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Isla Kirton

Block 4

May 15,2019

Class, Gender, and Race in To Kill A Mockingbird: Is Mayella Powerful?

There are many reasons why Mayella won the case against Tom Robinson. In the 1930’s

Mayella was a white girl living in Alabama. Tom Robinson was an African American male who

was accused of raping and taking advantage of Mayella. In the 1930s Jim Crow Laws were strict.

Jim Crow laws are laws that put restrictions on African American rights. Class, Gender, and

Race in To Kill A Mockingbird: Is Mayella Powerful? Race is the categorization of people based

off of what they look like. Power is how much control a person has. Gender is what society

expects from males and females. Class refers to the amount of money someone makes and their

education. Overall, Mayella won the case against Tom Robinson because of her racial power.

Mayella won the case against Tom Robinson because of her racial power. According to

Document D, “Now don’t you be so confident, Mr.Jem, I ain’t ever seen any jurt decide in favor

of a colored man over a white man …” This means that the jury would pick a white man over a

person of color. This supports the idea that Mayella won the case because of her race because

they were saying that it is very unlikley that a jury would pick a white man over a person of


Mayella won the case against Tom Robinson because of her race. According to document

C, “Well, Dill after all he’s just a Negro.: This means that Tom Robinson is African American
therefroe is is looked down upon. This supports the idea that Mayella won the case against Tom

Robinson because of her race becayse they were saying he is just a person of color.

Mayella won the case against Tom Robinson because of her race. According to

Document A, “Okay, we’ll convict this Negro but get back to your dump.” “Your dump” refers

to Mayella and her family’s house. This means they will convict Tom if she goes back to her

house. This supports the idea that Mayella won the case because of her race because they will

convict Tom if she goes home.

Overall, Mayella won the case against Tom Robinson because of her racial power. In

paragraph 2, it was unlikley that the jury would not find Tom Robinson guiilty because of his

race. In paragraph 3, it was unlikley to not find him guilty because they were saying that he is

jsut a person of color. Lastly, in paragraph 4, they would convict Mayella if her and her family

went back to her house. In the case against Tom Robinson, Mayella won the case because of her

racial power.

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