Explanatory Speech Template Outline.docx 영어버전

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Explanatory Speech Template Outline

I. Introduction (Approximately 1min.)

A. Attention Getter Do you know what an accountant is? What do you think of accountants?

I'm sure many people think it's just a lucrative job.

B. Background and Audience Relevance I'm sure you've seen a lot of signs outside that say, "the

accounting office." An accountant is one of the jobs that manages money and is a little

different from a financial agent. This speech will give you a chance to learn more about the

job of being an accountant that was unfamiliar to someone.

C. Speaker Credibility I was in economics when I was in school in the past, and I was very

interested in accounting, and I am a student of accounting at this point in my transfer to

George Mason University. Also, I am interested in accounting so much that I joined the

accounting club at the university of the past and this school where I am currently attending.

D. Thesis Now you will learn about people's perception of accountants and the professional

value of accountants through this speech.

E. Preview of Main Points I'm going to talk about the topic of this speech about why people

have bad perception of accountants, why accountants need to live our lives, and the prospects

of accountants.

Transition to first main point Before we learn more about accountants, shall we find out what accountants


II. Body (Approximately 3 ½-5 ½ mins.)

A. Main Point 1: Accountant is a job who are manages money like financial agent. But,

accountants are little different with financial account.

1. Sub point 1 First, I want to tell the meaning of accountant. According to

BusinessDictionary.com, account means a qualified person who is trained in

bookkeeping and in preparation, auditing and analysis of accounts. Commented [a1]: Definition
Commented [a2R1]: Dictionary website
2. Sub point 2 Second, I will talk about what does the accountant do. Accountants do many things. The

accountant mainly records business transactions on behalf of the organization, for example by intervening
in the restatement of the bank statements of individuals or enterprises or the adjustment of cash accounts.

Also, they also prepare reports, for example, an accountant issues financial statements to creditors or

business operators or issues tax reports to government. Commented [a3]: Website (related with accounting)

Transition (summary, signpost, preview) Now, I will talk about why some people have bad perception of


B. Main Point 2 Some people have bad perceptions of accountants because of some reasons.

1. Sub point 1 First, some accountants take their own profits by abusing their positions,

and examples of this are lending others their name and receiving money or helping

them evade takes for more money. As these things continued to happen, people had Commented [a4]: Examples& reasons

less credibility in accountants. This has also led to a decline in the moraql value of Commented [a5R4]: News website

the profession as an accountant.

2. Sub point 2 The second reason for the declining perception of accountants is that the supply of accountants

has been overheated, and their professional value has been declining. This is because companies hire more

accountants than they need, but their professional value has declined as machinery and others have

replaced the accountant's work. This is changing the direction of eliminating the need for accountants, who Commented [a6]: Reasons& examples
Commented [a7R6]: News website
have been recognized as making a lot of money, especially in Korea.

Transition (summary, signpost, preview) Now, I will talk about why we need accountants in our lives and

prospects of accountants.

C. Main Point 3 An accountant is necessary unless we use money in our lives.

1. Sub point 1 Now I want to talk about the reasons why accountants are essential to

our lives. An accountant plays a role in managing the taxes of an individual or

company or in controlling the assets within the entity. But if accountants disappear,

many individuals or companies will find it difficult to manage their assets. Also, if

accountants disappear, various social irregularities such as tax evasion will occur in

society, causing confusion in the social system. To prevent this, accountants are a

must in our lives.

2. Sub point 2 To find out about the prospects of an accountant, an accountant is a

difficult job to disappear. Many tasks are now being replaced by the artificial

intelligence system, but human intelligence is very necessary because what

accountants usually do is non-recurring intelligence. Although the value of the

profession as an accountant must make various efforts, such as taking a test to

develop critical thinking skills, the accountant will not disappear from our lives. Commented [a8]: Prospect& future of an accountant
Commented [a9R8]: Website
Transition and signal closing Does everyone learn a little about accountants through this speech? Now

let’s summarize what we’ve learned.

Conclusion (Approximately 30 seconds-1 minute)

D. Restate Thesis By listening to this speech, you have learned that accountants are very

necessary in our lives.

E. Review Main Points First, I discussed what is accountant and Second, I talked about people’s

perception about an accountant. Lastly, I talked why we need an account in our lives.

F. Memorable Closer ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it’, said Peter Drucker, a

business scholar. I think it's a sentence that really sums up the job of an accountant. I want Commented [a10]: Famous saying

you to remember this quote and to know the value of an accountant.


accountant. BusinessDictionary.com. Retrieved April 22, 2019, from BusinessDictionary.com

website: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/accountant.html

Accountingtools. (n.d.). Retrived from https://www.accountingtools.com/articles/what-is-an-


The Joongang Ilbo. (2018, September 8). If the accountant doesn’t want to lose his job to

artificial intelligence, Retrieved from https://news.joins.com/article/22953250

Lee, K. (2019, March 10). Why did doctors, lawyers, and accountants become YouTubers? ;

"Branding Strategy for Decline Specialists". Shin Donga Ilbo, Retrieved from


Kang, S. (2018, October 1). Lending names, helping with tax evasion... and withdrawing

disciplinary action against 10 tax officials. Tax Daily, Retrieved from


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