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Jenna Vincenty-Cole

Ms. Mounts

Science Fiction

May 29, 2019

Space prison

This old lady has owned her bed and breakfast for 3000 years, but has never had

customers that were this bad. She tried to be patient, because they were aliens, but still.

They have no respect for her rules and eat all the food for the week in one sitting. It

would be one thing if the old lady had requested their company, or even if they brought

in good business, but she was forced to let them stay there, and she didn't enjoy a

single second of it.

They would be out all hours of the day and then get back and stay up all hours of

the night. Other guests would come down and complain, but she couldn’t do anything

about it because she knew they had more authority over her than she did them.

“There isn't enough money in the galaxy that would make their stay worth it,” The

old lady thought to herself as she watched them walk by.

They had no sense of sympathy for others and how their actions affected them,

which in a sense, is good because they are alien soldiers and it is there job to have no

sympathy. But still, when being ordered to stay here, the commander really should

have thought about the other guests, and the old lady, because the aliens are not

welcomed anymore.

Jenna Vincenty-Cole
Ms. Mounts

Fantasy Fiction

May 29, 2019

25 cents

It was like any other day in the neighborhood. Jackson was taking his 2:00

o’clock stroll down to the party store to look at all the new toys. His mother would send

him with a few quarters because she didn't want him to bring any nonsense into the

house, it was too crowded as is.

“Heya Jack!” The owner waves at his youngest but most promising customer.

“Hey Louis,” Jack says as he runs up to the wall of quarter machines. “Boy oh

boy what’ll I find today”

Then right in the middle of the bottom row, was the mood ring machine. Jackson

had heard so many stories of all joys that come with mood rings, so he knew he had to

get one. With one simple twist he had his new ring, and couldn’t wait to open it.

“Ah, wise choice my boy. But you know what they say about mood rings,” Louis

warned Jack, “Just be careful and don't get to full of yourself.”

Jack didn't understand what Louis was saying, so he popped on the ring and

walked out the door with a new pep in his step. He held out his hand to get a closer look

at the new accessory and it turned a bright yellow.

“Woah!” Jack stopped in his tracks. “No way!”

He was overfilled with joy about the new bright color his ring took. Jack was so

excited that he knew he had to show his friends, and he knew exactly where to find

them. He ran under the bridge into the tunnel right where there fort was built. Low and
behold, they were all right there.

“Hey Jack,” They all said in sink.

“Guys, you’ll never believe what I got at the store today!” Jack flashed his hand

so show everyone the bright yellow ring. A moment of silence went by and then all the

boys started laughing. Jackson was confused and began to get sad. The boys were

pointing and laughing because they didn't think having a bright yellow ring was as cool

as Jackson did. They kept laughing and laughing, and suddenly the ring went from

yellow, to slightly blue, than immediately turned a bright red. The wind picked up quick

and lighting began to strike the ground. The sound of thunder began to fill the air

scaring the boys into silence. They all looked down at the ring, including jack who began

to get frightened, causing the ring to turn purple. The weather grew quiet but the sky got


“Your ring is controlling the weather?!” One of the boys shouted.

“Yeah, whatever you’re doing cut it out!”

“L..I don't know how” Jackson began to cry.

“NO!” The boys yell, “Take off the ring!”

Jackson looks down, and wipes his eyes. He doesn't want to take it off, but he is

to dangerous with it on, emotions are such powerful things. He threw it out side not

looking where it landed, because it's too dangerous to get sucked back in. The weather

calmed down, and so did the kids. Jackson was sad about the loss of such a powerful

ring, but at least now he can hide it without putting others in danger.

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