Research Paper Reflection 1

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Research Paper Reflection

I have always found technology fascinating. Each year, more and more technology is

released and it always brings something new to the world. When the first virtual reality, or VR

for short, headsets came out I knew that they would change the way we play video games. All I

wanted to do was get a virtual reality headset for myself so I could play games. One day after

doing some research, I learned that virtual reality is being used for much more than just gaming.

It is being used in the medicine and education fields. Medical students are using virtual

reality in order to practice surgeries without any risk of hurting a patient. They can train with VR

and improve their skills and learn many things that can save a patient's life one day. Astronauts

are also using VR for training in preparation for space missions. VR is being used in school to

expand the ways students learn. It provides more interactive and immersive activities that

increase knowledge retention. History students can use virtual reality to explore many historic

sites. They can explore ruins left by ancient civilizations. The students can even see how it was

in WW1 trenches through the eyes of a soldier. Astronomy students can explore other planets in

a more immersive way and even study stars up close. They can also go on a tour of the

international space station. Art students can visit galleries displaying many paintings of great

artists. With VR students can visit museums right from the classroom. Not only do students get

to see the museum but all of the long waiting times and funding is avoided. Art students can also

draw in virtual reality. They are place in a three-dimensional room where they can draw all

around them. VR is extremely useful in a classroom environment.

Next time I need to conduct research I will pick a topic that has more information

available to use. Despite virtual reality having so many uses it is still in the early stages. As time

progresses more and more uses are being found for VR. It has the potential to revolutionize how

we do things.

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