Data Collection Workflow For Switch Network Improvement CME 20

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CME 20

This document describes the workflow for On-Site activities in the Switch
Network Improvement service.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................ 2
1.1 Time schedule overview ......................................................... 2
1.2 Command files........................................................................ 3
2 Work Flow .............................................................................. 4
2.1 Day 1 ....................................................................................... 4
2.2 Day 2 ....................................................................................... 6
2.3 Day 3 Peak Day ...................................................................... 6
2.4 Day 4 ....................................................................................... 6
3 Revision History ..................................................................... 8

LZ/SD-98:195 Rev PA3 1998-11-06 1(7)


1 Introduction

1.1 General
The data collection part in the switch network improvement, is one of the two
opportunities for knowledge transfer to the customer. The knowledge transfer
should concern Operation&Maintenance matters solely.
Such as:
- measurements of interest, to evaluate a switch performance
- comparison of performance statistics from switches worldwide
(benchmarking), naturally without mentioning any specific market or names
of operators
- general problems concerning Operation & Maintenance in the exchange.
Knowledge transfer should not cover pure trouble shooting, nor the methology
and tools within the SNI-service.
Method Binder
It is recommendable not to bring the complete Method Binder to Site, just the
documentation needed for the specific activity to be performed.
Timeconsuming processing of data, for example in DTSS, should be done at
Ericssons premises or at the hotel.

1.2 Time schedule overview

Day one Peak day -2
- Initial meeting with Ericsson local and customer.
- Site visit and test of IO-communication. Start of command file
- Preparation of measurement command files.
Day two Peak day -1
- Execution of command files, test run and loading of measurements.
Day three Peak day
- Execution of command files.
- STS and OMS measurements during 24 h.
- DCS traffic recording for SP load during 24 h.
- CP load measurement in STS during 24 h.
Day four Peak day +1

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- Execution of command files.

- Checking of log files.
- Cleaning up and restoring of old measurement definition and
supervision settings.
- Meeting with customer for conclusion of the data collection part.

1.3 Command files

Command files to be used in the data collection is separated for each node type.
(MSC60, MSC61, BSC61 & HLR61)
The files are prepared to be transmitted with FIOL, log files are automatically
created in the command files.
DAILY.CMD Alarm list & working state printouts. Used
every day before and after the data collection work.
DAY1.CMD Printouts to be used at preparation of measurements
EXCH.CMD Printouts of all analysis in the exchange and
exchange status.
SPEC.CMD Printout commands that needs manual parameter
settings dependent on the exchange.
SAE1.CMD Initiation of SAE congestion supervision.
SAE2.CMD Removal of SAE congestion supervision.
MEASURE.CMD OMS traffic measurement initiation.
STS.CMD STS measurement initiation.

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2 Work Flow

2.1 Day 1

2.1.1 Initial meeting with Ericsson local and customer.

- Introduction of SNI service and consultants to customers exchange personnel.
- Explanation of the data collection work for the following days.
- Data will be printed and measurements performed.
- No changes of exchange data will be done. Some measurements and
supervision will be initialised and then restored before leaving.
- All data is treated as confidential and a copy can be left to the customer.
- Clarifying responsibilities, such as :
- increase of SAEs, e.g. needed for measurements, should first be accepted
by the OMC.
- At a fault situation during site visit, OMC personal should follow their
normal maintenance and escalation procedures. The SNI consultants are
NOT representing FSC.
- Accuire userid and password, for access to the switch.
- Ask if there are any ongoing activities that could affect/be affected by the data
collection, and if there are any command restrictions for the IO-
communication to be used.
SNI OH-presentation material could be used during this part.
Emphasise your understanding for O&M in a live switch and that the service only
uses normal measurements and printouts.

2.1.2 Site visit

For detailed information about printouts and measurements used for each
investigated area, please see SNI/On-Site/Data Collection Instruction for each
node type respectively.
1) Test of IO-communication in the switch, at the IOG-port proposed by the
customer. Bit rate should be 9.6 kbit/s.
2) Adjust program clock in PC to local time.
3) After starting FIOL move to the INPUT directory in the PC, for logging
during Site visit.
4) Exclude the SNI working terminals from the transaction log.
Start logfile MCTLP.LOG.

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MCTLP; - save this printout to restore old data.
MCTLC:FILE=tlogfile,IO=all terminals from printout, ;
EXCEPT SNI-terminal.
Close logfile.
5) Run command file DAILY.CMD. This file is mainly of interest to see if any
disturbances occur during the site visit (or because of the site visit).
The +-sign in command @L +DAILY.LOG means the file is appended, i.e. it
is not necessary to create a new Logfile every day.
6) Run command GSDSP;, logfile GSDSP.LOG, the disturbance counters for
GS are reset.
7) Log necessary printouts for preparation of measurement commands,
command file DAY1.CMD. Store the result on a Laptop that can be used
separately from other activities later this day.
8) Run command file SAE1.CMD from command editor in FIOL.
9) Transmit command file EXCH.CMD. Check with O&M staff whether
printouts like ANBSP & SAAEP can be run during daytime, otherwise
EXCH.CMD should be run later this day/evening. (Takes approximately 1 h
in test plant)
Note! DIRCP/DICEP has to be adapted in EXCH.CMD depending on APZ
variant. See ‘Data Collection Instruction’, Chapter 2.1.
10) Run command file DAILY.CMD to conclude this days site visit.
The following work is preferably not done at customer’s premises.
11) Prepare measurement commands according to SNI/Tools/DTSS Guide-Site
Visit-SNI_1.SRL and SNI_2.SRL. Use logfiles from DAY1.CMD.
a) The OMS measurements should run for 24 hours with one output every
hour. Use command file MEASURE.CMD to prepare commands for
OMS measurements that are not prepared by DTSS.
b) Prepare DCS traffic recording to start at midnight, with one output every
minute for 24h. For all SPGs. Command file MEASURE.CMD.
c) Prepare STS measurements, command file STS.CMD. CP-load (LOAS)
should be performed during 24h, starting at midnight with one output
every 5 minutes. EOS with one output every hour for 3 hours around
busy hour. Other objecttypes with output once every hour.
Note : 24 h measurements must be defined to start 00:00, it is not possible to
define measurements to run over 2 days.

LZ/SD-98:195 Rev PA3 1998-11-06 5(7)


2.2 Day 2

2.2.1 At site
12) Run command file DAILY.CMD.
13) Make a test run of the prepared OMS measurements for a few minutes.
Load command files for OMS measurements, prepared Day 1. Log the
measurements results on PC-AT or in AFFILE on IOG’s HD.
14) Load DCS traffic recording, command file MEASURE.CMD.
15) Load STS measurements, command file STS.CMD.
16) Print IO file definitions, according to DTSS-Guide/Site Visit/SNI_3.SRL
and FPU, and command file SPEC.CMD (INFUP).
17) Print volume utilisation, command file SPEC.CMD (INVOP).
18) Run command file DAILY.CMD to conclude this days site visit.

2.3 Day 3 Peak Day

2.3.1 At site
19) Run command file DAILY.CMD.
20) Check that all measurements are running.
21) MSC:Run command MGSVP; at peak hour, see command file SPEC.CMD.
22) Perform RP measurement at peak hour, see command file SPEC.CMD.
Select not more than 5 RP’s from DIRRP printout and EXRPP. RP’s with
disturbances registered, RP’s of different types and RP’s with heavy load, like
C7ST, are of interest. Measure one RP at a time for approximately 10-15
23) Run command file DAILY.CMD to conclude this days site visit.

2.4 Day 4

2.4.1 At site
24) Run command file DAILY.CMD.
25) Run command GSDSP;, save in logfile GSDSP.LG2 , to register the GS
disturbances accumulated during Site Visit.
26) Check all printout logfiles briefly (e.g. empty files, “Not accepted” ..).

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27) Check resultfiles from OMS, DCS and STS measurements. For copying of
STS measurements, see command file STS.CMD.
IOFAT can not be used for STS-files, as the post-processing through SPOS-
tool requires STFIOP formatted files.
28) Clean up SNI measurement definitions, and restore old definitions if anything
have been changed. Command file MEASURE.CMD, last part.
29) Restore old SAE supervision settings, command file SAE2.CMD
30) Create copies of all collected data in both PCs for security.
31) Restore the transaction log from Day1. See logfile MCTLP.LOG.
Start logfile MCTLP2.LOG.
MCTLC:FILE=tlogfile,IO=all terminals from Day1 printout;
Close logfile
32) Run command file DAILY.CMD to conclude this days site visit.

2.4.2 Summing up with Ericsson local and customer.

- Conclusion of data collection part.
- Ensure the date for report presentation.

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3 Revision History

Revision Date Remarks

Rev. PA2 98-10-28 Initial version
Rev. PA3 98-11-06 Action 9, 11c), 16, 25, 30 corrected

Date: Signature:
Author: 98-10-23 (eraolin)

Checked: 98-10-23 (eraolin)

Approved: 98-10-23 (eraolin)

LZ/SD-98:195 Rev PA3 1998-11-06 8(7)

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