knowledge
base contains the data in a form that can be
processed by a computer program. The infor- Here L is the wireline log response for a rock
mation in the knowledge base comprises three containing n components, Vi is the proportional
types of knowledge (knowledge types A, B and volume of component i, and L i the pure log
C; Fig. 1). response for component i. The empirical equa-
tion (1) only gives an approximation to the true
log response. Differences between the true log
response and the synthetic log response (using
Sedimentary constraints (knowledge base equation (1)) may be due to textural factors (e.g.
Section A) grain sorting, packing anisotropy and cemen-
This part of the knowledge base contains the tation).
constraints that control the variability of the If we consider a two-component rock (Fig. 3),
sedimentary parameters. For example, for a then using equation (1) a straight line relation-
given rock type, such as a fluvial sandstone from ship would exist in the predicted log response
the Rotliegend, the porosity would be expected (i.e. between L i and Lj in Fig. 3) as the pro-
to be in the range of 0% to 20%. However, if portion of the two components changes. How-
such a sandstone received a carbonate cement its ever, because of the textural factors referred to
porosity would be expected to fall in the range of above, it is normally the case that the true
0% to 10%. Figure 2 shows a possible diagenetic relationship is better modelled by a curved line
history for a clean quartzose dune sand. This (Fig. 3). The curve may also lie below the
simplified version is based upon parageneses straight line. The curved line can be expressed
commonly seen in the Rotliegend. As may be using the quadratic equation (equation (2))
seen, after several phases of diagenetic alteration and the straight line using the linear equation
(e.g. by Stage 5 in Fig. 2), a range of outcomes is (equation (3)):
possible with the parent rock evolving in a
n u m b e r o f potential directions. Each end-mem- Yq(x)=-4D 2+x 2+(Lj-L i + 4 D ) x + L i (2)
ber represents a rock with different component
compositions. The knowledge base contains YL (x) = (Lj -- Li) x + Li (3)
rules that help to constrain the sedimentary
parameters illustrated in Fig. 2. L i and Lj are the pure log responses as shown in
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.YL (X)
Y axis .., D .../ ...,,..Yo (X)

0 I -- X axis
( I00 50 0 - - Proportional vol. of i )
( 0 50 I00 -- Proportional vol. of j )

Fig. 3. The determination of a correction factor for a two-component rock.

Fig. 3. The maximum of the curve from the equations, in order that linear D-factors may
straight line is expressed as D (Fig. 3). It is be calculated. In reality it is often difficult to
assumed that this maximum deviation (D-factor) establish D-factors in this way and certain
will occur when the two components have a assumptions about them need to be made.
50:50 ratio. The difference between equations It can sometimes be established that the D-
(2) and (3) is a correction that must be applied to factors relate to certain sedimentary parameters.
equation (1) for a two-component rock. The For example, the D-factor between quartz
correction, as a function of x (see Fig. 3), is: (grains and quartz cement) and water-filled por-
osity is a function of grain-related parameters
Di~ (x) = Ye (x) + YL (x) (4) (e.g. size, sorting, alignment, etc.). Where such
relationships exist, or can be established, they
For a system with more than two components, can be used to refine the magnitude of the
a more complex correction would be necessary. D-values. Such information about D-factors is
However, because of the problem of calculating incorporated in section C of the knowledge base.
a D-factor, it is sufficient to apply a linear The use of a correction factor, as described
correction (a correction for two components) for earlier, prevents the equation (5) from becoming
each pair of components within a rock. unnecessarily complicated and only a relatively
The corrected formula is small number of additional parameters (the
D-factors) need to be established.
1 n i 1 Once an adequate knowledge base has been
L¢=L+(n 1) ~ Z Du(Vi + V1) (5) acquired the validity of the empirical relation-
j i=
ships, and rules, can be checked by comparing
L is the synthetic log response generated by specific core samples with actual wireline re-
using equation (1). Dij is the correction for the sponses. The knowledge base will need to be
pair of components i and j. V i and V~ are the refined until a satisfactory confidence level has
proportional volumes of components i and j. been achieved. In practice, it will take time
Because more than n corrections are applied, the before the confidence level becomes commer-
overall addition of the corrections needs to be cially acceptable because of practical limitations
scaled down. Each correction should be pro- on the size of the knowledge base.
portional to the volume of the two components
to which it applies. Sedimentary parameters
To use equation (5) it is necessary to calculate
D-factors for each pair of components in a rock, The final step in the processing technique is
and for each type of wireline logging tool. In illustrated in the lower part of Fig. 1. This
reality it is only worth calculating the D-factors involves, for a given borehole, defining sedimen-
for those relationships with extreme deviations tary parameters for rock units on a bed, or
from the straight line. Slight modifications to the electro-facies scale. These parameters can be
formula are necessary if this is done. Data gen- defined by using the models incorporated into
erated in laboratory and wireline log measure- Section B of the knowledge base. These par-
ments provide the information necessary for the ameters must satisfy the constraints defined in
calculation of actual D-factors. Because rocks Section A of the knowledge base. Synthetic logs
usually contain more than two components, the are then generated using the empirical formulae
D-factors that are calculated will be summations and rules in Section C of the knowledge base.
of the linear D-factors. Of course, in such cases The synthetic traces can then be compared with
it is necessary to use more than one wireline the actual traces obtained from the borehole.
log measurement, and to solve simultaneous Then, the sedimentary parameters are modified
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iteratively until the best fit between the traces is On a regional scale the spatial distribution of
obtained. This should lead to an accurate and these phases can be related to two m a j o r pro-
representative assessment of the true borehole cesses: fluid invasion from the overlying Zech-
geology. This m e t h o d does not give a unique stein, and mineral authigenesis during later
interpretation of the data but it provides an burial.
interpretation which is geologically realistic. With the implementation of a more extensive
knowledge base we confidently expect to be able
to detect more subtle diagenetic effects such as
clay mineralization and the development of
At present, and with only a limited but growing quartz cementation.
knowledge base, only major diagenetic effects
can be recognized in the Rotliegend and Sher- The help and cooperation of Intera Information Tech-
wood sandstone pilot studies. In the Rotliegend nologies, the NERC, Shell Exploration and Produc-
the e m p l a c e m e n t of dense c a r b o n a t e minerals tion, and British Gas plc, is gratefully appreciated.
such as dolomite and siderite can be recognized. This is PRIS contribution number 164.


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