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NHD Paper 2018-2019

Campbell Smithwick
Penegar B4

The Battle of Port Royal: One Step Closer to Union Control.

Port Royal South Carolina, November 1861, the Union starts their attack on the ground

of the Confederate. Port Royal was a very significant harbor for the Confederates during the

Civil War. Port Royal sound is about 22 square miles large. posted that “Port

Royal is one of the best natural harbors on the Atlantic coast of America”. So it truly was a very

important port that the Confederate had for themselves. Port Royal was established by a

Frenchman named Jean Ribault in 1562. The people involved in The Battle of Port Royal were

the Confederates and the Union. The Union brought 17 warships, 25 coaling schooners, and 33

transport ships with them to take on the Confederate. Along with 12,653 troops. This was the

largest naval squadron ever constructed by the United States at that time. The Union was led by

the two legendary commanders Samuel F. Du Pont and Thomas W. Sherman while the

Confederates commanders were Thomas F. Drayton and Josiah Tattnall. During the battle, the

Union defeated the Confederates losing 31 men while the Confederates lost 63 men. The Union

attacked the Confederate on November 3rd, 1861 and the battle lasted until November 7th, 1861

but the real battle did not start until the 7th because Du Pont did not want to due to storms.

Mr.Rickard, states in the that “Du Pont’s plan was put into effect on the

morning on 7 November. The fleet’s main target was Fort Walker. The first shots were fired at

9.30 a.m., and firing continued until 1.15” This occurred because of the order from Abraham
Lincoln to close the southern ports so that the Confederates could not export and import supplies

to other countries to help aid them in the war. The battle took place in Port Royal Sound in

Beaufort County, South Carolina. The Union attacked the Confederate to try and prevent South

Carolina and the rest of the Confederate states from trading with other countries to get supplies

to help them win the war. This battle was critical because the Union was able to take Port Royal

and prevent the Confederates trade with other countries. The Battle of Port Royal was one of the

most important battles in South Carolina's history and Civil War history. The Edgefield

Advertiser put out on November 20th, 1861 that, "The Battle of Port Royal will be remembered

as one of the best-fought battles, and best-conducted battles which have signalized the war in

which we are engaged". This showing its importance of The Battle of Port Royal during and

after the war for both sides whether that be good, or bad. As war had both tragedy and triumph,

The Battle of Port Royal also has both. The Union had a major triumph while the Confederates

left with an equally large tragedy. This battle along with many other battles in the Civil war

would draw an outline for America's history forever.

In every great battle, there is a tragedy and a triumph. Both sides cannot win. The

Battle of Port Royal as well had both tragedy and triumph. The Confederate walked away with a

large tragedy while the Union moved on with an evenly large triumph. The Confederate lost one

of their largest ports being used in Port Royal Sound as they had to take the tragedy. The

Confederates lost 63 men during this battle. Port Royal now falls back into the hands of the

Union. After the loss, the famous Robert E. Lee came to the aid of the confederate to help them

bounce back. This battle helps make it more of a tragedy for the Confederate. This loss at Port

Royal led to many more losses for the Confederate. The momentum of the Union Army led
them to many more victories as they moved south. They soon after captured Beaufort and also

St. Helena Sound. This loss gave the Union more power and by then the war was too far gone

for the Confederate.

The Battle of Port Royal ends with a victory for the Union and now they are one step

closer to regaining the entire United States for good. The Union now control a large Confederate

port in Port Royal now for their use. The port was very important to the Union, they had been

planning their attack for months. The History of War also put out that “The occupation of Port

Royal Bay gave the U.S. Navy an invaluable base for the rest of the war. The bay was used as a

supply depot and coaling station, essential facilities if a fleet of steamships is to maintain a close

blockade of a long coast.” It was also going to be used to block the Confederate from trading

their cotton and gaining supplies. This also would cut off all their supplies from those countries

as well. Another reason why this was a triumph for the Union because this helps them be one

port closer to having all ports closed so the Confederate will be trapped and nowhere to go. The

win at Port Royal helped move the Union’s South Atlantic Blockading Squadron down south to

close and capture more of the Confederate ports and cities. This win by the Union helps them

move on and be one step closer to the major victory, the end of the war, and regain control over

their country.

The Battle had a very significant role in the outcome of the Civil War and quite frankly

the United States history from then all the way until now. Without this battle along with many

others in this war, many things our country has today might not be the way it is today. Our

county might not be the best in the world like it is today. This shows how important this port is
to the whole United States then and now. This is why it was so essential for the Union to attempt

to attack and capture this port.

The Battle of Port Royal was significant to the history of the United States, South

Carolina, and the Civil war. The battle will always be remembered as one of the best fought and

well-prepared battles this Country has ever seen. The power from the north in the Union was

just too strong for the Confederate. Carolyn Reeder put out on the Washington Post that, "The

Confederate forts, one on each side of the wide entry to Port Royal Sound, didn’t stand a chance

against cannon fire from the Union warships that steamed past them", The Confederate were

outnumbered by the Union in this battle 5 men to one. The Battle of Port Royal had its share of

tragedy and triumph. The Union moving on with the victory and the triumph while the

Confederate left with the loss and tragedy. As war had both tragedy and triumph, The Battle of

Port Royal also has both. The Union had a major triumph while the Confederates left with an

equally large tragedy. This battle along with many other would draw an outline for America's

history forever.

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